Corra's pouting because she was all like: 

<Snipped quote by SanaChan>
Suragoku made me jealous.
The new character will be a Corvi mage with a tragic backstory.
"Now, after your story I actually had to consider you as an unforunate byproduct of a disturbed upbringing and then, low and behold, after having to come for an innocent child, I find you feeding a mark that is not just within the realm of disturbed, but utter madness. Not to mention being more than willing to bring her, the aforementioned innocent child, to within the waste's of Alithe herself.
If a forest fire is not required then very well
Crow be like:
Maintaining the extra limbs, magical eyes and ears, poison and disease immunity,
Gonna try and make my elf character on Thursday, or Saturday. Got a driving lesson tomorrow and the test Friday.
sorry guys i have lots of stuff going on rn in my life ill try to post really soon aaaa im sorry for making you fuys wait