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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Character Name: Ryan Kincaide

Nickname/Callsign: Showman

Age: 30

Nationality: American

Gender: Male

Ryan grew up in the southern USA, born in Tennessee.
A laid back sort of guy, he drifted through his high school years after having family problems at home. His father was involved heavily in criminal activities revolving around theft, narcotics, blackmail and other similar activities. By association, he ended up in and out of trouble and falling in with bad crowds. Not having a taste for the life and wanting to avoid the same life of prison, violence, and fear as his father, he tried to make other friends and shake the reputation of his family name.

It wasn't until he found himself arrested after being reluctantly present at one of his fathers 'business deals' that he realised he needed to straighten himself out and get out of that world.
Enrolling in a program to better his grades, he got to know several of the instructors, some of whom were former soldiers, sailors and Marines and one of whom was a Naval Aviator. Entranced by his stories, and also taking a trip to the nearby bases to get a look at the hardware and the lifestyle really got him enthused, and he worked hard to remedy his failing grades, getting on top of his education, as well as to get out of the world he'd found himself mired in.

Around this time he also got into music, learning to play the harmonica and guitar, finding an escape from his difficult home life in music, and making new friends. He gained some minor notice in the local scene playing as part of an ensemble, though his families' reputation in the criminal world still haunted him, and his fathers' shadow was never far behind him, with people often targeting him to get to his family, despite his increasing attempts to distance himself from their name, and associations with their criminal activities.

His enlistment was uneventful, he entered into flight school with a college degree and trained hard, though was still dogged by a bad rep because of his name, and this occasionally lead to scuffles with other Marines. Occasional problems with discipline and a bad temper came from that. However, he also still kept up his music, which earned him the nickname 'Showman' which he never really managed to shake.

Ryan graduated onto flying Intruders for the US Navy, and flew over Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as tours over Libya and the Horn of Africa supporting anti-piracy operations.

Rotating to the far east, Ryan was involved in combat in the initial stages of the offensive against the Yerrill, and was shot down, his co-pilot at the time, Miles 'Weatherman' Douglas. Weatherman was injured after ejecting, and Ryan managed to drag him through hostile territory for miles, evading Yerrill ground forces and even aiding civilians to safety. For this, he earned commendations. He spent some time recovering from his injuries and debriefing.
He later returned to the skies for the final push back against the Yerrill, once more flying in an A-6F Intruder. It was at this time he met his current co-pilot/WSO Diane 'Blackjack' Tallent and the pair quickly became good friends and an excellent team.

Following the conclusion of the operation, he was promoted and was immediately short-listed with his squadron for the Expeditionary Force mission, one of a limited number of naval forces recommended, given the obvious lack of ways to send warships through the Tokyo Jupiter portal.
His service record and performance in the war so far gave him a shot at a command position which he was recommended for.
However, his families' reputation continued to haunt him, and one of the 'higher ups' in the command chain pulled some strings, removing him to one of the 'lower down' squadrons, with less of an 'active' role. Disgruntled and unhappy that his history was still dogging him even now, Ryan took the position, but swore to do the best with the squadron he had, and make sure they - and he - were a squadron to be proud of.

Generally, Ryan is upbeat, outgoing and a cheerful sort of guy. He is intelligent, thoughtful and generally optimistic. However, he is not without a practical outlook, especially as a pilot and a commanding officer, and is always willing and able to give orders and cut off bad behaviour and ideas where needed, or enforce discipline if it's needed.
His reputation still haunts him, and occasionally surfaces when he is introduced to new people. It can be a bit of a button-push for him, and lead him to become sullen, introspective and angry. Similarly, he still carries some guilt about Weatherman's injuries - which have left him forever out of the military - and can sometimes become depressed when left to think about if it was his fault they were shot down.
Thankfully, Blackjack is very adept at tuning into her partners' moods and personality, and can do a good job of bucking up her fellow aviator and good friend.

While he does try to be a 'good sailor', Ryan does occasionally skirt the rules, especially some of the more 'fussy ones' as he puts it, and the slightly looser atmosphere of the Expeditionary Force suits him well, resulting in his 'non-reg' hair and appearance and his generally amenable and relaxed attitude; at least when the brass aren't looking.

Ryan is likely to be found enjoying classic rock-and-roll music, blues, jazz, country music and the like when not on duty, having as he does a taste for some of the traditional aspects of music, cinema, and life in general. He especially loves Johnny Cash. He is very much a 'rocker', and has an appreciation and love for simple pleasures.
He is growing an appreciation for the breathtaking scenery of Avalon's unspoiled wilderness and nature, with rolling mountains and vast forests. He enjoys riding horses, and hopes to own some one day. He also loves whiskey, especially Tennessee bourbon.
Ryan still plays the acoustic guitar, and also the harmonica at a high level. He has a fairly good singing voice too.
He enjoys spending time with his fellow pilots, and he and Blackjack often relax together in good company.


Approximately 5'9" and relatively muscular, more athletic than a weightlifter build. Dark eyes and hair, usually with a spark of mischief and humour to them, but when that goes away is when it's obvious he's angry or upset.

Wears a normal USMC flightsuit and gear, fatigues when not flying. Out of the cockpit tends toward motorcycle-style boots, jeans or cargo pants, checked shirts and the like. Comfortable but practical clothing.

Personal Gear:
Acoustic Guitar (not carried on his person!)
Hip Flask - with bourbon
Folding utility knife.

Aircraft: A-6F Intruder

Aircraft Colours: All over low-viz grey with national insignia. Upper surfaces are painted to look like a red-feathered hawk or bird of prey in flight, with the words 'Red-tailed Devil' painted under the pilots' side cockpit.

Character Theme: One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer


Character Name: Diane Tallent

Nickname/callsign: Blackjack

Age: 27

Nationality: American

Gender: Female

Diane grew up on America's West Coast, in California. Around navy towns and the sea for much of her life, she fell in love with the ocean, and especially the idea of a life on the waves.
Always something of a tomboy, the life of a sailor and soldier intrigued her, and after she saw the Blue Angels among other aircraft in displays, and saw the massive aircraft carriers in port, her imagination was captured.

The tall, gangly young woman studied and trained hard, finding escapism from the teasing and confusion of teenage years in hard work, exercise and discipline. She became an excellent athlete, channelling a growing anger at not fitting in and being mocked by girls for being too manly, and boys for being not girly enough into physical prowess. She grew strong, quick and agile as she practiced at martial arts, and other pursuits.
Despite her 'outsider' status, her modest level of achievements gave her some popularity and recognition and she made some friends, finding them in similar outsider spots, and growing a love of alternative cultures of comic books, games, and other pursuits, interests she keeps to this day.

She did modestly well in her time at the academy, gaining a reputation as a reliable, dedicated and quick-witted WSO and co-pilot, though she had some time in the pilots' chair as well.
Like most pilots of her age, she had some time over Iraq and Afghanistan as a WSO in A-6F Intruders, participating in several key strikes on enemy positions, including on downtown Baghdad. Before much more could happen she was pulled into the combat against the Yerrill. Her original pilot, Lucy 'Mouse' Carmichael was injured outside of combat in an accident, and after squadrons were conglomerated due to losses of personnel and aircraft, she found herself teamed with Ryan.
The pair hit it off almost immediately as a good friendship, finding their skills and personalities complimentary, and have enjoyed working together thus far, spending time together outside of the cockpit as well as in combat.

Diane is more shy and retiring than her pilot. Despite having bloomed into a tall, statuesque and physically fit and powerful woman, she still remains quiet, and quite introverted - though does enjoy having fun with others and has a good sense of humor all the same. She will open up to others when she feels comfortable, and is by no means a pushover or easily browbeaten or intimidated, but often requires some reassurance from others to act, or follows their lead.

She is intelligent, quick-witted and smart, and enjoys conversation and discussion about fiction, still maintaining a strong interest in sci-fi, fantasy and other escapist pursuits. Going to a genuine alien planet is exciting for her, although she often says that she wishes it was the Avalonians who'd made contact rather than the Yerrill.
Her callsign, 'Blackjack' is a reference to an occasion when she and other pilots from her previous squadron were on exercises at Edwards AFB, and took a trip to Las Vegas. Somehow, Diane managed to win a considerable sum of money every night they were there in cards, and her luck transferred the next day to their exercises, where she planted every bomb on target. Becoming something of a good luck charm, the name stuck.

Ryan has tried to coax her into singing and music, as she does have quite a pleasant voice, but her shyness has prevented her from singing too often - other than when drunk a few times - much to his consternation. She does enjoy horse-riding with him, however, and the pair occasionally swap books. She is also teaching him some martial arts.

Diane is 6' 4", and is relatively solidly built, with broad shoulders, wide hips and a thick waist. She is quite fit and muscular, and has modest feminine curves. She keeps her chestnut-red hair short and stylish and it is a compliment to her warm brown eyes. Despite her size and build, she is quite quick and dexterous and is agile and nimble, thanks mostly to her martial arts training.
Her voice is light, pleasant and tuneful.
She wears normal US Navy pilots' fatigues and flight suits when in the cockpit, and her helmet visor has a Black Spade and a Red Club painted on it, overlapping one another.
Outside of the cockpit she often wears high-tops, jeans, T-shirts, and vest tops in variety of colors, many with characters or logos as references to her various geeky interests.

Personal Gear:
Tablet computer
Headphones & MP3 Player
Folding pocket knife

Aircraft: See Above

Aircraft Colours: See Above

Character Theme: I'm The One That's Cool
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Massasauga
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Massasauga Special Forums Operational Detachment - Delta

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Character Name: Virginia Hilts
Nickname/callsign: Maverick
Age: 23
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
An Air Force girl through and through. Virginia was a CAP cadet long ago in her early years, getting her taste of the military life at a young age. She was a big military buff and loved history, reading all the time. She knew what she wanted to do, so it wasn't too long before she started studying up. After high school, she attended college and enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program. With that all set, she had met Rose in her detachment. The two became quick friends, and together they helped each other study and attended classes together. The both of them would go on to Field Training and eventually earn their commission with the Air Force

After that, it was just a matter of flight schooling and getting into the right air wing. Ironically, though, she would not go to the sandbox of the Middle East, but right into a UN Expeditionary Force that America was quickly scrambling assets together to send. She was lucky enough to get Rose as a Combat Systems Officer for the F-16F that the USAF decided to try out for this incursion, instead of selling them all to the UAE. They still were giving them away, but it may be a good stand-in since the F-15E Strike Eagles were needed in Iraq. For now, she spends her time reading Tom Clancy books and listening to music when not out on a sortie.

Personality: Virginia is a quiet girl who gets done what needs to get done, but swears like a sailor and is loyal to a fault. She avoids alcohol and tobacco and pop music. She reads in her spare time and has a very wonderful friendship with Rose.


Personal Gear: M1911A1
Aircraft: F-16F Block 60 Desert Falcon
Aircraft Colors: Standard
Character Theme: A Quick Death in Texas

Character Name: Rose Patterson
Nickname/callsign: Mako
Age: 22
Nationality: America
Gender: Female
Rose was born out of the same region of the US as her friend Virginia, learning this when the two met in USAF ROTC. A rough and tough take-no-shit kind of girl through school, as a result of constantly getting bullied for her short stature. She found it easier to move around tall people though, making her a better fighter when she took advantage of it. After the gauntlet of public schooling was done, she went on to put her cruisin' bruisin' attitude into college and looked at getting a commission for the Air Force. In her off time, she played guitar and practiced boxing when she wasn't studying with Virginia.

Once the commission was in and the butter bars were pinned on, it was a whole other ballgame. Thanks to being in the same detachment and being known as "the dynamic duo", Rose and Virginia were slated to operate their own aircraft together, with Rose in the back as the CSO. Their first assignment would be part of a new United Nations Expeditionary Force that would be sent into whatever hellhole that "Tokyo Jupiter" thing led to. Rose was not happy about it, but then again her job was to just shut up and drop bombs. Let Virginia do all the flying, while she made it rain. And honestly, she wouldn't have it any other way.

Personality: Rose is more cynical and brash than her partner, Virginia. Still, she's more open as well. Her spitfire attitude comes from the fact that she's short as hell and hates getting reminded about it.


Personal Gear: Smith and Wesson Model 629
Aircraft: See above
Aircraft Colors: See above
Character Theme: Khe Sanh Riff
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Character Name: Yuril Greggor
Nickname/callsign: Clem
Age: 26
Nationality: Bulgarian
Gender: Male

Originally trained to fly MiG-29B, attrition while flying against the initial Yerrill invasion forced the Bulgarian and other eastern-aligned air forces to pull out their resserve-stocks of MiG-23s and make-do with whatever leftover avionics they had. Thankfully most of them had been retrofitted for improved dogfighting characteristics, but the older radar kits with a maximum acquisition-range of 70 km made them much more reliant on "flight leader" aircraft and ground controlled intercepts and less on individual manuvering than he'd grown comfortable with.

Things did not return to 'normal' until deliveries for replacement Zhuk-ME radars arrived for the MiG-29s that no longer existed, and so it was decided to fit the much improved MiG-29S's radar into the 25 year old airplanes and hope for the best.

Calm, trusting, and skeptical. Often given the grunt-like part of any mission while other pilots had the privlidge to sit back and wait patiently for a radar-lock. Yet whenever his comrades got pinged, it was his job to race back at no less than 950 knots off the deck and sucker-punch a Yerrill fighter off their tail from below, or provide immediate close-air in the event of a bail-out over enemy territory to help the downed airman break-contact and flee to a rendezous with a friendly whirly-bird.


Personal Gear: A pair of Makarov pistols.

Aircraft: MiG-23MLGD
Aircraft Colours: Woodland camo with shark's teeth
Character Theme: Bulllllllets!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 3 days ago

Character Name: Cecilia Skarsgard
Nickname/callsign: Icicle
Age: 31
Nationality: Swedish
Gender: Female

Bio: Born and raised in Uppsala, Sweden. Cecilia's childhood was relatively calm. Not much drama outside of friendships ending over small, simple, and stupid things. Once such example being an argument over which rock looked cooler. She lived a life that most would call basic and boring. And until she was a teenager, that was very true.

Once she was a teenager and going through highschool. She really started to look into what she wanted to do as an adult. And after a visit to an aviation museum, she liked the idea of being a pilot. After the museum, she decided to start learning as much as she could about aviation history in her spare time. And while she wasn't top of her class in highschool, she was a well performing student. Cecilia was never focused on anything more than friends when it came to relationships during highschool. Feeling that a boyfriend or girlfriend would be a distraction from her studies. She'd retain this mentality for the early months of her university life.

While Cecilia was attending Uppsala University, she also started taking flight lessons. Thinking that should she not make it as a military pilot, she'd still be a civilian pilot. She had to have her head in or above the clouds. Or else she wouldn't feel truly happy. During this time, she delved into the dating scene for a bit before returning to the single life.

Once she had finished Uppsala University with the degree she wanted, Cecilia turned her attention to the Airforce. Going through the process to begin pilot training, and then going through the process of becoming a pilot. And once she was a pilot, she was sent off to work in Afghanistan. Specifically working with ISAF, and flying for them during the War in Afghanistan. During her time serving with the ISAF she realized how much she loved colder weather. And as such would more often than not, complain about the heat, granting her the nickname "Icicle," though the heat didn't seem to hinder her ability to fly by much. She flew air superiority in Afghanistan for approximately three years before the Tokyo Jupiter portal opened. When that event happened, she was pulled back to Sweden as part of a mobilization effort from Sweden to help defend and hopefully repel the invaders.

Once the invaders were pushed back through the portal and defenses established around it. She was chosen alongside a few other pilots to join the UN Expeditionary Force. Though she was sent with a Draken instead of the Viggens she had grown used to flying. Causing for a fair few hours spent training and participating in exercises to familiarize herself with the craft. At the same time complaining about how cramped she feels in the cockpit.

Personality: Cecilia enjoys company and conversation, but will typically state her own opinion on a subject. Even if that opinion will rub a few people the wrong way, but by all means will understand if someone has an opposite opinion to her own opinion, never wanting to silence an opinion. Cecilia does hate it when someone states an opinion but won't take other peoples opinions, or even try to silence the opinions of others. Cecilia does also have a good sense of humor. And is equally willing to have a good laugh or two. She is prideful of being Swedish, which can lead to some issues of feeling superior over everyone who is not Swedish.

Though Cecilia is a speed-demon, and has gotten in trouble for it more often than she can count. This grafted her a secondary, lesser used nickname. Blazer.

Personal Gear:
- Always has a pack of cigarettes and a lighter or box of matches.
- Multi-tool pliers

Aircraft: J 35 Draken, J variant
Aircraft Colours: Swedish M90/Splinter pattern with white belly.
Character Theme: Don't know how to stop.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago

Character Name: Lonnie Fall

Nickname/callsign: “Argo”

Age: 31

Nationality: British South African

Gender: Male

Bio: Lonnie was born the only child of British missionaries working in South Africa. His father was a pilot who flew small turbo-props for a larger international, Christian relief organization while his mother worked as a nurse and aid. However the increasing violence of the area caused them to flee while Lonnie was still at a very young age. They transferred to another charter working in New Dehli, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India.

Lonnie’s father eventually gave up the mission work as more steady income was available from the various Himalayan tourist charter and cargo companies. It was in this atmosphere that he gained his first fascination and experience with flying as he rode the jumpseat in turbo DC-3’s and Twin Otters as his father navigated mountain passes and the rapidly changing conditions of mountain flying.

In this isolated world, Lonnie learned to fly young under his father’s tutelage and began making his own passenger and cargo runs daily after homeschooling sessions from his mother. The Dehavilland Beaver was his first steady mount and he regularly looked forward to the dirt strips and crosswind landings. He found that strangely he personally cared little for the cargo or even the passengers from time to time. It was a fault in himself that he kept isolated. Only the sound of engine and the challenge of the flight was what kept him rapt though his Christian upbringing taught him better.

Continued experience brought him up to true mountain flying and the turbo PC-6. He became a master of the passes as a teenager, but though he enjoyed the flying he continued to feel less satisfied with the work and went on through the few channels available to get into jets. The training took him away from home, but he found the complex systems more to his liking and enjoyed the added challenge of true instrument flying.

During the early outbreak of the Yerril war, Lonnie was flying a regular business charter across China and Southeast Asia ferrying businessmen and dignitaries in a Gulfstream G5. He was forced to evade a group of Yerril attackers and using every ounce of maneuverability the business jet could muster, sheer luck and heavy cloud cover, managed to land the over-stressed frame in Paro, Bhutan. One of the shaken, but grateful dignitaries on board insisted that his abilities were being wasted in private aviation and made the appropriate connections to have him absorbed into a Russian training squadron flying the Mig-29.

Lonnie was apprehensive at first. He had no experience in pure, high-performance aircraft, but the early war effort had claimed many of the Asian world’s most skilled pilots. He was neither intimidated nor afraid of the Yerril, but more concerned that he alone would not be the “best”. For the first time in his flying career he would encounter those that were just as good, if not better than he was at flying a plane.

Training was hasty and brutal at the hands of Russian instructors and he questioned whether or not he had made the right decision, but the flying was incredible. The Mig-29 was not nearly as sophisticated as the Gulfstream, but the speeds were blinding. It was a simple machine and they emphasized hit and run tactics using ambush and surprise. The Dicta Boelke was strictly enforced and they flew in flights of four.

The rugged cynicism of the commanders and his growing distance from home life had taken him far from his Christian roots as a missionary kid flying cargo runs after classes for extra spending money. His demeanor became grim and shaped by pulling the nose on Yerril at every opportunity. He came to enjoy slaughtering them and his squadron nicknamed the the Bratva or "Brotherhood" became increasingly notorious known primarily for their fast angular attacks and high ambushes out of the sunlight. In the last year of fighting before the Yerril were forced back through the portal, the squadron was consolidated and upgraded to Mig-31s to match their tactics.

In the formation of the Expeditionary units, Lonnie was selected to be pulled for various reasons both professional and political. As a quasi-mercenary his continued employment by the Russian and Chinese governments was considered a small blemish in need of remedy to Western selectors. He initially rejected the posting and threatened to return to the bush. The compromise was that he keep the Mig-31 and continue on through the portal, which was precisely what he wanted- to be the fastest man on the other side of the gate.

Personality: Lonnie's excitement for the military has faded and after years in the coalition forces he has become jaded. Not to be considered a stick in the mud by any means, he enjoys the same pursuits as most males of his age: women, alcohol, competition, but he has come to love war better. In short, the continuing conflict on the other side of the portal was the best thing that could have happened for him.

His humor is often dark and sarcastic and will play a large role in his seemingly terminal rank as merely a group CO when others of his age, qualifications and seat-time have moved on to division commander or higher. New pilot recruits often find him and his methods unusual, but his piloting experience invaluable. A senior officer once described him as, "a thoroughly unscrupulous young thug... he would be just as happy fighting for the Yerril against the Expeditionary."

Appearance: Lonnie stands about 5’11” and is of a well-built body type. He tries to work out fairly regularly and most people would comment that he takes decent care of himself. He has some visible muscle definition around his arms and midsection. Forearms are very taught from handling control surfaces for years. Women tend to notice that he has one green and one brown eye that are sullen from years of scanning horizons and squinting against the sun. There are already visible lines showing around the edges. Facial features are proportionally framed, but he has a slight hereditary crook in his nose. There’s often a layer of stubble every other day as daily shaving aggravates his nickel allergy. Hair is unkempt dirty-blonde and often tousled to one side or the other from a slight widow’s peak He only gets a haircut about every two to three months.

Personal Gear: Wears an old, very worn dark blue Dehavilland Canada baseball cap when he’s out of flying kit. One of the few things he holds on to religiously. Flight suit is the standard Russian grey/green g-suit and a powder blue helmet with the same artwork on the back as carried on the side of the plane along with various other decals from his travels.

Aircraft: MiG-31BSM

Aircraft Colours: Standard Russian Ghost-Grey with matte black around the cockpit and vertical stabilizers, dark grey nose cone. Number “85” in red on the side of the nose, heat baked paint from high-speed operations, faded Russian red star on the tail and Expeditionary markings, a grey/weathered image of the Norse god, Surtr, sitting on the sun holding a sword on the portside intake.

Character Theme: R.E.M. – The One I Love
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Character Name:
Tony Moore

Ground Bird




Tony Moore was born in a small town in Nebraska with a population of less than six hundred total people. More of a cluster of people who lived within a specified distance of each other. Tony's father was an Air Cavalry pilot who served during the Vietnam war. When he returned he kept flying with his own single engine plane, which is where Tony soon learned to fly. He kept up flying for most of his life, even went into the United States Navy as a helicopter pilot similar to his father before him.

After several successful missions, and a couple not as successful, Tony Moore moved on from a field pilot into naval intelligence working with stealth fighters, drones, and in some cases acting as a field unit's plan B of escape in case a retrieval wasn't an option. Meaning that Tony has some ground experience working with Infantry. After a short period of time working with Naval intelligence Tony was forced into retirement for breaking procedure on a sensitive mission. Soon after that Tony was a commercial pilot for passenger planes, the pay was good and he still got to fly.

Tony was over the Pacific ocean when the first attacks came in, without enough fuel to make it around the main combat zones Tony was forced to land in the ocean about twenty miles from the eastern coast of Japan. His crew and passengers were forced to stay in the ocean for four days before help could arrive, Tony was thankful that the flight was fairly under booked. What little water the plane had on hand would not have lasted long with many more people. Himself and the other passengers were brought to a safe area not too far from the main combat zone until a way to move them could be established. They were refugees now. Tony spent most of the initial fighting surviving the refugee camps and preparing to go home.

Once he was able to go home Tony went through his belongings and sold everything he didn't need. Then he left for recruitment for the UN expeditionary force, saying "Give me a plane, a helicopter, anything that can go up, and I will fly it." So he joined up with the UN Expeditionary force, and prepared for the initial engagements.

Tony has what he considers to have a strong moral compass. He believes in protecting the innocent, and defending from evil. He has gone out of his way in attempt to help others, even at the risk of his career and his life. This doesn't mean he will do something like this every chance he gets but if he feels that is the only reasonable choice left he will. AS long as his orders do not disagree with his moral compass he is more then willing to get any and every job done. Though if his job happens to be flying he is always game for that.

Tony is a five foot eight inch Caucasian man with extremely light brown hair, arguably dirty blond hair. When he is not in flight gear he can be seen wearing a T-shirt and cargo shorts. In some cases even a casual button up shirt with those same cargo shorts. He doesn't have a very strong build to him, though this doesn't mean he is not fit. He is in great physical condition with great endurance to match.
Personal Gear:
  • S&W M15 short barrel with a small box of ammunition. (It was something common for pilots at one point in history, and there are a decent amount of reasons to have one that I can list if asked)
  • Pocket knife
  • An MP3 player with a small kit of adapters and SD cards
  • He keeps a photo of his former marine unit in his wallet
  • A box of waterproof matches
  • A small book of what ever he is reading at the time.
  • A sawed off shotgun (Not kept on person, fitting that in the cockpit would be a harsh thing to try)

Second-Genoration Harrier Jump Jet

Aircraft Colours:
The underbelly of the jet has what looks like a painted on dirt explosion spreading to the upper side of the jet heading to the rear of the plane as if it was moving at full speed. The rest of the jet consists of regular paint works with the exception of the text "Ground Bird" Written on both sides under the cockpit.

Character Theme:
Bad Magic - Shooter Jennings

Note: If there is anything I can fix, just let me know and I can get on it. This is a new style of role-play for me so I am game fro trying it out.
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