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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago

Emory understood from Isa’s tone what had occurred within the confines of the Texan mineshaft. They had lost Felix. For the second time that day, the Welshman felt a horrible pain inside of his heart. He had known Felix the second longest, second only to Tariq and Daisy. They had long held a simple understand of “don’t ask, don’t tell and wait for the blowback”. It was just like Felix to put himself in harms way first in order to protect his fellow wizard.

”You can’t blame yourself, Isa” Emory, with a mind rattled with a thousand broken thoughts, began to caress her silvery hair. ”Felix knew what this job was when he signed up for it. We all did. This isn’t your fault…this is just part of the job”

In his mind all he wanted to do was sleep but at this rate that obviously wasn’t going to happen. A combination of the obliviation process, the kiss with Zara and now Felix’ disappearance, he surely wasn’t going to rest that night. He kept picturing Daisy and what her reaction to all of this would be. Then his mind turned to a secondary aspect of Felix’s vanishing…they would need a replacement and it would be up to Emory to choose them. That could wait until the morning.

”Try and sleep, Isadora. The world is always a little brighter in the morning”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~*~ Isadora ~*~

Despite the night before, Isa actually managed to get a decent night sleep, waking up once again to find that Emory had already awoken and taken off. Not that she minded, he was a much earlier riser than she was, and she knew he didn't tend to sleep for long periods of time either. She sighed softly as she stretched and got out of bed, sliding out from underneath the sheets and down on her feet (surprisingly gracefully). After changing into her attire for the day, a t-shirt and blue jeans she headed off to see if she could find Emory... Though she figured he might have left to go interview some people for the missing positions. It seemed her hunch had indeed been correct as she didn't find Emory in his study, she sighed softly a little put out by that. He could have at least told her that he was going out or something. Regardless, she decided to go make some breakfast for herself, knowing that she was going to stay away from sweets for a while.

As she was preparing something to eat via the skillet, she could her a set of footsteps descending the staircase. She glanced over at the clock, it was about time the other members started waking up she supposed (those who hadn't pulled all nighters at least). "Good morning!" She called to them, wondering who she was going to meet up with, she secretly hoped it wasn't a member from her previous team... She still felt guilt and didn't honestly feel like seeing one of them at the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

interacting with: Isadora

Athos had eventually fallen asleep, though he got very little of it before the next day started. He managed to drag himself to a shower and pull on pants and started to open the chest to place eclipse back in, but stopped. Athos? "Why don't you stay out. It is time the rest of the team met you anyway." Athos gently scooped up the large albino spider and trudged his way out of his room.

The brighter light exposed how worse for wear he was. His arms were coated in thing scratches from searching rubble, his eyes blood shot from lack of sleep, overall...he simply looked like hell. Snape and Sirius stayed on the ground and followed him to the kitchen, eclipse perched upon his head. That made for a slightly humorous sight, until one saw the rest of Athos.

Athos heard isadora, but seemed to ignore her. He trudged his way past and started grabbing various items. Fruits and ham for the crows and then a bowl of raw ground beef for eclipse. The spider proceeded to make happy noises and leap onto the counter next to the two crows and eat with them. Athos stood there watching his small group of creatures with his bare back facing isadora. His usual friendly demeanor seemed to be lost to him at the moment. He simply could not bring himself to talk to her yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

It had been a very long, very sleepless night for Zara. Once she had steadied herself enough to bring herself to her feet, she trudged along the wall until she was once again in front of Felix's door. She could barely feel the turning of the knob, her feet sliding across his bedroom floor, before she landed face first onto his bed. There she stayed for what felt like an eternity- though was truly only for several hours.

She had hoped for a deep enough sleep to ease her troubled mind- she was clearly fresh out of good luck in that department. As her body eventually gave way to exhaustion, the dreams and thoughts of the others clashed with her own. She could see Felix being trapped; could feel the torment and anguish from each member who tried, and failed, to rescue him; could feel the guilt building in Isadora and Athos. It was all Zara could do to not scream.

When the sunlight started to peek it's way into the room, bloodshot eyes stared back at it. The woman drew a long, shaky breath from deep within her chest before pulling herself up off the bed. Dragging her feet over to the bathroom, she stared at her reflection; definite blood shot eyes surrounded by the puffiness of shed tears, strands of purple in every direction, and a sallow complexion to match. In all, Zara was quite the looker at this particular moment. With a small snort, she made her way into his shower, scrubbing away the night before. She then dressed in a pair of Felix's sweat pants and a black undershirt. It was slightly baggy on her slender frame, but she didn't care. Everything smelled of Felix and it brought her a sliver of comfort.

Her stomach soon rumbled, with much surprise. She usually didn't eat when she was upset- her body mostly shut down whenever her nerves were overloaded. However, she couldn't quite remember the last time she had actually consumed anything nutritious: off to the kitchen she went. As she sauntered along, she allowed her mind to go completely blank. There wasn't a single thought she wanted in her head, hers or anyone else's. As she made her way to the kitchen, she blinked and stared at the overly large arachnid on the kitchen counter. Thinking she was definitely hallucinating thanks to her clear head, she snorted and watched it. "Heyyyy itsy bitsy spider...You're a long ways away from the water spout."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The night was refreshingly crisp as it whipped past Kieran’s face as he raced through the dark forest. There was a taste of pine needles and grass in the air much to his delight, as the all of his senses seemed to be working in overdrive to fully take in the beauty of the night. The fact that he was running on four limbs did not seem strange at all, in fact it actually felt right. With a leap he burst into a clearing, catching a glimpse of the beautiful night sky. He turned his snout up, marveling at one object in particular.

It was yellow and full, shining with a brilliant light that seemed to beckon to him to him ever so seductively with the promise of freedom…

Kieran woke from the dream with a jolt, a cold sweat covering him. His breathing was ragged, as if he had actually been running, as he took in his surroundings and realized that he was still in the dimly lit Workshop. Memories of the day before caught up to his racing mind, reassuring him that he had indeed spent the night working on his research rather than kid himself into believing he could actually get a good night’s rest. Well, it looked like the joke had been on him.

Wolf dreams weren’t uncommon among those afflicted with lycanthropy, especially as the full moon neared, which prompted Kieran to quickly check the lunar calendar he kept by his desk to make sure that he indeed still had a few days before his monthly administrations of Wolfsbane Potion. Satisfied, he placed two fingers on the side of his throat to monitor his all too rapid pulse, yet another side effect from the all too vivid dreams. Calling them nightmares was a bit too overdramatic for Kieran’s tastes, but there was something undeniably frightening about how they made him feel.

Once his pulse slowed to a more reasonable rate, the werewolf let out a sigh as he realized just how gross the combination of last night’s clothes and his recent cold sweat was proving to be. He barely wanted to imagine just how sorry he must have looked, but before he could take a shower he needed caffeine as he was all too likely to fall asleep while standing in his current state. So with more effort than he cared to admit, Kieran more or less threw himself out of his desk and left the Workshop in silence. He slowly trudged through the halls of the Dormum, looking much more like a zombie than a werewolf at this point, hoping that it was still early enough that he wouldn’t run into anyone on the way.

”Is everything quite alright master Kieran?” the all too familiar voice of the Dormum’s caretaker called out, causing the regulator in question to slow to a stop and turn to face the sad creature.

”It’s nothing to worry yourself over old man,” he said softly, not quite able to meet his eyes. Part of him wondered if the strange man ever slept, but he was hardly in the mood for conversation.”I just pulled another all nighter, so a cup of coffee will sort me out well enough.”

The Caretaker merely nodded his head solemnly and continued on his way. To where or for what, Kieran was never truly certain, but part of him couldn’t help but identify with him on some level. After all, they were both no longer quite human. Perhaps that was why he was the only being within the Dormum to receive a nickname from the somber werewolf, even if it was as lackluster as “old man.”

Much to Kieran’s displeasure, there seemed to be a small crowd already using the kitchen by the time he got there. But seeing as he had already come this far, it was a bit too late for him to turn back now. Besides, he seriously needed that coffee if he was going to have any chance of staying awake for the next ten minutes. So with his usual frown he entered the room, drawing as little attention to himself as possible, and made his way to the coffee machine.

It didn’t take a genius to see that the rest of the room’s occupants had about as good of a night’s rest as he had. Fuji’s feelings of guilt were almost physically permeating the air, while Vallon had completely abandoned his usual inviting demeanor. And then there was Greenwood, who looked like she had spent the night trying to water DeVito’s garden with her eyes. It was only when the sweet, sweet sound of the coffee machine working its own special kind of magic filled the room did he realize that everybody in the room had been impacted by the loss of Twycross.

’What a bloody mess you left us,’ he thought bitterly, his expression darkening ever so slightly. With his back was to the rest of his colleagues, he doubted anyone would notice. And for now, he could find no reason to break the awkward silence that dominated the air, so he waited for the pot to fill as patiently as he could.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Athos looked up as Zara entered and actually gave a small smile as she spoke to eclipse. The spider in question looked up with its large red eyes and tilted its body in curiosity. I do not think I would fit into a water spout...and that sounds most uncomfortable the spiders mouth area was stained red from the ground beef giving it a rather odd look. Eclipse turned and looked at Athos. Am I to go back? Athos shook his head and the spider made happy noises.

Eclipse then turned back to Zara a raised a front leg. It would seem he was waving. I am eclipse The albino spider thenhappily returned to his food.
Athos glanced at Zara. "Hey" They both seemed worse for wear and Athos was pretending he didn't notice whose clothes she was wearing.

Athos watched Kieran enter and looked at the spider busily eating. Good...he was fairly certain the werewolf would squish the baby spider and that would be rather depressing for him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

She continued to watch the spider in amusement; nobody else in the room seemed to respond to the creature, so she was absolutely positive that it was all in her head. Curious thing, of all things to hallucinate. She didn't think a giant spider would be the object of her mind's insanity. As she rocked back and forth on her heels, she could feel Kieran- or his thoughts to be exact, enter the room. He didn't seem to react to the arachnid either which further confirmed her theory.

As soon as Kiernan's last thought entered her head, her mind suddenly sighed in defeat. The fog from her eyes cleared and she turned back to look at the wolf man, a scowl appearing on her face. "Don't blame him. Wasn't his fault he had shoddy colleagues watching his back." Her hands quickly covered her mouth when she realized how snappy and rude she had just sounded. That wasn't like her- she wasn't a mean person at all. What had gotten into her? She quickly shook her head as she lowered her hands. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, cuz. I didn't mean it, I swear."

With a shaky breath, she realized another's thoughts were permeating her mind. Or was it an actual voice? Blinking, she turned back to the counter and stared at the spider. Zara watched as it interacted with Athos. It was real? There actually was a giant spider sitting on the counter just mere inches away from her? A terrified shriek pulled from her throat and she took off her shoe, quickly tossing it at the creature. She ran backwards until she hit the opposite wall, her eyes wide and trained on the beast as she spoke to it's apparent master. "That's a spider! A SPIDER! What the hell are you thinking, Athos?! Never mind that, I know what you're thinking- get that out of here!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After a while of not seeing anybody and just sleeping all of the time since the mission of the Candy Lady got completed. Tariq sighed and mumbled a few things as he rolled around in bed. He looked around in the darkened room. He could see it was somewhat of a day outside since light was peeking in through the cracks of the dark heavy shades over the happily light window. Looking round a bit more he seemed to try and process everything like he has been asleep for a while. His eyes focusing on everything. Rubbing his temples as he lies on his chest he groaned a bit. Having a slight headache, he hissed slightly as he forced himself up onto his knees. He was only wearing dark grey worn out jeans. Pushing the rest of the blankets off from himself. Tariq moved over to the side of the bed and fell off from it. He sighed and just laid there. He seemed to be depressed about what still happened with the cases. Like something just ripped the rest of his heart out of his chest. Looking round a bit more as he rolled over on his back he looked up at the ceiling. "I hate..." He paused "...this..." He sighed and sat up and looked at the wall. A wall filled with pictures, documents, other important information pined and taped onto it. Strings leading to other pins and information. He nodded as he looked over. The whole team every single person's picture was hung up in a group picture on the wall. He slowly got up to his feet as he walked over to it. His fingers slightly gliding over the picture before he took his hand away and shook his head. Combing his hair with his fingers. Tariq made it over to his door. Before he got there he grabbed his wand. Opening the door.

In the light his expression looked half dead, bags under his eyes, messy hair, partly dressed, and looked like he hasn't been out in the light at all as he covers his eyes with the back of his hand. Tariq looked terrible.

Forgetting to shut his door....showing that his room was a complete mess. Usually neat, everything was scattered, papers slightly stack and messily organized all over the floor, pencils and pens thrown everywhere, rubbers on the ground, clothing other places, shoes not neatly placed by each other but thrown around or placed with mismatch shoes. Bed sheets now half of the bed, not even tucked into the corners but scrunched up into somewhat of a ball on the bed and pillows not at the head but more towards the sides and middle of the bed. Not even including the objects half torn off the wall. It looked like somebody went crazy and just ruined the whole area of the dark lit room. Dust on everything as well.

Moving towards the stairs, he peeked over the railing to see if anybody was down there which no one was. He was hungry his stomach growling and his body aching from putting himself under so much stress. Tariq silently went down the stairs as he went to the main kitchen and as he was in it. No one was in it at the moment and he looked around. "Feels like forever since I let my room..." He mumbles as he slides his hand against the counter. Grabbing at his hair again he combs his fingers through it once more before opening the fridge and looking around in it. Lifting up his wand he swung it around and thought of something and mumbled a little. "Ugh...mhm..." he groaned. Placing his wands tip right up against his temple he sighed. "What was it again..." He moved the wand up and down a little scratching the side of his forehead a bit. "Ah yes..." He shrugged his shoulders and waved the wand as edible items came from the fridge he closed the door and as he went over somewhere else he looked at something as his magic prepared the meal for him. Though he concentrated on it so he could cook the food without physically doing anything. Sitting down at the table in the kitchen. He leaned back and closed his eyes as he relaxed. His left hand propped up on the table with his wand grasped in it. His other hand cupping his knee.

Tariq then began to mumble a few words before talking to himself. "Ah, Tariq why do you do this to yourself?" He chuckled slightly. "You just put yourself in pain....make things messy then you get over with it. Why not try another way of getting over with things?" He asked himself before he sighed heavily. He thought about his question. He nodded his head. "Because, I don't want this happening ever again." He whispered and sat up opening his eyes. "Lovely...I'm talking to myself..." He looked around. "I really hope no one heard that..." He hissed out his words and rolled his head on his shoulders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

"That's a spider! A SPIDER!"

Natalia's selective hearing made her stop dead on her tracks when she heard Zara freaking out in the kitchen. Surely enough, now was definitely not the time to grab some breakfast, despite the fact that her stomach was protesting with hunger. Natalia rubbed her eyes and sighed, then she tightened her sweater belt bit more as she cleared her throat. She approached the entrance to the kitchen, but she didn't dare go in.

"Hey, guys...is it safe to go inside?"

It was no secret amongst her teammates that Natalia was terrified of spiders. Not just them, but snakes, scorpions, roaches...pretty much anything that wasn't a cute and furry 4-legged friend. As many times as Athos had reassured her that they were harmless--and yes, Natalia was well aware of that fact--she couldn't bring herself to get near them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago

Emory hadn’t really slept. He’d had perhaps maybe an hour and a half of unbroken sleep before waking up from whatever nightmare plagued him on that night. So instead of lying in bed broken, he arose and left the Domum like a thief in the night; heading to the Whitehall district of London and to the Ministry of Magic Headquarters. It was Emory’s job to inform them that they had lost a team member. Without a body, all they could do was report Felix as Missing in Action. Emory had known Felix for nearly twenty years at this point, they had been through school together and although they had never been the best of friends, they had an understanding for one another, they had a level of respect and now it was gone. Felix wad gone. He wasn’t even a corpse, just a name on the lips of those that missed him.
Choosing a new Regulator was never an easy task but it was one that the Welshman had done more than a few times now. The process of choosing who was to join the Occult Regulation Office generally fell onto the shoulders of the office leader and in this instance, it seemed that this time that happened to be Emory Corrigan. He remembered doing the exact same thing just after Daisy died, however that time he wasn’t alone, he had Arthur around for support.

Handed a box of files and left to his own devices in an empty room, Emory exhaled as he began to sift through the potential recruits. In his hands he held files from all over the world and not just the UK. Witches and Wizards who may be apt Regulators are brought to the offices attention from a very young age, generally during their school years. Emory himself was initially approached when he was seventeen and still at Hogwarts. Maybe that was one of the problems? They were taking young people, people with futures and turning them into soldiers against the darkness. They were bringing them in and they would know nothing else but the job, it was a corrupting force. No, he couldn’t do that, not again. Every file for anyone under the age of twenty five soon found its way into the trash.

It took several hours but finally he had narrowed the field down and there was one name that stood out; Hugo End. Hugo hailed from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, though he was raised in the United States. He bounced between foster homes, mostly muggle families whom did not understand his burgeoning magical abilities. He eventually received a letter to attend the Durmstrang Institute of Magic and took a particular liking to healing magic. Upon leaving Durmstrang he took up an internship at St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and worked as a healer for a few years. During this time he also attended muggle university and received a doctorate in Psychiatry. It seemed odd that such an intelligent and seemingly high flying wizard would put in an application for the Regulation Office. Emory couldn’t help but bite.

A short time later, having met Hugo, Emory helped him move his stuff into the Domum just in time for the rest of the Regulators to surface. Entering into the kitchen where the others had gathered, the charms master let out a cough to alert them to his attention. ”Everyone, this is Mister Hugo End, he’s going to be joining us from now on”

Hugo pushed up his glasses and smiled at the new team. ”Good morning everyone, I’m Doctor End. I can’t wait to get to know each and every one of you”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Athos froze as Zara spoke to Kieran. Did she forget he was there to or did she mean it. Pain and anger filled his thoughts as his hands gripped the counter. Even though she said she didn't mean it...she still said it. His usual bubbly self seemed gone. [colo=gold]"you weren't there. So don't be placing blame on us"[/color] his voice was cold.

Then she chucked a shoe at eclipse. His hand shot out and caught it before he dropped it to the floor waves of anger coming off of him as eclipse shrunk and looked dejected. "he's a baby. He did nothing to you yet you throw a fucking shoe at him" Athos hardly cursed. Hardly ever seemed angry....his face had a cold expression focused on Zara. He heard Natalia and scooped up the quivering albino. "I have a baby spider but I promise you it's safe....safer for you then him apparently"

He looked at Emory as he entered with a new guy. His jaw clenched and more pain waved off. He stared at Hugo with an unreadable expression. "....I" He shook his head before pushing past and heading to his room his two crows cawed before flying after him. A slam of his door echoed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Her attention returned to Athos as he scooped the creature into his arms, his words barely registering with her due to her fright. Once the spider was safely detained, the breath left her lungs in a relieved sigh. Only then did she start to feel the anger and hurt rolling off of the man. With a blink of her eyes, the breath that just left her body was quickly sucked back in once Zara looked inside his head. She straightened her posture as tears started to pool in her eyes. "Athos, please! I'm sorry! I-"

”Everyone, this is Mister Hugo End, he’s going to be joining us from now on”

Zara stopped in her tracks and glanced over at Emory. The two hadn't seen each other since the kiss from the night before, right here in this very kitchen. She could plainly see that he hadn't gotten very much sleep, not unlike the rest of the group. With a gulp, she looked over at the newcomer and raised a brow. There was a new member? Already? But, why was he here? They weren't in a hurried need of anyone except for-

”Good morning everyone, I’m Doctor End. I can’t wait to get to know each and every one of you”

She couldn't help her eyes narrowing and darkening at the man. Folding her arms across her chest, she moved until she was standing directly in front of the pair. Zara tilted her head as she notably looked the new man over. She sunk herself into his thoughts before quickly pulling back, a scoff dragged from her throat. Her chest suddenly felt very heavy as she took several steps backwards, keeping her eyes on the doctor. So this was it. Not only did Emory replace Felix, but he brought in a psychiatrist. A shrink. She had dealt with enough of the professionals to know she never wanted to be around another, ever again. Zara felt quickly betrayed as a tear dropped to her cheek. So he did think she was crazy. It was only a matter of time; she didn't expect for it to happen this soon, however.

Not being able to look at Emory, she swiped at the tear on her cheek before hurrying past them. She ran to her room, barely able to hold back the burning in her eyes and throat as she sobbed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Greenwood’s comment caused Kieran to visibly stiffen, his jaw clenching tight. His initial kneejerk reaction was to snap at her and tell her about how they bled searching for Twycross, a cold fury coursing through him. But when he turned around to face her, he was met with a look of apologetic horror at what she had just said, causing a humorless smile to replace his scowl. The anger had drained from him quickly, replaced by his usual apathy. The werewolf had seen the job twist people before, hell it twisted Corrigan till he broke, but he had thought that Greenwood was somehow immune to it with her all too bright nature.

The green-haired Regulator had shifted her attention to a large, white spider that Kieran had completely failed to notice. While the hairy, eight-legged creature with far too many eyes was quite unnerving, even the werewolf thought it didn’t deserve a shoe to the face. Vallon seemed to share that sentiment, as it seemed like it was his turn to snap at people. Kieran had absolutely no interest in getting involved, so with a small shake of his head he turned his attention back to the coffee machine. By the time he finished pouring himself a cup, both Vallon and Greenwood had stormed out of the kitchen, leaving the room heavy with quite the heavy silence.

Leaning against the counter now, Kieran measured up newest addition to the team. He seemed to be the serious sort that likely had a nasty knack for reading people’s expressions. Regardless, the werewolf gave the doctor a look that was as neutral as he could manage as he gave the man a silent toast with his mug. ”Welcome to the team End. As I’m sure you can tell, you’ve come to us at a rather difficult time,” he said all too matter-of-factly, although even he thought his words were a gross understatement. ”Twycross, the man you are replacing, was dear to both of them. I hope you can forgive them for being standoffish with you.” The words came naturally to him, but deep down they felt somewhat hollow.

Kieran brought the mug to his lips and took a deep drink of the burning liquid to silence the odd feeling in his chest. His tongue felt like it would blister, but the pain seemed to help push the unpleasantness down. For now, he would play nice with the new guy, as there was no sense in drawing even more attention to himself. But never again would he make the mistake of breaking his arm’s length policy he had with people. He had to suppress the urge to let out a dark chuckle as a realization gripped him. ’You really did leave us a bloody mess, didn’t you Twycross?’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~*~ Isadora ~*~

While she was pretty burnt out that Athos hadn't even bothered to say good morning to her, her attention was quickly changed to the albino spider that was feeding close by. She luckily became too scared stiff to even have the same reaction as Zara, but the situation quickly defused itself, but not in the way that she wished it had... She realized that Zara was pretty upset and decided that perhaps she should try talking with her. The situation only became worse when Dr. Hugo End made his appearance, Zara had rushed off to her own room along with Athos. She nibbled her lip as she awkwardly took in the psychiatrist, he seemed like a nice enough person and she was getting used to people she had grown accustom to quickly leaving and never returning. It seemed that Emory was worried about his companions mental health, which... Was completely understandable at this point. She knew she wasn't the same person she had previously been two years ago. She swallowed thickly before bowing to Dr. End,

"It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you, Dr. End. However, if you could excuse my rudeness... I want to check on Miss Zara and Athos..." Isa said softly, smiling gently at Hugo. "I will speak with you later, my name is Isadora by the way." She said, pushing some of her hair behind her ear before awkwardly shuffling pass the psychiatrist and towards Zara's quarters. She swallowed once again, starting to shake as she stood in front of the bedroom door, her thin pale hand extended to knock on the door. "Come on now... Isa... You can do this... They really need someone to speak with..." She thought to herself as she tried to forget her guilt about loosing Felix... As she tried to forget about Zara's comment about having "shoddy" teammates. She gasped slightly as it took all the will and confidence she possessed to knock firmly on the door.

"... Zara?" She called gently. "It's Isadora... May I come in please?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

interacting with
and Dr.End

Tariq barely paid attention to any other lifeforms in the kitchen as he minded his own business and eating the meal he created himself. Squeaking of the door hinges caught his ears. Causing him to look over. When a new individual stepped through the door his eye brows furrowed and he went back to his meal trying to mind his own business. Then Emory came through the door and something sparked.

Standing up quickly. Tariq's chair shrieked against the floor as it slide and the table moved a little from him getting up so hastily. "Good morning everyone, I'm Doctor End. I can't wait to get to know each and ever one of you." this new character said with a smile and happiness in his voice. Tariq death glared Emory as the other male talked. "Replacing Felix." Tariq stated more then he questioned. It was pretty obvious, but he wanted to cause something.

A familiar emotion was growing in Tariq as he set his eyes on both male individuals. "It hasn't been that long and you're already replacing Felix." He points at Dr.End. He seemed pissed off with his words. Tariq had no emotion on his facial expression though his eyes were raging with fire. "You already did this to me before Emory." Tariq hissed out the name of the male. Walking Closer to Emory he got face to face with him. "You did this to Valen as well." He kept eye contact with Emory as he spoke in harsh words. As he stepped back and kept that contact. He groaned and shrugged his shoulders. "You just move on don't you?" he questions. "You always seem to not care. Especially when Valen died and you left me in the ditch. You got friends the next day, and I had to deal with that death by myself. Do you know how awful that is?!" He raised his voice at the end making it echo through the house.
Turning to Dr.End he glared at the male. "And you!" he shouted and pointed at the male. "I don't want you being near me. Don't talk to me or look at me." Tariq stood there glaring at both of them. "I hope you understand my request Dr.End." Tariq stated before he turned to the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

She had hit the bed as soon as she made it to her room. Curling against her several dozen pillows on her queen sized bed, Zara buried her face into the comforter and wept. Her mind was screaming at her and she knew she was no longer in control; everything was crashing into her at once. Knowing that the people whom she had trusted the most thought she was insane, was enough to finally crack any hold the girl had had on her own mind. She screamed as the barriers within her head burst apart, allowing every thought, every memory from everyone around her come flooding in.

The onslaught tore into her, causing her body to erupt into a seizure. She barely heard Isa's voice at the door as she fell from the bed, landing hard on the floor. Zara dug her fingers into the floor as her body rocked. Her eyes bore onto her door, a part of her knowing that her relief was just on the other side of the wooden door. Before her body was entirely no longer in her control, she struggled to outstretch her fingers towards the door. With a strangled whimper, she squeezed her eyes shut as her door suddenly ripped itself from the hinges. Zara knew Isa would be able to get her to help- she finally gave herself into the seizure as her eyes rolled back into her head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Interacting with:

~*~ Isadora ~*~

Isa screamed as she barely had time to get out of the way as the door, flung off its hinges to reveal Zara having fallen from her bed and suffering from a seizure. She barely had time to react as she rushed into the room, carefully, but precisely kneeling down beside her fallen comrade, gently lifting her head up slightly.

"Zara..." She whispered as gently as she could muster as her heart beat rapidly. "You're going to be alright... Emory and I are here and we will take care of you." She frowned as she noticed that Zara had bitten the inside of her cheek, cursing herself for not grabbing a towel before coming over to check on her. As Zara seized, Isa held her in place so she wouldn't harm herself. "Emory! Dr. End!" She shouted, praying that her call would reach them... It wasn't like she could pull her wand out at this moment. "Come quickly! Zara needs you!" She grunted slightly as Zara seized violently, holding her in place but as gently as she could so not to harm her. "You're going to be fine... I promise." She muttered to Zara repeatedly as if she was resiting a mantra, she realized she had to stay as calm and collected as she could to keep Zara safe. She glanced at the doorway, hoping that Dr. End and Emory managed to hear her.

Isa gently moved Zara's hair out of her face, wondering if this had been brought on by the stress of recent events, causing her to feel guilty. "... I am so sorry..." She whispered to her. "I wanted Felix to come home with us as much as everyone else... Forgive me please..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago

& Dr Hugo End

Emory and End stood aghast as both Athos and Zara hurried from the room without so much as a word. The Welshman looked to the newcomer and offered his best impression of sympathy. ”Sorry Hugo. The wounds are still a little fresh”

Hugo surveyed the room quietly, scanning everybody as he did. He could not wait to delve into their minds and see what made them tick. To choose to be a Regulator meant that there was something deep and dark rooted inside, something broken that swayed their actions.

”Welcome to the team End. As I’m sure you can tell, you’ve come to us at a rather difficult time. Twycross, the man you are replacing, was dear to both of them. I hope you can forgive them for being standoffish with you.”

"It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you, Dr. End. However, if you could excuse my rudeness... I want to check on Miss Zara and Athos...I will speak with you later, my name is Isadora by the way."

Kieran and Isadora were pleasant enough, as Hugo had expected. He had spent time going through the files on each member of the office and those two were the least likely to kick up a fuss. This soon changed however when Emory and End were approached by another of the Regulators; Tariq and the mood quickly shifted from sombre to tension filled.

"Replacing Felix. It hasn't been that long and you're already replacing Felix. You already did this to me before Emory. You did this to Valen as well. You just move on don't you? You always seem to not care. Especially when Valen died and you left me in the ditch. You got friends the next day, and I had to deal with that death by myself. Do you know how awful that is?!"
”Valen’s been dead for ten years, Tariq. Get over it. He knew the risks, we all did” Emory replied callously.

Turning to Dr. End Tariq glared at the male. "And you! I don't want you being near me. Don't talk to me or look at me. I hope you understand my request Dr.End."

"Emory! Dr. End!"

Before either man could say another word, Isa’s desperate call caught their attention. Sprinting off down the old corridor, they quickly made their way to Zara’s room where she lay cradled by Isadora. Dr End knelt down and did his best to support her trembling body. He thought back to the files he had read on the Regulators. Zara was a legilimen, her mind was a powerful thing and surrounded by people in a state such as the rest of the office left her open to severe issues. Reaching into his medical bag, the good doctor had yet to say a word as he pulled out what looked like a mini dream catcher, about the size of a coin. It hung on a small leather bracelet which he then attached to Zara’s wrist. ”Ik roep op de donkere, laat haar slapen, in staat om te dromen” The spell would force her to sleep for a few hours, allow the other thoughts that were not her own to drain away and clear her mind.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

In the back of her mind, she could feel Isa's arms surrounding her, trying to hold her arms down. Zara's body continued to tremble against the woman- yet her mind was fully aware of everything going on around her. She wanted to scream out; wanted to scream for someone, anyone, to pull her out of her own head. Isa's pleading didn't help matters. Not wanting the woman's pain to further add to her mental anguish, Zara tried to put up a mental block to anymore thoughts or feelings coming to her. She failed, however. Her entire body continued to spasm out of control and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

When Isa yelled out for the new doctor and Emory, Zara replied with a meager whimper. She didn't want either of them to see her in her current state. Emory would be further convinced that she was even more unstable, and the shrink would already have a notion in his head about her. She didn't want to be automatically classified as insane, nor did she want the looks of pity from anyone around her. Zara wanted acceptance; she thought she had gotten that when she became a member of the ORO. It was beginning to seem as though she was wrong.

And then she felt stronger arms around her. More thoughts entered her head and she automatically recognized Emory's- she assumed the one holding her down must be the doctor. The girl continued to whimper as she tried to fight off the seizure. She knew something had to happen soon, or else it could really cause some damage to her brain. Soon strange words entered her head, and she was able to quickly deduce it as being a spell. Once the last word was out, everything suddenly became clear and her body let out a gasp of relief as it stilled. Everything soon turned to darkness as her body gave way to slumber.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Valen's been dead for ten years, Tariq. Get over it. He knew the risks, we all did"

Tariq stood there glaring at Emory as he said those words. It seemed like something just ripped Tariq's heart out and his eyes grew emotionless. "He's been dead for ten years but, you still have that bug up your ass..." Tariq replied before walking out of the kitchen.

Going up to his room he totally ignored the commotion that was happening. Tariq had an anger growing in him now. As he slammed his door the whole place shook a little. "I'll get over it..." Tariq mumbled to himself as he used the wand that has been clenched in his first. Mumbling words and pointing the wand at different objects.

Tariq felt like it was time to go on a little vacation. He felt like he deserved it. Especially with all the crap he has to deal with in an every day situation. He hasn't taken a break from ORO since he joined. He didn't feel like telling anybody either since there was a commotion going on, Emory pissed him off, Dr.End didn't matter to him and no one else seemed to care.
Only clothing and certain small items that looked priceless to everyone else went into the worn down, brown suitcase. As the suitcase shut, he went over and put on a shirt. Getting on a casual trench coat. He grabbed the suitcase and sighed. "I need a few days away anyway." Tariq moved his wand, and a gust of wind blew up everything in his room. Knocking things off the walls, desks, and dressers of the room. Causing papers to fly everywhere. A few things to break. Tariq was gone.
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