Hector Sea
Hector stepped out into the parking lot and located his car, fumbling around with the keys and unlocking the door. Hector entered the car and located the ignition, and pressed the key first the wrong way and then the right way into it. This would be his first time driving a car, but he had ridden in one before and was given lessons in how to drive courtesy of the Camarilla. Hector enjoyed the new technology of the ages, but he needed some time to get acclimated. He put his feet on the gas pedal and the car exploded forward, Hector slammed on the brakes and went slower on the gas next time. He worked his way out of the parking lot and headed out into the road.
Hector remembered the man with no mouth, and that he was being targeted by the cult. Hector drove out back to the warehouse, and went to were the man was being held. He activated his Auspex while touching some of his blood on the floor, and saw a vision of a scarfed man sitting in a church. Hector knew where he was how to find him. He headed out back to his car, but saw something strange on his way there.
There was a woman with scales, horns, a tail and wings overlapping a normal looking figure. Hector found this to be bizarre, this was a supernatural he had never occurred in his 600 years of life. He approached, cautiously, and said:
"Excuse me, but what are you?"