The words wrote themselves across the originally blank piece of paper in golden flowing script. The page arrived mere moments before in a white envelope you didn't remember anyone delivering. How it managed to get to you was a mystery.
You had never heard of Acadia. Internet searches brought up nothing but conspiracy theories. Missing people, aliens, demons, magic, cults - no one agreed on anything. Magic recently resurfaced, bringing along a surge in humans with innate gifts, either through circumstance or genetics, and those labeled inhumans, beings of other dimensions. They always existed but the return of the ley lines twenty years ago triggered a domino effect and rapidly grew the population. Normal humans still composed 80 percent of the population.
Inside the white envelope lay a long, thin key. As you picked it up, you notice a phrase carved into the shaft. Although you didn't reconize the langauge, you knew that this fit any lock and would lead you, if you wished, to a whole new destiny.
Set in modern times mixed with a resurgence of magic, this RP would place at Academy Acadia, a school existing in its own pocket space with anchors in the real world. Academy Acadia is its own entity, sending out invitations to those it feels can handle the responsibility of defending the world from the threats that are arising. Each class consists of about 100 people out of the 500 that were invited to join. There are plenty of normal humans around, no powers but a set of skills that puts them above the rest, but half demons, fey, and wizards sit in classes as well.
Anyone interested in trying it? Although mostly students, we could also have an instructor or two as players if someone wanted!