Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Kaze
Alias: Kaze. (Pronounced Kay-z.)
Age: Mid to late twenties, or so his file said.
  • Mild Regeneration: He heals faster than most people. Broken bones heal in a day or two. The softer the tissue the faster he heals basically. Fastest he ever healed was an hour for a flesh wound.
  • Enhanced Strength: He has a good deal of strength at his disposal. He doesn't know the full measure but he can lift cars and trucks over his head.
  • Armored Body: He has thick scales and plates covering his body, making only the hardest blows actually effective. Unless someone wises up and gets under the scales.
  • Animal Sense: Thanks to the mutations and experiments some of his senses have been heightened. Namely his sense of smell and hearing roughly three times as powerful as the typical human.

  • Cleaver: A big and thick blade that he made out of steel. About five feet long, four inches wide, and an inch thick with a chipped edge.
  • Cloth: He's a tad to big for conventional clothing, so he has what amounts to a kilt wrapped around his waist. He also keeps bandages wrapped around his arms oddly enough.
  • Bracers: The only armor he wears is a pair of well polished bracers made of steel with what looks to Norse runes. The runes are completely ornamental, nothing magic or powerful.

Weaknesses: He's of a heavy reptilian nature, really cold climates will kill him after a certain amount of time. Cool climates will send him into a hibernation, leaving him vulnerable until he's in a warmer clime. He's also not widely accepted by the populace, so he is a lone wolf and not much of a team player. Relies heavily on his Armored Body so doesn't have the best pain tolerance to smaller wounds like getting stabbed.
Experience: Only experienced at hunting, blacksmithing, and crude animalistic fighting.
Alignment: Walks the line.
Personality: Honorable, loyal, angry, blunt, stubborn.

Kaze is an anomaly really, he doesn't remember who he was before the experiments. Just what was jotted down in a file that showed what he looked like, who he was, before it all. Of course it wasn't consensual, who would want to exist as a beast? It was illegal abductions and experimentation that was eventually traced by Batman. Kaze, his chosen alias, was freed by The Bat. Mostly because as bestial as he was he didn't lash out at him and just wanted to leave the place.

So he was shown to the exit and smuggled out of the city to the surrounding woodlines. It was around here that he made his home while vowing to repay Batman for freeing him from who knows what fate. But still there was a festering anger towards people in general for allowing society to produce such insane individuals such as the unknown doctor who had experimented on him.
How did you meet Batman: Was saved by Batman and introduced to his current woodland home.
Notes: Kaze stands at roughly eight feet tall. No unfortunately he doesn't have wings, much to bulky. Yes that picture is MINE, paid for by me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skinner35
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Skinner35 One-Sided Thief.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Toby Skinner.
Alias: Nuke.
Powers/Skills: Able to control kinetic energy around his body and unleash it in a variety of ways. He can center it into a punch, strong enough to level a building. Or simply use it as a flashlight in his hands. He can also unleash it into the ground in a single direction to create a shock wave. His most powerful attack is unleashing it in every direction, with a blast radius of 10 feet, roughly.
Weakness: Watching his friends be harmed, it causes him to lose control to protect them.
Equipment: Nothing to special, except for the centerpiece of his chest, which he can use as a cannon with his powers.
Alignment: Walking the line. He's a mercenary.
Personality: Unorthodox, Charismatic, Loyal, Intuitive, Protective.
Bio: He was born with his powers into a family that loved the circus. They often went to see the Flying Graysons. Once during a show, there was an attack. You know where this goes. Years later, he became a mercenary, working for money. He fights with who ever has a good cause or a good paycheck.
How did he meet Batman: He tried to break in to the Wayne Manor when he got a job to assassinate Bruce Wayne. Then, after a good fight, he learned that Wayne was the Bat. Wayne saw that he needed help, and told him that he would call Nuke when the time came.
Notes: He really likes to fight fights that he shouldn't be able to win.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Jericho, aka Mark Winston [formerly in the body of Slade Wilson, presently in the body of Richard Grayson]
Alias: Skeleton Jack
Age:Early 20's

heightened physical attributes - conditioned in gymnastics all of his life have made him near superhumanly agile, moreso than even Batman. His strength, speed, and stamina are on par with Olympic level athletes. Grayson is easily the fastest and most agile of the Bat-family.

marksmanship - skilled marksman with projectiles and guns.

hand-to-hand - trained in several styles of fighting by Bruce Wayne as well as some of the same teachers Bruce had.

tracking - while not as good as Batman, he used his skills as a detective in Bludhaven for a time on their police force.

stealth - knows how to use the shadows and misdirection to his advantage.


His fists, lockpicks and blades stashed in his boots and gloves, his helmet, as well as an old crowbar he found in the Bat-Cave.


He's just a normal guy in light body armor with heightened physicals. He can still be stabbed or shot, and is as human as anybody in this regard.

Experience: Jericho has been an active body jumper for years, but recently lost his body. Grayson had at least 8 years experience working with Batman, and another five years training with his parents the Flying Graysons.

Alignment: hero/vigilante

Personality: kind hearted, loyal, brave, calculating, stubborn

Appearance: [pic or description]


Skeleton Jack has recently been revealed as an alias of Jericho, former Teen Titan and body jumper. He first began using the alias when in the body of his father Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke. On the trail of Bane who had kidnapped his sister Rose, Jericho unknowingly accepted the task of also saving Nyssa Al Ghul from Bane from members of the League of Assassins. When Nyssa was found dead, Batman agreed to help Jericho put Slade on the other side of the US and in return Jericho jumped into the dead body of Richard Grayson before it was too late to possess the body.

Batman is now travelling outside of Gotham to find a way to bring back the other two boys he had to bury. Damian and Jason are gone, but he hasn't forgotten.

As Mark Winston, Jericho works a part time day job delivering materials, files, and paperwork for Wayne Industries in Gotham, as well as several of the company's manufacturing plants located in Industrial Park in Gotham.

How did you meet Batman: Batman had met Jericho during his days as a Teen Titan under the leadership of Nightwing.

Notes: My character's secret ID will eventually come back to haunt him. When Slade finds out about what his kid did he's gonna have some choice words for him. Once the healing powers of Jericho completely heal Grayson, when he exits the body Richard should come back to life. But who would Jericho go into next?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Kate Kane
Alias: Batwoman
Age: 30
- Advanced hand-to-hand combat. Up there (or at least close) with the likes of Batman and Deathstroke.
- Expert marksman
- Unconventionally keen mind for strategy both in a fight and outside one.

- A modified, advanced infantry armor made for maximum mobility.
- Beretta 92
- Batarangs
- Grappling gun
- Retractable combat staff.
- Small selection of one-off gadgets like: EMP, simple antidotes and a mouthpiece for diving or surviving toxic environments.

Weaknesses: Human physiology. Underneath the suit and skills she’s just as vulnerable as any one.

Experience: 11 years in the military. 7 of which she has experienced actual combat. Besides that she has mastered most kinds of martial arts.

Alignment: Hero
Personality: Haunted, serious and secluded. Cold, yet with a newfound optimism (because of Renee Montoya), she still hasn’t quite adjusted to.


Kate had always been a fighter, and there was no question she would go in her father’s footsteps and join the military, as soon as she came of age. Serving her country was the way to go. All the yelling and strict discipline made her feel right at home, yet she never lost her sense of humor. Life was good and hiding your sexuality wasn’t so bad, when your body was busy doing push-ups.

Then came war…

The first friend Kate ever lost was to a roadside bomb. In 1 second an inferno of fire changed everything, and the feeling of helplessness crept in. Lying with her friend’s blood smeared all over her, Kate realized she wasn’t enough. She had been too laid back. Resting on her talents instead of pushing her limits to the breaking point. She had hid the fact that she was a lesbian, but no more.

The following years, wars, and conflicts hardened Kate more than any man around her. Soon she yelled commands instead of taking them, as she charged into the heart of warfare. She never kept track of her medals only her spare time. Vacations meant exploring new martial arts and mastering new kinds of weaponry.
One day she got home, she noticed something: Home had changed or maybe she had changed and only now saw it all. Corruption was everywhere. All the bad in people were right out there in the gutter. Was this really the home she fought so hard to protect? The place her teammates died for? Kate didn’t know so she just kept doing the only thing she was ever good at.
Then one time, after a brutal ambush, Kate lost it. She didn’t just return fire, she went on to exterminate and burn down the entire village, the enemy forces were occupying. At least 40 men taken by the flames.
This had never been her mission. And a part of her would almost be glad, if she got court-martialed. Instead her superiors threw another medal at her. Claimed Kate was a hero.
That’s when it hit her that there was something fundamentally broken at the source. If society had shaped these old men who all praised her, then she was fighting on the wrong battlefield.
In her foolishness, she hadn’t seen that there was a man whom had already realized this fact long ago. The Batman.
A lot of things happened after that: Kate donned the name Batwoman. A run-in with an officer named Renee Montoya blossomed into a relationship. And Kate managed to do what Nightwing had failed at for 8 months: put Black Mask behind bars and in a body cast.
This is where her story begins.

How did you meet Batman: Following her return to society, Kate climbed the tallest building in Gotham: Wayne Tower. She unloaded her Beretta into the sky, and when Batman came they had a talk. The first real talk she had had in years. They decided she would make contact to a former associate of his in Bludhaven, and Batman left her with the words “If you bring war to his city, I’ll be coming for you.”

Notes: Batwoman might be the one person most likely to see that Batman is hiding something. That something has gone terribly wrong, and that this is the result of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Xane Swift

(previously Slipstream) Bolt


None. Xane’s only defining characteristic is his slacker attitude which he’s been trying to work on.

Velocity 9 - A street drug that allows the user to move at superhuman speeds and think at an accelerated rate. While not capable of allowing the user to reach the speed of light, it is capable of getting them pretty close and easily putting them a step above any normal human.
Gear - While super speed is plenty on it’s own, Xane employs some batman loaned gadgetry to increase his effectiveness in a fight. It’s nothing too fancy, a handful of standard Batarangs (which he mostly uses at close range or in melee combat since he’s not a very good aim with them yet) and some light body armour.

Addiction - Xane is addicted to Velocity 9 and the thrill he gets from traveling at superhuman speeds. As such it’s possible for him to get severe withdrawal effects from A) not having regular dosages of Velocity 9 and/or B) going slow for too long.

Two Weeks

Walking the Line

Naturally-lazy, short-fused, laid-back


Xane Swift had been a deadbeat all his life, mooching off his parents and expecting everything in the world to be given to him on a silver platter. This mentality landed him in a situation of no escape where he was being cut off from his parent’s funds and getting kicked out of college for his poor attendance and grades. As things went downhill Xane was contacted by a sect of criminals known as the Reapers who offered him a way to make quick cash by going even quicker. The Reapers supplied Xane with a suit that granted him superspeed and they told him to commit a string of robberies. Xane did his job but was eventually taken down by Batgirl in a final confrontation beneath Gotham.

Xane went to Blackgate prison without much fretting as the Reapers had told him that if he did end up going away they’d bust him out. He waited and waited for his escape team but it never came. Xane spent the rest of his time in Blackgate regretting all of his life designs up to that point and vowing that once he got out he’d turn his life around. That opportunity came when he was given an offer by none other than Batman to help him in a case that needed the fastest Gothamite alive.

:How did you meet Batman:
Xane had never met Batman prior to his incarceration but Batman learned about Xane from Spoiler who gave a mission report at the request of Batman. Batman supplied Xane with confiscated Velocity 9 that he’d managed to take from criminals during his time in Gotham and he provided him with a new suit.

At some point I’d like for Xane to ween off of V9 and get his old suit back if that would be possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nightwing95
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Nightwing95 The Augus

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