【Kenpachi Sannouske - The Unrelenting Flame】

【Never Say Run/|\Heavy Day/|\Rules of Nature】
~"A quote from the character."~
【Personal Info】
【Name: Kenpachi Sannouske
【Nicknames: Kenny-Kun, Sano, My Lieu will die if he calls me Noose-Kun
【Alias: The Unrelenting Flame
【Age: 687
【Age Appearance: 24
【Gender: Male
【Race: Shinigami
【Former Rank: Captain
【Former Division: 11th
【Additional Appearance Info: Sano is a tall, muscular young man at the height 6'4 whose most prominent feature is his hair color and thick eyebrows, which many people comment on; though his hair has lost its red coloration as he grew older and is now a dark brown. Sano's shinigami clothing has changed greatly since he grew older. Instead of the red armor he once wore, he now sports more casual clothing. His upper body is covered by a sleeveless black combat vest with a sleeveless red jacket with a high collar. The garb is held tight to his frame via three belts, with one wrapped around each of his shoulders and armpit, with the other bridging his chest to connect to the other two belts. His trousers are loose-fitting white jeans with a leather belt to hold them in place. On his knees, his jeans have a protective padding colored black, with belts to hold it in place. Dangling from his right side is a red tasset, held in place by another belt with the wording "FREE" written to the left-hand side. His shoes cover his entire ankle and are colored red.
【Biography: To summarize Kenpachi's life, he was always a gifted monster born for destruction. A still born in the real world, Sano, as he was mostly called, was raised in the world outside of the Soul Society. The barbarians and brutes raised him to be one thing, a weapon. That's the only thing that Sano ever knew in his life and a forced hatred for the Soul Society. He never knew why they hated the shinigami but he followed willingly. No one knows of the attack by the brutes, a well coordinated attack, instead the only thing that is known is of the battle of Kenpachi. Sano was pushed to his limit but he prevailed with his insane level of talent in Hakuda, killing the former Kenpachi. With all those events it was a wonder that Sano was allowed to survive and brought into the Soul Society.
Sano was dubbed the next Kenpachi and even thrown into the academy. He was not a man that understood their teaching methods but it did help in how he grew. Before most knew it, Sano had grown to a level befitting a captain; only taking a few hundred years give or take. Taking his rightful place as the Captain of Swuad 11 and the new Kenpachi, Sano crafted a legacy for himself for those to follow. A legacy that included a legendary fight against an Arrancar that he won. The exile has never truly sullied his name and many know how he was ganged up on to force out of the Soul Society. Sano has lived his life in the Human World but he still hunts for those that wronged him, ready to return to his rightful place.
【Personality: Sannouske is loud, aggressive, and calculating. He trusts no one until he's served with them in combat, and even then he has lingering doubts about most everyone he's acquainted with. This mistrust is so bad it took many years for the fourth's captain to convince him to let combat medics touch him. He is a ruthless warrior, and lives by a 'kill first, ask questions later' mindset- better to mistakenly kill someone than mistakenly let a threat go. Sano believes that anyone who chooses to pick up a weapon and fight automatically assumes the consequences of war and conflict, and should accept that death is a likely outcome, no matter the age or previous occupation. He also holds respect for those that battle for their beliefs, and will honor his fallen enemies as well as allies. And, for all his trust issues, Sano is incredibly loyal- he will never betray his allies. And to allies that do betray him or his subordinates, he has no mercy.
Because of his aggressive, and fight-happy nature, people often assume he isn't intelligent. This is a huge mistake. Snao is cold, calculating, and has a slight detachment from human bonds that would otherwise color his decisions. He is highly perceptive, and can recognize tics and body nuance that give people away. Though his curt manner of speech makes people believe he has a short temper, he always approaches things logically, and will quickly shut down a conversation partner he feels is wasting his time. Not out of anger, but efficiency. His battlefield tactics are solid, and he is an artist when it comes to administering death. Though he doesn't have the creativity for large scale strategy, he has proved during war time that he has one of the best minds for single combat.
Sano's greatest joy lies in hunting, be it an enemy or for sport. He considers each mission another hunt, another chance to feel the adrenaline of taking on a threat and overcoming it. He thrives on conflict, on besting his opponents and his allies alike, and tries to instill that sense of excitement in his subordinates. Though Sano sees no value in personal relationships, he prizes relationships forged in battle. There are a few people he considers family, battle brothers and sisters whom he grants his respect and trust- though not all of it. As a leader, his abilities alone inspire people to follow him, but his leadership style doesn't suit many people. He leads by example, and would never ask a subordinate to do something he wouldn't. He respects his warriors, but expects them to hold his mindset- that battle, and the mission, are the most important things in life. He knows how to keep morale high, even with his grueling training sessions.
【Nicknames: Kenny-Kun, Sano, My Lieu will die if he calls me Noose-Kun
【Alias: The Unrelenting Flame
【Age: 687
【Age Appearance: 24
【Gender: Male
【Race: Shinigami
【Former Rank: Captain
【Former Division: 11th
【Additional Appearance Info: Sano is a tall, muscular young man at the height 6'4 whose most prominent feature is his hair color and thick eyebrows, which many people comment on; though his hair has lost its red coloration as he grew older and is now a dark brown. Sano's shinigami clothing has changed greatly since he grew older. Instead of the red armor he once wore, he now sports more casual clothing. His upper body is covered by a sleeveless black combat vest with a sleeveless red jacket with a high collar. The garb is held tight to his frame via three belts, with one wrapped around each of his shoulders and armpit, with the other bridging his chest to connect to the other two belts. His trousers are loose-fitting white jeans with a leather belt to hold them in place. On his knees, his jeans have a protective padding colored black, with belts to hold it in place. Dangling from his right side is a red tasset, held in place by another belt with the wording "FREE" written to the left-hand side. His shoes cover his entire ankle and are colored red.
【Biography: To summarize Kenpachi's life, he was always a gifted monster born for destruction. A still born in the real world, Sano, as he was mostly called, was raised in the world outside of the Soul Society. The barbarians and brutes raised him to be one thing, a weapon. That's the only thing that Sano ever knew in his life and a forced hatred for the Soul Society. He never knew why they hated the shinigami but he followed willingly. No one knows of the attack by the brutes, a well coordinated attack, instead the only thing that is known is of the battle of Kenpachi. Sano was pushed to his limit but he prevailed with his insane level of talent in Hakuda, killing the former Kenpachi. With all those events it was a wonder that Sano was allowed to survive and brought into the Soul Society.
Sano was dubbed the next Kenpachi and even thrown into the academy. He was not a man that understood their teaching methods but it did help in how he grew. Before most knew it, Sano had grown to a level befitting a captain; only taking a few hundred years give or take. Taking his rightful place as the Captain of Swuad 11 and the new Kenpachi, Sano crafted a legacy for himself for those to follow. A legacy that included a legendary fight against an Arrancar that he won. The exile has never truly sullied his name and many know how he was ganged up on to force out of the Soul Society. Sano has lived his life in the Human World but he still hunts for those that wronged him, ready to return to his rightful place.
【Personality: Sannouske is loud, aggressive, and calculating. He trusts no one until he's served with them in combat, and even then he has lingering doubts about most everyone he's acquainted with. This mistrust is so bad it took many years for the fourth's captain to convince him to let combat medics touch him. He is a ruthless warrior, and lives by a 'kill first, ask questions later' mindset- better to mistakenly kill someone than mistakenly let a threat go. Sano believes that anyone who chooses to pick up a weapon and fight automatically assumes the consequences of war and conflict, and should accept that death is a likely outcome, no matter the age or previous occupation. He also holds respect for those that battle for their beliefs, and will honor his fallen enemies as well as allies. And, for all his trust issues, Sano is incredibly loyal- he will never betray his allies. And to allies that do betray him or his subordinates, he has no mercy.
Because of his aggressive, and fight-happy nature, people often assume he isn't intelligent. This is a huge mistake. Snao is cold, calculating, and has a slight detachment from human bonds that would otherwise color his decisions. He is highly perceptive, and can recognize tics and body nuance that give people away. Though his curt manner of speech makes people believe he has a short temper, he always approaches things logically, and will quickly shut down a conversation partner he feels is wasting his time. Not out of anger, but efficiency. His battlefield tactics are solid, and he is an artist when it comes to administering death. Though he doesn't have the creativity for large scale strategy, he has proved during war time that he has one of the best minds for single combat.
Sano's greatest joy lies in hunting, be it an enemy or for sport. He considers each mission another hunt, another chance to feel the adrenaline of taking on a threat and overcoming it. He thrives on conflict, on besting his opponents and his allies alike, and tries to instill that sense of excitement in his subordinates. Though Sano sees no value in personal relationships, he prizes relationships forged in battle. There are a few people he considers family, battle brothers and sisters whom he grants his respect and trust- though not all of it. As a leader, his abilities alone inspire people to follow him, but his leadership style doesn't suit many people. He leads by example, and would never ask a subordinate to do something he wouldn't. He respects his warriors, but expects them to hold his mindset- that battle, and the mission, are the most important things in life. He knows how to keep morale high, even with his grueling training sessions.
【Notable Traits】
✘People who can't stand for their beliefs
✘Being called Noose-Kun
✘People who can't stand for their beliefs
✘Being called Noose-Kun
【Defining Traits】
▲ Sano doesn't give up on people easily
▲ Determined
▲ Combat Genius
▲ Enjoys cooking
☯ Doesn't talk too much
☯ Enjoys a good fight
☯ Non-persuasive
☯ Loud when he does talk
▼ Stubborn
▼ Cocky
▼ Too Aggressive
▼ Brash
▲ Sano doesn't give up on people easily
▲ Determined
▲ Combat Genius
▲ Enjoys cooking
☯ Doesn't talk too much
☯ Enjoys a good fight
☯ Non-persuasive
☯ Loud when he does talk
▼ Stubborn
▼ Cocky
▼ Too Aggressive
▼ Brash
Kurogama Jinzo Family/Lieutenant
Masumata Hiroshimoto Battle Brother/Rival
Kenpachi Hina Former Wife
Summary of Relationship: Jinzo pisses Sano off with his laziness but he considers Jinzo as family an willing to die to protect him.
Masumata Hiroshimoto Battle Brother/Rival
Summary of Relationship: Hiro has been a long time Battle Brother of Sano. Hiro is one of the few people that could incite Sano's rage but at the saame time still be on his good side. Sano would lay down his life for Hiro and he knows Hiro would do the same. That is the life of Battle Brothers.
Kenpachi Hina Former Wife
Summary of Relationship: Sano has not seen his wife since the exile and he would kill her if he did. She is one of the few people that helped rid SS of the 11th division threat.
【General Aptitude】
Fighting Style:
Reiatsu(5): Sano possesses truly immense levels of spiritual power even by Captain-level standards, which is so rough, heavy and unrelenting that many have remarked that his mere presence is enough to disconcert all but the strongest of beings whilst bringing a shiver of fear to others. His reiatsu manifests as raging flames even without him releasing his Zanpakutō. Sano possesses masterful control over his exerted reiatsu. He can cause fear in Captain-level opposition merely by approaching them, paralyze all movement of anyone short of Captain-level with a mere stare, and ultimately control the summoned flames with tremendous precision. As such Sano can set his surroundings aflame without much effort as well as potentially attack anyone with potent flames who are within the range of his reiatsu.
Alignment(1): Kenpachi absolutely hates his shortcomings and secretly self-doubts himself. Despite his personality, Sano has a pure hatred for his weaknesses and fails to truly understand his own limits.
Zanjutsu(2): Not much needs to be said in regards to Sano's ability with a blade. He understands it enough to be comparable to most Lieutenants and uses it to instead compliment his hakuda fighting style. He's an expert that shows promise but has yet to grab hold of that promise.
Offense(2): ^Explained above
Defense(2): ^ Explained above above
Resonance(3): Sano has fully mastered his unstable shikai and fails to grasp how to proceed in acquiring his bankai.
Hakuda(5):Hakuda is Kenpachi's greatest asset. He can unleash a flurry of bone-shattering punches a mile a minute, with kicks powerful enough to knock even Captains off their feet with relative ease, and it has been shown that he is able to defeat even Captains with brute strength alone. He is a quick thinker in battle; often coming up with creative counterattacks to his foes in the span of a few seconds.
Offense(5): ^ Explained above
Defense(5): ^Explained above above
Physical strength(5): Snao's brute strength is the stuff of legends, monstrously frightening in its capacity, it is incomprehensibly powerful. He has demonstrated godlike feats of brute physical power, ripping apart kido barriers with his bare hands, even so far as taking hold of hado fired upon him and crushing them between his hands. Yet it is the level of control and precision he has in his blows that make his tremendous strength truly terrifying. In battle he appears like a furious maelstrom of death, slamming his fist against the air with such force as to create powerful waves of concussive force capable of demolishing entire buildings with a single strike!
Kido Power(0): Kenpachi has never practiced Kido and never will practice Kido.
Perception(3): Kenpachi may not be perceptive in the area of sensory but his instincts are top-notch. Not matter the situation, he gets ridiculously accurate gut feelings that can't be explained how but does not fail him often. Well he doesn't see the future or anything of that nature, his gut has kept him from being caught off-guard many times. It has been attributed by the CC himself that this is probably a offset from his enhanced senses.
Hoho(3): Sannouske has no knack for using Shunpo. He understands the technique down to the basics but he cannot replicate it. Instead Sano is prone to using his powerful legs to get where he needs to go, taking the maximum amount of steps; though he is not without his own form of speed. He is able to make straight forward dashes using the full power of his legs and leap considerable distances. The ground always cracks when he preforms such dashes. Many believe the head captain of 11th division to be a rock but he can react to many opponents faster then himself.
Mobility(3): To add to his natural speed, Sano is incredibly flexible as one would need to be when they have mastered all forms of hand to hand plus he can do flips and complex maneuvers that is unfitting for a man his size.
Resilience(5): Sano has a special knack for taking damage regardless of the person who happens to be attacking him. He was one of a very select few capable of effectively blocking the savage blows employed by a former Arrancar, which stands as a testament to his bodies resistance to pain. When he first gained his powers he was constantly left open because of his inability to perform Shunpo, meaning he was required to take a thorough beating before he could exploit his enemies openings. He can seemingly take horrendous damage and still keep going, with many describing him as a monster in this regard.
Skill/technique name: (Legendary Physical Strength/Hakuda)High-Pressure Shockwaves:
Sano's strength is so immense, that a simple jab is capable of generating enough physical force to project gale-force winds. When he launches an attack it releases powerful highly pressurized shockwaves, appearing as waves of heat as they travel through the air. These attacks possess incredible destructive concussive force, capable of demolishing entire city blocks, and even then, the amount of heat they generate is enough to ignite anything in their path. This ability is merely a product of Sano's own brute strength, an ability he has since integrated into his hakuda-fighting styles, which can influence and change the nature of these high-pressure attacks.
Additional Description: N/A
Inner World & Spirit:
Zanpakuto Personality: Kosenka is highly mischievous, and tends to get bored rather easily. She also enjoys taunting her opponents, is rather flirtatious, and seems to possess a slight sadistic streak (or a more aggressive side to her flirtatious nature), based on her comments about "playing" with Sano when she first materialized in front of him. She also cares for the well-being of her master as she snapped at Sano for being reckless during the failed SS invasion.
Inner World & Spirit:
Zanpakuto Personality: Kosenka is highly mischievous, and tends to get bored rather easily. She also enjoys taunting her opponents, is rather flirtatious, and seems to possess a slight sadistic streak (or a more aggressive side to her flirtatious nature), based on her comments about "playing" with Sano when she first materialized in front of him. She also cares for the well-being of her master as she snapped at Sano for being reckless during the failed SS invasion.
Ability: Karo Gaitō (Furnace Cloak): The passive technique activated upon the Shikai's release. It is the blazing garments that continuously birth flames upon and around his own body, giving him the appearance of a fiery visage of death. This armor of flames not only adds protection against attacks from his enemies, but also increases damage from close proximity and measures the sheer volume of power he has at his disposal to employ against his foes.
Hinokuruma ("Fiery Chariot."): Using the flames upon his person, Sano can create momentum and force around his person by generating pressurized, exerting jetstreams of fire. Not only does this give him the aura of a comet, allowing him to move at incredible momentum and versatile speed, but it can allow Sano to hit multiple targets with fiery blindsiding strikes as well as one ultimate strike with an explosion at its tip.
Hitodama ("Supernatural Fire Ball."): A powerful exertion of his Zanpakutō's destructive power. By charging a large volume of compressed and controlled flames into a sphere within the palm of his hand, he can fire it like an artillery cannon. With speed comparably higher than his own Hinokuruma technique, the Hitodama careens towards its target with admirably guided prowess before exploding within a pyre of super-heated flames, scorching anything within its gale to ashes, with only the most durable of beings left with a major scorching to their bodies.
Hakyuuyokukaen ("Wing Spreading Blaze"): Its name is born from its formation, appearing as a phoenix's wings surrounding the wielder, though unlike the name implies they remain closed. The flames interact with the attack in the same manner as Sano, though instead of releasing heat, they disintegrate on contact. However the defense is not absolute, as the flames lack a solid form, sufficiently powerful attacks are capable of penetrating through its defenses. This power also is unique in that it can be used offensively as well, by creating a ring surrounding Sano and his opponent. The heat generated by the flames are potent enough to cause massive waves of disorienting heat, and quickly eat through the oxygen within the enclosed space; this can quickly lead to exhaustion, even unconsciousness. This power can also be used offensively, by generating a swirling aura of fire around Sano to constantly act as a both a potent ward, and means of damaging opponents who remain in close-range. This power requires no stance, and can be willed into existence either centered around Sano or remotely with rapid speed.
Hitodama ("Supernatural Fire Ball."): A powerful exertion of his Zanpakutō's destructive power. By charging a large volume of compressed and controlled flames into a sphere within the palm of his hand, he can fire it like an artillery cannon. With speed comparably higher than his own Hinokuruma technique, the Hitodama careens towards its target with admirably guided prowess before exploding within a pyre of super-heated flames, scorching anything within its gale to ashes, with only the most durable of beings left with a major scorching to their bodies.
Hakyuuyokukaen ("Wing Spreading Blaze"): Its name is born from its formation, appearing as a phoenix's wings surrounding the wielder, though unlike the name implies they remain closed. The flames interact with the attack in the same manner as Sano, though instead of releasing heat, they disintegrate on contact. However the defense is not absolute, as the flames lack a solid form, sufficiently powerful attacks are capable of penetrating through its defenses. This power also is unique in that it can be used offensively as well, by creating a ring surrounding Sano and his opponent. The heat generated by the flames are potent enough to cause massive waves of disorienting heat, and quickly eat through the oxygen within the enclosed space; this can quickly lead to exhaustion, even unconsciousness. This power can also be used offensively, by generating a swirling aura of fire around Sano to constantly act as a both a potent ward, and means of damaging opponents who remain in close-range. This power requires no stance, and can be willed into existence either centered around Sano or remotely with rapid speed.
~No Bankai Yet~