
Name: Anemone Violette Fulgur
Age: 20
Class: Knight
Race: Human
Anemone comes from a once-wealthy
generic noble family of knights. From birth she was being groomed to take over the family heiroom, a powerful weapon capable of amazing feats on a battlefield using lightning. However, when she was 14 she thought it would be pretty cool to take it out and about and give it a 'test run' despite being told many a time she wasn't ready for it.
Weeeelllll turns out she should've listened, as despite being under the impression that she was.....she really, really wasn't. Long story short? She destroyed half a city, their entire estate and funnily enough, a chunk of Demon Kings army just as they had happened to rock up to launch a surprise attack on the city and actually saved the city, though no one learned of this fact.
Her parents shouldered the blame and the prison sentence, saying it was them who had allowed the weapon to go out of control and their family's entire wealth and remaining possessions were taken away and sold to pay off their now quite substantial debt. The state never found the weapon, since Anemeone had accidentally discharged all it's energy making it a (relatively) harmless trident that she still carries around to this day. She had never learned how to charge the weapon, but has kept it around cause why not.
But with her parents now in prison, it did mean that all the remaining debt was placed on her and even it was only recently that she was able to pay it off. All because she was lucky enough to have found a diamond encrusted legendary golden crown of shielding that she had sold to the state, and she had found this while
weeding a garden-bed.
She is also quite a gluttonous person, her favourite food being of the meaty variety.
She now comes to Axel to start a new life, one away from the city that (with good reason) despises her, one away from the state tax collectors, and one where hopefully she can find a raison d'etre.
Personality: Anemone is a lazy, unmotivated person who doesn't seem to care or feel much about anything or anyone besides herself. This isn't even due to her upbringing, it's just how she has always been. She never learnt to manage money and thus has a horrible habit of splurging it all in one go, and is shown to get quite addicted to gambling which has lead to a lot of debts.
However contrary to her laziness, she is an impulsive cleanaholic and cannot stand mess with a passion. However, her version of 'mess' is where things can go very, very bad very, very quickly for anyone who allows her to help clean. Remember how she never learned to manage money? Well, it gets worse as she also seems to have no idea how currency works nor the value of items and the like. So if she thinks something is cluttering up a room? Trash.
A bookcase you don't use, which may contain several valuable books that you never read but keep there anyway? Trash.
Tea-cup you don't use that you keep for guests or for decoration? Trash.
She is also a very impulsive person, not seeming to think twice about whatever she does whether it be good or bad.
Despite all these negatives, she does actually have a few positives to her (believe it or not). Such as she is a surprisingly, amazingly, bullshit lucky person (except when it comes to gambling). If there is treasure in a dungeon, an easy bet she will find it by tripping over a rock, tumbling down a few staircases and/or ledges and landing on top of it.
Need someone to kill some pesky goblins or other such creatures? I'm sure she'll find a way to crush them all with a boulder and/or tree by zipping around and smacking face first into one by mistake.
'Lightning Quick'- A skill unique to her family in that it is passed down from generation to generation, and they are the only ones capable of teaching it. It is basically as it sounds, a skill that makes her very quick. So quick in fact, that all you see is comparable to a flash of lightning. However Anemone has very, very poor control of this skill and tends to crash. A lot.
A LOT.'Static Shock'- Anemone can produce a small amount of electricity which can be transferred into the target by physical contact or by channeling it into a small orb (or shot through something that conducts electricity). However the amount she generates is more often than not compared to that of rubbing your socks across a carpet and touching someone. More often than not, the only 'damage' she does with this is someone having a bad hair day.
'Fulgar'-Named after her family, this weapon of legendary descent was capable of destroying entire landscapes, shaping battles and just being plain old destructive. However, thanks to her it is little more than an ordinary (albeit very, very difficult to break) trident. She is reasonably skilled with it, but you can only wield a trident so well.
She does have a
ceremonial outfit she wears on special occasions and is one of her few possessions from her old life.
The armour in her image she also owns and it isn't anything special, though it is slightly better than normal armor having been bought for her by her parents (there was more, but she sold it). She also owns a few other bits and pieces like a pot, a pan, some flint, a dagger and sword and a spare pair of clothes.
She also possesses her family's skillbook, but lacks the 'skill points' required to learn a pretty much all of them.