Basic Information
Full Name: Rowan Redpath 'the Betrayer'
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 14/04
Race: Humani
Alignment: Neutral, formerly Nephilim, now branded a being of chaos

Hair Colour: An odd mix of brown and blond
Eye Colour: Green
Face Shape: Oblong
Skin Tone: Tanned
Height: 6'2" / 190 cm
Weight: 185 lb / 84 kg
Body Type: Toned, muscular
Natural Markings: Runes of Raziel on his chest, most have been forcibly removed
Scar(s): A straight gash on his left forehead, several scratch marks on the back of his shoulders
Tattoo(s): None

3 Words: Reckless, Jaded, Commanding
Like(s): Valorous combat (in his words, 'a good fight'), courtesy, simplicity, younger women
Dislike(s): Things that waste his time, arrogance, the Nephilim and their self-righteousness, annoying kids
Want(s): A family and a quiet life
Fear(s): Dying without purpose
Colour(s): Mahogany
Time of Day: High noon
Food: Smoked veal
Animal: Horse
Place in Terra: None

Skills and Attributes
Special Abilities: Though he has since been purged of his Nephilim powers, Rowan remains as one of the finest combatants to grace the Nephilim ranks in recent years. A nimble sword-and-board fighter, he can overpower lesser opponents by the time they get one hit on him. His Braidh strangely still answers to him also, though remaining static as a burning blade to scorch his enemies, be they defiled or holy. Rowan names it 'Glengarrion', after a knight from his childhood stories.
Good at...: Combat, persuasion and seduction, empathy
Bad at...: Holding a drink, magic, following orders
Good Habit(s): Shows at least the bare minimum of respect for his fellow living beings, no matter how deep into Alithe's teaching they might be.
Bad Habit(s): Has a bad tendency to act rashly and without care of the consequences.

The Past
Rowan Redpath, born of nobility to the wealthy and powerful Redpath family, grew up with tales of fancy concerning valiant knights slaying horrifying beasts with utmost bravery. When he heard that such heroes existed in real life in the form of Raziel's Nephilim, it seemed certain that he would do anything in his power to become one of them. Playing with the maids and studying under the snooty governesses were soon replaced with practicing swordplay
and cool one-liners, at his own behest. His father did not exactly approve of this sudden aspiration (he wanted for his son to start a business one day just like he had done in his youth, after all), but as he saw Rowan to be happy in this path, what could a father really do at that point? Soon enough, the juvenile became the only warrior in a family full of merchants and artisans. Not that they were complaining. His 'knightly' antics at the dining table was amusing, if not inspiring.
The years rolled on until Rowan finally found himself steeled up and prepared to present himself to the Nephilim. This was the most intense moment of his young life; never before had he been tested and having to prove himself of worth to the Avenging Angel, Guardian of Life and Order. He rode to the Institute and, like most aspirants, was well-received, but warned of the dangers in undertaking this burden. With zeal, he declared himself ready and sought the audience of Raziel himself. Much to his elation (and pain), the Angel infused his energies into the boy and deemed him worthy. In the ranks of the Nephilim, Rowan proved to be a magnificent slayer of evil. Some would dare say that he was the best swordfighter in recent Nephilim memory. Many beings of chaos would fall to the burning edge of Glengarrion, his sacred blade and badge of office.
However, like many, Rowan came into the Nephilim expecting an organization of pure good and upstanding guardians of order, fighting against an unstoppable wave of evil. The world, of course, was much grayer than that. There were many instances where he was forced to slay seemingly normal people, who had surrendered and laid down their arms. The screams they made from the pain of consecration was a different pain in itself. Doubts were not uncommon among the Nephilim, but for Rowan, it was especially severe. So wide-eyed and naive he was at the start and yet, now it felt like everything he knew was wrong.
It all came to a head when he was tasked to investigate a recent string of brutal murders in a small out-of-the-way village. Based on the condition of the found bodies, it was heavily suspected that a being of chaos was behind the killings and Rowan was naturally given a kill order on the culprit. Further scrutiny revealed, however, that these victims were all vile men and women in life. Robbers, murderers, rapists and vandals had been the portfolios of the fallen. In Rowan's mind and indeed a majority of the villagers, this particular killer seemed to be doing a service and didn't deserve punishment.
Being a good detective and all, Rowan discovered the bestial killer, an abomination of a woman with twisted features and sickly limbs. Clearly, this...thing was a thing of chaos, but one that had done some measure of good for the world at large. In a bold move, he unsheathed his blade and approached the creature, no, woman. They had a bit of a chat, believe it or not. A chat spanning order and chaos. She introduced herself as Rayu, a Fleshspinner, apparently monks that alter their body through rituals that confused him. Rowan told her that he'd make sure she would not be subject to punishment from the Nephilim as long as she continued to feed on the scum of society and not to the well meaning people he was meant to protect. Rayu agreed to those terms, confirming his assumptions that she had a noble heart underneath all those misshapen limbs. Eventually, they had to part ways, but promised to keep in touch however possible. She also asked to him a favor: to deliver a message to her fellow Fleshspinner friend, Shertul, that she was alive and well. He saw no problem in doing that and the two polar opposites went their separate ways, Rowan back to report and Rayu to wherever.
But before anyone got far enough, two of his Nephilim superiors arrived to 'aid' Rowan in his quest. They moved to slay Rayu with extreme prejudice. Not forgetting his promise to her, Rowan charged at his would-be comrades and fought them, much to their confusion. This gave her time to slip away unharmed and undetected. Giving her time to gain fair distance, Rowan kept them locked in combat. In rank, they were greater, but not in skill they weren't compared to him. Once he was certain she would be safe, he surrendered and Rowan was brought before Raziel to be judged.
Rowan could've easily lied, easily concealed the truth of the events, but he did not believe it to be knightly to hide the truth. He told the angel what had transpired, the identity of the killer and the victims and how he made the decision to spare the killer for she was doing the village a service. Obviously, the zealous Nephilim did not think the same way and reprimanded him heavily for this grievous transgression. Raziel admired his courage and honesty, but the word of the Nephilim was law which had to be upheld. And so Rowan Redpath was punished with...exile. An unprecedented penalty, he was expelled from Raziel's servitude and his powers ripped away (the process was even more painful than infusion). Never would he contact the Nephilim again lest he would be treated as a simple monster: to be ridiculed and slain if provoked. His Braidh Glengarrion refused to leave his side for some reason, so they opted to let him keep it, but only as a blade. Rowan left the Institute that day, his dream crushed, but his honor intact.
The Present
Like most men whose life revolves their sword arm, Rowan wanders the land to lend his fighting skills for whoever's willing to pay. His family would like him to settle back with them, but he fears that he can only bring them misfortune so stays far away. Even though he has since ended his watch with the Nephilim, he has never forgotten what his duty means. Any chance he gets to stick a middle finger to Alithe and her forces, he'll take it. Occasionally, he'll cross paths and, eventually, blades with a Nephilim on his way, but makes sure to spare them. He was usually the one to claim victory: few Nephilim knew how to effectively fight one of their own.
To this day, Rowan has not forgotten the promise he made to Rayu. He has not crossed paths with her again, but will make sure the fresh corpse of a criminal for her to feast on. His query, Shertul, remains as elusive as she is and he begins to wonder whether he did the right thing in sparing her. Seeing as she is probably somewhere doing good work, Rowan thinks so.
- His first spar (also his first loss)
- That time he avoided punishment by winning a spar
- His first kiss and soon after, loss of virginity

- The day he stood before Raziel
- His first mission (also his first failed mission)
- His encounter with Rayu and facing off against friends to save her
- Being ripped of his powers