Basic Information
Full Name: Cyndia Eversong, affectionately called Cindy
Age: 1105
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 08/20
Race: Elf
Alignment: Neutral (aligned with Raziel on principle, I guess?)

Hair Color: Jet black, a rarity among elves, long and straight
Eye Color: Purple (they were once a simple dark color)
Face Shape: Oval
Skin Tone: Olive with a deathly pale complexion
Height: 177 cm / 5'9¾"
Weight: 120 lb / 54 kg
Body Type: Curvaceous, lithe
Natural Markings: None
Scar(s): A small crack-like scar on her forehead that sometimes fades out of sight and sometimes doesn't.
Tattoo(s): One depicting an intricate line (similar to those in this very CS) on the very base of her back

First and foremost, Cindy is one hell of a driven woman. No matter what the world throws at her, she always sticks to the bigger picture and everything she does will always be in the service of furthering her plans of salvation. Cyndia knows how to make the best of any situation, how to exploit anyone and anything, that they may be of use to her in the now or later. For her part, this mostly involves her mastery of charisma, manipulation and charm. Even without the aid of Nerzar's magics, she is dangerously alluring. Few men could resist the charms of Cyndia Eversong.
While on the outside she may walk and talk confident, inside she hides a lot of inner conflicts, doubts and even madness. The burden of a Herald is unthinkable and it strains the mind like nothing ever could. If left to her own solitude, her inner contemplations rage out of control and can even make her pass out due to how much stuff is going on in her head. This is why she'd like to surround herself with company. As distraction. And to spread the message.
3 Words: Resourceful, Determined, Temptress
Like(s): Balance, compassion, fine dining, when people listen to her, cold temperatures, torture (guilty pleasure)
Dislike(s): Excessive chaos, excessive order, when people ignore her, heat, confinement, holier-than-thou attitude Want(s): The endgame for Cyndia is world salvation. Nerzar speaks of a world with absolutely no violence, no conflict. Where people are freed from darkness and act for the betterment of all. A utopia of peace. As his Herald, she will make that happen and that end requires the complete purging of Alithe and her Revenants. So says Nerzar. So he commands.
Fear(s): The fear of failure is something plaguing her since even before her elevation as Herald. When everything is at stake, it breeds a new level of insecurity. Can she truly save everything? Can she uphold that kind of responsibility? The fate of the world hangs on by a thread. If Cyndia cannot exact Nerzar's will, it is forever doomed and life itself would be scoured off the face of Terra.
Also, she is claustrophobic.
Color(s): Shades of black and purple
Time of Day: The dark before sunrise
Food: Any manner of Elven cuisine
Animal: Octopus
Place in Terra: Volkungthad

Skills and Attributes
Special abilities: Cyndia is the most recent Herald of Nerzar, the Sacred Nightmare. This entails her to hidden powers never before seen in the face of Terra. She can manipulate shadows to her heart's content, creating tendrils and tentacles to harm her foes, move swiftly across short distances or create flawless copies of herself to deceive them. Much like her Lord, she is also able to manipulate the mind with whispers. By completely shrouding a person with whispers of doubt and madness, Cindy is able to subjugate them to her will. Or break theirs altogether. This can lead to illusory magic most potent, tricking the minds of the weak.
However, the whispers take effect only as much as the victim wants it too. The strongest minds are impervious to temptations and doubts, thus she must resort to weakening their resolve through other manners. Her affinity with the shadow makes her weak against light and fire magic. Her eyes are very sensitive to any form of strong light, forcing her to don hoods while in the sun.
Good at...: Deception, trickery, persuasion and womanly charm, wine-tasting, archery (to a certain extent)
Bad at...: Handling her inner demons, literally every other type of magic
Good Habit(s): Determined and driven, able to see the bigger picture and understand why this or that needs to happen instead of doing the mythical 'right thing'.
Bad Habit(s): Chronic backstabbing disorder; Cyndia makes little to no attempt at convincing people that trust in her is not wasted. Also a compulsive liar, but she's a trickster so.

The Past
Cyndia's memories of her past and beginnings weren't the most reliable. If she wanted to know what happened when, she'd ask her parents, but they're dead. What she knows for sure to have happened goes as follows.
Cyndia Eversong, daughter of elven rangers Tywin and Ellery Eversong, was born with black hair. Considered to be an ill omen where she came from, it brought her nothing but ill luck to the days of her childhood and beyond in a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. Not as quick on her feet as the other kids and bearing an abnormal shade of hair for an elf, she remembered being ridiculed and teased. Very often. She also recalled having bad dreams almost constantly the moment she reached adolescence. Cindy dreamed of a world covered in the flames of war. Forests burned, people slain indiscriminately, chaos reigning as the so-called enforcers of order turned to it themselves. Heavy dreams for a kid. These dreams irregularly and often times she'd stay up all night in fear of these horrible dreams. Cindy didn't know what they were supposed to be! Why was she being shown this?
Over the course of her maturity into a strong and proud defender of elven land, Cyndia's dreams never stopped, but there happened a widening of scope. As fire and brimstone beset the world, hope shone on the fallen horizon, but not a hero she'd expect. Darkness and shadow swept over the land and expelled chaos, reversing the damage done and ushering in a new age of prosperity. Later on, she would dream more of this shadow, learning more about its shape, form and power. Understandably curious, she ventured to vestiges of knowledge in humani land to learn more about this shadowy being. One particularly ancient grimoire identified it as Nerzar, Old Lord of Dreams. An entity thought to be evil by ancient civilizations, he was imprisoned in both an underground prison and a dimensional prison. But Nerzar was a being of purpose and it was hellbent on saving the world, for he saw in his dreams a world ruled by chaos. Chaos which he hoped to avert.
The more Cyndia read about this Nerzar, the more she was enthralled by his vision and mission. A dark creature who desired world salvation? Seemed contradictory to what she had been taught. And the more she knew about him, the more often the dreams came, until there came a point where the Old Lord himself made contact. Whispering to her in the dead of night, he beckoned her to his prison deep beneath the ancient caverns. It all made sense. The dreams, they were signs. He had chosen her and now she would answer the call.
Venturing down into Volkungthad, Cyndia found the entrance to the old cavern system leading to the prison of Nerzar. With an incantation learned to her by the dreams, she broke open the prison and...was transported into a long sleep. The Long Sleep, to be precise. The Sacred Dream personally took her to his realm, where he enlightened her on his vision, what she must do from this day forward and the true purpose of the world. The Lord of Dreams sought a world of peace, balance and free will, but the foolish progenitors Raziel and Alithe were stopping him from that path. Eventually, great wars would rise between their followers and the world would be shattered. But not if his Herald, being Cyndia, could save them from themselves. Nerzar would allow her to wake when the time was right and to that end, The Long Sleep lasted an entire millennium. When she woke up, she was a different woman in a different time. As predicted, the tensions between the Nephilim and Revenants started to grow out of proportions.
A Herald of Nerzar, Cyndia now strove to save the world.
The Present
After awakening from the Long Sleep, Cyndia now wanders the land, discreetly spreading the word of doom, that the people may know what the future holds if they don't act now. With her elven knowledge of the lay of Terra, she travels between place to place swiftly and under the shadow of the great trees. Very useful knowledge since she is always under the threat of hanging or burning at the stake for her 'mad words'.
Spinning her web of shadows like a spider, Cindy carries with her the same nightmares of doom that once plagued her as a child. Where she sleeps, everyone close to her sees the forsaken future. If they would not listen to the words of his Herald, Nerzar himself would speak to them.