Full Nameã
Hyakune su Jikangai, Kyokoã
The Genjutsu Mistress; Leader of the Kyuuseishuã
Kyoko is the leader of the Kyuuseishu.ã
Bisexual; Prefers Women
Birth Countryã
Kyoko was born outside of any village, in the Hyakune Clan Compound.ã
Current Villageã
Kyoko is the leader of the Kyuuseishu.ã
Shinobi Rankã
Kage-level Ninja (S) 
Kyoku is a difficult character to explain as her personality adapts to situations and individuals rather than remaining static. As an extremely talented manipulator whose talents lie almost exclusively in her ability to change the perceptions of her allies, friends, and enemies Kyoko is capable of acting the part for any role that she is called upon to play. She can be cold and unfeeling, or she can be warm and empathetic, she can be insightful and wise or naive and ignorant - all of these acts are tools, and she makes liberal use of them depending on how she wishes to be seen. A woman of many disguises is prone to losing track of the constants of her own personality, but Kyoko has certain traits that define who she is and what she does on such a fundamental and inherently necessary level that she will always retain some level of individuality.
Kyoko is a deeply loving person, and the majority of this love is focused upon her sister. Her self-imposed exile is all that keeps her sister intact, and though it pains her greatly to be away from the person she is closest to in this world she knows that it is a necessary evil and feels both the overwhelming sorrow of her loss and incredible ecstasy that her sister is alive and well for as long as Kyoko does not interact with her. Kyoko's love for her sister is indeed so strong that she has no room for love of another in her heart, and though she makes genuine friends she will never take a lover who could replace or intrude upon her sister's place in her heart. Another of Kyoko's inherent traits is her almost legendary intellect - she carries with her the spark of true genius that can never truly be repressed, even if she can fool most people, true genius is impossible to ever truly hide from another. With great intellect comes a great perception of things other people cannot understand, and being separated from her sister has left Kyoko with nobody to share these burdens with. Kyoko is occasionally driven towards a deep melancholy, but always sees the light and returns to normalcy with time.
Despite her great love for her sister, Kyoko is still a Hyakune and still has morals and values that are typically viewed as unsavoury by most. Her self-worth is a constant, but her value of others is largely determined by the power they wield and how they wield it - those with the most power and least inclination to use it earn her ire, as do those with little power and fewer aspirations - but her ire is likely something they will never see for as long as they can be useful, and the last thing they see when they have outlived their usefulness. Kyoko believes firmly in power and knowledge, and while she is very accepting of those who consign themselves to a life of mediocrity as circumstances dictate or simply for a lack of ability to succeed she is the opposite for those who can but do not.
Kyoko seeks knowledge at all cost, especially that which is forbidden, not only to save her sister but also to ensure that the power of eld is never lost and never abused. She will have multiple agendas at any given point, and she will betray and backstab all who get in her way, but she sees these things as small prices to pay for the greater good that she can bring to the world with the knowledge and power that she accrues. It is often said that those who do evil things do not believe that they are evil - Kyoko is no exception to this, and genuinely believes that she is the best person to wield forgotten powers in order to preserve them and protect the greater good. While Kyoko may not agree on the definition of "greater good" with many individuals, she is a fundamentally good person at heart who legitimately believes that the end justifies the means, and she is willing to pay the price that most are not to further herself and keep the world safe. 
The Hyakune clan have, for ages, been the stewards not of a single style, but of many. In fact, their name, Hyakune [çŸæ ¹; One Hundred Roots], was made in homage of the core principle of the clan - Each member would be unique, each would take one of the many roots available to it and grow outwards, away from any of its brethren, but still connected at their very core. Before the clan were even introduced to the concept of Ninjutsu, or chakra at all, they trained themselves in as many arts as they knew how, each member of the clan becoming an authority on their chosen style. This left the clan in an odd state of simultaneous weakness and strength; while the clan members were too focused as individuals to cover their glaring weaknesses, when the clan moved as a cohesive group they were nigh unstoppable simply because they, together, knew so much more than any other clan when it came to the scope of technique. Such was the way of the clan, as its founder SÅgyÅ-sha had dictated.
SÅgyÅ-sha had believed - firmly - that weakness should be purged from his sons and daughters at as young an age as was possible, and in his wisdom (and cruelty) he developed a system for which the clan would be raised by, and a system for which the clan would be governed. By nurturing the child's journey from childhood to adulthood with the intention of purging them of weakness, and then foisting them directly into a position of power beyond the scope of their experience, he brought much heartbreak and suffering into the world, and not all of his children survived the rigorous training... But those who did emerged as stronger beings than their lesser brethren, leading the Hyakune clan to heights that others could only dare to reach out to. Children were raised as if in a collectivist society, in which they would all grow up together with no separate households, but largely without the traditional maternal and paternal influence that was expected of such a society. Instead, the mothers and the fathers of the children would train them in the various arts that they had found themselves attracted to, and children would practice everything they could until they found something they had an affinity for - or better - made a new style of their own. To make a new style of one's own was considered to be a sign of future greatness, and such children were lifted from the terrible conditions in which they lived before into greatness, to nurture their talents and to ensure that the Hyakune would always expand, and always grow.
The children, once they reached the age of eight, would quickly become devoid of typical maternal and paternal influences, and were also deprived of guaranteed resources. There was plenty of food in the clan compound's pantries, but the children were forbidden to simply walk in and take what they wanted. The children had to steal, without being caught, and would eat only what they could earn - those who learned to adapt to their harsh conditions were empowered, but some children died from starvation. Pity was not something bred into the members of the clan, after all. The children of the Hyakune believed in one core mantra throughout their childhood, one truth that empowered them: "The crime is not in taking whatever actions you must, but in being caught doing so.". After training for 14 hours a day, every day, for 6 years, the children that had not found their unique talents in the clan were resigned simply to follow what was established and had appealed to them most. They were not disrespected, per se, but they were rank and file. They were unimportant.
Those who forged a new path, who contributed to the growth of the clan, were thrust into positions of power that they had no experience in - they were made an elder of the clan. The clan's "legal" system, as it were, involved a circle of elders who had marked themselves as great individuals that made requests and then voted on their implementation, not unlike the jury at a court. The eldest male and eldest female were collectively the judge of the clan, and had ultimate power should such a need arise. Life on the Council of Elders was a tough one, as every action and non-action had consequences that the rest of the clan would have to face. The once-children who had been born for greatness had power beyond their stations forced onto them, and they either learned quickly or were killed by people who loathed their inability to take action (or their tendency to take the incorrect action.)
Children who survived all of this, who survived every trial put before them, would emerge as the pinnacle of the human world, they would emerge capable leaders with immense, and unique, fighting skills that would put them far above mere mortals, and they could do anything in the world that they so chose... Until the dawn of the Rikudo Sennin. The advent of Ninjutsu, and of Kekkei Genkai, changed the Hyakune clan immensely, for the secrets of their blood were unlocked, and its members found even more avenues to specialise into. With other ninjas rising, and clans coming to fruition, the Hyakune clan were forced to train even more than usual in order to keep up with the flood of Ninjutsu that echoed throughout the world. They belonged to no major village, but their services were offered freely to all as mercenaries, and it is said that each Kage of each village has called upon at least one member of the Hyakune clan in their time of need once. Whether or not such is true is a point of contention, but one thing was certain: The Hyakune clan were walking on thin ice, and in order to persevere, they would have to become the best at an art in which they had no particular advantage.
That was, until, the Hyakune clan realised the extent of their bloodline. Unlike most clans, the Hyakune's bloodline was not singular, it was not one static ability that each of its members possessed. Even their blood, it seemed, followed the clan's founder's vision. Their bloodline, the TÅsei no Eien [Eternal Control], manifested itself as an exceptional level of control over the user's chakra, which often manifested in the form of an aura around the user, an extension of their chakra systems outside of their body. Each member expressed it differently, due to their own personal DNA affecting the bloodline (as the TÅsei no Eien was not on a single chromosome - how the other chromosomes were formed had differing effects on the actual expression of the bloodline, but due to the relative positions of the genes (which remained constant) the bloodline kept its basis). Unfortunately, this meant that each member had to learn their bloodline alone, with no aid from members who expressed a similar bloodline, and the Hyakune's attention was divided as its members struggled to subjugate their new power, as well as practice in the arts of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. The clan was already markedly proficient at Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, but in a world where Ninjutsu existed, such was not enough to succeed.
Time passed, and as the Rikudo Sennin died and his legacy was divided, the Hyakune took their training further, as a new generation had had time to be born with Jutsu and their Kekkei Genkai. This new generation was quick to subjugate the power that flowed through them, and the Hyakune clan was raised once more to among the top clans of the ninja world. They tentatively allied themselves with Konohagakure, building a new compound there for their older members, and became productive members of the village, providing it with protection in its times of need, and able workers who were much more efficient than the peons that they would have used otherwise. Their assistance came at a steep cost: The Hyakune would be above the law of the village, preferring to keep to their own council of elders, and these terms were agreed to. The newer members of the Hyakune clan remained at their old compound, around 15 miles from Konohagakure, training as they always had for the dawn of a war that nobody could see coming.
Hyakune, Kyoko began her life unlike many of the Hyakune. Most come into this world alone, brave it alone, and die alone with naught but scribbles in books and fleeting memories to acknowledge that they had ever existed in the first place - but Kyoko came into this world with another, with her twin sister Kagami, and the bond of birth was strong enough to overcome the crippling loneliness instilled in most members of the Hyakune to condition them towards a life of combat and treachery. Until the age of eight, many members of the Hyakune live a life good by many standards - they are loved and nurtured by their parents, fed well, and build strong relationships with one another.
At the age of eight, this changes, and the fledgling Hyakune are ripped from the world they know to undergo training to become a member of the Hyakune proper. Most siblings cease thinking of one another as intimately familial, instead considering them to be simply another clan member, but Kyoko and Kagami could not be separated despite the best efforts of their trainers. Such corner cases were rare in the Hyakune, and the Elders decreed that breaking the bond was significantly more difficult than strengthening it in service to the clan. Kyoko's talents lay within her fantastic mind, her ability to manipulate the knowledge she gleaned far beyond most of her lesser brethren (and even more so than some of the Elders, even at a young age) - but she could not work chakra in the same way that the other Hyakune could. Kagami's talents were precisely the opposite of Kyoko's, her talent for manipulating her aura and chakra as a whole was far beyond anything her cousins could have ever hoped to achieve.
Normally, Kyoko's lack of prowess in the field of Ninjutsu would have sentenced her to domesticity or death - but Kagami took her place in many of the tests that required a manipulation of chakra and she was spared the wrath of the Elders for a time. As she came into her own, Kyoko realised that her ability to manipulate people was more than it seemed, and she learned that the path of Genjutsu was her destiny. It did not take Kyoko long to apply her studies of chakra control to her natural aptitude for Genjutsu, and she unlocked the true power of her Kekkei Genkai - a trait that most Hyakune did not achieve until adulthood. It was not mere coincidence that Kagami also unlocked her true power that same day.
The Elders decreed that the two would undergo a dangerous mission to prove their loyalty to the clan, and that if they returned they would be allowed to join them not as fledglings, nor as rank and file Hyakune, but as Elders. Such a prospect was treated with much suspicion by Kyoko - she wondered what precisely could possess the Elders to offer such an illustrious position to two as young as they, and what the mission they were about to undertake would entail. Kagami was all for the mission, and Kyoko could only think that her sister saw the glory and not the trap offered by the Elders - but to refuse them was certain death, so they accepted and were sent to Kusagakure to meet with an emissary that wished to trade with the clan. Kagami and Kyoko travelled to the destination and came face to face with none other than the leader of the Immortal Scions, Jikangai, Kinjiro.
Kinjiro explained that the Hyakune had offered their best and brightest to her in exchange for thrice their weight in gold - for the burgeoning clan, this would give them a considerable head start - and that Kagami and Kyoko were to be the toll that the clan paid. She explained who she was, what she did, and gave them a history of her clan and even of the conception of chakra (questions that had always burned deep within Kyoko's mind), and offered them the chance to willingly join her as equals rather than as slaves. For the first time, Kyoko and Kagami were of differing opinions. Kagami was enraged by the elders' willingness to sell the twins, and demanded that they pay due reparations for their misdeeds, whereas Kyoko believed that Kinjiro could offer a far brighter future than the Hyakune could ever have offered either of them. Kyoko was quick to point out that the clan had tried to separate them, and had only ever allowed them to be together under terms befitting the capricious nature of the Elders - that with Kinjiro, they could be free of those shackles and live as equals with more power than the Hyakune Elders could ever have known.
Kagami agreed, but beneath it all her heart longed for the vengeance and justice denied to her. The pair accepted Kinjiro's offer, and were introduced to the world of the Immortal Scions. After receiving the Gift of Immortality, the pair were set to work using their unique chakra auras to research chakra on a level that their Jikangai colleagues had been unable to beforehand. It was later revealed that Kyoko's Kekkei Genkai afforded her a natural inclination towards the potent sealing techniques of the Jikangai, and she quickly became a favourite among the group. Kagami's talents were useful, but as she had no talent for fuuinjutsu she was not nearly as prized as her sister. Kagami quickly became jealous, and sought other secrets to keep level with her sister as she always had. Years and years passed, and though Kagami grew as powerful as Kyoko did under the tutelage of the Jikangai, she was not favoured nearly so much and largely spent her time with Kinjiro, who offered training that the other Immortal Scions could not offer.
Kyoko knew little of Kagami's activities in the light of the overwhelming amount of research she conducted, and though she tried to connect with her twin, she found that Kagami slipped further and further away each day. Rangether than bring these concerns to the now-distant Kagami, Kyoko asked Kinjiro if she had any explanations for Kagami's behaviour. Kinjiro was remarkably forthcoming, telling Kyoko of the progress that she had made and the bonds that she had been able to create that her sister could not - and her sister had increasingly sought new sources of power to keep up with her as the pair had always tried to be equals. Kyoko attempted to reconcile with Kagami, only to find her missing from her quarters and from the laboratory as a whole. Kinjiro had not sent Kagami away, and both became increasingly concerned with the disappearance of by all rights an extraordinarily powerful ninja.
It was discovered, after several weeks of searching, that Kagami had breached Kinjiro's inner sanctum and stolen from her an artifact of great power - something that had been locked away for good reason. Kyoko expected Kinjiro to be furious, to excommunicate Kagami and herself both, but to her surprise the serpentine woman offered sympathy and a chance for redemption. She would help Kyoko find Kagami and return her to the path of the Immortal Scions - after all, the two were extraordinarily powerful and had fit in remarkably well despite Kyoko's higher popularity taking most of the attention. Kinjiro desired that power to be under her command, and Kyoko desired to save her sister from whatever force was consuming her.
For many years Kyoko searched, using her ability to manipulate and deceive people in order to extract information as to the whereabouts of her sister before every lead was exhausted and she turned to the last people that could possibly have known where Kagami had found herself: The Hyakune Elders. Kyoko's return was met with much mistrust, and she was granted an audience only after incapacitating every able member of the Hyakune who could have stopped her. Each Elder was offered a chance to co-operate, and each refused, before Kyoko extracted all information from their minds and left them none the wiser that she had ever visited. The Elders knew nothing of her current whereabouts, but offered the information that several of the extant Hyakune scouts had failed to report back and had likely been murdered. It was unlikely that the locals had killed them as Hyakune scouts were notably difficult to find and more difficult to kill, so Kagami's intervention (as she was the only rogue Hyakune to Kyoko and the Elder's knowledge) was the most promising lead she had, all things considered.
Some weeks later, Kyoko found herself stalking the trail of her twin sister. The scouts had been murdered in a way that suggested Kagami's distinct glass-based style and it looked like the murders were conflicted - Kagami's style had always been brutal, yes, but it was efficient and quick. Her kills were swift and painless, not the tattered mess of blood and glass and bone that Kyoko had discovered. Had Kagami gone mad? Had she snapped at whatever it was in Kinjiro's lab that she had found? Questions upon questions raced within Kyoko's mind, and the trail had been haphazard, hard to follow - it was mostly subtle memories of stolen glances, a hooded figure in the periphery, and the details were hazy. Still, it was a track to follow, and it was better than nothing.
Kyoko found Kagami weeks later, about to murder another Hyakune scout in the area. Though it was easy to distract her enough for the scout to escape, Kagami soon turned her full attention to her sister - and what Kyoko discovered unsettled her greatly. There was no look of love, of guilt, of sorrow - her eyes were empty, vacant, as if the body was simply a shell stripped of what had made it Kagami, of what had made her sister. A fight ensued, and though Kyoko was gravely injured she managed to subdue Kagami with potent sealing techniques given to her by Kinjiro. After summoning Kinjiro to the location and being healed, Kinjiro offered an explanation after confirming for herself what had happened.
Kagami had stolen a scroll that sealed an extradimensional entity called the "KyÅmen no Oni", the Mirrors' Surface Demon and taken its power into herself, which had complimented her own glass-based style of combat remarkably well. The demon wrestled with Kagami, struggling to take control of her body, and though she had largely resisted and kept her individuality for the time being, it was only a matter of time before the demon won and Kagami was lost forever. The demon could not be resealed without killing Kagami, and though Kinjiro was willing to pay the price, Kyoko could not desert her sister. She worked with Kinjiro to seal the demon deep within Kagami, to allow her to live her own life, but she was the key to that seal - for Kagami to live, she would never be able to meet Kyoko again. With the scroll returned (and thus its power free of the plague of the demon it contained) Kinjiro offered refuge to either Kagami or Kyoko - Kyoko chose to leave, to keep her sister safe, and would operate on the surface world. Though she did not fully trust Kinjiro, she had been remarkably kind to her and the time they had together was something she cherished. Kyoko left Kagami in her hands, and though she was bound by no covenant she offered her services in exchange for knowledge and power - a deal that Kinjiro was all too happy to accept.
During the wars, Kyoko spearheaded the initiative to stop the rampaging bijuu and was the primary diplomat between the nations â her considerable expertise allowed many accords and treaties to be signed and enacted to empower the foreign dignitaries and remaining Fuuinjutsu experts to seal away the bijuu. Kyoko also worked as the leader of the intelligence efforts of the villages and of the Kyuuseishu itself, which proved invaluable in tracking down the various roaming bijuu and formulating battle strategies to ensure that as few people were lost as possible â though she could not save as many as she liked and this has weighed heavily upon her ever since.
After the bijuu were sealed, Kyoko remained as the head of the organisation, being the only one in whom all of the remaining Kage had trust in to not abuse the position that she was given. Opinions of her have risen and fallen since then, but none can dispute that her reach is long and her methods effective, and she is keeping a close eye on anything possibly going awry with the fragile peace that she has helped foster within the nations.

Chakra Nature(s)ã
Kyoko has no natural affinity for a chakra nature due to being completely unable to use Ninjutsu of any variety. As a true Genjutsu prodigy, she has a strong affinity for Yin chakra.
Abilities and Special Traitsã
Kyoko is among the most proficient genjutsu users alive, easily able to put her foes under genjutsu to control and manipulate their mind. She is able to use these genjutsu in combat to err her foesâ judgement proficiently.
Kyoko has savant-level intelligence, and her IQ is easily 180+. She is one of the most powerful minds of her generation, able to process complex tactics easily as well as discern the strengths and limits of techniques she sees due to her vast knowledge of techniques as a whole. Kyoko is perceptive to the extreme, able to see things lesser people would miss and make bridges of logic to discern reasoning where none seems to exist.
Kyoko is possibly the most skilled manipulator in the world, able to use her natural charm and wit, as well as her body to coerce almost anybody into trusting her, where she is then able to bend them to her desire.
Kyoko is, after her extended training with the Jikangai, quite proficient at Taijutsu. She is easily able to stand toe-to-toe with experts and could fend off masters, though she would have extreme difficulty in combatting raw strength and superior technique. She has learned the Wing-Chun style, and with her incredible mind mastered it within the 6 years she has been practicing. The training given to all Hyakune clan members has also refined Kyokoâs taijutsu skills and her general fitness.
Kyoko is able to create Jikangai Primer Seals in order to utilise their sealing techniques, but cannot create new Jikangai-based seals.ã
Weapons, Tools and Equipmentã
Name of Weapon or Item: Kuroi Kamen [The Black Veil]
Location: On Kyokoâs head at all times.
Owner: Kyoko Hyakune su Jikangai
Rank: A
Description: The Kuroi Kamen is a black veil that is comprised of two bolts of cloth. Each of these bolts are sealed to allow no passage of chakra into them, but to allow chakra out, and are surprisingly difficult to cut through [they resist most swords easily]. In addition to this aspect of the veil, it is also a mask that covers Kyokoâs ears, mouth, nose and eyes. This mask is covered in seals that filter out any harmful substances that would enter Kyokoâs body, in addition to dampening any particularly loud sounds or sounds designed to have an adverse effect on the body.
Kyoko carries with her, at all times:
- 25 Kunai, each marked with a KyÅsei Keiyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu seal
- 100 senbon, standard size, in a canister attached to a belt on her waist on her left side. These senbon are coated in a paralytic venom of Jikangai, Kinjiroâs creation (the venom has no known antidote, but one could be synthesised by a medical ninja of sufficient prowess). The venom lasts for 24 hours and only interferes with the somatic nervous system.
- A scroll containing a KyÅsei Keiyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu that, when she places both of her hands upon it, immediately reverse summons her to her home. [Cannot be used in combat]
- A scroll containing a large volume of books with various sealing formulae and lists of techniques she has encountered in the past.
- A scroll containing several bottles of ink, several quills, and a stack of loose parchment imbued with chakra.
ãKekkei Genkaiã
TÅsei no Eien; Tenchi GensÅName of the Kekkei Genkai: TÅsei no Eien; Tenchi GensÅ [Eternal Control; Heaven and Earth Illusion]
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Augmentation and Genjutsu/FÅ«injutsu
Clan: Hyakune
Rank: A
Description: The TÅsei no Eien is a potent Kekkei Genkai that manifests differently in each of its bearers. Throughout the entire Hyakune clan, however, some effects are universal: All members of the Hyakune clan have gained an "aura" of chakra, usually spanning approximately 20 feet in radius. Their chakra system has been "extended" outside of their body, and the aura is of extremely weak chakra but the fact it exists is enough for the members of the clan. In addition to this aura, the user gains chakra control almost to the pinnacle of chakra control with training. This aura allows the user to exert their almost complete control over their chakra onto foreign [loose, not inside a body] chakra that enters it. It can be dampened to reduce its effectiveness, or it can be bolstered by the user's chakra to increase its effectiveness. The user's aura essentially makes the area in which it spans a "network" in which they may move their chakra, and thus entire jutsu, with ease, allowing them to start the jutsu at any part within the aura. Some techniques, such as genjutsu, can be forced upon victims if they are simply in range of the aura.
Tenchi GensÅThe Tenchi GensÅ is a potent evolution of the TÅsei no Eien, one which holds sway over the realm of Illusion and Seals. Through the Tenchi GensÅ, the user is easily able to lull people into genjutsu as long as they are within the chakra aura, and minor [B-Ranked or less] genjutsu can be forced onto an opponent simply by pointing at them. The true strengths of the technique lie in its subtle abilities to manipulate illusions, as well as blur the boundary in the mind that separates illusion from reality. Some genjutsu are simply too "fake" for the mind to accept as real. When this natural reservation, this natural barrier is breached, the victim of a genjutsu will believe it to be real regardless of initial apprehension. This does not make the illusions infallible, it merely removes initial apprehensions as to the genjutsu being false. Logic and reasoning can eventually overcome the breaching of the natural barrier, but this undoubtedly makes the genjutsu many more times more potent. This aspect of the Kekkei Genkai is: å° [Chi; Earth], the mortal coil.
The second aspect is 倩 [Ten; Heaven], the aspect transcending the mortal plane. With Ten, two things happen: Kyoko transcends the traditional plane in terms of genjutsu, and can no longer become subject to any genjutsu bar her own under any circumstances. Much as a two dimensional shape cannot interact with a three dimensional shape, the primitive genjutsu of the mortal coil are unable to interact with Kyoko. The second aspect of "Ten" is that she becomes able to influence genjutsu on the mortal plane, as well as her own, as long as they are within her aura. She is not able to hugely alter them, mind, she is only able to change subtle aspects and mould them to her will within their natural progression - she could, for example, choose between whichever torture methods she so chose within a genjutsu designed to torture, but could never alter a genjutsu that lulled the opponent to sleep to them burning alive.
Weakness: However, this aura comes at a steep cost: As the Kekkei Genkai manifests and the user gains their unique version, they are locked into that "version"'s jutsu style and become unable to utilise their chakra for anything outside of it. Kyoko's Tenchi GensÅ has locked her in to the fields of Genjutsu and FÅ«injutsu, and she is unable to use her chakra for any purpose outside of this bloodline, genjutsu or fuuinjutsu.
Canon Jutsuã
Kyoko is proficient in all canon genjutsu not tied to a kekkei genkai.
Custom Jutsuã
Name of Technique: Saimin Suimin [Hypnotic Sleep]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu; FÅ«injutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A potent delayed Genjutsu that will activate upon Kyoko willing it. Kyoko manifests a seal on her opponent that they cannot perceive by any means until it is brought to their attention (this can only be done through touch). At Kyokoâs command, the seal activates, and the Genjutsu begins to activate.
Targets affected by the Saimin Suimin are lulled towards a state of half-sleep, immediately separating their somatic nervous system from their control as they fall asleep over the course of thirty seconds. Unlike most Genjutsu, Saimin Suimin does not require any additional input from the user after its effects have taken hold, and the user is able to take other actions for its duration.
The Genjutsu is naturally removed after the target falls asleep, and the lingering effects of the seal prevent the target from being awoken for an hour after the genjutsu has taken hold, after which time the seal naturally dissipates. If the seal is removed prematurely, the target will wake up. Kyoko cannot attack sleeping targets with this seal.
Weakness: Something something dark side.
Name of Technique: Ome Itetsuku [Vision Freeze]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: D
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Ome Itetsuku causes the targetâs vision to become locked into the instance it was viewing as the genjutsu was used. If the target was looking at Kyoko against a white background, for example, the target would only see that single image until the genjutsu was dispelled. Ome Itetsuku can be applied if the target is looking at Kyoko from any distance, including up to an additional twenty feet outside of the TÅsei no Eien due to its simplicity.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Shūhen Kagizaki [Peripheral Tear]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: D
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The ShÅ«hen Kagizaki creates a tear in the victimâs peripheral vision, meaning that they can never truly focus on the tear due to it being in the peripheral vision, but it will always be just out of sight. The tear manifests itself as an appearance of cracked glass, and is highly disorienting â even the most adept sensor nin will not be able to glean any information from their peripheral vision.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Tsu no Hikari de Ni [By the Light of the Sun]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Tsu no Hikari de Ni causes the opponent to no longer be able to see by the light of the sun. Any light provided by the sun will become absolute dark to the victim, and they will be forced to use artificial light to be able to see through the absolute darkness.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Zenkei Ome Itetsuku [Panoramic Vision Freeze]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Much like the normal Ome Itetsuku, however, the Zenkei Ome Itetsuku causes the entire landscape around a user to be frozen in place rather than the sole image they were concentrating on at the time.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Gensoku Jikan [Slowed Time]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: Z
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The Gensoku Jikan is a peculiar genjutsu allowing Kyoko to control an opponentâs sense of time. She is quite proficient with this genjutsu, able to distort the victimâs sense of time so much that one second becomes fifteen minutes - their mind is overloaded with sensory information but the body cannot keep up, effectively slowing them to a crawl and leaving them virtually unable to act. This also causes every one second of genjutsu Kyoko, or any opponent, uses on the victim to be amplified in terms of time, making them more powerful. Kyoko and her target are both immobilised for the duration of the genjutsu unless an Eien no Inkan maintains the Gensoku Jikan. Kyoko cannot attack targets under the effect of Gensoku Jikan, except with Genjutsu and FÅ«injutsu.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Shosai no Kogeru [Burning the Libraries]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: This genjutsu, simply enough, allows the user to erase memories so long as they know the memory they wish to erase. In addition, the user may create mental blocks that prevent the user from accessing specific memories.
Memories erased by Shosai no Kogeru cannot be recovered by any means, as the memories are completely forgotten and their chemical traces removed by natural means.
Weakness: The blocks can be overcome with great concentration [not pragmatic in a battle situation].
Name of Technique: Rei Yakedo [Spirit Burn]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Rei Yakedo causes the target to feel an exceptionally intense burning pain throughout their entire chakra system (and thus entire body) whenever they expend chakra, but does not otherwise affect the opponent. If the target comes within 20 feet of Kyoko, she can instead cause the genjutsu to create the sensation of pain continuously for up to one minute. All but the most hardened of ninja will pass out from the pain caused by Rei Yakedo if it is allowed to cause pain a number of times in rapid succession. Rei Yakedo lasts for up to one minute, excluding any time in which it is activated within 20 feet of Kyoko.
Weakness: The genjutsu can only be placed once every five minutes.
Name of Technique: Hakujitsumu [Waking Dream]
Type of Jutsu: Genfuuinjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Kyoko brands her target with a seal that vanishes upon application, lying dormant deep within them until it is activated (from anywhere) by Kyoko creating a primer seal treated with the targetâs blood.
When Hakujitsumu is activated, Kyoko takes control of their body and her own body is disabled, and Kyoko is able to control them for as long as she does not enter combat. She is unable to force the target to harm themselves, to put themselves into harmâs way or to harm another. The target shows no signs of being controlled outwardly, but sensor nin can detect the activation of their chakra and the presence of the seal. Kyoko retains all information gained from using this technique through the seals linking the target and Kyoko together.
For the duration of Kyoko controlling the target, they are trapped in a genjutsu that gives them pleasant dreams, and when the technique ends they awaken with no recollection of what happened during the techniqueâs duration.
Weakness: The target is able to break free from the genjutsu and end the effect prematurely if control is taken at a moment where they are alert, removing the seal completely. Other people are able to remove the genjutsu effect from the target (and Kyoko cannot stop them as she cannot enter combat while using the technique).
Name of Technique: Ishiki Zansuru [Sensory Banish]
Type of Jutsu: Genfuuinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Kyoko manifests a complex seal on her target while simultaneously placing them under a genjutsu that completely eliminates their sense of Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, or Smell. The FÅ«injutsu is not visible to the target for as long as the Genjutsu is intact, and the Genjutsu cannot be removed by the target while the FÅ«injutsu remains intact.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: GÅmon [Torture]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A versatile technique that places its target in an isolated room with a host of torture tools. Kyoko can use these tools in any way she likes, and pain cannot remove the genjutsu from the victim by any means. The only effective way to be released from the technique is externally, but those with an incredibly high pain tolerance are able to Kai out of the technique.
Weakness: Can be resisted if the victim is particularly strong-willed, but not while Saimin Suimin is active.
Name of Technique: KyÅzÅ [Mirror Image]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A genjutsu that allows Kyoko to completely evade any sensory perception available to its target by creating a clone of Kyoko that they can track. For as long as the clone is alive within the genjutsu it will last, and the genjutsu is undetectable to the individual in question. The genjutsu can be brought to their attention by an external party, but due to its subtlety it is difficult to detect except by the most potent of sensory ninja.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: In Somnis Veritas [In Dreams There Are Truth]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: In Somnis Veritas is a powerful interrogation Genjutsu, allowing Kyoko to directly access the targetâs subconscious mind and memories with no interference from their waking mind. This prevents any resistance that is not completely automatic, and automatic resistances will be assaulted until they are broken. The only information that In Somnis Veritas cannot force a victim to reveal is information that they do not know. False information is effective against In Somnis Veritas.
Weakness: Requires the victim be asleep. The jutsu will end abruptly if the victim is forced out of sleep, and heavy mental resistances will delay the jutsuâs effectiveness - But if the target is asleep indefinitely or by unnatural means, this does not apply.
Name of Technique: Setsuri no Hametsu [Providenceâs Bane]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Touch; Eyesight; TÅsei no Eien
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Kyoko crafts a genjutsu of unparalleled intricacy based on her chosen targetâs thought processes and general tendencies. As soon as the victim is affected by Setsuri no Hametsu, events will unfold precisely at the target predicts they would. The target will act according to their plans in the genjutsu - which is visible to Kyoko - but will not move in the physical world as events unfold. As soon as Setsuri no Hametsu ends (At Kyokoâs discretion), the target has no recollection of having been within the genjutsu unless Kyoko specifically wills it. Additionally, Kyoko is also able to force the targetâs body to move according to the plan while the genjutsu is in place should she desire.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Zensekai GensÅ [Total World Illusion]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: S+
Range: Within the Tenkan no Inkan.
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The Zensekai GensÅ is Kyokoâs most powerful genjutsu, allowing her to completely and utterly take control of an opponentâs senses and mould everything they can possibly sense as she sees fit. The illusion is completely infallible, and no doujutsu or illusion removal technique can pierce it while the victim is within the boundaries of the Tenkan no Inkan. The range is, as aforementioned, within the four Tenkan no Inkan, which Kyoko must place around someone, or as a âtrapâ for them to walk into. Should the victim be released from the illusion, while they are in the four seals they are immediately returned exactly where the illusion was and will suffer no recollection of being out of it. Kyoko also controls time within this illusion, to such an extent that she may extend the illusionâs time for years. This jutsu is so finely created and maintained that Kyoko can control the entire world of each person within it, up to four people, with one for each of the Tenkan no Inkan. This genjutsu is so powerful that it fools all sapient beings regardless of âimmunityâ or extenuating circumstances. In addition, Kyoko is able to manipulate the memories and past experiences of people within the genjutsu, causing subtle lasting changes in the victim.
Weakness: Devastating chakra loss; bound to a very specific area.
Name of Technique: Eien no Inkan [Seal of Eternity]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: A
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A seal that can be imbued with immense amounts of chakra and applied as an addition to an existing seal or laid out in a circle in an area. Natural effects cannot expire while under the effect of the Eien no Inkan, as the seals will use their chakra to fuel whatever effect it is they are prolonging. Kyoko can use this seal in conjunction with a Genjutsu to prevent her opponents from releasing themselves from it, as the seal will reapply the Genjutsu should they be removed from it. Additionally, the victim of the Genjutsu will not remember having released themselves from it for as long as the Eien no Inkan persists.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Shiketsutai no Inkan [Seal of the Tourniquet]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: A
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Kyoko creates a seal that bars the passage of chakra through it under any circumstances, instead using the chakra to fuel the existence of the seal. The seal will prevent all sensory techniques reliant on chakra from sensing past them, prevent the passage of any ninjutsu or genjutsu through its bounds, and if applied to the body prevents chakra from reaching any parts cut off by it. This will cause necrosis and kill the body part off as if it were suffering from a complete lack of oxygenated blood.
The seal is a temporary construct unless inscribed in ink, and will dissipate after ten minutes unless it is placed on the body, where it will last until removed or there is no more chakra to sustain its existence.
Weakness: The seal will only last for ten minutes unless placed on the body, where it will last for up to 48 hours.
Name of Technique: Jiryoku no FÅ« [Seal of Attraction]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Kyoko has tattooed this seal onto her left palm. When she focuses her chakra into it, it glows with a faint blue colour and the next object Kyoko touches with her left hand will be attracted to the seal on her palm. It is also able to attract chakra, but not Kyokoâs chakra or chakra in another personâs body. She is able to leave an imprint of this seal on anything she touches with her left palm. The imprint will be attracted to the Sekiryoku no FÅ«.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Sekiryoku no FÅ« [Seal of Repulsion]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Kyoko has tattooed this seal onto her right palm. When she focuses her chakra into it, it glows with a faint red colour and the next object Kyoko touches with her right hand will be repelled by the seal on her right hand. It is also able to repel chakra, but not Kyokoâs chakra or the chakra in another personâs body. She is able to leave an imprint of this seal on anything she touches with her right palm. The imprint will be attracted to the Jiryoku no FÅ«.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: IdÅsÅ no FÅ« [Never Move Seal]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: B
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A complex seal that must be drawn onto a solid surface before it can be used [Takes sixty seconds to write]. Upon touching a person, the seal activates after a delay of one second and the opponentâs muscles in their somatic nervous system forcibly contract, leaving them completely unable to move. Additional applications of the seal do not work.
Weakness: Long preparation, requires them physically touch the seal, has a delay, lasts for sixty seconds. Additional applications of the seal do not work for 24 hours.
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Kami no Sakura [Verbatim Sealing: Divine Blossom]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple seal that stores another completed jutsu inside it. When activated at the userâs will, the technique is immediately released from the seal. There is a delay of approximately two seconds before the technique is released, during which the seal glows brightly.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: KyÅsei Keiyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Forced Contract Summoning Technique]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: C
Range: Potentially Infinite
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: Standard handsigns for Kuchiyose no Jutsu
Description: The KyÅsei Keiyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu is a FÅ«injutsu-based derivative of the original contracts designed to facilitate the summoning process. The seal is inherently incomplete until the addition of blood and a primer seal created by the Chigoku Inkan. The primer seal can be written and given to non-Jikangai members, but is consumed in the process. When the blood of an individual, or a primer seal created from trace chakra of an individual, meets the incomplete seal (and the userâs blood is added in the latter case) a temporary summoning contract is formed that lasts for a single summon. The user can summon the target to themselves, or themselves to the target.
The KyÅsei Keiyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu has unique limitations determined by the primer seal, restricting the use of the technique if any damage would come to individuals affected by the technique as a result of their being displaced or if they would be displaced upon arrival, resulting in the technique being guaranteed to be safe.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Saiketsu FÅ« [Blood Drawing Seal]
Type of Jutsu: FÅ«injutsu
Rank: D
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple seal that is connected to the userâs bloodstream. Activation of the seal allows for enough blood for a summoning to be performed without causing a break in the skin.
Weakness: N/A