Interacting with:

From his perch, Kieran watched his colleagues file into the Map Room without any comment. But the sight of Miss DeVito, with her red eyes that looked like they didn't get an ounce of sleep, elicited a response from the generally detached werewolf. A small wave of concern briefly washed over his expression, but it only lasted a moment before he turned his gaze away from his partner. DeVito, like most Regulators, wasn’t the type to open up to others about whatever kind of misery had led her to work at ORO. And Kieran was certainly not the kind to pry. Not to mention he was hardly in any position to give advice on how to get over things in a healthy manner.
‘But if this has to do with nightmares, I could easily provide her with Sleeping Drought to rid her of them…’ he postulated to himself, already mentally tallying the ingredients he had on hand for the potion.
But at that moment, Kieran’s eyes passed over Miss Greenwood, causing him to grimace just a little bit, as he couldn't help but hope that her wandering thoughts hadn’t picked up on his own. It wasn’t anything to be proud of, but Kieran spent too long cementing his position as the uninvolved potion master of the group to be undone by a stray thought or two of concern. After all, it was much easier for him to carry on with his condition when people weren't invested in him. Or at least that's what he had taken to telling himself. Thankfully, Corrigan started the briefing, effectively taking the werewolf's mind off of his overly self-conscious thoughts.
By the time he had finished with the Regulator’s ever cheerful motto, Kieran had already compiled a list of potions that he would have to grab from the workshop. The case sounded awfully grisly, even by ORO’s standards, and while Kieran had never heard of a legend concerning this “Candy Lady,” he could only imagine it was far from pleasant. Still though, he had a job to do and he intended to take every step he could to get it done. Sure, even he was aware of how paranoid his precautions were, but so far that very paranoia had kept him alive in an environment where people making it to retirement was unheard of.
As he made his way out of the room to grab his supplies from the workshop, he paused briefly just before he passed by DeVito, turning his head slightly to look her in the eyes. “I’m not going to waste either of our time asking about what happened,” he quietly assured the woman, with most of the other Regulators likely more focused on the nonsense that was occurring between Arminstance and Lerius to pay them much mind. “But my expertise can provide you with a number of ways to sleep easier, should you wish it.” And with that, the aloof mage continued on his way out of the room, hardly giving his partner any chance to respond to his offer.