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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Both of my character sheets in one easy-to-reach post:

@liferusher, @Lucius Cypher @ADamnFiddle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lunarlors34>

Wait... so do I still roleplay at the Tavern or should I just skip whatever interaction Blanc when she woke up at Vesta's boarding house and just suddenly have her at the tavern instead talking with people?

Stay at the tavern. Considering the Mithril situation yesterday, I can't see any logical reason why Blanc would even be with the Celestia group
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

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<Snipped quote by Seirei No Hai>

Stay at the tavern. Considering the Mithril situation yesterday, I can't see any logical reason why Blanc would even be with the Celestia group

Alright then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

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It won't be 6slyboy6 anymore, it'll become shyboyo69!



what a meme
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Letter Bee

My review for: Alexander Sky


Male, Bisexual.

Don’t think that “Gender” is “Sexuality. You should probably just explain that in the personality section or in the likes section.

Divine Protection

Blessing of Investigation - Alexander's eyes can see, and see through all magical illusions, effects, blessings, curses and even alterations, as well as detect what kinds of Magic, Divine Protection, or Authority have been used or is being cast. The drawback to this, however, is that Alexander's eyes cannot be healed by magic, or can they be strengthened, weakened, or otherwise influenced by supernatural powers. The rest of his body, however, can be attacked just as fine…

So basically he can “see” that “something is happening” in regards to magics, and if it is an illusion he is able to see past it? I’m alright with magical abilities, but things like divine protections and authorities are off limits in terms of “understanding how they work” or “Understanding what they do”, but I would allow you to “understand they exist” if you see them in action in the sense that “You can sense something that is inhuman”, if that makes sense.

..and that was when he found the mystery that would satisfy him - the mysterious disapperances of people around the globe, disapperances yet unexplained

I don’t see, logically, how he would be able to make the jump that somehow the disappearances in the Americas would have barring on the disappearances in other places where the characters are from. It seems like a huge logical leap. What are the connections? People suddenly vanishing? Because though there have been an influx of people recently, according to the latter sections of your biography you have been in Lugnica for some time now.

But while investigating the disapperances, Alexander was drawn to 'evidence' that pointed towards a connection with the occult, and as said evidence mounted, and was shortly dismissed by skeptical professors and police personnel as 'a hoax', Alexander changed his majors from criminology and investigation to 'mythology and history', with side-specializations in the history of the occult, cults, and deciptions of magic in both pop culture and traditional stories.

I don’t think there is an outside force within the confines of the “Earth” that would lead anyone to suspect occult findings. It seems to be a huge logical leap here. People go missing all the time, but there should not be a large enough missing persons report from the time you went missing according to your profile, as well as the glaring fact that there should be hardly any connections between the cases, as they are isolated, few in number, and should not carry the same traits as each other, aside from sudden disappearance.

Chemistry was also another passion, although Alex was only able to memoize the formula for gunpowder by heart.

Well I feel that if his only skill would be the memorization of the gunpowder components he is probably a terrible chemist. From a Chemist. It would also be a strange choice to study, but I mean I won’t really question it aside from the fact I feel it is simply tagged on to give your character potential towards constructing simple bombs and guns. Note that the metallurgy of the world should not be able to make anything sophisticated.

Get up... he would hear, A God commands you. Continue your quest; find a way to return those who didn't want to go.

Who told you this? What sort of force wants to return those who have arrived? I don’t see any reason that there would exist an NPC in the world, god or otherwise, that understands the confines of the “other world”, bar Satella, in the canon.

to return 'the missing' back to Earth, though only if they want to, of course.

I am fine if he wants to find a way to get back to his original home along with those who would want to go, but I don’t really like the “divine mandate” idea you have going on here, considering that my previous point should still stand.

My review for: Myst Neumann


Male, Bisexual.

Don’t think that “Gender” is “Sexuality. You should probably just ex… Wait I said this already.

For one day, he made a chance remark criticizing the kingdom's treatment of Elves, which reached the ears of those jealous of him and who wanted to take him down a peg.

Equality of peoples has been in Lugnica after the civil war 50 years ago, though the discrimination on the personal level has existed for years. Institutionalized discrimination has long not been the practice of Lugnica. That doesn’t mean that personal discrimination exists, but the royal family signed a constitution to prevent more civil unrest with the ever-looming threat of the Witch.

There, he began delving into the other side of Water Magic, the side that twisted life and healing into blood and mutation.

Know that water magic needs to influence through touch, like all magicks, and someone can dispel “Blood magic” through diluting your influence with their own mana. But against people who hardly know how to control their mana, it should still work. And if someone is weakened, since mana directly correlates to “life energy”, this “barrier” should subside.

And, as he prepared to make his move, Myst began hearing rumors, rumors of people from another world entirely, rumors of people who spoke of a world called 'Earth'. And an obsession rose within him, an obsession to control first Lugnica, then the rest of his world, then the universe that those 'Earthfolk' came from. But he was going to need help, he was going to need those who would aid him.

I mean, there would be no proof that a planet called “earth” exists, so I am not sure why your character would believe it would like some sort of Shangri-la or Shambhala or Ys or … well I think you get the point. Unless he just believes that some fairy-tale land exists that he had heard of from … “people”, I suppose. Though I am not sure how such rumors have spread so rapidly. Just considering it from a rational perspective. Even if this is a series based on a light novel that includes a flying whale, people who worship dragons [fucking pagans], and a witch that can rip through dimensions, I still feel such rationalizations are to be expected.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by ZekariVoblis>


At least you aren't discriminating against the Bishoujo. Otherwise I would have to use this clip:

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Lunarlors34 You do know that Zin landed on the flowers ? Right ? She crushed a couple of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Lucius Cypher Imagine writing preplanned actions only to have the other side deny them all the time.

*Atisha raised her finger to where her mouth would be. ”Shh… Don’t be scared. Please, keep this a secret…” *

So if Blanc suddenly decided to leave the tavern, not following Atisha, she would be left talking to an invisible person making all see her drunk as F.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Well she is, so it wouldn't be too ooc. If Blanc chooses not to follow Atisha to lunch, which Blanc does have legit reasons to do so, then Atisha can get away knowing that no one saw her act completely soused out of her gourd. Probs. Or just run away blushing if people did see her, either is good for me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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@6slyboy6 Tag in the IC post probably won't work because I'm an idiot and edited it in :D Just letting you know here that it's up!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Sir Lurksalot>

At least you aren't discriminating against the Bishoujo. Otherwise I would have to use this clip:

What are you, insaiyan?!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Also, guys, if we're gonna have a theme for this RP, please let it be this :D

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago


That's fucking stupid. Why would the RP theme be the same as the anime theme? No originality, dude! Think outside the box. We need a theme that does many things in one. You know, one that both fits the themes currently handled in the RP, one that fits the general feel of the characters in the RP, and one that just is addicting because that's usually important too.

I know just the thing. Or alternatively, we can just have out-of-place K-Pop by itself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

For an RP that's almost like Dark Souls, you need a themesong that would fit the theme of Dark Souls.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago


As much as I want to disagree with this...

As much as I need to disagree with this...

I cannot go against 'We Are Number One' XD Fuck.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Alexander Sky Review

Don’t think that “Gender” is “Sexuality. You should probably just explain that in the personality section or in the likes section.

Will do.

So basically he can “see” that “something is happening” in regards to magics, and if it is an illusion he is able to see past it? I’m alright with magical abilities, but things like divine protections and authorities are off limits in terms of “understanding how they work” or “Understanding what they do”, but I would allow you to “understand they exist” if you see them in action in the sense that “You can sense something that is inhuman”, if that makes sense.

No objections.

I don’t see, logically, how he would be able to make the jump that somehow the disappearances in the Americas would have barring on the disappearances in other places where the characters are from. It seems like a huge logical leap. What are the connections? People suddenly vanishing? Because though there have been an influx of people recently, according to the latter sections of your biography you have been in Lugnica for some time now.

I thought the disappearances have been going on for far longer, actually. Also, my original idea was for Alexander to have been in Lugnica for only a few months, but another player told me it would be somewhat more convenient to have been in Lugnica for a year. But yes, I can revise it to just a few months again.

I don’t think there is an outside force within the confines of the “Earth” that would lead anyone to suspect occult findings. It seems to be a huge logical leap here. People go missing all the time, but there should not be a large enough missing persons report from the time you went missing according to your profile, as well as the glaring fact that there should be hardly any connections between the cases, as they are isolated, few in number, and should not carry the same traits as each other, aside from sudden disappearance.

Ah, I lacked knowledge of how common the disappearances were.

Well I feel that if his only skill would be the memorization of the gunpowder components he is probably a terrible chemist. From a Chemist. It would also be a strange choice to study, but I mean I won’t really question it aside from the fact I feel it is simply tagged on to give your character potential towards constructing simple bombs and guns. Note that the metallurgy of the world should not be able to make anything sophisticated.

Yeah...I would have given him more chemistry skills than Gunpowder, but I was limited by my own lack of knowledge. Hmm, can he have a solar-powered Kindle that has a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica and a few other reference books? According to episode summaries, the protagonist of Re:Zero had a camera phone.

Who told you this? What sort of force wants to return those who have arrived? I don’t see any reason that there would exist an NPC in the world, god or otherwise, that understands the confines of the “other world”, bar Satella, in the canon.

Ah, I lacked knowledge of how Gods in Re:Zero work.

I am fine if he wants to find a way to get back to his original home along with those who would want to go, but I don’t really like the “divine mandate” idea you have going on here, considering that my previous point should still stand.

I'll remove it.

Myst Neumann Review

Don’t think that “Gender” is “Sexuality. You should probably just ex… Wait I said this already.

Will change it.

Equality of peoples has been in Lugnica after the civil war 50 years ago, though the discrimination on the personal level has existed for years. Institutionalized discrimination has long not been the practice of Lugnica. That doesn’t mean that personal discrimination exists, but the royal family signed a constitution to prevent more civil unrest with the ever-looming threat of the Witch.

I can change it to 'angering the wrong people', or, with permission, I can age him up to 74, kept alive by his healing magic...

Know that water magic needs to influence through touch, like all magicks, and someone can dispel “Blood magic” through diluting your influence with their own mana. But against people who hardly know how to control their mana, it should still work. And if someone is weakened, since mana directly correlates to “life energy”, this “barrier” should subside.

I am fine with this.

I mean, there would be no proof that a planet called “earth” exists, so I am not sure why your character would believe it would like some sort of Shangri-la or Shambhala or Ys or … well I think you get the point. Unless he just believes that some fairy-tale land exists that he had heard of from … “people”, I suppose. Though I am not sure how such rumors have spread so rapidly. Just considering it from a rational perspective. Even if this is a series based on a light novel that includes a flying whale, people who worship dragons [fucking pagans], and a witch that can rip through dimensions, I still feel such rationalizations are to be expected.

Ah, my mistake, then. I can remove that part and replace it with 'people with new abilities, with mysterious origins, some of who spoke of places that didn't exist in this world'?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lucius Cypher "have you heard of a knight called Malakaus?"

"Hmm.. big orc? About 8feet tall, we'll armored, carries an axe?"


"No idea who he is."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Revised CSes.

@liferusher, @Lucius Cypher @ADamnFiddle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PhoenixRising

PhoenixRising Positive Vibes Maker / Peach Juice Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I was thinking that my character could have a blessing that basically makes the amount of magic output like a roulette.
Basically he can use magic, but if he wants to make some water to drink he could accidently freeze himself or something like that.
Basically I want to make him a magical fuck up.
Like in a fight, he could be useful, but he's more likely to be a danger to everyone including himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am now reminded that I went into Grimgar expecting little to nothing and wound up disappointed anyways.

Like holy fuck all you did was kill a goddamn goblin you don't need 15 minutes of an episode to reflect on this with sad music.

FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS! This show was way to fucking hyped at the time and it was anoying as fuck that people enjoyed except for me. One of my friends never listens to me and does the opposite of my commentary since i have a shit ttaste. I would suggest loli anime or slice of life stuff and he would not watch it. I said it was bad but he still went and watched that shit.

1x Laugh Laugh
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