【Full Name】
Yōseki Shinshoku
The One Woman Army

【Birth Country】
【Current Village】
Iwagakure and its people
【Shinobi Rank】
S-Rank, Kage

Coming soon! ©
Yōseki was born a noble woman in Iwagakure. The Shinshoku clan is heralded often as one of the great houses. Many people looked up to her with great ideas of what should we do, who she would become. Often times she did not disappoint.
During her academy years, Yōseki was unrivaled in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, but showed a disinterest in Genjutsu and the workings of the mind. As it were, she often times did not care for lectures on chakra nature and the ways in which one could learn them. She found herself simply boasting about her personal record when it came to training and looking forward to the next fight. However, as time went on she began to discover some affinity for Earth type techniques, which had run in her family. While her parents hoped this discovery would push Yōseki to scholarly pursuits of chakra nature, it actually had the inverse effect. She accepted that Earth was the charka nature she was born with it and refused to look back from there.
Yōseki’s time as a Genin was rather one-note. That note was simply, ‘does not work well with others’. While her Ninjutsu was rapidly advancing as she had gained the usage of many B and even A ranking techniques, she would rather fight outnumbered and alone than with her teammates. This was her teacher’s first priority. To take away the thoughts of I’m better off alone, and replace them with a confident leader. Somehow, he actually succeeded at this. During her time as a Genin Yōseki found true pleasure in utilizing her comrades to their greatest ability.
To say that her Chunin exams were a bit of a stacked year is an understatement. One woman, as fate would have it that she often times found herself wishing she could fight would be an Uchiha. While they briefly clashed during the initial free for all, they quickly ended up forming an alliance instead of fighting. This fell in line well with the criteria of the exam and they would both go on to succeed in the individual stages.
Past the Chunin exam, her original team went on a mission with their Jonin leader that ended fairly sour. Only Yōseki managed to escape with her life due to sheer luck of the draw as being the one who was bringing up the rear during the moment of ambush. After escaping with her life, Yōseki entered a five year long self-induced exile. During this time she trained, almost non-stop, in order to overcome her fears related to the deaths of her comrades and the anxiety and guilt in relationship to that.
When she returned from this exile, she immediately claimed the title of Tsuchikage. She challenged the current Tsuchikage to a duel, and handedly defeated her in a single move.
Yōseki would impose order upon Iwagakure and develop proper defenses for the country. Creating canyons where there were once open valleys for entrance to the country. Large cliff sides on the ocean borders and even making the capital on the summit of a mountain range. She did all of this through her Earth Release, for the most part keeping her Kekkei Genkai and mastery of it a secret.

【Chakra Nature(s)】
Earth, Yang
【Abilities and Special Traits】
Only talent in Genjutsu is in basic defenses and forms of resistance.
Incredibly vast chakra pool.
Masterful chakra control.
Very traditional Taijutsu abilities combined with KG.
Deadly efficient when out-numbered.
Amazing level of personal fitness.
Very limited knowledge of elemental Jutsu outside of Earth.

Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
50x Kunai
400m Chakra Thread
10x Shuriken

【Kekkei Genkai】
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Jūryokuton (Gravity Release) 重力
Clan: Shinshoku
Description: The Shinshoku clan have for years past perfected the technique of Gravity Release. It is a technique only passed down from the clan’s members. The Shinshoku clan use this chakra nature to embolden their Earth Release techniques and create completely separate Jutsu. Shinshoku clan members are especially known for their great physical strength and durability, though, this is in nature due to this Kekkei Genkai and the unique opportunities it allows one for training under extreme conditions, among other things. The primary functions of the Kekkei Genkai are attraction, repulsion and the creation of gravity wells and beacons of gravity.
【Canon Jutsu】
Shōsen Jutsu
Chakra Enhanced Strength
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
Doton: Doryū Jōheki (Earth Style Rampart)
Doton: Doryū Taiga (Earth Flow River)
Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Dragon Bullet)
Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Style Wall)
Doton: Iwayado Kuzushi (Rock Lodging Destruction)
Doton: Yomi Numa (Swamp of the Underworld)
Doton: Kengan no Jutsu (First Rock Technique)
Doton: Gōremu no Jutsu (Golem Technique)
Doton: Chidōkaku (Moving Earth Core)
Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu (Added-Weight Rock Technique)
Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu (Light-Weight Rock Technique)
Doton: Chōkajūgan no Jutsu (Ultra-Added-Weight Rock Technique)
Doton: Chōkeijūgan no Jutsu (Ultralight-Weight Rock Technique
Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Doton: Hinansho (Rock Shelter)
Doton: Retsudo Tenshō (Tearing Earth Turning Palm)
Doton: Taberu Tsuchi (Devouring Earth)
Doton: Domu (Earth Spear)
Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu
Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu (Rock Clone Technique)
Doton: Renga no Jutsu (Practice Brick Technique)
Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)*
Banshō Ten'in (Universal Pull)*
Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push)*
* = Not used with the Rinnegan. Achieved by using Yōseki’s Kekkei Genkai.
【Summon 】
Name: Ginga 銀河
Description: Ginga is a small cat that looks as if it is made up of space itself. It has no facial features and its fur feels warm to the touch, almost as if it was vibrating as well. It has two ‘modes’ as it were. One in which it is a normal cat for all intents and purposes, other than the fact that it can speak aloud. This is its typical domestic form. Its second form is the only technique in which it has. It becomes completely intangible, able to pass through anything at all. However it also loses its ability to speak and create sound. It does this by, essentially, becoming pure Chakra. As she is a being of pure chakra, she can regenerate any lost limbs and the only true way to kill her is to somehow absorb the chakra that composes her being. Yōseki typically doesn’t need to summon Ginga as it is summoned at almost all times. If you cannot see her, one may ask where she is.

Abilities With the ability to become intangible, she is a fantastic spy. She can sit within a wall with none the wiser. However, she is pure chakra at this point and as such many could see her much in the way that a Dojutsu user would scan the room for any seals. That being said, should she only become intangible after the scan has occurred, many sensors would miss the cat.
【Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Jūryokuton: Tenrai Sonzai重力: 天来存在 (Gravity Release: Divine Presence)
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: 15m
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: Yōseki releases her Chakra and allows it to cover an area. By utilizing her Chakra Nature she can increase the gravity in the surrounding area making movement and chakra control more difficult. With Yōseki’s usage of her own Jutsu and her constant training under this technique, she has grown to be fully capable of resisting it herself. She can exert up to two hundred pounds of pressure fairly easily, however she cannot move much or there will be much less force exerted on any given target.
Weakness: This is a generally defensive technique and does require her to remain somewhat stationary, not completely, but she won’t be on the move in this case.
Name of Technique: ] Jūryokuton: Kasokuteikō重力: 加速抵抗 (Gravity Release: Accelerated Resistance)
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai, Ninjutsu
Rank: S+
Range: Proportional to amount of Chakra utilized in the creation of the seal. Min: 10m, Max 1000m
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: This Jutsu is performed by Yōseki imbuing something with her Chakra. Upon imbuing something with her chakra she is able to essentially create a focal point of gravity. This focal point can then project a gravitational field after Yōseki performs either the Ox handseal or the Tiger handseal. The Ox handseal with cause the gravitational field to strongly attract anything around it pulling projectiles, people, and with a great deal of concentration even the surrounding or Jutsu into it. The Tiger handseal does the exact opposite, pushing projectiles and generally objects away from the imbued object. These two different forms can have catastrophic effects as the strength of these gravitational pushes or pulls completely rely on the amount of chakra imbued. Should Yōseki imbue 80% of her already incredibly large Chakra pool she could create a gravitational force that could devastate a small country.
Weakness: This technique needs to be applied before activation.
Name of Technique: Jūryokuton: Kogarashi重力: 木枯らし (Gravity Release: Cold Wind)
Type of Jutsu: Nintaijutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: A-S
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: This technique is a simple addition of Taijutsu in accordance with Doton: Chōkajūgan no Jutsu. Simply blocking a punch will allow her to activate the technique. If she is punched she can increase the weight of the arm by one and a half times for every second and a half of contact. Typically resulting in it being sluggish and/or heavier after the initial one and a half seconds. But as time passes it can very quickly become completely fatal.
Weakness: Above.
Name of Technique: Jūryokuton: Shoganai 重力: 書がない (Gravity Release: It Can’t Be Helped)
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai, Ninjutsu
Rank: A-S
Range: 5-15 M radius. User at center.
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: By essentially ‘venting’ chakra from her chakra nodes Yōseki is capable of causing objects to orbit her person. This is done by defining herself, or another object as a gravity well through the use of her Chakra. If using herself for this, she is quite capable of using this technique while performing other feats as it is not too difficult to simply exert more chakra. However, when causing someone or something else to become the focal point for a gravity well it becomes more difficult. To create a gravity well around someone else she can do one of two things. The first is that with five seconds of sustained contact she can set enough chakra that she can make that person the center of that gravity well, whether they move or not. However, if contact cannot be retained she can create the gravity well, however it can be escaped by others. She can also define the shape of the well along with the radius as she expels more chakra from certain nodes rather than others. Finally, she is also able to throw any objects she has orbiting her in any direction. Yōseki fairly simply does this by projecting her chakra along the path these objects will take. These objects could be anything from Kunai Yōseki herself places within her orbit, to a fireball Jutsu, even a small building, of course the heavier the objects Yōseki is attempting to pick up in her orbit the more chakra she must exude.
Weakness: Above.
Name of Technique: Jūryokuton: Shōdo 重力: :焦土 (Scorched Earth)
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai, Bukijutsu
Rank: S
Range: 5-10M
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: Attaching a kunai and chakra string is all the preparation required for this technique. There are many ways to activate the technique but by channeling chakra through the string Yōseki will increase the gravitational pull of the kunai towards the ground while also adding weight to the kunai. Before this happens, however, Yōseki will want the kunai to be approximately twenty metres in the air for maximum effect. This will cause the kunai to plummet to the earth with the force of a mortar as the small point of the kunai and the fact that Yōseki can cause it to fall at terminal velocity. Due to the nature of this ability as a Jutsu, terminal velocity is achieved almost instantly upon activating this technique. Thusly, it will only take approximately a tenth of a second for the kunai to hit the ground. Meaning the dodging period is not after the technique has been activated, but during its setup. Since Yōseki can in fact control gravity and thusly can increase the gravitational pull towards the ground by about ten times, she is able to cause an impact approximately eight times stronger than an explosion from a grenade. After this initial impact obviously creating various sources of debris and shrapnel. She will then channel through the chakra string in order to create a massive push emanating from the kunai itself causing all of this created shrapnel to fly in all directions. This means, of course, that Yōseki must be aware of any shrapnel headed in her direction.
Weakness: Read carefully.
Name of Technique: Jūryokuton: Haka no Heiwa重力: 墓の平和 (Gravity Release: Peace of the Grave)
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai, Bukijutsu
Rank: S
Range: 5-10M per Kunai
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: In practice, the technique is the same as the above technique, only a greater scale. This technique cannot be set up during combat, as it is far too complicated to utilize under pressure due to the sheer number of moving balls. However, when set up properly twenty kunai all spaced out by about ten to twenty metres apart will all be connected by chakra thread. Activating the technique the same fashion as before this will accomplish the same general effect. But instead on a scale twenty times larger than before. This technique can easily wipe out a small army given the spacing. This technique would take roughly fifteen to twenty seconds to setup per kunai used if she were to set them up all manually by herself.
Weakness: Same as above, now with longer cooldowns.
Name of Technique: Jūryokuton: Amanogawa 重力: 天の川 (Gravity Release: Milky Way)
Type of Jutsu: Shuriken Jutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Ninjutsu
Rank: A-S
Range: Far
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: Yōseki channels Shoganai into a kunai to create a gravity well around it. Afterwards she will throw the kunai with one shuriken. Firstly, by manipulating the shape and intensity of the gravity well Yōseki can cause the kunai to effectively fly at her command with the shuriken orbiting around it. While this would be a strong technique in and of itself, Yōseki also combines it with Shuriken Kage Bushin no Jutsu. This clones the shuriken a thousand times as it orbits the kunai. This creates a veritable storm of steel that will rain in a direction of Yōseki’s choosing. Of course some shuriken will begin to orbit in an improper direction and collide with others. However, due to gravity having a preferred direction of orbit, the outliers are eventually eliminated and all the shuriken will orbit in one direction. This technique does require quite a bit of space to properly function and a fair amount of control on Yōseki’s behalf. Simply controlling the gravity well and utilizing Shuriken Kage Bushin No Jutsu is incredibly difficult and as such she does need focus.
Weakness: Read carefully.
Name of Technique: Jūryokuton: Tsuki Tsuchi 重力: 月土 (Lunar Soil)
Type of Jutsu: Shuriken Jutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: 40M
Nature Type: Jūryokuton
Description: Yōseki first softens the soil beneath her as if she was going to farm crops. She does this by infusing the soil with her own chakra. Afterwards utilizing her unique form of Doton: Chōkajūgan no Jutsu with her gravity-based Chakra she lowers the effect of the gravity in the area by creating something of a seal between the Earth and anything above it. Thusly, it will be like walking on the moon. This can cause a variety of different effects, but the most important is the uneasiness of feeling like you weigh less and thusly the dangers that coincide with that.
Weakness: Read carefully.