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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley

Val woke up early as usual. She was used on living with little sleep as such her first things to do was go through her morning routine. A workout, a bath and the morning check of what gear she had. Frankly even as a member of a hunter family who chose to not pursue that career, she still had a rather big quantity of hunting gear. She had a pistol, a sawed off shotgun, a crossbow, not to mention the sword, her knife and a few other trinkets. She lacked the complete set, but these were more than enough for anything that could go wrong just in case at a location she was living.

With the trip to the lake happening soon, she quickly threw a few sets of clothes in a duffle bag. That and she put a little something else within an additional part of the bag that had it's own zipper and ran through the entire thing. It was a silver coated short sword. Just in case... She knew for fact that even in calm areas like this one, certain elements tended to sometimes get dangerous at night in the forests.

With that done, she put her silver coated dagger within it's secret holster under her belt and the second knife in her tall leather boots. With that done, she threw the bag on her shoulder and headed outside to find Riley and the rest by the RV.” Hey, you all.” She greeted, basically jumping across the front door and across the yard to the RV. As always she was hyper energetic and it well bloody showed! She also kind of caught a brief part of the conversation going on and Riley's statement.” I like that idea Riley. You two really should come over. I will help out too if you need any help!” She added with a smile. She actually thought of paying a visit to the caretakers of the brothers... Though she had to be careful about it and only rought them a lil bit without leaving traces.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alessea and Quinton

Quinton stroked Abigale’s hair a moment, before letting her go occupy Remus, as he searched for what he needed to clean up a bit, moving whatever had been knocked off back up as he came to it, thinking that it might not be a good idea to go to the cafe-that had been busy the day before and was like to be again, although he had thought that he had heard something about a camping trip, so maybe it wouldn't be busy. Still, Quinton would prefer something a little more...adult than the cafe.

"There's a restaurant in town, near the bed and breakfast. We could go there..? The cafe always seems so busy" Quinton said, quickly tidying up-mainly the food because that didn't need to be on the ground-he quickly rounded up Abigale, and hefting the wolf-dog pup, he started off, thinking to drop both off at the bed and breakfast and hope it would be okay. They stopped at a store, and grabbing a leash, Quinton put it on Remus, staring at him when the pup looked like chewing through it, until Remus glanced away. With some food for him, Quinton continued onto the bed and breakfast, and speaking for a moment, he gave Abigale a hug and made her promise to behave and watch over Remus. There was a chance he wouldn't come back, before going out to the woods. He glanced towards the teens gathering, with their gear, and gave them a brief wave, not wanting to interrupt, when he would then be keeping Alessea waiting, he noted the pink haired girl, remembering what Alessea had said. So that's a siren? She seems so...pink and innocent.

With a last glance to Abigale, now hugging Remus, and gave her a smile, before walking on towards the restaurant.

..the Italian place..?

Turning her head around, Alessea watched on as he left her alone in the the garage, both Remus and Abigale following along in tow, causing her to just stand there watching on until their figures had completely disappeared from sight. He wanted to take her to Lupino..? The name in itself was more than ironic considering what they were; and the place was nice enough, though it wasn’t the sort of place you would go with friends on a whim, so did this mean..? Was this a..?

Was this a date..?

The very thought had her cheeks flushing a light shade of red. Pulling her attention away from where their figures had retreated quite some time ago, she turned her gaze back to the food that Quinton had picked up not long ago, her mind seeming to wander as she gathered what was left of it up before she began to make her way back to her office, being sure to dump the now ruined food into the bin before slipping through the door, she closed it behind her, making sure to pull the blinds on the windows before she began to get changed, “..now remember, Sea… this is not a date…”

Quinton waited outside the restaurant, checking his phone to make sure it was on, unable to help himself being paranoid that Abigale would get in trouble, before putting the phone away. He leaned against the wall, thoughtful. Having not been in town long, Quinton didn't even know what the restaurant was like but figured it had to be better then food thrown on the floor. Suddenly nervous, for reasons he didn't even know, he glanced about, wondering if he should have waited for Alessea. Was he even in the right place?

What was wrong with him? He gave a sigh, and ran a hand through his hair, and tried to relax as he waited.


Slowing her pace as she rounded the corner, Alessea couldn’t help the soft and gentle smile that crossed over her lips as her gaze met with Quinton’s, her hands both coming together in front of her stomach as she came to a stop in front of him- after having repeated over and over to herself that this was not a date, but having changed several times for it anyway before finally settling on the perfect dress to go to lunch in, she was finally happy with how she looked.

Lifting her hand up from where she had it in front of her stomach, she gently used her fingers to lightly brush some of her long and wavy dark locks back, neatly tucking them behind her ear as she lowered her other arm back down to her side, her body shifting nervously on the spot before she motioned towards the door leading into the restaurant, “..shall we..?”

Quinton looked over as Alessea approached, starting to give her a smile, which seemed to freeze in a half smile, as he took in her appearance. It simply seemed to scream, this is a date, and he felt turned upside down. A date? Had he landed a date, without meaning to? Suddenly more than a little nervous- he hadn’t been on any sort of date in over three years, running with a young child didn’t give many opportunities for that, after all- “Uh, sure” He said, around a suddenly dry mouth, moving to open the door for her, holding it open so she could pass through. “Um. You look lovely”

That look on his face… oh God, had she done something wrong already..? It was the dress. It had to be the dress; he didn’t like it, she knew she should have gone with the oth-... Relax Sea; remember, this is not a date… who cares what you wear..?

“..o-oh, uh… thank you…”

Unable to hide the way that her cheeks were turning a gentle shade of red, Alessea bit down on the inside of her lip, her dark gaze dropping down and turning away from him as she once more began to move, her feet carrying her inside and out of the way of the door so that he could join her before she turned to the waiter moving towards them, a single hand lifting so that she could hold up two fingers, letting him know how many of them there was before she glanced back at Quinton, shooting him a small and uncharacteristically shy smile before she turned and began to follow the waiter to their table, her body lowering down as she scooted herself into the booth and around to make room for him as well.

Her behaviour seemed to reinforce the this is a date idea that was now, essentially, seared into his brain. Surely, she wouldn’t be so...nervous, if it was just friends, just lunch between pack mates. It just seemed so uncharacteristic of her, or at least what he had seen so far. Sliding into the booth beside her, Quinton was quite aware of how close that put them. Which only served to fluster Quinton more then the idea that this was a date.

Was it? Maybe he should clarify...but that just seemed like a recipe for awkwardness, because if she said no, then he’d feel like a right fool, and if she said yes, it would break the atmosphere. So he didn’t ask.

He realised he had probably been silent for a while now, so he said, probably quite lamely, “Its a nice place, have you been here before?”

“..huh..? Oh, yeah… a few times in the past, but not for a while… from what I can remember, they have pretty good food here though…”

Totally not a date… or was it..? His behaviour was hard to pick, and if she blatantly came out and asked him whether or not it was, then that was only going to make her look like a fool either way he answered. No, she was just better off keeping her mouth shut, and just going with the flow… she could do that, right..?

“So, uh, what-... what made you choose this place..?” Turning her head, Alessea let her dark gaze lift up to meet with his, and it was only then that she noticed just how close they were to each other. It was like the incident in the garage all over again, except this time, she was wrapped up in his strong… muscular arms… Was it getting warm, or was it just her..? Feeling her cheeks flush red in color once more, she tore her attention away from him, letting it settle instead upon the water glass that sat in front of her on the table, her hand reaching out and picking it up so that she could take a sip or two of the cool liquid. Calm down, Sea… again, not a date…

“Aside from the fact it's close to the bed and breakfast? It's the only restaurant I’ve seen in town” Quinton said, and realised that that probably wasn’t a very date-like answer, but it was the truth. His voice trailed off slightly as their gazes met. For a moment, he didn’t think he could turn his attention away, both relieved and disappointed when Alessea broke the contact.

Taking the chance to take a sip of water himself, he was quite sure now that it was a date, but there was that doubt. What if it was a misunderstanding? Wanting for the moment at least, to not feel so awkward, nervous, he tried to bring back what now seemed like the easy conversation from early. “So...have you always lived here?” That could be considered normal, right? He felt so far out of depth, and was just trying to make a good impression.

He was trying to make conversation; did that mean he was as nervous as she was..? Taking a few moments longer with her glass of water, she eventually lowered it back down to the table, her hand resting over it and her fingers tracing nonsense patterns into the tablecloth as she shook her head lightly from side to side in response, her long dark locks brushing back and forth over her back thanks to the action.

“..originally, I am from Barcelona in Spain. It it where I was born; but as you can probably tell from earlier, I am only part Spanish…” Letting her hand come to a complete rest over the tablecloth, she turned her head back around, her gaze once more lifting to meet with his, “My father was from Africa; he is the one who taught me how to speak Swahili. I moved here quite a few years ago now… never really looked back. And what about you..? I know you are not from around here…”

A little relieved that the conversation seemed to be flowing, even slightly, Quinton said “I was born in Arizona, and lived there until the hunter came, and attacked my old pack. There was a brief time I lived away, at college, but mostly it was Arizona” He said, giving a slight sigh. it seemed so long ago, rather than the three years it had been. “Since then, it’s been...everywhere and nowhe-...”

“..is this a date..?”

The words seemed to slip through her lips before she could stop them, cutting him off before he even had a chance of finishing off his sentence. She had been listening… really she had been; but the conversation, no matter how much she wanted to learn about him, was nothing that could stop her from thinking- no, more like arguing internally with herself over whether or not that was what this was… a date…

“I-I-... apologies… I did not mean-...” This time knowing for a fact that there was no chance of hiding the way that her cheeks were now almost glowing a bright red in color, Alessea tore her gaze away from his, instead choosing to stare away and rather intently at the tablecloth of the table beside them rather than at him, “..please, just forget I said anything…”

The sudden question threw Quinton off, when he’d just felt-okay hoped-he was back on track. He had no idea what to answer, when he didn’t even know. He could say no, and quite probably not have another chance-was that even what he wanted?-or he could say yes… He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Clearing his throat, he tried again, “I...I’d like it to be” That seemed like a safe option, or so he hoped.

He… wanted this to be a date..?

Lifting her head back up as his answer took a few moments to settle in her mind, Alessea slowly let her attention turn back over to him, her gaze lifting once more to meet with his and her soft lips parting ever so slightly as she searched his eyes, trying her best to find even the tiniest speck that he was lying or messing around with her, though all she saw was honesty behind his words. He really meant what he said… he really would like for it to be a date.

Biting down softly upon her lower lip, she chewed on it for a second or two, the corners of her mouth once more turning up into a rather uncharacteristically shy smile as she nodded lightly in response, “..I-... I would like that too…”

Quinton smiled at her words, relieved, but now not knowing what to do at all. It seemed having somewhat confirmed what this was, he now didn’t even know what to say. His thoughts drifted, for a brief moment, to Abigale, but quite oddly, he didn’t feel worried. Coming back to the moment, Quinton said softly, “I’m more than glad about that” Which was true, yet it seemed quite a lame thing to say. He really had no idea what he was doing anymore.

Her smile grew, she couldn’t help it, and with his words she felt herself sliding along the booth, her body twisting slightly as she scooted closer in against him, her cheeks still practically glowing from the blush as she reached forward, pulling one of the two menus towards them before opening it up for the both of them to look over.

She was happy… for once- it had been a long time since she was happy just being with a guy, enjoying their company… Quinton was a great guy from what she could tell about him, and he was going to make an amazing beta as well; but werewolves or not, right now, they were just two people enjoying their first date together. Pressing herself just that little bit closer against him, she turned her head back, her gaze lifting up and over her shoulder so that she was able to look up at him, “..did you have an idea of what you wanted to eat..?”

Almost tentatively, Quinton slid his arm around her, and shook his head, “Not at all. But pizza is always a safe bet” He said thoughtfully, studying the menu a moment, looking up at the sound of footsteps, the waiter obviously thought they were ready to order-maybe the menu was a sign. Or maybe the waiter just hoped to speed things up a bit.

“Are you ready for me to take your order, or would you like a few more minutes?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Aron Brooks and Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), and Cody Treadwell (@Caits).

“Trust me, I don’t want to go back… but I can’t go back to the foster care system. I’d lose you. And I need to be there for Aron… I’ll be okay, I promise I’ll be okay.”

All she could do was shake her head, the sting she felt crossing over the surface of her eyes almost too much to bear, but she somehow managed to fight back the tears. The last thing she needed was to start crying. Gage needed her… needed her to be strong when it seemed as though he couldn’t be; but how could she just stand there and be okay with what he was saying when it was just so wrong…

He-… He couldn’t ask her to be okay with this…

“You have plenty of choices. Like… Like you could come live at my place… my folks won’t mind having you both… I’m sor-…”

“You won’t lose me..! Gage, I promise, you won’t lose me..!” Now having both hands free thanks to Cody having taken the first aid kit from her, Syleste once more moved herself a step closer to him, she cut off the rest of Cody’s sentence, her hands both coming up to once more rest lightly against Gage’s chest as she lifted her head up so that she could look in the direction she could hear his voice… feel his breath coming from, “No matter what happens… if you end up moving out, or… or if you end up going back into the foster system for some reason; I’m not going to leave you. Gage, I-…”

Shutting her eyes tightly, she curled her hands over the natural his shoulders, holding onto him for what seemed like dear life as she dropped her head down, her long and wavy pink locks falling down and over her shoulders, helping to frame her face and hide it from view for what felt like forever until she lifted her head back up, once more turning her attention back up to him so that she could finally finish her sentence, her eyes wet and glistening with the tears she was working so hard on keeping back.

“Gage, I-… I love you…”

One moment she had free movement, and the next she was once more wrapped up in the tight but loving embrace of her boyfriend. His arms held fast around her body, keeping her pressed as close to him as he possibly could in the moment while his warm breath seemed to fan out and over her ear, his voice soft… shaky as he spoke out, telling her that whatever Cody was about to do for him, it was going to hurt; and it only helped to send a shiver down the length of her spine… He needed her. Gage needed her.

“This was my fault.”

Her body moved with his, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another, and a surprised though silent gasp seeming to come from the young girl as she felt the way that his arms tightened around her- he was angry… she could feel it…

“Are you happy with Cody?


“Then it was worth it… and it’s not your fault; you know damn well mom and dad would have been fine and probably even invited Cody over. Remember that.”

She was missing something… something big. Were-… Were Aron and Cody going out like her and Gage..? Turning her head slightly so that she was able to rest her cheek against the warmth of his chest, she let her attention turn over to where she could hear Cody and Aron’s voices coming from, and while she was still boiling with anger at what had happened, she couldn’t help the small smile of happiness that played over her lips at the thought of her two friends being happy together. They were both so wonderful… Aron and Cody were amazing people… and they deserved nothing more than to be able to be happy.

“You’ll both come home with one of us when we get back. Neither of you are going back there.”

Coming home with one of them..? The moment her mind registered exactly what that meant, Syleste felt her cheeks flushing a bright shade of red. Her mother, while not a strict woman, was not the type to easily say yes to having people she barely knew staying over… let alone having boys she barely knew staying over. No, she couldn’t let something like that keep her down. They needed a place to stay… they just couldn’t go back home, and she was sure that if she just explained that to her mother-…

“Cody’s right… and I really don’t want you to go back to that house; either of you. Please Gage… please promise me you won’t go back there…” Once more turning her head, she let her ever unseeing eyes glide up to where she was sure he was now looking down at her, “..we can speak to my mother- if we just explain everything, I know she’ll let you stay with us for as long as you need… please Gage… you can’t go back there… you just can’t…”

“Hey Syleste? There’s a few scratches, if I show you, can you just clean them? I don’t think they need to be bound.”

Her attention torn away from Gage as she heard Cody’s voice calling out to her, Syleste turned her head once more, her eyes blinking a couple of times as she thought on his words before finally, she nodded her head in understanding to what it was that was being asked of her- maybe… just maybe, she wasn’t going to be completely useless in this situation after all…

“..of course..! Just show me where they are; I’ll-… I’ll do my best…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Interacting with: Syleste, @Vicier Gage and Aron, @BlackPanther

Cody frowned, sure he had missed something, or had Gage and Syleste been secretly dating? He flicked a glance to Aron to see if he had had any idea that this was going on, before glancing back to Syleste, to Gage. Cody often considered Syleste as the sister he never had-she was just so...sweet, cute, innocent, that Cody couldn't help but think of her like that. And it led him to being quite protective of her. Especially as it allowed him to do this...He shot Gage a look, much like the one Gage had sent him mere moments before, "Don't hurt her". It was, almost poetic to be able to use Gage's own words against him, or at least to Cody. He gave Gage a smile, happy.

Still, how long had this be going on that Syleste would say she loved him? Not long...or surely the group would know, right? It threw him a little bit off balance. He hadn't been that obessed with Aron that he had blotted out a lot of other things, had he? No, no, because he'd seen Cassie trying to get Gage and Syleste to interact at the cafe yesterday, hadn't he?

For a brief second his mind flew back to the tree house, to him saying oh, look, I've fallen for you Not exactly 'I love you', but still...it was kinda similar, wasn't it? Sometimes...you just knew. He was pleased that throughout...all this, what would probably happen after the camping trip, Gage would have someone, and that maybe with Syleste's help they could get the twins to get out of that house, a heck of a lot easier.

"Great" he said to Syleste, managing to regain his footing, he guided her hands to the scratches, glad to let her do what she could. He glanced towards Aron, and smiled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Gage managed to twitch his mouth as Cody tried to be humerous. His brother would be fine with this one...he could tell. He then chuckled at the comment. "Phil is a bit of a bitch yes." he then looked at Syleste she caught him off guard. He then smiled. A smile of happiness even with everything. she loves me he kept her close and before the first patch of anti infection his he said it back. "I love you too Syleste" and then it started to hit and his jaw clenched.

He opened his mouth about to explain the same thing he had to Syleste when she spoke up. Once more he was caught off guard but....maybe they could finally be free of the demon spawn. He inhaled before speaking. "Okay...okay I promise. I think if we move around between the three places we should be okay..." now he looked worried. He hoped this would work...he glanced at Riley and nodded in thanks before focusing back.

He watched Cody help Aron and seemed to approve before kissing the top of Syleste's head. "I promise...I won't go back" he re stated to try to reassure her.

Aron winced as Cody cleaned his own wounds. The bruised eye barely open enough to see what was happening. Still, he gave a small smile as Cody managed to create a bandage. Then they kissed and hugged. Though Aron winced a bit with the hug. While he didn't have cuts on his back...he was bruised but hiding it. He still felt this was his fault....if he hadn't...
He watched Cody go back to Gage to help his brother more and looked down.

Gage chuckled as Cody said what his own look had said earlier and nodded. He would rather get hurt himself then ever hurt Syleste in any way. Then his girlfriend was handed the anti infection and he winced. The scratches on his chest were a lot smaller. He then shot a look at Cody and he spoke softly. "Aron....Aron got beat up bad....and I know he's going to keep blaming himself until someone talks to him. Take him somewhere and get him to talk....please" the look Gage was giving Cody was one of worry for his brother.

Aron stood back still looking down. He was still feeling awful and blaming himself. It was his fault wasn't it. He shouldn't have... He shook his head before slowly crouching. He was making himself small and his arms covered his face. His own duffel was still looped on him and somehow that made the scene more saddening. He was still barely holding it together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Aron And Gage @BlackPanther, indirectly Syleste @Vicier

Cody nodded, looking back to Aron, he rose, figuring that Gage would be okay now, and went back over to Aron. Helping him rise, Cody gave him another hug, taking the duffle from him, gently transfering the bag from Aron's shoulder to his own, "Lets head up to the grounds now" He said, quickly passing the bag off to Cassandra, he led Aron to his bike, stopping when there, he looked at Aron, trying to find the right words.

"I can't understand, I know that. But...I'm here, and I want to help, and you can talk to me. No matter what, this isn't your fault, and you don't deserve it. No matter what reason they had, You. Don't. Deserve. This" He said, hoping they were the right words, merely saying what he felt. "No matter what, I'm here for you, I care about you, and I want to help"

He kept his voice soft, calm, giving Aron's hand a squeeze. There was so much he could say, or do, he knew, but he hoped what he'd already done might be enough to get Aron to talk, even a little bit. Or at least know that Cody was there, and that he wasn't going anywhere.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke.

Location: Miri's home, Riley's B&B.

Interacting with: @vicier Seraphina (Mention.), Syleste. @Nallore Riley. Gage @BlackPanther

Miri had woken up early this morning, Yesterday was awesome as he got to spend quite a bit of time with Seraphina, After having yesterday of work, she was surprised by the woman's return when Miranda was in the cafe getting something to drink. She saw many of the others but quite a few left before she could properly interact with them which was okay with so much to, She did give Cassie that look when she caught on what she was doing with Syl, Gage, Aron and Cody it was sweet and cute but a little devious, Cassie didn't learn that from her did she? But yes Seraphina caught the blond by surprise when she covered her eyes from behind for a few moment's before she leant over and gave her a kiss on her cheek, for a split second Miri didn't move from the surprise until the voice to mystery of who caught her by surprise.

When she spun round Miri eyes lit up and face grew a smile returning with a 'Oh my god, Hey!' before she got up gave the woman a kiss on the cheek and giving her a welcome back hug. She mentioned on how great Sera looked and added it was no problem at all looking after Jayne, She enjoyed spending time with the little one, even if she kept Miri on her toes, it was great to spent some time with her for a few hours catching up and telling Sera the stories of what little Jayne had got up to in her absence.

This morning with an early start, Miri made sure she was all ready before going on her morning run, When the blonde got home of course she would relax and bathe a little before getting ready for the trip, Getting dressed into something nice, Miri went for a summer look. With Yasmin and Charles helping pack things into her car and doing the usual of making sure there daughter had everything she needed and would be safe, She gave loving hugs to both of them and kisses on their cheeks, "I'll be fine guys, honestly don't I always come back in one piece?" She rolled her eyes a little, Miri knew they loved her but they said the same thing every year and she always came home in one peice and in a good positive mood, but there was some concern more than normal because of reports of wolf attacks on cattle, Something she might have to pull Ri to one side and ask about.

Once she was in her ride, A Red and black Dodge Dart, Miranda turned the key in the ignition and listened to the engine purr to life, Turning on the CD player she fiddled with it for a few moments before finding some music to listen, Finding some Linkin Park. Before setting off she noticed her phone had gone off, She must of missed it going off earlier, it was Riley "Hope to see all of you guys very soon meet at my place like usual! <3 RiRi.". After reading the message, Miri seemed to have a big smile on her face and replied she was on her way. "Hey RiRi!, I'll be there in a few minutes Miri ^.^" Once placing her phone away she drove of to the meet up point.

When pulling up, Miranda couldn't help but smile when she saw who was there, She could make out RiRi, Cassie, Cody, Aron, Gage, Syl. Gabanre and Valencia. Some she knew better than others, being one of the originals for this annual trip with Riley, but some newer faces looked like to be joining this year which was cool but the one that stood out more than anyone else was Syleste, how in the fudge did some one manage to get the young girl to be allowed to come, Miri just fell short last year of persuading, Miri had a sneaky suspicion who might of pulled that rabbit out of the hat, Pulling up near the group, Miri stepped out with a smile as she looked over towards the group, "Hey guys!" She called out.

Walking up to the group, she left her camping gear in the car, She saw Cody and Aron by the bike, Bikes always seemed to put her on edge a bit, she never been on one but just never seemed to like them but Cody was a nice enough guy who respected that and often kept his bike at a distance from her, She was more worried about him hurting himeself than anything. She saw Syl tending to gage, it was so sweet and cute that Cassie played matchmaker with them, she didnt know gage as well as Aron but had the feeling he would look after the pink haired girl. Unfortunately it also showed that the twins were at the receiving end again within the walls of their home, it made her skin crawl imagining and seeing what they had to go through, She would probably have to ask her parants about the spare room in the house.

She spoke softly to Syl while slowly kneeling down next to her though, But not to startle her when cleaning the wounds "Hey Syl, it's Miri, I am glad you can make it." She watched her hands movements. "Your doing good hun, But you missed a little spot if you don't mind me guiding your hand?" She softly asked, A moment later looking at gage. "If you guys like I can speak to my parants about the spare room we have, you guys are more than welcome to come over and stay" She nodded to him assuringly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Pat kept drawing for quite a while. She was smiling as the teens interacted with each other. The different emotions that they displayed. The wonders of teenage love in the making. She glanced towards her own little lover and smiled, daring a little kiss motion with her lips, barely noticeable. She hoped that Riley would notice however. Her heart fluttered slightly at the prospect of what she had just done. The slight blush on her face vanished and she tried to look calm and collected once again.

She tried her best to keep her mind to herself, along with her eyes. There was way too many people in here for her to act how she wanted to. She had to be the respectable teacher that they could count on. She took a deep breath before a sharp whistle followed by Riley's voice broke the silence.

Pat smiled softly towards her. That girl had too much energy to be honest. It was nice though. Pat felt herself become more energetic around Riley as a whole. It really was a big change from her old self when she was broken down. Riley had been quite good for Pat during their time together. She had really done a good job on making her cheerful again.

"Thank you Riley but I've got to get some stuff ready for the trip. I'll probably come out there and set up our tent though if anything." Pat sat behind for a few more moments as people started filtering out before making her way back home.

She sighed deeply and took a long shower before packing up the stuff she needed and got it all set up in a pair of backpacks and slung one on her back and hung the others on her bike. She went back and made sure her cats had plenty of food and left a note for the caretaker about portions.

After that she made her way towards the camping site. Pat waved at the RV as she passed it on the road. It had taken a lot longer than what she had expected it to. Anyhow, she wanted to get it all done before tomorrow. She drove up and parked her bike and unloaded the backpacks and started putting up the tent. It didn't take too long to get the tent itself set up, but getting everything else set up took a while longer.

Eventually it got done though and she left the site and made her way back home. Darkness was already descending as she came home. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, falling asleep away from her school work...

Morning came and Pat got ready for the big day ahead. Her booze was already stowed away in the tent, along with extra food, clothes, swimsuit and more. She was convinced that this was going to be a wonderful trip just before school starts again.

Pat got on her bike again and drove down to Riley's place and parked it outside. She didn't bother changing out of her leathers and instead just walked up to the few that had gathered already and waved. "Hello there. Everyone doing good?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Aron went with Cody. He was lost in thought and still blaming himself. He was barely aware of the steps he was taking until they stopped. He looked at Cody and a tremble went through him. He swallowed before nodding and looking away. He then looked back his eyes a bit watery.

"Okay" his voice was soft and it was clear that okay was all he could get out at the moment. He grabbed one of the helmets and put it on a sign that he was ready to go. He wanted to talk...just not in front of the others. He wasn't that brave. That and he didn't want to mess up more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


cody didn't know what else he could do. He leaned forward slighty, buckling Aron's helment securely, before putting his own on, and swinging onto the bike, waiting for Aron to do the same. When Aron was on, and secure, Cody started the bike, and started off towards the camp site, intending to get there, and enable them to talk.

He was silent on the trip up, trying to think what he could say, but he didn't really have anything that he could say. bringing the bike to a halt at the camp site, Cody left the keys in the ignition-who was going to steal it up here?-before he got off, so he could face Aron, removing his helmet, he didn't hesitate to take Aron's hands in his own, gently tugging him off the bike.

"Please talk to me, Aron"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: @Vicier@twannyman@Caits@Damo021@rivaan@Zhaliora@BlackPanther@Eviledd1984@Ambiguity

Riley looked over towards the twins Syleste and Cody the four of them seemed to have gotten really close in the last couple of hours she smiled softly at them and gave a nod towards the twins. "Just text me or my dad before hand and we can hook you two up with a room whenever you need it to crash." Riley said with a soft smile when she turned her head and saw Miri coming over and waved at her smiling happily glad to see that she was coming along as well. "Glad to see you Miri." Riley said with a soft smile as she watched Cody and Syleste tending to the twin's wounds from their bastard parents as much as she wanted to go over and just beat their parents she couldn't do anything about it.

Riley saw Patricia coming over as well and smiled as well as blushed softly she was nervous slightly since no one knew that they were secretly dating each other. Riley blushed deeply when Pat did the little kissy face subtly causing her to smile more than she really did, Riley then turned her attention towards Valencia and smiled at her, once everyone finished up with what they were doing Riley headed into the RV and started it up. "Pack your guys stuff inside and get in." Riley said as she made sure that everything was tucked away inside of the RV and made sure that everything was safe and secure. Riley took out her phone as she remembered Blake as well and sent her a text that they were ready to go.

"Hey Blake if your still coming we are at my place, hope to see you soon. <3 Riley."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Aron slowly removed the helmet and looked down. He trembled before he started to speak. "...I...I wasn't thinking. They asked where we had been" he bit his lip and kept his gaze down. He shook before continuing. "Gage said he was with his new girlfriend and...I blurted it out." a sniff with a shake in his voice. "Everything happened so fast. P...Phil dragged off gage and I got...beat with a bible"

He slowly looked at Cody. "S..She said she was beating the gay away" he slowly pulled up his shirt revealing rectangular bruises before taking his hand away letting the shirt fall back. "If if I hadn't said anything...." he kept his gaze away from Cody. "Gage wouldn't have been whipped for knowing" he shook again. "My fault"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Interacting with anyone.

Micheal was watching them form inside of the car he had recently stolen what seemed like a few hours ago,Smoking a cigarette putting out the ashes form out of the open window being careful but for a different reason he didn't care if he was seen by the people he was stalking.The reason he was stalking them was because he had heard about these people and he wondered what they we're like and also what good stuff they had for him to steal.

But perhaps that could be for later and as the young vampire was flicking his cigarette away he was mumbling something as he connected his phone to the usb plug inside of the car,Thank god it did have a plug or he would be bore out of his fucking mind. Connecting it and started to play a song while they drove away form the B&B.

(This is the song being played in his car https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMDn4O3EWFA )
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cody listened silently, as Aron talked, not wanting to interrupt or do something that would cause...Aron to shatter. Cody wanted to hold him, to hug him, to make everything better. but all he could do was just be there. So Cody listened, wanting to go, to do something, to put fear in the people that were suppose to protect the brothers from such things. He knew he had always taken for granted his parents easy acceptance of what he was. When he'd told his parents, they'd be thrilled, and then proceeded to embarrassing him by throwing question after question at him. It had been sweet, truly innocent.

The thought that Aron, that Gage, would be beaten up simply for being excited over a new relationship, was replusive to Cody. vile, evil, people. Cody reached out, his touch gentle, as he wrapped his arms around Aron, and drew Aron's gaze to him.

"It is not your fault, Aron. It's not your fault that you're stuck with a set of delusional, vile pieces of crap. It's not your fault, and you're never going back there again. The way those...those monsters are, they would have found any reason to do what they did. So It's not your fault. You'll come back to mine after this, okay?" He said, "We'll figure out what we need to do, but no matter what, we'll keep you and Gage away from them."

He gently ran his fingers over the injuries, "I'm not going to let them hurt you again. I only wish I'd been there to prevent it." He gave Aron a smile, before saying "Besides, if being Gay is wrong, then I don't want to be right. I like you too much. Because this feels right...so screw them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Aron Brooks and Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), Cody Treadwell (@Caits), and Miranda Burke (@Damo021).

H-He loved her..? Gage loved her..?

The very moment the words had fallen from his lips, it was as though nothing else in the world mattered anymore- like none of it existed. Everything faded into the background; all the noise, all their friends… It was just the two of them. The two of them left standing; her lithe figure… held lovingly within his arms, so tightly against his body where she felt safe and wanted… it didn’t matter what happened right now; a full-blown war could break loose, and she wouldn’t even notice, nor would she care… There was nothing in this world that could hurt her while she was here.

Gage wouldn’t let it.

Lifting her hands up, Syleste followed the muscular line of his chest, her touch light… almost delicate as she brushed the tips of her fingers over his flesh, using it as a guide before finally, she was able to wrap them both securely around the back of his neck, her bright though cloudy baby-blue eyes shutting tightly as she pulled herself as close against him as she possibly could in the moment- he loved her… he loved her, just like she loved him; and he wasn’t just saying that either..! All that time spent; too shy, too… too nervous to even be able to just speak to him without making a fool of herself, and in the end it just didn’t matter anymore.

Unable to help the way that her lips turned up into a small, though noticeable smile, Syleste closed the gap left between them, her head tilting down on an angle so that she could bury it into the nape of his neck, content enough to just stand there, listening to the gentle beating of his heart beneath her ear, as her own seemed to want to do nothing more than race. Oh Mylanta… could things get any better than it this..? This moment was one of the happiest she had ever had, and for the love of all, she never wanted it to come to an end…

“Don’t hurt her.”

That caught her attention. Smile faltering slightly at the words, she opened her eyes, her bright gaze looking over in the direction she could hear Cody’s voice coming from, but before she got to say anything, she was on the move; her hands, first being gently broken away from around the back of Gage’s neck before they were guided back down to his chest, the slightly damp feeling of an antiseptic wipe hitting her fingers so that she could do what it was that she said she would be more than happy to. This was it… this was her chance to try her best, and to help look after Gage.

“Aron… Aron got beat up bad… and I know he’s going to keep blaming himself until someone talks to him. Take him somewhere and get him to talk… please.”

Aron was blaming this on himself..? Worry once more seeming to take over, Syleste shook her head lightly from side to side- that wasn’t right… none of this was his fault; if anyone was to blame for what had happened, it was those big bullies they were being forced to call their parents..!

Lifting her head back up, she turned her attention once more over to where she had last heard Cody’s voice coming from, her eyes flashing with worry, though her soft pink lips turning up in a gentle smile as she nodded for him to go ahead, the young girl holding the antiseptic wipe up for him to see as though to push the point, “Go to him; Aron needs you right now, and… and I can do this. We’ll see you down at the lake.”

Waiting until she could hear his footfalls growing further and further away, Syleste eventually turned her attention back to the task at hand, a flicker of nerves crossing over her unseeing iris’ as she gently began to dab at the area’s that Cody had pointed out to her, each dab slowly turning into soft wipes as she did what she could to get every little bit that she otherwise might miss. This was her only chance to help him… she had to get everything; she-… she just couldn’t mess this up…

“Hey Syl, it’s Miri, I am glad you can make it. You’re doing good hun, but you missed a little spot, if you don’t mind me guiding your hand?”

But as quickly as she had come, Miranda was gone again, leaving the young pink-haired girl to listen on as her footsteps led her further away from where the two of them were standing arm in arm. So that was it… the one thing she was trying her best not to do, and she’d done it…

Hunching her shoulder’s over, Syleste dropped her head forward, biting down and chewing lightly upon her lower lip for a few moments before she spoke out, her voice soft… slightly shaky as she brought her hands back into her chest, her fingers curling around the crimson stained antiseptic wipe she held, “I-I’m sorry, Gage… I-… I guess I was wrong… I couldn’t do it right…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Aron fell into the embrace. His own arms going right around Cody. He felt his gaze being drawn up and found himself finally making eye contact with Cody. Well...sort of. His vision was mostly out of one eye at the moment. Aron felt himself listen to every word and felt his heart swell. What has he done to deserve such an amazing boyfriend. He didn't know...but he never wanted it to end.

He slowly nodded and wiped away a stray tear that has clung to his less injured eye. He blinked his eyes still watery and managed a small smile. "I would love that." he was sure gage would to. Being away from the house of horrors would be a dream come true. He felt Cody gently trace over his wounds and looked down before looking back at Cody. "I don't think I could've handled the chance of you getting hurt too."

Then with that last sentence a smile blossomed on his face. "It does feel pretty great" he found himself pulling Cody into another embrace before managing to kiss him.


Gage was about to respond to Riley. To thank her when he saw Miranda walked by. He raised a brow and winced at every touch of antiseptic wipe. Then he heard the sniffle. His attention immediately was 100 percent on his girlfriend. Who was now crying. He shook his head and lightly enveloped her hands with his own.

His voice was soft. "Hey hey no." he gently kisses her forehead and drew her to him. "You were doing a great job. You got every scratch." he wasn't just saying that she really did. He chest felt like ants went through it...but that's how you know it's working right? He gently took the now red wipe from her and pulled her into a hug.

"I promise you did right." he heard the others start packing it up and kissed her forehead again. "Sounds like the others are packing up. Want to meet up with Cassandra or the rv...whatever you want to do" he felt that Cassandra probably wanted them to go with her since she was the one to convince Syleste's mother...but he was leaving it up to his pink haired girlfriend. She didn't know it yet...but she had him wrapped around her finger already.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Kaylee Jade Evans and Connor Vos

Location: Connor’s Truck, and Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Each other.

Connor was up early, and in town. Despite the fact that he had provisions for a few days, Connor found himself in town, unable to help himself, as he searched- it wasn’t stalking, damn it- for the girl from the day before. He just simply couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her eyes… Connor had absolutely no idea what was going on. He just knew… that he had to find her, again. Passing by the bed and breakfast, Connor spied a bunch of what must be teenagers of the town. Did teenagers actually gather in packs like that all the time? Connor had been a year ahead of everyone his age, which wasn’t a big difference, but he’d never felt like he had connected with anyone his age.

His mind once more drifted towards the girl. He didn’t even know her name, and yet, she seemed to be everywhere. He simply had to know what was going on. As his gaze wandered, it seemed to land on her straight away, looking at what appeared to be a phone. Was she lost?

After a few seconds debate, would it be creepy to pull up and offer her some help? Maybe, but… I have to know, he pulled up by her. “Do you need a hand?” For the life of him, Connor would never be sure how he got the words out, simply overcome in her presence.

How was it this hard to find a stupid bed and breakfast..?

Lifting her free hand up, Kaylee quickly worked to adjust the strap of her Cross Country duffle bag on her shoulder, before she brought her hand further up, using her fingers to run through her long and wavy dark brown locks and managing to pull a few stray leaves from hanging in them- well… that was what she got for running; and not on two legs either. With her father starting work, and her mother finishing up moving all the boxes into their new house; that left only Hunter to ask for a lift to the meeting spot.

Ha..! Yeah right, like that was ever going to happen.

He’d already not only cracked the shits at her, but had also tried to get her to cancel her plans once he found out what was going on; not that she could really blame him. They were in a new area… hell, they were in a new country; and on their second day in, the full moon was going to be looming over them and causing the animalistic instincts they now had to heighten. She was already on red alert with all the new scents to take in, all the new sights to see, the new areas to go exploring; the last thing she wanted was to lose control like some untrained pup.

Lifting her head up as the sound of a voice hit her ears, Kaylee’s gaze met with that of the guy she had met the day prior- it was him… It was the same guy she had physically run into in the grocery store when she’d been shopping with her mum; the guy who now seemed to make up the majority of her thoughts… and no matter what it was she did, she just couldn’t seem to forget about him…

“Uh…” Furrowing her brows slightly as though trying to figure out his question, her soft pink lips parted ever so slightly from one another, the young woman taking another couple of moments to herself before she finally seemed to snap out of her daze, her head shaking lightly from side to side causing her hair to brush back and forth across her back as she forced herself back to the present, focusing on his words rather than on the guy himself- damn, why did he have to be so cute..? It was such a distraction…

“Uhm, yeah actually… I’m tryin’ to find the bed and breakfast..? Meant to be meeting a bunch of friends there; headin’ off on a camping trip for the weekend… You wouldn’t happen to know where it is, do you..?”

Connor watched the girl, as she seemed to look exactly like he felt- flustered. Overwhelmed. But god, she was just so… so what? Beautiful just didn't seem to cover it. For a moment, Connor was glad he'd come across her- even in small towns there were people at there who might hurt a lone woman. Suddenly, the thought of someone hurting this girl infuriated him. He managed to calm himself, although it was difficult. What was wrong with him? It was almost like he was under some sort of… spell. And wasn't that ludicrous?

He watched her, unable to help the slight smile curving over his mouth. The way she seemed to shake herself out of the daze, was adorable. He simply couldn't help it.

Ah. So the teenagers were going camping- he wondered for a moment if they'd be near his own campsite. Wouldn't it be nice to have another chance to interact with the girl? "Uh, yeah. It's not too far, if you'd like a lift." He said, managing to get out the words, hoping that she'd take him up on the offer, if only so he could… what? Spend time with her? When he didn't even know her name?

That smile… oh God, he was gorgeous… Wait; did she really just..? Biting down softly upon her lower lip, she chewed on it a few moments, seeming to take a while to think over his offer of giving her a lift to where she needed to go. She didn’t even know the guy- hell, she didn’t even know his name, and yet here she stood right next to his ute, considering taking him up on his offer.

If that didn’t scream ‘idiot’, who knew what did.

“..actually; that would be great. Thank you…” Slipping her phone down into the back pocket of her denim shorts, she once more reached for the strap on her duffel, though instead of fixing it this time, she slid it off her shoulder, pulling it onto her lap once she had hopped up and into the ute, making herself comfortable in the passenger seat before she reached over, pulling the seatbelt on over her body, “You’re a real life-saver; seriously. I had… no idea where I was going…”

Connor watched, pleased as she got in, and after making sure she was in, and had the seat belt on, Connor turned the ute around smoothly, going back the way he had come, having achieved his goal, he didn’t really have anywhere else to go. “Well, sometimes towns can be confusing, but I passed the bed and breakfast just before, so I guess you’re lucky. I only arrived here yesterday myself”

He grimaced inwardly, like that didn’t scream serial killer. Normally he could think things through even as he spoke, but something about the girl tripped him up, leaving him scrambling, trying to figure out… what he didn’t know.

Probably better to shut up before he said something else stupid. And yet… he didn’t want to. He kept his eyes on the road, making sure he hadn’t got himself turned around, and end up lost. that would be real good, getting lost while helping her not be lost he thought to himself,

“Um… so I’m guessing if you don’t know where it is, that you’re new too?”

“Yeah; we actually just moved in yesterday as well. This is only our second day in town.” Lifting her hand up, Kaylee used it to neatly tuck the stray strands of her long dark locks back behind her ear, her gaze focussing on what was passing them by outside the window, rather than on the guy who was sitting beside her driving the car.

He was being so nice to her… so sweet- bloody hell, why did he have to be damn attractive..?!

Risking a glance over in his direction, she felt her cheeks grow warm, a gentle pink tinge crossing over them as she found herself unable to look away- how could one guy be so… captivating..? He wasn’t by far the first guy to ever catch her eye, but there was just something about him that made her want to say that she wanted him to be the last, “..we, uh… we just moved here from Australia…”

As the scent of Eucalyptus and a smokey smell filled the utes cabin, Connor found himself more and more complied to the girl. Such a… an alluring scent… he didn't even stop to consider why he could pick out such smells. He listened as she spoke, letting her voice wash over him, as if he wanted to absorb everything about her.

"Ah, so that's why I smell eucalyptus..." He muttered to himself, unaware that he was even speaking out loud, or really, even why he had had such a thought. What did the fact she came from Australia have to do with that? He shook his head and glanced over to her, taking his eyes off the road, he meant for it to only be a second.

But he ended up staring at her for what seemed like forever, but was a few seconds long. Long enough for his grip on the wheel to slacken somewhat, turning the wheel just slightly, but enough, so that when he looked back to the road, they were heading towards the wrong side of the road, a horn sounding only just now breaking through the fog in his brain, seeming to break the moment of… something.

Connor swerved the wheel back hard, towards the right way, and narrowly avoided crashing into the car, getting back onto the right side of the road, he was sure he was blushing. "Oh, god, I'm sorry, I just… lost myself-" He very nearly said lost myself in you but stopped himself.

The blare of the car horn, and the sudden swerve of the ute pulling back into the right lane had her whole body tensing, her dark eyes widening and her chest heaving up and down with each breath as the adrenaline filled her body, quickening her heart beat and causing her body to tingle lightly with an all too familiar sensation.

She couldn’t… not here… not in front of him…

Forcing herself to keep her gaze faced forward, she closed her eyes, taking a few moments to try and calm her herself… her heart from racing the way that it was. She couldn’t change, not in front of him; that would ruin everything..! Feeling her breath returning back to normal, Kaylee once more opened her eyes, her soft pink lips parting slightly though she did all she could to keep her gaze from wandering back to him, “..it’s fine… I-... A-Are you alright..?”

Connor focused on the road, not wanting to risk doing that again, he had to resist the urge to look over, and check that she was alright, as he nodded. “I’m alright” Although for a moment there, he had been sure he was… something not okay, yet that seemed to have passed as he focused on driving.

“I didn’t think I’d ever be so grateful for fast reflexes”

He knew that the journey would soon be at an end, and he wanted to desperately make the time stretch longer, and he debated about going around the block, but didn’t want to be caught out in it. With a soft sigh, he turned towards the bed and breakfast.

“..heh; you and me both…”

Unable to help the nervous laugh that followed her statement, Kaylee kept her eyes ahead of the both of them, though for the life of her, she couldn’t seem to focus on any one thing- the trees, the roads, the houses, the people… they were all so new… but none of them were as enticing to her as the guy sitting behind the wheel.

She was trying so hard… trying so hard not to look over at him again; but the thought of being able to gaze into those stunningly gorgeous eyes of his was making it almost impossible to not break her resolve- and that scent..! How could one person be so… appealing..? She just couldn’t seem to get him out of her mind, and the fact that she was now stuck, sitting beside him in the cab of his ute was only helping to cement the idea that she wanted nothing more than to be with him… to be beside him, to talk to him; to just… be with him…

There was no way that she-... was there..?

Connor could see the bed and breakfast up in front of them, could make out the teens gathering there, and felt disappointment that the journey was at an end, that the girl would have to get out, to go to her friends. He wanted to… wanted to just spend all the time he could with her. But he couldn't say that without looking like a freak. Still, he very nearly did speak, to ask her… what?

This wasn't his area of expertise...

As he brought the ute to a stop, Connor looked over to her, desperately wanting some… sign; some idea that she had any sort of feeling for him. Which was crazy. They'd only known one another what, an hour or so?

"It looks like a large number of you are going camping" he said instead of what he wanted to say, but it would give him even just a few more seconds with her.

That was the group that was going camping..? He was right, the group was big- one, two, three… five, six… eight… After what was the second mental count of the people she could see in front of her eyes, plus adding herself into the mix, the count kept coming back to around the ten mark.

Well; if this wasn’t a way for people to get to know the new girl…

“..yeah, it is… just think, I only actually know one of them; and even then, I kinda maybe only met her yesterday after we ran into each other…” If she said she wasn’t nervous, that woulda been a complete and utter lie. Doing her best to force the nervous thoughts from her mind, she turned her head back around, her gaze once more lifting to meet with his own, forgetting for that briefest of moments what had happened the last time they had been looking at one another- that morning’s near encounter with death all but gone from her mind as it was once more consumed with thoughts of him… making it impossible for her to look anywhere else.

“I, uh… I don’t actually know any of these people… I’m-... I’m going so I can try and make some new friends…”

Connor found his mind blank, as their gazes met. What was this? It seemed to be the tip of the iceberg of strange things the last two months, and… Connor couldn’t help but think it was the best thing that had happened to him. If only he could understand why…

He realised he was leaning forward slightly, and he moved back in his seat, wondering what he had been about to do. Kiss her? He was sure his heart was beating a mile a minute, as he tried to bring his mind back to… well, functioning.

“Well, uh, that seems like a good idea. I have a camp up there myself, if-...” He had absolutely no idea where he was going with that, the words tumbling out his mouth as his mind scrambled to keep up, “If it doesn’t work out with them”

Was the cab getting smaller.. or was she just getting closer to him..?

Noticing as he shifted in his seat, Kaylee pulled herself back to the present, her body once more sitting up in the passenger side causing her to come to the realization that she had been leaning into him- what was wrong with her..? Had she really been on the verge of kissing him..?

“..uhm… yeah, uh…” Shaking her head a little as though to try and shake the idea of kissing him from her thoughts, she let her gaze linger on his for just that little longer- God, those eyes… those beautiful eyes… did she really have the strength to just open the door and leave him, “..yeah; I’ll, uh… I’ll be sure to keep that in mind…”

Connor swallowed, sure for one brief moment that she'd been about to kiss him too. But that was probably him just wishing it, wasn't it? He watched her, unable to look away.

They were probably waiting for her. He really shouldn't keep her. But he didn't want her to go. Which was probably pretty creepy, if he thought about it.

What was it about her? What drew him to her, wanting to protect her, to give her everything he could? Why did it suddenly feel he was there, just for her?

"I, uh, guess they're probably waiting for you?"

Reluctantly (and with difficulty) tearing her attention away from him, Kaylee let her gaze flick out the window, her dark eyes moving from figure to figure for a few moments before eventually, she nodded her head slowly up and down- she had to go… Cassandra had invited her, and she had already agreed to go with them; the worst thing she could do is just not show up.

What kind of impression would that leave..?

“..yeah… yeah, I guess they are…” Giving her attention back over to him, she paused, her eyes lingering upon his as she hesitated a few moments, seeming to think something over for like the longest of times before eventually, she made up her mind, her body leaning in towards him and her head tilting as she closed the gap between them, her lips soft as they pressed lightly against his cheek, allowing them to linger a spell before she pulled back, her hand moving to push open the door of the ute so that she could leave, “..thank you… for everything. Maybe I’ll see you round..?”

Connor thought he would have been okay. Would have been able to say a good goodbye, and maybe… just maybe make a plan to see her again, but then she kissed his cheek. It made his mind go blank, even as it sped up his already fast beating heart, and he was more than sure that his face might just stay the tomato red it more than likely was.

“Uh, oh… um. Y-yeah. Definitely. I'll be around. I, uh…” he felt like his was tongue tied, like his tongue was suddenly three sizes too big for his mouth, and that his brain had suddenly deserted him, perhaps going on a vacation where it was daydreaming about her.

“Uh. Have fun”

He wondered if it was the most painful thing, seeing her reach for the door, to go but he nodded, managing a smile that he hoped wasn't goofy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


interacting with: Aron @BlackPanther

Cody was more then relieved to see that Aron was, even slightly, better. And even better was Aron pulling him back in, kissing him. Cody returned the kiss, holding Aron tight against him, glad for a few moments alone together. He just about refused to let Aron go, kissing him deeply, enjoying the warm, fuzzy feeling sweeping over him, from his heart outwards. He broke the kiss after a moment, simply to meet Aron's gaze. Cody was well aware that High school sweethearts often didn't make it in the long run, but he couldn't imagine feeling like he did for anyone else.

He knew people would say that they were young, that they didn't know what they wanted...But Cody had always known what he wanted. And right now, what he wanted was Aron. And had, for a long time. So the prospect of having Aron in his house...of essentially living with his boyfriend...well, that was certainly a happy-no, thrilling, prospect. He kissed Aron again, soft and loving, seeking to soothe, and show how much he cared.

He really did never want to let Aron go.

He pulled away again, and smiled, still wishing he could take the injuries away. "Aron" Cody said his name, softly, and as if it was everything to Cody, and really, it was. He rested his forehead against Aron's, more happy then he had ever been. He would be able to protect Aron, his parents would gladly take him and Gage in, and if there were difficulties, they could help figure it out. And wouldn't that be amazing?

"I love you" He didn't want it to be another three years before he said those words, he wanted Aron to know that, for Aron to know that he was in this, for...the whole package. That he wouldn't leave, and that he'd always be there. And right in that moment, the words just had to come out. Cody's voice broke, just slightly, with the emotion of it all, and he blushed lightly. He knew it was the typically teenager "infatuation", the hey, we just met, but my facebook status now says "I love you, blah blah!". No, this was more then that. This was...this was all that Cody ever wanted.

He didn't care how corny those thoughts were. They were the turth. Yet even as he said those words, he felt like he was holding his breath, that his heart might just explode in his chest, and his stomach was in knots. Like the butterflies there had gotten all tangled up, but he didn't look away.


Interacting with: Kaylee, @Vicier

Cassandra looked over as Miranda joined the group, giving her best friend a smile, she left Aron, Cody, Gage and Syleste to themselves, not wanting to overwhelm the group. She'd caught Miri's look the day before, and she smiled to herself. She did learn from the best, after all. But she still kept the innocent facade, even though she was sure Syleste at least had known she was nudging them together. She watched as Cody took off on his bike with Aron, a little worried and hoping that Cody would be able to cheer Aron up. She watched them until the bike was out of sight, taking the bag Cody had passed her and loading it, along with her gear, into the RV, carefully stowing her guitar, before jumping back out, glancing around.

She gave a bright smile, spying Kaylee, pleased the girl had managed to find her way, as she climbed out, with what seemed like a little difficulty from a ute, a cute looking guy behind the wheel, she waited for Kaylee to leave the ute completely, before going over and giving her new friend a smile. "Hey, I'm glad you could make it. There's a few of us here" She said, looking back with a smile at her friends, "A couple just went off ahead, but I can introduce you to everyone if you'd like, I think we're all pretty much here" She glanced back behind Kayle, where the Ute was only just starting up, she watched it go, before looking back to Kaylee.

"Uh, that cute couple over there is Gage and Syleste, we won't interupt them, they both get shy when caught out in their cuteness. That's Riley, Miranda, Valencia...Uh, that's one of our teachers, wonder why she is here..." Cassandra frowned slightly, seeing the brief, almost secretive interaction between Patrica and Riley, she blinked, shaking her head, thinking she must have just imagined it, she looked back to Kaylee, "So, I was thinking of just going up in the RV, but it might be a bit crowded in there. So I might take my car up, if you'd like to come with me. Probably take Syleste, and Gage will come with her too"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Kaylee Jade Evans

Location: Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Cassandra Spencer (@Caits).


She’d been staring again… why couldn’t she stop herself from staring at him..? She didn’t even know his name, and yet, for some reason she was completely captivated by him. It was as though she was under some kind of spell; but that couldn’t be right, witches didn’t exist… they were nothing but characters in fairy-tales, figments of the imagination.

But then again… she was also meant to be a creature of fables too…

Tearing her gaze away from the ute as it pulled away from the bed and breakfast, Kaylee let her attention turn over to where she could hear a familiar voice, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as her gaze fell on Cassie, the young woman seeming to look her over for a few moments before finally snapping herself back to the present, “..o-oh, sorry Cas… I got, uh; I kinda got a little distracted…”

Shooting a quick glance back over her shoulder, and in the direction she had watched the ute drive off in not moments earlier, she couldn’t help the way her heart seemed to sink in the confines of her chest. Maybe she shouldn’t have left him… maybe she should have just stayed in the ute; did she really want to go camping with a bunch of people she didn’t know..? Was there any point to it..? Honestly, from what Cassandra had been telling her about them the day before, they were all her future classmates; they were bound to meet eventually…

“A couple just went off ahead, but I can introduce you to everyone if you’d like, I think we’re all pretty much here.”

Oh well… it was too late now; and it would do nothing but cause her trouble if she suddenly turned into a dingo, and went running off down the road after the ute… Turning her attention once more back over to her newly made friend, Kaylee forced a smile onto her lips, her head nodding lightly up and down in response as she slowly felt herself coming back to reality rather than the fantasy her heart and brain so desperately wanted her to be in, “..that sounds great actually; it’d be nice to get to know some people before starting school next week.”

“Uh, that cute couple over there is Gage and Syleste; we won’t interrupt them, they both get shy when caught out in their cuteness. That’s Riley, Miranda, Valencia… uh, that’s one of our teachers; wonder why she is here…”

“..teacher..?” Frowning slightly, she turned her head in the direction that Cassandra was now pointing out to her. What the hell was a teacher doing on this trip..? From what she knew of this camping weekend; it was for teenagers, not every man and his dog… if that was the case, she was more than sure that both her parents would have jumped at the chance to tag along with them, “..seriously..? I didn’t think schools went out of their way to do field trips on the weekends they don’t get paid for… What’s a teacher doing here; you think the last thing she wants to do is spend her days off with kids she teaches.”

“So, I was thinking of just going up in the RV, but it might be a bit crowded in there. So I might take my car up, if you’d like to come with me. Probably take Syleste, and Gage will come with her too.”

The way things looked now..? Cassandra was right. It was going to be completely packed in the RV if they decided to go that way, and if the teacher really was going along on this trip with them, then there was no way she was going to cram herself into that small space with her for the obvious awkward silence that followed the whole ‘being forced to see and spend time with your teacher outside of school’ thing. Honestly, learning about the existence of the supernatural world had been strange… but this..? This was just a whole ‘nother level of strange…

“Nah mate; I completely agree… your car it is, as long as I can call shotgun.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther).

“..hey, hey, no…”

The tender warmth of his lips pressing against her forehead caused her to pause, a gentle sniffle once more filling the air as she lifted her head, letting her beautiful though cloudy and ever unseeing eyes lift up to look in the direction she could hear his soft voice coming from… where she could feel his sweet breath fanning down over her skin…

Truly, she was so lucky to have him in her life…

“You were doing a great job. You got every scratch.”

Unable to help the way her lower lip began to quiver slightly, Syleste shook her head lightly from side to side in answer, causing her long bubblegum pink locks to brush back and forth over her shoulders, the tears in her eyes shining slightly under the light of the sun falling down over the both of them- if she was doing a great job, then why had Miranda told her that she missed some of it..? S-She just couldn’t understand… maybe she wasn’t cut out to help in the ways that she wanted to, “..but-… but Miri said-…”

“I promise you did right.”

His words cut her off, though she didn’t really care. The feeling of his arms wrapping around her body once more, drawing her closely into his own was all that was on her mind; the only thing she could think of anymore. Gage was only looking out for her; only doing what it was he thought a boyfriend should do… He-… He really did love her…

“Sounds like the others are packing up. Want to meet up with Cassandra, or the RV..? Whatever you want to do.”

Whatever she wanted to do..? Her soft pink lips parted from one another, her hands coming up to both rest gently against his chest; he was being so sweet… so gentle… Oh Mylanta, she really loved him… and so much more than she could ever say. It didn’t matter; no matter what happened between them, no matter how much life wanted to throw their way… she was never going to leave him. He was her other half; the one person she was sure she would never be able to live without, not now that she had him…

“..can we go with Cassie..? Please, Gage..?”
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