Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Evan 'Sunshine' Smiles

City T


When asked about the ambulance, Sunshine couldn't stop himself from having a mischievous grin on his face. Despite technically being an adult, along with shouldering the responsibilities of a professional hero. He still carried a childish and playful side to his persona.

"Heh, I don't think they will mind!" He responded.

Sunshine turned to Guardian, feeling a bit relieved to hear the threat had already been neutralized. He dispelled Solar Drive early, to avoid suffering from any further self inflicted damage. The burns were still minor, but they sting like hell. As a result for using two solar charges, Sunshine can no longer participate in another full scale battle for today.

"Just had a battle in City S with Ventus and a few others against some crab alien. Last I heard, City K was under attack too. I'm going to-" He stated, only to be cut off by an abrupt vibration coming from his cellphone going off in his pockets. After pulling it out to check his messages, he glanced back at Guardian with a cheerful look on his face. "Good news! The threat in City K has been defeated! Just got the word from HQ! Oh, and Angel Grace wants to see you! A-S-A-P!" He informed him.

He waved off at some of the paramedics who approached him and attempt to treat his burns, but he insisted they all focused their energy on Dreadlock. After the ambulance took off in such a hurry, Evan felt a bit concerned about the condition for Guardian's companion. Hoping she manages to pull through and recover from her injuries.

"Best wishes and fishes to your friend Guardian! I'm going to put that on the get well card! Hehe~ I'm heading over to HQ, do you need help getting there?" He kindly offered. Although, there was not much he could do in regards to transportation. Perhaps he can call in a chopper from HQ, but not by using the quicker method involving his powers. Without the strength boost from Solar Drive, he is physically incapable of carrying someone huge like Guardian around with pyrokinetic flight. At least not yet...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dreadlock, Guardian, Savant, Sunshine

City T

Allister glanced over to the man who had approached earlier with another victim of the burning building to which he could see the smoke rising from, only to cover his face from the pillar of light and fire that erupted from him before making his way over to the man.

"You were in that building? You dragged that gentleman out? What's your name boss? I'll be sure to mention you in my report for your bravery." He said as he helped him up to his feet. He gestured for Sunshine to help.

No need help getting there but thanks. Actually, Sunshine can you do me a favor and help him out? Maybe see if you can go around with him to the other buildings and make sure they are clear of civilians? Once he's feeling better of course, unless the Director or someone else higher in rank has given you a request?" He asked with a bit of curiosity. Allister wasn't one to step on others toes unless he had to. This was not one of those times.

He sighed before tapping the mic button in his ear.

Director, this is Guardian S rank 4. I'm on my way to HQ now, I will debrief you on my way." He glanced back before turning towards before-

'Bjorn..' He glanced back at the hammer before looking at Sunshine.

"I'll leave Bjorn here with you just incase you need it. Just bring it to HQ when your done with it, please?" With what could be described as a boy scout salute, he gave one to the both of them before leaping off towards HQ, reciting to the Director the events that unfolded there in City T.

It would be needless to say, Allister was bound to hear an earful from the Director for his reckless actions that not only endangered the life of a fellow hero, but reckless actions that currently could cost the organization another member at the hands of the Guardian. For now though he had much more crippling fears to worry about and they all went by two words, two words that made a name...Angel Grace.

The Guardian arrived at HQ. The building that heroes were seen in numbers entering or leaving, if one wanted to get autographed trading cards of the heroes, this would be the place to get them, that is, if they were allowed on the premises. He walked through its tinted glass doors and made his way into the lobby.

"Ah mister Matthews!" He glanced over at the woman who sat at the front desk with a light smile.

"Hello. I was told to come here?" The woman nodded as she stood up and walked out from behind the desk.

"Yes of course. Ms. Angel Grace wishes to speak with you and I believe the Director as well though I haven't received any message from him yet. Just hold on here and I'll go grab her. Also in case you haven't heard, a low ranked C class hero took down one of the monsters with an elevator. I thought they were joking at first but apparently its true." Allister reeled back slightly out of surprise but was more or less amazed at the little story.

"That's amazing! Would like to meet this person." He said with a smirk.

"Well, he is currently on his way here. I believe accompanied by a B or an A ranked hero...Reaper I believe." He nodded as she excused herself to fetch Angel. For now, he waited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ah, Ukraine. Mrs. Pickles had done a project about Ukraine once for school. However, he re remembered almost nothing about it. It was sort of like Russia. But it wasn't Russia. At all. Reminding himself that Violet Reaper didn't seem to be a fan of chit-chat, he nodded in response to her answer and remained silent for the rest of the trip.

Surprisingly, Clarence enjoyed the company of silent people. Although they were definitely judging you, just like every other person, they wouldn't openly criticize you. Although Clarence was usually open to hearing criticism, general tips about how to live life were annoying. He already knew that he was doing that wrong, and didn't need somebody reminding him.

Clarence also noted that the hero was attractive, like most heterosexual males. However, Clarence was far too clueless and busy for girls. Clarence knew he'd make a terrible boyfriend, as he'd be far too preoccupied by his two pastimes. Taking care of his family, and drinking.

Mrs. Pickles spent most of the ride staring out of the window and thinking about how this whole hero thing was going to work and quickly realized that at least one of four things would have to happen for his life to work out.

1. He'd have to research and figure out a way to get super powers. Fast.
2. He'd have to find someone to train him. Fast.
3. He'd have to stumble upon a useful and extremely powerful weapon or artifact. The his mother had given him was great for party tricks but not much else, and the hunting rifle could only do so much.
4. He'd have to give up and find another job.

Right now, option one seemed the most appealing. Mrs. Pickles made a mental note to go to the library at some point, or at least ask around about how some people had gained their powers. Then, the police cruiser came to a stop and Mrs. Pickles realized that he was at HQ.

Clarence hopped out of the vehicle, impressed by the building. However, he had seen enough photos to avoid embarrassing himself by audibly gasping at the large headquarters. Then, Clarence realized something horrifying. This wasn't just climbing through the ranks. This wasn't a Class C jumping up two or three ranks. Usually, Class Cs who ranked up by only a few slots were sent an email or a letter. This was a significant climb in the ranks.

Mrs. Pickles tried not to gulp as he and Violet Reaper walked up the stairs quietly as several heroes, number crunchers, and other individuals walked in and out of HQ. Upon entry, Mrs. Pickles saw a woman exiting the lobby, but did not know it was to retrieve Angel Grace. A young man with sharp looking suit and tie strode over to the two heroes.

He looked at Violet Reaper and smiled politely. "Hello Violet Reaper," he said. Although the man didn't literally bow, he was so polite and sincere that he seemed to. He looked at Clarence.

"And you must be..." he paused, "...Mrs. Pickles." Clarence nodded. The man smirked. "So, you're the one that defeated a Chimera and managed to slay the crab monster?" Clarence slowly nodded.

The young man seemed prepared to lead them to the lobby but then hesitated. "Erm... if you don't mind me asking... what powers do you have, exactly?"

Clarence had enough experience lying, so his lie came quickly and naturally. "Ah, my powers are a bit complex. I'll spare you the details of a boring and confusing explanation."

The man nodded, understanding. "Fair enough. I'm sure we'll have time later to discuss them in detail." Hopefully not.

The man walked Violet Reaper and Mrs. Pickles to the lobby where the Guardian was already waiting. An S RANK! thought Mrs. Pickles. He recognized the Guardian immediately. He, like most citizens, could recognize the majority of S ranked heroes with ease. Upon entering the room, something at the back of Mrs. Pickles mind reminded him about previous run ins with the church and vaguely recalled that the Guardian was associated with them, but he dismissed these thoughts as he extended a hand to the hero. As long as Angel Grace didn't show up, he'd be fine. "Erm... hello. I'm Cla-Mrs. Pickles. It's nice to meet you."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Evan 'Sunshine' Smiles

City T


"Can do!~ I have a bit energy to spare to deal with the situation around here. I'll just see yah at HQ later with Bjorn!~" He cheerfully responded to Guardian just before he took off. The hammer that was left behind caught Evan's attention. So, this is Bjorn...Needless to say, it refused to budge an inch when Evan attempted to lift the darn thing with both hands. This is what Guardian carries around all the time?! No wonder he is S-Rank.

Evan was surprised that he couldn't lift the hammer at first, but came to a quick realization that Guardian is one of the strongest heroes in the world. So, it was to be expected that only a few can match Guardian in strength. Ah, Cheese and Crackers! This hammer is too darn heavy! I have to call someone else from HQ and have them pick it up. He mentally shouted.

After putting in the request to HQ, Evan made his way over towards the nearby person who he assumes to be a hero. It appeared that he was on rescue patrol. After witnessing the hero collapsing to his knees, he assumed the brave hero was hurt from expelling all of that fire off his body. While impressive as it may be to extinguish an entire building, it appeared to have taken a toll on him. Luckily, Evan is the man for the job! "Heeeey! Are you hurt?!" He called out to him, concerned about his well being.

When he moved closer to the person, he did not recognize him at all. Maybe this guy was somewhere buried among the many C-Rank heroes. Was it possible he is an unranked hero? Evan did only browse through the news of the top 20 or so for each rank. In any case, Evan approached the person's left side, slightly hunched over and offered a helping hand to him. "Can you stand, friend? We still have to check for any civilians around the area." He asked, wishing to work together with him and escort civilians to the evacuation Zone.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Niflheim Sokolov

The Violet Reaper
Location: Headquarters
Interactions: @SpookySquid @FallenTrinity

As per usual, Violet Reaper was utterly silent the entire trip, doing well as to ignore the man next to her. Him, going up in the ranks? There wasn't anything particularly interesting about him... Did he even have powers?! The Ukrainian woman brooded on the other side of the police car, but it wasn't evident since she always seemed annoyed by something. And it wasn't helping that the bafoon driving the vehicle kept obviously glancing up in his rear view mirror to take another gawking look at the hero. Niflheim could feel nausea creeping up on her...

Luckily, they were soon at the HQ. Thank god, maybe she could get this over with quickly and take another job. The woman was getting anxious just chaperoning another hero around.

She left the car with a curt "Thank you" towards the cop, who took his time pulling away as he watched after the Ukrainian woman. She quickly led Clarence inside, face neutral as she glanced about as to where she had to drop him off. Would Niflheim have to stay? She didn't imagine so... She was only an A-class, albeit a very high ranked one, but her presence shouldn't be required among a board of the most powerful, should it?

As the man approached, Violet Reaper glanced to him with the same politeness he projected to her. "Good afternoon." She paused with the other as the C-class was questioned. Hah, powers her zhopa. What kind of powers could this drunkard have?

As they entered the room, Niflheim's golden eyes widened ever so slightly. "Guardian, you are here as well?" asked Violet Reaper with surprise, completely ignoring Clarence's introduction. She didn't know Guardian too closely, but she believed she had fought beside him once or twice. Still, he was far more powerful and to be respected, thus she bowed her head slightly to show said respect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Adam considered waving the hand off. It wouldn't do for an aspiring hero to show weakness, right? Still, that ship had probably sailed already, and he didn't want to be rude anyways. He accepted the stranger's help with a grateful smile, thinking he had seen the man's face before but not quite remembering where.

"I'll be fine. Just a little strained is all. Still, what aspiring hero would put his comfort over the safety of others? There are still more people who need help." He levered himself to a standing position and stumbled half a step forward. Crap, maybe that took more out of me than I thought. I really haven't been practicing enough for this. Regardless, he plastered his signature grin on his face and stood tall, ready to do whatever was asked of him. Best to live every day projecting the image you wanted people to see, rather than falter and ruin it forever.

"So where to?" He asked the man who had to be a hero.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dreadlock, Guardian, Savant, Sunshine

City T

The Guardian blinked slightly at the tall man who extended his hand, introducing himself as Mrs. Pickles. He raised his brow for a second before remembering-

Ah right! You must have been the one everyone is talking about. Hahaha! Taking down a monster with an elevator. I wish I had seen that but I was tending to something more-" He stopped talking as a grim look passed over but fortunately Reaper was there to break him from his internal strife he felt, politely gesturing for her to stop the bow.

Eh... Reaper, there is no need to bow. I appreciate it but we all do our part." He smiled nervously before returning the bow anyway.

"How have you been Violet? I heard the threats are neutralized and everyone is starting to make their way back to their respectable places in their cities. Most likely St. Michaels Church members are helping out somehow, maybe escorting people back to their homes. Oh by the way, how did everyone else fair with the threat? I see you seemed to handle it very well, you usually do." He smirked as he kept his eyes on the two, chatting about the event and what would happen and what the plan was when everything settled, unaware of the S rank Angel herself, sneaking up on her young son, a massive solid light hammer in her hand, its with equal to that of a compact car.

-but yeah that's about it. I still hope we can have time to throw the banquet. I intended on making me steamed veggie and meat buns. Possibly bring some homemade rice cakes...And I should make some extra for Dreadlock." He mumbled the end of his sentence but it would surely still reach Reaper's ears and before Reaper could respond with a question pertaining to Dreadlock, Grace made her presence known.

"Oh Allisterrrr Frederick Matthewssss~"

Guardian recognized that voice. Not Angel Graces, that he knew. But it was the tone and pitch he recognized and his eyes widened in fear as he slowly turned around to catch only a glimpse of Angel's face; Eyes closed and with an unreadable smile. Behind her back that protruded from behind her was a rod like handle attached to a massive hammer that would make Bjorn look like a child's toy.

Wait wai-"


With a elegant and fluid swing the head of the hammer struck Allister and sent him flying into the wall which luckily was saved from damage thanks to her sold light wall construction that she formed just in front of his impact area.


After Angel Grace's outburst and Guardian landed safely to the ground with a heavy thud, she turned her attention to Violet Reaper with a switch in attitude that could rival even the most unpredictable winds. After giving her a light hug she let her hands rest on Reaper's shoulders with a light smile.

"You have grown up so much since I last saw you and now look at you! An A Rank!" She gave her a respectable nod before turning towards-


Her head was lowered but that smile, that smile that Guardian first saw before he was smacked away with her hammer now rested on her face along with the golden aura that was seeping out of her body, her eyes glowed a bright gold from behind the closed lids, eyes directly looking at Pickles.

"Oh....So you're the one that saved the city? That's nice...." The hammer began to reform in her hand, Guardian in the background stumbling to his feet.

"Violet..." The sound of death held in her name as her neck seemed to crack with the crane it had on it, her glowing eyes not leaving Pickles.

"Do me a favor my dear and please...Please, step away from this nice, kind, not in anywayassociated with urinating publicly in not just my garden, but Allister's garden as well and the cause of a very nice 90th birthday ruined because that garden was filled with ingredients used in my birthday dinner......man." Today...there would be revenge. Today....There would be payback.

"Tell me my dear, boy....How durable are you?" Her sweet voice held so much anger and yet it was her aura that showed it.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mrs. Pickles was surprised by how personable the Guardian was. He had expected heroes to be more… different. He always imagined them to be either openly arrogant or have a certain presence that made them seem significantly more important than the others in the room. But the Guardian clearly talked to Mrs. Pickles as an equal, and he didn’t feel like it was just because he had slaughtered a Crab Monster with an elevator. As the Guardian talked about a banquet, Mrs. Pickles started to become confused. He remembered Dreadlock (mostly because of her moderately obscure superpower) but wasn’t sure why he’d make extra for Dreadlock. His first assumption was correct- she had been hurt, and this was confirmed by the shrieks of Angel Grace, who he hadn’t noticed approaching.

At first, Clarence felt sorry for the Guardian. He realized that the mistake had put someone in a dangerous situation, but he was pretty sure that he didn't need somebody reinforcing the guilt with physical pain. Then, he remembered his... uneasy... relationship with Angel Grace.

The memories of urinating in the garden were shaky. What Clarence really remembered was the morning afterwards. Mostly, the hangover. But soon, memories of his mother shouting at him started to return as well…

*WOooohhh Flashback!*

Angel Grace spoke to Violet Reaper softly, and Mrs. Pickles began to calm down. Maybe she had forgotten about the incid… oh, no. She remembered. She remembered alright… His face fell as her rage built. He was both embarrassed and horrified.

“... How durable are you?” asked Angel Grace. It certainly did not take a genius to know that she was mad. Very, very, mad.

How durable was he? What kind of a question was that? She wasn't going to actually… or was she? He hadn't heard from her since his parent’s funeral… she had never really gotten revenge…

Clarence thought about his response carefully. He was in a tough spot, and he also had to stay on her good side. He remembered that she technically had some sort of custody of his younger siblings. Finally, he spoke as he slowly backed away from the enraged hero. “I've been on a… stressful elevator ride, punched by a scientist and tackled by a Chimera today. Maybe you shouldn't use the hammer… I’m sorry about your garden. But I have changed!”

Clarence quickly realized that was obviously a lie. He had not shaved in a week or two, and his face was covered in unattractive whiskers. He still smelled like alcohol. The clothes he was wearing were tattered from his fight with the Chimera. He had just arrived from prison. He was also completely homeless. He only had about forty-five dollars, some clothes, a hunting rifle, his mother’s box and a little bit of alcohol to his name. And these were all kept in the suitcase that he was currently toting around with him. He had lost control of his siblings. He didn't even have a job! If he had changed, it had been for the worse.

Guilty, Mrs. Pickles scratched the back of his head and looked at the ground. “Uh…. well… I've tried to change.” He felt the wall and he realized that he was backed into the corner.

Even in peak medical condition, Mrs. Pickles would barely be able touch Angel Grace in a fight. Now, he just stood still, looking at the floor, prepared to accept his fate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Niflheim Sokolov

The Violet Reaper
Location: Headquarters
Interactions: @SpookySquid @FallenTrinity

Violet Reaper straightened, looking at the giant man curiously. A small grin, so slight that calling it a 'smile' would be a stretch, pulled at the corners of the Ukrainian woman's little mouth. "I've been fine. Everyone there handled the threat well, I believe, so it wasn't just me. And I would love your steamed veggie buns, they're one of my favorites." Surprisingly, Niflheim wasn't as stand offish towards Guardian. Perhaps due to his stature, as it reminded her of her Uncle at home, or maybe simply because she knew him beforehand. Either way, she was much friendlier towards the battle scarred hero than Mrs. Pickles.

Too consumed in the polite conversation, Reaper had noticed at last second the woman behind the tall man, ready for an attack. Before Niflheim could warn him, the light hammer struck down and the Violet Reaper visibly cringed as she watched poor Guardian fly into the wall. Man, that looked like it hurt.

The outburst, though almost incoherent with rage, still caught the woman's attention. Dreadlock? In the ICU? I'd never imagine such a thing... but I'm sure she's perfectly fine, knowing her. However, Niflheim didn't voice her opinion on the over reaction, blinking in surprise as the women hugged her. It took her a moment before Niflheim recognized her, an encourager when Niflheim was only a C-Rank and her family was brought in as refugees earlier by the church. That seemed so long ago...

"Everyone is fine, thank you." Reaper returned the hug hesitantly, not one for human contact.

But, then again, the most likely bipolar Mother turned on the newcomer. Violet was about to step out of the way, but... something stopped her. The look on Clarence's face, it just seemed so familiar. Like her little myshka when she says she couldn't be home for dinner that night...

A gentle gloved hand was placed down upon Angel Grace's opposite shoulder, firm but kind. "HQ will be angry with you if you hurt the boy, Angel. That was so long ago, you shouldn't be hung up on that. It causes unneeded stress." The Ukrainian woman stepped away to kneel besides Guardian's head, facing the two as she lifted his head onto her lap, trying to wake him up. "Plus, you have to tell me what happened to Dreadlock. I'm curious."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Evan 'Sunshine' Smiles

City T


After Evan helped the aspiring hero stand back up to his feet, he turned his attention to the surrounding neighborhood which suffered from the chaotic battle. There were civilians still trapped inside the charred up building, while a few were trapped beneath some of the debris nearby. An emergency rescue team was being deployed, but it would still take some time for them to arrive, leaving the heroes in control for now.

He gave a proud nod to the soon-to-be hero, admiring his spirit. "This way! I'll take care of the people inside the building starting from the top floor while you go through the lower levels and get the ones trapped in the rubble. Let's go!" He ordered, wasting little time on fussing over the small details such as the stranger's identity. There were people that needed their help!

Sunshine took point and rushed over to the extinguished building. His legs became coated in solar energy as he activated his ability for pyrokinetic flight. Upon reaching the top floor, he crawled through one of the shattered windows in which he received minor cuts on top of his burns. He spotted a mother cradling a small child on the opposite side of the room. The entire floor didn't appear too damaged, he thought. However, the moment he took a couple of steps towards the family, portions of the floor began to collapse. This doesn't look good...

"Shoot!" Thankfully, his quick reflexes allowed him to stay afloat and shoot the falling debris out the window with his fire balls to prevent a domino effect on the lower levels.

That was a close one! Sunshine grabbed the family quickly as he can and exited through the window he entered from. He would then settle the family on the pavement, just a few meters safely away from the building and went back inside to rescue more civilians. He rinsed and repeated carefully for each floor on his end, saving whoever he can find.

Once the building has been cleared or nearing completion by both heroes, Sunshine would receive yet another call from HQ. Apparently, they wanted him to return immediately. An HQ chopper could be heard flying overhead, looking like it was here to retrieve Bjorn and deploy the rescue team. This was perfect, his solar energy felt like it was running dry to continue flight. Hopefully he could catch a ride to HQ with his new friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dreadlock, Guardian, Savant, Sunshine

City T

Guardian thanked Reaper for the assistance but when he made his way back over to the group he placed a hand gently on Reapers shoulder and shook her head, a silent command to let Angel do her thing and to back up this up, Angel forcibly placed a wall in between the four, separating her and Pickles from Reaper and Guardian.

"So that's it? You are just going to accept defeat? Very well...Prepare yourself..." The hammer was raised and came down but just before it would hit pickles, Angel brought up a second light wall, causing instead of a pummeled Pickles, a loud GONG sound. She dispersed the wall above Pickles and the hammer. Silent steps walked forward towards him.


A audible slap crossed Pickles face as Angels hand returned to its side.

"How dare you...Giving up like that and doo you honestly think I care about the past anymore? Sweetie, the past is the past and I am one with the church. Forgive and forget but I'm angry about what I see in front of me." Her eyes were stern yet her voice contradicted the stare.

"Scraggly beard, reeking of alcohol and looking defeated...What kind of impression does this leave on your young siblings, hm? Not a very good one..." She sighed.

"I remember when you were younger and I miss that sweet young boy I once knew. Sure you were a pain in my ass but I was always glad to see that smile on your face when your parents were there. But now look at yourself. You lost guidance, a sense of purpose and I understand."

She stepped back, eyes softening.

"You say that you have changed and yet I don't see it but you only need to ask and it can happen. If need be I will take you and your brothers and sisters under my wing and I can help you become stronger but its like I said...You need only ask child." She reached out and rubbed his check before giving him a light smile.

"I'll be at the church should you need anything. Just ask..." With one last hug she dropped the light structures before turning her attention back to Guardian.

Again with the rapid attitude switch.

"You boy...You come with me...We are going to the hospital to see how Dreadlock is doing."

The two walked into the hospital, immediate recognition came from staff and patient alike. Angel asked for the room to Dreadlock and was escorted to the room where she laid.

"You best hope she's alright or I'm kicking your ass..." She shot Guardian a stern look before turning to the main desk on the floor to ask for the doctor who had worked on her.

Allister nodded silently as he entered and sat down, refusing to look at her out of guilt.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Two large helicopters landed nearby. They were both full of medical personnel any that were seriously injured were immediately taken to one of the two helicopters. A somewhat older helicopter pilot with snowy white hair expertly landed his vehicle and then quickly walked over to Sunshine. "We've got orders to take heroes back to HQ. Wanted to make sure nobody had a bit of a concussion they were trying to ignore..."

Sunshine could tell the man was saying something else, but the crowds of people were too loud, and he couldn't quite make out what the pilot was saying. Then, he saw the co-pilot over the pilot's shoulder.

The co-pilot was a younger man, with a pair of slick shades and a simple mustache. He was quite short and a bit skinny as well. And he did something that definitely drew Sunshine's attention. The pilot realized that Sunshine was looking past him and turned around to see what had caught the hero's attention.

"Roger!" exclaimed the helicopter pilot, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like, Andrew? I'm trying to pick up the hammer."

"Roger, that thing is really heavy. Don't-"

"No, no, I've almost got it. I felt it move a little last time!" The co-pilot grabbed Bjorn again and gave it a mighty tug... he ended up falling onto the ground.

"I told you to get it ready to pick up. We're picking it up with the helicopter, you're not lugging that thing around!"

"Come on, I just didn't have a good grip. It's nothing a bit of-"

"Enough! Just help me fasten the hammer to the helicopter. Now, have the coordinates entered in for headquarters already, right?"

"Yes. I put them right into Google Maps."

"You can't just enter it into some GPS on your phone! We need coordinates!"

The duo secured the hammer and then started the helicopter, gesturing for the heroes to get in. The two talked as the helicopter's engines began to roar.

"Alright, when I get up I'm going to make a sharp left!" shouted the pilot.

"We haven't left yet! We're still on the ground," said Roger.

"I meant turn left."

"Oh, right."

"No, left. Not right. We're going to veer left."

The two continued arguing like that as the heroes were allowed to make their way to the helicopter for a ride.

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Adam was sweating and sore by the time the helicopter arrived, but his smile remained everpresent. He had never been overly athletic growing up, and sifting through rubble wasn't especially easy work. Still, he did have one advantage for the task that others likely didn't.

As he rose from the collapsed section of the building with one last survivor, he stood still and closed his eyes,focusing as hard as he could on the invisible field around him that gave him his power. He focused on extending it, as he had several times in the last ten minutes, but found he didn't have the strength anymore. It only expanded about a foot, growing to encompass the survivor next to him who registered as a buzz in his head, then wobbled for half a second before collapsing back to his skin. Panting and nursing a killer headache, Adam nevertheless led his latest rescue back to where the helicopter was landing and, hopefully, to take a break after all that work.

He slid up beside the hero from earlier as the two pilots seemed to finish an argument. "What was that about?" He asked nonchalantly, his smile once again fixed in place despite the soot and sweat covering him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Evan 'Sunshine' Smiles

City T


Sunshine was paying attention to the older gentleman at first, but then he saw the younger co-pilot attempting to pry Bjorn out of the rubble with...his bare hands?...He expected the co-pilot to succeed if he was that confident. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned as the co-pilot ultimately failed to pull it out too. Well, at least he tried. Sunshine will give him that much, unlike the old pilot who lectured the poor lad. What an odd pair these two appear to be. Definitely the highlight of his day.

"Oh...those two? Well...uhh...kinda hard to explain. Let's just head back to HQ." He responded to aspiring hero, having some doubts about the pilot duo. Despite this, he got on the helicopter with his companion and just listened in to the pilots who probably got into another argument along the way.

Shenanigans most likely occurred, but there was one thing that has been bugging Sunshine. He didn't properly introduce himself to his new friend! Better late than never he guesses. He used this opportunity to do just that. "Say, I never did catch your name...You probably know me already, but just in case. My name is Evan, Evan Smiles! Otherwise known as the number one B-ranked hero, Sunshine!" He introduced, even throwing in a sitting flamboyant pose with the tattered penguin costume he was wearing.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

S H I N D O "F L A S H F O R W A R D" T S U B A S A

City K --> HQ
@SpookySquid @Cherrywitch @FallenTrinity

Shindo had stayed with the downed alien for only a few minutes until a copter came to take it to the labs for whatever reason. He stretched his back and then prepared to leave when he was told to report to HQ for debriefing. He questioned it. This was a first time for him to be honest. They knew him as one of those "part time heroes" who just came to the rescue when they could. Being a student, he needed to still attend his classes and such. So hearing that he needed to debrief at HQ surprised him and told them that he had something else to do. But they disregarded it and then told him to still go to HQ. He asked for a lift but the pilots were already flying before he could ask.

"What a pain..." He muttered to himself as he walked to the nearest ramen stand. He fished out what little pocket money he had with him and began eating. The person manning the ramen stand looked at him oddly as he was still in costume but didn't say anything. The guy must think that he was just a fanboy or something. Shindo finished eating the ramen in record time and then he walked outside. With his stomach filled, he could probably make it to City A within a few minutes. Would it take him ten? Or maybe twenty? Ah he wasn't sure how fast he should go but maybe he should probably hurry.

And with that, he was off. His communicator buzzed to life and admittedly, he was actually expecting that girl, Puppeteer, to speak but was instead met with another voice. It was a male's voice. "Flash Forward, boy do I have news for you." The familiar voice of the older male came to him. He was working in HQ as one of those desk attendants. He was also Shindo's uncle, Masahiro Tsubasa.

"Really Uncle Hiro? Well, spill it." Shindo replied as he turned a building while still in his super speed. It took effort to run and talk at the same time. Thankfully, his ADHD helped in these sorts of cases as he is able to multitask without much difficulty.

"You know Dreadlock right?" Shindo gave a small grunt in reply. Of course he knew her. Everyone in the Hero Association knew of her. He's worked with her... at least twice before. He was admittedly impressed with her. She actually had a goal and wanted to continue this super hero stuff. He was impressed with all that were like that, as he was not one of them. How can someone be so willing to risk their life for some people they don't even know? He has asked himself that so many times. He was only putting up a front after all. He never put his heart in it. Not like the others... not like her. "She's in the ICU."

Shindo almost tripped in shock. He had to stop and compose himself. "She's where?" He practically shouted the question through his earpiece. Dreadlock? That hero? In the ICU? "W-What happened? Is she alright now?"

"Geez kid, no need to be so worried. She's in a coma right now. I don't have all the details but apparently, Guardian accidentally hit her along with the alien they were attacking in his final blow."

"I... see..." Shindo took a deep breath and then started to run again until he entered Super Speed. "Hey Uncle, remind me that I need to visit her." The transmission turned into static and then disappeared completely. Ah, they were cut off. That was fine, at least he heard what he needed to hear. He stumbled when he entered City A and then went to a complete stop. There were so many people outside and it was hard to weave through them in Super Speed.

He continued to walk to HQ with his mask still on. There were only a few who stopped, looked and pointed at him because of recognition of the second rank of the B class. Huh, surely, if it was Sunshine walking down the road, everyone would probably be taking pictures of him. Or maybe he was just being pessimistic. Oh well, whatever. It didn't matter much anyway.

Shindo entered the HQ and then someone approached him to give him take-out food. He bowed as thanks and then opened it. Mhm, beef and rice. He closed it again as he would save it for later. He then stumbled upon the scene of Angel Grace, Guardian, Violet Reaper and that C-Class hero he had to apologize to for his earlier attitude. He stepped aside as Angel Grace and Guardian left the premises and regarded them with a small nod of his head.

He then approached the Violet Reaper and the male... Mrs. Pickles. "Hello there Violet Reaper." He said, lowering his head in respect for the higher ranking person. He then turned to the male whom he will now refer to as Mr. Pickles because he is now growing uncomfortable of his name. "And to you too, Mr. Pickles." He then stepped back and bowed, like one of tradition of where he came from. "Please accept my humblest apologies of my earlier behavior and of calling you a civilian. What you have done was exemplary of a hero... and quite ingenious too." He said before standing up straight and then smirking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Adam looked over the hero sitting next to him. Not only a hero, but the top of the B ranking list. Impressive, if a but odd for his choice of outfit. The thought turned his attention back to his own outfit, his vest covered in soot, but surprisingly tear and burn free for cloth that had been in a fire recently. Surprising to anyone besides himself that was, he had paid quite a bit of money for clothing that could withstand his abilities.

"Adam Egen," he replied, turning his smile on Evan, "Bartender and Hero-to-be I suppose." Glancing out the window, he saw an absolutely massive building taking shape in front of them. "And I suppose that's our destination, isn't it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Pleasure to meet you, Sunshine, I'm Roger," said the co-pilot enthusiastically, twisting himself around to shake Sunshine's hand. The pilot smirked, knowing who the introduction was intended for.

The pilot smiled and said,"Hey! Nice to meet you, you can call me Andrew. We're arriving at HQ in a bit, so just sit tight."

Roger looked offended. "Well? Aren't you going to shake his hand?" he whispered. This "whisper" was audible to both passengers.

"Oh, sure, I'll just stop flying the helicopter for a moment and give him a firm shake," said the pilot with some good natured sarcasm. Seeing the flaw in his logic, Roger fell silent. Realizing his partner was now feeling upset, the pilot decided to try and cheer him up.

"Say, those two seem to be in pretty rough shape, especially the one with all the soot on his face. Why don't you give him your jacket to clean up with?" suggested Andrew.

"I was just about to do that! Two great minds think alike, huh?" said Roger.

He pulled off his old jacket and brought it towards Adam so he could wipe the soot out of his eyes, but the wind suddenly ripped the jacket from Roger's hands and flew out of the helicopter.

"...Yes, we're bringing them in now... Roger." said Andrew.


"Not you..." the pilot gave up as they landed on one of the helipads at the top of HQ
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Niflheim Sokolov

The Violet Reaper

Vivilyn Trainer

The Pumpkin Witch

Location: HQ
Interactions: @SpookySquid@Polaris North@FallenTrinity

The woman shut her eyes tight, waiting for the impact of Angel's hammer on Mrs. Pickles. But, instead, a loud crack from a palm was heard. Niflheim opened her eyes and blinked curiously before a soft smile met her lips. You really are an angel, Grace. Good job.

Niflheim waved lightly as the two left, glancing over back at Mrs. Pickles, but before she could comment, another hero entered. What was his name...? Ah, yes, Flash Forward. As he bowed, she waved him off meekly to show that she did not deserve such formality, simply replying. "And hello to you, Flash Forward."

The Reaper was respectful as the hero conversed with Mrs. Pickles, glancing away with disinterest until the door opened again.

"Nyehh? They make me show up here and they're late? Those bastards, I could have been shopping..."

The colorful, bright eyed witch sat on her Broomy, a visible pout puckering her lips as she floated a few feet above the ground. Pumpkin Witch looked annoyed, but her crimson eyes brightened as she noticed a certain hotty A-class here!

"Reeeaaaper! My bodacious baby!" In a flash, the witch had leaped off of her broom and ran up to the scythe-weilder, not hesitating to give her a firm hug and nuzzled her face into the violet haired woman's bosom. "Hehe, as lovely as ever~!" A visible blush of delight met the blonde's cheeks.

But the color easily drained from her face as Vivilyn leaped back, narrowly missing a scythe's blade to her throat. Niflheim, though her face barely changed, seemed to be clouded in a miasma of pure hatred and rage, hair whipping around her furiously. Truly terrifying, to say the least. "Yoouuu...."

"Aaah, don't get your panties in a twist though I wouldn't mind fixing them for you. You're such a prude!" Vivilyn exclaimed, returning to Broomy with an easy leap up onto the wooden stick. The crimson eyes glanced behind her, and her face scrunched up. The witch got close to Mrs. Pickles, disgust evident in her eyes. "Uhhh, who let in a hobo? He reeks of alcohol..."

Violet Reaper's eyebrow twitched as she returned her scythe to it's place on her back, but her anger was still blindingly evident. "He's not a hobo. He's the hero who killed the chimera and landed the final blow on the alien."

Pumpkin Witch gave a look to Niflheim, seeming very confused. "Err... You know I love you, Reapy, and I think you have totally awesome judgement, but uh... I think you might have gotten the wrong guy. There's no way he's that hero! I mean, look at him!" Through that entire time, Vivilyn hadn't spoken one direct word to Clarence, though she threw her hand out at Mrs. Pickles to exaggerate her point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Cherrywitch@Polaris North@FallenTrinity

Mrs. Pickles almost wished that he had been struck by the hammer instead. That slap sent him tumbling back into the wall. He wasn't sure how to react to the slap, so he just remained silent and listened to her. She left with the Guardian, but he didn't speak with either of them and simply contemplated what she had said. He awkwardly allowed her to hug him, wincing very slightly in pain as he felt her arms on his injuries.

I guess she's not... so bad. She's fine to watch over my siblings until I get everything sorted out, at least...

he decided... but as for her offer to help him? A mixture of stubbornness and guilt prevented Mrs. Pickles from going to the church for help. He felt like he'd have to do this on his own. Well, whatever this was.

He supposed if he was getting a promotion, he'd make the best of it. He'd surely think of some way to become a hero. Or at least pull himself together enough to make people think he was one.

Perhaps he did need help, but not from the church. He was about to say something to Violet Reaper, when Flash Forward entered the room.

Mrs. Pickles beamed at the compliment, and was actually quite pleased that Shindo called him Mr. Pickles. He almost corrected him, but just let it go. It may be incorrect, but it wasn't as embarrassing. "Thank you very much. And thank you for getting me out of the way. I probably wasn't in the best spot at that time anyways," Clarence said politely. Suddenly, Clarence had a brilliant idea! What if-

Then, the Pumpkin Witch entered the room. Most boys would have been distracted by Pumpkin Witch (for obvious reasons, cough, cough), but Clarence found himself perplexed by the broom she was using. However, his attention was brought back to Pumpkin Witch by her comments. How dare she insult him like that! He didn't have a lot of pride, but he had enough to defend himself.

No, no, he wasn't going to get pissed at anyone. If he was going to do this, he was playing it safe. Well, as safe as he could. He chose his next words carefully. He started my smirking and snickering quietly.

"Ah, it appears my disguise works. It is one of my favorite techniques, you see. I always like to have my opponent underestimate me. When I'm particularly busy, like I was today with four monsters on the loose, I like to keep myself extra filthy."

Mrs. Pickles knew that Violet Reaper was aware this was a bunch of bullshrimp, but he looked over at her quickly. He quickly and stealthily winked, assuming Violet Reaper may play along if it gave her the opportunity to indirectly mess with this hero that clearly annoyed her a great deal. Then, he remembered his earlier idea. Now that there were three heroes in the room, this might work the best.

"Say, I certainly am not the best of heroes, and in light of my recent promotion, I feel that I should be more prepared. I would be honored to spend time training with you. You could all probably teach me a thing or two- and I'd definitely be honored to be trained by any one of you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Evan 'Sunshine' Smiles


@chukklehed@SpookySquid@Cherrywitch@Polaris North

"Nice to meet you Adam! Say, how about you come visit my store later for some new clothes? Might as well browse for a costume while you're at it, since you're going to be a hero after all!" Most heroes and upcoming rookies would be aware of Evan's clothing store. It is the best place to purchase high quality and fashionable costumes, along with casual clothing. Downside is, there is only one small store located in City A and the only employee is Evan himself.

Sunshine had a blank look on his face when the co-pilot introduced himself, along with his partner. He didn't want to be rude, so he just goes with the flow and shook the co-pilot's hand. "Pleasure to meet you too, Roger...and Andrew!" He responded to both of them, with a slight pause in between to catch the pilot's name.

"Yep! We're here! Welcome to HQ!" Sunshine cheered as he exited the chopper a few seconds after it landed on the helipad. Bjorn was safely kept in a zero-g case, making it easy to transport for Sunshine. The Association's technological advancements are incredible. After retrieving the case, he thanked the pilots for the ride and gestured Adam to follow. "I have to return this to Guardian, but let me take you to the hero registration office first. I need to tell them about your heroic efforts back in City T! Hehehe~"

Sunshine called the elevator located nearby and went down to the main floor with Adam. The ride only took about a minute before the doors opened, revealing an angry witch arguing with a homeless drunk. "Oi, this day just keeps getting weirder by the minute. Doesn't it?" He asked Adam in a whispering tone.

The registration office was just further down the hall from the group's current position. Upon second glance, Sunshine realized most of the heroes present were involved in City S! He started to walk towards the group, curious to what they were chatting about. When he got closer, he overheard the homeless drunk requesting to train among them. Hmm...if this guy is serious about becoming stronger, then he will need a new costume! A new reliable costume for Mrs.Pickles would certainly benefit him in the long run than that tattered old cape he wore during the battle in City S.
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