- N E O N - S K Y L I N E S -
A C C E P T I N G - A P P L I C A T I O N S

Politicians are somehow celebrities, and superstars manage to dictate the masses.
Money can buy safety, yet often it is the wealthy who invest in danger.
Justice is meant to serve the greater good, but society can only learn from its evils.
In this world of chrome castles and neon lanterns, power puts on many faces.
Senators and sorcerers.
Actors and academics.
Cardinals and CEOs.
Aristocracy at its most powerful. Money dictates morality.
Welcome to Sopor: Planet of a Thousand Heroes!
Where magic and science are merely two sides of the same coin.
An interstellar melting pot housed by feudalism and vice.
Money can buy safety, yet often it is the wealthy who invest in danger.
Justice is meant to serve the greater good, but society can only learn from its evils.
In this world of chrome castles and neon lanterns, power puts on many faces.
Senators and sorcerers.
Actors and academics.
Cardinals and CEOs.
Aristocracy at its most powerful. Money dictates morality.
Welcome to Sopor: Planet of a Thousand Heroes!
Where magic and science are merely two sides of the same coin.
An interstellar melting pot housed by feudalism and vice.
- S E T -
S O P O R :
The largest economic powerhouse in the galaxy also happens to be the most criminal. Split into countless states, called Skylines, Sopor's statesmanship can be anyone's for the right price. Corruption is merely feudalism to the powerful and regardless of who's in charge, the money is forever flowing. This planet can literally be bought. Professors, athletes, clergymen... all are free to profit off their influence and hold dominion, as long as they are capable.
Gigantic industry and colossal business hosted by nearly sovereign mega-cities may as well be criminal organizations. Mass exploitation is the soil of the land, and expensive propaganda is its fertilizer. The ruling class stays exclusive, and the rest are left to a lawless sandbox trying to figure out society amongst themselves.
Gigantic industry and colossal business hosted by nearly sovereign mega-cities may as well be criminal organizations. Mass exploitation is the soil of the land, and expensive propaganda is its fertilizer. The ruling class stays exclusive, and the rest are left to a lawless sandbox trying to figure out society amongst themselves.
H A B I T A T :
Set in a dystopian future, Sopor is covered in overpopulated ghettoes. It could be called anarchy and its lifestyles criminal if these organizations weren't the ones calling the shots. Systematic exploitation across a corpus of cultures has been both a blessing and a curse; an intellectual awakening and an ethical deconstruction. Emotional confusion towards civility and interpersonal relationships plagues the populace, forcing all into a loop of perpetual entropy. Chances are, if one came to this planet, they have no intention, let alone the financial means, to leave.
Much of what can be thought of as mystical is made possible. Human, alien, and even dragon-like creatures co-exist in this rag-tag world where poverty sees no species. The natural, supernatural, and hypernatural collide, with religion and science striding hand-in-hand, and doctrine and theory being almost one in the same. Magic itself is a discipline in practice, and also an art in its expression.
Much of what can be thought of as mystical is made possible. Human, alien, and even dragon-like creatures co-exist in this rag-tag world where poverty sees no species. The natural, supernatural, and hypernatural collide, with religion and science striding hand-in-hand, and doctrine and theory being almost one in the same. Magic itself is a discipline in practice, and also an art in its expression.
V I B E :
NEON SKYLINES is a futuristic Western influenced by the trap / weird rap and vaporwave scenes. It has the makings of a hip-hop samurai tale, as well as the comic book superhero. I'm saying sci-fi mixed with dark fantasy. Think of Star Wars, and then Heavy Metal, and then Samurai Jack, and then cover that in cyan and magenta and throw a bunch of flashing billboards on it. Its nature is surreal, almost disjoint from reality, yet it still requires reality as a reference, just as a dream consists of everything already seen.
- P L A Y -
B R I E F :
I, Janus, have brought you to this polluted world to help me expand my power a bit. I was really impressed by your resume, and the (next-age-)Skype interview really sealed the deal for me. I came to Sopor a while back to get myself one of those Skylines. I brought all this cash money and bought out this luxury resort, and I've slowly been converting it into a coastal fortress. I've been trying to get cozy with the top guy here, but lately he's snubbed me and I'm pretty sure that was my last chance at scamming my way to the top... at least on my own.
I have a large security team that is also ready to serve as my private army, and pretty high state clearance stemming from my line of work. I'd say I have a pretty solid network on all fields here. The only problem is finding anyone particularly extraordinary. Talent is hard to come by here. You can toss a warrior into every tour across Sopor, but he'll still just be another Sopori warrior, if you catch my drift...
Anyways, I might have forgotten why I hired you. I'm sorry, I've sifted through hundreds of applicants during this process and I'm just getting to the tail end of it. Are you strong? ruthless? smart? charismatic? I'll have to figure this out later.
If you talk to the concierge, she'll show you up to your room. I hope all the accommodations are satisfactory. I assure you, you will be compensated handsomely for your work, and as long as you work it'll be stacking up.
I have a large security team that is also ready to serve as my private army, and pretty high state clearance stemming from my line of work. I'd say I have a pretty solid network on all fields here. The only problem is finding anyone particularly extraordinary. Talent is hard to come by here. You can toss a warrior into every tour across Sopor, but he'll still just be another Sopori warrior, if you catch my drift...
Anyways, I might have forgotten why I hired you. I'm sorry, I've sifted through hundreds of applicants during this process and I'm just getting to the tail end of it. Are you strong? ruthless? smart? charismatic? I'll have to figure this out later.
If you talk to the concierge, she'll show you up to your room. I hope all the accommodations are satisfactory. I assure you, you will be compensated handsomely for your work, and as long as you work it'll be stacking up.
G O A L S :
Much of this RP will revolve around contract killings, combat, societal disruption, infiltration, negotiation, and other aspects of crime and politics. You, the actor, have something to contribute. It could literally be anything, just put yourself to use. There's a good reason why you're being paid so well, so you better not be fucking cheating me here.
I mean, I don't know why you're here anyway. The money's good, but you're also on this shithole for who-knows-how-long? Whatever your reason, it's none of my business, unless you want it to be. Maybe we could work out a deal, or you could just vent to me, your new best friend.
The boss, Janus, wants his own Skyline. Who's to say he wouldn't want to keep you around afterwards, though? Maintaining anything that large is pretty hard, and the longer you stick around the bigger the pie you'll gradually be biting into. He's got the funds, and that indescribable quality about him that just makes him divine.
I mean, I don't know why you're here anyway. The money's good, but you're also on this shithole for who-knows-how-long? Whatever your reason, it's none of my business, unless you want it to be. Maybe we could work out a deal, or you could just vent to me, your new best friend.
The boss, Janus, wants his own Skyline. Who's to say he wouldn't want to keep you around afterwards, though? Maintaining anything that large is pretty hard, and the longer you stick around the bigger the pie you'll gradually be biting into. He's got the funds, and that indescribable quality about him that just makes him divine.
R E A L I T Y :
Don't take this world too seriously. It's only a visualization of what's going on. Of course, any good story properly guides through a concrete environment, but this RP will take on a more surreal and interpretive vibe. Think of dreaming, in that everything always makes sense within the context of the dream, while also being immersed psychologically.
You can be literally whatever race you want, with any technology you please. You can look however you want, and act to your own accord. Just please have a "mental" fit. If it's ridiculous, have it at least be plausible in this environment.
You can be literally whatever race you want, with any technology you please. You can look however you want, and act to your own accord. Just please have a "mental" fit. If it's ridiculous, have it at least be plausible in this environment.
A C T I O N :
A lot of the actors' hands-on stuff comes in the form of dialogue and combat. Things like lock-picking, theft, spying, and stuff like that is also available. Any other kind of interaction that isn't obvious can be suggested and talked over, and will most likely end up approved. Much of this RP will be driven by the desires / agendas of this core group and its constituents.
C H A R A C T E R S H E E T :
Rather than a regular character sheet, your actor will be completing two stages to the employment phase: the résumé that will be submitted to our front office, and a quick remote interview with the heads. You may format them however you please, but please remember that you are applying for a job in a semi-professional environment. Make it look nice!
This can be as serious or ridiculous or funny as you want. Just fill it out and have some fun with it. You be concise or elaborate your heart away. I'll even let you change the colors. All I'm really looking for is writing proficiency.
This can be as serious or ridiculous or funny as you want. Just fill it out and have some fun with it. You be concise or elaborate your heart away. I'll even let you change the colors. All I'm really looking for is writing proficiency.
- C S -