High above Frieza planet 236 the ominous spaceship loomed over its task as the soldiers within started to prepare for their subjugation of the people below. Within the clean white halls of the ship hundreds of troops moved in unison to collect their blasters and armor before then moving in to ready themselves for the ship to enter low orbit so that they could start their mission against those that dared to go against Lord Frieza,
However not all were assigned the grunt work of facing the enemy on the front lines, some of them had the so called 'honor' of being dropped deep within enemy territory. That was the task set up for team Nux, their mission was to drop pod into the heart of the rebel forces, a small town, and start fighting to cause as much damage to them as possible. No matter their opinions on such a mission many of them had little to no choice in the matter, and even the little choice was to die at the hands of their captain...
Within the drop pod bay a female clad in full spec heavy armor stood with what seemed to be a tablet with their mission orders on it. Yuudai was the tactical officer of the team, often the one to give them briefings of what they could expect down on the planet and what their objectives was. Despite her oh so 'sunny' disposition she never really got angry at people asking questions about any details they wanted to know about. Once the team was assembled she would lift up her tablet and start reading off of it through the visor of her helmet.
"Our mission today is to Subjugate the rebellion on Frieza planet 236 which consists of the Sluck Race
The reported power level of their pitiful little troop is just one third our own, as long as you don't do anything DUMB and get cornered then it should be a cake walk. However there has been reports of out of certain members of their race being as if not more powerful than us, these may just be fear tactics but be on guard.
The planet below is of a rocky nature as the Sluck like to build their homes into the canyon walls. However the largest resources are a high grade alloy that makes the armor you are wearing, so don't screw it up...
Oh and it says here they have finally decided on who is the new team leader, you know after that last one they tried to put in charge... died... Heh"
Of course she was happy about that fact, when command tried to give them a babysitter that was not apart of their little click of misfits did they expect them to protect him from giant man eating space worms?
"Xylo, well done. You either impressed or kissed enough ass to get noticed and are now new team lead. Everyone may clap... Ok stop claping. Now, any questions?"