Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 6 days ago

The City of Champaign, IL.

The Year is 1975, and things have taken a turn for the worst. According to the radio, what seem to Cultists of all things have begun to roam the night streets. The Corpses of inhumane horrors have been found littering the Cultist sites. Not to mention the human ones. Citizens have been advised to stay indoors during the nights, and have a weapon at the ready. For those who leave during the night are often never seen alive again, and those that are found have gone completely mad. Raving on and on about nonsense to scribbling strange symbols on their walls. Now, the city isn't stupid. Trained military soldiers and S.W A.T. teams have entered Champaign, and their bodies are recovered shortly after. Some are intact, while some are missing parts of their bodies. Some appear to have even been eaten, or changed drastically. From blackened rubbery skin, to what even appear to be extra limbs growing out of them. The city is in turmoil. People are growing mad. There's regular people starting to kill each other out of paranoia. Looting are going all across the city. Resources are beginning to get scarce. Scavenging is required to live. Residents don't dare to leave their homes, and those that do carry weapons and are usually very paranoid of others. You are here now. Whether or not of your own volition.

Greetings! You should already know who I am based on the name to your left. This does take place on earth, in America.

A few things you may want to know:

Seeing as this is Earth, I'm afraid it's humans only.

Magic Rules: Magic does exist, however, it's not arcane magic. No lightning bolt, no fireballs, no magic missles. However, Occult magic is a thing, albeit incredibly rare, and usually has pretty bad side effects. As opposed to going off of Mana like an arcane spell would, Spells instead go off of Sanity, and can drive a person insane. Magic is not known about by common people. Unless you're well versed in the Occult, you don't know magic exists.

As for you, you aren't a superhero. You're a regular person in the city. Your occupation would be that of a normal person. Are a S.W.A.T. member who survived the raids and are in hiding? Are you a carpenter? Are you a military veteran? Hell, you could even be a drug dealer, anything that a normal person could be. You can be a little Japanese schoolgirl for all I care. If you do use magic in some way, it is extremely limited, and as stated before, they aren't fireballs or anything like that.

The city is in lock down. Nobody comes in or out now. You want out? Too bad. You'd need to get through roadblocks, soldiers, tanks, and more.

How you got into the city is up to you. You could've lived there your whole life, you could have just moved here for a new job. It's all up to you.

Your objective is yours to choose. Do you want to try and escape the city? Bring the fight to the Cultists? Or survive until this all blows over?

Feel free to ask any questions.

What I need for your Character Sheet:

Name: Ya name, dummy!

Age: How old are you?

Appearance: A picture and/or description of your character

Occupation: What do you do for a living?

Skills: What are your Specialties?

Faults: What disadvantages do you have?

History: Where did you come from? Where did you go?

Equipment: What do you carry with you when you go out. IF you go out.

Feel free to add anything else you feel necessary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hunter Monroe

24 years old

Hunter stands less then a couple inches below six feet with an average build. He has semi-long dark brown hair that in many cases is poorly groomed, normally just enough so to call it clean and then it is left alone. His light skin makes his grey colored eyes hard to notice unless someone was up close to him. For the most part his posture gives the impression of someone who would rather be relaxing then doing whatever he is currently doing. Other then that he tenses up really easily, and it is noticeable when he does so.

Hunter currently works as a local city maintenance worker, fixing things like electrical lines, phone lines, and at times pipe work. Before that he served a short time in the National guard, though on his record it would be noticed that he does not discipline well.

-Long guns: This generally includes things like shotguns, hunting rifles, and light carbines.

-Automatic weaponry: Even though this is mostly limited to a standard issue M4 assault rifle, he figures it can't be too hard to adjust if need be?

-Electrical engineering: While in the service Hunter took advantage of the free schooling and got a degree with a major in electrical engineering and with minors in Civil engineering and diesel engineering.

-Shooting: Despite his wide range of skills with firearms, he isn't necessarily amazing with them. He can handle a lot of firearms with decent accuracy, but he is no marksmen, and he is a slow learner when it comes to knew tools.

-People: Hunter is no people person, infact if placed into a social situation he will likely panic a bit and try to get out of it. Despite this once he gets used to people he can open up pretty easily.

-Paranoia: Hunter is scared, of pretty much everything. When in any situation that is not going according to his mental plan he pictures worst case scenario and starts to panic as he tries to get things back on track. Once something like this kicks in alternate solutions tend to be a lot harder for him.

-Endurance: Despite passing basic training Hunter isn't in the best physical condition. He barely passed physically, and afterwards didn't really keep in shape. Kind of an issue now huh?

Hunter grew up in Florida raised by a single mother and with two younger siblings. When her job collapsed on itself his mother moved them out of state to Illinois in hopes of a better job market, figuring since she had family in the area she at least had some chance.

As Hunter grew up he had taken on several different jobs, some decent but with poor pay, some that weren't decent and with about equal pay. But do to home situations he hasn't been able to hold a job more then about four months. Not until he turned eighteen and joined up with the National guard. After several months of training he passed with one of the lowest scores of his unit. He likes to call it along the lines of "jack of all trades, master of none." His former officer would reply with something like "How about moron of all trades and master of being a jackass?"

While in The National guard he took multiple classes in various engineering fields. The most successful being Civil engineering and Electrical engineering. Once his time was up he applied all over the state for a job that would take him, due to his poor track record before joining the National guard getting a job was fairly difficult. After a year or so of applying for jobs he got a job working for the city maintaining city power lines, sewers, phone lines, etc.

Once he obtained the job he started renting an apartment for as cheap as he could get so he could save up for a better life outside the city at some point in his life. For now, it's his life in a one room studio apartment.

Hunter for the most part will have all sorts of things in his backpack readily available "Just in case". Though some of it is limited due to legal issues he likes to keep prepared in case.

*On his person:
-His wallet, filled with coins, coupons, and a list of emergency contacts.
-Keys to his truck, as well as the locks to his firearm cases, and his apartment.
-his pocket knife, that is an always.
-A metal thermos that normally holds water held onto his belt by a small carabiner.

*In his bag or truck:
-A really cheap crank powered radio
-Road flares
-Paper and pencils (And one pen, just one)

Supplies (Gear normally at home):
-Pump action shotgun, or as he calls it, a gift from Mom.
-.38 personal defense revolver, normally kept in his sock drawer incase he can't reach anything else.
-More damn paper and pencils (No more pens though), a lot of the paper is written on in pretty decent detail though spread out over his desk (His table).
-A CB radio that was intended for work use, but sadly some poor scum stole it and it may or may not have landed in Hunter's apartment.
-Odds and ends of at home goods, pot, pans, clothes, ect.
-About two weeks of canned food and water for a single person

Note: Yes he does have a decent amount of guns for one person, but I figured chances are he won't use most of them unless someone tries to force their way into his home. With that I figured this RP would be more for character and story rather then Action. So I understand that at first glance he seems like someone set up for a role-play aimed a lot more at action, but he's not going to go out and hunt everyone down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 6 days ago

My turn.

Also,@Remipa Awesome looks good. Post it in the characer tab.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Me and a friend are interested, we're just going to see if more people are willing to join before we start work on a CS.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Stitches I'm joining, just finishing some bits before making my own CS
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Smuglyanka Bazilevskayov

Age: 21

Occupation: Unemployed

Skills: Cooking, squatting, drinking, video games, Russian language

Faults: Speaks broken English, has impaired social skills on top of that, can't hold down a job

History: Smuglyanka had lived in the USSR with her parents for most of her life. In Russia, Smuglyanka had a decent amount of friends who she talked to, hung out with, played with, and the like. She was more or more accustomed to the more structured grind of life. There, she was more or less a normal person. In her mid-teens, however, Smuglyanka moved to the United States with her parents, who wanted to flee the USSR for fear of their lives, taking with them only what was necessary. She lived in Illinoise for the rest of her life, going to school there. Being an immigrant and not actually speaking much English, she had grown reclusive. She skated through High School, then attended a community college for a year before giving up having lost all drive to, and instead choosing to live off her parents' money. On the day the lock down was in effect, her parents left the house defiantly wanting to get food. Smuglyanka, of course, stayed home and on the internet. When the power finally cut out was the first time Smuglyanka thought to look for the parents who had not returned.

Equipment: A police grade M16 rifle looted from the body of a dead police man, a bag of sunflower seeds, half a bottle of vodka, and a Soviet-style waffle iron.


Edited because M4 wasn't a thing in the 70s and to say my character was from the USSR.

Also, nurses, EMTs, and doctors aren't the same progression. Lots of folks in the medical fields will switch from one to another (Usually nurse to EMT or EMT to nurse), but there's a bit of difference between them and you need a different certification for each one. Also an Epipen /is/ an adrenaline needle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

may still join but im busy a lot, mostly with other RPs and procrastinating my writing project. depending on the number of people and stuff like that, i may still join. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pleek
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: 'Da Guru of Groove' Demetrius Flash [Out of 'Kayfabe' it is Leroy King]

Age: 29

Appearance: Demetrius Flash is a man who is larger than life itself. He is 6'5" and weighs around 280 pounds, give or take a few pounds. Flash's hair is fashioned in a rather large and distinct afro. His rather dark complexion contrasts with his typical entrance and in ring gear, which are usually some manner of a bright pastel color. When working his attire includes a pair of colorful tinted sunglasses, various gold and silver rings on his fingers, break-away jumpsuits with a deep scoop neck to show off his chest-hair, a large purple cape with white fur lining with a pink strap on the back for his guitar, and pastel colored wrestling boots. In the ring his attire is simply a pair of bright spandex wrestling tights with 'Da Guru of Groove' printed vertically down the legs, alongside the boots from the earlier entrance to the ring. While not working, Leroy King wears a similarly flashy attire in order to keep character up so no marks don't figure out the truth of the business. Leroy typically keeps the rings on his fingers, but instead of wearing a breakaway jumpsuit he wears a brightly colored dress-shirt, waistcoat, trousers and shoes alongside his purple cape.

Occupation: Professional Wrestler.

Kickboxing and Catch Wrestling [Both for show and actual fighting]
Disco Dancing
Guitar Player
Knowledgeable about Local Politics

"Personal Demons" (mostly an addiction to pain-killers)

History: Leroy King's story begins in a bad neighborhood in a bad part of Chicago. Needless to say Leroy often found himself getting in and out of jams. Growing up there were few things that Leroy could turn to in order to seek some form of sanctuary. However Leroy did have one thing he could always look forward to; Professional Wrestling. He could always count on the Midwest Territory to do shows, such as Wrestling from the Marigold, nearby. Whenever the boy could catch a show he'd catch it. He fell in love with these men engaging in fights of good and evil and longed to be part of it. So when he caught the attention of a small time local talent there, he was eager to get his foot in the door.

Leroy started off his career in the world of Professional Wrestling by simply doing errands for the talent. Through doing these errands he began to earn a small bit of approval from these professional wrestlers. Slowly Leroy moved up and began to get tasked with doing more, such as commenting on matches when the actual announcers were out and photography of the wrestlers. Around the age of 17 he actually started to get training in how to properly wrestle, alongside learning how to play the guitar in his off time in order to entertain the others in the back. After his initial training he went on tour with the rest of the roster around the Midwest. At this point in his career Leroy was a low-carder and for the most part lost matches. Around that time he also had no real gimmick to speak of.

However things started to change for Leroy King around the late 1960s as the Black Panther Party began to form. Besides his own personal beliefs drawing him to them, Leroy also found use of them in the business. He adopted his first actual gimmick as Riley Seale who was a militaristic crusader that vowed to eliminate the white members of the roster. This was when he began to rise up the card and become a bit more well known. Though this gimmick would not last for long. While it did maintain some success, it just didn't feel quite right to Leroy and both the audience and the boys could pick up on it. Leroy needed new inspiration. Serendipitous for Leroy this was when Disco was born.

And so Leroy King became Demetrius Flash, 'Da Guru of Groove' which allowed him to be his over-the-top self to the crowd and allowed him to utilize more skills that he wasn't able to do under previous gimmicks. As Demetrius Flash he had it all. Money, fame or infamy (it depended on the crowd he was playing to) babes and music.

Unfortunately Demetrius Flash's story had a nasty swerve when he came on tour to a town called Champaign...

Equipment: Demetrius Flash doesn't need anything other than his stylin wardrobe and bling on his fingers. However that doesn't stop him from carrying around two boomboxes. One is loaded with hit disco tracks, while the other does not and appears much more worn out. He also keeps a red electric guitar strapped around his back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 6 days ago

So we've got an E.M.T. with a identity issues, a wrestler with an ego the size of Russia, who is also a musician, a one-man army, and some Russian deadbeat. Sounds like a world saving team if I've ever heard one. You guys can post in the character tab

@Pleek@KOgaming@Remipa Awesome
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

So we've got an E.M.T. with a identity issues, a wrestler with an ego the size of Russia, who is also a musician, a one-man army, and some Russian deadbeat. Sounds like a world saving team if I've ever heard one. You guys can post in the character tab

@Pleek@KOgaming@Remipa Awesome

A one man army with social issues who panics under pressure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lord Orgasmo

Hey so you didn't specify a month. So is this during the Vietnam War or after?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 6 days ago

@KOgaming We'll say... it's in the middle of April. So it's just about to end.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: 'Da Guru of Groove' Demetrius Flash [Out of 'Kayfabe' it is Leroy King]

Oh boy! Please say you're going to try and elbow drop a shoggoth! And then dance upon it's writhing mass!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pleek
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There will be much Professional Wrestling yes.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 6 days ago

Wrestling's fake.

I'll also try to get an IC up on Wednesday or so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Das Auto
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Das Auto Honk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Professor Basil T. Cunningsworth, Ph. D

Age: 61

Occupation: Oxford University professor, lecturer, teacher.

Skills: When it comes to lecturing, Basil possesses a thoroughly uncanny ability to bore people into submission. His ability to go on a long-winded rambling tirade about absolutely nothing borders on the supernatural. As a matter of fact, it's quite likely his utterly dreary tales of his holidays to the Canadian alps or the minutae of milk quantities in perfectly boiling tea would put even Nyarlathotep to sleep.

Basil is also a font of knowledge about almost everything. He's seen it all and done it all. Just try not to pass out when he tries to explain it, as many of his students did three years ago at Oxford when he was explaining the difference between microbiological organisms and minibiological contaminants, as one can so easily tell by investigating...

Fixed in his ways and rather old, Basil tends to avoid being affected by mind-breaking sanity reducing effects by deeming it utter pish-posh, not worth mentioning, or ignoring it entirely as clearly it can't be real and he was merely remembering that one time back in the Canadian alps (alps for days) where he was skiing and saw a rather large...

He's also a rather dab hand, I daresay, at gentlemanly boxing a la Queensbury rules. Tally ho, ruffians!

Faults: Unfortunately Basil is an old man. This means he's stuffy, long winded, and not exactly in his physical prime. As an old man, clearly age outranks power and as such he's far more likely to give any horrible entity from beyond the void a good tongue-lashing as clearly they can't withstand the wit and jibes from an Oxford professor, much like his dear aunt Beatrice, rest her soul, used to give all of the religious people at the front door whenever they came about for donations and I daresay they often turned tail and ran because dear Beatrice was a very firm talker and...

History: Basil has a long and storied history of globe-trotting and dramatic adventures. If you've heard of it, he's done it, or so he says. Right now he is currently on holiday to the Colonies, on a well deserved break from ignorant students at Oxford. Children these days! Pah!

Equipment: I daresay, Basil always carries with him a selection of notebooks that he uses to store notes on important things, like the names of various brandys in the cellar currently hosting a dimensional horror.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Das Auto What exactly are his skills? Knowledge of biology and stuff like that? Also, keep in mind this is 1975, I don't think they had tablets yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Das Auto
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Das Auto Honk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Das Auto What exactly are his skills? Knowledge of biology and stuff like that? Also, keep in mind this is 1975, I don't think they had tablets yet.

Fairly sure they did. Brand new invention at the time. Still, notebooks suit the character better so I made a quick edit.

He's a knowledge source primarily. There's enough fighters around and we don't need any more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pleek
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This the territorial days; the business hadn't been completely exposed as a work yet. That'd be in the 90s when Vince McMahon told the world about it.

Wednesday for the In Character portion to start?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Pleek Yes, Wednesday, or the day after if something is to happen.
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