<Snipped quote by JaceBeleren>
Possibly! I haven't seen it so I don't really know if that's where the gifs originated from but I wouldn't be surprised since I believe he was in it.
@Wade Wilson Willing to change and stubborn. How can someone be both?
@Wade Wilson
She looks good to me! Not because I helped with some of it, but I genuinely find her to be dope, lit, swag-tastic, and other words
Accepted. Welcome to Westworth! My selling point today is...
@Wade Wilson HALSEY!!
@lovely complex @Silent Observer @Universorum
F U L L N A M EAshley Kaitlyn Samson
↳ Call her anything other than Ash or Ashley and expect to get hurt.
B I R T H D A Y & A G E08/16/1999
↳ Seventeen
G E N D E R & S E X U A L O R I E N T A T I O NFemale (she/her)
↳ Bisexual
O T H E R L A B E L S► Punk/rebel
► Tomboy
► Stoner
► Escapist
► “That one skater chick”
► Hater of gym
► Hipster
► Most Likely To Be Getting High In The Forest
► Matchmaker
O C C U P A T I O NCashier
↳ Hopper’s Corner
► Ash also mows the lawn for Remy’s grandparents and helps his grandmother Robin water her plants, pull weeds, and trim leaves every Sunday. More often than not, his grandfathers aren’t home - either at the diner or somewhere in this small town - but she gets nice cold lemonade (made by grandpa Blake), cookies, and listens to sweet piano tunes played by Remy’s handicapped grandmother Irina.
A P P E A R A N C EHazel eyes dotted with caramel flecks, slightly tanned skin lightly dusted by freckles on the cheeks, and an absurd lack of care about decency - if you’ve seen Ashley Samson once, you should recognise her instantly.
If it weren’t for her constant style changes, that is.
That’s right, this girl changes her style so often that it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to believe she were some sort of half-human, half-chameleon experiment crafted in a cold, damp basement by merging her DNA with that of a chameleon. Well, maybe it would be too far-fetched. But it’s still possible. Right?
Speculations and theories aside, Ash’s current style (and hair) serves the opposite purpose of a chameleon - in other words, she sticks out like a sore thumb. With long, flowing blue hair that is typically accented by a beanie worn in all weather conditions, and clothing most associated with the term “stoner hipster”, Ash would totally suck at hide and seek. Or, well, any other hiding activity. Now, this is honestly not unusual for Ashley (given her one appearance at the school in a tie-dye shirt that read “As Seen On LSD”), though it’s certainly off-putting for newcomers. If you’re a cruel, judgemental person, that is.
Now, if she weren’t currently going through a “bright colours, bright colours everywhere” phase, one would expect Ash to show up to school in a bikini for all she cares. She’s not the type of person who’s afraid to expose most of her 5’8” tall, guitar-frame body. Not to say she likes showing off her apparent beauty, but rather she’s incredibly laid-back, and, let’s face it, high most of the time. Of course, many places have a ban on a lack of modesty, with a startling increase of these bans, so the stoner hipster’s often stuck with loose jeans and a t-shirt when she’s going through a “casual” phase.
As for Ash’s hair, well, that’s probably on a whole new level. It’s stylised and dyed so often you’d think she were both running out of ideas and of hair. Her natural hair - something that hasn’t been seen since fourth grade - is a short, chestnut brown afro; tame, but still full of curls. However, since then, that afro has been lost in a sea of haircuts, dyes, and weaves. Ashley’s favourite hair colour is blue, and she likes it so much that she re-dyes her hair blue a lot, in various lengths and styles of hair. Her most notable “blue” style is an undercut - swept up, with the majority of her hair an aqua colour and the rest remaining a chestnut colour.
To sum it all up, Ashley’s appearance is unpredictable and, quite often, wild.
P E R S O N A L I T Yᴛ ʜ ᴇ ᴘ ᴏ s ɪ ᴛ ɪ ᴠ ᴇ ﹕
► Understanding
► Willing - and attempting - to change
► Loyalᴛ ʜ ᴇ ɴ ᴇ ɢ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴠ ᴇ ﹕
► Stuck in the past
► Stubborn
► Sometimes a little too paranoidᴡ ʜ ᴀ ᴛ ʏ ᴏ ᴜ s ᴇ ᴇ ﹕
At first glance, Ashley can be intimidating, depending on how you interpret her… audacious nature. However, this minor bump is most easily forgotten once her aggressively social side kicks in and she insists on at least having one conversation with you. Ash is very accepting of her faults - some of which can slip through, especially little “bitchy” mannerisms that are hard-wired into her brain from Denver - and, if you’re courageous enough to speak up about anything, she’ll gladly listen and try to change; even if she sometimes doesn’t succeed. She’s stubborn about a lot of things, most notably skateboarding and how it’s the next best thing in this damn world after pizza, but even if she can’t change, she’ll still bite her tongue if it’s enough of a gripe to annoy someone.
When it comes to loyalty, Ashley is one of the fiercest people in the town. You fuck with her friends, she’ll fuck with you even worse. It’s probably a bad idea to get on her bad side - even if she hates gym class, her constant skateboarding and climbing means she can easily throw a few hard punches, and she’s not hesitant to do so if you piss her off enough.ᴡ ʜ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴋ ɴ ᴏ ᴡ ﹕
There’s honestly not much Ash hides under the surface. She’s an incredibly open, friendly person, and she doesn’t want to hide herself from the world anymore. However, there’s just one small detail that remains locked away firmly. It’s a secret that requires a lot of trust and friendship to discover - the absolute pain she is in over her stillborn brother. Even after all these years, even if she was far too young to understand the severity when it happened, she can’t help but wonder ‘what if?’. The idea of having a brother is annoying to most, but to her, she’ll forever wonder what it would’ve been like to have someone to guide; to be a role model to someone. It’s something she’s been trying to let go of, but so far her hands have been stubborn.
“I know there’s someone at the door,
They called for help, of this I’m sure,
But do I want to say goodbye to all the glowing eyes?
I’m holding on to what I know,
And what I know – I must let go,
But I would rather play a song for the eyes to sing along.”
– Glowing Eyes
M Y D R E A M S► Living in San Francisco
► Making a name for herself
► Owning a tiger cub
F E A R S► Outliving her friends
► Drowning
► Abandonment
► Becoming a bitch again
L I K E S► Weed
► Helping people out
► Skateboarding
► Getting high in (or just exploring) forests
► Art (typically sketches of animals)
► Fireworks (especially on Independence Day - people are pretty creative)
► Recreational walks
► Climbing in the woods (or anywhere, really)
► Secretly, cooking, even better with locally grown product. She doesn’t want people to think she is conforming to the stereotype that all women must cook.
D I S L I K E S► Authority (more specifically, teachers)
► Her parents’ unreasonable expectations. Thank god for her grandma.
► Gym class (not Remy’s dad, just the class)
► Wrinkles (thanks to her father)
► Bystanders, especially when it comes to helping someone in need
► Being underestimated
► Fanatics (like zealots but her hatred doesn’t only lean toward religious figures - since supporters of any cause could be extreme and filled with spite)
► Litter bugs, pollution, and those that disrespect the Earth
► Being bored. Boredom fucking sucks.
B R I E F H I ST O R YBorn and raised in both Denver and Westworth, Colorado, respectively, Ashley Samson, the daughter of two loving parents, both who work under the law, found herself hating the criminal justice system. Denver, where crime has increased significantly since pot was legalized in 2012, but a small fraction of it relating to cannabis offenses, and Westworth, where the only crime that mattered was failing to have a good time. Colorado was one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana and people continue to bring awareness to the pros of weed and how this illegal drug trade could turn into a legitimate enterprise, ultimately bringing in revenue for the entire state. The FBI’s violent crime data is based on four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Even if the crime falls every day, the violent crime rate in Denver is one of the highest in the nation: “The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Denver is 1 in 25.” (NeighborhoodScout.com).
Why are we focusing on the statistics of Denver and not Westworth? The city known for its’ invention of the cheeseburger, home of the chicken that lived headless for 4 years, and the inspiration for the book “America the Beautiful”! Well, that’s where Ashley’s parents currently reside at, while she stays with her grandma Sally to have a small town upbringing, away from the city. It’s something she fought her parents with at the end of her fifth year because of how much she hated the city. Plus, it’s also a place Ashley grew a strong attachment to since she spent most of her childhood, during the summers, there with her grandmother (her grandparents divorced a long time ago). This made her part of the community naturally and a well-known face among the residents of Westworth.
As much as she wanted a normal life, with an Average Joe family and a kind childhood, Ashley was never given the satisfaction and/or peace of mind. Deacon Samson, assistant district attorney, and a southern gentlemen with roots from Tennessee married a fiery, African American police officer, Savannah Parker. Long story short, Deacon wanted to get far away from his family and after he graduated college, his current employer gave him a job opportunity in Denver, Colorado. That's where he met the love of his life at a coffee shop whose family was only a two hour drive away, in a little town called Westworth.
Getting back to the point, Ashley was eventually brought into this world and all she was ever exposed to was rules, regulations, and guidelines. Her father may have been polite to those outside, but he was still a man who liked things to be a certain way. Anyone who entered their humble abode would always point out how organized and neat everything was. If he found anything out of place, he would set the world on fire. This is not saying he was a bad man, he just made it extremely hard to... have fun. He was the type of man that would bounce a quarter off a bed to make sure the bed sheets were tight and without wrinkles.
Then there was Savannah's way of parenting, which was a constant reprimanding. Whether she was aware of her words or not, she had the tendency to point out one's flaws, weaknesses, and lack of achievements. She had high expectations for her daughter - expectations that, to this day, haven’t been fulfilled. Instead, Ashley used her grandmother’s home in Westworth as a means to escape and do what she wanted, when she wanted. At first, it started off as her summer vacation hot spot but once her mother had a stillborn baby boy, when Ashley was five years old and too young to comprehend the sadness behind what her mother had experienced, her parents became more lenient at sending their daughter to her grandmother’s during school week vacations, when she was sick, and even some weekends.
Elementary was god awful for Ash. She was subjected to being bullied not only because her parents were law enforcers but also because she, herself, was an eccentric individual that was not afraid to speak her mind. Her grandmother’s fiery spirit emitted from her and even if people verbally and physically abused her, she refused to back down. After fifth grade, she did NOT want to stay in Denver anymore so she spent the next year going back and forth with her parents until they finally gave in and allowed her to live with her grandmother and become a full resident at Westworth, Colorado.
After the move to Westworth, life started to look up a little more for Ash, not to say it had been completely filled with bleakness and dreariness prior. The bluenette managed to settle in just fine, given the town was like a second home to her originally, and she had no trouble finding her way around, either. Ash could also finally act like herself - in Denver, in order to be a part of the clique that was her class, she had to act like a bitch; mock the new kids, look down on the people that weren’t considered ‘cool’ by the majority, and so on. However, in Westworth, she didn’t need to be a total bitch, or even be more reserved so that she could slowly get the people around her used to how she normally acted. No, this was perfect; she could do whatever she wanted. Well, anything legal, at least.
This also meant the transition into high school was rather easy for her. She’d already been classmates with quite a few of the Westworth natives in the class, and others she’d seen out and about. One of the most notable of these was Remy - she’d been friends with him for a while, even when she lived in Denver, and she helped out at his grandparents’ house every now and then. The bright boy’s smile was enough to make Ash a little bit happier each day, though she’d never admit it; she’s far too busy trying to discover his crush so she can play matchmaker. And get him into weed.
Moving on from the familiar faces, Ashley made it a priority to befriend the newcomers to the school; ones that had recently moved to Westworth. Despite having visited Westworth for as long as she could remember, she still felt like the odd one out in the most unlikely of places - her “home”, Denver. This experience was far too harrowing for Ashley, especially once she got older and the true horror of her late brother set in, and she was honestly far too afraid of someone acting a certain way to please a certain crowd. One of the most notable friends she made (thanks to the help of Remy) was Jareth Wells; the local stoner emo. The weed-smoking she could get behind, and his music taste wasn’t too shabby at all. Needless to say, Ash was determined not to let her gripes of the past get in the way of her future and her friends.
Now, instead of seeking places of refuge, she’s learning to let go and looking forward to everything life has to offer.
E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S & S P O R T SN/A
↳ If thoroughly convinced, she could join a club of a subject that interests her, but she’d rather toke up in the forest for now.
R E P U T A T I O NEven if Ash has a reputation, it’s unknown to even her. There’s so many widespread varieties of opinions about her that nobody even knows which one is the popular vote.
B E S T S U B J E C T S► Art
► English
► Maths
W O R S T S U B J E C T S► Gym
► Biology
► Chemistry
E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N► Will fight you if you offend her friends
“[Take] the sourest lemon life has to offer, and turn it into something resembling lemonade.”
– Dr. Nathan Katowsky
<Snipped quote by Wade Wilson>