Name: Lin Yang (White people can have Chinese names too. -,-)
Age: 17
Ability: Flow walking. It's an ability from Star Wars (RIP extended universe books) that allows the user to see, but RARELY influence (only with spoken words and very exhaustive concentration, never physical action) past events that occurred within a short timeframe (I'll leave how long the viewable timeframe can be up to the GM since I'm basically an RP noob again). Also, even if Lin successfully manages to make her voice heard in past events, she cannot directly alter her own timeline.
Strength: Hand-to-hand combat. She's a scrappy fighter who can hold her own in fisticuffs (or footicuffs if that's a thing). She's also extremely loyal and overly protective to the point of physical violence, which can often be looked as both a weakness and a strength.
Weakness: Motion sickness on almost all forms of travel. (Yeah, yeah, Natsu Dragneel....blah blah blah) She also has to be within a certain radius of where she wants to flow walk. For example, she can't flow walk as a form of mind travel or whatever (that'd just be weird and OP).
Bio: Lin's parents died in a fiery conflagration when their private jet crashed somewhere in a far off ocean. Lin was orphaned at the age of three. As a result of this tragedy, Lin spent the rest of her childhood either in an orphanage or bouncing from foster home to foster home. Her parents had been cocky and never gotten around to writing a will or giving young Lin a trust fund, for they were rich stockbrokers.
So she basically grew up always wishing she could go back in time and bring her parents back. It took a long time, but on her seventeenth birthday, Lin's home city had an earthquake, a sinkhole opened up underneath her, and she tumbled into a sewer. Getting up and brushing it off like the tough as nails young lady she was and is, Lin Yang continued forward, bravely exploring the sewer system for a way out. Either fortunately or not so fortunately, she instead happened upon some toxic radioactive sludge dumped into the sewer by heavens-know-who and, after tripping on a large rat and falling facefirst into the stuff, she gained her power.
Upon emerging from the sewers, Lin saw that she was surrounded by old-timey automobiles and people in strange, very old-fashioned clothes. It turned out that she had flow walked back into the 1950s! Elated, Miss Yang experimented with this ability to no end, but found much to her dismay, that no matter how hard she focused, she couldn't bring her parents back. Ever since she snapped out of that initial burst, she has only been able to achieve very small flow walks of up to an hour in length.
Pretty soon, news stories started cropping up about more teenagers like herself developing essentially superpowers. While her own power was a carefully kept secret, Lin decided it couldn't hurt to apply for the school since she had nowhere else to go. In short, Lin has a fierce personality and can go between very mature and all jokes - of the practical or pun variety - at the drop of a hat. She is currently en route to the academy as a cargo ship stowaway and feeling very VERY apprehensive about it since she gets motion sickness from the PTSD of hearing how her parents died.