Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Seyrun Leviathan

While Tamamo took care of entertaining Siegfried and the others finished of the remainder of the undead, likely employing far more power than it was needed for such a menial task, Seyrun continued to indulge in her chat with Shakespeare.

The question about how his works fared on the modern times was something that the Norwegian Magus anticipated. Obviously any artist would like to know whether or not their craft had achieved the objective of living past themselves, carrying on whatever impulse they put on its creation.

Striking a pensive stance, tapping a finger to her lower lip, Seyrun reflected on it for a moment before replying, “If I had to say it, your works are certainly among to the immortal classics of mankind, right besides other masters, like da Vinci, Homer and Socrates. In no small part, your works are attributed with shaping the English language as it’s known on the time which I hail from. Thus, I believe, for as long as that language is spoken, your name and your works will never fade into obscurity.” Her first statement, obviously was one made to please her interlocutor, without being blatant lies or too much of a clear attempt to flatter the Poet.

“As far as specific plays go,” Seyrun said, to compliment her introductory speech, “in all corners of the Earth, in all major languages spoken by mankind and all the cultures you are aware of, and many you may not be as well, they are all known and appreciated. That said, two of them reign above others when it comes to the awareness of the laymen of my time,” after a brief pause, to ascertain herself that the conditions of the battlefield hadn’t changed too dramatically, Seyrun resumed her monologue, “Romeo and Juliet, as well as Hamlet are the main works anyone with the least cultural awareness associates with your name. 'To be or not to be' is probably the most parodied line of dialogue in all history, in fact.”

Seyrun chuckled lightly as she waited for Shakespeare’s reply, while finding a safe and comfortable position at the middle of the group as they all followed Siegfried to the nearby village.

@PKMNB0Y @Lonewolf685 @Beloss @Flamelord @GreenGoat @Nanashi Ninanai @ADamnFiddle

*: Given that Atalanta's post would consist of pretty much nodding and following around, cuz' no one would want to trigger Gil's temper, I'll skip her for this turn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Walgrave slowly edged away from the absurdly dressed fop of a poet who had so insolently intruded onto their battleground. Even for someone who was such a universal symbol of the English, this playwright's existence was simply not one that Walgrave could tolerate.

Turning his back to the small circle of people who had gathered around Shakespeare, he moved over to the vicinity of Seigfreid. Even if it was more dangerous, it would be more fitting to try and converse with someone who would be a decisive factor in their victory or defeat. In fact, it could be said even at this early point Walgrave was already thinking of how a creature of such impressive pedigree could be swayed to their side, or, more accurately, to his side.

He made his way forward, and, after listening to his brief explanation began to follow behind Seigfreid, slightly behind and to the left to the fox eared Caster, his reinforcment allowing him to match their stride without (much) faltering.

"On behalf of the Master's of this expedition ahhhh.... I would like to thank you.... Mr. Siegfried... for your generous cooperation. Was this dark Lancer the first of the, hmmm, Servants... you encountered?


"Are you well? Come now, we may talk further en route. I, too, would like to know why you have arrived in such a timely manner."


It was a casual, practical question and offer, one that might have been made between any two strangers, but for the time being even this was far too much for Sinfjotli. His mind swirled in conflict, his sword arm twitched with an irrepressible desire to leap into action and in the back of his mind there was a sudden if subtle temptation to activate Mad Enhancement, or even something... worse.

He adjusted the clasp of his wolf pelt cloak, the garment suddenly seeming to draw tighter around his throat.

"I am fine! Thank you, lead on warrior!"

He strode alongside Seigfreid, matching his steps proudly for a moment, but then, at the first opportunity, fell behind, allowing the Fox Witch to take his place, and sinking further back into the group. He thought about falling in beside his Master for a moment, but a sudden vision of a wolf tearing at Murdoc's throat made him think twice. He rolled his palm over the head of his sword and fell even further back in the marching line. He wanted to kill something badly, and was suddenly irritated that none of the undead were left.

He stalked past his Master, thinking to take up a position behind him, but found himself standing alongside the unsettling child Caster who was being carried by her Master. He caught the child's eye, but turned away quickly and moved even further back, sneering and making a sign against evil.

Seeking isolation, he instead found himself having joined the rearguard who had clustered around the other newcomer, a man who looked nearly as weak as the witch child, if that was possible. He hissed, grinding his teeth in exasperation, a vein standing out on his forehead as he arrived in time to listen to the man's prattle. Again he had come upon someone who he had no wish to associate with, but to retreat yet again was to much to ask. At this rate even if he were to flee alone into the woods he would undoubtedly find that he had stopped just in time to be standing next to one of his sworn enemys, or some kind of spoony bard.

Still, poetry was in of itself something he was fond of. For now, he would listen to some passing verses to assuage his frustration. It would be better than the infantile babble of some demon child, or the insufferable features of Siegfried.

Pavel Dumitru

Pavel looked back and forth between the rulers of this land, shrinking somewhat when the elegant Enkidu moved forward to talk with them. It was at least good to see him vouch for them though, they were at least not facing imminent execution, though, from some of what was said, it seemed that the imposing golden ruler was himself only recently returned to this place.

Looking down, he petted his ogre dog on the head reassuringly, trying to encourage the creature who seemed about ready to bolt at any moment.

"Well then." He said aloud, rubbing the back of his head. "It seems we've been drafted."

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR @ADamnFiddle & @Nanashi Ninanai
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Alexander Nevsky

It was a simple enough task to kill the rest of the zombies that remained to threaten them, as shown by the fact that Rider didn't even have to use his horse. But that was perhaps a misrepresentation of how things were. With so many heroes and masters gathered in one location, it was naturally impossible to such weak beings to stand up against the force that was assembled here. So at least it was finished relatively quickly, allowing Nevsky to let his weapon fade away when it was not needed.

"Good work," he said to his allies with the creatures now gone and no longer threatening them. "May our future encounters be as easy as this one was." He doubted it, but some good fortune could not hurt, as far as he was concerned.

With that concluded, he noticed Siegfried gesturing down the nearby trail, which apparently led to a village where they could take residence. His master had joined the warrior, and together they were moving along out of the area. Walgrave appeared to have something of a distaste for the newfound Caster, so it was perhaps understandable. Nonetheless Nevsky could not simply leave his Lord behind, and he nodded to the others before striding forward to catch up.

Hearing Siegfried's question, he nodded as he provided an answer. "We were sent here in order to prevent certain events that may come to pass, thrown through time by a wizard of immense power. Sadly, we are not yet sure what we are here to prevent, for it would hardly be an epic tale if the path were laid out clear at the onset of the journey."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Richard Montag - Babylonia

It was comparable to being an insect under the microscope when before Gilgamesh's gaze, and if they had been lacking Servants of their own, Richard was of the opinion that nothing the Magi would have said could have convinced the King of Heroes they were worth his time. He found it fortunate then that the Gold clad Servant took an interest in the King of Knights and Lancelot, making him sufficiently motivated to cooperate with the search.

Though he is surprisingly knowledgeable about the Grails we seek. For that matter, the priest is apparently familiar with Gilgamesh as well. I'm not one for tardiness, but it is difficult to shake the suspicion I've arrived very late to the party. Richard thought, a touch glum even as he turned on his heel and followed after the group departing from the temple. Oddly enough the green haired golem was drawing a sizeable following, with Atalanta hounding him for tales of hunts gone by and the two English knights caught in conversation with him. Seeing as how approaching the King of Heroes directly might be something of an insult, Richard trotted down to the nearest soldier and opened up dialogue not preceded with a stampeding Berserker.

"Hello. We shall be serving your King in restoring Uruk, so could you tell me whom has dared to assail your lands? Have the neighbors grown greedy for the splendor behind your walls or have foreign invaders come from over the horizon?"

Tamamo No Mae - Scandinavia

The Vulpine Servant nodded in understanding, both the words of Siegfried and the unspoken guidance of her Master. She was curious if Seyrun meant what Tamamo thinks she meant, as asking a concubine to entertain someone with their skills could mean anything from amaze them with her first rate education to distracting them with an accidental fall into his arms that just so happened to coincide with a revealing yet tasteful wardrobe malfunction. There certainly was no interest in the latter option with anyone outside her Master, and once she caught on to the gentle ribbing she was receiving, Tama was certain of her course of action.

I am never leaving this man alone with my Master. Tamamo thought behind a wide, inviting smile aimed at the German legend and walked close to his side, as though she could reach out and entwine her arms with his...or introduce him to the ultimate technique in monogamous justice were he to start acting untoward with her Master.

Her smile wavered a hair when the ancient man hobbled his way to the front and endeavored to keep pace with the monument to German virility. This was something of an amusing sight, had Tamamo not the nose to detect the radiance of odor wafting from him or the ears to detect the chattering of each insect on his person. Under different circumstances she'd have advised a hot bath and insecticide in a hermitage far from her presence, but with present company, Walgrave was the perfect buffer to keep Siegfried occupied on his other flank once she settled on Saber's right side.

"Weren't you listening? He just said he didn't see what summoned him, so of course he only saw the Lancer....though I suppose that could mean there is another Caster or Assassin about. With mist like this it would be ripe for them." Tamamo interceded and turned her head upwards with a hand cupping her chin, her face turning contemplative while her ears strained to detect what her eyes missed. It never hurt to be careful when at the front of the group, after all.

Margarita Reynard - Scandinavia

Were she not holding someone with the mental outlook of a child, Margarita would have sworn a violent litany at the mere mention of the pyromaniac enforcer. If she a euro for every fledgling enforcer who came to her with the very same response and then immediately afterwards set themselves and several others ablaze, Margarita could buy her way to a Noble Color!

That everyone present showed themselves to be a capable enough sort was adequate to keep herself from bristling, and Caster's endearing present helped in that regard as well, but she would be wary of any over inflated egos among the party. Falling into the middle of the group, Margarita had little of interest to contribute to either Shakespeare or Siegfried. While she could certainly appreciate Saber's rugged looks, there were times and places for such things and they weren't likely to be any in future.

As for Shakespeare, well, Margarita may not be as well read as everyone assumed an seasoned woman like herself to be, but her tastes in classical literature was settled squarely within the borders of her homeland. She's sooner indulge in Candide then pick up Romeo and Juliet.

It did not escape her notice when a lumbering Berserker drifted through the group, his fur wrapped frame tense and skittish in ways that set the Enforcer on edge. While he did pass by without a word, Margarita could not help but snort at his disdain for the demon summoning child nestled in her arm. Apparently undead raising Valkyrie, Foxy witches, and chimera hound using magi were not deserving of contempt, but the creative Faust was.

"Edeltaud, keep your eyes open." She said, eyes pointedly flickering between the demon and Sinfjotli. The last thing Margarita needed was a Berserker under Madness Enhancement gunning for her if his Master wasn't around to rein it in.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 32 min ago


"So it is that my tragedies have borne the most fruit, hm? 'Tis a strange matter of affairs, but if the audience doth request despair, then it is such that I shall deliver! Though, to be frank with you, my dear, this adventure you are just starting upon is itself already looking like a tragedy for our poor swordsman over there," Shakespeare said, motioning towards Siegfried while shaking his head. "I pity him, but not enough to not record his tale for a presentation. Of course, artistic liberties are a necessity if things sway too far one way or another. Too mundane, and the audience shan't care; too strange, and it shall be treated as the raving of an insane man. Luckily, a genius such as I shall not fall into any such pitfalls!"

The Caster laughed a few times, reasons be damned, as the group drew closer to the town.

Siegfried, on the other hand, took Nevsky's words to heart as he though about the situation. Once again glancing over the group and taking note of the fact that their clothing was, in fact, vastly different from any he had seen thus far, the Saber gave a nod as they approached their destination. The vulpine Servant had already answered the only other question at hand, and he he didn't find it as necessary to answer that one.

After a while longer trudging across the land, the town's features came into further focus. The light of the fires propped up around the walls and from within the town itself illuminated the rugged stone from which they were made, and a few human figures could soon be seen standing guard right outside those stone walls. Siegfried raised his hand towards the guards, who raised theirs in return as a sign of acknowledgement.

"Welcome back, Siegfried! Did you figure out what the cause of that fight was?" one of the men called out as the Heroic Spirit and his entourage drew close enough for them to speak normally. "Also, can I ask where all these people in strange outfits came from?"

"Sadly, I was only able to stop the fighting. There were two armies clashing, but both killed each other off before some... Stranger things began to occur. These people helped me return as you see me now, so if it would not be too much trouble..."

"You wish them a place to stay for the night as recompense? I believe the inn should work if they are willing to pay, but if they do not, then I'm afraid they're out of luck. The last pack of demon beasts that struck the town has made them wary, and though they may have helped you, the townspeople aren't quite as open-hearted in strange times such as these..."

Just as the guard finished speaking, the faint sounds of barking and growling could barely be heard coming off from the distance, though somewhat cloaked by the harsh wind blowing around them. The guards could not make the sound out as well, but it was quite possible that someone within the group might.
@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss


"Ah, is that so?" Enkidu asked rhetorically, nodding at Saber's statement before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I don't quite know what this 'Grail War' is, but if my assumption that it is a tournament of sorts is correct, then I congratulate you on making it to the end against Gilgamesh. That itself is enough of an impressive feat, wouldn't you think?"

Richard's inquiry, though, caused Enkidu's half-smile to turn into a bit of a frown as he closed his eyes, looking as if he was deep in thought.

"Hm... Well, if you noticed earlier, that Semiramis woman was getting information out of that messenger before your arrived; apparently, there are multiple armies attempting to lay siege upo--"

Before he could continue further, the sounds of explosions of some sort began to shake the entire city--a feat that was in no way simple, given how large Uruk was. Gilgamesh, at this point, stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes burning in anger as he flew up off the ground to see the source. The anger he held now was quite palpable, with his hands tightly clenched as fists as he swooped down to Enkidu's side.

"They have arrived. Two armies, one to the north and one to the west, are currently firing upon the walls of Uruk. Any longer, and they may very well break through. Enkidu, take half of these mongrels and handle the situation to the west; I shall handle the northern front. King of Knights! Follow me, and see how a true king leads his people!" Gilgamesh declared, not caring about what others followed behind as he moved off to meet the enemy.

"And there he goes... Well, I hope your strength is our strength here. Come now, we must make haste!" Enkidu said, dashing off to meet the other military force.

Anyone who followed Gilgamesh would soon find that there was a giant horde of skeletons right outside the walls of Uruk to its north once they scaled to the top of the city's wall. Armed with various weapons of all sorts and with a few skeleton elephants thrown in the mix, the army looked menacing if only by sheer numbers--from where the King of Heroes stood, the entire area as far as he could see was blanketed with nothing but skeletons and skeletons in armor.

Gilgamesh simply stared down at the group with a look of disdain on his face as the Gate of Babylon opened up behind him, various weapons slowly poking pout of each portal as he directed them at the army in front of them. Down below, the soldiers of the city were milling about restlessly, watching as the encroaching army grew closer and closer with each passing moment.

"Soldiers! Hold the line! If you die here, then your children shall lose their fathers; your wives, their husbands; your parents, their sons! Stand firm! Stand tall! Do not cower in the face of overwhelming force! That worthless king who sat in his throne all day, acting as if he knew what was best while knowing nothing, is gone! Under the flag of Gilgamesh, this city shall not fall!" the King shouted before letting loose a barrage of weapons from his Noble Phantasm and signalling the start of his counterattack.

On the western front, however, things were a lot more chaotic. Rather than a force that seemed in any capacity humanoid, the army sieging this end was a menagerie of magical creatures of all sorts, ranging from giant crocodiles to the occasional sphinx. What made things stranger, though, was the presence of golems weaved into the group what seemed to be mindlessly lumbering forward. While the beasts lunged at those attempting to defend, the golems trudged on, trampling all in their path. Enkidu had a bitter expression on his face as he stuck his hands into the ground, creating a wave of chains that dragged one of the golems into the ground below.

"This... I don't like this one bit..." the clay being muttered as it moved on to handle the next enemy in sight.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 1 day ago

Everyone's in Babylon.

Sir Lancelot

It seemed that a proper description of the Grail War would have to be postponed until they had dealt with whatever forces were encroaching upon this city. A defence that would have to take full advantage of the Servants assembled to assist those already here, though it seemed unlikely that the King of Heroes could actually need the assistance. Yet denying an obvious command to follow someone so dangerous when he was already angry was hardly a good proposition--and Lancelot, as loyal as he was, followed Saber immediately.

Though his small Master might object both to being ignored and being picked up once again like a sack of potatoes as they made their way to the city's northern wall.

The opposition was quite alarming. With the numbers on display, it seemed quite fortuitous that there were only assaults coming from two directions or a signal that someone should be prepared to disengage at any moment to reinforce the other cardinal directions. It was also a force that his current weapon would do little to stem or prevent in the short term. Wasn't it fortunate, then, that the original of almost every Noble Phantasm belonged to the man rallying the troops down below?

Yumi got deposited behind Gilgamesh--where else would be safer? Hopefully his Master would pick up on that and not risk putting herself further in harm's way. An entire army of skeletons was nothing within the abilities of a normal magus to take on, the sheer level of magecraft required to affect a sea of enemies that stretched to the horizon was simple infeasible. Before the small girl had chance to muster a complaint, Lancelot had already leapt off of the city's defences and rushed past the army towards the waiting mass.

It was on the cusp of engaging that the hastily borrowed spear was discarded, being thrown through one of the many, many skulls on display--and through the next behind. Its replacement had to be hastily dodged, a golden sword that was seized as soon as it began to penetrate through one of the foes.

Having to deal with potential friendly (or not so friendly, depending on the King of Heroes' attitude to seizing his weapons to defend Uruk) fire whilst trying to not get swamped would only make this harder but it had to be done. Cutting down the skeletons one at a time just couldn't get things done no matter how easy it became; the tide would rush past and get to the walls. His liege's sword was an obvious counter to such a tide but the army was still too great for a single blow.

One of the weapons raining constantly would have to be of use in thinning the numbers. Yet not this blade, even as it so easily cut through bone. The knight spun, throwing it with enough spin to actually cut through another foe rather than bounce off. The axe seized as replacement was no better in its innate properties... yet at least it cleaved through impressively well.

From the wall, it must seem an odd sight: a figure fighting increasingly deep into the mass, discarding every weapon after a few strikes and using the distraction of his cape as much as the weapons themselves for defence.

Svetleaze von Einzbern

With two of their number already going off to support the King of Heroes--including her family's own Servant for the previous Grail War--it seemed that the green-haired... person was going to be more in need of support. With the strongest Saber-class Servant, the King of Heroes, and a figure nearly as renowned as King Arthur, there was more than enough already present to defend the Northern wall.

Going the other way would mean less shiny things to distract Kintoki, as well. The last thing that she desired in a battle was for her Servant to be distracted and get taken out by something that shouldn't stand a chance against any Servant. The instruction was simple: "The north wall is already more than adequately defended, we will be heading west."

Of course, the situation to the west was quite chaotic--but the size of the opponents was in their favour. Against big and slow opponents, if there was some need for the Masters to take part in the fighting, her particular approach to combat was useful. Her weapon was especially good against targets that relied on their own innate toughness to survive attacks. It was likely that her Servant was similarly benefited by this choice.

"Now, Berserker, show me what you can do."

Honoria Sigurddottir

Honoria's opinion on where to go could be easily summed up: anywhere that wasn't staying still. She knew how to fight, sure, but deal with armies? Defend a city? These were things that you used generals for and a medieval king was one by definition. She was happy to leave it to the Sabers to pick a goal and just follow along behind--at a reasonable speed this time, not hanging behind. She wasn't sure she could stand the indignity if her own short Servant decided to pick her up like poor Yumi. She might not have been a good magus, but that didn't make her desire to be treated like a sack of potatoes by legendary figures.

Once on the wall, the musician was taken aback by the size of the opposition. Whatever was animating the skeletons was far beyond her ability to simply negate, but maybe she could find a source or learn if it was done individually or if a single kingpin held the bony masses up?

She sat on the edge, already beginning to play. Besides: what sort of battle would this be without musical accompaniment?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Amalie Georg Faust, Caster - Scandinavia

Ah? Someone was looking at her? Caster looked up quickly, but all she saw by the time she did was some guy quickly turning away... he was... Berserker, wasn't her? Well, she didn't understand what was happening there, so she just waved at him from behind.

"Hi hi hiiiii~ Berserker!" she declared, cheerily, before her attention refocused on Gretchen. Was she a angry? But she didn't say anything about it... oh well! Still clutching Gretchen tightly to her chest, Caster kicked her feet a bit more. Was her Master going to keep carrying her like this? It was kind of nice, not having to walk, but Master was the Master and she was the Servant, so wasn't this a little weird? She couldn't use her summoning to protect her Master like this as easy...

"Master Master," the girl began, "Being carried is really nice but it's easier for me to help defend you if I'm walking because it makes it easier for me to summon more friends and more friends means we can have more help but I can't make them as strong as Edeltaud and not as pretty as her either but they can be suuuuuuuuuper super cute even if they're not pretty but that's okay because cuteness is great too Gretchen is the cutest ever to exist ever though for sure yes definitely!"

Edeltaud merely straightened and adjusted her suit once more.

"Do not worry, my lady," she replied, "As long as Mistress lives, I will give my life to defend her link to this world."

The demon butler quirked her head to one side.

"And only that long. Care not to lose her."

Faust, meanwhile, jutted her hand into the air to wave to the guards, her other hand aiding Gretchen in waving as well.


Kobayakawa Yumi, Master of Lancelot - Babylonia

Yumi let out a shout, squirming, as her Servant elected to simply pick her up once more. Wasn't he a knight?! Wasn't this disrespectful?! This was obviously disrespectful! There was no way it wasn't! And yet, regardless, there was little time to complain very much before she was abruptly deposited behind the King of Uruk himself, and her Servant was gone in a flash.

"... Aaaah, aren't you supposed to be a kni-..."

Yumi trailed off for a few moments, eyes wide, as her gaze fell upon the sheer size of the army of skeletons. There... no, surely there was something she could do here...! ... But... if her Servant was as powerful as she believed, there was no need for her to act. There was no chance she wouldn't be able to contribute, but she would save herself for when she was needed.

... The King of Uruk was firing an enormous amount of weapons from golden portals around his body. He truly was the first hero, judging by the sheer display of power here.

And yet, Yumi's confidence was in her Servant.

Even if he had been disrespectful!

Arturia Pendragon, Saber - Babylonia

Saber's eyes narrowed. Gilgamesh's comment on rulership was hardly lost on her. Even now, she felt his approach, his egocentric and self-centered view of a king's duty, was wrong. Even in acknowledgement of her own failings, Saber felt that her ideals of kingship were correct. A king should give themselves to their people, to do what was required of them. However, now there was little time to waste on discussions of ideals. The city was under attack, and those living there were in danger. The duty of a Knight was foremost in the short blonde's mind.

When she arrived, she at least could acknowledge that Gilgamesh showed once again showed more care for his subjects then she would have otherwise suspected. The King of Knights, at least, could give a nod to that fact.

Regardless of her feelings on the one who lead them, Saber intended to do her best to ensure as few of the soldiers defending the city perished as she could. There was only one possible situation in which she would allow herself to be recalled, and that was if her Master was directly threatened.

"Master," the blonde knight looked back over her shoulder, towards her Master, "If your life is endangered, you can recall me whenever necessary."

And with that, Saber lept from the wall. She careened towards the ground, the wind whipping past her, before her armored feet hit the ground. Without a moment's pause, the King of Knights erupted forward in a blur of motion. She was not the fastest among Servants, but there was no question that she was far faster then an ordinary human. She was at the skeleton army's front line in seconds.

Out of the cone of the Gate of Babylon's fire, she raised Excalibur. She would create an entry point to pierce their line, and then force her way inward in order to perform as much damage as she could.

With a burst of wind, Invisible Air began to dispel, the gleaming, golden light of her blade's true form momentarily revealed, a brilliant golden blaze...!

All of that light thrust outward, released in a resplendent column of destruction that tore into the army. Skeletons struck by the energy vaporized in an instant, the constructs simply not strong enough to withstand even this level of Excalibur's power. When the blast cleared, a visible scar had been rent through the front line and into the skeletal army. Saber immediately followed up by charging into the wound she had torn into the army, Excalibur once again cloaked in invisible air.

With a swing of her sword, a skeleton fell to pieces. Saber whirled and scattered yet another apart, cleaved through its skull and downward. With each swing of her blade, another skeleton fell to pieces.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Richard Montag - Babylonia

He hadn't been expecting such an explosive response to his inquiry, but lo and behold it did sufficiently answer any question he may have had on the matter. It was certainly a better alternative then trying to weasel information out of Semiramis, the renowned poisoner that would have raised more concern were Gilgamesh not the center of attention in any room.

"We aren't exactly suited for this, but let's not skulk about when there are enemies at the gates." Richard remarked to his Servant, curious to see how either of them would perform in such large scale combat as this. Even as they approached the western front it was clear for all to see the awesome power released by the King of Uruk and King of Knights, luminous beacons warding off the forces encroaching upon the walls. If their King wasn't motivation enough, that pillar of light would certainly do wonders for morale. "What a shame we didn't bring any artillery of our own. A Caster would do wonders on the battlements- Oh my."

Richard found his exclamation rather dry when faced with a carpet of fantastical beasts rushing towards the walls he now stood upon. They were the creatures so common in their era, yet all but distant memories in the present time, and were they not endeavoring to deprive the lot of them of their lives it would have been a delight to get a closer observation of a few of the more exotic creatures.

The situation being what it was, however, he'd have to settle for seeing what was left of their corpses. His first reaction was to reach for the cigarette case in his suit's inner pocket, but suffice it to say they were more a tool of assassination then mass slaughter. Fortunately, there was a readily available and harmful substance already polluting the air, ripe for Richard to put to good use.

"Assassin, on my signal, you are going to infiltrate the enemy forces and find their commander and whatever armaments are barraging the walls. A horde like this along with golems must certainly have a driving mechanism far from the front line. Report their location and then sabotage or commandeer the weaponry. Oh, and don't die. That's rather important."

He flared his circuits and reached out towards the battlefield, expelling his prana into the atmosphere around him. It travelled along the battered walls and roaring fires as it latched onto the thick plumes of black smoke emanating from impact craters and pulled them under Richard's control. This mass ink drifting upon the air began to move with purpose as was imposed upon it, condensing into an impenetrable cloud skirting along the earth that would be his second familiar to control upon the battlefield.

"If it lives, it breathes." The magus said coldly, and sent the cloud to hover past the line of defenders struggling below. It wasn't a grand display like in the north, and he certainly couldn't have covered as much of the field as he would have liked given he was nowhere near the level of a Caster, but it would prove effective against the living down below. When a creature entered into the cloud, it would react by violently filling its lungs with the caustic particulates, suffocating it with unnatural intent behind the action. Having the wherewithal to hold their breath could only do so well when it actively sought to permeate them, like a nest of vipers writhing down their throats to snuff the life from them.

"That would be your cue, Assassin."

Tamamo No Mae - Scandinavia


While she may have been at the front of the group, Tamamo No Mae's ears were second to none in the fields of cuteness and auditory acuity, and what they detected over the howl of the wind and banter of guardsmen sent shivers down her spine. It was impossible to distinguish the precise nature of what those sounds entailed, but suffice it to say, there was no one present more suited to saying they were being hunted by hounds then the first fox to suffer such a fate in Japan.

"Everyone, as nice a chat as this is, there are mangy mutts that would really like to bite our soft and squishy Masters, so let's just move ourselves inside before anyone needs a rabbis shot~!"

Despite the sing-song nature of her voice, the Vulpine Servant was quick to run to the back of the group and lift Seyrun up into a bridal carry. Her heart would have been over the moon if their positions were reversed, though that wasn't to say she didn't enjoy this as well. Turning on her heel in something of a nervous panic, the fox eared woman returned to Siegfried's side with her tail impatiently swaying behind her.

"Enough dawdling, let's get our Master's tucked into bed and resume this monster business when Amaterasu graces us with her presence."

Margarita Reynard - Scandinavia

"Caster, I know you want to make friends, but you should give that man some space. A lot of space."

Saying this even as Caster was ignorantly provoking an unstable warrior may not have carried much weight, but it needed to be said. Margarita did concede to Faust's logic on the latter issue and set her down on the ground so the both of them could move freely and without restraint. If worse came to worse, the Enforcer was fairly certain an E Rank in strength was still more then anyone one human could match and that Faust could handle herself with the locals if both Margarita and the butler were occupied.

"You know, we are really lucky this isn't England or one of the Christian kingdoms." She remarked as one of the other Casters cried out about dogs and came by carrying her Master as though she were a fragile maiden needing to be dumped somewhere before Tama went off to battle. "They would probably try to kill us for having Ms. reynard, a foreign priestess, and a slew of fire flinging magi in age inappropriate attire."

Granted, that was still a rather slim possibility given their overwhelming fire power, but it would be rather counter intuitive to try and save the past by killing all the locals in the process. They were magi, not Counter Guardians.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Well, that meeting certainly gave Jekyll a lot to think about.

There wasn't much time to ponder them however, for several explosions shook the city. Undoubtedly bad news. The proclamation that they were facing armies on two fronts confirmed it. A large scale battle was bad enough, but being hemmed in from two sides was worse. Doubly so considering what Jekyll was and his field of expertise. He was unsuited to fighting large armies such as these. Hyde on the other hand.

But, all that didn't matter right now. What mattered was that they needed to find a way to handle this situation. The enemy wasn't about to give him a free pass just because he was unsuited to direct combat after all. Wordlessly, he followed Richard towards the western walls.

"We aren't exactly suited for this, but let's not skulk about when there are enemies at the gates. What a shame we didn't bring any artillery of our own. A Caster would do wonders on the battlements- Oh my."


The waves upon waves of beasts assailing the walls was staggering.

"Assassin, on my signal, you are going to infiltrate the enemy forces and find their commander and whatever armaments are barraging the walls. A horde like this along with golems must certainly have a driving mechanism far from the front line. Report their location and then sabotage or commandeer the weaponry. Oh, and don't die. That's rather important."

"Understood, Master. I'd like to say the same to you as well. It'll be a tad inconvenient if you were to fall here."

Intrigued, he watched Richard work his magic, manipulating smoke onto the beasts on the ground. He had only ever dabbled in alchemy after all.

"That would be your cue, Assassin."

Without a word more, Jekyll turned invisible. He wasn't actually an assassin, but his own demeanour and weakness was such that he was granted the Presence Concealment skill by default. Calculating his steps carefully, he ran through the army of beasts, towards the back where presumably he'd be able to find someone in command. If he recalled correctly, those in command would be dressed in a more elaborate outfit.

That should make his job easier. All he had to do was find someone wearing an inordinate amount of feathers and/or decorations and silence them.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Seyrun Leviathan

"That should be no surprise, to say the truth," Seyrun began her reply to Shakespeare commentary about this tragedies being the works which became truly immortal, "ever since the beginning of our history, tragedy is the genre which captured human the human psyche the most. Take all those Heroic Spirits before our eyes, for example, it's likely that all of their stories are nothing but a parade of suffering and despair, weaved carefully so that we, lesser mortals, ca—" However, before the Norwegian Magus could elaborate her discourse anymore, she was briskly interrupted by an overzealous Tamamo who caught Seyrun — in a bridal carry of all things! — and zoomed forth to the front of the group where Siegfried waited for then.

Without any means, or will, to resist Tamamo's grip, Seyrun' parting with The Bard of Avon was shortened to a wry smile as the surprisingly fast fox moved away.

"Oh my, Tama, you are much more eager than I thought. I can only wonder how we would look if I were wearing a gown, in front of a small chapel, during a nice Summer morning," Seyrun said deviously, while Tamamo still had the blue-haired Magus in her arms. However, once they got to the city, Seyrun's smile took an all too different shape, changing from playful teasing to canny acuity as she quickly grasped the situation. "I guess we will have to leave these delusions for later, right?"

"Is there any rune stone nearby? I could very well use it to erect a Boundary Field that would grant some relief for the village, even if it's unlikely to hold against the works of other Heroic Spirits." Seyrun asked Siegfried and the guardsmen, while the rest of the group gathered together.

Atalanta, the Virgin Huntress

Atalanta could barely believe the sight before her eyes. As far as her vision, one of the best between all Heroic Spirits, could see, from atop the ramparts that safeguarded the land of the King of Heroes, there was only beasts of the most bizarre shapes and forms along with the occasional intrusion of magic infused humanoids. Nothing but a sea of foes circling the city but here and, as her ears told her, on the other side of the city as well.

"It's almost as if Echina's whole brood had been released at this place," the Huntress said to herself. The fire in her eyes was evident, even is this wasn't the hunt she was expecting for — at least not yet — Atalanta would not pass on the chance to fight besides the companion of the King of Heroes. Certainly, it would be much more interesting than anything that happened in the Argo expedition. Who knows, maybe after they deal with this initial threat, maybe something really worthy of Atalanta's skill would show up.

However, something still ticked the lion-eared huntress as she was about to notch the first arrow at Tauropolos, the bow she she gifted with by Artemis herself. "Do you even know who you have among your ranks, Assassin's Master?" Atalanta said to Richard as she pulled the string of and arcing her aim toward the skies, this firing stance made a great work of framing the sculpted beauty of Atalanta's back and arm muscles, a true sight for anyone who dared to look.

"I'm Atalanta, the Virgin Huntress of Artemis and Princess of Arcadia. No Caster, even the Witch of Colchis can ever be a more effective firing support than I am," as she said so, what looked like a small letter, filled to the brim with indignant complaints to the gods, became visible at the point of her arrow. "Behold the true power of Artemis and Apollo, the Gods of Archery who once struck down all the brood of the vile Queen Niobe, who dared defy their Mother, Leto," after a long winded introduction, worthy of any Heroic Spirit of of the Age of the Gods, Atalanta finally called the name of what might as well be the most tsunderish Noble Phantasm after Brynhildr's Lance, unleashing a veritable rain of arrows over the beasts that littered the field before her.

"Phoebu's Catastrophe: Complaint Message on the Arrow!"

@PKMNB0Y @Lonewolf685 @Beloss @Flamelord @GreenGoat @Nanashi Ninanai @ADamnFiddle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Victoria & Scathach

Victoria stuck close to the playwright after the battle, listening to him speaking. She had not really read any of his works, but he was still famous and easily recognizable. Even Victoria knew about his play Hamburg, or Cameo and Tourettes. It was interesting just to hear him talk. She certainly didn't quite understand most of what he said, but it was a funny way of speaking nonetheless.

"You wish them a place to stay for the night as recompense? I believe the inn should work if they are willing to pay, but if they do not, then I'm afraid they're out of luck. The last pack of demon beasts that struck the town has made them wary, and though they may have helped you, the townspeople aren't quite as open-hearted in strange times such as these..."

Almost as if on cue, a faint noise came from a distance, carried by the wind. What the odd foxy servant said next confirmed Victoria's suspicions. Beasts, perhaps the very ones that plagued these townsfolk.

"Eh? Did you say mangy mutts? You meant those beasts attacking the townsfolk right?" Victoria slammed her fists together. "Alright! Let's go beat up those beasts!"

"Master," Scathach put a hand on Victoria's shoulder, wearing a slightly concerned look. "Perhaps we should take another course of action first?"

To her going after the beasts blindly wasn't a great idea, especially when they literally knew nothing of them save for the fact they're beasts. Her Master, with all her potential and brashness was just as likely to be suddenly recruited by a flamboyant immortal vampire with a penchant for knives as she was to defeat those beasts.

"Ah. You're right." Turning to the guard, Victoria continued. "Hey old man, if we promise to get rid of the beasts, we can stay in this town right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 32 min ago


The guards at the gate took a moment to wave back at the child being brought over in the entourage that Siegfried had brought over before turning to address the fox-eared woman who was clearly in a panic. The scene was a bit absurd, even with the recent string of events that had been occurring, but the gravity of the situation made itself a bit clearer as the wind began to die down ever so slightly. With the sounds of beasts now audible over the crackling of the flames and the sweeping winds, the two guards took a moment to face each other and nodded, with the one on the left moving inside the town in a hurry to alert everyone to their presence. The one that was left, of course, looked over the group before turning back to Siegfried.

"I think we can make an exception for the child to stay for the night, but I'm not sure about the rest of that group. The town's going to be in enough chaos as-is without a bunch of strangely-clothed strangers strolling in unannounced. We have no magical protection to speak of, which means that we've had to deal with these attacks every few nights with just the power of our weapons... And those only do so much," the guard sighed, shaking his head before a piercing howl rang through the silence of the night. Almost instantly after, the winds stopped, as if commanded by the voice itself.

"...Gods, let us survive this night..." the man prayed for a moment before one rather brash woman suggested that the group defeat the wolves for shelter. He, of course, had no authority to judge, but...

"If you defeat the beasts, then I will do everything in my power to have you recognized as our benefactors to the rest of the townsfolk. You have my word," he said, carefully glancing around as the sound of a large bell began to resonate from within the town.

Almost as if on cue, the silhouettes of a pack of large wolves, their red eyes shining in the moonlight, appeared over on a hill opposite the gate. The red lines that seemed to pattern their coats was intimidating, but what seemed to be more worrisome was their size--it would not be too far off to estimate each to be larger than a car of the modern era, and with at least twenty of them now rapidly making their way to the town, it was clear that they were of no natural origin.

"...Oh my. Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to remain here. In the rear. Where I won't be treated as a chew toy for a giant wolf," Shakespeare said, taking a few steps back and leaning against the wall. "I wish you all the best of luck."

Siegfried, on the other hand, drew his blade and readied himself for combat.

"I apologize for wrapping you up in this mess, but it seems we have no other choice," he said to the group as he steeled his body for combat.

"Let us begin."

@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss


Sakata Kintoki

"Gotcha, Master!" Kintoki shouted out in agreement before rushing over to the site of the conflict that his Master had indicated, his golden axe materializing in his right hand en route. The giant array of beasts and golems was a bit of an overwhelming sight, but it took a few seconds for Kintoki's smile to reach across his face as Svetleaze commanded him to... Well, as he would put it, 'show her what he's got'.

"Alright, let's do this!" the Berserker cried out, gripping his weapon in both hands as he crouched down for a moment before launching himself into the air. His target, a rather fierce-looking giant lion, seemed to be on the verge of pouncing on a cluster of soldiers.

Not that he would let it, of course.

"As if I'd let you!" he cried out, bringing his axe down upon the beast's head and splitting it in two before giving the soldiers behind him a thumbs-up. As he did so, though, a golem to his side began to swing at his body, but not before he noticed and blocked the blow with one of his arms.

"...Whoa. Okay, you're pretty strong, ain'tcha? Well, too bad for you, but I think I've still got you beat!" he responded, not caring if his opponent was actually able to respond or not as he punched it back, blowing the head off of the construct before kicking it to the ground. Of course, two out of... The rest of the army wasn't exactly the best of starts, but... Well, he'd get there eventually.

Kumozaki Keisuke

At the call to arms, Keisuke immediately followed after Atalanta to the west, bringing his weapon to its full glory as he dashed over. The sea of black mist and arrows that met his eyes seemed to be decimating whatever it made contact with--whatever wasn't killed by the smog became pincushions for magical arrows instead. It was pretty nasty to watch, even for him, but Keisuke had no time to marvel at the carnage before him. Even with all that power at their disposal, the waves of enemies seemed to still be pushing through... Or, well, more technically, around. He could only do so much against such enemies, but at the very least cleaning up anything that got through was something on that small list.

"Atalanta, keep suppressing as much of that mob as you can. I'll stay down below and clear out any stragglers, so I'll put my faith in you to continue your work up there," he messaged his Archer before moving into the fray. There were still quite a few creatures and constructs that had made it long before the anti-army measures had begun, so it was probably better to start there. Without any hesitation, the Enforcer quickly moved forward and, in a single slash, pierced the core of a golem before following into a second against another.

"Hm. They're a lot less durable than I'd have expected... Either that, or my weapon is of a better make. I hope it's the latter..."

Enkidu, of course, was doing much of the same, dragging golems into the ground beneath them or sending spears made from his own body into whatever creatures had managed to make their way through.

Near the near of the army (however far away that was) stood a masked figure, surrounded by golems that were of a far higher quality and seemed to be made of a far more durable material than the stone and clay creatures that were now sieging the city. He stood by silently, staring forward as more golems seemed to drag themselves out of the dirt beneath his feet and move mindlessly forward in search of someone or something to attack. Every so often, another wave of creatures would walk by, from whatever location they came from over the horizon. The waves themselves seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, but whether that was due to a lack of resources or a desire not to send any more was anyone's guess.

Gilgamesh seemed to pay no mind to the mongrel below who was using his weapons to help clean out the horde of skeletons as he continued to fire more and more weapons from his seemingly-endless Gate of Babylon, instead watching as Arturia began to rapidly clear out chunk after chunk of the skeleton army in front of them.

"As I predicted, you really do make for fine help, little King of Knights!" Gilgamesh laughed haughtily, staring at the blonde knight before one of the skeletal elephants in the distance caught his eye.

Or, rather, who was on it.

"Oh? Are you the insect that dares to challenge the might of the king?" Gilgamesh asked rhetorically as the figure and his mount inched ever closer to the city. Though his Noble Phantasm was not yet in range, the second he made it past that point, the King of Heroes would show no hesitation in firing upon him.

Well, that might leave the front a bit less defended, but the two knights below would likely be able to handle that trash.
@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Amalie Georg Faust, Caster - Scandinavia

Caster smiled brightly at the guard who had waved to Gretchen and herself, and then gave swift smile to her Master as well as she was placed back on her feet, cheerfully hugging Gretchen close to her chest. However, there wasn't much time for lightheartedness. Wolves, and not just any wolves but huge demonic ones at that. Of course, it wasn't exactly Caster's forte to try and take them on directly, and so instead she began to gather prana... and reach out...

Slowly, a mist started to gather around the little girl...

Edeltaud, meanwhile, did not hesitate in her next action. Her first move was an attempt to break up the wolf back and split them apart. That is, send herself hurtling feet-first towards one of the wolves to kick it as hard as she could, to bring as much force of impact as possible. If she broke apart the pack they could be easier to fight...


Arturia Pendragon, Saber - Babylonia

At the moment, Saber's focus was entirely on the battle at hand. With every stroke of Excalibur's cloaked form, another skeleton, or frequently more, fell to pieces. With every step, she advanced further into the enemy line. The skeletons were designed, it seemed, for numbers rather then overall strength. They would charge her, and in seconds she would clear another circle and leave nothing but broken bones. And yet, it seemed that the invading force's leader was drawing closer and closer. A tall, dark figure astride one of the skeletal elephants, a Servant himself, though Saber could not determine who simply by looking upon him. In her mind, her next course of action was an obvious one.

While her knowledge of Magecraft was hardly indepth, she could guess that this army of constructs was linked to the leader. And, as a result, if she could defeat their leader the army would likely soon follow.

She would make her advance towards him, and challenge him.

Yet more and more skeletons fell as the King of Knights pushed her way through the vast army. A skeletal elephant made its charge for her, its feet smashing other skeletons beneath it. Saber swiftly ducked low and charged herself, stopping seconds before colliding with the elephant in order to swing her weapon up in an arc and slice through the bone of the elephant's leg, sending it toppling to the side as it did.

She followed up with an upwards strike, slicing through the construct's skull.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Alexander Nevsky, Scandinavia

It did not take long for them to arrive at the town, and Alexander nodded to the guard as he and Siegfried conversed. The duo went about arranging for them to have shelter for their stay in compensation for protecting the town, something that he did not find objectionable and as a result he did not see the need to speak up. If there was a problem he would, but their companion seemed to have it well in hand.

"Thank you for your willingness to aid us," he said to the guard, before he found his attention drawn away by Caster and her proclamation that there were foes headed their way. It was a short respite they had had, for now the sounds of the oncoming foe were soon audible for all to hear. They would have to fight.

That much was affirmed, with the guard saying that they would be let in if they defeated the foes headed towards the town. That was fine by Alexander, for it was his duty as a Grand prince to make sure that his people were safe and unharmed, and even if they were Norse they nonetheless deserved the same right to live, while they were treating them as friends. "Very well then, we fight," he agreed.

Looking towards his Master, he shot Walgrave a firm look. "Worry not, my Lord, we will handle these foes." With that he whistled, and on the lingering sound of the noise a white horse stepped out from the branches of the surrounding woods, neighing as it moved for him. Rider did not hesitate as he pulled himself into the saddle with an ease that spoke of experience fitting his position as a Rider. He had to have a steed after all. Meanwhile he drew a sword from it's scabbard and a shield appeared on his other arm, the Prince ready to fight.

"Go," he urged his horse, and together they took off in a slow walk towards the oncoming wolves that rapidly grew into a charge. He would not hold back, shield used to defend while light flashed off swiftly moving steel as he slashed at any foes he neared. The two worked as one, and even the horse would take part in the battle with kicks and nimble footed dodges. These wolves might be large, but they would be no match for his steel.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Walgrave squinted at the guards who had halted them outside the town's squat walls. He had attempted to engage Seigfreid on their journey over, but had been handily outmaneuvered in the social quarter by the fox eared beauty. He mused that it would probably help if he were to practice the art of conversation more than once every decade or so. And also smelled less like shit.

Nevertheless he graced the vulpine Caster with a waspish old man look, as she now ran to and fro cradling her Master in her arms like a babe. Had he possessed a cane he would have shaken it at her now, but sadly he was poorly equipped on that front.

His idle frustration evaporated however as the source of the guards fear suddenly manifested itself, loping over the horizon with unnerving speed.

Walgrave's eyes widened and he took a step back as the enemys hard on their trail revealed themselves. This was no mere rabble of The Dead, such as might have been dispatched with relative non issue in the modern era. Here was a ravenous pack of demon beasts, such as might never be seen in the Modern era. Judging by their size alone they would be nightmares to ordinary Magi, to say nothing of what other hidden powers they might possess.

Walgrave seriously contemplated turning and begging the guards to let him in along with the Child Caster on the basis of being a helpless old man, but he mastered the urge. In this company and time it was likely that he would be picked out for the Magi he was and rejected.

Instead he turned back towards the oncoming wolves and sneered. With a phalanx of Legendary Heroes at his back, there was little to fear here. He hoped.

His spirit was boosted somewhat as his own Servant, the Russian Lord Nevsky addressed him, assuring him of their ability to fight. It would not due to show weakness now.

Though he had so far paid little attention to his own Servant in general, Walgrave was given pause for a moment when Nevsky suddenly whistled, summoning forth a beautiful white horse to his side, which he mounted with a smooth ease before galloping quickly to the offensive.

Compared to the Servants around him, Walgrave had initially judged Nevsky as average, or even sub par when it came to the dense whirlwinds of prana that the other Servants were comprised of. Now though... the horse he had mounted possessed nearly as much presence as a Servant itself, and together they seemed to reinforce one another. They rushed forward towards the oncoming pack, and despite the great differences in size between them, somehow, he knew that the Horseman was by no means rushing to his own slaughter.

This was going to be interesting. A battle more pressing even for these immortal warriors...

It would be appropriate to make a similarly ernest display himself, if the Servants were now takeing their own gloves off.

Walgrave took a few measured steps away from the wall and those nearest to him, putting a slight distance between him and the nearest party members in case something went wrong. Then, closing his eyes briefly he began to gather his prana for a particularly tremendous display of pyrotechnics, pulling prana from the air around him and mixing it with the Od within himself. He picked out a monster wolf near the center of the pack, and focused on it. He would unleashed a wave of pressurized flame aimed directly for its head strong enough to shatter its skull and sear its eyes from its sockets, before the expanding wave of fire turned its nearest companions into blazing torches.

At least... that was the plan.

Trickles of fire flickered along his hands before running up his sleeves and licking his elbows. He envisioned his trigger distinctly, a beaker of formaldehyde boiling over, and focused his will carefully, shaping a tremendous conflagration which might have burned away a house, into a shaped charge to unleash in an arc towards the head of his target.


After falling to the back of the line with the strange bard and his growing audience Sinfjotli had trudged along seething in quiet frustration for a time. He had listened, half idly to the bards conversation at first, but had become more engaged when the slight man had begun to expound on Seigfreid.

Sinfjotli found his pronouncement of pitying the invulnerable dragonslayer incomprehensible, and had listened with disatisfaction for some time until he had pronounced that he foresaw a coming tragedy for Seigfreid.

He had given a Shakespeare a searching look. Did this skald seek some way to best the invincible hero? Or, more likely, a desire to see him toppled?

He made no word to the legendary skald, but stored all up inside himself, and resolved to make sure for now that the man did not die to some stray demon.

They had come now to the town. A miserable, beleaguered looking place that carried the smell of death and desperation about it. An intoxicating scent for a hero.

He stood with the others, keeping a careful distance from Siegfried, and listening to the guards dictate their terms with a sour expression.

Mentally he gave his Master a piece of his mind, his telepathic voice dripping with disatisfaction. These other Servants are making fools of themselves Master. Look at these men. They are a night away from being overrun by trolls and draugr, yet they would sit at the gate and dictate terms to us? A real Hero would kill such idiots for rejecting the source of their own salvation at the gate.

It was then that something on the edge of his awareness pricked at him. He turned, looking over the wooded hill they had just descended. Something had been following them.

Despite his affinity with wolves it was the Fox eared witch who had first been able identify the nature of their oncoming foes. Sure enough, true to her natural instinct and the odd way his cloak seemed to tingle against his skin at their approach, what bounded over the horizon was a pack of monstrous wolves such as would have given even him and Sigmund a moment's pause back in the day.

He stared at them for a moment, before grinning widely. They were heading directly for them, long legs built for hunting eating up the ground before them like only a wolf on the hunt could.

Sinfjotli threw back his head, and emitted a series of guttural growls. He was no Galderman, so there was only one sort of beast with whom he could speak, and Wolves were it. He had picked up the tongue in his days wearing their form, and, for reasons known only to a magician, he had never lost the skill.

These creatures though, had nothing to say to him. Regardless of his status as a skinchanger friendly towards their kind, they were intent upon his death, and on his own side Sinfjotli had no more special affection for them than for any number of humans who he had butchered over the ages, whose tongue he could speak just as well.

The bearded Rider who had so bravely arm wrestled the golden ogre hero in the hall before was already mounting up and readying himself to ride forth. Sinfjotli nodded towards him in approval, admiring his magnificent horse as they rode forth to meet the oncoming pack. A brave gesture even for a hero to rush into an oncoming wolf pack first.

Sinfjotli lingered just a moment as his long spear glimmered into existence in his hands. He twirled it experimentally, hopping back and forth on his feet a little as he readied himself. This battle, would be one that demanded quick reflexes above all.

"They will try to get around us." He said, eyes flashing as he addressed the Casters and Mortal magi in a commanding voice. "It's the way of wolves. Don't split up or try to outrun them. Hold your ground and they should hesitate!"

He searched the crowd, narrowing his eyes till he found the beautiful spearmaid who had been bringing up the rear so far.

"Spears will be of best avail against these beasts! Join us on the front for now woman, and we will prevent ourselves from being surrounded!"

Saying this he gripped his spear with both hands and charged into the oncoming frey, speeding forward like a bullet to thrust his bitter spear into the heart of the one of the wolves who was attempting to circle around Nevsky.

Pavel Dumitru

Pavel had followed the situation with a quickly growing sense of unease. Perhaps it was because he was an illusionist by nature, but it seemed to him the height of foolishness to so easily go over to the camp of this self proclaimed king, especially when, beyond all expectation, it now sounded like certain members of either party possessed prior knowledge of eachother. Someone was leading them on.

In the end he had elected to follow Enkudu, but even the absence of that terrible golden demigod brought him no peace of mind. How was he to be sure that Gilgamesh and the small female Knight were not now plotting together?

Not that he had much time to contemplate this however.

Before them a massive army was approaching the walls, a host phantasmal creatures the size of an army, each one of which would have been a match for his prized familiar which he expended so much of his effort to maintain in the modern era.

Speaking of which, the poor beast it seemed had finally lost its nerve completely, and in the moment of distraction when he had first seen the oncoming horde of monsters, the Căpcăun had turned and bolted, running for the nearest stairway off the walls before disappearing into the city streets below.

He had slapped his hand to his forehead. It should eventually return to him, provided it was not slain by the city guards but in the meantime it did not leave him with much in the way of defense... not that it would have been very useful if that army found its way up here anyway.

"Well Lancer, I think you have your battle. I'm afraid there isn't much I can do against THAT, beyond giving you some healing. I hope you're as good as you say you are or this is going to be one short time travel quest!"

@Flamelord @Nanashi Ninanai @ADamnFiddle @GreenGoat
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dr. Jekyll

There was a lot of monsters and golems marching the other direction; it was almost all he could do to duck and weave his way through.

He had taken a glance backwards, worrying about his master's safety, but it seemed the beastly Archer had called upon her Noble Phantasm, raining death upon the ever advancing army of beasts. Feeling slightly reassured, he focused his eyes forwards, fixed upon a strange figure in the distance.

It was an odd figure, a masked person surrounded by golems, golems that looked far superiour to the ones that was marching wholesale towards the city. There was no doubt that this person was of some importance, though the figure remained silent all the while.

"Master," using the telepathic link with him and his master, Jekyll started speaking. "I have found what seems to be one of their commanders. A Servant Archer is with you right? Perhaps they can shoot him while he remains unsuspecting and still upon his perch. Even should he move, I can make use of that diversion to eliminate them."

Just to make sure Richard knew where he was exactly, Jekyll started relaying information about their location.

Victoria & Scathach

"So they've come! I-"

She was cut off promptly by two servants rushing past her towards the wolves. Feeling slightly deflated, she looked towards the other magus, of which some seems to be preparing for large scale magecrafting. There wasn't much she could do to rival those sort of things; she could certainly try, but that was almost certain to result in her circles overloading and/or exploding.

"Well, I might as well teach you something right now." Scathach gave her a long wooden stick, which seemed to be a branch the Lancer had cut off and trimmed recently. Fresh as it was, it was still sharp enough to skewer it seemed. Victoria was just about to complain that she had no idea how to fight with a spear, before Lancer shook her head. "A spear could be used in a multitude of ways. For example..."

Scathach moved and guided Victoria to the correct spear throwing pose, before instructing her how to throw it properly. Victoria felt like she was being moved with more than what was needed, but she followed her instructions regardless.

"Full count... Magic circuit..."

Once again, she reinforced her body, and after a brief analysis of the stick, reinforced it to its limit. With her body almost crackling with energy, she threw the reinforced spear with great force towards the wolves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Richard Montag - Babylonia

It should have been expected that Servants would have egos befitting legendary figures, and Richard had just prodded one when he realized that the feline Archer was now standing beside him atop the battlements. He figured after her previous outburst with the former Princess of Colchis that there was lingering animosity towards the Caster class, or maybe he just offended her professional sensibility.

I'd best walk on egg shells then. He thought even as his eyes turned to briefly admire the virgin huntress' form. Richard hadn't the foggiest clue about archery beyond hazy childhood dalliances that rarely found their target, though seeing Atalanta release her noble phantasm was a sight soon to be burned into his memory. His gaze was one of appreciation for the hard fought physical prowess she possessed, and understanding that an Archer was the very ideal of perceptive, he hoped she didn't take it for something more lecherous in intent.

"Excuse me for being discourteous, Archer." Richard offered in pre-emptive apology, only to quirk his head to the side as he heard the voice of Assassin relaying opportune information about an enemy of some importance. "Allow me to make it up to you with a target worthy of your enmity. Assassin has located someone who bears all the hall marks of a commander who is fabricating these golems and would be appreciative if you could remove him."

Richard relayed the coordinates as Jekyll had told him and waited to see if she could spare an arrow away from the mob of monsters.

Tamamo No Mae - Scandinavia

"W-W-Wedding gown?! No, no, no, no, Master! You are supposed to be the husband here...though you would look-" The fox eared witch promptly shut her mouth when she felt her cheeks burn a bright red and knew her lips would have spoken horribly embarrassing things not meant for public consumption. She set her master down and turned away to face the pack of beasts now emerging from the fog to hunt. This afforded Seyrun and the guard's a prime view of the fox's furiously wagging tail, which Tamamo could only hope would be ignored in the face of imminent danger just as she was hoping to distract herself in kind.

"Come on you mange ridden beasts. This fox will not be the prey of such lowly hounds!" Everyone was launching there attacks into the infernal beasts, and Tamamo was not to be left behind. A single spell tag formed in her hand and was thrown towards the pack, yet rather then those that came before, this lacked the tell tale signs of explosive fire. Having already seen that those around her commanded ample flame to burn a small nation, the Caster opted to add fuel upon their impending conflagration with a tag aimed for the rear of the group. It whistled past Nevsky's mounted charge and Walgrave's focused Magecraft to detonate upon the last wolves of the pack.

And where once there was a slip of paper now bellowed forth a whirling column of wind, cutting off an easy avenue of retreat for the hit-and-run attackers as it sucked in those near and drew them skywards.

Margarita Reynard - Scandinavia

"Did Primate Murder have puppies?!" The aged enforcer exclaimed upon seeing the sheer size of the beasts barreling towards them. Certainly more of an issue to deal with then the dead, that was a certainty she rued. To the Servants it may have been a worthy challenge for them to sink their teeth into, but Magi were poorly equipped for beasts of that magnitude and number.

Her concern was amplified when Edeltaud thought to open the engagement by attempting to split the wolves down the middle. By their very nature wolves had a tendency to surround their prey, so forcing them to separate was only going to facilitate that behavior and make it difficult to bombard them en-masse.

Hmm, I can't really chastise Caster for not instilling a sense of tactics into her creation. Edel may as well be a Berserker class. Margarita's features hardened into a deep scowl, contemplating the well worn lines of her face as though this were her natural countenance. What she lacked in flame or sword she could compensate for in ranged support, and at the moment that was the only role fitting for a Master. Raising Fox & Hound towards the oncoming force, she shifted herself to the left of the group and fired a startlingly fast barrage of condensed ether upon the same flank of the advancing wolves. Given everyone was charging forward or staring back on level ground, it would be rather difficult to fire head on without shooting an ally in the back.

"Caster, get your butler to attack the other side and leave the middle for Rider."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Seyrun Leviathan

"Who knows, Tama, who knows?" Seyrun chuckled as Tamamo let her down in order to join the bigger conflict once again. It was an interesting sight, for as few of it that Seyrun could see from behind the bushy coat of the foxy Caster's voluminous tail. Seyrun didn't resist the urge to pluck a strand of it just to tease Caster, smirking playfully if Tamamo ever turned to look at the source of the sudden pluck.

The fight seemed to be relatively under control with so many combatants, Servant and Magi alike, joined against the monstrous wolves that looked like Fenrir's own progeny. However, there was a few issues that one could only appreciate from a a removed position, such as Seyrun was right now. "These wolves must have been sent someone, or something. Unless we figure it out, driving them away will be pointless," Seyrun thought as she she knelt down and drew a pair of runes on the ground:

"Berkano, Kenaz!"

Berkano and Kenaz, the runes of search and revelation, using the power of the ley lines underneath, they would likely be able to find the source of the wolves, revealing it with a trail ghostly light. A Caster Servant should be able to counter it with ease, but other than that, Seyrun was confident in her magic.

Atalanta, the Virgin Huntress

The leonine huntress' lips curled into a knowing smirk when she caught Richard admiring her physique. Vanity was perhaps a fatal flaw that all Greeks from the Age of the Gods shared, she would be more offended if he hadn't spared the time to look.

Nevertheless, the call from Kousuke drew Atalanta's focus back to the task at hand. Phoebus Catastrophe had been successful in thinning the enemies army, but if they didn't cut its head, this fight would never end. "Understood, I'll focus my Noble Phantasm on the enemy army, while I try to help Assassin take their leader's head," As she said so, Atalanta narrowed her gaze. In a region of wide and plain terrain such as this one, nothing could escape her eyes. In fact, she could see as far as the rivers that limited the land of Mesopotamia and, sure as Hades, she could see the target that Assassin uncovered.

"Tell your Servant to not miss his chance, that is, if Caster is still standing after being shot by my Goddess arrow." Atalanta said, nocking an arrow to her bow and draw it until the string was on the verge of snapping. The resulting shot would be a pure A-Rank physical attack, stronger than even Heracles own blows, an attack that required Atalanta's utmost concentration, but if it hit, the kill was all but certain.

@PKMNB0Y @Lonewolf685 @Beloss @Flamelord @GreenGoat @Nanashi Ninanai @ADamnFiddle
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 32 min ago


The wolves snarled as their opponents charged forth, the pack quickly splitting up to flank the group just as a few other members of the group had predicted. Five of them continued rushing forward as before, meeting Edeltaud and Nevsky as they rushed in from the opposing side. One of the wolves was his dead in the center of its forehead by the spear thrown by Victoria, and though it pierced through its head and nailed the beast to the ground, it seemed to still be alive. The blood that was pooling under the creature's wound seemed to be sizzling as it touched the ground, burning it as black as the night around them. The other wolves seemed to not notice their ally's troubles as they headed forward; while three of the wolves were already attempting to isolate Nevsky and his horse from the group, the last remaining wolf within the set had taken the blow from Edeltaud to the face, and blood was now visibly dripping from its nose and mouth. Such a blow was not without cost, though, as the creature quickly retaliated and bit down on the offending limb, growling as it pulled its head back in an attempt to tear the limb off.

The three wolves around Nevsky seemed to be having much more trouble, though; within the first few seconds of combat, one of the beasts already had a large gash running down across its eyes, blinding it and forcing it to retreat; another, in an attempt to attack from behind, took a pair of hooves to the face before being skewered by Sinfjotli's weapon. The third, however, seemed to be in far better shape, ducking and dodging past the swings of the sword aimed at itself. The stalemate lasted for a few more seconds before the wolf back up and barked to its semi-blinded companion before the two rushed headfirst at the Rider and his mount simultaneously, the insanity almost palpable within their bestial eyes.

At the same time, the remaining wolves had split into two groups, eight on the left and seven on the other. The suppressive fire from Margerita was enough to hold off the wolves on the left flank from advancing, causing the tornado cast by Tamamo to launch them all high into the sky; while they fumbled about in a valiant (but ultimately fruitless) attempt to escape, the right flank proceeded to bound over to attack through. In an instant, Siegfried dashed over and drew his sword to block their advance. Half the wolves immediately moved to surround him, while the other half found themselves blasted in the face by Walgrave's magic and thrown backwards into the tornado. As the wolves began to leap at Siegfried, the Saber frowned and began to slowly dodge and parry every single blow they threw out, careful to not end up like the familiar being used like a chewtoy in the center.

Seyrun's spell, sadly enough, would prove near-fruitless; the magic traced itself between each wolf, but extended absolutely nowhere else.

There was exception to that internal chain, though; a single wolf who was previously caught up within the cyclone, but had since managed to somehow free itself of the magic and was now slowly pacing around the magic, trying to figure out a way to free its packmates.

@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss


Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke paused for a moment as he saw Atalanta drawing back her bow, even all the way down from his current position on the ground. Most of the nearby threats had been dealt with, at the very least, so the fact that he could even see such a spectacle meant more than it should have. The arrow seemed to glow with an almost-otherworldly light as it flow overhead, but after a few seconds the golems amongst the crowd seemed to stop moving and melt into the ground.

"...Did it work?" he asked, blade still at the ready as he looked over the horizon to where the arrow was headed.


At the other end of the battlefield, Jekyll would be able to see that the arrow had definitely made its mark; the Caster's head was now skewered by the arrow, and he was now standing there motionless. The golems guarding him did not move, but after a few moments the sound of ominous laughter seemed to echo through the area.

"Hahaha! So they managed to find me, then?! What was it? An Assassin? Scrying magic? Familiars?" it seemed to ask mockingly before the 'Caster' that had been shot rose into the air atop a clay pillar, its form slowly melding into the ground beneath itself. "Well, regardless, it seems as if that pharaoh was correct! Well, in this case, only more more portion of this contract remains before I can experiment to my heart's content! Come, defenders of Babylon, for I know at least one of you can hear me! To play the part of the villain means nothing compared to what I may gain--best of luck to you all!"

Immediately after the Caster's monologue was complete, the beasts in the area seemed to retreat, almost as if in sync, and the figure seemed to disappear into the earth...

Sakata Kintoki

Kintoki lowered the axe in his hand as the the army seemed to pull back, only to notice a rather gargantuan humanoid figure slowly taking form over the horizon. A bit of a nervous smile crept onto his face as he turned to Enkidu, who was also staring at the thing now slowly gaining size as more and more time passed.

"Hey, uh... So, what the heck's that supposed to be?" he asked, glancing back and forth between the two as Enkidu frowned sternly towards the construct, which had quickly gained enough size to tower above the walls of Uruk.

"It's a golem like the ones you had just been destroying; I can feel it sapping the energy from the earth with every step. I'm moving ahead to stop it; follow me. We can't let it reach the city!" Enkidu cried out to the group as he leaped forward, Kintoki taking a moment to nod to his Master and give her a salute before following behind. Something like this... Was probably too dangerous to handle at close range, especially with a Master who specialized in that sort of thing.

The northern front, on the other hand, seemed to be in a bit of a stranger position. The Servant mounted atop the skeletal elephant let out a guttural roar that seemed to shake the battlefield before dismounting, still barely out of range of Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon. The Golden King clicked his tongue as he watched the army part before the enemy Servant...

And around Lancelot.

With the rest of the skeletal army continuing to advance towards the walls, Gilgamesh was forced to continue firing barrage after barrage away at the swarm, sparing only his sight as he watched the skeletons around the two Servants create an open space within which the two could (presumably) fight.

With another roar, the Servant pointed his right axe at the knight before adopting a battle stance.

"...Hmph. Does that mongrel wish to duel? I guess it would be fine for some spectacle; a fitting ring of death for two dogs to bite away at one another," Gilgamesh remarked, turning towards the Masters waiting around near himself. "I should think your choice of victor is obvious, so instead of asking that, I shall instead ask you this: will the King of Knights defeat that skeletal commander over there before that mongrel lies dead on the ground? If you are correct, I shall... Hm... Allow you and your group to explore the city without being watched. That is a decent reward, is it not?"

With a laugh, Gilgamesh continued to fire away at the crowd of skeletons, waiting for the duel to begin.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The shot from the cat eared Archer found its mark, slamming perfectly into the motionless Caster's head. It seems the Archer class was really filled with archers.

"Hahaha! So they managed to find me, then?! What was it? An Assassin? Scrying magic? Familiars?" The shot figure laughed mockingly, making Jekyll's blood boil, enough to make Hyde thrash about within him. "Well, regardless, it seems as if that pharaoh was correct! Well, in this case, only more more portion of this contract remains before I can experiment to my heart's content! Come, defenders of Babylon, for I know at least one of you can hear me! To play the part of the villain means nothing compared to what I may gain--best of luck to you all!"

"Master," Assassin relayed, utilizing the telepathic link again. "I fear this may be a small part of a much larger plan."

He retreated further back towards the castle, unwilling to fight such a large creature around so many monsters. Hyde could be utilized here, but he preferred to keep his own Noble Phantasm until such a time came that he needed it, or if his Master commanded him to use it.

"The Caster was but a clay puppet. He mentioned playing the part of a villain, as well as mentions of a pharaoh. To be able to amass such an army, and go up against the King of Kings... Master, was there any more orders? If not, I will retreat for now."
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