@MechonRaptor Don't worry, you've got time. This is for you and everyone else here as well, but the other GMs and I have discovered some issues, and we are currently trying to work things out. So it might actually be best if people hold off posting for just a bit while we continue to figure things out.
Name: Samuel Deniel Image or Description: Stands at 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighs 120 pounds Age: 15 Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Mage or Familiar: Mage Magic Type: Wind Known Spells: Summon Partner: Vyvyan Ngiwan
Personality: What am I like? Well, I'm pretty laid back, sometimes too much so for my own good. I end up being lethargic about things, not caring about anything at all. I feel like the last time I really, truly cared about anything was when my dad died, I cared about that a lot. But since then I feel like I've built an emotional wall and just fake whatever emotions I think I'm supposed to be feeling. It drives me crazy because sometimes I feel like I should be sad or happy, but there's just nothing, and I can't change it. Sometimes I still feel things how normal people should, the good emotions are a lot easier to let through. I feel happy more often than not, but the only times I feel well and truly sad is when I'm alone, up late at night, thinking of things that make me sad, like my dad being gone. As a child I was much more open with my emotions, but after my dad died I just shut down. I think part of it is I'm scared of what life would be like without this wall I've made. I don't care about things because if I care I can get hurt, and angry. And if I get angry I'm scared I could really hurt someone, so I tell myself I'm not allowed to get angry, and it gets bottled away somewhere. I don't feel like I have a rage problem, but maybe I do. Maybe if I open up I would just be a monster, it's things like that which make me how I am. So instead I just take a deep breath, let myself feel happy, and hide away the part of myself which scares me half to death.
Biography: What's my story? Oh, um, well I'm from Colbar, born and raised as you can probably tell from the accent. My dad is from here, mom is from Erridún, she was out of there as soon as she could, didn't feel safe. She works from home for some tech firm in Maefeld, makes pretty decent money, we have one of the nicer cottages here. Dad came from basically nothing, and in his youth could barely make ends meet. He worked hard and founded his own fishing company, it meant he was away from home a lot, but he made sure we had a good life. I wasn't very social as a kid, I'm not really that social now either but that's beside the point. I spent most of my time reading books and watching movies. My dad's fishing business lead me to learning things about the ocean, and watching movies about people exploring the deepest parts of it. When my dad came home I told him I wanted to go fishing with him and go to the bottom of the ocean. He laughed and said I could go fishing when I was older (I was about 7 at this point) and to go to the bottom of the ocean I'd need a job with some serious education behind it. He told me if I worked hard and got good grades I might even be able to go to St. Fortuna's, the pest magic school in the land. That was the kick I needed to really throw myself in to my schooling to try and get my marks high enough to go to St. Fortuna's, if it meant I could explore the ocean like in the books I read then I would do it. Unfortunately everything wasn't all happy, I'm told when I was almost 10 years old my dad was out on an excursion when the weather got rougher than he anticipated. He and his crew never came back, presumed dead. I don't remember much of that time, my brain must block it out to keep me sane. My mom tells me I locked myself in my room, refusing to come out, saying that dad promised he'd take me out fishing on my 10 birthday. Eventually I came out, I slept in my mom's bed for a few weeks after it happened. We skipped celebrating my birthday that year at my insistence, I didn't wanna do it if I couldn't go out with dad. To this day I don't like going on boats, reminds me of the ride I'll never get. The worst part is that they never found the bodies or the ship, sometimes I hear a noise and look towards the door, just hoping he'll walk through. I know it's dumb, but even though there was a funeral I feel like I never got my closure. I don't mention it to people, if anyone ever asks about my family I pretend he's still around. It's still Deniel Fishing Co. so his name will live on there. But every dark cloud has a silver lining, and in this case it's his life insurance. We got enough money to pay for my schooling at St. Fortuna's, which was somewhat fortunate because my grades tanked for a year after he was gone. Eventually I got back to my normal life, I adjusted to him not being around, other than the whole thinking he might walk in at any moment thing. But life goes on and a few years after his death I started attending St. Fortuna's, to get closer to my own goals and also to make my dad proud. He was always so happy when he saw me doing my school work, he wanted me to have a better life than he did and I'm going to make sure I make the most of what he left behind for me.
Likes: Thunderstorms, Swimming, Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, Computers, Sleeping, Walking in nature, Staying up late Dislikes: Very hot weather, Waking up early, People who think they're better than everyone else, Running, Boat Rides Proficiency: 4 Intelligence: 4 Athletics: 2 Misc.: His birthday is October 21. His sense of humour mostly consists of sarcasm and irony. Quiz Answers:
Gonna be answering the questions as if someone asked my character, hope that's alright.
1. What is your character's dream career? I want to explore the world, see things no one else has seen. Is "Explorer" still a valid career option? I wanna do whatever is closest to that.
2. Your character is caught telling a lie/cheating. How do they react? I would never cheat, I might lie but it would never be over something that's a big deal, so I'd just shrug it off and say sorry.
3. Your character finds out someone close to them has been lying to them. How do they react? That depends on what exactly they were lying about, but I forgive pretty easily so if it wasn't something that was a huge deal I'd say it was water under the bridge and move on.
4. If your character were given $50, what would they do with it? Spend it on food or video games, no doubt about it.
5. Someone close to your character gives them something very important and asks them to hold on to it until they come back. However, your character somehow loses it. What do they do? If it's a physical object I can buy I would buy another one. If it was something more personal I would search as much as I could but if I couldn't find it I'd own up to this person when they came back. But I wouldn't be likely to lose this object in the first place, I don't go out much so it'd probably be in my room somewhere.
6. Your character is given the chance to perfect any one talent. What do they choose? I'd want to perfect being able to play an instrument. Probably the piano, they just sound so nice.
7. What is your character’s favourite book or movie genre? Why? You'll probably call me a nerd, which I am, but I really like nature documentaries. Especially ones about the ocean.
8. Who does your character admire/look up to? I don't have anyone in particular, but someone who does what they want and doesn't take shit from those who don't approve is someone I want to be like in the future. My dad was like that, it's probably why I admire that type of person.
Password: Triple Pork Poutine
I hope everything is in order, if not just let me know
@TheHangedMan I wouldn't underestimate the short people if I were you. We do some crazy things to reach what we want, including using furniture in some unconventional and probably dangerous ways. I've seen short people actually use tall people as jungle gyms, so you tall people might wanna sleep (or stand) with one eye open. :)
@duskshine749 Perfect! We will begin reviewing your CS as soon as possible.
@Redmarshmellow Funny thing, I ended up taller than my mom, but my little brother ended up taller than me by a whole foot. For reference of how tall he is, I'm 5'6. And the worst part is, my littlest brother looks like he'll be outpacing everyone else by the time he's my age (he's only 15 and he's already my height); the only comfort I can take is that I'm taller than my older brother, who ended up as the shortest. It's a hollow victory though . . .
@The Errorist Oh believe me, I know. My little sister is 4'7 and is an absolute terror to behold.
@TheHangedMan Well I am taller than my mom and I stand at 5'8" about, But a lot of second year high schoolers I see are kinda short, so I'm just taken aback that most of the guys are atleast 5'10"ish.
@Redmarshmellow I'd be less believing if it weren't for the fact that I think that height just kinds skips a generation. Back when I was in high-school, every one us was short with the occasional basketball player in the class, then we noticed that the kids the year below us were growing. Fast. By the time I was graduating 5'10 was the average height in their batch. It was fucking terrifying especially when the average height of my country is 5'6 (for guys anyway)
@Redmarshmellow@TheHangedMan Both of my brothers surpassed my dad in height by the time they were in their teens. My dad is about 5'10 and my brothers both are easily over 6'0. You could see the hope in my dads eyes fade each inch they grew.
Meanwhile all the women in my family are very short. Up until now I didn't know many girls grew over 5'5.