Character you have created: What does a name matter to one who wishes to not speak with you?
Alias: I suppose I shall call myself The Grey Nasty, or some likening.
Speech Color: Calm: Lavender Furious: Steelblue
Character Alignment: Objectively and Subjectively Evil
Identity: Unknown, though largely due to no longer existing in his own world.
Character Personality: There's something terribly off about a person who'll pat you on the back one moment and then stab you in the throat the next. It's the bizarre nature of how quickly the Grey Nasty can go from calm to rabid makes him unsettling and uncomfortable to be around. It's almost as though he radiates an unpleasant aura, anyone can feel it simply by being around him.
Uniform/costume: A ratty old pinstripe suit with remarkable preservation, despite being in the ground long enough for a corpse to rot entirely to skeletal remains. Oh, I neglected to mention that he is a skeleton. Queerly enough, he's carrying around a small silver blue crystal that's just large enough to fit into the palm of his hand. He's about six feet even, would be a bit taller with flesh. His shoulders are pretty broad and his hips are narrow. There are five teeth on the top and bottom of the right half of his mouth missing, this is where he rests a cigar.
Origin Info/Details:
Once there was a man who died.
But he's still alive?
He got better.
Izzat it?
Of course not.
Long ago when America was golden, a man of unknown age was murdered, and his grave was left unmarked. This would have simply been the end of his story, had the universe not shuddered as a result of some magical upheaval of recent years.
Across time and space was yanked the recently destroyed soul of a malignant foreign entity, a mind and spirit so malicious that it fought against its own death. Raging in the aether of nonexistance, preventing itself from passing into the next life.
That is, until the next life metaphorically grabbed hold of this entity and pulled it to our wonderful little speck suspended in a beam of light. From a the afformentioned grave a skeletal hand erupted from the Earth, clutching tightly to a sliver of brilliant silver blue crystal.
The ratty suit adorning the corpse was in remarkable repair, though there were obvious tears and patches to be sewed back on. When the skeleton freed itself from the wet soil of Louisiana it had found its home was impossibly far away. He took stock of his build, height and clothing. The loose fitting clothes would need to be repaired immediately, his body was suitable in size.
Villain Type: Mystic/Supernatural
Power Level: City Level
Bound Crystal Reconstitution: That sliver of blue grey rock isn't just for decoration, it's an invaluable asset to the existence of our disturbing skeletal friend. When his physical body is destroyed beyond repair, a new skeletal form is generated from the crystal after a short period of time. This grants the Grey Nasty a relatively unassailable form of immortality.
Enhanced Visual and Auditory Perception: As his sense of smell and taste have long since been lost to him, and his sense of touch is dulled down to virtually nothing, his primary senses of sight and sound have become acute to a degree far surpassing any living animal. Night appears as day, sounds can be picked out from up to a mile away, and he's got a natural resistance to flashes of light and loud noises. As there are no organs to be damaged by the exposure or vibration.
Magic Sense: As a powerful magical entity, he can sense magic no matter where he is. Simple as that. The various magical, otherworldly, or other 'powers' that be are almost visible to him. And he can trace them back to their source from any point.
Magic Absorption: Not in the conventional definition, Grey Nasty has the inherent ability to learn magic passively. Learning how the universe works simply by existing in it. This latent power is the natural talent of the nameless thing, as it has allowed it to grasp even the most foreign concepts of magic. In this land of might and heroism, the Grey Nasty feels a haunting presence through his inate magic sense and absorption. Something morbid that calls out to him, a terrible thing that reaches out to him and wishes to imbibe itself upon him. One day he will contact this entity and his growth will be complete.
Artifact Creation: Before we list off the lesser magics of the Grey Nasty, we must speak of his greatest trait. The ability to concentrate magical concepts into artifacts and grant them incredibly powerful magical properties, anything is possible given the proper resources. Some magical effects are obvious, charcoal can be used to infuse a blade with fire. Others are not so much. Material from meteors is required for levitation, as well as related concepts.
Evil Aura: The Grey Nasty is constantly followed by the pervasive and malignant feeling of dread. This feeling goes so far as making normal people soil themselves in terror, simply by entering in the proximity of it. Technology has a habit of malfunctioning to a minor degree, displaying unsavory images and glowering demonic figures. Screeching sounds and the crying of distant beings, menaced by an unseen horror. The aura makes his foes and allies alike uncomfortable and averse to being in his presence. The range of it is about 15 feet away from his person and phylactery.
Bog Magic: The Grey Nasty's primordial mysticism is inherently linked with the natural decay of all things, as well as digestion and similar bodily functions. While the bog may be alive, it is death that truly makes the bog what it is. Each power is related to the bog, and can be combined with equipment for particularly nasty effects. (All effects directed outwards do not directly contact the body of the Grey Nasty, and are instead invoked between the hands.)
Swamp Gas: Horribly putrid, flammable to the point of near explosive reaction, and sticky enough to take five washes in the machine to get out of your clothes. Swamp gas is a reactive and disgusting gas that can be exhaled by the Grey Nasty. Put it in a bottle and light it up, you've got a nice makeshift smoke grenade with the added bonus of exploding.
When combined with Moonlight and his Passive Aura, it can cause hallucinatory effects.
Moonlight: The Swamp never feels swampy unless it is in the silver gleam of night, with the full moon hanging high over the water. As a mass scale zone control, the Grey Nasty can make it appear to be midnight. At least within a few hundred feet of himself. The sun is concealed and becomes the full moon, and the blue of the daylight sky makes way to the majesty of stars. This makes it more difficult to see, as well as gives him the advantage of combined mysticism. There's no other effects on its own, this is simply a shroud of darkness for the Grey Nasty.
Bog Water: Stinking and thick, the water of the bog is lined with watergrasses and parasites galore. When the Grey Nasty pours water from his hands he is not simply generating water in an area around him, he is manifesting a swamp where he stands. This includes the sticky silt, the thick mud and the grasses that grab hold of your skin and clothing. Small parasites could cause disease, biting fish and insects cause distress, and the water alone can make movement into a slog. Despite being water, it does not behave as water being poured would, it fills an unseen container that expands to match the fluid. Rather than the fluid matching the size of the container. This means that the bog has a set height of two feet, or sixty centimeters. The width is variable, depending on how much is exuded.
When combined with Swamp Gas, the Bog Water becomes a deathtrap. Pick your poison, hide in the filthy water or burn in the explosion.
Sapping Sap: Tree sap is prevalent in the incredibly hydrated trees of the swamp, they ooze it quite readily. His connection to swamp magic allows him to summon tree sap in incredibly voluminous quantities. It sprays out like water when a fire hydrant is burst, but sap is far more dense than water. For it to spray out at that speed, it carries enough force to send a man sprawling a few dozen feet. Unfortunately for those unlucky enough to be struck by this, the plasticity and adhesive nature of the sap makes it so they take the full brunt where they stand. As it tends to adhere people to the ground as it hits them.
Heavy Rain: Prone to heavy rains, the swamp is constantly weather beaten by the rain. As one intrinsically connected with the magic that makes wetlands wet, he is able to manifest storms overhead. Powerful thundering storms, where the wind blows trees to their farthest sway. The rain falls like mighty blows upon the earth, each rain drop as powerful as a man's punch.
When combined with Moonlight, Swamp Gas, and his passive aura; this becomes the effect known as the Witching Hour. Nightmares come alive, as the rain pummels you. Your worst fears become visible horrors that menace you from beyond the light. The sky is blackened, save for a beam of light that envelops the victim. It follows them, as though a colossal eye were upon them. The Rain spirals around this and bellows inwards, dashing them from all sides.
Necromancy: The Nameless Undead Overlord here is capable of necromantic magics. The obvious utilization of such is the ability to raise corpses from the dead, and enthrall them to his will. However, he does so by creating a totem or icon representing that individual who is raised from the dead. This animates them for an indefinite period of time and allows him near total control over their thoughts and motions.
Attributes:Height: 6'
Weight: 52 lbs
Strength Level: 2x Peak Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 2x Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Virtually Infinite
Agility: 2x Human
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Mastered
As it stands, all he has is his Phylactery and a headstone. Why the headstone? Well, being unarmed is an unsafe practice. Some cigars in his pocket and a Zippo lighter that surprisingly still works.
Weaknesses: Wax. If he or his Phylactery are enveloped in wax, he is weakened or depowered entirely. Though only a specific wax entirely depowers him, parafin wax. Its oil based make up and waxy base somehow prevents him from channeling or casting magic.
Supporting Characters: None, yet.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Ye
And it seem as though my computer issues are resolved, so I'm back
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