Name: Handel Haydn Hallelujah
Alias: Commander Hallelujah, Agent Hallelujah, The Fiddler Crab
Replace the labcoat with a marine's 'Justice' jacket.Age: 30
Position on the Ship: Navigator
Alias: Commander Hallelujah, Agent Hallelujah, The Fiddler Crab

Replace the labcoat with a marine's 'Justice' jacket.
Position on the Ship: Navigator
Handel seems friendly but in a 'get under your skin' sort of way. An eavesdropper at heart, he likes to plant baby den den mushi in private locations to hear other peoples' conversations and ends up knowing more information about people than they expect. He is a bit excessive compulsive and can be very particular when it comes to the tidiness of his belongings. He is a deep thinker and surprisingly empathetic. His quest is to bring back a moral and ethical government. He is always wearing a somewhat creepy smile that makes it hard for others to guess his thoughts. Handel hates when a plan doesn't go right. Handel tends to be a bit flirty with people he's close to regardless of gender.
Background:Handel grew up the son of a rich, military family. He learned to play string instruments when he was young and was set to become a great marine as his inevitable future career. He joined the marines, keeping peace and helping take down weak pirates in the name of peace and justice, eventually working his way up to being commander and second in command of a ship, where he supported his captain with brilliant strategies that prioritized the survival of the crew, making as few sacrifices as possible, and even preventing the loss of life of the enemy, earning his captain a reputation of mercy.
These strategies earned Handel a transfer from normal navy service into the intelligence division, where he became an agent of Cipher Pol 1, CP1. Here he utilized his ability to gather and exploit information in preventative schemes that stopped violence and uprisings before they began. Yet more and more, he was being asked to make difficult choices and to prioritize 'efficiency' and secrecy over the lives of his enemies and the soldiers he was responsible for. He went along with the flow, comforting himself with moral justifications until it became too much for him. He realized he had become a man who no longer saw other humans as people but as numbers in his calculations. He had been numbed to the atrocities he had committed in the name of 'justice'. In the middle of an important government operation, Handel let slip the amount of soldiers that would be sacrificed among the navy as well as spilling information to the enemy, giving them a chance to escape. This saved numerous lives from both sides, but convicted him of high treason. He had prepared for this outcome, and had asked his father in a letter to disown him, and then he slipped away and went into hiding before the marines came to arrest him. His family is safe, having enough money and clout to avoid trouble from the marines. Since Handel deserted before the Marine schism, he is unsure how he is viewed by the Shielding Marines, though he is certain the Old Marines want him dead, having placed a 5,000,000 Beri bounty on his head. He suspects the Shielding marines remember the atrocities he has orchestrated rather than the fact that he has abandoned that life.
Weapons/ Items:These strategies earned Handel a transfer from normal navy service into the intelligence division, where he became an agent of Cipher Pol 1, CP1. Here he utilized his ability to gather and exploit information in preventative schemes that stopped violence and uprisings before they began. Yet more and more, he was being asked to make difficult choices and to prioritize 'efficiency' and secrecy over the lives of his enemies and the soldiers he was responsible for. He went along with the flow, comforting himself with moral justifications until it became too much for him. He realized he had become a man who no longer saw other humans as people but as numbers in his calculations. He had been numbed to the atrocities he had committed in the name of 'justice'. In the middle of an important government operation, Handel let slip the amount of soldiers that would be sacrificed among the navy as well as spilling information to the enemy, giving them a chance to escape. This saved numerous lives from both sides, but convicted him of high treason. He had prepared for this outcome, and had asked his father in a letter to disown him, and then he slipped away and went into hiding before the marines came to arrest him. His family is safe, having enough money and clout to avoid trouble from the marines. Since Handel deserted before the Marine schism, he is unsure how he is viewed by the Shielding Marines, though he is certain the Old Marines want him dead, having placed a 5,000,000 Beri bounty on his head. He suspects the Shielding marines remember the atrocities he has orchestrated rather than the fact that he has abandoned that life.
- String Bass (Shield)
- Bass Bow (Sword)
- Various other musical instruments
- Den Den Mushi Set including several regular ones, a few baby ones, and a black one.
Handel is an inventor and a spy, who uses sound vibrations and information on his enemies to deadly effect. He knows navigation, and has some medical knowledge (mostly anesthesiology, pain management and psychosomatics) so he can be an assistant doctor but not the main doctor. He is better as a strategist, infiltrator or assassin.
Techniques:In close range, he uses a unique sword and shield fighting style. The back of his bass is steel-plated, he holds the neck of the base, planting the spike of the bass in the ground with it's back towards the enemy as a massive riot shield. The bow of his fiddle has a blade along its edge which he swings as a short sword. He is also strong enough to lift the bass and swing it around, using the spike at the bottom to impale foes. He has learned how to use vibrations and sound to affect various materials, as long as he tweaks the frequency. Typically, the stiffer and more brittle a material is, the easier it is to damage it with sound. He can imbue his sword/bow with a frequency by running it along the strings of the base and then striking with the sword giving it a property to easily cleave through the specific material it was tuned to. He can also launch out sonic attacks at range, but sound dissipates with distance and is considerably weaker. He often plays on his own turf, scattering Den Den Mushi around to relay sonic attacks and create harmonic/acoustic zones where his sonic attacks are much more powerful. Handel knows various ways of using sound to affect the human body. He has the ability to infiltrate Marine ships and bases due to his background and intercept communications with his black Den Den Mushi. Handel requires information on the enemy to be most effective. His most powerful attacks take time or require preparation beforehand. He has limited long range capabilities, and is more defensive than offensive. He is only a decent swordsman at best, and relies more on surprise, advantage, and finesse. He runs the role of 'support mage' for the most part.
Other:Handel is used to luxury and is a big spender. His musical inventions are also not cheap, so he'll tend to splurge the crews treasure on extravagant shopping sprees.