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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Well, aside from her history I am done.

But it's twelve and i'm really tired. I'll finish it up tomorrow....

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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@Demon Shinobi

Do me a favor and look over my character again. I changed one of his weaknesses and changed his class to bishop. I also changed his strength to have the basic spells a vampire can perform i.e create fog
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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@Rune_Alchemisti'm liking her so far. I'm kinda guessing basic 9 tail fox like stuff. I'd need to know more about her magic and skills and how you'll balance her.

@Jangel13i'll give him a second look once I get a chance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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Naw man, I'm not all right. Got lots of things to handle right now.

Also, I'm having a hard time thinking up a character so give away my slot should I fail to make one in time. Also also, don't hesitate to start without me.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@Demon Shinobi Okay, now I'm done.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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@Demon Shinobi Okay, now I'm done.

may not be a co gm or demon but it looks nice I do have one question how many tails does she have? Kitsune are known to be varied among number of tails 9 being the max afterall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

may not be a co gm or demon but it looks nice I do have one question how many tails does she have? Kitsune are known to be varied among number of tails 9 being the max afterall.


Did I forget to put that? I did. Oops.

But yes - I intend for her to be a nine-tails. She's not excessively powerful though, due to a fair lack of discipline and training on her part. If nine is too much though, I definitely wouldn't mind giving her less. Would make for a fairly good piece of development if she could gain them later.

@Demon Shinobi
So I guess I has question for you - is it possible for her to gain more tails later? I am not sure how it'd work in the Highschool DxD setting, but if she can I definitely would prefer her possibly gaining more later. Maybe only give her two or three to start with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Rune_Alchemist If we're going by traditional Kitsune though, she wouldn't even have 2 tails. A kitsune gets an extra tail every 100 years, stopping at 9. Of course, given that this is the DxD-verse (or most anime in general really) you could make it such that "power = # of tails" so she could have two or more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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I am aware of how Kitsune in traditional mythology gain their tails.

however, unless I missed Kunou being 900 years old somewhere, we can assume power = number of tails or at least, possible potential power.

But y'know, that's why I am asking xD

I do want her to be a nine-tails, and if she can gain more later after someone kicks her lazy butt into gear then that is fine with me. She can have two or three to start with. If not, then I would rather her have nine.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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So, now the question is who wants to be the queen/ co gm?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

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A highschool DxD RP sounds like quite the enjoyable change of pace to my routine, so... Guess I'm just posting an old character as soon as i finish adapting him.

and then forget about posting the reply and announce my interest while posting the character. Great job, Spanner.

Anyway, I guess I'm done with editing stuff... @Demon Shinobi Tell me your thoughts.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Alright, for those of you staying strong, I meant to reply earlier. Sorry about that. I have a bunch of comments. I'll go ahead and actually right them out at some point tomorrow. It may be a bit of a wait, but please bare with me. Finals, work and a to of other shit. I'm not gonna slack, not gonna disappear.

I recently started using discord so I might actually make one of those for this roleplay.

Regardless, I'll reply to the character sheets and the questions as soon as I can so time tomorrow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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@Demon Shinobi

Oh man, I know how you feel about finals. Good luck.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@Demon Shinobi

It's cool man, take your time! Thanks for letting us know~
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Takenori Ryuunosuke

He stands at 6’2” (187.96cm); muscular and intimidating, with skin that's slightly tanned due to overexposure to the sun. He's covered in scars, burns, and bullet wounds - a testament to the number of battles he's been in, and proof of his experience as a fighter. They also prove another thing: That the ones that gave him those scars weren't around long enough to finish the job.
“I'll take yah on, sure. Better not be havin' second thoughts now. I love a good fight after all.”




[Not yet a part of Tsukimi's peerage]


  • Surprisingly enough, in spite of his appearance, he's a very homey person - he's fairly skilled at cooking, cleaning, even sewing or repairing appliances. Of course, given that he lives alone and is all but fending for himself, it's probably natural that he became skilled at it. He can also play the guitar.
  • Ryuunosuke is a Senjutsu practitioner and as such, excels at reading and manipulating the life-force of living beings around him. This combined with his natural instincts as a fighter make him an absolute beast in hand-to-hand combat, to the point where he can even overwhelm beings stronger than he is if they get within range of his fists, and if he can land one good punch in the right place.
  • He has had no formal training in martial arts of any kind, however, after constant years of fighting actual martial artists, he's begun to develop his own "style", though it's still rough around the edges. He can be called an expert street fighter, in this sense.
  • He's no slouch at arcade games - on more than one occasion, he's emptied out local arcades crane games, to the point where he was accused of cheating.

Senjutsu Skills:
Rather than magic, he uses Senjutsu. As such, he's developed skills in relation to sensing life-force, and manipulating ki and chakra. Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of life energy. By controlling the flow of ki, a person could strengthen physical bodies or cause vegetation around them to bloom or to wither. Knowing Senjutsu allows the reading of ki and auras and to spy on the target's state from afar. Disrupting the opponent's ki or severing it can cause direct damage to living things. There are very few ways to defend against Senjutsu, especially when it's utilized by a master.

Ryuunosuke himself is an extremely talented Senjutsu practitioner - evidenced by the very fact that he is a practitioner at all, despite having no formal training in the art. However, though he can use Senjutsu, that doesn't make him competent at it. This is evidenced by the fact that he doesn't have any ranged methods of attack yet - actual Senjutsu practitioners should be able to launch their ki from a distance, whereas he has no such means of compensating against an enemy from a distance. He has grasped the rudimentary fundamentals of Senjutsu and uses it in battle, mostly to augment his body to a level where he can battle beings that would naturally be stronger than him, as well as enhance his already beastly instincts.

He has also begun to tap into the ability to use Touki, being able to boost his attack, defense, and speed tremendously in short bursts of time. Pushing his unprepared body to its limits in this way, however, causes an intense backlash and he is more or less unable to fight afterwards.

Sacred Gear:
[Twice Critical] - A common, recurring Dragon-type Sacred Gear. Twice Critical looks like a gauntlet that manifests on the user's arm, leaving the wielder's fingers uncovered. The color of the Twice Critical differs between users. It has the ability to double the power of the user for a certain time.

Strengths & Weaknesses

+ His instincts both in and out of battle are freakishly accurate. Even without the use of Senjutsu, Ryuunosuke has the instincts to sense what his opponents next move could be; moreover, his intuition makes it so that he is not one who is easily fooled.
+ Abnormally strong, for a human. His Ki reserves make him more akin to a mythical beast than a human, at least. He is a natural-born fighter, and he has no problem proving it.
+ He's a fast learner, though this only applies to when he is actively attempting something. A kinesthetic learner to the core, he learns better when in the heat of the moment, so don't expect him to do much with a book!
+ Does not know what the meaning of fear is!

- Is not a team player; Ryuunosuke has a habit of going off the rails and never listening to instructions - whether or not it causes trouble for him in the long run.
- He hasn't made a habit of second guessing himself; he's very much a "shoot first, ask questions later" person. Again, this has gotten him into more trouble than it has getting him out.
- Though he's fast, tough, and, through the use of Senjutsu, has the ability to bypass nearly all conventional defenses, he has no effective means of hitting someone beyond the range of his fists, and as of now lacks the means to fly.
- Is a bit too eager to get into fights, oftentimes throwing logic and caution out the window. Even if he's severely outclassed, he can't help but ask for a good old brawl.
- Really, really does not know what the meaning of fear is - even if he is intimately familiar with the meaning of recklessness!
Personal Information
Ryuunosuke is a man who loves freedom; the ability to do what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Of course, he's aware that there's no such thing as being totally free - that in order to make a choice, you must sacrifice another - but in general, he is simply happy with being able to do as he pleases. He detests those that impede on this freedom - and the freedom of others. The power of being able to choose for oneself is not one he takes lightly, and he will not allow himself or others to be made slaves to the choices of others.

He's not a very scholarly person, even if he does attend school, he doesn't do much other than get barely passing marks; he'd rather do than think, if that wasn't already obvious.

Honest and straightforward, but in general very laid-back, he isn't a guy that's prone to hiding things or keeping secrets about himself - what you see is what you get, which is unfortunate since he's pretty intimidating to look at.

He is undeniably a battle-maniac, someone who lives to fight as much as he fights to live (often times in a very literal sense); he loves combat, and regularly goes around town to look for a fight. And he'll fight pretty much anything, from regular thugs and criminals, to stray exorcists or devils. Whether he leaves his opponents alive depends on how much of a threat they are to the people around - because as much as he enjoys battle, dragging those that have no interest in fighting is a no-no.

Ryuunosuke can remember his life as far back as being an orphan who took to begging on the streets. He was picked up one day by a stray exorcist by the name of Christopher Demicas, the man who he would eventually come to recognize as his father. The man was running from the church, and it was easy to see why - the man was an absolute combat-freak, and without a doubt it was due to his influence that Ryuunosuke grew to enjoy combat as much as he does (though admittedly he has always been a bit too confrontational, even prior to their meeting); the man, while not necessarily someone of an evil disposition, had a difficulty with following orders and rules set down by the church. He would go out and hunt devils and fallen angels in a wanton killing spree to sate his battle lust, and though he never targeted the weak or unwilling, his actions still caused a myriad of problems for everyone involved - eventually, he was banished from the church and his execution was all but called for.

It was in travelling with him that Ryuunosuke was exposed to the supernatural world. Christopher, though a good man at heart, was terribly irresponsible as a parent-figure, as once he saw that he had the same talent and drive to fight burning inside him, he allowed the boy to join him in his battles after training him in the bare basics of combat. Christopher was a terrible teacher as well, but in contrast Ryuunosuke was a gifted student - what he was not taught, he picked up naturally, and what he did not pick up naturally, he experienced through live combat with frightening comprehension. So it went that he fought all manner of opponents; some they would come across through simple chance, such as the occasional stray devil or fallen angel, others would be agents sent by the church to kill Christopher - neither managed to put him down.

Still, such a lifestyle takes its toll on even the strongest of people. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword - and Christopher was no exception. His death came as he succumbed to wounds inflicted on him by exorcist agents and an accompanying angel, in a glorious battle that lasted for a day and a night. Ryuunosuke was there to pick up his body as their assailants fled, and buried him with a smile - after all, there was nothing to be sad about. Christopher died as he had lived, and he died smiling, after giving it his all in an epic final stand, exactly as he'd always desired.

Before he died, Christopher had enrolled him in a nearby school, in an attempt to give him some semblance of normal life. Ryuunosuke, for his part, continued to attend despite the mans death and his own wishes to continue travelling and distaste for school-life in general, to respect his wishes. He currently lives in a run-down shack on the outskirts of Yatsushiro Town, usually commuting to the Academy on foot.

Holds no grudge against the ones who killed Christopher. As far as he's concerned, you don't get to hold grudges in a fight.
His favorite food is Mapo Tofu, extra spicy.
His favorite drink is Rice Wine (Mijiu) though he only drinks it sparingly.
Strangely enough, Christopher taught him how to be faithful to god - even if he isn't the most devout person in the world, he still knows how to say a prayer before meals and how to give absolution to the dying. He's even been baptized!
He often assists a local church and orphanage with repairs or deliveries - he gets paid for it, of course, but in truth, he asks for less payment than his work warrants.

My favorite DxD character is, without a doubt, Xenovia Quarta~!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@Demon Shinobi


You know, after taking a look at the other potential characters, I might change Kohana from delinquent to more 'lazy drunk priestess' sort of person. With her, we have about three hot-headed characters I think, and we could stand to have someone a bit more measured in their actions in Tsumiki's peerage.

If it's alright with you, of course. She'll probably mostly be the same grumpy fox, but I'll be tweaking her personality and strengths/weaknesses a bit. Could probably have the changes up within an hour or two after I get some lunch or something.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Rune_Alchemist It would be hilarious if his entire peerage was composed of hot-blooded morons. Can you imagine?

Tsukimi: "Alright everyone, here's the plan-"
Tsukimi: "Oh for the love of . . ."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I mean, yes

That'd be hilarious xD

but we'd never get anything done~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

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@Rune_Alchemist It would be hilarious if his entire peerage was composed of hot-blooded morons. Can you imagine?

Tsukimi: "Alright everyone, here's the plan-"
Tsukimi: "Oh for the love of . . ."

More like half going full Leroy Jenkins and the rest being like "lol, no. Doing that sounds troublesome"
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