A new alien menace has began infecting several citizens in Central City [Kansas] and it's sister city across the bridge Keystone City. The Superman hasn't been seen in weeks and is thought to be off world. Batman stays in Gotham and is only ever seen at night. And Wonder Woman was last seen in Europe after the new King and Queen were announced. Central City and Keystone City aren't the only towns infected either. After just three weeks, other large cities in America began seeing strange zombie like trances in several dozen people. Midway City [Michigan], Coast City [California], Star City [Washington], and St. Roch [Louisiana] have all been infected with what appears to be 'alien starfish'.
Batman has already come into contact with what the media is calling 'Starros'. He's tracked most of them to a temp service agency down near the Gotham Harbor.
In this RP, players will get the chance to recreate some of the bigger DC properties in a similar fashion to what happened when the Golden Age was replaced by the Silver Age. The Atom went from being a little person with an atomic punch to what we have today in Ray Palmer using tech to shrink to atomic size. Green Lantern changed from a man in a cape with a supernatural ring of power into a space cop armed with the same type of ring only in an entire Corps. I know what you guys are thinking. "How is this unlike any game that came before?" And the answer is simple. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman will remain mostly unchanged though I may make some tweaks to their histories [they're Gods and Monsters inspired]. EVERYTHING ELSE IS DETERMINED BY YOU. While I'm sure some folks will take more high profile characters, that's not to say you can't reimagine a lesser known character. While we'll more than likely form a team of some kind, though it will probably be Justice League themed, it doesn't have to be made up of reimagined Justice Leaguers. You wanna make Clayface a superspy who works for ARGUS? Perhaps Blue Beetle is something of a size manipulator and shrinks and does stuff ilike the Atom? What if the Flash was reimagined as somebody who manipulates light to a much more basic degree than standard Green Lanterns, like what almost happened in the 80's and after the Crisis? You wanna recreate the Joker and make him a hero and/or a female? Go for it! Maybe you've had an idea to make Martian Manhunter a little more like a bounty hunter ala Boba Fett? That's cool too.
Here's what I've got for the Big Three so far...

Superman - Crash landed in Kansas in 1938, he took the name Clark Kent for a little more than twenty years until he became adjusted to how things worked on Earth. He began operating as Superman and was dubbed the first metahuman in 1960. In 2017, it looks like he might be twenty years older. The only signs of age are his facial hair and attitude. Built a fortress in Antarctica and saves the world when he has nothing else to do. Lately he's defended larger cities such as Tokyo, Metropolis, Coast City, Paris, and Cairo.
Batman - Doctor Thomas Wayne was a brilliant scientist and chemical researcher in Gotham who was looking into making a pill to grant longer lifespans [inspired by the ageless Superman]. After some experiments go horribly wrong, Wayne is left in a vampire like state and must feed on the blood of his enemies every so often to survive. At first he hunted criminals at night to survive, but since 2012 he's turned his nightlife into a war on crime.
Wonder Woman - The most like her original, Princess Diana was chosen to go out into man's world in 2014 after living on the hidden Paradise Island with her Amazon sisters for nearly seven centuries. The Amazons are more technologically advanced in this universe, WW's sole weapon now being a sword fashioned with Mother Box tech and capabilities.
You can take ANY DC Comics character or concept and completely change it up to suit your taste. Any enemies I introduce in this after the Starros will be tied to Justice League-centric baddies as well as several of Superman's enemies and factions within the DCU. ARGUS is still our answer to SHIELD, STAR Labs is still a thing, and Lex Luthor is president in Trump like fashion. He demands to see 'Superman's legal papers' for instance because the world doesn't know Superman was actually the first alien to call Earth home.
I thought about universes like Stan Lee's DCU [Earth 6]:
As well as Earth 9, the Tangent universe:
... whenever I was toying with the concept of things being similar mostly in name only. In the Tangent universe for example, Green Lantern is a woman with a Lantern on a staff that raises the dead. And the Flash is a girl with light based powers. The Atom of that universe is an atomic powered juggernaut.
With Stan Lee's DCU, Superman was a stranded space cop, Green Lantern was connected to the energies of the Tree of Life, and Shazam was like a demon or something.
You guys can take these concepts and go nuts. My Hawkman is meant to be something of a combo of Hal Jordan and Tony Stark in terms of being a pilot/inventor along with his bff who will likely be something like Tom Kalmaku. I also took a little inspiration from the Rocketeer as well.
So... anybody out there wanna take the DCU and reimagine some characters? Interested players can check out the Interest Check. WIP character sheets can be posted there as well as general discussion, final draft character sheets should be sent to me through PM's for approval before being posted here in the character tab.