Name: Sasha Belov
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Nationality: Russian
Sasha is a very large, muscular man. He stands at six foot seven, has pale skin and dirty blonde hair that is kept in a neat buzz cut. His eyes are a gray-ish blue, and usually cold in appearance. They go just right with his perpetual frown. Sasha has several tattoos, one being the simplified bird seen in this picture. Another notable tattoos is a compass that points West on his left chest, and a line of words in Russian on his arm, opposite of the bird. The words are now difficult to read due to a scar from a knife wound that runs right through the middle of them.
They say you can tell a lot about a person by the scars they have, and Sasha's tell of a hard, painful life. There's a perfect line going down his lower abdomen, with dots on either side of it, left over from an emergency surgery he had to have to have bullets removed and organs repaired. On his arms, there are several slim, slightly raised scars from fights involving knives. There are an array of bald patches on his legs from where shrapnel from an road mine was removed with a pair of tweezers and rubbing alcohol. The most noticeable are the scars that cover a good portion of his back, slightly raised and faded from several laser surgeries to keep them from hindering his range of motion. They look like they were from some sort of chemical burn.
Other: Sasha speaks with a Russian accent. He speaks several European languages fluently, Russian and English being his best of course.
Skills: Your usual military training applies. He's proficient with most guns, but is particularly skilled at hand to hand combat. Has been known for one punch knock outs. He also has some experience in leadership.
Sasha grew up in Kazan, Russia. His mother overdosed when Sasha was 5. He was left to be raised by his father, who fell into depression after the loss of his wife. His father wasn't the kindest, and often times was abusive. After Sasha's mother had died, he had essentially lost interest in being a father. He would often invite his loud and obnoxious friends over to watch soccer games, drink, and play poker while Sasha hid in his room and pretended not to exist. Sasha wanted to get out of the house as soon as he could, and joining the military seemed like the best option. However, Sasha had something of an authority issue when he was younger. His father's poor job of raising him had turned him into a rebellious punk.
After six years of service, Sasha slowly lost some of that punk kid attitude. He was eventually promoted to a second lieutenant and given his own, small platoon. They were deployed to Ukraine, where Sasha and his men were given orders that went against his own set of personal morals. When he refused to carry them out, he was threatened with everything in the book: treason, discharge, prison, the works. Instead, he just quit. Sasha and several of his men went AWOL. He picked up work as a mercenary, doing things that he knew he wouldn't lose sleep over. Most of the time, he does dirty work for various governments who didn't want to wait around and get things done the 'diplomatic' way.
Sasha was in the middle of a contract job in the Middle East when he disappeared. His men have no idea where he's gone, and they assumed that he was captured by the enemy somehow.