Uchiha Kaido
The Uchiha Grounds - Side Hall.
In the open area of the hall, Kaido was working out, like he did every morning. Push-ups and pull-ups, shadow boxing and all kinds of stretching. None of his peers were awake, or avaiable to spar at this time of the morning - nor did most care to spar with Kaido, he always ended up taking things too seriously, unable to properly distinguish from sparring and real combat. Taharu learned that the hard way when Kaido cut his face open last year in a sparring session. He was intrigued with his new assignment today - he would lead a team. That in of itself wasn't new to him, he had been in charge of many missions in the past, but never had he been put in the mentor position like this. It would certainly be interesting for him to try his hand at teaching.
The Third Hokage had summoned him, admitting to her being the one sitting in that office hurt a little, sure, she was older and more experienced than him, and that was in the end what she won on, but he was a man who's entire life had been about unity – he had put off war between two mighty clans in the village, possibly preventing a civil war. He was a hero, and he'd be damned if people didn't respect that.
His thoughts circled around the day ahead as he finished his workout, wiping sweat off of himself, he got dressed in his black shirt and his green flack jacket with it's high collar, fixing his necklace to hang on the outside of the vest.
He quickly made his way to the Kage's office, no time for breakfast today, he worked best on an empty stomach, helped him focus. Comfort was for the weak, and all that.
Kaido reached the office, and was called with the other two, lead in by one of the Kage's aides. He looked at Kishimoto, a slight frown on his face. It upset him that someone who once was the strongest man in the village – perhaps the world – was now nothing more than walking propaganda why landmines are bad. Yet, he still deserved respect, for his worthy sacrifice during the war. Kaido bowed deeply in front of Kishimoto, looking down at the floor. ”Good morning, Kishimoto-Sama.” He adressed him, earning a soft smile of approval, before turning to the other Jonin, Osuushi Senhime, a foreigner. He didn't trust her, not one bit.
He acknowledged her with a nod.
He turned to the third and gave her a smaller bow than he had to Kishi. ”Third.” He simply said, waiting for his file. Was was given 'Team Trouble' They called them. A couple of troublemakers, incapable of taking shinobi life serious – kids,
not soldiers. And he was put in charge of changing that. And one of his students was a rather exemplary Hidden Leaf soldier, the will of fire was strong in her, a little inspiring, in fact. He would have to whip all three of them into shape, however, and he knew just how. A grin creeped up on his face as he did, excusing himself and bidding the other three in the room farewell, adressing all three of them with the proper honorifics.
He left as quickly as he had entered, to devise his plan. He read up properly on all of his students – every report that he could get his hands on, to get a extensive basis of knowledge on them. He liked doing his homework.
The same sly grin creeped up on his face, as he made handseals while standing on top of the roof of one of the buildings, and his body was shrouded in a thin veil of water, and soon, 3 identical copies of him stood before him. All three of them transformed into masked warriors, wearing balaclavas and proper war gear, ninjatos and kunai in their hand, as they emerged to attempt their assaination of Kaido's students, using their Silent Killing techniques to avoid detection from others, while they hunted down their marks.

Sarutobi Ira
Ira had woken up bright and early, like he did everyday. His morning routine was rigorous training, exercise and a nice hot shower and a warm meal prepare for him by the servants at the Sarutobi household. He was wearing his usual grey coat, black tank-top and grey pants with black boots, his forehead protector strapped to his arm. He had been told that he would be meeting his sensei today, thanks to his family in the Sarutobi Clan.
His father sat down on the other end of the table, next to him. Wearing a grey coat, similar to Ira's, but longer with thunder patterns at the bottom. "Morning, Father." Ira told his father, whom grinned. "Morning, my son. Excited for today?" He asked and Ira nodded his hand. "Yeah, I am. I wonder who's gonna be my leader. I hope it's something strong, that I can learn a lot from." He mentioned, peering at his father.
"You know I've given up training students a long time ago." Hashi told him with a rough laugh, Ira smirked. "But I know your sensei's someone even better than me."
"Surely, you jest, father." Ira retored in disbelief.
"No, you should head out, probably to the town square, and wait for them to find you. If they don't, go check at the Kage's office, i've been told they'll be waiting for you there."
Ira blinked twice, trying to grasp what he was hearing.
There was a chance. The normally well composed boy scrambled from the table, almost tripping over his chair as he bolted for the Kage's office, leaving his father behind in the house laughing roughly.
Ira darted as quickly as he could through the town, arriving in sight of the Kage's office only a few minutes later, only to hear comotion at the local ramen place, something about a woman had dragged two ninja off. He got closer, only to find the Lady Hokage herself there. He walked up to a bystander, still a few meters away from the hokage - whom was out and about, an unusual sight, honestly.
"Pst. What's going on."
"She told some chunnin to go fetch her a young genin. Uh, Ida, I think his name was."
"Out of my face." Ira retored, his composure back, as he gently pushed the man, walking towards the Hokage. "I heard you summoned me, Lady Hokage. Has something tragic happened to my sensei?" He asked, kneeling in front o the woman, whom for all intents and purposes, was the most imporant person in this entire village - even more so than himself and his father.