Hero Appearance:

Hero Name: "Sweet Devil" Lilithan
Hero Class/Rank: Rank C 7

Name: Hozumi Akumu
Hozumi appears to be much what you'd expect a regular highschool student to be: she focuses on her study, makes time for friends, and generally likes to have fun. But she also has a strong sense of justice and is rather confident in herself despite her chubby appearance. She claims that it's because of her mother, who is a American-born Japanese, and her attitude was much like her mother's growing up. Hozumi has a strong sense of justice as well, though it can come across as very totalitarian: it's her way or the highway, and without friends to keep her in check it's very easy for Hozumi to go overboard.
There's a darkside to Hozumi that manifests as Lilithan. That same self-confidence and justice becomes corrupted into a twisted sense. Lilithan is very selfish and has rather loose morals, seducing her targets not out of any sense of love or attraction, but just fun. Man, women, adults, children, she'd manipulate them to get what she wants in the end. Lilithan's sense of justice also becomes rather twisted: While she has a traditional sense of good and evil that allows her to operate with the hero association, she also sees herself above the association as a sort of "Necessary Evil" being used against other villains. Sure, she players by the association's rules, but she has a habit of bending, twisted, or simply breaking them in secret.
Brief History:
Hozumi was just a regular girl when one day she and her friends, a bunch of nerds, got their hands on some sort of occult book. It seemed like the sort of silly thing you'd buy at a game store or off the internet so at the time Hozumi didn't think much of it. Turns out that book was a lesser version of the Ars Goetia, a book that can summon demons. But because none of the others were proper summoners, they had no control over the book. Demons began to leak from the book and escape into the city to wreck havoc. Hozumi, not wanting the evil within to constantly seep into her world, tried to close the book. But when she did she too became infected with some of that demonic taint. While she managed to close the book and stop the demons from pouring out, she was forever changed.
Some time passed. The demons were eventually dealt with as heroes from the association hunted them down. Hozumi thought it was over. But it wasn't. One day after school she heard that her friend had just gotten kidnapped. Worried sick Hozumi went to look for her friend, not thinking how exactly she was suppose to save her even if she did find her. At the time Hozumi didn't worry about things like that: she was more concerned about saving her friend. Soon Hozumi did find her friend when she was being taken into a huge apartment. She's heard horrible things happening in that apartment, but no matter how many times the police or even the association was called on the place, they never found anything. But Hozumi was certain that her friend had been taken so she went in. Turns out the place was ran by a local yakuza group that forces girls into become part of a pop idol group; they had to pretend to sing, dance, and have fun or their lives would be threaten. Many other girls that Hozumi didn't know were also taken. When she was found, Hozumi thought she might share their fate too.
But as luck would have it, there was strength in Hozumi. Suddenly before the yakuzas could take her Hozumi turned into a demon, cutting down the criminals with monstrousness speed and ferocity. In a flash it was over: nearly all the yakuzas were dead, and those who weren't were on the run. Hozumi freed the girls and her friend. Since that day Hozumi felt like she was a hero, and she wanted to keep being one. But she also awakened an evil side to herself that fed off those heroic virtues, corrupting them. That evil side called herself "Lilithan". When Hozumi was alone she appeared and revealed that Hozumi didn't really care about her friend: if she hadn't been able to save her Hozumi would have only felt a little bit sad, but move on with her life and forget about her. What Hozumi really wanted was for her friend to be forever greatful to Hozumi, to look up to her and praise her endlessly. She wanted the glory of being a hero. Hozumi tried to deny this but Lilithan made it clear: If this was true that Lilithan would cease to exist. If Hozumi really thought that she really wanted to be a hero, then she wouldn't need Lilithan's powers. But without her powers, Hozumi was just a chubby highschool girl.
Many times Hozumi would deny Lilithan, but many times Hozumi would also need Lilithan's powers. Eventually the two struck and understanding: Hozumi admitted that she wanted the game and fortune that came with being a hero. And to be a hero she needed Lilithan's powers. Thus, Hozumi became a willing channeler of Lilithan, and would make sure to "feed" her regularly. However Hozumi also wanted to do good and use her powers to help others. In her own words, "I'm a fat girl. I want my cake and eat it too." So at the age of 17, Hozumi has Lilithan joined the hero association.
Lilithan has all the powers: While Hozumi is a bit stronger than a regular highschool girl, she isn't superhumanly powerful.
Demonic Body - Lilithan's body is as strong, tough, and fast as a demon. Regular mortal weapons like knives and bullets barely hurt her, and she can dodge most bullets with ease. She's strong enough that she could toss cars if she wanted too and people stand far less of a chance. However she does have a few odd weaknesses, such as silver and "holy" things. She can't enter churches and those baring holy iconography make it very difficult for her to approach normally. Additionally, Lilithan has wings which she can use to fly around at great speeds, and she can actually use them to shield herself when she isn't flying.
Illusions - Lilithan is a powerful illusionist: anyone she touches or who looks into her eyes will be affected by her illusions, causing them to sense things that may or may not actually be happening. She can even use it on robots. However if she can't touch them or if they don't look into her eyes, she can't affect them with her illusions.
Cursed Scythe - Lilithan uses a cursed scythe when she fights. It is made out of her demonic essence, thus even when it breaks she can just make another one. Those who are cut by her scythe would have wounds which will not heal without holy magic, and Lilithan can track down those she has injured to finish the job.
Shadow Scythe Strike - Lilithan focuses her illusion magic for a very short spell, allowing her to affect her target without needing to touch or make eye contact. This illusion creates a multiple version of herself attacking them right as she tries to strike them with her scythe. Thus if they try to block her, they have to quickly determine which one of her copies is the real her or else she strikes them.
Sickle Storm - Lilithan throws multiple copies of her scythe at her enemies, which then split into more copies of themselves, and those copies create more copies. They will remain until they hit something. This takes up a lot of Lilithan's energy, however when used correctly she can literally rain her scythes down onto her enemies.
Vanish - A very simple illusion spell Lilithan uses to escape a sticky situation or sneak pass others. Lilithan's entire existence seemingly vanishes, however it will return after a short time or if she tries to attack something or use a different illusion.
Doppleganger - This spell creates a semi-physical copy of Lilithan or someone else. It's only semi-physical in that it can only "touch" other people who are currently affected by Lilithan's illusions: it cannot open doors or interact with physical objects that aren't being used by others. However when they do interact with people, they look, feel, smell, and sound real. At least in their heads they do.
Dreamwalk - One of Lilithan's most dangerous abilities as it attacks her prey when they're most vulnerable: in their sleep. Lilithan creates an astral protection of herself that roams around looking for people who are dreaming. Once inside a dream Lilithan is at her strongest, able to manipulate and control their dreams however she wants. While this doesn't hurt them physically, she can mess with their minds and damage them psychologically.
Possible Goals?: Hozumi wants to have full control over Lilithan. She believes that the more she uses her the more she and Lilithan's beocme in sync. Lilithan doesn't really have any goals except enjoy life: at some point she feels that if Hozumi isn't more accommodating, she'll need to find a way to escape or take over Hozumi.
Other: Hozumi is a third year highschool student and eighteen years old. She speaks Japanese and English and wants to go to a culinary college. Her parents own a jewelry store and are quite well off. They're very popular with female heroes, so if anyone tries to rob them there's usually a hero nearby who can stop them. She's a very new hero, having only been part of the association for the past month. She's still rather new to the whole process.

Hero Name: "Sweet Devil" Lilithan
Hero Class/Rank: Rank C 7

Name: Hozumi Akumu
Hozumi appears to be much what you'd expect a regular highschool student to be: she focuses on her study, makes time for friends, and generally likes to have fun. But she also has a strong sense of justice and is rather confident in herself despite her chubby appearance. She claims that it's because of her mother, who is a American-born Japanese, and her attitude was much like her mother's growing up. Hozumi has a strong sense of justice as well, though it can come across as very totalitarian: it's her way or the highway, and without friends to keep her in check it's very easy for Hozumi to go overboard.
There's a darkside to Hozumi that manifests as Lilithan. That same self-confidence and justice becomes corrupted into a twisted sense. Lilithan is very selfish and has rather loose morals, seducing her targets not out of any sense of love or attraction, but just fun. Man, women, adults, children, she'd manipulate them to get what she wants in the end. Lilithan's sense of justice also becomes rather twisted: While she has a traditional sense of good and evil that allows her to operate with the hero association, she also sees herself above the association as a sort of "Necessary Evil" being used against other villains. Sure, she players by the association's rules, but she has a habit of bending, twisted, or simply breaking them in secret.
Brief History:
Hozumi was just a regular girl when one day she and her friends, a bunch of nerds, got their hands on some sort of occult book. It seemed like the sort of silly thing you'd buy at a game store or off the internet so at the time Hozumi didn't think much of it. Turns out that book was a lesser version of the Ars Goetia, a book that can summon demons. But because none of the others were proper summoners, they had no control over the book. Demons began to leak from the book and escape into the city to wreck havoc. Hozumi, not wanting the evil within to constantly seep into her world, tried to close the book. But when she did she too became infected with some of that demonic taint. While she managed to close the book and stop the demons from pouring out, she was forever changed.
Some time passed. The demons were eventually dealt with as heroes from the association hunted them down. Hozumi thought it was over. But it wasn't. One day after school she heard that her friend had just gotten kidnapped. Worried sick Hozumi went to look for her friend, not thinking how exactly she was suppose to save her even if she did find her. At the time Hozumi didn't worry about things like that: she was more concerned about saving her friend. Soon Hozumi did find her friend when she was being taken into a huge apartment. She's heard horrible things happening in that apartment, but no matter how many times the police or even the association was called on the place, they never found anything. But Hozumi was certain that her friend had been taken so she went in. Turns out the place was ran by a local yakuza group that forces girls into become part of a pop idol group; they had to pretend to sing, dance, and have fun or their lives would be threaten. Many other girls that Hozumi didn't know were also taken. When she was found, Hozumi thought she might share their fate too.
But as luck would have it, there was strength in Hozumi. Suddenly before the yakuzas could take her Hozumi turned into a demon, cutting down the criminals with monstrousness speed and ferocity. In a flash it was over: nearly all the yakuzas were dead, and those who weren't were on the run. Hozumi freed the girls and her friend. Since that day Hozumi felt like she was a hero, and she wanted to keep being one. But she also awakened an evil side to herself that fed off those heroic virtues, corrupting them. That evil side called herself "Lilithan". When Hozumi was alone she appeared and revealed that Hozumi didn't really care about her friend: if she hadn't been able to save her Hozumi would have only felt a little bit sad, but move on with her life and forget about her. What Hozumi really wanted was for her friend to be forever greatful to Hozumi, to look up to her and praise her endlessly. She wanted the glory of being a hero. Hozumi tried to deny this but Lilithan made it clear: If this was true that Lilithan would cease to exist. If Hozumi really thought that she really wanted to be a hero, then she wouldn't need Lilithan's powers. But without her powers, Hozumi was just a chubby highschool girl.
Many times Hozumi would deny Lilithan, but many times Hozumi would also need Lilithan's powers. Eventually the two struck and understanding: Hozumi admitted that she wanted the game and fortune that came with being a hero. And to be a hero she needed Lilithan's powers. Thus, Hozumi became a willing channeler of Lilithan, and would make sure to "feed" her regularly. However Hozumi also wanted to do good and use her powers to help others. In her own words, "I'm a fat girl. I want my cake and eat it too." So at the age of 17, Hozumi has Lilithan joined the hero association.
Lilithan has all the powers: While Hozumi is a bit stronger than a regular highschool girl, she isn't superhumanly powerful.
Demonic Body - Lilithan's body is as strong, tough, and fast as a demon. Regular mortal weapons like knives and bullets barely hurt her, and she can dodge most bullets with ease. She's strong enough that she could toss cars if she wanted too and people stand far less of a chance. However she does have a few odd weaknesses, such as silver and "holy" things. She can't enter churches and those baring holy iconography make it very difficult for her to approach normally. Additionally, Lilithan has wings which she can use to fly around at great speeds, and she can actually use them to shield herself when she isn't flying.
Illusions - Lilithan is a powerful illusionist: anyone she touches or who looks into her eyes will be affected by her illusions, causing them to sense things that may or may not actually be happening. She can even use it on robots. However if she can't touch them or if they don't look into her eyes, she can't affect them with her illusions.
Cursed Scythe - Lilithan uses a cursed scythe when she fights. It is made out of her demonic essence, thus even when it breaks she can just make another one. Those who are cut by her scythe would have wounds which will not heal without holy magic, and Lilithan can track down those she has injured to finish the job.
Shadow Scythe Strike - Lilithan focuses her illusion magic for a very short spell, allowing her to affect her target without needing to touch or make eye contact. This illusion creates a multiple version of herself attacking them right as she tries to strike them with her scythe. Thus if they try to block her, they have to quickly determine which one of her copies is the real her or else she strikes them.
Sickle Storm - Lilithan throws multiple copies of her scythe at her enemies, which then split into more copies of themselves, and those copies create more copies. They will remain until they hit something. This takes up a lot of Lilithan's energy, however when used correctly she can literally rain her scythes down onto her enemies.
Vanish - A very simple illusion spell Lilithan uses to escape a sticky situation or sneak pass others. Lilithan's entire existence seemingly vanishes, however it will return after a short time or if she tries to attack something or use a different illusion.
Doppleganger - This spell creates a semi-physical copy of Lilithan or someone else. It's only semi-physical in that it can only "touch" other people who are currently affected by Lilithan's illusions: it cannot open doors or interact with physical objects that aren't being used by others. However when they do interact with people, they look, feel, smell, and sound real. At least in their heads they do.
Dreamwalk - One of Lilithan's most dangerous abilities as it attacks her prey when they're most vulnerable: in their sleep. Lilithan creates an astral protection of herself that roams around looking for people who are dreaming. Once inside a dream Lilithan is at her strongest, able to manipulate and control their dreams however she wants. While this doesn't hurt them physically, she can mess with their minds and damage them psychologically.
Possible Goals?: Hozumi wants to have full control over Lilithan. She believes that the more she uses her the more she and Lilithan's beocme in sync. Lilithan doesn't really have any goals except enjoy life: at some point she feels that if Hozumi isn't more accommodating, she'll need to find a way to escape or take over Hozumi.
Other: Hozumi is a third year highschool student and eighteen years old. She speaks Japanese and English and wants to go to a culinary college. Her parents own a jewelry store and are quite well off. They're very popular with female heroes, so if anyone tries to rob them there's usually a hero nearby who can stop them. She's a very new hero, having only been part of the association for the past month. She's still rather new to the whole process.