Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

1st: "Wings", @Write
2nd: "Selfish", @NarayanK
3rd: "Finding Your Own Sun", @harinezumikouken

God, guys, why do you all have to be such damn good writers? Why couldn't you be like in tiers so this job would be easier on me ughhhhhhhhhhh
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 2 days ago

Contest #28 - Mirror, Mirror

Judge: Guess Who
Type: Writing Assignment
Deadline: September 5th, 2016 11:59 PM PST

We've had a contest where we created our character's evil doppelganger, now let's make things even more interesting. Maybe they've come across some way to travel through the multiverse. Maybe they're actually just an evil clone or twin. The point is that they are you but evil and they're here to take your place. Are you going to let that happen? Are you just going to roll over and let them steal your life? Hell no! You're going to fight as hard as you can to stay alive and keep what you have.

Requirements and rules:
- You can include evil versions of other characters too, but if they enter the fight their good version should join in as well
- You do not have to use the evil version of your character created in the previous contest if you don't want to
- Your evil counterpart can have their gender, race, personality, etc. switched as well. The only required change is their flipped moral compass (bonus points if they have a goatee because we all know that is the most evil of facial hairs)
- Your entry doesn't actually have to be one long fight scene, in fact the thing could mostly just be dialogue between the two if you wanted, but the focus must be on them and their differences
- I like listening to music when I read so bonus points if you choose a song that fits with the mood
- If there are any questions, feel free to ask. I'd hate for someone to lose because of a simple misunderstanding of the prompt
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 2 days ago

Contest #28 - Results

Alright, I'm just going to go in order of earliest to latest entries. Here we go:

@Guess Who - Great story. Absolutely brilliant. 100/10. Would read again. (Nah, I'm just kidding. I barely even placed next to everyone else's entries.)

@HereComesTheSnow - I greatly enjoyed your entry Snow. It kept me on the edge of my seat for the majority and was able to almost perfectly balance both humor and action. Honestly, I loved every minute of it and completely forgot just how long it was by the time I reached the end. The only complaint I can possibly think of was April and Dawn's "deaths." Yes, I know that a few paragraphs later we see that they're not really dead, but the shift from "happy times with Bianca" to "holy shit my sisters are dead" to "funny fourth wall breaks with Minus" still felt a bit sudden.

@NarayanK - Maybe it was the focus on color or the style of writing that you like to use Narayan, but something about your entry almost seemed poetic to me which I think greatly helped set the dreamy atmosphere that you were trying to reach. And I'd just like to say that you made a great choice using a song from Higurashi's soundtrack as that only made Sangue's battle with her inner demons that much more entertaining. One thing I think I would have liked was more of a description of the basilisk's appearance since mythological creatures such as that are usually imagined differently from person to person. In fact, I was a bit confused when you mentioned it having arms to hold a sword.

@Awesomoman64 - I have to admit, I always love seeing Knight Templar types of villains as antagonists in stories. There's something about evil characters who firmly believe that what they're doing is right that I absolutely enjoy. Maybe I've got a thing for stories where good and evil isn't as black and white as most people think. One point of criticism I have though is that the ending felt somewhat rushed, like you wanted the story to end in a certain way and maybe stepped on the gas a little too hard to get there.

@Abillioncats - Absolutely. Frickin'. Hilarious. From the inclusion of Gren's ridiculous obsession with maids to Emerald's innocent but trouble making naivety you kept a smile on my face the entire time. The only possible thing I could think to complain about is probably Lauren's Deus Ex Machina entrance to save Emerald when everyone was first captured.

@Write - Man I had no idea Bianca was going through such a traumatic time after her rescue. She comes off as so broken what with her inability to show her real feelings, having to copy off of others like the entity from Midnight from that one Doctor Who episode just so she can appear normal to others. I also found it refreshing to see someone come up with the idea of their counterpart being a future version of themselves, though as with most stories about time travel it brings up a lot of questions about what sort of time travel we're working with like is it more similar to the Back to the Future movies or the film Twelve Monkeys.

I wish I didn't have to decide which entry I enjoyed the most, all of them were so good and I am glad to have read them, however the winners must be chosen.

3rd- Write
2nd- NarayanK
1st- HereComesTheSnow
4x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest #29 - Christmas 2016

Host: NarayanK
Type: Free Writing
Deadline: December 27 2016, 11:59 PM CST
Prize: 1 Credit for Participation, 1 Credit for a Secret Gift!

The special days of Christmas are arriving! This contest permits various styles of works, so feel free to take liberty upon what you make for the holiday.

The assigned task for everyone participating in the Christmas 2016 contest is to write or create about the holidays... and the catch is that you can make about anything Heroes of Beacon related with a Christmas theme. That means that you are strictly limited to writing about your character, though I'm sure people will be curious as to how the holiday goes for your character!

Although I'm not one to advocate for "we must all give, give, and give," I'm kinda looking forward to seeing what you all have in mind for each other! An additional credit will be given to those who participate to give something special to others, regardless of the scale of the gift! There's an easy procedure to sending gifts, so read carefully!


When you plan on Gifting a fellow roleplayer with a literary or visual work, after you create the work you have in mind, fill out the following template!

From: (Your RPG Name Here)

To: (The RPG Name of the person you want to gift to!)

Type of Work: (Short story, a bundle of poems, etc.!)

Description: (A description for what you made or perhaps what it's about!)

Then, PM me both your creation and the finished Gifting template. If you have questions about the validity of your gift, you can also PM me! I'm not too strict on what counts as gifts, but if it ends up feeling like it could have more spice to it, I can definitely give feedback.

Once you PM me your submission, I will put up the gifts sent to me in several IC posts in this thread on the 23rd, and on a random time in the day after, I will announce the creators of the gifts! If you happen to receive a gift and guess the hidden roleplayer before the announcement, you'll receive an additional imaginary pat on the back. :D

Secret Gifts will automatically give Participation if your only submission is your Gift, so keep that in mind! Also, Secret Gifts (unlike Participation-only creations) can go further from the Christmas theme if it helps you make a better gift, so feel free to get really creative with this.

All submissions that are not Secret Gifts can be posted by the creators on their own in the IC at any time, so please do so!

Some Tidbits and Notes

- It'd be great if any short stories being submitted is at least over 150 words, especially if it's a gift. ^^;;

- You don't need to force yourself to gift things to others! It may be appreciated, but we'll appreciate anything you contribute to Heroes of Beacon's creative archive. The extra credit is just there to reward you for deliberately making things for the others in the RP. Think for what you'll be happy with as well!

- If there's any questions regarding on either your creation or the contest itself, let me know! I'm online at least once every day usually, so I'll be fine with helping out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thanks for participating in the Christmas Contest!

People who received 1 Credit for participation

@Lazo, @Guess Who, @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN

People who received 2 Credits for Secret Gifting

@Krayzikk, @Abillioncats, @Crimmy, @Eklispe

People who received Gifts

@NarayanK, @Plank Sinatra, @Kaithas, @Krayzikk, @Ryonara, @Pyrodash888, @SevenStormStyle, @Ayazi

Thank you for the effort! It was fun reading through all of your submissions.

(Note: If you have not submitted a Contest entry before the deadline but would still like to contribute to it without receiving credits, feel free to do so!)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest - Childhood

Judge: Suku
Type: Writing Assignment
Deadline: March 6th, 2017 11:59 PM Mountain Standard time

Our childhood its what shapes us to who we are today good or bad we live those moments and grow stronger for it. With that said we have grown and with time become wiser and in some cases somewhat colder as well. Lets see how our childhood shaped us to who we are today the main focus is to write a excerpt from your chars childhood or with permission another chars childhood as you would imagine it. Show a moment from their childhood that was of great importance to them the awakening of their semblance to a major event that changed their lives forever.

- Include a key moment from your chars or another chars childhood (Get permission first if you do this)
- The limit is your imagination make it as fantastical or grand as you want just keep it in the rules of the universe IE No unicorns farting rainbows etc...
- Uneeded but I like music im sure we all do so try to include a background song if possible.
- Your entry doesnt have to be long or a short story worth write what you think is enough to get the point across.
- Never be afraid to ask for clarification or help on the prompt or matter with that said if you need clarification contact me and ill try to clarify to the best of my ability.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thanks for participating!

I may not have been the best in running this as I pushed it back awhile so forgive me on that part.

[h1]Contest - Childhood[/h2]
I really enjoyed your view it was a nice pace to see something that was a bit different. It was a nice story and welp I have to give you the win.

@Guess Who@NarayanK@SevenStormStyle@Plank Sinatra
Thanks for participating I each liked your entries but I really have to say it was picking a reader so I went with the one that made me chuckle a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Contest #31 - Tuna Salmon Catfish Trout

"Méline cheats at Go Fish."

Neither of friends, as usual, bothered to respond to her statement. Chloé Midori huffed in annoyance, leaning back into her chair and turning to look out the window at the dull grey clouds. She had just wanted to get some conversation going (and like, to warn them from talking to that sketchy skank), but they were ignoring her like she hadn't said anything! Was she really that boring? That was like, not something friends were supposed to think! And what they were doing right now looked way more of a snore than anything she did, not that she was actually that lame or anything.

"Oi, do you ever listen to anything I say?" she whined, fixing an annoyed glare through her green bangs at them as she crossed her arms petulantly. "Wouldja just say something?"

"@Crimmy's running some online contest this month," Friend #1, Trần Trọng Hùong, offered casually as her bespectacled gaze turned up from the small, glowing screen of the cellphone in her hands.

"... Who?"

Her petulant expression had given way to one of mild confusion. Although it was nice to get something from her friend, that tidbit of info like, made zero sense to her. Where were the deets that Hùong usually had her mitts on? Just because like, the stuff she was saying wasn't like, that great at spicing up a convo didn't mean that Hùong could give out total rubbish instead of exciting headlines! It wasn't like she knew who this Crimmy was, so how did it like, even relate to her? And she totally wasn't going to go cheat in a stupid contest just because she'd been suckered in Go Fish, if that was what Hùong was insinuating! She wasn't even like, interested in that online thing anyway, thank you very much!

"He's the host of a contest I signed us up as judges for."

Okay, the guy was a total stranger then. But what did like, some guy on the net even mean for -


"You what."

That was like, totally outta line! Chloé's face cycled through several differing expressions, before settling back down on the annoyed glare. If she had laser vision, she probably would have, like, already shot a hole through those freaky shining glasses of Hùong. She didn't even know who this guy and what this contest was until like, five seconds ago, and then it turns out she was already signed up to be ... a judge for it? Judge what? Just because like, she was pretty good at some stuff didn't mean she could like, not be a total disaster at judging some other things. That was like ... a dick move, throwing her in the deep end.

She leaned forward, hands pressing down against the desk between them. "Fam what gives? Like, wow what even got you to do this?"

Hùong casually adjusted her glasses with one hand. "I thought we could do something fun. And a lien prize gives."

"How much would, like, even convince you to just-"

Her friend rattled off the amount.

"Huh ..."

Chloé trailed off, trying to wrap her head around the amount. She wondered if she was like, totally munted or mishearing, but that smile on Hùong's face was totally honest. Not talking to her was like, not cool for a bae, but like, that amount of money involved ... well, it made perfect sense why there was something gun jumping.

Still a dick move though.

"That's ... a lot," she finished lamely.

"Definitely a lot," Hùong agreed with a nod.

With that conclusion, it was made immediately apparent that Chloé had withdrawn her objections to the entire 'signing up as a judge for some weird contest without any sign' thing that her friend had done, but she still thought it was pretty not cool to just go ahead like that. She wondered why some guy on the net would even want, like, a coupla rando high school girls to judge his contest. That was uh, pretty weird. And like, sorta creepy. Total creepmeister. Even if there was money.

Actually sorta made it extra creepo.

"Okay," said the green-haired girl, returning to the topic at hand. "So like, what's this thing we're gonna judge?"

Because like, if she was gonna get that lien to pay the ID guy off, she needed to know what was up. Chloé refused to get herself dragged into whatever this was if she didn't know all the deets, yaknow? Otherwise it'd be a total disaster and like, even if she got thrown into this unwillingly, she had standards to keep!

Hùong steepled her hands together, before glancing over at the silent third member of their group to her side. "Galla, your turn."

Friend #2, a pale girl with beautiful black locks and eyes of hazel brown, folded up the tabloid in her hands (headline: Transport unions rail at Fiordilattes!). Her expression, impassive and totally lacking in emotion, did not change even as she turned her attentions upon her friends. In fact, Galla Mindaro's very demeanour was pretty apathetic and lifeless, sorta like a cardboard cutout rather than an actual human.

Which was why Chloé was confused as to why it was like, now her turn. How was Galla even involved in this idea of Hùong's anyway?

"The task for the contestants is twofold. The first is to worldbuild a setting of their own making where their characters (and those of others) have roles in, such as an animesque high school where the students of Beacon are instead perfectly normal high school age teenagers dealing with first world issues rather than fighting eldritch beasts, or possibly one where giant robots exist. Once the world has been detailed, the second half of the task is to write a snippet or an excerpt of their characters' lives as an inhabitant of said setting, showing how their core personalities have differed or stayed the same in this world."

Oh. That was why.

"Um, did Hùong like, really getcha to memorise the whole spiel?" Chloé could only ask. Photographic memory or not, that was still like, a really long thing for Galla to remember! Was she actually like, interested in this contest? Or did she just like, not care enough to avoid Hùong's ideas?

"She did."

There was a vaguely sinister smile on Hùong's face. Chloé decided that she would just ignore it.

"So you're judging too huh?" she muttered, sighing as she received a nod in response. It was like, expected that all three of them were going along with it, but having Galla was going to be a bit wacky. What did her bae even like, anyway? She could totally swear that the stoic younger Mindaro didn't like anything.

But maybe, like, she could find out by doing the judging! That was a plus.

"When are we going to get to suss out these entries then?" asked the green-haired girl, looking away from Galla and back at Hùong. "I wanna know when we like, get the money."

Her bespectacled friend clicked something on her phone. "Their deadline's on the '15th of April, 11.59 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time'," she noted. "Three weeks seem like a good enough time."

Three weeks, huh. She could like, get some time down for judging then. No idea what AEST even meant though.

"When are we gonna like, get the lien?"

"Oh, after judging is complete."

Wow, that was gonna be a long wait.

Judge: @Crimmy
Type: Worldbuilding and Writing Challenge
Deadline: Saturday, 15th of April 2017, 11.59 PM AEST.

Chop chop, folkerinos. Let's see if Galla's going to be impressed with your stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Contest #31 - Tuna Salmon Catfish Trout: Judging

The submitted entries, printed on A4 paper, sat patiently on the wooden surface of the table they were all surrounding, as if expecting the three girls to begin reading and critiquing them. Or at least, that was what a more poetic gal would've thought, because Chloé Midori saw nothing of the sort in the giant stack of paper. All that she could glean was that the @Crimmy guy running the contest really wasn't super popular if he'd only gotten like, four entries. She wondered if it was like, the way to go if she wanted to feel a bit sorry for it, but it wasn't like he was judging or anything. That boring stuff was supposed to be her job, and only because she was getting paid. Getting a fancy ID wasn't going to pay for itself just because some rando wanted it!

"Time to suss these out," she declared with a tinge of a sigh, leaning over the table to grab at the first entry on the pile. "So some Here-whatsit wrote th-"

"Oh, that's the joke entry," interrupted Hùong before she could even get started on the reading part. "You can just throw it away."

Her bespectacled friend's words gave her pause. Chloé glanced down at the sheets in her hands. So there were only three entries? Why couldn't have Hùong like, told her earlier? She'd totally just wasted money on printing that entry out! Now it'd just be heading into the recycling. It wasn't much cash that she'd dropped or anything, but it meant that she was like, killing an unnecessary tree or something.

"Fine," the green-haired girl grumbled out, placing the paper away from the actual entries. The pay'd better come as promised, because otherwise it'd just not be cool at all. She reached for the next piece of paper to inspect. "This one's by, hey wait, isn't this like, the same guy as before?"

Hùong nodded, taking a copy for herself and the ever-silent Galla. "It is. At least this one isn't a joke though!"

Chloé stared down at the writing on the page. Then back at her friend.

"It totally looks like one though," she insisted, jabbing a finger at a line which boldly declared the strength of a certain bespectacled character's ability to catch shrapnel with chopsticks. "It's like, a parody of one of those kids' cartoons."

"Satire's a legit art, Chloé."

It still like, read like a joke though.

"Fine," she muttered. "Let's see what this guy's coughed up ..."

BEACON OF HOPE - @HereComesTheSnow

Chloé stared down at the summary of the world that the strange Snow guy had written up. "This setting's like, pretty much real life but fancier?"

"It's probs easier to keep stuff like that to reduce worldbuilding time and focus on wacky," Hùong replied offhandedly, her glasses obscured by light as she concentrated on the words.

"Bit lazy isn't it?"

"Sans-déc. Kids don't care about worldbuilding."

"Well ..." Chloé started, before realising that no, kids like, really didn't care about that stuff. She'd never watched much of the stuff 'cos it was for the boys, but the stuff she'd like, seen never bothered. "Yeah. I guess you're right there."

"Still," noted her friend. "It's a pretty generic place. Even the school!"

"I know right?" nodded the green-haired girl in agreement. "You'd think like, it'd be full of total weirdos and murderers."

"Our school is not a representative sample."

"Hey!" A note of protest found its way into her tone. Sure, it was pretty bordel, but it wasn't like, all crazy all the time. "Just because like, half of the folks here are super munted doesn't mean we're that much wackier."

"I heard that Blueberry wants WiFi in his prosthetic."

"Okay, we're ... a bit wacko?" She mentally revised her opinion of the guys at school. And people thought her standards for a boyfriend were like, super strict or something. Not when like, everybody here was somebody she'd not go for in a total century. But that wasn't the point right now. "So, like, a demon invasion? That's like, cliché, but it's supposed to be, right?"

"Yep. All these characters are too and-" Hùong trailed off, finding a familiar name. "Hey Galla, isn't this your sis?"

The stoic girl didn't look up from her copy. "Probably."

"Okay that's like, real weird. But anyway, it's like a ... pretty weird thing stat."

"It's funny though," commented Hùong casually, her glasses ominously reflecting the light as she purveyed the written piece more intently. "It knows it's bad, and just loves being bad. Elaborately so."

"So um, I guess it's a fun one then?"

"Throws a lot at you outta nowhere and the jokes can sometimes get too over-the-top, but it's definitely fun," agreed Hùong. "How do you feel about it, Galla?"


"Is that a-" Chloé paused for a second. That was like, all she'd probably get out of her cardboard cutout of a friend anyway. Probably didn't care a total bit about the writing. Not like she wasn't the same though, she was just here for the cash. "Okay, 7/10 it is. Let's just move on to the next one."


OFF BY ONE - @Write

"Another one based on real life? Jeez, I thought like, everybody wanted cubism or something in fics."

"Escapism," corrected Galla.

"Ssshh, I'm not one of those experts on this okay?"

"Cubism is for art, Chloé," said Hùong dryly. "How will you get a bf if you're not gonna be sophisticated?"


The green-haired girl only received a grin in return. "Just telling you the truth. But anyway, you want to keep going?"

"I would if I knew what was going on," Chloé grumbled out. "The setting's pretty boring. What, like just some rando high school? No Grimm or hunting or anything? That's like, real weird. What's the point of a setting that's just a school?"

"It's supposed to be a nightmare."

"Hey, howdya kno- did you skip to the end and spoil yourself?!"

Hùong shrugged. "It's not very interesting," she answered, pushing up her glasses. "The first person is uneven and run-on and jumps around a lot. And it barely gives us anything in-depth about the protag's feelings in a world where everyone's acting different from usual."

"... What?"

"I'm not invested in like, a rushed diary entry thing. Doesn't explore the setting much either."

"Okay so you like, think it's bad?" Better if she didn't try and understand Hùong when her friend was talking about the literary stuff she was like, a total derp at. Lit was definitely like, not her subject okay? Way too much words and weird themes and whatever.

"It's boring."

"2/10," said Galla, giving her requisite emotionless input.



Chloé glanced at the title. "Well it's like, totes long yeah."

"Another high school setting, too," said Hùong with a sigh. "Tee-bee-aych, I would've liked to see the world this protag came from instead of a high school."

"Why is school so popular anyway? I wouldn't wanna like, write about all my homework."

"School that's just like real life but nothing trying to kill us, too," added the glasses-wearing girl. "It's not a very fancy other world if you just take out Dust and the fancy superhero Hunters and replace it with nothing. And the world's not at all fleshed out, so a slice of life there doesn't seem like much."

"I like this opening scene in that fantasy whatsit though." Chloé turned the page. "Totes diggin' this evil bad guy and his KINGDOM OF DARKNESS."

"... Did you need to shout that?"

She blushed, emerald bangs falling over her eyes as they averted themselves from Hùong's judging expression. "It's like, a real cheesy thing to say Aye-R-El okay?" Chloé protested. "Anyway, they got some fun stuff going on for the atmosphere here."

Hùong stroked her chin. "The high school world aspect is definitely lacking in comparison," she mused. "The prose is pretty strong, with good grasp of the technicals, but like, the primary girl isn't too compelling with the constant stuttering. Or is it hesitation?"

"It does take longer to read yeah."

"The pacing's just too slow," admitted Hùong, eyes scanning down the second chapter of the work. "For an entry for some Internet contest, you'd want a short story, not chapters. Any setup at the start's not going to be properly built on."

Chloé, who was a slower reader, caught up a few seconds later. "Why you gotta do a cliffhanger? Total buzzkill there."

"Doesn't fulfil any of the promises of there being a family restaurant in the summary either. Way too slow."

"Shoulda written something like, more contained?"

"That would've been better," agreed Hùong. "It's an uninteresting setting that needs strong characters, but it's crippled by like, the pacing and fail at actually doing stuff. Also, the cliffhanger."

"It's an incomplete work," commented Galla in her usual flat tone, flipping a page of her shoujo manga instead.

Chloé blinked. Had ... Galla not been reading the entire time? Oi, that was like, a total dick move there for a friend! Hùong gotten them all involved, so why the flaking?! "Oi, what gives Galla?"

"Faster reading."

Okay, that made some sense. "Yeah but like, howdya give it those ratings if you're not looking properly?"

Galla looked up at her with hazel eyes. "I remembered it," she answered, before looking back down. "It's a 5/10."

Wow, that was a low-as rating. Chloé could have tried to say more, but she decided that she wasn't too keen on that. Besides, at least she was getting paid now. All these stories were like, not even that important anyway! ID forgeries, here she comes!

"So wanna go grab some smoothies?" she suggested, leaning back and stretching out her arms. It'd be nice to relax.


"Only if you pay, okay?"

Out-of-Character Comments

Okay, for those who don't want to read through my experimental attempt at judging your entries in a less boring manner, then here are my boring criticisms. There wasn't a lot I could say as a whole, but I've decided to highlight the flaws I've considered in your works so you know what to avoid next time. And some of the good points when I remember them at some point, because I prefer focusing on the stuff that is more important to address.

Your setting is cliché as hell, which makes sense given the satirical nature of the entry. As a result (and because it's literally Girlchan in Paradise with Beacon characters instead), however, it's not particularly fleshy when it's not focusing on Lauren's fatbags (and we don't really see what about this world has made them into the different people they are here). You writing style does work pretty well for the joke, and some of them definitely did land. Appreciate the Google Translate Italian for Napoli though. Even though I feel like you could've easily removed him and Gratia and not changed much (they honestly didn't add much to the humour with their presence). The gasping bits are a bit overdone, and some of the other jokes don't land exactly, but otherwise it works. But yeah, it's not a very weighty or strongly fleshed-out entry, but it's got some chuckles going for it that keep it afloat.

The setting is literally nonexistent. We aren't given anything whatsoever about how this generic school in generic Los Angeles is an interesting place to see how the Beacon cast has changed. Although, the radical changes they underwent (literally just flipping their personalities around) don't seem to be the result of the setting change. I wanted to see how a different setting with the same people would affect them, and how interesting they would be living in one. This is just Bianca randomly popping into her alternate universe self until it turns out to be a dream (which is honestly a cop-out of an ending). The first-person you've got going on is rather mediocre; it's a bit shallow and doesn't even actually give much depth to Bianca's feelings. It's just "oh, there's a person I know who's OPPOSITE to the person I know so now I must feel shocked and confused", but I'm really not feeling the confusion from her tone. It's a bit too much like a list of things happening than actually emotional. The school setting could be nonexistent for all that it matters, and really you could've Freaky Friday'd in Beacon without any changes, but this contest was asking for a different setting. Overall, it's just boring and doesn't actually fit the contest requirements that much.

This is a contest entry, not NaNoWriMo. You essentially delivered an unfinished product in the form of Chapter 2, and even if I were to judge it entirely from the perspective of Chapter 1, it was essentially just a giant piece of setup that didn't give any resolution (and with Chapter 2, the cliffhanger only serves to kill it). You probably should've gone for writing something shorter rather than attempt a grand, slow-paced fantastical slice of life. Instead, what we get is just a few snapshots in the life of Benjamin Lloyd in a generic town going to a generic high school and this weird amnesiac girl who hangs with him. We didn't get any of the family restaurant life promised (or mentioned in the character summaries) or really anything beyond Sangue's interactions with Ben, which aren't really too weighty. Also, the fantasy from which Sangue comes from was definitely far more interesting to me than the actual school setting, which is something I've seen before too many times (AKA, the previous two entries). There was something you could've done there, with Duatos and all, but in the end, it basically seems like an excuse for you to write Sangue as a social incompetent in the real world, and there we don't see how the setting of the "real world" addresses those issues of hers properly. Your grasp of prose is pretty good and technically you're skilled, but what we got was like, half a 4koma, substance-wise. Combined with its incomplete nature, I had to drop yours under Snow's.

Final Thoughts
Schools are cliché and boring.

1st Place: @HereComesTheSnow - 6/10
2nd Place: @NarayanK - 5/10
3rd Place: @Write - 2/10
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest #32 – Six-Day Writing Challenge

Judge: NarayanK
Type: Short Story
Deadline: July 5

Your task is to write a short story before the deadline. You may write about anything, whether it be about a moment in your character’s background, or something you just came up with that you thought could be interesting or thought-provoking. The key thing here is to not detract from the topic you decide to write upon.

The length of your story will determine the number of credits you will receive.

  • Participation = 1 Credit
  • 1K Words = 1 Credit
  • 5K Words = 2 Credits
  • 20K Words and beyond = 3 Credits

All submissions will be given commentary or feedback from me.

If you half-ass your entry and try to avoid the word limit with formatting, you will not receive any credits. There will be no extensions to the deadline, and that’s final.

This contest rewards you for your dedication in writing for Heroes of Beacon in general, so I'd love to see you put your hearts into this.

If less than 3 people participate, no Participation awards will be given.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Crimmy Story's good. Its focus on an academy outside of Beacon already makes it something worthwhile reading because there's not much development going on there, and the characters got endearing rather quickly. Made me start rooting for Aeronwy without knowing it. Favorite scene was the phone call with her rather excited family. It's a simple story with a surprisingly adequate amount of details that makes me want to know more.

@HereComesTheSnow I honestly didn't know what to expect but I'm overall satisfied with the long read. Luke's always been a likable character for me, but it's interesting how the change in his perspective on Hunters in the end overall contributed to both him and the others that appeared in the story. Opal struck out to me as an interesting character and her mixed (both neutral and negative) interactions with Luke did make help me experience his own frustration. There were several typos but they quite literally did not hurt any of my immersion with the story.

@Plank Sinatra I felt like in some ways, this story had a potential to be disappointing. It wasn't, though. I don't know much about Nicole, but I did learn that she's a rather interesting contrast to Jericho in some ways, while also being similar to him. And said mix of differences and similarities made both of them not expect some of the things brought up by them, like the topic of a certain Fiordilatte. Luke's side in this case was more on the lighter side (aside from the rather mysterious ending), and while it could have detracted from the depth Nicole's perspective had, I personally think it showed your writing's flexibility.

@FlitterFaux A lot of stories tend to focus on the strength of certain Grimm, and in this case, you showed the terror they can propose through their sheer quantity. It's a short story, and while it didn't have the luxury of having enough time to flesh out the characters in the story, their rather composed reaction to what should be a tense situation made an interesting contrast.

@Onarax A racing story. It's different from the other submissions in that it pretty much had no focus in the Grimm at all, and rather, more on a side without them. It's quick to the point and gets to the race rather quickly- and I seriously like this, because for stories like this, a lot of writers often attempt to establish everything before the big event rather than during the event, and when it fails, it ends up being cumbersome to learn about the backstory of the characters in the competition instead of being fun. I think you did the right thing.

@Krayzikk I like Benjamin. And from what I learned from Snow's story, his dad miiiiight be an asshole, but I like Benjamin. The story actually covered something I was curious about a bit, which was how Benjamin took in his initial failure in admission. It certainly portrayed Hunters in a pretty cool light- something that reasonably reignited Ben's confidence. He felt human with both his worries of failure and his ability in bringing himself back together for another chance at succeeding something, and as such, I think this submission was a very relatable one.


3 Credits: HereComesTheSnow, Crimmy, Krayzikk, Plank Sinatra
2 Credits: Onarax, FlitterFaux

Thank you for participating!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest #33 - Summer 2017 Contest

Judge: NarayanK
Type: Free Writing
Deadline: August 24

It's summer. Amen, hallelujah, peanut butter.

You may write for practically anything- most preferably related to summer themes like the beach, surfing- whatever that feels like summer. You can write about your own character, someone else's character, etc. Not everyone's summers are the same- some can be relaxing, some can be solemn, and some can be exciting. Feel free to get really creative or odd with this one.

All participants of this contest will automatically receive a 2 Credit Reward (unless you half-ass it really hard). Another credit will be distributed if the total number of participants reaches 10!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest #33 Results

@HereComesTheSnow@Krayzikk@Silvan Haven@Write@Plank Sinatra@FlitterFaux@Crimmy@Azereiah

All participants have received 2 Credits. You may add them to the Conference Doc now. Thanks for submitting your contests under the summer heat!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest #34 - Weapon Creation Contest

Judge: NarayanK
Type: Item Creation
Deadline: October 16

Weapons come in an endlessly large list of variety, whether they be viable or not by present-time standards. In this contest, participants must design a weapon that emphasizes the creativity or technical knowledge the participant holds. A good impression of a weapon is a good submission.

You do not necessarily need to build it around Hunter/Huntress standards. As long as it doesn't feel like it's completely out-of-character from the Beacon universe, it should be fine, and that's not saying much.

Though there is no specific template for weapons, here is a very barebones example template to give a headstart on those who might be wondering what to start with:

Participating gives you two credits, though there's an additional 1 credit for scoring as my favorite submission. I highly advise not to base your submission off my interests, however, and focus on delivering an idea you are sure you can roll with.

Good luck. I hope to see weapon ideas you all may have. Multiple submissions may be made, but you will be judged for only one "main" submission.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest #34 Results


@Silvan Haven@Lazo@Azereiah@Abillioncats@Crimmy@FlitterFaux

(All participants receive 2 Credits. My personal favorite goes to Crimmy, resulting in an additional credit.)

Thank you for participating!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Contest #35 – The Ripple Effect

Judge: Kaithas
Type: Profile Submission
Deadline: November 4th

The past is integral to any character's development, to who they were, to what they've become. Your task in this contest is to change one event in the character's backstory, whether important or seemingly minor, and watch the ripple effect. Who would they be instead? What else would have happened differently?

Write up your alternate universe character using the form below, and submit it. It's not a binding form, but I'd like to see that information unless a justifiable reason is given otherwise. Entries will be judged on creativity, how interesting they are, and how well they execute the concept.

Happy writing,

    []Participation = 1 Credit
    []Third = 1 Credit
    []Second = 2 Credits
    []First = 3 Credits
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lazo
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Lazo Lazy

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Edit: My bad. Wrong place.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

1: ashe
2: sand
3: skye

f off


shut up
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Contest #36: Christmas 2017

Host: NarayanK
Type: Free Writing
Deadline: December 24th, 2017, 11:59 CST
Prize: 2 Credits for Participation, 2 Credits for Secret Gift

Another Christmas, another season to write for.

The Christmas Contest is back! And it’s feeling slightly more generous. The Christmas 2016 Contest had brought in a variety of submissions, ranging from non-canon shorts to expanded universe stories. This contest is no different… but comes with a doubled Credit prize! This applies to both Participation and Secret Gift, meaning that you can earn up to 4 Credits instead of 2 Credits.

Like before, the goal is to write something Heroes of Beacon related with a Christmas theme. Though I highly recommend writing from your main student character’s perspective, you can have creative liberties. Just make it so that readers can actually keep up with what you’re writing. Once you make at least one submission that fulfills Participation standards, however, you can feel free and make more submissions that don’t have to be stories- as long as it continues to follow the Christmas theme.

Also, Secret Gifting is not mandatory. It is an optional thing available to those who wish to distribute a gift to any of the members here. A template is available for sending Secret Gifts through me.


When you want to give a Secret Gift to someone, after you create the work, fill out the following template.

From: (Your RPG Name Here)

To: (The RPG Name of the person you want to gift to!)

Type of Work: (Short story, a bundle of poems, etc.!)

Description: (A description for what you made or perhaps what it's about!)

You can then PM me both your creation and the finished Gifting template.

If you have questions about the validity of your gift, you can also PM me. I'm not too strict on what counts as gifts, but if it ends up feeling like it could have more spice to it, I can give feedback.

Once you PM me your submission, I will put up the gifts sent to me in several IC posts in this thread on the 23rd, and at the 24th, I will announce the creators of the Gifts. If you happen to receive a gift and guess the hidden roleplayer before the announcement, I will put a blue star next to your name in the Results.

Secret Gifts will automatically give Participation if your only submission is your Gift, so keep that in mind. Also, Secret Gifts (unlike Participation-only creations) can go slightly further from the Christmas theme if it helps you make a better gift, so feel free to enjoy those liberties.

All submissions that are not Secret Gifts can be posted by the creators on their own in the IC at any time.

(I will not be receiving any Credits for participating in Secret Gifting as I am the Host of this contest, though that doesn’t mean I don’t have plans for still doing it!)

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thanks for participating in the 2017 Christmas Contest!

People who received 4 Credits for Secret Gifting

@Krayzikk, @Tominas, @Crimmy, @Kaithas

People who received Gifts

@NarayanK, @Plank Sinatra, @Kaithas, @Krayzikk, @Nevix, @HereComesTheSnow

Thank you for the effort! Happy Holidays~
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