Portrayal by "Gabriel" character illustrated and created by DanLuVisiArt (DeviantArt)

Booster Gold


Appears early 30s
Enhanced Condition Adam’s physical and mental abilities are above natural members of his species, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This entails that he is faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to fellow members of his species, without being obviously supernatural.Enhanced Strength Adam has the incredible ability to defy weight limitations of his race, but not completely break them. Dense, lengthy, or overweight items are easy to move and simple to use in nearly any manner. Adam can crush, lift, throw, or catch items of great weight.
Enhanced Speed Adam can move much faster than the average member of his species.
Enhanced Senses Adam has extremely accurate senses, allowing him to see, hear, smell, taste and/or touch more than an average member of his species.
Body Supremacy Adam has near complete control over the movements and functions of his muscles, bones, veins etc. being able to move with remarkable grace, athletic and acrobatic in skill. He has full command over his conscious and subconscious, allowing him to resist possession, telekinesis, or blood manipulation. Besides his acrobatics, the most extraordinary method in which he employs this ability is by playing dead and resisting the most toxic of drugs and chemicals.
Uncanny Regeneration While not always immediate, Adam could lose a limb, and after a day, a nub could be seen growing in its place. As the days progress, the numb elongates into a completely regenerated limb. Adam can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs, and limbs. His aging has slowed as this ability has matured.
Symbiotic Knowles Electromagnetic Energy Transistor System – S.K.E.E.T.S.Skeets is a droid who was originally programmed for the menial task of monitoring Adam’s vitals and psychological condition. A fatal energy blast Adam had taken to the back led to the invention of Skeets and the invention of The Terminal Dr. Knowles had built into Adam’s back. When Skeets is separated from Adam, Adam functions like a typical super soldier. When Skeets locks into Adam’s terminal, Adam’s capabilities are granted a “boost.” Adam reprogrammed Skeets to give him more of a personality. The droid is capable of stealing an astonishing amount of data, if only to fuel its own intelligence.Force Field Generation Skeets gives Adam the ability to generate a force-field strong enough to absorb a direct punch from Doomsday, and still leave Adam intact. The force field gives Adam a misleading amount of durability. It is capable of withstanding bullets without losing its integrity. The force field also allowed him to survive the tear in the space-time continuum and space without need of oxygen. The field is capable of filtering atmospheric air to clean it from germs and pollution. The motion of the force field can be altered, granting Adam the ability to fly if the force field was directed skyward.
Strength Boost With Skeets, Adam can lift 200 tons without exerting himself.
Concussive Blasts With Skeets, Adam can produce powerful blasts of energy. At their highest power, the energy blasts can plow through two solid feet of concrete.
Targetting Crosshairs appear within Adam’s vision, allowing him to target enemies for precise accuracy. He can perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum including but not limited to infrared, ultra violet, x-ray and more. He has telescopic and microscopic vision. His eyes are also protected from sudden flashes. Supposedly, this is what Skeets can see.
Field Generation Besides his usual force field, Adam can generate fields which act as tractor beams that allow him to move, hold, and hurdle objects at foes. The field can be used as a singular beam or a wide field.
Separation Adam is at his weakest when separated from Skeets. He is still a formidable opponent even without Skeets but not entirely to typical superhuman proportions.Technomancy Skeets is vulnerable to supreme forms of technomancy. He can be used against Adam, and if ever a corrupt Skeets settles into Adam’s terminal, it can push the fighter to madness.Ego Stroking Adam’s ego can put him in a false sense of security and lower his guard. However, if an enemy utilizes this tactic too much, then Adam will learn to recognize the deception—if Skeets doesn’t tell him sooner.Cocky Adam can sometimes bite off more than he can chew. For the sake of fame! It’s a catch-22. Sometimes it turns out well for him and sometimes it doesn’t.Center of Attention Adam enjoys basking in fame and tons of money. This fame can make him a target to numerous villains.Concussion Adam does have a unique healing factor, but it doesn’t make him impervious to being knocked unconscious by a well-placed and powerful blow to the face. Note: This would have to be achieved when he is separated from Skeets.Modern Technology Adam comes from the future. The technology was way more advanced than the modern universe. Simple machines such as ovens, washing machines, vehicles, blenders, etc. He will find difficult to operate but the most complex of machines, such as computers and security systems, he will find a cakewalk (with Skeets of course).
Adam originates from a universe where he was the greatest and strongest warrior there was. This attitude hasn’t quite left him. While his ego has lowered about an inch, after encountering other super-powered beings whose powers were greater than most of the fighters he’s dealt with, overall, he hasn’t quite changed much. Adam likes the fame and attention and being adored by numerous fans. Being on top, is the only life he knows. He is cocky enough to talk up to the biggest and meanest looking hulk and tell the creature it isn’t shit! His overly-self-confidence can be a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about it is that his determination to preserve his invented reputation becomes his strength. The bad thing about it is if his ass is handed to him, well…he just made an ass of himself.
Adam likes beautiful girls, money, and expensive commodities. He will dump money on bitches without a care. Skeets doesn’t like it, and yeah…well..Skeets can take a hike! No; not really, he needs his A.I. buddy. How else would he get so famous? Adam does like to make a grand entrance. The hero’s entrance is the most important part! He even believes a spectacular entrance can dictate victory or failure.

Adam’s universe was in the far distant future. It is an alternate reality—a universe that could have been or was. In his universe, every being possessed super powers. The rich ruled over the poor and high status was based on the strength of one’s powers to include superior intelligence. Battles and war games among those with power were won by using lowly superhumans to fight for them. The wealthy and powerful would then place bets on the winners of the battle. Fighting under the strongest and wealthiest superhuman meant subsistence and protection for the lowly supers (as long as they didn’t die in combat/service).
A famous scientist by the name of Dr. Knowles genetically engineered a being that transcended human performance. He named his creation “Adam,” and Adam was to be the perfect soldier in the Wealth Wars. Adam’s creation as well as his exceptional performance on the battlefield proved to be successful until a flaw in Adam’s personality revealed itself. Adam loved the fame and attention too much. One battle, he turned his back on an enemy to bask in the praise of his adoring fans and was murdered by a powerful energy blast to the back. “Booster” (his battle name) was dead, and Dr. Knowles watched in terror as his fame and wealth started to crumble. He feared the loss of publicity would reduce him to the status of a lowly superhuman. Dr. Knowles had too much pride and dignity to let that happen (like father like son).
Adam was recreated; and where the blast had ripped through his back, Dr. Knowles created a terminal. He also created a key to fit in the terminal. It was a gold-colored droid that he called the Symbiotic Knowles Electromagnetic Energy Transistor System or “The Sphere.” The name proved to be too long to be worth saying and so Adam called the droid “Skeets.” Skeets improved Adam’s performance phenomenally. Booster returned to the battleground as “Booster Gold” (due to the golden addition on his back). Adam’s revived fame was a hit with both the high and low of status. Adam’s recreation and ascendance in strength triggered a sudden movement among the lowly. If Adam could become powerful, then so could they.
The lowly started to rebel against their masters, and the battles that took place between the high and low status destroyed the world. It further distorted reality, creating a tear in the universe. Adam’s universe was destroyed, and if it wasn’t for his force field, then he would have been destroyed with it. Adam was hurled through dimensions to arrive in the universe, in which the game takes place.

I am open for plotting. I imagined Adam to be placed in jail for being considered an illegal alien. Other notes are he is very technology savvy. When Skeets is connected to his terminal, Adam can hack almost any computer and he may not care whether it's illegal or not. This makes him chaotic good since he is somewhat selfish. The gold droid they found connected to Adam's back makes the jailers wonder if Skeets is an Atlantean artifact, and if they have an Atlantean on their hands.
Skeets has a very sophisticated A.I. voice akin to an English gentleman.