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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Araceli Accai

When the vampire requested to only be called by her last name, the mage made a very strong mental note of that so she wouldn't mess up later. She had her guesses why this could be - dislike of nobility, wanting a more personal relationship, whatever - but ultimately it didn't matter as Araceli was firmly dedicated to calling the vampire whatever she wanted to live as long as possible and not 'accidently' die of bloodloss.

The colors in the vampires eyes shifted slightly towards a more violent red as Margaux's eyes sharpened and her small nose twitched slightly as it sniffed the air, as if smelling her out for a hunt. Of course, one of a vampire's abilities was to be able to breathe more deeply and sense the emotional state of their prey. She wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between simple breathing and using this power normally, but air magic allowed the mage to passively sense the vampire breathing more heavily through her nostrils. It simultaneously was completely unfair and utterly terrifying to not be able to hide one's emotions no matter how hard one attempted to do so.

It was almost comical how Margaux ordered her to calm down with a clearly impatient voice. Despite wondering how cattle was supposed to not be noisy as they approach the chopping block, it somehow worked. She forced her breathing to slow slightly, and the following questions asked in a slightly less vampiric tone were something she'd tell people when she meet them anyways, routine taking over as she responded a bit more coherently. Of course, that didn't mean she was suddenly happy or completely calm, just that the catatonic state of panic when she visited the doctors had been deflected by the somewhat nicer voice.

"Ara or Araceli is fine Mi- Margaux." The air mage had to stop herself from adding a 'miss' in front of it subconsciously as she felt pressed down by the older woman's authority. As she thought about her magic her voice started to show just a bit of her characteristic cheer and excitement. "I'm nineteen years old, and I was born with the power to command air. Like this-" The nineteen year old stuck her two hands out in front of her, and between them a small ball of air first sputtered from the mages panic but as she focused it formed, cooling and drying her hands of sweat that apparently had been there. After a few seconds, Araceli released her grip on the element, the ball dispersing into the surrounding air as meaningless wisps.

As she finished, the girl had a question enter her mind for the vampire, some of the panic returning as she lost focus on her magical powers and time approached where this was going to end up by the end of the night. "... I'm going to stay out here for a bit longer than return to our room to start unpacking ... I-if that's alright. H-how do you want it ... decorated this month?" Of course, most people didn't completely change their room's décor on a monthly basis, but Araceli always grew bored with how things remained stagnant and assumed that everyone else felt the same.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Consent is Important"

The boy was so entertaining, Declan almost missed the actions of the girl. Probably wouldn't have even notice her bending over had attention not been drawn to it.

"Of course Alexander," He said, his voice going slightly deeper as he spoke the boys name. "Consent it very important to me, why take what is person is so willing to give? It is much more beautiful that way, don't you think?"He started tracing small circles in the air, just in front of the boys lips, not touching but oh-so-close."And if you intend to spend as much time together as you are implying, I dare say I shall have yours before the solstice," Giving the boy a frankly cocky smile, he turned his attention back to the girl.

She was adorable. From the blush that covered her face to how she stumbled over her words. It was enough to soften his smile to something much more approachable. In all honesty, he wasn't really keen on having the boy just yet. This girl was to be with him for a very long time and that relationship had to be fostered for the time being.

But messing with the fire mage was simply too good to pass up. And if his messing turned into something more...Well...it would just be something else the best friends could bond over.

"As for you Miss Kanalie . I would love to answer any and all questions you have for me. Twenty question is, after all, my favorite game," he held out his hand to the girl, offing his rather than taking hers. "Shall we go somewhere a little more comfortable. Your friend is more than welcome to join us, but I'd like to pick up some earplugs should that be his choice," He said, smile still on his face as glanced over at Alexander, raising his eyebrow in a 'please do' manner. "I think he is under the impression that I am hard of hearing, ignoring the fact that I can hear his heart beat. In the same why that I can smell his rage, his anger and the fact that he finds me incredibly attractive," The last bit wasn't exactly true. He couldn't tell that was something that Alexander felt, but the boy was too riled up at this point to give any answer that would make Declan's accusation seem any less true.

He let out a little sigh of longing. " To bite him in this moment would be simply euphoric He flashed his fangs as his said the last word.


That's Nice Dear

“Sera…My name is Nicolaus Strøm.” Yes, I know, it says so on the piece of paper

Her hand tensed, almost as thought she was going to yank it away the second Nicolaus's lips touched her skin. But instead, she held it steady, curling her fingers around his and meeting his grasp with one of her own. In such away that escape was possible for him should he make a point to pull away, but the intent was to keep his hand there. A command of maintaining contact, rather than a question. He might have instigated contact, but she was going to hold him there. It was much less effort this way.

“I believe we are to be as one…”

That statement held her attention. She struggled to find the words to respond back. His statement, like her hold on his hand, was a bold one, especially to a stranger. How did one respond to that? Did you argue? Agree? Say nothing? Although saying nothing was what she wanted to do most of all, it was the only answer she knew to be incorrect. Knowing that her time to respond was running out, she finally opened her mouth "It would seem that way Mr.Strøm" She said lightly, almost flirtatiously.

To buy herself some more time to think things over, she took a sip of the champagne. Zaria didn't mess around, the drink was amazing. Also...probably somewhat stronger than regular 'normal people champagne'. Less than a glass and a half in and already the world was becoming a little blurrier. "I do hope that fate has planned this to be a happy union," Setting the glass off to the side, she stood, taking the hand she had still yet to release as she rose. "While the guest might be still around, I'd say the party has ended, wouldn't you agree?"

Going home with him was unavoidable, after all, they were to cohabitate from this point forward. There was much to be said, but the ability to escape to the privacy of ones own room was a security she'd like to have on hand should the conversation become tedious.


"Someday Real Soon"

"It looks just darling on you," said Josie, beaming wide enough for her fangs to show. "I was thinking that tomorrow, or perhaps the day after, we could have your initial engraved on the other side. I told the jeweler I'd be back to have it done. I would have done it before we met, but I didn't know your name then did I?" Her voice was coming out quicker now. I was so hoping you'd be a girl, this is really more of a girl's piece, wouldn't you say?" her southern bell accent coming in ever strong. "And then later we can go to Javier, my stylized, he'll know just what to do with your hair. That man has a magic all his own. Ooo! We can go shopping, I'll get you fashion forwarded by the end of the week, just you wait,"

"So, tell me about yourself Aine. Where are you from? What is your family like? Brothers? Sisters? Your element? I want to know all about you," She said, tapping the girl lightly on the nose the same time she spoke the word 'you'. While she paused for breath her arm had some how wrapped its way around Aine's and she soon had the pair of them moving across the stone court yard and off towards the grounds and gardens, away from crowd. "Let's go somewhere quieter, don't you think?"

While Josie was, in truth, interested in what Aine had to say, she was above all else, thirsty. Having drank only the bare minimum lately so that she could really get the taste of her partner when the time came. While she didn't have a problem with biting the girl in the crowed, most mages were a bit embarrassed their first time, and Josie wanted to allow Aine any privacy she might like. Ideally they'd also make it back to their living quarters, for comfort, but the garden was so beautiful, there was a large part of Josie that wanted it to occur here.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ailsalia “Lia” Margaux

Lia watched in silence as the mage whipped up a breeze, forming a sphere of whirling air with her bare hands. Unimpressive and rather weak, but a mage nonetheless, Lia thought as Araceli struggled to shape the air currents into a contained sphere. Training will be needed, and lots of it. Especially if she’s going to follow me out of this academy, Lia concluded as the girl dissolved the ball of air. The human was clearly young and inexperienced, having only tampered briefly with her power, which seemed to be the norm for the mages around the vicinity since they all appeared to be just under or around twenty years of age.

At least she’ll be easy to control, Lia thought, frowning as she watched the girl deal with some internal turmoil that most likely involved addressing Lia. Inexperienced, young, and acknowledging of vampires’ status in this society. The latter is the only helpful one and the only one I’d even consider keeping around.

When mage finally made up her mind and voiced the question, Lia blinked, not understanding what the girl was going on about. Staying out in the courtyard a bit longer was fine by her — Lia didn’t want to have to deal with the girl for too long anyway — but decorating? The room?

As a vampire that lived outside the court, Lia was constantly on the move and never stayed long in one place. This also meant that what she owned, she carried with her or left with others for safekeeping. She only owned one location — a safe house she visited once every few months that held her most prized possessions. The small, run-of-the-mill flat housed Lia’s mementos from the past — mementos that she couldn’t bear to part with but also didn’t like dwelling on. To Lia, to be attached to something meant weakness, and she couldn’t have that. Aside from running through the mandatory actions to please the high court, Lia was at the academy to dull her most prominent one: a unquenchable and, when put off, relentless need for blood. Thus, she hadn’t brought much at all along — just a single suitcase of necessities and a few changes of clothes. She had not — and still did not — setting up for life in the academy dorms. They were just the highly recommended sleeping place for the duration of her stay at the academy.

“Do what you want, but keep it simple. Keep everything on your side, and don’t put up too much,” Lia said, listing off some basics so that the mage couldn’t go overboard with anything. “Just don’t clog the room up,” she said in summary.


Aine Wainwright

Aine nodded slowly, pasting on the smile again and nodding in response to Josie’s question. The vampire was already planning out the rest of her week, stuffing it full of things without a single piece of input from Aine. I guess there are worse things than being a dress-up doll for a vampire, she thought, waiting patiently for Josie to finish her rant. Josie also seems quite nice, Aine thought as the vampire finished her rant and moved on to questioning Aine. It might feel a little fake, but at least she’s nice when she’s faking it all.

“I’m from a small village some distance from here,” Aine said slowly — carefully — as to not let anything slip. “It’s one of those villages that try to live apart from civilization, so I don’t think it’s on any official maps. My family’s fine — two younger sisters and a younger brother,” she continued, hesitating briefly before concluding that her siblings were safe no matter what she said. They weren’t mages and therefore were not and were never going to be taken and assigned to vampires. Aine had drawn the winning straw, and now she was collecting her prize “My affinity — well, I’m not quite sure,” she admitted, lifting her hands up and concentrating so that a swirl of luminous gold light gathered in them, drifting around lazily. “I guess you could say that my affinity is life,” Aine said, looking around for something she could to demonstrate her powers. Her eyes caught on a moth that was fluttering around the glass casing of a nearby lamppost, lost and confused by the comforting, bright light.

Pointing a hand in the direction of the moth, Aine reached out with her mind. Hey, it’s okay. I know it’s bright and scary, but you’re strong. You can get through it. Fly over here — I’ll show you where the moon is, she told the moth. The furry bug gave the glass a last whack before drifting over to Aine, landing on her hair and crawling around. “This is my power,” Aine said, looking at Josie. “I can communicate with living things, and I can share my energy with them.”

Having finished her little demonstration, Aine sent one last message to the moth to encourage it to be on its way, stating that the moon was in the sky and the night was beautiful before dispelling her magic. When the glow faded, Josie wrapped an arm around Aine’s shoulders and guided her out of the courtyard and towards the gardens, away from all the other mages and vampires. Aine felt a rising sense of panic as the voices faded away, but at the same time she knew that there was no point in protesting. “L—Lady Josie,” Aine said, tripping up a bit when she finally mustered up the courage to speak her mind, “where are we going? Shouldn’t we head to the dorms once we’re a—acquainted with one another?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Araceli Accai

The air mage nodded as she took mental notes of the instructions, and she'd be certain not to decorate it too much so that the woman would not be angered. "... o-of course ..." Perhaps just a thing or two or three to account for the season ... and how were the rooms set up anyways? Was there really two sides? Were they required to share a bed? Anything the princess built would probably be top quality based on what she had seen, but it was entirely possible that she gave the groups minimal space in order to encourage 'bonding' together.

It seemed that the conversation was coming to an end, and that there was just this incredibly and unbelievably awkward pause between the two of them. The woman hadn't exactly said if she was allowed to leave, which implied that she was supposed to stick around. Right? Or did the vampire just want her to get lost and start getting the room ready? Either way, Margaux probably wouldn't be too happy if she just walked away, and probably wanted to talk about something, right? "Um. Margaux ... what do you ... do for fun?" She couldn't help but have the words come out in a somewhat nervous stammer, but it was better than not saying anything, she hoped.

Then again, the bloodsucker would probably want to know what she did first. The human lifted up her headphones. "I-I like music!" As soon as she mentioned that hobby, she began to wonder if the vampire would ask what type. Based on the way she looked ... she wanted something classical, right? That's probably what was hip when she was growing up? How old was she anyways?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiwiBaer
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander was taller than her, had been for the majority of the time they knew each other, though not all of it. There had been a few months where a girl could be taller than a boy her same age. Now however, his greater height was blatantly displayed as her lips formed into a childish pout at his back. Declan Sputnik was hidden from view. She had to press up onto her toes and place a pale hand on Alexander's shoulder to push even higher up and still barely managed to show her eyes over the peak of his torso. She watched from this position as the man shamelessly antagonized her friend and wondered if she should make an effort to stop it. She didn't have the level of confidence, aggression or social naivety that Alexander did however and simply allowed it to blow over.

Moments after she reached her decision, he was looking her way again and their eyes clashed. From her more protected position now, she was able to gain the confidence to return his gaze and even study him, curiosity winning against docility. She noted the way his demeanor softened, sweetened as he took her into his vision. It made her insatiably intrigued, mulling over exactly what he was seeing as he looked to her, what blurred the cocky edge of his smile. What turned him from cayenne to honey.

Her thoughts flooded from her with his words and it was becoming a practiced occurrence. "Miss Kanalie"? The moment he spoke her name with such an honorific, signals bombinated in her skull, bringing instant discomfort. No, that was wrong. She didn't care if he was using it to mock her or had been serious, that was not the something a vampire should be calling her, she definitely knew that. She dropped back down so her feet planted flat to the ground and she was hidden from sight, trying to keep from squirming. Assuring herself he had said it as a joke to mock her made her feel better but she was still distressed. Back home, there was no such naming for her, it was "Human girl" or "Colin's daughter", rather occasionally they would actually refer to her by her name, which always felt like an honor.

She listened respectfully to his following words, even return in to her perch on Alexander's shoulder to show him she was listening. Once of course the anxiety had passed. When he reached his brash conclusion, Kanalie stiffened and reacted even before her friend could. Almost a mirror to Alexander's previous actions, Kanalie stepped in between the two males and shook her head. It went against basically every instinct -especially went against all the anxiety she had just felt. It was plain wrong to tell a vampire no, but Declan was also in the wrong. Still, she could taste her parents disappointed as she tried to stand tall before him, in a purely figurative sense. She was apparently shorter than both of them.

"That is simply against the rules, Mr. Sputnik. I am very sorry, but I am the only one you will be feeding from in any near future. You will not be biting him." While it may not have been any specific rule at the school, it was definitely her rule. She tried to convey the idea that she would not have any leniency on this with a voice that only slightly wobbled. She hated the stern, challenging look she was attempting to send him, but Alexander had always been miles more important than her family's beliefs.

"Sir.." She couldn't hold it back.

After that was said, she weakened and stepped down a bit. Glancing over her tense shoulder, she held up her paper again and waved it at her friend. "Is it okay if we go somewhere else so that I can ask my questions?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Alexander shivered slightly as his name passed Declan's lips. His eyes widened and he flinched back a fraction of an inch as the vampire's fingers ghosted just where his lips had been, setting them to tingling without a touch. Alexander felt Kanalie's hand touch his shoulder but his mind was far too focused on trying to decide the next course to acknowledge her. Most guys at this point would have either backed down or swung at him. Both equally unappealing and annoying reactions. This suave, composed demon however presented an entirely new, although not entirely unwelcome, option and Alexander had no clue how to handle it. His normally abrasive and aggressive approach drove people away almost instantly but it seemed to fuel this vampire's flames. He opened his mouth, a furious retort on his tongue.

That died as all the heat is his body slammed into his ears. Shit, he didn't know that. He knew about fear and excitement but there was no way Delcan could tell. It was just a bluff, right? Alexander sputtered. What if he could? Oh fuck Alexander was screwed. How did he deal with this, this, this?! Everytime he got steady on his feet, Delcan ripped the ground from under him! Alexander's face got redder and redder as he mulled in circles about the conundrum in front of him. He froze completely as Declan's fangs appeared and Alexander went wide eyed, a shiver zipping down his spine in a way he wasn't prepared to deal with.

He registered Kanalie stepping forward. He registered her speaking up in his defense. He felt her tone, the quiet steel that only surfaced when she was honestly irritated at something or angry enough to get past her "come what may" attitude that drove him up a wall. If the steel had been drawn, Alexander wanted to step as far away as possible. He'd been on the receiving end of that once and their friendship nearly vanished. If the steel had been drawn, he didn't have to shield her. She wasn't going to give up anything she didn't want to and no force in the world could make her. Alexander wrapped his arms around her shoulders and leaned forward to rest his chin on them. He realized he was trembling ever so slightly,

"Looks like I'm unnecessary if you're talking to him that way. Just make sure you keep it like that. I should probably assess exactly what I'm stuck with for the forseeable future. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Remember, one word that's all I need and he is dead. Like six feet under, metal coffin sealed with molten lava type dead." He gave her a gentle squeeze and stepped back. Kanalie was going to be fine for now. If anything, he'd be the one in trouble of doing something regrettable. Probably best to step back and figure out how to deal with this turn of events. He sent one last glare to her new partner, gave him the "I'm watching you" fingers, and stepped quickly away through the rapidly thinning group of people. He found Light exactly where he was last and sighed. His mouth tightened as he was again reminded of the literal crap called a vampire in front of him. Amazing how different they were, Declan and Light. At least Declan took good care of himself.

Light's stench ripped him from his thoughts. Alexander retched. Holy hells. He quickly covered his nose and mouth. How did anyone not tell him this? Clothes ripped, torn, and visibly soiled. Dirt streaked and smudged onto every part of him. And his hair, Mussed, dirt laden, and... Alexander took a fast step back. Were those insects crawling around in there? Alexander could deal with a lot. Angry people, screaming children, plenty of bruises and cuts from an overly active lifestyle but insects hit the top of the list of Hell To The No. The fire mage looked around for a long branch or stick to prod Light awake. Nothing. A glint caught his eye. Shimmering in the moon light, two half filled crystal glasses of amber liquid sit abandoned. Better than nothing because Alexander sure as hell wasn't touching him unless it was to hose him down! Alexander snatched up the glasses and splashed their contents over the sleeping vampire.

"Alright so first things first. You are getting cleaned up before introductions happen so i'll just tell you I'm your partner and if you want to eat ever, you can't look like this, smell like this, or anything even resembling this." Alexander waved his hand, gesturing to all of the vampire. "Please tell me you have other clothes than those somewhere or our first night will be full of shopping which frankly I don't have the patience for."

@Ellion @KiwiBaer @The One
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Damien just laughed softly as his partner spoke. When he was all done, and the topic went on to the princess he laughed even more. Finally, he had finished speaking and Damien laughed creepily once more before turning to his right. He created a tiny black portal, something he wasn't able to do much at the moment. He quickly reached in and grabbed a large bagged before it snapped close.

"Oooh. I risk an arm each time I do that, the portals I have no control over. If they close while I'm still in there, snap. There goes my trusty arm. It's great isn't it!"

He laughed again before opening his bag which revealed a few skeletons. He turned to his partner once more and spoke up as he picked up a voodo doll from inside the bag.

"I figured there wouldn't be much dead around here, so I brought my own. Can I have some of you hair please? Just a tiny bit. I won't do much, I promise."

He giggled, and the skeletons stood up and got out the bag. When it was all empty, he created another portal and threw the bag in there. He no longer needed it now that the skeletons were up and working.


Lilith took Rowan's arm as her vampire partner offered it. She would be happy to tell her about the spirit world, but where should she start? She thought for a few minutes before speaking slowly.

"To me, Miss Rowan, you aren't a danger to me. No, the danger to me is my own magic. My magic could very well kill myself. You see I have a very special and rare type of magic. One that allows me to see and speak to the spirits of the dead, but not all spirits are kind and willing to help you. Some are evil and cruel, they love to hurt you and make you suffer, until they eventually kill you. They target Spirit Sages, as they call us, because they hate our kind. So I am very vulnerable to evil spirits unless I learn how to ward them off. I am in constant fear that one day, an evil spirit will find me and target me, and if that happens it is only a matter of time before things get dangerous, because when one comes others are likely to come. If a Spirit Mage ever sees one, they have to give up their magic, they have to ignore all spirits they ever see while the demon spirits are watching them, otherwise they will be in immediate danger. Miss Rowan, I hope they have a replacement for you ready in case......in case I don't make it."

She looked around for a moment, the place was empty for now. Not a spirit in sight. She sighed, before turning to Rowan. She didn't know what else to say. It was very unlikely that she was going to spend all her time here without getting to meet a single demon spirit. After all this place was filled with mages, the demon spirits would know there would be a good chance there was a Spirit Mage here. She just hope she could learn how to defend herself in time.


Light had fallen completely asleep, relaxed and happy. Suddenly, something woke him up and he jumped awake, only to see somebody in front of him. He looked at himself while listening to the guy, before looking up slowly.

"Eh, you're my partner? Ok, whatever. I wouldn't know. I was too lazy to open the letter, and why do we need to go shopping? These clothes will last me for.....another year maybe? I'm too lazy to go shopping."

He yawned softly before stretching himself out. He gave off a loud yawn, which showed off his yellowish disgustingly dirty grimy teeth that mustn't of been watched for at least a year. When he opened his mouth to spoke again he held out his hand.

"Eh, wanna pull me up. I could get myself up.....but eh, too much effort. I hate effort."

He continued to lean on the wall as he held out his grubby horrible hand. Light was just a disgusting lazy vampire.


Scarlet had been watching this woman for a while now, and she was getting bored. She yawned before letting go off the branch. She fell to the floor quickly, and just before she made a big splat, Scarlet gracefully did a somersault in the air. She transformed and landed on her feet in front of Scarlet.

"So, You're my partner."

Without warning Scarlet leaned in and gave her neck a quick sniff before leaning back out with a nod of her head.

"AB, actually that isn't bad. I haven't had blood that that in a good while. You could make out to be a nice meal."

She gave her lips a lick, before biting her lip slightly. Just thinking about the meal now, how good that blood would taste. She was barely even hungry yet she couldn't help but want some now.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Alexander recoiled from the sight of Light's fangs. He's supposed to let those things anywhere near him? Absolutely not! There had to be something crawling around on that filth that passed as fangs and he certainly didn't want whatever it was swimming inside him. Alexander grimaced and placed both hands on his hips.

"Get up yourself. I'm not touching you until you've showered and you aren't feeding off me until you've brushed your teeth, flossed, and rinsed with mouth wash. And when I say rinse, I mean with the whole bottle because whatever is living in your mouth isn't going to be living in me!" Alexander snapped at the vampire. Maybe Light could wear some of his pajamas for now. Because the second Light took off those clothes, they were headed for an incenerator.

Alexander slipped out another cigarette. Kanalie's teasing remark drifted through his head. Yeah, he probably should relax on the smoking for the night. He'd already blown through two. A few embers popped into existance as he irritably snapped the carton shut and glanced back where he left his friend. He wasn't sure who had it worse, himself with this or her with Declan.

"And another thing. I'm not really sure of the mechanics of feeding you so you'll have to teach me everything. Think you can at least muster up the energy to do that?" Alexander tapped his foot impatiently, wanting to get to his new home so he could shove this walking petri dish under in a shower. The future looked bleak. A full time baby sitter. Fun. He turned on his heel and walked away, fully expecting the vampire to follow. He pulled out the form with his address and tried to figure out exactly where that was, pulling aside someone carrying a nearly empty tray of drinks to ask exactly where to go.

@The One
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I've been using cheapo two-in-one shampoo plus conditioner from grocery stores." The dismay on Kyran's face was instant and obvious. He wanted to ask why another human being-- Scratch that, Kyran wasn't human anymore and this guy was barely with his mage blood. Why another being would subject himself to the catastrophe that is 2-in-1 shampoo-conditioner was way beyond the young vampire's comprehension. After a moment of being absolutely dumbfounded, he even opened his mouth to argue against such blasphemy, but when his gaze raised to find Rolf's, the mage was stepping away.

Kyran blinked, his eyes following him as he circled, eyebrows furrowing together. "You can tell all that?" he said, poking at his own, sensitive fangs. They had sprouted quickly and fully, and they still hurt at times. Did pure vampires take longer to develop? He scowled at his ignorance, but he knew that was exactly why he was at the academy. It was either learn the way of the vampire or... His thoughts trailed off and his attention found Rolf again as the mage stilled, if clumsy. "You're pretty smart, huh?" he asked, mostly rhetorically. He supposed that if he had to be roommates with any mage, he was lucky that it was one who had actually put time into understanding vampires.

"Wait, roommates? Is that what this is?" Kyran looked down at the envelope, eyes lingering on the address. "Honestly I thought this would be an ice breaker exercise, but that makes more sense. Yeah, let's find that place." He cleared his throat and looked around, entirely unsure where to start.

Rowan laughed, low and genuine as Lilith dismissed her as a danger. "Oh, Lilith, of course I am a danger to you. I'm a vampire, love," she reminded her partner. Her gaze wandered and Lilith may have found herself wondering if the vampire was even listening. There was a mix of interactions and she found pride in the civility between her and Lilith. They were far below Rowan's concern, but she was not ignorant to the clashing between mage and vampire as it happened. She spotted the men standing by on guard and she mentally commended the princess for her preparation.

"Your concern with your mortality is...refreshing," Rowan commented in a puzzled tone. Being a vampire who lived her life surrounded by other vampires before humans or mages, Death was always a distant threat. It was something she failed to take seriously, but she tried to be sympathetic to Lilith's anxiety as the mage looked around, on guard.

"I am unversed in magic and especially spirits, but I won't be needing a replacement, Lilith. I'm sure you'll learn what you can at this academy--it's why the Princess established it for us." She paused, tongue running under her fangs behind her painted lips. "You are my mage, and I'll learn what I can, as well. I want you healthy and safe. Keep me informed on what you need for help." It was honest and polite. Just like the Princess intended the academy to speak to her reputation, Rowan felt the same about any she would call a subordinate.

With the matter--in Rowan's mind--settled, she looked down at the envelope. "Shall we find our new home? I'm sure its beautiful."

@The One @Azereiah
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ailsalia “Lia” Margaux

Lia paused at the girl’s question. Fun? What a ridiculous notion that she would waste time with frivolous pursuits at her age. With almost a century and a half under her belt, Lia had long lost interest in most of the meaningless acts of life, although she did find herself with a bit of free time every now and then. Because she couldn’t stand idleness, Lia usually tried to fill this time up with travelling, training, or…

“I read,” Lia said at last. At the girl’s statement as to liking music, Lia blinked. “I prefer silence,” she said bluntly. “Music gets in the way.” Once upon a time Lia had enjoyed listening to the sound of instruments singing under the fingers of those who had dedicated their time and effort to producing music, but that had been a long time ago — back when she was but an immature vampire in her youth, easily enchanted by meaningless little things. Lia didn’t like to think back to her early years, so she didn’t.

Figuring that she might have been a bit too harsh, Lia decided to end the conversation here and now. “You’re free to go. I’ll see you in the dorms later,” she said, turning to survey the crowds. There were quite a few vampires here, and Lia figured that she had to have at least met or heard of one or two. Although she didn’t much like the prospect of having to make small talk with the smile-ridden vampires of the court, Lia decided that she might as well get all the introductions sorted and out of the way, especially since she was going to be stuck with them all in the academy for a while. Hopefully there’s a sensible vampire or two out in the crowd, she thought, eyes flicking over duos and quintets of vampires and their assigned mages. It’d be a tragedy if the “High Court” failed to pull in a few more reasonable individuals.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 11 days ago

Opening Ceremony

"You can tell all that?", Kyran asked.

Nope! Not at all! Rolf thought to himself. Truth be told, it was very difficult to tell apart vampires physiologically after their fangs were grown in completely, but he wasn't about to tell anyone that. It was easier to just make a comment out of nowhere and watch one's partner's reaction. There had been a miniscule hint, though. Rolf didn't feel quite the same sense of intense predatory hunger when Kyran looked at him, as though he hadn't yet completely gotten used to thinking of humans as food yet. He would keep that part to himself too.

Rolf eyed Kyran for a few moments, then leaned forwards as the young vampire prodded his teeth to get a better look. Pristine condition, razor sharp, zero decay. It was almost as if he were examining newly acquired livestock. He pulled himself upright again.

"You're pretty smart, huh?"

Rolf shrugged and waited calmly. The excitement had started wearing off, bringing the urge to sleep back even more powerful than before, along with a small flurry of thoughts bordering on dreams. Should be an interesting few years. Never actually lived with a vampire before, much less one my own age... Hm. Shit, I don't think I've met many vampires who weren't lying half-dead on my table or dropping some other half-dead guy off. Wow. Research opportunity! Wait, wait, wait. No. Bad Rolf. He's a person, not an experiment!

"...makes more sense. Yeah, let's find that place."

Rolf woke up when he started to fall over. He blinked a few times as he processed the tail end of what Kyran was saying. "Hm? Wha...? Oh. Right. Yeah, let's, uh... get going." He grabbed one end of the massive rolling trunk and dragged it along behind him, completely in the wrong direction. Some of the weaker paver stones cracked under the trunk's wheels.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lucis Dismas Typhon VII
Mood: Hopeful
1. Cringeworthy

Lucis' own laugh fell ill upon hearing Damien's. The faded sound of a nervous patron came from him anew as the mage summoned a swirling, dusk-colored portal and pulled out a bag. The next few items his partner pulled out wasn't as appalling to Lucis as it might be most, but it certainly raised alarms.

Dark arts? Only black mages use corpses and voodoo, He shook his head slowly with the thought. Yea, I've definitely got a trickster on my hands. I'll need to be careful with him.

A moment after the inquiry of his hair was brought up, Lucis raised his hand in rejection. "Umm, that would be a no. How am I suppose to know what mischief you'd do with my hair. For all my knowledge, you could summon some storm of falling undead or even worst, make me learn. I'd rather not have those possibilities hanging into the air." He smiled to accent the playful tone he used.

"Besides we have much more pressing matters to deal with, matters such as where we're to live... or unlive in my case." Lucis placed a fist on his hip and with warm eyes said, "Why don't you lead the search, Damien."

@The One
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Scarlet May

For the entirety of her trip, Scarlet shut out the world with her trusty headphones and a lengthy playlist to last her ages. She wasn't even subtle about it considering the size of the headphones themselves. While most setlled for discrete earbuds, Scarlet donned a large pair of black stereo headphones that glowed softly with neon blue markings. That paired with her brightly dyed hair Scarlet was one to draw an eye, it wasn't as if she minded though. Dubstep pounding at her eardrums, the young mage stared out the train window taking in the scenery as it whisked by her.

At some point, the tip of Scar's thumbnail had found its way to her mouth where she promptly began picking at it. It was a bad habit of hers, but she couldn't pin point what it was exactly that was making her nervous. There were so many factors to take into account... Not only was she transferring to a new school far from home, but this school would determine her future within society. Already she was standing on a different stage than some of her peers because of the school she had been summoned to. Well-known, highly revered, and exclusive as all hell, Scarlet figured she would be the last person to end up there. The girl sighed, leaning back in her chair to nap the rest of the ride away.


What seemed like years later, Scarlet found herself standing at the front gates of the massive school grounds that would serve as her home for the next few years. Her family might have been well off, but this was on a completely different level from what she was used to. Neither one of her parents were mages, though it wasn't all that much of a surprise as they weren't her actual parents. Adopted from a very young age, Scarlet grew up in a fairly mundane environment. Mages, vampires... It all seemed so far away until she began showing signs of magical potential.

Entranced by the sights before her, Scarlet reached up and pulled her headphones down so that they hung around her neck, the music shutting itself off with the motion. "Don't even think about it Scar, it's just a new school. You've done this before." She mumbled to herself, mentally preparing her for the turns her life was about to take. Clenching her fists, Scarlet marched herself over the threshold to accept her "letter" and join the sizable crowd that had already amassed for the orientation.

Or at least that's what she thought they were there for, but it was unlike any entrance ceremony she had ever experienced in her life. She, along with many other mages it seemed, was dressed casually unlike the majority of vampires who had a habit of over dressing for everything. But the music, the waiters rushing around with trays of drinks and snacks for both kinds of guests, the venue itself was beautiful and expensive looking. It was something she was going to have to get used to, but Scarlet found herself smiling a bit. At the very least she would be comfortable and well fed.

Thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of a stunningly beautiful woman clad in silver, her own tinted hair glowing in the moonlight as she took her position atop the fountain. The woman introduced herself as the school's founder and princess to the vampire kind, a fact that easily explained the extravagance of the ceremony. It also justified the secret servive looking guys surrounding her... but the more intriguing thing was the man that had escorted her in. Each of the other guards kept their distance, perhaps a sign of respect? But this guy, he was much more imposing, and seemingly much more involved with a woman of her standing. Eyes widening for a moment, Scarlet began to understand. Back in her high school days when she was given extra classes to introduce her to the life of a mage, she remembered learning a little more in depth of the social interactions between a vampire and their mage companions. While they were used as a food source, they were also employed as body guards a lot of the time. This man standing by her side must have been one of those cases, which made her wonder how powerful he was being entrusted with such a person.

Shaking her curiosity away, the redhead listened closely to the words of instruction being delivered about the parchment they had been handed at the front door. Apparently, it was the literal key to her future, containing the name and photo of her supposed partner as well as an address of where they would be living together. This news wiped the smile from her face, replacing it with a thoughtful expression that teetered close to concern. She already knew that at some point she would be assigned to a vampire but she had never expected it to be so soon. "What on earth have you gotten yourself into?" Scarlet sighed, staring at the now unsealed paper in her hands. Inhaling slowly, Scarlet opened the letter and... laughed? The sound filled the space around her, no doubt pulling the attention of a few classmates nearby, but she just couldn't help herself. In big, bold, cursive letters was the name of her partner, one she was sure she wouldn't forget. "Scarlet Midnight... What are the odds of two Scarlet's ending up in the same school, at the same time, partnered up with one another. This has got to be some kind of joke."

Wiping away a stray tear from her eye, Scarlet righted herself and began glancing around for the woman that matched the picture in her letter. She was certain she had spotted a similar face some point before the speech but now it was nowhere to be found. Weaving about the crowd, Scarlet did a lap around the courtyard before planting her fists on her hips in frustration. "I swear I saw her earlier, maybe not. Damn this is so frustrating." She groaned, glancing back down at the letter. If what the woman had said earlier was true, Scarlet's like-named partner also received the same parchment upon arrival... Which meant she also had the address to their apartment. "For all I know she dipped out early to explore the grounds or just isn't here yet. I could just wait for her at the apartment... I do have to check to make sure my luggage arrived alright."
Because of her chosen mode of transportation, Scarlet had sent her belongings ahead of her as offered by the summons. So it wasn't outside of reason that she would want to check on them. Nodding her head silently to herself and stuffing her hands into her hoodie's pockets, she decided that was what she was going to do. At least, that's what she thought anyway. Just as she decided to make her way toward the address on her paper, Scarlet nearly ran into a woman who appeared before her out of nowhere. Just like that she had found her partner, or rather her partner had found her, and had decided to greet her with a sniff to her neck.

Frowning, Scarlet raised her hand to cover her neck from the strange woman. Unfortunately for her, it seemed her new partner was among the more aggressive types if her body language meant anything. "I guess so." She retorted, frown deepening slightly. "Let's just get one thing straight. I'm not just a blood bag okay? I'm here to learn, so don't go letting your cravings interrupt my studies." Probably not the best way to start off the relationship, but if there was one thing Scar wasn't going to tolerate was some fang happy vampire standing between her and her education.

@The One

Elizabeth Harvey

Elizabeth couldn't quite remember arriving at her destination, knowing only that somehow she had ended up right where she was supposed to be. Such was a common occurrence for the vampiress, as she had a tendency to space out. It wasn't as if she had to pay much attention to get the school anyways. One of her family's employed mages had escorted her the whole way, no doubt wondering the whole time how Liz would manage without constant guidance. She turned to thank the woman who had escorted her only to find her missing. "I see, she must have started home already." Liz mused to herself, though in reality, the escort had left nearly ten minutes prior to Elizabeth noticing.

The place was beautifully decorated, certainly befitting the notable faces in attendance that evening. Liz didn't belong to any of the elite households, but they weren't completely out of the loop. She had attended some of the same events as some of the more prestigious families, though she doubted any of them would have remembered her face. That was alright, she didn't remember theirs either. Laughing quietly to herself, Liz accepted a glass of blood laced wine that had been circulating for the vampiric guests. Sipping at it, her mind was quick to wander, floating along with the music that filled the space.

It wasn't until it was almost over that she realized Princess Zaria was standing before her very eyes speaking to the crowd. Liz had to fight her body from releasing the squeak that attempted to escape at this realization, knowing that it stood against every etiquette she had been taught. And just like that, the princess disappeared leaving the slightly jarred Liz to her own devices. She moved to excuse herself so that she might collect herself a moment when a tap on her shoulder caught her off guard. With nowhere else for it to go, Elizabeth squeaked and whipped around to see who it was.

She was met with the sight of a rather attractive young man, human from all appearances. For a moment she was confused, simply staring at the man attempting to fathom the reason behind someone like him talking to someone like her. Didn't he want to make friends with people more like him. Then it hit her, recognition flashing in her eyes as they darted to tear open the letter she had been holding absent mindedly. On the inside was a picture of the man standing right in front of her and a name. She laughed into the back of her hand lightly, smiling apologetically.

"It's a pleasure. My name is Elizabeth Harvey, but you are more than welcome to call me Liz." Placing her now empty glass on the tray of a servant walking by, she extended her freed hand out for Joey to shake if he so wished. It also gave her a moment to glance around and catch up. Already pairs had found each other and were walking out toward the rest of the academy grounds. Liz found it rather fortunate that she had researched the workings of the school prior to attending otherwise she would have had no idea of what was going on. Seemed this Joey fellow was to be her dedicated mage responsible for feeding her when the time came. Which meant, that if she wanted things to run smoothly in the future, she had to make a good impression now. Smile brightening, Liz carefully folded her parchment back up. "So what do you think so far? This place is pretty amazing isn't it? Who knew a school could feel so homey." She said, before kicking herself internally. It hadn't occurred to her before speaking that not all humans lived the same way that she and her family did. She had no way of knowing this guy's lifestyle, so for all she knew she had just come across as the most insensitive person ever.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Araceli Accai

The mage frowned slightly as her hobby was insulted by the vampire, and then started to worry that she had failed already and started to panic just slightly. But soon enough, Margaux decided to leave as she turned away, looking towards the crowds and giving the mage permission to go.

After delivering a quick and courteous bow to the back of the turned woman, the air mage tried to walk away calmly but failed to do so as it turned into something more resembling a job as she looked at the sheet of paper and headed towards the dorm room.

By the time Araceli arrived at the dorm building, she had arrived far enough away from the crowd to calm down a bit. The doors opened for her, and a second later the girl found herself putting on her headphones once more. She'd make sure not to listen to her music around the vampire, but if she was on her own surely it wouldn't be minded?

A quick look around revealed a rather exquisite place to live: a full kitchen, two bathrooms, a small living area, and finally ... a single bedroom. There was another door in the apartment, but it was locked. For a few moments, the girl questioned if that was the vampire's room but she shrugged, walking into her own room and taking a brief look around noticed a comfy looking queen sized bed, a large desk, and her things in belongings on the floor.

The air mage started unpacking, placing things around her own dorm room as she desired. Unless the vampire had some sort of problem with it, then her dorm room was her own. Soon enough decorations for the start of the year began to appear around the room, with various flower pots, posters of her music idols, and her laptop finding themselves in the appropriate places.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

What Is the Matter?

"Your town sounds wonderful, I should like to go there someday. Perhaps meet your family," She said, although the intonation in her voice was somewhere between honest and simply being polite as she continued to march the girl along. But the thought ended in a moment as her eyes narrowed in on the girls show of magic. "Why, in all my years, I can't say I've ever seen something quite like that,"

She lead the girl a few more steps before feeling a slight resistance by her lead.

"What is the matter dear?" She asked somewhat distracted, as though her mind was on things other than the girl next to her. Her voice once again in that weird place between polite and genuine. The only sign she gave that she had any care in the conversation at all, was by the way she tightened her hold on the girl ever so slightly. " I just thought it would be nice to take a walk as we get to know each other better. We will be very close for quiet a while. But you need not worry dear, I was just thinking it'd be nice to tour the gardens, much more interesting than our dorm there are a number of moonblossoms that are in bloom....But if you rather we made our ways to our dorms, that can also be arranged,"

Enchanting to Meet you

The girl interesting, but then weren't all vampires? And mages. Sure this place wasn't like home, everything was far too clean and symmetry. There were no work tools piled every which way. No half finished projects spilling from one of a dozen different sheds. No chickens scampered under foot, no farm animals called from the distance. Everyone was (well..mostly everyone) well groomed and sweet smelling. The vampires especially seemed almost above it all. Not in a rude way, but in a way that expressed an otherness.

"Liz then," He said, his smile even larger as he took the girls hand with a little bit too much enthusiasm, and shaking it warmly, tipping his head to the side so that his bang shifted slightly to the left. If he had known that he disturbed the girl's thought, or that she had any concern about him having spoke with her, he didn't show it. " Yeah this place is great. I've never seen such a large or beautiful buildings. They don't make them like this at home. It is all so... nice," He held the silence for another moment before carrying on. "But I suppose you are used to places like this, don't all vampire live in giant castle that houses entire colonies of mages to--" He stopped himself on a dime. "Ah, what I mean is, you are probably used to this kinds of stuff,"

He kept his smile going. "I'm excited to see our dorms though, it'll be nice to have a bit of space for myself for once. It'll be weird though, to be without sun--I mean, but your probably used to that," He paused a minute, "Also, I swear I don't always say 'probably used to that' it just seems like the phrase of the night,"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aine Wainwright

Aine managed a shaky smile when Josie mentioned wanting to visit her village. I’m here so that they can be safe. If you think that I’m going to lead you back to them, you’re insane, she thought with sudden spite, but quickly quashed the feeling. No matter her thoughts, her place now was at this vampire’s side, and she was to put the vampire’s satisfaction over all else.

When the vampire prompted her for the reason of her sudden hesitation, Aine froze, not knowing what to say. She owns you, a voice in her head told her, tone clipped. You may as well accept it. Even if you die, at least your family will be safe.

With that thought in mind, Aine exhaled and looked at Josie, pasting on a polite smile again. The vampire sounded less and less sincere by the second, but Aine wasn’t here to befriend the blood-sucking creatures of the night. “Nothing, L—Lady Josie,” she said, stuttering briefly on the woman’s name. “If you wish to see the moonblossoms, then I will gladly accompany you.”

Swallowing the rest of her hesitant resistance, Aine let fear carry her forth into the garden with the vampire in lead. The worst that could happen is that she might kill me, Aine thought, glancing at the vampire beside her out of the corner of her eye before training her eyes forward. She doesn't seem like someone who’d meaninglessly kill for sport, and even if she did… Aine paused, stuffing the thought into the outer corners of her mind. No. No, Aine. No.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago


There are some vampire that like being the mages' first bite. The first to cause the pain, the first to take and taste and be the only one. I've never felt this way, they are so inexperienced, so ...unsure and scared. It ruins the flavor and the moment and...why does this girl want to make me feel like a bad person for wanting what we both know that she is here for? Of course Josie would never dream of saying this type of stuff out loud. But she always disagreed with this policy of babies being life long feeders.

As a young child, she always just drank from blood bags or from what ever mage her father happened to have around at the time. After feeding they'd always hug her or spare an almost motherly final word. She though that they also enjoyed it. It wasn't until she was nearly eighty that a new one mentioned the discomfort they felt. Her father sent that mage away the next day, but it was an illuminating lesson.

It also taught her the value of experience. Breaking in her own mage was just so tedious. She all but ignored the girls uneasiness until they found their way into a more secluded part of the garden. "I've brought you another gift, she said lightly, pulling out a small, tin box. She opened the lid to show six perfect rose shaped chocolates. Each one a different color in the center and brushed with a dusting of gold. Delicate petals swooping together and ending in a carved leaf. "My father loves art of the swiss chocolate maker who crafts these. I'm told by his mage that they are the best tasting in the world," Carefully she plucked one of the dainty roses out, took Aine hand and placed it in her palm, carefully not break the fragile thing. She then replaced the lid on the box and tucked the chocolates back to where they had once been.

"I'll shan't beat around the bush, and I don't want you to spend time thinking on it," she said suddenly. "What is the saying you Mages use darling...quick like a bandaid? She reached out and took the girls wrist, the one connected to the non-rose baring hand, pulling it close to her lips. "It'll sting a little, but that should be all the pain you feel. Unless you struggle or try to pull away, in which case a fear it gets much more painful. I'm going to count backward from three, and on one, I want you to bite the chocolate, it is my hope that it will distract you from the sting of the bite," she paused a little, purposely not giving the girl proper time to digest everything that she was saying. "Three...two....one" Then she bit.



A smile started growing across Declan's face as he quickly discovered which buttons would make Kanalie squirm so beautifully. Miss Kanalie," He said, stepping closer to her. "I would never dream of biting someone unwilling. So until the day he tells me it is okay, I'll will not lay a hand on him. That is a much better deal that a simple never ever and one that I'll be much more likely to stick to M'am,"

He spare Alex a passing glance "As the Lady says, we simply must depart Alexander Enjoy you...vampire love and leave with these parting words until we meet again. I hate it when you leave, but I love watching you go," He watched Alexander pass to his own vampire before turning his attention back to the girl in front of him.

"Well, M'am if you wanna go somewhere a little more private where we can get comfortable I suggest we retire to our dorm. I am so looking forward to see if they leave up to the legend. He offered out his arm, an offer to escort her. "Shall we Madame?

The dorms were not horrible far away. Less than a five minute walk if they didn't dally.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

As I laid there in the back in the back of the car I began to think of what all may lay ahead for me. So much so that i got too into my head, practically begging for anxiety to come for me, but I knew just the cure for that. With a swish of my wrist i motioned towards the glass nestled in the cup holder, calling forth the water it contained. As i laid there commanding the water to swirl by my ears i felt more relaxed than ever due to the sounds it made, there was nothing more calming than than waters eb and flow. The car came to a halt and i could hear a muffled sound as if being spoken to. Only guess was it was time to make my arrival and see what this school will bring me and as to who i will be partnered with.

The view was magnificent, which could only be expected considering who was running it all. My only thought at the moment "There better be food involved I'm starved" I make my way past the gates and enter a lovely courtyard only to be abruptly greeted by a stranger bearing a folded piece of parchment. They let me know that when the time is right i may open it and see what is inside, till then it is sealed by magic only one can undo. "Thanks pops, would you mind uh pointing me to the food?" I say as i examine the strange piece in my hand. He gives me a nod towards the Servants carrying trays of drinks and hors d'ouevres. "Not a full on buffet but i can manage. Can't expect such lavished creatures to bother themselves with an open buffet anyways" Mission in mind I knew how to stake out the servants and pace out my pickings so as not to seem as if I'm taking too much, I pace myself through out the night drinking, eating and wondering as to what the blood laced champagne would taste like...or if i could have it. Looking around there are few fountains all beautifully decorated and with fine statues as well, so i make my way towards one so that i may be close to my element if need be.

Not long after my 20th hors d'oeuvre does the room fall silent as what can only be described as impeccable beauty elegantly makes its way down the floor escorted by a not so elegant man. "wow not thats what i call an entrance!" She begins a speech about how she is the founder of the school and how we will all be working together, mage and vampire alike to better our futures. Seems nice even if not a bit crude given social standings but then again she probably doesn't fully grasp what she is asking for either of us. And just like that, as if she were a brilliant flash of light, there one second gone the next. "Better check out my roomie" Unfolding the parchment i see a picture of a male, great hair, strong jaw, green eyes, very much a jock type it seemed "Michael Sharpe, why not just call yourself Vampire McSharpetooth?" I chortled to myself. "Suppose I should go ahead and find him" I make my way towards a fountain, making sure to take the path with the most hors d'oeuvres, and sit upon its edge. Almost as if i was summoning, i create a small cat out of water form the fountain then begin tapping my finger against the water so a portion becomes and clear and smooth as glass. "You see this man? Go find him and bring him to me" Surveillance via scrying was a family specialty and the first trick the Belren's learned as water magi; as my cat roamed the crowds looking for the man in the photo I sat by staring at what others would see as a clear pain of water but to me was what my "familiar" saw. "My this is taking too long...best see how the others are getting along" with that i summoned another creature though this one was a bird and i asked it to scope out from above and show me how the rest of the guests are fairing at this party with their pair ups. "Should really ease up on the magic...2 surveillance animals is all i can do right now and its gonna make me hungry again..." There was then a loud burst of laughter as he was honestly always hungry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiwiBaer
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As her friend departed in his begrudging way, Kanalie offered up a fluttery little wave goodbye. She masked her disappointment from him with a sympathetic smile, keeping a close eye on him for a while until he met up with his vampire. She had honestly been hoping to meet the new player in Alexander's life together, as they had done so with Declan. A team effort. Still, she knew there would be other times and opportunities in the future and for now, she should simply give Mr. Sputnik her full attention.

Except, to she was starting to wish she didn't have to as his words left her more and more flustered. He was quite simply behaving incorrectly. Every time he called her miss or ma'am (did he call her lady?), she felt like crawling into herself and hiding away. She even found herself throwing nervous glances about her, making sure no one could overhear these backwards signs of respect and perhaps punish them for it. Catching no disapproving glares, she tried to stop worrying her lip over it while taking a few quick steps in closer to the man. She ordered herself to relax, telling herself that some vampires behaved differently than the ones she lived with. Telling herself Declan was probably reveling in the socially incorrectness of his behavior. Telling herself this beast wanted to watch her feathers ruffle, to see her flounder.

Honestly, she had too options available to her. It was either scold him for his words and remind him of his misactions, or wait for him to grow bored of his game. Honestly, yelling at her vampire seemed a much greater evil, one she had already committed twenty minutes into meeting him.

Ugh. What a failure.

Movement drew in her attention. She gazed level at the arm he now extended out to her, registering what it meant instantly. Finding the action to leave her chest surprisingly warm. It broke through the anxiety and nerves that he had built up. It was an endearingly gentlemanly gesture and, despite herself, she smiled with a gentle laugh. She tangled her arm around his and moved up against his side, ready to pretend to be the pretty little thing on his arm.

He just wanted to play with her, and that was fine. She could handle that, she realized. It was nothing compared to the cruelty she had been attempting to steel herself against, entering a den of snakes such as this. She was worried about being teased, when she could have been worrying about her own throat. Well. Worrying more about her own throat. If he wanted to play, she could adjust to his game.

"Y-yes." She hadn't meant to stutter and was vaguely annoyed by the unsteady state she was still in, despite her new pep talk. She gripped her fists, steadying herself with pure determination. "To speed things along, I think I'll start with the questions now, if that's alright? It'll give you the chance to think about them!" She didn't wait for confirmation this time, already quite nervous. Knowing more about the man who owned her veins now would at least make her feel a little more relaxed.

She carefully unfolded her paper one-handed, but frowned lightly as they began to walk out of the more powerful light that had filled the courtyard, entering a less illuminated pathway. It wasn't dark in any sense, but she was unable to read the minuscule writing on the page. Her gaze jumped to a lantern they passed and in an instant, the light was gathering itself and drifting obediently towards the pair. It hovered over their shoulders, a flickering glow yet without any flame to accompany. The words were perfectly illuminated and she released a sigh.

Had the vampire chosen to look upon the page, he would find it very much filled. Quite a bit of questions she had, it seemed.

"The first one's a bit silly, but..." She focused her eyes on her companion now, sincere and fueled by a dedicated urgency. She really did want to make sure this would all work out. "Do you have any preferences in smells? Or allergies? I know your senses are a lot stronger than ours and the family I live with, they really hate the smell of lemons." She glanced to the side, not making a good enough masking attempt to hide her disappointment at this fact. "I just want to know so that I can avoid any products with that scent. I don't wear lotion so I shouldn't taste any different. Though, if you have a preferred scent, I could adjust for that as well..."

She let out a little huff, realizing she was getting too caught up on the first question alone. She held up her list a little higher, peering at it intently. "I was also curious about your eating habits? Whether you prefer a big 'meal' once a day or like... little sips throughout or however you like it. And what exactly is home life like for you, if you don't mind my asking?" That one was less about preparations and more curiosity. She'd only ever been in one vampire household in her life. Granted, she lived there, but she was still curious about other possible lifestyles.

"Do you like music? Are there specific noises that you dislike? What is your romantic status and sexuality? Are there specific actions that annoy you, like, pet peeves? Oh! Do you dislike pets?"

She tried to skip quickly over the question of sexuality. She had previously put them on there, swearing to herself it was only to be prepared if her vampire had a "friend" over or had other obligations. Now, with the vampire she had ended up with, the question made her flustered and embarrassed. Once again, she was tinging across the red spectrum as she nervously slid her hair behind her ears. She peeked back up into Declan's face then, nervous. Anxious that maybe this had been a bit too much, maybe too personal, maybe she had upset him.

She wondered what Declan looked like when he was upset.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elizabeth Harvey

Liz's smile brightened with relief as Joseph accepted her hand in greeting, seeming in no way put off by her elitist comment. She promised to herself that she would be more careful going forward, but already it seemed like the two might get along well. After releasing her hand, Joey proceeded to go on a slight tangent, stumbling over himself in his excitement. Several times he ended up repeating the same phrase, one she had to struggle to keep from laughing while he was speaking. He wasn't wrong, she was more than used to her current surroundings as were the vast majority of her vampire classmates. But it seemed this fact got the better of the excited and curious mind.

As Joey's thoughts shifted to apology, Liz couldn't contain her laughter anymore as the sound escaped in a light and airy chime. "I suppose it is." She spoke, feeling a lot more comfortable now. "Most of us find mansion life quite comfortable, however you will find a handful of the elder families still living in actual castles... So you're not all that far off." She beamed widely before her smile softened, her eyes saddening for a brief moment. "I wouldn't mind seeing the sun someday, it sounds beautiful. You humans certainly are lucky." She said wistfully before shaking her head and hugging onto Joey's right arm. "But enough with the introductions, you want to see the living quarters! We have the address, I'm sure there are aids standing about to help us find out way."

Forgetting to await a response, Liz began tugging on Joey's arm in the direction that she wanted to walk in. It wasn't as if she had any idea of where she was headed, but it seemed most of the other student pairs were headed in the same direction so she figured it must have been the right one. She found herself thinking that it would be wise to get her hands on a map as she would more than likely get lost on the daily, the campus was just so expansive. People weren't kidding when they referred to it as its own town, as it very much was. Aside from the education facilities and the dorm houses, which were large in their own right, the grounds were home to various cafes, small little shops, and plenty of extracurricular activities to keep the energetic entertained.

"I wonder if they'll be supplying an allowance to spend at some of these places. I hope so, I'm in need of some new art supplies." Liz commented, already staring off into space.


Michael Sharpe

This wasn't anything out of the ordinary for Michael, in fact he hardly paid any attention to the festivities at all. Instead he focused on socializing as was customary in his familiar circle. There were several faces he was already acquainted with, swinging by to greet them. By the time the princess had made her appearance, Michael was joking around with a group of guys and had been stalking the group for any attractive females he might be interested in hunting. Naturally all of the vampires in attendance were up to par, but that wasn't quite what he was after. Nothing gave a better rush than the thrill of chasing down a creature as fragile as a human. Sure, the mages had magic on their side, but most of them were inexperienced with their element, which meant if he could take them off guard he would have no problem subduing them.

Or at least that's where his head was at while Zaria was making her speech. The man listened carefully to her instructions even though it might not have looked as such, his eyes wandering every inch of her porcelain body. The image of absolute perfection, one he wouldn't mind getting his hands on for himself... Mike was realistic, however, knowing full well that he would never get within a hundred feet of the woman with all of the security she lugged around. Sighing, his attention turned to the paper in his hands, praying to the gods that the picture on the inside would be that of some cute girl he would get to toy with for the entire time they were at school. Flicking it open, he found himself squinting at it in confusion. The picture wasn't very telling, as the short hair and youthful features could belong to one or the other. And the name didn't really help either, leaving him with more questions than answered.

Grumbling to himself, he waved farewell to his conversation partners so that they might venture off to find their own partners. A motion caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, a small creature approaching him. There was something odd about this creature though, as it wasn't exactly... alive. Made of water, it took on the form of a cat and was staring directly at him. Creeped out by this, Michael made to shoo it away, kicking at it with his foot. He should have known that it wouldn't have done any good, but his hope had been to dispel the magic.

Needless to say, it didn't really work. The cat reformed itself and Mike was left with a single, dripping shoe. Still staring at him, Mike frowned and stared back. "Well? What do you want?" He snapped, watching as it began its retreat, stopped and turned back around. Michael hesitated but ultimately decided to follow the creature back to what he could only assume was its source. Yet again, Michael found himself confused. Even in person his partner didn't have any defining features that would hint at any one particular gender. Unable to hide his annoyance, Mike looked down (quite literally) at the mage before him.

"River right?" He asked curtly, staring down the kid with a whole other level of intensity.

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