Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 43 min ago

After Midnight Intentions

♤ Darius M Cain ♤, & ☽Masha

Day 3~ Sometime Around 4 am
Darius' Manor within Ominar

After they had made it to her hotel room again, and had cleaned themselves up, she offered Nikki her bed to have to herself. She knew that she was unlikely to sleep more just then and there was no point in her laying down when there were things to be done. As much as snuggling with her would be nice, it just wasn't going to happen then. Her brain was just too full of what if’s and what she needed to do now. And just how much she felt like telling Darius just then.

“Shit,” she sighed, flopping down on the pillows she’d dragged out onto the little balcony that she had, settling down on her back to look up at the starry sky, running a finger along the spin of her new little companion who was curled up next to her. “This was suppose to be easy, not this clusterfuck.”

Pulling her phone out of her sweater pocket, she rolled over to her uninjured side to send out the message she was not at all excited to do. “Well since the cat is out of the bag, we should probably be a bit less subtle in my take over. I think tomorrow, I should just go in and let him know his time is up. Though I’m loath to admit it, I’m going to need your backup to do so.” And she really was loath to admit that she couldn’t do this fully on her own. She knew she could run this place, but she hadn’t wanted to rely so much, especially so quickly, on Darius and his manpower.

Her phone beeped as another text, not long after it was sent, popped up on her screen from Darius,‘Are you completely confident in that assumption? Snap judgements are ill advised so detail the situation to me.’

She had of course not meant to sound so unprofessional in that. But she was tired, sore, and a little hangover feeling. “And I have just the thing for most of that,” she murmured, sitting up and grabbed at her little bag full of her favorite past time. And once it was in her system, she did something that wasn’t the wisest of ideas and texted him again. “Maybe I can come by and we can talk about things.

There was a long pause for several moments before another text popped up,‘Very well. I’m wide awake and my schedule is currently open. How long?’

It took her a few moments after that for her to even hear that her phone had made noise. She blinked a little as she looked over the new message from Darius. “How long till I'm there? I'm awake now and don't have anything else to do. I can be there in probably an hour. ” She of course didn't think that the sleeping Nikki would mind if she left.

‘Suitable for me.’ Came the answer, his thumb pad brushed the send button after he typed the message up. Darius found it much easier to speak in person than through the more common communication means of phone and video. The interaction often felt… less satisfactory for his methods since there was much that could be hidden or unable to be gleaned from such an interaction. The Fox closed his eyes a moment before he leaned his head back, braced against the door of Aeris’ room, then slowly began to haul himself upright. He need to make himself presentable soon.

When her phone lit up again she smiled as she read the message. Maybe this wasn't as terrible of an idea as she thought it had been after she'd already sent the text. “Excellent, be there shortly. ” Taking a few more moments she called herself up a taxi before getting up to get dressed in something a little more presentable than the baggy sweater and shorts she had dressed in after her shower. She stood looking at her pile of clothes before deciding on a nice dress that wasn't quite business, but wasn't specifically casual either. She held the grey striped and floral dress up in front of her, looking in the mirror first, and then down at the little feline at her side who was just watching and flicking it's tail. “Yeah?” she asked with a tilt of her head. “Do you think the boss man will like it?”

There was a hoarse sounding meow from the cat before it wandered away to curl up on the foot of the bed with Nikki. “I'll take that as a yes,” she smirked, rolling her eyes and changing her outfit before writing a note to leave for her sleeping partner so she knew where she'd gone. Or more accurately that she had. Without much more than grabbing her phone and other things from the porch before heading out.

~~| Darius’ Home|~~

Darius was waiting outside. His back against the door frame and golden eyes drifted through the early morning, slightly glowing in the darkness. An unreadable expression (for a fox that is) was plastered upon his face alongside the darkened bags under his eyes. In his right paw was a cigarette the tip a fading red at the end before he inhaled and quickly brought it to a cherry color, then flicked it into the nearby grass.

He wore a simple shirt, suspenders, and a pair of trousers, their fashion clearly not from this era and one most youths would consider out of date with the times. He decided against any over coat or covering since it wasn’t very cold outside and this was only a semi-formal meeting within his home. Through his outside anatomy seemed unsuited for inhaling the smoke, many would find his Licentia didn’t follow the scientific rules and seemed to say the ‘hell with it’. Besides the day had been stressful enough to drive him into old habits for relaxation.

Upon seeing his company arrive, his forefinger pulled the cigarette from his snout then flicked it into the semi wet grass. He then began to pad up the straight sidewalk to greet her halfway.

Through he was trying to remain business like, his eyes couldn’t help wandering along her shapely curves and surprisingly casual attire compared to the last time he met her. Without the pain in his shoulder area, he could easily admire her beauty undistracted. Naturally his Kitsune nature couldn’t deny she was fine looking even by his high standards.

Clearing his throat, he focused on the matter at hand, “Shall we head inside and we can discuss your situation in more private settings.”

With that, he raised an arm and offered it to her as he aimed to lead her into the house. Despite his weary mind he still aimed to retain the polite and firm allure of a gentleman while he lead her in.

She padded up to him after paying her driver, shouldering her bag and looking him over, rather blatantly, with an approving smirk. “That sounds wonderful,” she murmured, taking his arm and letting him walk her into his house. She was sure, despite the low buzz of her high that she didn't look even remotely intoxicated.

Casually he opened his door then guided Masha in, his eyes drifted down for a moment before he followed her back in. Darius found his boundaries had loosen due to his mental stress and for once, allowed them within reason. He seriously doubted anything would come from their conversation or that Masha was even remotely interested in entertaining what most considered bestiality in nearly every sense of the word. Ignoring his mental disappointment, the Fox moved past Masha toward the liquor cabinet then paused to ask her a question.

“What would you like? I believe you were disappointed with my last attempt to be polite if I read you correctly then.”

Masha smirked as she settled herself down on the couch without invite. “It wasn't so much disappointment as it was desire for something else,” she murmured, flicking a strand of black hair back over her shoulder. “I'm partial to vodka, but I'll drink pretty much anything.”

“That doesn’t exactly help my search. I have numerous vodka, from strong Polish to more manageable Devil Springs,” Darius admitted as he began to shift through the numerous bottles, each one the same murky white iconic to Vodka. He managed to grip two glasses, hinting he was about to join her in her indulgement, “It mainly depends on high risk you feel like being and your tolerance of course.”

His head turned to spy Masha’s reply over his right shoulder.

She shrugged a little bit. “I can handle quite a lot,” she smiled, thinking for a moment before naming off some upper price brand that she was sure he probably had.

“Kors Vodka, umm? I’ve not had that for a while,” Darius commented then brought down the odd shaped bottle before he up cap the top then poured the semi-crystal clear liquid into each lower tumbler, “Would you like ‘rocks’ in yours?”

“Please,” she nodded, watching him closely now. He was such an odd man, so much of this time, but so much not. Which she felt was rather her as well, but he had actually lived those times, she had not.

Carefully Darius used the ice tongs to clasp several cubes, all kept cold by a portable chill bowl, then replace the lid back on top. A soft, old time tune played in the background sang by Bessie Smith. It was among his favorites from his past as he gripped both glass edges and the Vodka bottle, his figure turned to move to the couch.

“Give me a moment to turn the record off and we’ll start that conversation,” the Fox stated as he set the two glasses and the bottle on the side table.

She shook her head gently and smile. “No, you can leave it on if you like. I like it.” She patted the seat next to her on the couch, her smile shifting a little bit towards the sly side, but still remained mostly casual. “Just join me.”

Darius paused in his stance, his eyes studying Masha a moment, then accepted her statement as earnest. He casually turned and took his drink before he settled into the seat beside her. His weight settled in when he took a sip to savor the effect of the shock, the tasteless save for the slowly melting ice. The spirit smoothly went down his throat and into his stomach, his voice breaking the silence that had collected, “Now it’s down to business. What happened?”

His golden eyes drifted to her expecting an answer to his question. There was a subtle impression that he knew the details, more than he was letting on, but he clearly wanted to hear it directly from her.

Masha took her glass as well and waited for him to be settled in. When he spoke she looked up again and gave him a little smile. She wasn't paying enough attention to his expression to notice the way he seemed to know more than he was letting on. “Well, I went to the club to take a look at things, got to talking to one of the bartender’s,” she stopped for a moment, trying to phrase this without it obviously showing she'd gone home with her for the sole purpose of gaining information. It hadn't been that at all. And while she in theory didn't care if Darius knew they'd slept together, it wasn't really the best time to be telling him that.

“And well, he didn't take too kindly to that and he went after her. So obviously he knows something. Because if I was a nobody to him, what would it matter if I knew?”

“A dangerous and unneeded risk to me. However, are you sure you were also a target or was he eliminating witnesses to a would be murder?” Darius asked, knowing full well Ms. Nikki Patel had a habit of running her mouth and Cortes had been considering dealing with her in a more permanent manner lately. There was a slight chance that Masha was purely a witness to the murder and placed things at risk that would sway his attention into investigating the incident. A simple home invasion wasn’t something he wasted time or resources on unless something was odd about it. Mainly because over time that would drain away funds rapid where he could use them elsewhere.

His continual and unending paranoia only assisted so much before it began to hurt after all. That was when a leash and boundaries were required.

Considering Masha’s nature, he doubted she would’ve tolerated being told what to say or do. He inhaled then explained, “Ms. Patel has been at high risk for Cortes for a long time now. She was long overdue for a permanent solution so it was only a matter of time. I assume she said something during your conversation to hint toward this?”

She took a sip of her drink, considering that for a moment before her slightly lagging brain told her that he'd not only mentioned Nikki’s name, but that Masha had been there as well. Something she hadn’t mentioned. She blinked at him, amused by the way he'd played her for some information. “You already know what happened,” she murmured, a smokey purr as she leaned in towards him. “What else do you know?”

“Considering I had Afua follow you from your home, I know quite a bit. However, I prefer to hear your thoughts on the matter because it gives me more… insight. Besides I’ve been collecting information over Cortes for some time now and it’s not hard to guess what happened exactly,” He was rather pleased she had caught onto the blunt slip of information through he was displeased she had made the assumptions in the first place. Assumptions were the bane and often cause of death among those he hired, their own self importance bring them into the cross hairs of those who barely acknowledged them to be a threat or existing. Such a way was a very poor one to play this game.

He fought the instinctive flinch when she leaned toward him, his head tilted higher and cocked at the desire to be closer in curiosity. Especially by a female. Most humans avoided his kin purely because of the reputation of tricksters and animalistic looks. Here, Masha was doing something completely different.

“What are your next moves considering what you know?” Darius asked.

She only slightly noticed the hesitation in his movement. She had never been this close to him before. They'd spent some time together, talking with her brother's and such. But never alone like this. And never this close. She'd also been much younger at the time too. He wasn't used to women being this close to him it seemed. She smiled slyly at him, trying hard now to make her brain focus on the job and not him. Because she had always had an interest in him, but she had never been able to express that before for many reasons.

“I ah…” she started, but didn't get any further than that for a moment. Laughing at herself some she kept her position, leaned in closer to him. “You didn't need to have me followed to know about what I was up to.”

Darius’ eyebrow raised, his paw set the glass down and rested it on his thigh. Personally his mental state wasn’t in the mood or condition to insist they focus on future plans. His own were currently questionable as they were, a fact he hated but could do very little to change. Still leaning back on his couch, he let her lean close as she wanted with his curiosity growing over what she thought she was doing. His muzzle crept into a wily smirk.

Casually his hand raised to press gently under her chin and tilt her head to admire the curves upon her facial features. It stirred his kitsune’s nature that she seemed to be flirting with him so easily. His heart fluttered in excitement, through held in restraint by his caution, by how far this might go. It was a pleasant distraction for him considering the day’s ill events.

“There was… alternate motives for my actions. Ones I will let you guess to as why. It was a good thing through, Afua informed me you ran into trouble,” By now his body had turned on the couch to fully face her and unintentionally give her a broad chest to rest upon.

Masha was amused by the way he so easily shifted along with her away from the business at hand to something that wasn't as important. Or at least not important to the club. She smirked up at him, her eyes fluttering for a moment at the touch of his hand on her chin. “I'm sure I could make some pretty accurate guesses,” she murmured, shifting herself so she faced him more straight on as well. “But maybe next time you can just ask if I'm busy instead…” She opted to not reply about her running into trouble, she didn't want to talk about that fight right that moment.

For once, Darius allowed her to lead the conversation. It seemed easier than literally jerking the reins back to the thing he felt was important and observing the lessons she might’ve learned during her experience. A subtle, old instinct nudged at him to let things play out as they will and test the waters of this turn of events. He inhaled calmly then spoke, “I wasn’t quite in fitting condition to properly entertain unfortunately, but I will keep that in mind for the future. The day’s rather strenuous on my patience that it’s difficult to relax and a primary reason I’m still awake.”

Masha tilted her own head a little curiously. She had sorta noted that morning that he seemed stiff, but she had figured it was nothing. His kind was known for healing. But it seemed that whatever had bothered him this morning was no longer an issue. “Well,” she said softly, not pressing about his former condition. “I have been known to help people relax. Willing to let me try?”

Darius inwardly debated on the risk and let the silence stretch for several moments. Was the terrible decision he was considering worth the aftermath? His mind thought about Mairyell and Aeris, the image of their happiness despite Szayeis’ dark shadow created a sense of envy within him. Suddenly his aura flickered causing anger to rise. To hell with it, he thought, nothing today could any worst.

“I’m surprised. Most ‘smart’ women wouldn’t trust a sly Kitsune since we’re known to be shapeshifters, tricksters and worse… what makes you brave enough to take the chance?” His golden eyes lowered to her level as his figure began to adjust, hanging on her next her words which would determine how this night would go. He subconsciously hoped she would say the right thing.

She pulled her feet up under her after putting her drink down, only being unbalanced for a moment before she steadied out. “I've spent my whole life around shady, morally ambiguous crocks. They can't shapeshift, but that only makes them worse.” She reached out a hand to place on his knee gently, her own golden eyes looking without fear at him. “So let me worry about all that…”

A genuine and rare smile crossed his black lips, “Very well, but let us find somewhere more comfortable. I have a house guest I rather not wake and it’s easier to shut out unwanted distraction behind closed doors.”

His hand reached out and gingerly touched her hand top. As his thumb stroking affectionately across the surface with a mix of soft fur and coarse pad, he waited politely for her to make the first move before he intended to lead her upstairs into the spare guest room.

“But isn't it so very thrilling to know you might be caught?” she asked with a little laugh and a wicked smile before she climbed up in his lap without any further preamble. Settling her light weight down on his legs, she ran a hand along the edge of his undershirt, the tips of her fingers catching in his soft fur. “But it is your house, so it's your choice,” she murmured, lowly, watching her fingers for a moment before looking up at him with a sly grin.

That simple and harmless action was all that was needed to get Darius’ core temperature to begin to heat. It flooded his body before the blood collected and surged lower, creating a reaction that Masha would be very familiar with. His figure leaned back with a surprised, but pleasant hiss as his eyes narrowed on her mischievous suggestion and caused his eyes to flicker in enlightenment over it. With each touch she would note the indentations of his lithe muscles. None were too thick like a body builder’s, but it was very clear he wasn’t one to not take care of himself.

Gradually, his arms relaxed along her straddling legs where his hands gently caress her thighs and teased just under the dress folds. He enjoyed the touch immensely much to his awareness. He knew these urges, but he rarely indulged and few were willing to do so with real mutual interest.

His head rose to brush hers with his words hinting to his building lust, You seem like the type of woman to desire my full, undivided attention. Something I intended to give you. Besides, the guest room could use… being broken in since it’s never been used.”

Masha hummed lowly at the feel of his hands along her thighs, the feel of it so different and yet so very similar to what she was used to. And it wasn't at all bad. And while she was mildly disappointed that he wanted to change rooms, she couldn't deny wanting all of his attention. “Well I do enjoy breaking things in,” she murmured, leaning in against him.

“So you take us there when you're ready.” Which was, she was sure, going to be rather soon. Kitsune or human, she knew the look that was in his eyes now, the coiling of his muscles under her hands and legs. “Because I'm ready now.”

“Well, you are on top of me so you give me little choice but to carry you,” Darius chuckled lightly with a bit of earnest mirth in his tone. Casually he adjusted her position, keeping her legs wrapped about his hips, as he carried her toward the stairway. Unknown to either of them, his shadow suddenly started to lengthen and stretch briefly across the wall. The shadow turned to the side and gave a crooked, malicious smile to seeming no one before it vanished abruptly from sight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Day 3 - Ominar - 07:00

As the sun eked its way across the horizon and morning broke upon Ominar, Nabriales Taeryn peeked out onto the streets from the interior of his shop and smiled. The very beginning of the day was a time of peace and calm that one rarely found elsewhere in their life, a brief moment for stillness and reflection that would soon be broken by the hustle and bustle of the day like so many raindrops dashing the surface of a still pond. Still, these things were all beautiful in their own right, Nabriales thought, and shook himself from the brief reverie to prepare his store for the day's work.

Even now, many years on, he was proud of the craftsmanship and content of what he'd built - of course, he'd never expected anything less of himself - but it was welcome that he was continually surprised by just how much joy it brought him. Though somewhat small in width, the shop was fairly long - a quirk of the building that suited him just fine - and the angle at which the sun rose caused light to filter through the various vials and philters of potions that sat across the various mahogany shelves. It was a beautiful, vibrant display of colour in scintillating waves that cascaded gently down the length of the building and culminated in the young alchemist himself, who was constantly awash with a rainbow-like aura.

The various tinctures and unguents and remedies lining the walls were just as varied as the corona of colour in which the shop bathed at first light, with potions promising love, guaranteeing truth, and ensuring death at the forefront, but gently giving way to less common potions - to ward dreams from nightmares, to remove fear, to turn one's sexuality. Further back still were vials promising yet more disquieting effects - to curse with poverty, to bless with virility, and one marked troublingly as "to stop death at any cost". Unsurprisingly, the last potion had gathered quite the layer of dust - though the swirling green and black mixture often gave off faint bursts of light to remind its creator that despite its age it had not been rendered even slightly inert.

Nabriales walked slowly down the central aisle, arms outstretched so as to just barely miss the edges of the shelving, and gave a little twirl just before he sat down at his little workshop at the end of the store. Though there were far more modern methods of brewing potions available in this day and age, Nabriales was taught with a cauldron atop a magical flame, and despite his modern sensibilities found it far too odd to use anything other than what he'd been taught - though in truth it had been so long since he'd needed to use it (with the exception of his more extravagant creations) that it was starting to gather a little dust. It took a wave of his hand to clean the thing out, and another to fill it with water and set the fire. He figured he'd break it out for old times' sake, and headed to the back room to go over his various stockpiles of ingredients he'd accrued over the decades he'd had his store set up. There was an inherent warmth and familiarity to alchemical reagents - disgusting as they may be to the uninitiated - that warmed the effeminate alchemist up inside with a heady hit of nostalgia.

He picked out several ingredients, juggling their containers in his arms somewhat as he stumbled back to the counter, before setting them down haphazardly and beginning the delicate busywork of picking out the ingredients and brewing them to extract their vis. Infatuation potions like the one he was brewing smelled differently to everyone - it all depended on what exactly their intentions were with it. He had often used a similar brew to... Persuade some of the less inclined folk that wished for his services, and his nose perceived the brew exactly as that scent - a predator after its prey, visceral and potent in that uniquely male way.

As he saw a silhouette pass by the window of his store and turn towards it, he prepared his best customer service smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Day 3 - Ominar - 07:20

The early morning light danced across deep brown locks as a small woman walked out of Ambrosia's Bakery. In one hand, she gripped a Styrofoam drink carrier, two coffees nestled inside. In the other, she clutched a small brown paper bag. Heels clicked against the sidewalk as her small legs carried her from the bakery with purpose. The ghost of a smile played on her lips, deep blue eyes sparkling as she glanced at passersby. On the surface she seemed content, happy.

If you knew her, though, you would be able to tell she was excited.

Three minutes passed before she was at a familiar shop's door. The woman glanced up, looking at the sign that hung above the door, an almost inaudible laugh escaping her lips. Victorious Secret. It really was a fitting name. The owner had made the right choice. Of course he did. After a moment, she pushed the door open with her hip and sauntered inside, the jingle of a bell and the click of heels the only sounds that followed her entrance. "Nabri!" The warm tones of her voice permeated the air as she greeted the shop owner by his nickname. "I brought your favorite!" The smile on her face widened as she set the bag on the counter, followed quickly by the drink carrier.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
Avatar of Tuujaimaa

Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Day 3 - Ominar - 07:20

"Morning Soooooph!" came the cheery, lilting reply (far too cheery for so early in the morning), which was only compounded by the smell of coffee. Nabriales hadn't actually drunk any this morning, and Sophia would be able to clearly tell in his voice that he was not quite as chipper as he normally would be had he already partaken of his favourite caffeineated beverage. Taking the cup, he swirled it gently in his hand for a second and imbued it with a tiny amount of vis, imparting it with both a delightful hazelnut flavour and a more potent energetic effect. As he took a sip, he pointed to Sophia's cup and asked:

"Any flavours you want adding, hon? Maybe a li'l pick-me-up?" He grinned, raising his eyebrows and focusing somewhat intently on her.

"Did you grab any breakfast?" he added as he placed his coffee down on the counter and turned to continue mixing his potion. The steepage was just about perfect, and with a slight swish and flick of his wrist summoned a veritable legion of empty glass vials to the side. Rather than hand-fill them as he normally would, he simply waved his hand and channeled vis into the vials to animate them to do it themselves - there were certain perks to being as inherently magically gifted as he was... Though upon thinking that, he couldn't help but think on just how gifted his sister was and how she'd surpass him likely within a few short years.

Strangely enough, he only felt a swell of pride. He never thought he'd be content to let someone else take the front seat, but looking at her now he realised that he'd rather let her take the reigns. He was perfectly happy where he was now, acting as a guide, a friend - and most importantly - as a brother. It was a touching few moments in his head before he snapped back to reality, expectantly looking for breakfast that she may or may not have brought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Morning After

h a r l e s Λ e o n
Azulia Ellison
Killian Jones

Day 3 ~ Morning (3-6 am) Evening
Charles House

Bacon sizzled on the skillet as she flipped them. Azulia, so used to getting up so early for school, was not affected when she woke up this morning around 5:45, according to what her alarm clock said. Back when her mother was still alive, she was always up early to make sure her mother ate properly after every late shift or before her morning shifts.

Azulia frowned and watched the bacon. It was slowly coming to her that she was no longer do that for her mom, that she didn't have to continue to do it, but this was her new home and she had to make sure the two men she lived with age their fill for breakfast before doing anything else.

The splash of bacon grease got onto her bare flesh making her hiss a little, and she began to remove the bacon, spreading it to two different plates neatly, one for Killian and one for Charles.

Killian strolled inside the room, an eyebrow raised high, before sitting down with the newspaper. He slowly flipped through the pages and then suddenly slammed down his hand down on the table loudly. The guy walked towards the front room and returned with a phone. He dialed some number rather quickly while walking up to the young woman.

“What did I just read in the paper Zoey?” the young man asked taking a look at the burn then mouthed for her to put her arm under cold water.

She looked at him with a raised brow before shrugging her shoulder. She continued to cook breakfast, silently as usual in the morning whenever she cooked. The bacon popped and sizzled and the aroma was filling the room quickly.

The man listened to the other woman on the line, rolling his eyes at the young teenager, and want to the sink. He grabbed a few paper towels during which he gave a scoff before clearing his voice. “Zoey let me hang up for now alright. We can make plans to meet somewhere together and go from there. Yeah I’m multitasking...hmm.” The man remarked while nodding.

He placed the towels underneath cold water. “No way you could have known Zoey. He’s good at making deals right under one’s nose. I’ll call back soon.” With that the african american hung up the phone.

“Such a mess today. Az I told you to put cold water on the burn. Not continue cooking and ignore me.” The guy commented as he placed the towels around it. “How’s ice cream sound today?”

[color=A569BD]“You sound like you are going to be busy,”[/colo] Azulia said. She seemed like she wasn't really paying attention. She looked at him as she finished plating the bacon on Killian and Charles’s plates.

“I was thinking of going to town and check it out, you know since I live here now. I better like get to know my surroundings, especially around the school that I will be going to,” she took a glass and filled it with water.

“A little bit but I also want to spoil my sister. Zoey wants to meet you too.” The young man nicked a piece of bacon off his plate with a mischievous smirk. He popped it into his mouth, nearly burning the top, before swallowing roughly.

“Hot. I think you would like Zoey much better since she’s like an older sibling. Even Charles has heard of her.”

Azulia looked at him. “Give me the time and place and I can meet her,” She said. “What have you said about me, huh, Killian?” she gave a small teasing grin as she nudged him playfully.

“Hmm...That if anything would happen to you I would kill myself. Honestly you said you wanted to know my past Az. This is the best way to.”

Azulia smiled and hugged him. “Thank you so much....for trusting me to know about your past. I never had someone trust me like that before,” She said with a smile on her lips.

“I’ll warn you Az. You won’t like what you find out. I’ve hurt people before I met Charles. Harmed them mentally and physically. In the end you’ll come to hate me for being a monster.” The man commented quietly. “ We should hurry.”

Azulia touched his cheek smiling. “You are willing to change your life around a bit meaning you aren't the monster you say you are. You hurt people yes, but was it because you wanted to or was it because you had to to survive?”

The man gripped her hands by the wrists, as if searching for an answer to some invisible question in her eyes. “Surviving and doing it out of sheer pleasure is different. Yes, in the beginning it was to live but in the end I could have stopped. Ran away from that life a lot sooner. I enjoyed inflicting pain Az. I still do.” The African American remarked tightening his grip on her. If this kept up there would be bruising on the young woman’s wrist.

“I’m good at fooling people. Hiding the real me from others and wearing a mask. One day I will return to them and one day I’ll get you killed. Just like I did with her.”

Azulia didn't wince as he gripped her wrist. She didn't really feel pain as much, it was like she was numb to the core ever since her mom died. “If you were such a monster like you said you are, I wouldn't be awake, talking to you like this, or having my wrist gripped like this,” she said

“Hurry up and eat alright? We’re taking a few of the golems.”

As if on cue, one of the golem hounds lifted his head and stared into Killian’s direction. It seemed Charles had been too exhausted to bother dissipating them since he had came home. They were looking rather light in weight since their Vis reserves were quickly reaching their last hour of ‘life’. Satisfied the targets- orders to protect Azulia and Killian were still active- were within the house, the single golem’s head lowered back down upon its paws.

Azulia gave him a quick hug. “I'm not hungry, you eat ok. I made it just for you” She smiled a little and walked away going back to her room. Sitting down on her bed, she grabbed the picture frame on her nightstand. The picture was of her and her mother on her 15th birthday.

She felt tears coming to her eyes, but made no attempt to wipe them nor did they make attempt to leave her blue eyes. Normal people would be balling their eyes out all day or feeling depressed over a death of a loved one, but she, she just felt numb to the core over it.

“Am I a monster for not grieving yet?” Sighing, she placed the picture back down and went to get changed for the day. Dressed in purple galaxy leggings and a black tank top, she brushed her soft, blonde hair until it was tangle free and the waves naturally fell over her shoulders.

Ignoring the bruising forming on her wrist from the gripping, she grabbed her black purples purse/mini backpack before leaving the room, again.

Charles laid in bed, his right arm slumped over the edge of the mattress and his left leg crossed over the full length to the other side. Right now the full soreness from the strenuous activity last night caught up with him. Upon his arm were four clear, discolored bruises where the guard had gripped him and also the slight swelling on the back of the head where he was hit by the baton. Though the helmet had protected him from the majority of the force, the impact still pushed the construct into his head and left a mark. It was that goose egg on his skull that made him stir earlier than intended.

The ache throbbed and pulsed. Drawing a disgruntled groan over his pain, Charles gingerly raised a hand to touch the tender spot. He withdrew it with a hiss. His eyes fluttered open in a sour mood over his current condition. With a frustrated grumbled, Charles began to push himself to sit upright in bed. His feet hung off the bed and bottoms touched upon the floor as he collected himself.

After a moment, he began to pull to his feet and wobbled briefly. Dragging his soles, he began to edge toward the kitchen where the scents of eggs, bacon and coffee greeted him. The aromas were drawing him closer while eliminating the hazy of sleep from his attention, waking him up gradually as he plopped down at the nearest table chair. His head leaned backwards for a moment then pulled forward and arm reached for the coffee pitcher and then his mug. He tilted it causing the brown liquid to fill the bottom before it stopped an inch from the top. The heat wafted off for several moments in order to cool as he downed a timid swallow into his mouth.

Appearing back into the room, she looked at Charles with a brief look before sitting down on another chair near by. “I hope you like it. I made it all on my own” She said with a small smile. She saw the coffee and winced a little. Her mother always went after the coffee as soon as she woke up.

“I didn't make the coffee though, I completely forgot about it” she said rubbing the back of her head, a small blush of shame brightening her natural palle cheeks.

“It took me awhile to get the hang of it too Az. One day this house will become to just your’s and Charles’ home. Granted that if more people show he’s going to need a bigger house.” The young man commented as he turned a page.

“Only when you can stand on your own two feet without being shot up,” Charles irritably at Killian’s statement of moving out. While the professor wouldn’t mind having his own home back again, he didn’t like carrying the knowledge that he had sent the man to his death or worse. It was a fact that would bother him despite how people he had lost. Pushing the morbid thoughts aside, he raised a hand then gestured for Killian to pass the paper and his food toward him.

“I’m taking Az out of ice cream today. Maybe have her help us shop or something. Granted I would like to take some of the hounds due to...something coming up. Don’t worry she’ll get to still be a kid. Zoey will be meeting us at an ice cream shop. You have my word.” He stated pushing the paper and plate to him.

Charles took another sip, letting the caffeine wash over his mind as his awareness of Azulia grew, before he addressed her, “It’s alright. Do you want to go with Killian or is there something else you rather be doing today? I’m completely free until four. I’m going to the College to check on your application and see if your records are closer to coming in so if you would like, we can tour the place together?”

He reached for a piece of bacon then bit into it gratefully, chewing it to savor the taste. After finishing the piece, he then commented on it, “First time I’ve actually eaten and liked extra crispy bacon. Very delicious, Azulia.”

“I can’t help it if you can’t cook. Besides that was one time and back then I always ate instant noodles.” The human commented in a teasing manner as he slid the professor's plate to him. “She hasn’t eaten yet though I’ll admit this portion size is a bit large for me.” He remarked before going to the cabinet.

“I can cook edible food and something better than precooked and reheated noodles,” Charles protested.

Attention turned to the paper causing the immortal to frown deeply at the article. He noted that Zeki Glaedwine had been apprehended and held for questioning over a massive jailbreak last night, no further details produced at the time to indicate the Geist’s fate. Charles suspected any future information would never happen since the Prae controlled the city and its news. His eyes tightened upon the numbers of the escaped prisoners then his heart sank.

His breath sharply took a breathe upon scanning the list of named convicts and innocences, noting the information he had studied and obtained from Mr. Glaedwine for the mission. His knuckles whitened upon the mug’s handle until it was on the verge of breaking it. Noticing this, Charles paused and removed his hand before setting it upon the table.

Azulia sat there. She wasn't as social as she usually was, though there was one time where she was extremely quiet and lost in her own mind and that moment was when she finally got to see the letter she had been aching to see since the funeral.

Azulia played on her phone, looking through music that she had, her eyes showing some emotion whenever she looked at a song title that her mother loved.

The young man glanced between the two with a raised eyebrow as he nabbed another plate. Each were doing their own thing granted that Charles didn’t seem happy at all at the fact Zeki had been caught. In a way it was kinda nice having a sense of family around him but this would only last so long. The African American walked towards the table, adding some eggs and bacon on to the plate, and slide it towards the girl.

“You need to eat to or else no going to the movies and such. And I want you to stay away from the other unstable students in your class Az.”

“I agree with Killian,” Charles spoke noting her lack of paying attention to his question. His right eyebrow arched in question for a moment as he digested his own thoughts, coming to terms what was best in this situation and how to handle it. It had been too long since he had raised his own children or even interacted with his grandchildren (even great-grandchildren) causing a spike of longing to surge within him. It faded with the realization of responsibly at having to raise Azulia now.

He set his mug, plate and paper aside before he gently placed his hand upon the phone’s screen within Azulia’s grasp. When she raised her head to ask him about his actions, he interrupted her, “Recall what I said about grief? Just let it go through its own pace. It will come in time and it will come hard. I’m a very old man, far older than I look, and I have been through exactly what you have several times in my life.”

His fingers gripped her phone then guided her hands to place it at the plate’s side while he continued, “It’s painful not feeling how you believe you should feel, but everyone reacts differently. To expect yourself to follow the expected cookie cutter mold that everyone assumes is correct, is an illusion and a harmful one. When you feel it, it will most like hit and very hard. Then all the emotions you felt you should’ve had will likely rush in and consume you, bring you down to your knees and leave you wishing it would just leave you.”

Azulia’s eyelids lowered and something flashed in her blue eyes as she listened to his words. “My mom was the only person I ever trusted but she was taken away from me. First my father” there was a hint of anger and something borderline of hate as she said the word “father”. It was something that was slowly showing within her each day after the death of her mother.

“Now my mom. My best friend, yet I cannot grief. I feel nothing for it Charles! I feel like a monster just for that! She was there for me, she raised me Regardless how hard it was to be a single mom” she stood and gripped the counter.

“I know what a true monster is, Azulia. You’re far from one as I can assure you, that is something you can trust me on. And I’ve lived long enough to be able to tell what one is,” Charles said as he let his thumb rub her hand, trying to ease her pain.

Azulia gripped his hand as some emotions were starting to hit her hard. It was not the grief she was hoping that would hit. It was mostly the realization that she was not alone. Even with her mom gone, her mother’s letter blessed her with a father figure, something she never had before in her life before. She looked at him, tears in her eyes.

She quickly pushed her chair back hard enough to make it fall back wards onto the floor as she just hugged Charles, her slim shoulders shaking from the intense emotions rushing through her veins.

Charles barely had enough time to quickly shift his posture and prevent Azulia from smacking into the chair when she embraced him. For a moment he hesitated, but not because he wasn’t sure what to do. He wanted to ensure she wouldn’t pull away from him. As she continued to hug him, his arms carefully wrapped about her and held her tightly. It was at this point he could easily see her mother in her causing a swell of pride in his chest over being blessed by Azulia.

“I’ll always be right here when you need me. I will pick you up, carry you and help you to stand on your own once more when you can’t. Remember this. Now, eat and stop worrying about the illusion of what you should feel.”

Azulia looked at him and nodded. She gave him one more tight embrace before pulling away. She finally had a smile on her lips. She sat down and began to eat. That was the first time she ever hugged a guy, but unlike women from movies who felt like they were in love whenever they were embraced, what she was feeling was something similar to when she hugged her mother. To her, Charles was her dad.

“Charles, you make an amazing father, I hope that one day you will be comfortable with me calling you dad and I hope you will be there for when my emotions finally decide to show themselves” Azulia said, just as sincere as her mother was when she thanked him for saving her.

“My own children would disagree with that sentiment,” Charles’ expression was amused for a moment, “So, about my question earlier: do you want to go with Killian and would you like to tour the college with me this afternoon at four?”

“Yes! I re....I mean, I would love too go on a tour with you” She blushed, embarrassed at her obvious excitement to see her new school. She scratched her cheek lightly.

‘And you still want to go with Killian? If not, I could find something to do with you here or we could do something you want,” Charles asked, checking to see if Azulia wasn’t just being polite and going with Killian because of him asking.

Azulia nodded. “Yes. I want to get to know Killian as much as he will allow me. He is trusting me with his past”

“Don’t let him getting away with anything and let me get you my number,” Charles rose from his seat then reached into the cabinets, his mind returned to Killian’s lack of eating, “Also, Killian… I expect those left overs to be gone by the end of the day and not in the trash or other means.”

“Charles not right now please. You know I don’t eat if I’m worried and right now I’m worried.” He said honestly. He used his hand to push the plate away.

“And avoiding eating is going to help how?” The stubborn immortal pointed out, “It doesn’t have to be right now, but at least at the end of the day try to eat please. I know you, you’ll starve yourself when you’re worrying and that helps no one when they need you.”

“Actually my phone doesn't have cell service anymore. It got shut off when my mom died” Azulia muttered. “I mainly use my phone to listen to music.” She said wincing knowing that she hadn't told Charles about that.

“That won’t do,” Charles paused then frowned, his hand held the pad and pen to write his number on. His figure turned then thought a moment before he began to walk back to his bedroom then return shortly with a small roll of a cash, savings from a canister hidden within the house somewhere, then passed it to Killian, “Can you stop by somewhere, after your errand, and get her new phone, with a sim card. I doubt the phone she has can be switched to a new service and just put about thirty pounds on it. It should last her the rest of the month.”

He held the money out for the man to take before he turned his attention to the golems, “I need to create new ones as these are nearly expired and will take a moment.”

The guy sighed as he placed the leftovers in a container. He placed them in the back of the fridge. When the roll of cash was placed inside his hand the guy raised an eyebrow. “Charles please don’t worry about her. I’ll take care of it and if worse comes to worse I’ll have to color in my tatoo later one. For now just let me enjoy spoiling my little sister.” He said giving the cash back.

“Don’t worry, you’re paying for the gas and the ice cream,” Charles pointed out then walked away without even taking it back, “However she’s my daughter now and I will pay for the phone, sim card and minutes.”

“Whatever you say old man. Whatever you say.” He remarked in a frustrated tone before looking towards Azuila with a smile. “Where to first? To Zoey or go to the movies. Oh, and if you see her swing at me don’t panic Az. It’s her way of saying she loves me.” Mainly from the scratched words the had placed on his car time and time again. Once again the professor won so the man took the money back.

Charles snorted in disagreement at Killian’s statement, “Just make sure you get ice on it this time.”

@Fallenreaper @Demonic Angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 43 min ago

✠ Emmett Matthews ✠ & ❤ Olivia Matthews ❤

Day 3~ Around 3:30 pm (end of school day)
Acadia’s Secondary School, Ominar

Emmett’s eyes idly drifted to the window. He mentally traced the grey underline of the clouds drifting lazily across the blue sky, noticing they were over ripe with rain. It seemed they were ready to burst and drench Ominar any second. That meant he would be soaked after his trip to meet dad at Olivia’s school.

“Just great,” Emmett mumbled, irritation filled his words at the weather. He regretted having left the umbrella with Olivia now.

He inhaled sharply into his nose as he leaned back into his chair back, knowing the unpleasantness he would have to endure to get his little sister. An indifferent expression was plastered on his face while he darted his attention to ticking clock. Thirty seconds to the end of the school day. It felt more like forever to the twelve year old right now. As the second hand lazily drifted from one second dash to another, more irritation rose to Emmett’s demeanor causing him to continue thrumming his pencil across the desk top impatiently.

“Emmett, could you please stop that? It is a nuisance. If you can’t be quiet, you can do sums on the board for another hour after class,” said the homeroom teacher, a plump and strict woman. Emmett pushed up into better posture as she continued to glare at him, unhappy with his slouching and lack of attention.

In her hand was a book, the material she was reading out loud to the class, held apart by a finger. A few students snickered while Emmett tried to hide his awareness and awkwardness at being caught.

“Yes, ma’am,” Emmett replied, his tone trying to be polite rather than bored.

The teacher frowned for a moment before she turned, her eyes glanced at him once more then moved back to her book. Her voice rang out over the room in a crisp tone as she pronounced each word easily. Emmett bowed his head and ran his fingers through his hair to ease his frustration. Suddenly the bell rang making him jerk in place. His head jerked up, spotting the other students beginning to file out, then began to move from his seat.

~~| Outside |~~

As predicted, rain poured down in sheets. Emmett grudgingly stood at the edge of the secondary school’s roof covering the entrance and exit. His eyes watched the heavy rain literally drown anything foolish enough to venture into it without protection. Several of his fellow classmates darted past him, their own umbrellas opened and held up to protect them. He spotted the children’s parents meet them half way as they all ushered into the waiting vehicles before they drove off.

Emmett sighed then unhooked his bag from his shoulder. He raised it over his head and firmly gripped in hands, stepped off the porch into the weather. Despite his best efforts, they were in vain. The bag failed to hold back the water back as it leaked through the thin material, soaking into his papers and books underneath. His hair plastered itself to his skull by the time the shower had ceased causing him to look like a drowned rat. Emmett grumbled his dislike under his breath, a few small curses learned from the older boys, then continued into the primary school.

Olivia was already waiting by the inside door with hands on her own bag and umbrella under her arm. She blinked and tilted her head at her brother’s image. Her eyebrow raised in question at his appearance causing Emmett to roll his eyes. His head turned to her, his hands busy shaking out his bag and clothes, while he explained.

“I walked through a brief shower before getting here. Ugh, I'm soaked.”

“Why didn’t you take the umbrella instead?”

“I didn’t think it was going to rain and I forgot, alright Olive!” Emmet’s tone snapped at his sister.

Olivia’s lips pressed into a line, both at the nickname and his aggression toward her, “Don’t you get mad at me for your stupidity.”

“Then don’t ask stupid questions, all right? Now will you give me the umbrella?”

“If you stop being a jerk, I will.”

Emmett sighed and flipped his attention to his sister, her figure stiffened into a firm stance which screamed she wasn’t going to give in easily. He huffed a little through his nostrils then inhaled to calm his temper. Yelling at her wasn’t going to get him far and he knew it, forcing himself to speak in a milder fashion.

“Can you please, pass me it?”

“Yep, here,” Olivia said as she held the folded item out for him take.

Thankfully their dad had brought a neutral color, black, which helped Emmett not feel like a sissy escorting his baby sister outside. After shaking his bag out the best he could, he reached to take the umbrella from Olivia and gestured for her to start heading out first. They stopped just within the roof’s edge when another round of rain started. It didn’t take long for a casually dressed man with long hair tied up in a loose ponytail to come strolling toward them. He was wearing a rumpled polo shirt, jeans and leather jacket over his board shoulders.

Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t hard to see this was their father Raiden.

“How was school?” He asked with a smirk, his chin filled with stubble growing into a small beard, as he approached them. His eyes narrowed on the still damp Emmett then let out a chuckle, “Got caught in the rain again, uh? Come on, the sooner you get home than sooner you can get out of those wet things and into something dry.”

“I hate the rain,” Emmett grumbled some more. Without another word, his feet instinctively pulled around to Raiden’s right side while Olivia took the left. The girl’s hand slipped into father’s hand and grip it tightly, annoying Emmett how she clinged to their dad.

After a few minutes of walking, Emmett bit his lip then broke the comfortable silence between the three.

“You have that face. Are you going out again? Hunting, I mean?”

Raiden blinked at his son. His attention drifted down and examined the boy, not sure how his son knew his intentions, before he shrugged it off. Emmett seemed able to read people with a strange gift some times causing Raiden to word his next statement carefully, “Yes. I am, but it’s nothing dangerous. Just a Banshee and I'm aiming to stop by a local shop that might have something to make it easier.”

“What’s it called?” Olivia blurted out, curious over the current topic. Her eyes darted up toward her father and seemed to expect an answer.

Raiden stroke his rough chin and debated on sharing that name, his mind ticking away. He finally gave in having no reason to actually deny the children the answer, “Victorious Secrets. Don’t-”

Emmett suddenly bursted out laughing. His arms braced against his knees as he came to a brief halt, his lungs laughing hard enough they were hurting causing Raiden to scratch the back of his head.

“Emmett, breath, you’re going to turn blue laughing that hard. Your step mom will kill me! Stop it,” Raiden asked, finding his own voice edging into amusement at his son’s inability to obey his request. After a moment or two, Emmett finally found the will to cease and resumed walking with his family.

“Does Alice know?”

“Yes, and you know the drill. You’re in charge of the house until I get back later.”

“All right. Just be careful, dad,” Emmett said as he looked at a nearby ice cream shop. The decal across the front window were cartoon stylized letters drawn to symbolize numerous cookies and ice cream favor and when read together, it spelled the name Artie’s Sweet Shoppe.

Noticing Emmett’s longing glance, Raiden sighed then stated, “You two want a treat before we head home? Just a small one because your mom will not like me spoiling your appetite.”

Next thing the man knew, his two youngsters were quickly tugging him inside before he could change his mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
Avatar of Demonic Angel

Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Azulia Ellison
Killian Jones
And Miri

Day 3 ~ Morning (10-11 am) Evening

Killian leaned against his car with his phone in hand. Once again Zoey had asked for another hour for preparation. Meaning the woman was planning something special. Which would mean one of two things. Azulia would be getting a very special welcome party or she would end up with a stomach ache. Neither being the best choice. Then again the woman did enjoy being an older sister to others.

He glanced toward the screen when the object went off. “Another 15 minutes!? Really Zoey how long do you really need?”

Noises erupted from a nearby alleyway as several trash cans, some of which were ablaze, tumbled onto the street. Next was a herd of stray cats, scrambling and mewing on top of each other as they ran. Finally, at the end of the parade of chaos, came a ragged looking orange haired man (Or something along those lines). “Give the lady some time.”, he said out of the blue

“Patience isn’t one of my strong suits though I’m grateful for the advise. You’ve just saved me from getting punch in the face again.” The young man said nodding his head. He watched the person’s movements carefully while mentally debating if spoking more would be a good idea.

“May I ask you a rather strange question?”

“Absolutely” said the Licenti

“Why are you starting fires. I’m not trying to be rude or anything mind you but it does seem a bit odd.” The guy commented casually. His features didn’t display his worry but in a way his eyes did.

“Ehh, I’m not really starting them. It’s more the uh…” His voice trailed off as he looked around “I’m gonna admit it: It was definitely me. It’s a hobby, pretty much.”

The human nodded. “I do ask that you be a bit more careful. You see I’m spending time with my little sister and I would much rather not tell her father about how she got hurt. Due to knowing the man fairly well I know that conversation won’t end well.” He paused for a moment in order to think of a peaceful solution to this problem.

“Well, again, it’s just a hobby. I’m more an activist than anything.” Miri walked over to the car and leaned against it. “Who’s this Zoe person anyways? And where’re we going?” Miri had evidently invited himself along.

Killian really wanted to throw the man away from them yet something in the back of his mind kept him from acting. Perhaps it was due to Charles’ personality rubbing off on him. “I’m sorry to tell you but we doesn’t mean that you’re coming too. I will be taking my little sister to an ice cream shop and then we’ll be going somewhere else. You will be one your own. As for who Zoey is that’s none of your concern sir.”

“Pretty sure you just said she’s your sister. And I love ice cream. C’mon, what’s the worst that could happen?” Miri grinned like an idiot. He did love ice cream.

” A lot considering that Zoey’s shop was shot up. I’m just hoping that it’s not who I think it is. As for your situation sir I don’t trust you.”

”Well, that’s awful rude. Don’t you think before you speak? You could hurt someone’s feelings. Like my own. I am damaged. Besides, we could make a deal. I have ties in the underworld. I could find out who shot up said shoppe.”

The man’s eyes shifted toward Miri. “I don’t know who you are or what you do for a living but I can tell you this. You’re not the only one that’s been in illegal dealing. If I want to find out who shot up her shop then I will take care of it. My way and if it’s who I think it is then his head will be mounted on my wall. Until then I ask that you leave this be.”

”Do you know the hoops you’re making me jump through for a ride to an ice cream shop and some conversation? Jesus, I’ll pay you if you’re that damn stubborn.”

“Next time please make your statement much clear. Ask for a ride before making a deal. Now then I do have a favor to ask as payment.”

”Lay it on me”

“There’s a gang at the edge of town. They're attempting to make a push into the drug business. Mind keeping an eye on them for me? And if they spot you tell them Killian sent you. Though I do hope you aren’t caught.”

”My man, if I wanted to I could make a phone call and shut the whole thing down. But, your idea sounds MUCH more fun. So it’s a deal.”

The guy nodded and stood from the car door. “Then you have that ride and once there you will have an answer to your question.”

Miri let himself in, and began commenting on the interior of the car. ”Fancy. I dig it.” He grinned as he began playing with the window controls.

The African american couldn’t help but chuckle.

Azulia watched the guy, not really saying anything at first. She thought of his hobby as a little strange as it wasn't as common back where she grew up in Wisconsin. The only time she saw fires was when people were burning unwanted branches and things that were allowed to be burn, with a burn permit of course, or her school having their yearly bonfire for homecoming week.

She held her old phone tightly in her tiny hands. “Well since we have some time to wait for Zoey to be ready...I guess we can get my new phone” Azulia suggested.

“You know father would be mad if I didn't have a properly working phone” she said

The young man groaned a little. “Honestly Charles needs to chill out. Then again he’s older than the two or perhaps three of us. If we do get you a new phone then I’m paying for it. Granted your father will be buying gas and ice cream Az.”

He placed the car once again into drive and went down the road. “So does anyone have any certain questions they want to know?”

”Just one, really. Who is this individual we’re going to meet? And are we bringing them ice cream?”

“Zoey is a very...well most of the time she’s loving. Though I have learned never to grab her ass when drunk. Then you get a broken nose.”

”You say that like I get drunk.”

“To be honest you shouldn’t be in this car. It’s more of a warning. If you do something she doesn’t like you’ll be greeted with either a weapon or a fist. The ice cream thing is a no. We both know an ice cream shop around this area.”

”Ah, well, let’s see how well we get along. Personally, I am looking forward to it.”

Azulia gave him a look, her eyebrows curving upwards with confusion. “Excuse me, but when did we exactly invite you?” Recalling the events, all she saw was this stranger explaining why he set fires to trash and then got into their car asking about Zoey.

”Eh, I made a deal with the fellow driving. No worries, I won’t do anything even slightly illegal! I’ve a reputation to uphold.”

“Well I don't know your reputation as I come from the United States sir, so anything here is completely new to me and technically if you were where I came from you could be arrested for burning things without a permit to do so and burnin things that shouldn't be burned”

“Az please calm down. Keep in mind I was apart of the illegal business. I’m still on the run from them mind you. I’ve asked him to keep an eye on my old gang due to them attempting to push into a mobster’s terf. Later this week I’ll meet with him but that will have to be kept a secret from your father.” The man remark while attempting to defuse the situation.

”I don’t want to start any conflict. It’s just, everyone has a story, right? And I’m interested in hearing said stories. You too don’t seem like such big fans of our current ruling body. Everyone has their reasons. What’s yours?”

Azulia frowned. “My mother passed away, killed by a drunk driver on her way home, Charles was given custody of me as my father hasn't been in my life long enough that he can't gain it, besides he is still MIA which I'm glad for” she said crossing her arms.

“I much rather not tell my story.”

”I can respect that. Me? I’m just really not into like...proto-Nazism. If you could call it that. So, I’ll make a fuss in public and people might start to care. Now, am I paying for my ice cream or is your father?”

“I don't know. It depends on what Killian or Charles said. We have to get gas and my phone as Charles basically demanded. I had to open my mouth about the phone service but I guess it would have eventually came out at some point. I guess sooner than later was better for it” she said laying her head off to the side. Clouds was all she could see in the sky.

”Eh, I can shell out a few bucks for some ice cream. By the by, who’s this Charlies fellow?”

“Why does it have to be so cloudy out. It always ruins the good mood” Azulia said with a frown on her lips.

“It’s not cloudy. Yes, there’s clouds in the sky but that’s for the ones who have lost a lover to life. At least that’s what she told me when she was alive. If you don’t want to add a little light to this unexpected weather change then that’s fine.” Killian said in his usual serious face though Azulia would feel a gently squeeze on her shoulder.

“What is your story sir? Why did you come here of all places?”

Azuli smiled as she looked at him, reaching over and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

Miri looked her in the eyes with an odd coldness. ”I’ve lost people to the Prae. I don’t intend on letting any more innocents die. And, so, I came to the most populous city in the world to kick some ass and bring down a regime or two. Also, I’ve heard there’s some damn good ice cream.” And with that, the facade broke and he let loose a grin.

Azulia gulped as a cold shiver went down her spine. She felt like she was being threatened in a way by this stranger and her shoulders went noticeably tensed and she placed both her hands in her lap to the point of nearly locking her elbows.

The man glared into the mirror, eyes displaying a much colder atmosphere around him, while placing his arm over Azulia. His foot worked towards the brake practically slamming on it. This would hopefully caught the passengers attention fairly quickly. “Mind elaborating on this please? Mainly because I have some Prae friends whom I would love to keep safe.” He asked darkly.

Miri kept smiling. ”I do as well, sir. It’s less the Prae and more the Exeo and those who have decided to encamp themselves upon our fair city. Trust me, one of my best friends was a Prae.”

“Thank you for clearing this fact up with me. I’ll make sure to let you know if I see any followers around. Now then since we’re almost to one of our destinations do you have something else you need sir?” the guy asked in a lighter tone.

”Yeah, what kinda ice cream are you guys getting? Because I have a policy where I don’t get the same flavor as anyone else.”

“I um...never actually had ice cream” she said, her voice tight and shaky. “W...we um have this thing called custard which is...um completely different from ice cream, so I don’t know what to expect for ice cream” she said, her tense for, a little less tense with Killian’s arm around her.

”Ice cream is a lot like custard, depending on the consistency. The best kinda custard are concrete mixers with a ton of toppings. But that’s just an opinion.”

“I usually go for Rocky Road. Azulia Are you alright?”

“Y yeah I'm fine. Can we go in please?” she asked. Her mind couldn't wrap around his words. Was her kind really that horrible. It left a rather sickening feeling in her stomach and at the moment she wasn't sure she could handle ice cream, but she needed something to eat.

Miri noticed this change in demeanor. ”I’m sorry kid, I didn’t mean to mess with you. Every species, whether human or Licenti or Prae, has fucked up in some regard. I have a long list of atrocities the Prae don’t even know happened. So lighten up. Let’s grab some ice cream.”

Killian nodded and removed his arm. He know that he had scared her. This wasn’t the way the man wanted today to go at all. Yet here they all were. The human took a deep breath and pulled up to the shop. Outside was a woman leaning against the building, glaring their way, before her finger beckoned their way.

“This isn’t going to end well. Az why don’t you go up first? I need to speak with our guest.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Morning After

♤ Darius M Cain ♤, & ☽Masha

Day 3~ Around 1 P.M.
Darius' Manor within Ominar

The sleep after their ‘discussion’ had been lovely. Between the physical draining of energy, the clearing of her mind of all the little things she'd actually come there to talk to him about, and the rest of the Vodka that she'd padded downstairs to get afterwards, along with her bag, had been enough to make her sleepy again. Add in that laying in a bed with him was like having a human sized cat to curl up with. Which she was at least smart enough to not say out loud to him. She didn't think he'd appreciate that comparison.

Even after he had gotten out of bed, she slept well. Curled up under the covers with her hair a tangled mess fanned out around her slightly. When she started to come to, she wasn't entirely sure what time it was. All she knew was that she had a bit of a hangover and she was feeling the itch that came with having gone longer than she normally did without her numbing drug. Groaning, she rolled over onto her back, stretching out for a moment before she even opened her eyes.

She turned her head some at what she thought might be the sound of footsteps out in the hall. And that's when she noted that she was alone in bed. Pouting a little at the fact that he had left her, she sat herself up on her elbows and slowly cracked open her eyes to see how much light might be coming in through the curtains.

The feet came to stop at the edge of the doorway as it cracked open, widening to reveal Darius casually walking into the room. He looked ready for the day. Over his torso was a crisp, ironed long sleeved white shirt buttoned at the wrists and necked decorated with a tie that was folded over by the collar. On top of that was a vintage black vest with two sets of buttons falling down the front and completely sleeveless. It was completed with a pair of leather shoes and well made slacks, while allowed his twin tails to hang out loosely and unhindered.

Pausing a moment to adjust his collar then his wrist, Darius flashed Masha a courteous nod before he spoke, “Good afternoon. When you’re ready, we’ll stop for a meal then get right down to business. It would be best to have a game plan before you’re introduced as the bar’s new owner and Cortes learns he’s working underneath you.”

When she saw that it was him she smiled some and sat up more. “It definitely feels like the afternoon,” she murmured scooting back against the pillows some and making herself a comfortable little nest of them to lean against while she maybe ate. She rubbed at the remainder of her eyeliner, most of which she'd washed off in the shower anyways, yawning as she tried to get her brain to process the words out of her mouth into English.

“Not so bad working under me, is it?” she asked with a little laugh, her English heavily accented, the fact that Russian was her first language very obvious. She smirked as she looked him over more now that she was fuller awake. She very much approved of his wardrobe choices. And she also very much did not want to talk business right that moment.

Darius surveyed Masha’s actions when he noted she had made herself more comfortable in bed rather than getting dressed. For a moment, perhaps, he wondered if she hadn’t heard him correctly about ‘stopping for a meal’ and assumed he was going to bring some up. He even found the notion ridiculous. There was few individuals who had reached a certain level of respect to earn it and ignoring the fact he only did it occasionally, one lustful night only proved there was attraction and likely nothing more.

It was time to enlightened her misunderstanding.

He casually cut the distance between her and the bed, his figure moved with enough discipline to show he was in a business state of mind at the moment. With his hands in his lap, Darius’ golden eyes seemed to harden and nonverbally indicated his disapproval at her adjustment. His muzzle moved to make it perfectly clear they were heading out, “You’ll need to get dress because we’re going out to a restaurant on the way toward the club. The reservation will expire in an hour and there is still things we must discuss.”

Darius waited for her reply but his stance made it clear: he didn’t take kindly to his time being wasted when there was work to be done and their fun had already been had.

Masha watched the shift in his face and his stance. She hadn't expected him to be quite like this, especially as soon as she'd woken up. She was used to being the bossy one as well. So this was newfound ground for her and she wasn't sure that she liked it. But she figured that it was probably wise not to be too defiant to him. Especially not when she still needed his help.

Licking her lips some, she nodded her head. “I can have a few moments?” she asked, eyeing her bag for a moment while she shifted towards the edge of the bed. She'd get dressed, if that's what she needed to do, though she rather not. But she wasn't going to be leaving the house without a little pick-me-up. Even if it was in theory a ‘downer’.

The Kitsune’s posture remained the same for several moments as if to consider her request. It was difficult to tell by his body language alone what he was thinking, this behavior often only shown to her father or brother in private rather than publicly and only when they were getting dangerously close to crossing a line he had established. Thankfully Masha pulled back causing him to visibly relax then reply, “Of course. I’ll leave you to freshen up while I get the car ready, I think you’ll like where we’re going.”

He had risen upright then walked toward the door before he came to a stop. His figure turned and added in a softer tone, “One thing to remember: one sign of weakness and the gangs are like hunting dogs. Being the ‘fox’ isn’t just figurative, but literal for me if I seem too lenient. When I make a request of you, please keep that in mind.”

If she had ears like Darius, she was sure that they probably would have lowered at the way he was speaking to her. She wasn't used to being talked to like that and she hadn’t expected him to be quite so business like when they weren't directly talking about business. But she couldn't muster up the anger just then to be a temperamental brat just because she hadn't gotten her way.

“Duly noted,” she murmured, sliding the rest of the way out of bed and heading for her discarded dress without any shame in her lack of dress. She gathered up clothes and bag and headed for the bathroom. She didn't take too long, and when she returned she was dressed, and looked a deal more mellow as well. Though her hair was still unbrushed, it was a bit more tame. But if he wanted to make it there in an hour, she'd have to brush it in the car. There was just too much hair for waiting around.

Darius was waiting calmly in the car. His hand rested under his muzzle as his eyes stared out into the landscape of his window, deep in thought. The Fox had been thinking about his behavior earlier and turned it over in his mind in the form of self evaluation. It had seem a bit more harsh than he intended, but he couldn’t risk her assuming he was weak. Even one mention of it outside the bedroom would have the gangs breathing down his neck before he could do damage control.

The world he lived in fed off the weak like parasites, there was no denying that.

Any sense of caring too much, without trust she wouldn’t slip up, would be enough to place a target on someone’s back. It would likely be hers, either from the gang or much worse, Szayeis himself. The latter was only going to happen if the Nightwalker become interested in his ‘son’s’ personal life. The notion pulsed a heavy dose of anxiety through Darius’ heart causing him to stiffen and jump to attention when Masha entered the car, shutting the door behind her.

His ear twitched as he began to word the apology he was building up to in his head, “Masha,” using her first name for the first time since he met her, “May I ask you how much of your father’s business you were exposed to? And what was your impression of what you witnessed? It will make sense why I asked these questions in a moment.”

He turned his eyes into her direction, politely waiting for her reaction to his questions.

She settled herself in the seat and pulled out her brush right away to get started on her hair. She wasn't looking at him, but not intentionally so. So when he spoke, she turned to blink at him some while she processed what he'd said. “All of it,” she said, still trying to figure out where he was going with this, especially when actually using her chosen nickname. “I've been my father’s secretary since I was seventeen, and I knew most of what was going on from a very young age.” She went back to pulling the brush through her hair before answering his second question. “I've never been particularly bothered by any of it really, if that's what you're asking.”

“Not what I was fishing for. Mainly I was wondering how much experience you have had with dealings toward individuals that didn’t quite see eye to eye with your father,” Darius explained and inhaled, sharply, to clear his head of the thoughts running through his attention, “Another thing to be aware of is that his methods are considered mild compared to mine when I’m forced to personally correct them. Trust and mistakes are a luxury I am not allowed to share with anyone. It’s now a habit to show a distant and business relationship with others, one I have developed over a span of two-hundred years.”

Darius gestured for the driver to begin to pull out before he continued, “You’re going to see facets of my personality, both good and bad, while you’re working under me. Currently, I took a risk with you last night and I hope it won’t turn out like the last one. A rare apology is in order from me for my behavior earlier, but please keep in mind my last words. You’re about to learn for yourself how dangerous Ominar’s underbelly is while trying to run the club.”

Masha tilted her head a little curiously, lips pursed slightly as she thought through her answer. “I have seen my share of darkness and death,” she said with an unconcerned shrug of her shoulders. “I know it isn't exactly what you might do, but I'm no stranger to it either.”

“It’s easy to believe that now, but I assure you… that opinion could change in the future,” Darius commented in a non judgemental or sarcastic tone, but one of concern about when that time would come.

She tried not to think too much about their age gap. Because while she enjoyed older men in general, the two centuries between them was much larger than most of her other lovers had ever had. “I can keep my personal life out of my business life,” she said with confidence. “What we did last night will not be something that will affect my running of the club. And if Cortes thinks that he's going to be able to use what happened or what might happen against me he’ll have to learn I am just as much not to be trifled with as you, even if you are the bigger threat.”

Darius digested her words. He was slightly amused that she seemed to forget she had no reputation to show she could be one and he seemed to toy with the proper words to explain the truth of the matter. After a moment, he broke the silence that had settled, “I have little doubt, but… It won’t be you he’ll be targeting.”

The Fox adjusted to prevent stiffness from edging into his body.

“You have no reputation for Cortes to believe you will be a threat to him in any way, but you are a way to hurt my reputation instead. By having you replace him as the new club owner, you become a representation of my influence,” starting the conversation with the small clarification over her assumption, “This means that any failures or successes reflect upon me. If you fail beyond recovery, I look weak and I will have to end up correcting it. So Cortes will try to make you fail, kill you or worse until you prove you’re not a pawn to be played. Then he’ll consider you a threat.”

Masha looked at him with a surprising amount of sincerity in her eyes given the effects of the morphine in her system just then. “I will not let you down,” she said softly, placing a hand gently on his knee. Even if he wasn't willing to be outright affectionate to her just then, didn't mean she couldn't be a little. She could keep work and play separate, but it was just the two of them just now, so she saw no need for such a firm barrier to it. “I may not have a reputation now, but I will not let that mean I can't establish one quickly.”

A smile crossed his muzzle briefly in appreciation over her understanding. Darius seemed to envy her freedom to show affection and weakness without suffering the price for it, through it wouldn’t last forever if she rose high enough into the ranks. Not wanting to dwell on the facts of life, his words turn to a topic they had yet to address: her plans for the club.

“We shall see. It’s harder and harsher than it looks after all. Now, shall we talk about your plan for dealing with the club’s current… issues? I’m still curious to know why you believe Cortes might know what’s coming next in regards to your ownership,” Darius wanted to hear her impressions first before making his own suggestions, “You made it seem like he specifically targeted you rather than Ms. Patel and I’m wondering if I’m missing information.”

She smirked at his smile, glad he hadn't pushed her hand away. But she understood not returning it more. She just wanted him to know that she was interested in more of what they'd had last night. With a little squeeze to his leg, she resumed brushing her hair when he asked his next question.

When he put it like that, now that her brain was not so distracted as it had been the night before with other things, she realized that maybe she'd thought too much of herself. That she'd just assumed, after the fact, that he wouldn't do something so stupid over a bartender who might have gossiped about someone taking some stir sticks home from the bar. Her ego had made herself more important to the situation than just a coincidental bystander. But she could of course not say that to him. She had a hard enough time admitting it to herself, she didn't need him to think that that might be a problem for her.

So she shrugged a little and looked out the window for a second. “Maybe I just thought I heard something,” she said a little offhandedly, “I was a little drunk at the time and had just been awoken after all.” When she looked back to him she smiled and didn't seem at all like she'd just had a moment of internal crisis over her ego. “As for dealing with the problem at hand...that depends on his willingness to seemingly cooperate.”

“Indeed. Jumping to conclusions are just as dangerous as not being paranoid enough,” Darius commented. He seemed pleased with her reaction and acceptance so far, a few silent moments passed before he spoke again, “I will tell you now, he’ll play nice at first. He’ll test the waters and you. The most important thing in Ominar is that all conflicts are played in shadows and from sight or I become involved. Even with my own people.”

She nodded her head as she brushed her hair back over her shoulder now that she was finished getting the bed tangles out. “I like working in shadows,” she said, sounding very understanding. She was very used to that already from her father's work. It would be simple, for her brain at least, to continue on with that. She would just need to build her own little circle of people to fulfill tasks for her like Darius and her father had. So she added that to her mental to do list and looked to him with a smile. “I play nice at first, too. But I don't let people walk all over me.”

“This will be the first test of that then. I hope you can manage it,” He replied then noticed the car had grinded to a stop, the driver had pulled his head over the seat top to inform them. Darius merely raised a paw to quiet the man’s words.

The Fox’s attention turned to the door and popped it open, casually pulling out of his seat. He came to pause at the exit and continued to hold it, his other hand held out to assist Masha into the sidewalk like a proper gentleman.

Masha raised an eyebrow at his offer, but took his hand and his help sliding out of the car and let him lead her into the very nice restaurant. “My,” she murmured, smirking, “I think i could get used to more business breakfasts if this is the kind of place that you take people.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

a i r y e ll Ҝ a s i o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴜ ι ɴ ᴇ
"I'll let you off easy this time, but don't be surprised if next time things don't end so cleanly."
Theme I Theme II Theme III

Late night Day 2 --> Early monring Day 3

They'd gotten out alive and largely unscathed. He'd taken a few stray shots, but it was nothing he couldn't shrug off and regenerate. He'd spent the rest of the day winding down, flying across the city once he'd made sure everyone else was properly situated of course. He'd seen, via his cell, that the news had reported on their little operation, and also that—suspiciously—on the fact that prisoners they had specifically avoided freeing had escaped.

It...felt familiar, it felt...wrong. He wasn't sure if it had been Zeki or someone else, but he didn't like what it could mean for the budding Resistance. Bad rep beyond just illegally breaking people out of jail, which he imagined could be somewhat forgiven by the public, seeing as so many of those people had been completely innocent. Plus, many of them had decided to join the cause.

Still, on his mind more than any of that, was Aeris. Landing on a building and sitting down with his legs dangling from the edge, the vampire took out his phone, only to see a message. Man, he really hadn't checked it in hours.

It was from Darius. He opened it.

”Aeris is staying here for the night, she’s too exhausted to travel and you can meet her here in the morning. Just send a text before you do.”
Darius' Text

The slightest of frowns tugged at one corner of his mouth before he chuckled a bit and then sent a message back.

”I appreciate you telling me. We'll probably meet elsewhere though. Wouldn't want to impose.”
Mairyell's Response

He grinned to himself. Darius would know that Mairyell hardly cared about imposing, but he knew the old fox would accept the reason anyways. Pocketing his phone away once he'd sent the message, Mairyell leaned back on his hands and stared up at the clear night sky and exhaled slowly, beginning to a breath exercise. After about five minutes his breathing was steadier than normal and it was at this point that he tuned in to the scents of the city and closed his eyes.

Gas, raw oil, fish, meat, blood—dead and alive—licentia, humans, prae, hundreds of each. The smell of burning tires, of salty air rolling off the ocean, the smell of dirt and human musk from not having washed wafting to him from the slums. Even the faint smell of ozone from electricity, and those were just mundane scents. He tuned in further, ramping up the strength of his smell until he could detect vis, focusing on that 'spectrum' of things he could smell thousands of individual people, living, moving, and breathing around him. The city was so alive, but he could also tell that it was not necessarily healthy. There was hostility, fear, and worst of all, uncertainty.

Then he finally located what he'd been looking for, well...several things really, and he let his weight shift forwards till he outright fell from the building and into open air. Where once he had been without wings, quite suddenly they blossomed from his back—blood red, and then a crimson so dark as to be black as they solidified—and he snapped up as they caught air. He flapped and shifted the build of his wings, streamlining them for speed.

Within the next few minutes he went on the hunt, striking at licentia who had overstepped their bounds, attempting to feed on humans or prae. They were never dead when he was done, merely unconscious or too weak to do much of anything. When he was finally done, he headed back to his apartment, but didn't bother dropping altitude. Instead, he landed on the balcony, his wings folding in on themselves as they liquefied and were then absorbed into his body seamlessly. He pressed his hand on a small pane of what appeared to be glass, it was the same size as his hand. It glowed, scanned his prints and vis, then a scanner opened, scanned his eyes. He felt a prick, and his DNA was tested. He then entered three passcodes, before what appeared to be a “wall” with a small window—instead of a glass door like a normal balcony—slid open. He entered his apartment, the strange door sliding shut behind him with great swiftness, but in silence.

The lights rose, not flickering on, but instead slowly adjusting the illumination. Still, for a human it would have been hard to see, but for Mairyell it was as clear as day—one of the perks of being what he was. Though properly fed, Mairyell still made his way to the kitchen and warmed up three slices of pizza, which he then brought to his bedroom.

Lounging into bed he snapped his fingers and a TV turned on and for twenty or so minutes he allowed himself to be lost in some mindless comedy while he ate. When the show had finished, and his plate sat empty on his bedside table, he got up, turned the TV off, washed his plate in the kitchen, setting it to dry, before he disrobed and crashed into bed. He'd get up tomorrow and contact Aeris. Darius would make sure she knew he was alright and even if he didn't, she'd know. She trusted him.

He smiled a bit to himself, pulled his phone out, and decided to send her a text anyways.

”The 'Break went well Sis. I'm gonna crash. Head over tomorrow and wake me up maybe? Hope to see you ;) .”
From Mai to Aeris

He hit send, then laid his phone down on its charging station, and let out a long wistful sigh.

He chuckled a bit to himself.

“Breakfast would be great,” he thought out loud, before grinning, “...but I hope I have dessert instead.” With that thought, a smile still on his face, he let himself fall asleep, with Aeris still on his mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 2 days ago

First Years in Ominar to Day Three - 11pm(Day two)-11am(Day Three)

When Jaakuna had arrived in Ominar, he was a stranger. Of course, he had money to buy an apartment. It wasn't anything fancy, but it allowed him a place of residence while he searched the slums for work. It didn’t matter what kind of work he got. To him, whether it was honest work or something under the table, it just mattered that he get the pounds in his pocket.

In the first year he had been in Ominar, Jaakuna was with an independent contractor that had been hired for some job. Jaakuna didn’t know the specifics of it. All he knew was that he was apart of a team that was in charge of laying out the foundation of the site.

Jaakuna was with that job for about two years after getting it(which was around the six month mark of being in Ominar). A short time after being let go due to concerns of Jaakuna’s temper getting in the way of team morale, he soon found himself on the hunt again. This time, he searched in areas that were below the legal radar. In doing this, he got a few little jobs being an errand boy for some low-profile druglords. Some of them were trying to move their products into other territories, while other were trying to sabotage other territories by messing with a rival drug lords’ sales.

Regardless of why he had been hired, Jaakuna would soon hype his own name as being one of the most fearless guys around the Slums of Ominar. SOon, those higher up in the criminal underground of Ominar would send their contacts in the slums to approach him. And soon, Jaakuna would have a line of job offers that, while being more dangerous than just having a few dime bags of what some call “Praemium Sugar” - a play on the race of Prae, but it’s really just a different synthetic that’s of higher quality than the kind you would buy in the Slums - the pay was almost ten-times what he was getting before.

These jobs have been going on for about two and a half years. Jaakuna’s reputation has gotten so great that even those who are considered the highest of the highest sought after him for his services. At some point - though Jaakuna didn’t realize how he managed it - an associate of someone named Darius.

One thing Jaakuna had to swear before entering any kind of agreement of employment, he had to swear that he would handle each job as discreetly as he possibly could. This meant that Jaakuna’s usual tactics weren’t always going to be ideal. It was explained to him that his new boss liked things a certain way. Everything must go according to how the boss likes it. Screw it up and there wouldn’t be any future work for him anywhere in the city. Jaakuna understood that more than anyone.

This was last year.

In the months that followed, Jaak didn’t meet with Darius directly, but instead met through a series of handlers. Some took a liking to Jaak and some seemed to try and sabotage whatever job he was handed. What those who tried to ruin his good name didn’t count on was that had street smarts and how he was smarter than the average bear. So, when it came to do every job, Jaakuna made sure that he did it better than the last. When it seemed like it would go sideways, Jaakuna found…alternative ways of approaching it. Not always pretty, but it got the job done. But more importantly, it never connected Jaak to Darius, which was what the latter had told Jaak’s handlers to keep in mind when each job was completed.

And that’s something Jaakuna has kept in mind even after the most recent job he had completed. It was one of the more simple jobs he was given. SOmeone by the name of Quinn, a human, was late to a few payments he owed Darius. There was also word that Quinn was talking to some people he thought were friends but were actually spies for Darius, that he was going to try and assassinate the Mafia Boss. So Anya - Jaakuna’s most frequent handler - told him to show that if you don’t take Darius seriously, bad things were bound to happen. And as a loyal employee, Jaakuna did just as he was told.

Quinn lived in an upscale neighborhood just about twenty minutes by car from Jaakuna’s upscale apartment. It was a nice neighborhood. It had a gate, multiple-story houses, and cars that made Jaak think of the suburbs in other areas of Medius that catered to the upper-middle class. Still, that didn’t make Jaakuna lose sight of the job. He had to make this Quinn pay. Or know that you don’t soil the hand of the one that pays for this lavish lifestyle.

As he approached the house, Jaakuna took a moment to look at it. It was nice - expensive-looking - but nice. If it wasn’t for what Jaakuna was about to do, he might’ve bought this place. But orders are orders.

Not wasting any time, Jaakuna had concentrated his vis into his gauntlets. They created six blades(three on each hand) of pure vis - something he has been able to do constantly for a while now. He began to rapidly shoot it at the property. There wasn’t a consistency to it, though. Most of the shots of energy that came from the blade. Some of the shots broke windows, some pierced his garage, but the rest of them were spread throughout that it was as if a gang had came by and done a driveby.

After Jaakuna was done, he drafted a portal behind him, and it teleported him on top of the house. He did that so, when Quinn would come out. And just as Jaak anticipated, Quinn came out, alerted by the sounds of what sounded like gunshots in front of his house. He thrashed around and screamed at the damage to his property, all the while Jaak was sitting on the roof, enjoying a cigar. As he puffed a circle of smoke, he would speak.

Next time you want to talk about killing your boss, be careful who you say it to.” Jaakuna said, looking down at Quinn.

“Who are you?!” Quinn shouted.

He seems angry

Ignoring Akuma, Jaakuna drafted another portal, and appeared in front of Quinn, his hand on Quinn’s dirty shoulder. His mouth was near Quinn’s ear. “Listen, when the authorities get here, you’re going to tell them that it was a driveby for revenge about your abusive ways to your ex-wife. And after you convince them it was nothing more and nothing less, you’re going to pay Darius the money you owe him come the end of the day. I don’t care what you have to do or who you have to rob to get the money, but you will pay him. Or, someone less-forgiving than I am will come visit you, and you might not live to see the end of it.

After Jaakuna gave Quinn that stern, grim threat, he patted his shoulder, and would draft a series of portals that would have him getting out of the suburbs and getting to where he needed to be. Meanwhile, he phoned Anya. “It’s done. Quinn won’t be late to his payments anymore.” After that, Anya would carry over the news to a series of handlers, and it would reach Darius at some point. As for JAakuna? Well, there’s a donut that his name on it.

Not bad for a day’s work, huh?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Nabriales, Vi, and Sophia

Day 3 - Ominar - 07:30

All things considered, the shop looked harmless enough. Gaudy name aside, Vi couldn't find much to complain about it, but it was the individual that was waiting for her inside that gave her the slightest hesitation to her step. She had met Nabriales a few days ago, yet she was still unable to put her finger on what exactly it was about him that was making her feel so uneasy. Maybe it was his odd horns that let off the occasional crackle of Vis. Perhaps it was the completely laid back way he accepted her offer to be his employee as payment for finding a way to restore the power that she had lost. But perhaps the simplest answer, and coincidentally the one that made her want to grimace the most, was the simple fact that she had to be working under someone for the first time in over a century.

The redhead realized she was stalling, so with a small sigh she placed a steady hand on the door and entered the ridiculously named Victorious Secret. Small rays of light accompanied her entrance, dancing off the multitude of glass containers that lined the walls of the shop. Without really thinking about it, Vi's eyes made a quick pass over the room, sizing up its contents for any possible threats. Thankfully, all she found were bottles filled with an uncountable array of colors shimmering in the daylight and two humans, one of which was her new employer. Vi did not recognize the girl that was next to the enigmatic man, but for now she was of little consequence to the former Exeo.

"Nabriales," she called, striding up to the pair like she owned the place. "You still haven't told me what exactly I'll be doing here."

"Have I ever forgotten your breakfast, Nabri?" The woman chuckled softly, reaching toward the bag on the counter. She pulled it to her and unfolded the top. After rifling through it for a moment, she pulled out something wrapped in wax paper. With a triumphant smile, she handed over the wrapped pile of carbs. Were Nabri to unwrap it, he would find that--as usual--Sophia had gotten him a Salmon and Cream Cheese bagel. If he removed the bagel from the wrapping completely, he would even find a neatly scrawled note which read This bagel paid for an orphan's education. :) <3

Once her brother's breakfast was handed over, the familiar jingle of the bell rang throughout the store, causing Sophia to turn and look at the door. "Welc-" The Descendant's greeting was cut short as a woman with firey red hair--seemingly--unintentionally interrupted her to address her brother.

She wasn't aware he had taken on any part-timers. Interesting.

Nabriales couldn't help but beam as the surprisingly chunky package was passed his way, taking it with a free hand and placing it on the desk while he proceeded to gulp down what should have been a boiling cup of coffee. Alchemy had its perks.

"I suppoooose you haven't, but one day I'll catch you on my doorstep without a bagel and a coffee..." he replied, visibly perked up by the coffee he'd just drunk and the idea of the breakfast waiting for him. As he reached his hand out to pick the hefty bagel up, he was interrupted by the familiar tinkle of the doorbell, and his eyes looked up just slightly to catch a glimpse at the individual responsible for interrupting his breakfast. The second he saw the brilliant flash of red catch on the morning rays he knew exactly who it was - and with a quick glance at his phone confirmed that she was on time quite literally to the second - and picked up his bagel regardless. Scary Prae lady or no, there were practically no forces in the universe that could get between him and breakfast.

He unwrapped the thing with one hand, picked it up, and promptly shoved half of it into his awaiting gullet. Having no free hands and his mouth full he couldn't exactly greet Vi, but as she practically stormed down the aisle a quizzical raise of his eyebrow would be greeting and reply enough. A couple of chews later, followed by a singularly satisfying swallow, he deigned to respond:

"You'll have to wait for orientation for that, hon. Breakfast comes before busywork, you know?" he half-beamed and half-exhaled as he picked up the remainder of the bagel and began the process of devouring it in a fashion almost identical to that which had caused the first half to disappear.

After yet another gulp, and a quick belch, he turned his head to Sophia and asked simply:

"Back to bed?"

"Yes, please! It is far too early. But, I know you don't like getting breakfast on your own, so I am happy to oblige."

"Aren't you just a l'il peach?" he laughed before waving his hand somewhat nonchalantly, poofing Sophia back to her bedroom. It was, after all, a manoeuvre he had practiced often enough to get right without looking, thinking, or speaking.

As Vi walked past the veritable explosion of colors that made up the shop's walls, the redhead could have sworn that her nose was starting to pick up the nostalgic smell of her favorite boot polish. She had no idea what in the Queen's name Nabriales could possibly be brewing to emit such a specific odour, but she was certain that she likely did not want to find out. In fact, she was certain the same sentiment would end up being applied to many of the oddities that littered the all too vibrant store. So until it proved to beome a much more life threatening concern, she decided it was best to act as if it simply didn't exist.

Throughout all of the dark haired man's antics, Vi looked awfully unimpressed. His manners - or lack thereof - hardly fazed her, as did his flippant disregard for her question. After all, even though their previous meeting had been short, he was already living up to the initial impression she had gotten from him.

But when the short one that had apparently stopped by just to supply him breakfast vanished, Vi found herself cocking her head slightly to the side, her eyes lighting up ever so slightly in surprise. Teleportion magic was not something that just any mage could do, especially not as effortlessly as Nabriales had just made it look. The fact that he must have went out of his way to add the small "poofing" noise only added a small note of irritation to her small burst of bewilderment.

So, there was more to this one after all.

"You'll find that I much prefer busywork to senseless idleness," she replied coolly, looking her employer straight in the eyes. "How soon can we begin this orientation of yours?"

"Now, given that I've finished my breakfast!" Nabriales smiled, cocking his head to the side and waving his hand in Vi's general direction. With another audible poof she'd find herself directly outside the shop, just in front of the door.

"The first lesson is remembering that I'm the owner, hon!" he called out, waving a little as he did so. Normally he'd have let interrupting his breakfast lie, but he too had found that Vi had fared exactly as his initial impression had suggested - she was going to be incredibly easy to mess with.

To even a casual observer, it would appear as if the air around Vi had sharply surged upwards in temperature as her eyes crackled with annoyance. Everything, from the playful tone in his voice to that damned poofing sound found a way to grind against her nerves. But Vi was hardly one to let her emotions rule her, so after a brief exhale with her eyes shut tight, she let the frustration drain out of her before she approached the door once more.

The jingling bounced off the shop's walls again as Vi strode back in, her expression once more composed and intent to get through this, no matter what Nabriales had in store for her.

"And what, pray tell, is the second lesson?" she asked the horned man, unable to completely remove every last trace of annoyance from her voice.

"You'll need to know your way around the lingerie section. I used to man it myself, but people kept saying that I didn't have a feminine enough presence!" he chuckled, stepping out from behind the counter and sauntering directly over to his new employee. Surprisingly, he was just barely taller than her (though the difference was somewhat more noticeable by virtue of his horns, now a corona of shimmering iridescent light), and he looked her straight in the eyes and straightened out his smile as much as he was physically capable - which to say was not a great deal.

"What I need from you, mostly, is a test subject. Many of my potions work regardless of the biology belonging to whom they're administered, but there are some effects that require different mechanisms of action, pharmacologically speaking, and I need someone who can accurately and succinctly report mental, physical, and emotional effects back to me. I'll also require the aforementioned labour - for appearance's sake if nothing else, darling - and someone to watch over things when I have business elsewhere. Your payment will either be in cash or in any of the various services I can provide, and you'll need to sign a coooouple of documents saying I can teleport into your home whenever I want. I despise Ubers and personally teleport all employees to and from work, you see." Nabriales smiled, his voice losing only the slightest hint of its inherent lilt as he moved on to more serious topic. He figured it best to at least allow Vi to begin this relationship on a level she was comfortable with, because comfort was a luxury that she wasn't going to be able to get used to in the near future.

Vi didn't even bat an eye at Nabriales decision to leave her in charge of the store's lingerie. After all, it hardly seemed like a difficult task for the centuries old Prae, but at the same time she wasn't entirely sure she was well versed enough to actually give useful recommendations. It would certainly be prudent for her to ask the strange man for some pointers on the topic later.

Nabriales small attempt, no matter how unseccessful, at looking somewhat serious was not lost on Vi. Silently, she steeled herself for whatever deranged catch the man must have been hiding regarding their arrangement, as she was certain that the deal was likely too good to be true. Restoring one's Vis was no small task, so it was only logical that something of such a scale would require an equally great cost from her.

But when he finished his little speech, Vi could only scoff lightly. "Is that all?" she asked without breaking eye contact with the man. The list of things that she wouldn't do in order to bring the Spire crumbling down on Aismael's head was quite short, so it went without saying that Nabriales conditions sounded all too tame in comparison. The corona of light emanating from the man's horns seemed to dance with the fiery resolve in Vi's eyes.

"I accept your terms. I don't care about money, just do what you can to make me whole again." The redhead took a quick step, placing her face mere inches away from Nabriales', before she continued, far more coldly, "And it's not hon - certainly not darling either - it's Vist-" But the name caught in her throat. No,that name didn't belong to her anymore. The woman took a small step back as she collected herself for the shortest of moments. "It's Vi. Just... Vi."

Though a smile was nearly always plastered on Nabriales' face, the corners of his lips twisted up in an oddly malefic fashion. It was a smile that gave off the impression of being not very nice at all, a sharp juxtaposition to the mirthful look that almost always accompanied the horned alchemist.

"You clearly don't understand the nature of my work... Vi." Nabriales spoke, before turning around to walk over to the cauldron that he'd been brewing ingredients within - the pungent aroma was far intensified, now, and he moved his hand down to the liquid as if to submerge it within the viscous red liquid, but summoned a glass vial to his hand and dipped its rim gingerly below the surface. As the liquid trickled over the threshold and into the bottle, he used his other hand to beckon Vi over to him while it filled. After he made the motion, his free hand summoned another vial - though this one was clearly far different in nature. The vis it gave off would be palpable, and the weight of it hit him briefly and he stumbled over its intensity. His vis crystal vials were reserved for the most powerful and rare of his potions, and this one in particular was one that Vi would be extremely interested in.

As the liquid reached the two-thirds full mark in the cauldron, he pulled the vial up and placed it on the counter, then thrust the crystal vial towards his new employee.

"I believe in fostering good business, so consider this your down payment. I can't restore you to what you were exactly - I'm not a God-Queen. But I can infuse you with enough Vis to kill lesser beings and we can go from there!"

Vi watched the alchemist's measured movements closely, trying to glean as much information about the process as she could. After all, if she was going to be here for any length of time, it would be prudent to understand how it all worked even if she wasn't personally responsible for any of it. But it was difficult to keep her foucs on his work as the scent that permeated the room became much more potent, almost as if it was trying to whisk her away to some nostalgic place.

The sight of the odd crystal vial that Nabriales produced did a fine job of pulling her back to reality. She didn't so much as sense the vis that was leaking out of thing as she did feel it, forcing her to fight the urge to back away from the stuff. And given it seemed potent enough to make Nabriales slightly stagger, she was certain that it wasn't some mere prank of his. This was the real deal. It may not make her as strong as an Exeo, but it would definitely be a start.

Vi eyed the vial her employer offered her carefully, her eyes an odd mixture of wariness and excitement. But still, she listened to Nabriales carefully, raising an eyebrow at his God-Queen comment. She had never specifically said that she had once been an Exeo, but it was hardly a far leap to make if one were to examine the woman and her situation with any amount of scrutiny. Not that it really mattered at this point, so with a steady hand she accepted the vial from him.

Judging from how Nabriales reacted from the stuff being close to him, Vi figured there was only one way to handle the monstrous concoction in her hand. And that was by tilting her head back and chugging the stuff down in as few gulps as possible.

The first bite of the liquid hitting her tongue wasn't that bad, merely making every surface it touched tingle slightly. But the before she finished the bottle, that small tingle grew into a sharp burning, causing even the stern Prae to wince from the feeling as it slammed into the back of her throat. Vi tried to open her eyes, but every color in the room seemed to be magnified to unbearable levels, quickly overloading her senses. There was a sharp ringing noise in her ears that made coherent thought a mere fantasy. The vis coursing through her system was overwhelming, yet intoxicating at the same time.

Moments passed, which to her heightened senses felt like minutes, but as she came to she realized that she had fallen to her hands and knees. But as her vision returned, Vi could feel power the likes of which she hadn't felt in far too long.

"Well then," she coughed as she struggled to her feet, ready to wave off any offer of help the alchemist may have offered her, "I can definitely work with this." A shaky hand looked for the closest surface to rest on as an equally shaky grin graced her lips. It was one hell of a rocky start, but one that the redhead was more than happy to take.

As the effect of the potion took hold, Nabriales was indeed half-tempted to at least attempt to pre-emptively offer Vi his support, but very quickly rethought that course of action and figured it would be best to let the potion take its course. If one not used to the level of power it provided had taken it, he would probably be teleporting their corpse into the nearest ditch and/or sewer entrance - he was glad that his assessment of her previous nature was correct. Still, even for her, it was likely to be a bit much for her for the next couple of hours. Unfortunately, Vi had already agreed to Nabriales' terms and he really didn't feel like waiting for her to recover before feeding her as many potions as physically possible.

"Give yourself a minute, hon. Then you can go ahead and drink the other vial! Not quite as potent as the first, but it'll certainly get you where you need to go..." Nabriales chuckled, turning around to begin bottling the rest of the potions as he did so. It would only take a brief second for him to summon the rest of the vials necessary, before his eyes lit up with the rainbow glow he was ever so fond of and he turned to Vi again.

"Actually, scratch that - I presume you were skilled with that telekinesis thing that the Prae tend to do, right? Why not try it again - bottle these potions for me as quickly as you can!" he half-questioned and half-demanded, the giddiness obvious in his voice and in his look as he did so. This was, after all, still another experiment to him - and one he dearly hoped worked.

Skilled at telekinesis? Oh, if only Nabriales could have seen what Vi was once able to do. The small grin dimmed a bit, but now was not the time to get caught up in the past. No, right now Vi wanted to see what she could pull off at this very moment.

The Prae's hand glided gracefully across the vials Nabriales had offered her, the tips of her fingers barely brushing against them. Yet as soon as the contact ended, each one took to the air and quickly flew towards the cauldron. A rapid series of popping sounds echoed throughout the shop as each one quickly uncorked itself mid flight, with each one circling around its designated vial for added showmanship. Throughout the entire process Vi's eyes did not once glance at her target, showing just how confident she was in her ability. The bottles swooped down towards the questionable concoction, looking every bit like a bird that was diving towards water for prey. Each one emerged two--thrids filled, just like the one the alchemist had demonstrated for her, and returned to the counter at breakneck speeds. Thankfully they seemed to have been made out of sterner stuff, as the rough landing they were subjected to did not even leave them cracked.

Once more, Vi raised an eyebrow at her employer, only this time the expression seemed to be asking whether or not he was satisfied with the little performance.

It felt good to feel strong again, Vi realized. It had been so long since she had been able to flex her magic like this that she had almost forgotten how satisfying it could be. Her entire body felt light, like she had taken off a weight that she had never even realized she had been carrying. She could feel the vis coursing through her, seemingly imparting every cell in her body with power. She felt... her heart thundering dangerously fast in her chest. The slight buzzing that had been stuck in her ears since she had taken the potion had grown to an unbearable blare. More and more obnoxious spots kept cropping up in her vision and she noticed just how light headed she had become.

And then, Vi was on the floor.

As Vi crumpled to the floor, Nabriales only nodded solemnly. It had not been a question of if but a question of when - and frankly, she had lasted longer than most people would have. Some might even have been killed by the potent energy, especially a Prae - the crystal in their forehead was largely a good measure of how much vis they had taken in, and the alchemist checked it carefully to ensure there were no problems with Vi's health. It wouldn't do to have someone getting seriously injured on their first day at work - the paperwork alone would be horrendous. He'd have to employ another person to do it for him, and then they could be injured... His mind travelled down the path for a few seconds before he snapped himself back to reality and picked the woman up off of the floor with an almighty surge of effort and exhalation of breath.

She hadn't told him where she lived, and he didn't want to chance teleporting her to an unfamiliar location, so off they poofed to his penthouse suite. He laid her down in one of the four spare guest bedrooms, ensured there were adequate provisions in place, and quickly wrote a note on the bedside table:

"Try to rest, hon. I'll be back when I'm done at the store, and we can talk about things then."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by May
Avatar of May

May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Brunch After

♤ Darius M Cain ♤, & ☽Masha

Day 3~ 2 P.M.

Darius had lead them in, given the name he'd reserved their table under and they were promptly escorted to their table. It was nice and secluded, comparatively at least, and Masha settled down in the seat that Darius graciously pulled out for her. After they were both seated, Masha didn’t even wait for the waiter to hand them a wine list before she ordered herself a glass of pinot noir, something nice and smooth. It was after noon after all, and perfectly acceptable for her to have a glass. Or two, or three even. But she wasn’t likely to have more than two, not on this semi business date that they were on. It wasn’t like he didn’t know what she was like, she was sure that he’d questioned her brother and father about her and neither of them were inclined to cover over her addictions.

She did accept the food menu though, and squinted a little as she looked it over before caving and pulling out her glasses from her bag so she could look at it better. She would let the silence between them sit as long as he wanted, she was in no rush to talk business, even though he seemed to be. So she would let him go first then.

Darius had noticed a pattern with Masha, through he was uncertain how he should feel about it. She never began business dealings unless prompted to which could be her downfall one day. Not feeling the need to rush into correcting that as some arrangements were officially dealt with, he chose to focus on his menu.

He ordered a bottle of Syrah to go with his Magret de Canard, which was French for simply rare duck breast. For an additional cost, he had requested it be Vis infused meat since he didn’t know when he would be able to sit down for a proper meal again today. This was a primary reason he chose this particular establishment as it was still one of the few that met his high standards. An upper class atmosphere, competent serving staff, and excellent cooks who prided themselves on producing a meal fitting for their requesting prices. They occasionally served Licentia, at least those who retained their wealthy standing within the Business District, even when their clientele had severely declined over the last year and a half.

Darius spied the waiter quickly departing for the kitchens, pausing briefly at the nearby phone. There was little doubt in the Fox’s mind that the man was informing old Finnbar about his arrival causing his mind to make another little reminding to inquire about the local gang known as ‘The Royal Bloods’, namely the leader named Jarlath McCarthy.

Placing the rumors aside, Darius then turned upon Masha, “How are you going to deal with the staff currently? You’ll need to root out the staff who are aligned with Cortes’ motivations, but you still have to tread carefully.”

Masha looked up at him over the rim of her glasses, she'd left them on after ordering something that looked good. She wasn't fully certain what all of it was, but she was too hungry at the moment to care what exactly was in it. It was pork, it looked like it'd be sweet, that was good enough for her just then. But she had forgotten to remove her glasses, lost in thought as she was.

“I was thinking about giving them a clean break,” she said with a little hum, pulling off her glasses and putting them down on the table. “Let them know if they didn't think they could work for me, they could leave and I'd even pay them out the week. Obviously I know that those loyal to him are probably not going to leave, but they'll probably out themselves at the offer anyways and I'll just keep a closer eye on them.”

“Assuming you can identify them immediately. I seriously doubt they will tell right away where their loyalties lies. What happens then?” Darius asked.

Any answer Masha might’ve had was interrupted when the waiter returned a few short moments later. He was wheeling in a cart with two bottles of wine in a large metal bucket filled by ice and several gougeres, cheese and savory flavored pastry puff, for the meal’s hors d’oeuvres. The waiter placed a plate in front of each of them before he returned to lift the lady’s pinot noir and pour it, then repeated the same with Darius’ syrah. Each bottle was placed upon the table for them to request more at any given time.

When the last of his wine glass was filled, Darius took a hold of the wine glass’ stem and swished the dark, reddish liquid around. The aroma washed over him, his nose savoring it while he let his question linger for Masha to answer. Meanwhile, a charming, gentle music played in the background enhancing the charm of the place.

A smirk crossed Darius’ muzzle upon realizing how little he indulged himself in the more mundane pleasures of late. His thoughts, briefly, drifted to Aeris and their relationship. It sadden him slightly to realize she likely no longer needed him in the life she had made for herself. In a way he was both depressed and happy for her since upon his death, something that would eventually come to pass, she would likely be affected the least.

He shoved those useless thoughts aside, refusing to become distracted, and fixed himself firmly into the present where his attention belonged.

Masha had opened her mouth to speak, but didn't get the chance. Then she, like Darius, took a moment to enjoy her wine, savoring the sweetly, tart taste of the red wine. So she was momentarily distracted as well, though she caught the slightly distant expression of his before she went to speak again.

“I'm going to keep an eye on everyone, regardless,” she said with a little shrug, looking over the food offerings in front of her. “But I don't imagine all of them are too smart. And besides,” she looked up at him and grinned a little wickedly, “I've got an inside source as well.”

Darius let his silence reign for a moment longer before he took another sip of his wine. His paw reached for one of the gougeres then gently placed one within his maw where it practically melted and bursted into flavor, a delightful treat in his mind. Casually he wiped his paw clean of any crumbles and continued.

“As I mentioned before, Afua is there because you need someone you can depend on and trust in the beginning. I imagine you’ll likely have to do some serious house cleaning before this week is up and that will leave your club vulnerable when it comes to building profits,” The Fox’s attention shifted to his peripheral vision a moment and then continued, “As for your inside source, I hope you’re not depending on the club’s little gossip? One night at her place doesn’t make a concrete relationship. In addition, she does have one weakness: her child. A fact that is known by Cortes and easily exploited should he get the gall to do so.”

Darius exhaled softly while he noticed the waiter begin to stroll their way. Masha might’ve assumed the man was about to check on them, ensuring their wine and hors d'oeuvres were to their liking, which wasn’t completely true when the human placed a note upon the white cloth table and slid it over to Darius. The waiter then placed on a genuine smile before he spoke in his French accent, “Monsieur and Mademoiselle, is everything satisfactory with your first courses?”

Slight distracted, Darius had picked up the note and idly read it for several moments. When he was done, he set it down and placed it into his vest while he answered, “The meal has been excellent. Tell Mr. McCarthy he’s done well when he became the new owner of this establishment, especially in the upkeep of its fine quality.”

“Thank you Monsieur, I’ll inform him promptly of your compliment as I believe he’ll be very pleased to hear that,” the young man said with a bow, then waited for Masha’s words.

Masha felt agitation start to form in her chest as he spoke. She might be young, childlike to someone of his age even, but she wasn't stupid. She had spent all twenty four years of her life surrounded by business men. Shrewd, sly, cut throat (both literally and figuratively) men and women who ran all of their lives like it was a for profit industry. She knew not to rely fully on the word of gossip. She knew that Nikki and her weren't anything solid (not that she had a particular desire to be anyways), but it was still something more than just being her boss, even if most of what Masha did was for her own benefit and not Nikki’s.

But the waiter stepped in at just the right time and the agitation that had started fizzled out before it could burn into anger or worse, out right hostility to him. A dark eyebrow raised up in curiosity about his note and she had to bite at her tongue to keep herself from outright asking about what it was. He’d let her know when she needed to know. Even if the curiosity might kill her in the meantime. “Things are great,” she said when he turned the slight incline of his head towards her. She waited for him to be gone, sipping at her wine again, before she replied.

“Depending, no,” she said with a little wave of her hand, dismissive of the notion that she would make any action based solo on the girl's word. “But it is still something of benefit to me, biased and possibly altered as it might be.” She nibbled at something without looking at it much before she went on. “I imagine that I will be pretty much starting over with most of the staff, regardless if it's a Cortes issue or a me...issue. That was part of what I hoped that you could help me with, with people maybe not as loyal as Afua, but still not loyal to Cortes and his ilk.

“I did have the misfortune of having to leave all my playthings behind.”

“I appreciate you clarifying that because she could become a spy for Cortes in the end,” Darius said as he considered Masha’s request.

His arms raised to the table and placed his elbows upon the surface, his hands folded under his narrow muzzle in debate over it. The Fox then lowered them in order to speak, “I see. I might have some young blood looking to gain some reputation. If some of them decide to continue working for you even while still working with me, I will not object as long as it doesn’t affect my requirements getting completed. This would require an agreed upon price and transition we can iron out now or latter, the choice being yours as to when. Through too much delay could become costly.”

Darius took a sip to wait for her answer.

She hummed some and nodded. “I'm fine with sharing minions as well, I'll try and make sure that you're top boss as well.” She couldn't promise that would always happen, but she also knew she'd unlikely do it on purpose either. She had of course been prepared that he'd ask for money for this. She had previously said that she had the funds, but not the manpower or connections. “I was thinking about 500 a week, for about two months to be safe. Probably need about half a dozen men. So about 24k. Which I have already.”

Darius nodded then replied, “I’m afraid to say it will take several days to screen and determine which individuals would fit the value you’re requesting to pay so they all won’t be available right away. Also, if these individuals end up dying while on the job then it will cost an additional three hundred to cover expenses, per individual to be clear.”

He paused for a moment, debating on something, then put forth a counter offer, “One thing to note, not all my manpower is exactly the same. I do have individuals that have a particular set of skills and ones they have honed over the years, making them far more likely to survive. They are more expensive and limited on availability but could cut down on the individuals needed to keep your club running smoothly. When you acquire your own or additional hired help, you can easily dismiss them.”

Masha considered this for a moment. “I'm flexible,” she said with a bit of a smirk, implying more than just the topic at hand with those words. “I can pay less for less quality manpower, or take fewer better ones. Which ever you think would be better. I'm also fine with keeping it the same as I'd suggested. You know your men better than I do.”

“You’re also running the show in the club, but since you seem unconcerned about it then I will make the arrangements. I’ll send you the bill after the first month is up so you can determine if the amount is suitable,” Darius said, his tone seemed to indicate a hidden agenda as he took another sip of wine. Letting the taste settle, the scent of their meals wafted through the room indicating they were nearly done and ready to be served. The Fox altered the subject now that business seemed to be all set for the moment, “Ms. Sane has informed me you dub in shapeshifting magic. Interesting choice considering how difficult and harsh it is on an individual whose race isn’t built for it. Whatever got you into learning such magic in the first place?”

She laughed and smiled at him at his question. She was sure he would find amusement in her answer. But of course, she'd draw it out a moment before she did answer. She took a sip of her wine and looked over as their waiter approached with their plates. “Indirectly, you,” she smirked, knowing he'd not be able to probe more just that moment as their plates were placed in front of each of them. But that wait would just make it all the more delicious. .
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 43 min ago

h a r l e s Λ e o n

Day 3 ~ Morning (around 10 am)
Ominar’s St. Katherine’s Sanitarium for the Mentally Ill

Charles hopped up the stairs right to door of the Ominar’s Sanitarium. At the top, he paused briefly and let his eyes brush over the gothic design. It looked much less menacing in the middle day than yesterday as his arm pushed against the door, opening wide enough for him to walk inside. The rusty hinges made a squeak causing him to flinch at the high pitched noise. Ignoring the instinctive reaction, Charles inhaled then he continued along the long corridor right to the receptionist’s desk.

Once more Ms. Reagan look up from her computer and flash him a purple lipped smile. She momentarily stopped her typing and slid her chair into his direction, her attention fixed solely on him. An arm raised for her chin to settle on while she spoke, “Good day Mr. Aeon. I wasn’t expecting to see you here for another week, at least according to Mariam. What’s made you break your pattern?”

“After the last incident, I didn’t get too much time to spend with her,” Charles admitted truthfully as he removed his wallet and placed his identification upon the desk surface. His hand slid toward Ms. Reagan who quickly began the process of scanning and replicating it into a temporary pass, “If I’m fortunate enough, she’ll be in a better mental mind set than before.”

“I highly doubt that professor,” the woman said, her hand passed over the required paperwork for his visit for him to fill out. The machine hummed in the background like white noise. She adjusted her arms under her torso and leaned closer, her voice when she started to gossip with him, “Two of the male warders quit last night. They were both assigned to your patient… you wouldn’t happen to know why, would you?”

“How would I know why your staff suddenly quit?” Charles bluntly lied.

“It was quite a coincidence really. Namely since you were the last individual to have interacted with them, but I could be grasping straws.” she leaned over to check the pass’s progress then returned to Charles, “It’s actually a good thing they quit. I suspected they had been abusing a few of the female patients but I couldn’t prove it. It’s rather hard when your victims can’t coherently confirm what you’re trying to prove and security feed is lacking in certain areas.”

Charles merely remained silent. Ms. Reagan gave a knowing smile before her head turned, her ears caught the ding of the pass finishing up and reached for the finished product. She returned Charles’ identification before gifting him with the daily pass after he paid for it, “Good luck. If you would so kindly wait until she’s been removed from isolation and into a watch room, your visit can begin.”

“Thank you,” Charles said, his hands took the items then pocketed his identification and placed his replicated pass upon his neck.

“This is one of the few things I don’t feel good about being thanked for. Just tread careful about her because she’s only got a few strikes left.”

“I know…”

♪♫ Lily Quarin ♫♪

Day 3 ~ Morning around (9 am)
Victorious Secret, Ominar

After their morning rumple on the couch, Lily had requested advice on how to handle her task to observe Darius from Rex. The werewolf had more experience with the dealings in Ominar’s criminal elements than her since she dropped from the ‘game’ so long ago. It was decided that her first step was to contact Darius’ office in the Lucky Sinner’s casino, arranging an appointment and meeting the Fox at his choice of surroundings to discuss her possible employment. With any luck, it would be in a club or the main casino where her target frequently did business. If not, she would have to learn other methods to observe him.

The biggest challenge in their main plan was the fact that many myths portrayed Nogitsune to be cunning creatures. Lily knew its first move would be to isolated Darius from everyone that could give the kitsune strength. Should it succeed, the very Darius they knew would be consumed and gone. Another dangerous point was that any obvious signs or missteps in their investigation could drive the creature back into the hiding for an undefined period of time.

That was time Lily knew they couldn’t just wait for it to resurface.

As they were about to move onto to how to properly execute Rex’s role in her scheming, the house phone rang. Lily tightened her eyes and moved from her seat on the way to the adjoined kitchen. Her hand reached for it and answered. Upon picking it up, she spoke in an inquisitive tone, “Volt’s residence, whom am I speaking to?”

Lily’s heart sank from her chest into her stomach upon hearing Mr. Cowley’s voice request Rex. Her fingers tightened upon the smooth stem with a vice like grip as she considered a snappy reply, but restrained herself. She sharply inhaled and carefully chose her words, “Understood, Mr. Cowley. I will get him if you will give me a moment.”

After fighting the urge to hang up, she hit a button on the phone to switch it over to speaker before she walked into the living room. Rex perked up his ears at hearing her return as she placed on her best mask, “Mr. Cowley called. He has some business for you.”

Rex nodded then removed himself from the room. As he exited, Lily’s arms wrapped about herself tightly and her eyes idly roamed the room to wait. She looked up when she heard Rex once more enter the room. Her attention turned toward him and knew that look instantly. A bitter chuckle erupted from her lips as he explained Mr. Crowley had requested him to take a job overseas causing him to unable to help her with this upcoming mission. A burning hatred toward their employer began to grow within the Siren.

She placed on her best mask, the mixture of hate and bitterness hidden from sight, before she spoke, “I understand and I’ll help you pack. And don’t worry, I’ll play it safe when it comes to Darius and figure things out. It will all work out fine.”

To further ensure he knew she wasn’t mad at him, she pulled her arm up and hooked about his thick neck. She planted a loving kiss upon his nose causing a wily smirk to crack along his wolfish features. In Lily’s eyes, he was adorable enough to take to bed again. Not wanting to be distracted again, she pulled away and patted his barrel chest.

“I’ll help you pack then you can help me get dress.”

~~|Victorious Secret|~~

It had almost been sixteen years now. She smiled to hide the discomfort as she recalled the last time she walked down these pathways and what exactly happened. There was so much contrast compared to the industrialized atmosphere of the business district and this place hadn’t even become lively yet, she mused to herself. It made her smile all the more genuine for the moment. Mr. Crowley’s attempt to spit in the face of the Prae paled in comparison to Darius’ territory cause here everything focused on thing: getting and keeping attention.

Something it did well.

She didn’t realize how much she missed it until now as she continued her way down the street, her hips swayed naturally with each step. Her peripheral vision caught an occasional individual pause and stared in her wake. There was a spark of excitement to have evidence that she still could turn heads, even when she wasn’t dressed to kill. The current outfit was something she just slapped together. It was a curvy, little corduroy dress that fell down to the middle of her thighs. The front had a nice shallow V in the front with the back wide open, her shoulder straps crossed over and flowed nearly perfectly into a corset tie on the lower back. This whole ensemble was topped with a choker, crisscross strap high heels on her feet and a small leather handbag, holding her daily belongings. Overall the outfit wasn’t close enough to scream prostitute, but still give an allure of strength and femininity to it.

It slightly amused her at how much value, even now, placed on appearance. To the average, unmagical individual she appeared completely human. She was secretly happy Rex hasn’t insisted on escorting her to Victorious Secret or she attempt to be subtle would’ve went up in smoke. It would’ve been difficult to overlook a hulking and wolfish bodyguard watching over her. Through with any individual that had learned how to activate their ostium, her aura would easily scream Licentia despite her charm.

Her figure turned down a corner and almost immediately spotted it, the Siren’s pace gradually grinded to a stop. It was a charming, quaint little shop compared to the more impressive places she had traveled. However, Lily knew better than judge a book by its cover. Such assumptions had burned her more times than she cared to count. She inhaled then gripped the door firmly before she pushed it open and stepped in.

Lily hoped she might find something to help her inside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 43 min ago

Return to One Night in Hell Nightclub

♤ Darius M Cain ♤, &Masha

Day 3~ 3 P.M.
Nightclub, Entertainment District in Ominar

After brunch, Darius and Masha made their way to the club in order finish up their business. As the vehicle grinded to a stop alongside the curb, a familiar woman of dark complexion began pull from the wall she leaned against. Her fingers lifted to grip the vaporizing cigarette as she opened her mouth, the ‘smoke’ exhaled and wafted over her lips. It was Afua. A mischievous expression twinkled in her eyes and lips curled into a pleasant smile before she put it out. Her hand placed it into her handbag while she pulled closer, her arms leaned upon the window’s bottom. Her head peered into the open window on Darius’ side.

“Nice to be seeing you Baas, but it seems a situation be stirring,” She cautioned a moment then moved upright, her body stepped away to allow the two to exit.

Darius’ inhaled, his paws straightened his suit vest a moment, and pulled onto the sidewalk. His head tilted at her words with eyes narrowed upon her for an explanation. Afua adjusted her oxblood burgundy leather jacket as she considered how to fully detail the current issue. She bit her lip a moment, nearly drawing blood, before coming right out with it.

“Cortes, the little hoer, got word about our underground venture. I wish I knew how, but I have no idea and had to step off to take a entjie before I lost my temper,” Afua huffed slightly, waiting for Darius’ lead.

The Fox nodded. On the outside his vision appeared calm, but inside he was close to gnashing teeth and ripping open the man’s throat. The only problem with that was it would’ve proven the man’s words true and brought more trouble than he could handle at this present time. His eyes drifted to the note in his jacket, realizing why McCarthy wanted to meet in private later this evening.

“It seems things has a chance of becoming rather messy today,” Darius commented more to himself than his companions, as he raised his arm to Masha, “Shall we, Ms. Vorobyova?”

Masha looked at him with a bit of a pout when he continued to call her by her surname. Not that long ago he'd pretty much always called her Masha. But she'd not been his equal then. Not that she was really all that equal with him now. But he was on a whole other level and she was just a business partner's daughter then. Now she was the business partner, and closer to being his equal. He'd probably not call her by her own name for a while more. The young woman adjusted her dress and took Darius ’ arm with hers.

This time, no one stopped them coming into the club. Not with Darius at the lead. They gave her a look though and she just walked through with her chin up like she owned the place. Which she did. As they came in she looked around again at the state of things. There weren't many there, only two as far as she could see, and Nikki was unsurprisingly, absent. Instead some hulking man was behind the bar in conversation with who appeared to be Cortes. “Well at least he's here,” she sighed mostly to herself.

Cortes promptly stopped when he spotted Bruce looking over to the doorway. His figure pulled back and twisted in his seat, cautiously getting a better view of Darius, Afua and a young woman enter into the bar area. He downed what was left of his scotch before coming to fully facing Darius. His lips cracked into a slippery smile and observed for a moment before he indicated for Bruce to pour him another shot.

As the beefy bartender let the colored liquor fill nearly to the rim, Cortes’ eyes briefly darted toward Mercy who had immediately plopped down back in her seat, her hands empty and free of any evidence that might draw the new arrival’s attention.

Despite knowing the rules, her expression failed to hid the anxiety in her figure as she looked for a route to escape the thick atmosphere building up. Cortes gave her a look that caused the youth to promptly force herself to settle down and turn her back on the scene. She ordered a soft drink which Bruce quickly slid over with efficient speed but continued to eye the trio that entered.

He seemed to expect trouble.

“Welcome to One Night in Hell, Mr. Cain. It’s a surprise to see you here after earlier incidents if the rumors are correct,” Cortes broke the silence as he pushed off his seat and approached the trio. His hand held the scotch though he had yet to drink it, “Who’s your lovely...companion?”

Masha watched the way he took command of the room. And when he turned, she looked him over a bit like he was a piece of meat. He was a handsome man, and she had to remind herself that he was not someone who she could go after. It was one thing sleeping with Nikki or Darius, but Cortes was not in the same sort of position. No matter how hot he might have been.

Especially when he called her lovely. “Masha Vorobyova,” she said, introducing herself without giving a title or anything. She went to hold out her hand, but stopped for a moment to make sure that the bruises and red marks along the inside of her elbow weren't as visible. He didn't need to know that right now. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cortes,” she murmured, smirking playfully and flirty at him.

Darius tensed at Masha’s playfulness, betraying for a split second his possessiveness, and quickly reined himself in. Cortes noted this and immediately reached out his hand to gently kissed the knuckles of the extended hand, his head pulled back to its original position and his fingers released his grip, “Such a pretty woman you are. Mr. Cain has excellent tastes in companions but I must ask: what brings you both to my little club?”

“I wanted to show Ms. Vorobyova the club she will be managing in the future,” Darius said laying out his cards.

Cortes’ eyebrow raised at noting of the use the woman’s last name then stored it away. He stirred the ice cubes in his glass and looked down for a moment before he replied, “Interesting… Now I have a very pressing question. What happens to me when she takes over? I know I’ve not been running things up to your satisfaction, but times have changed and customers have moved on to better things.”

Darius inhaled through his snout but didn’t reply, giving Masha the chance to take over.

Masha noted the tension as well at her flirting. He was being a little possessive of her just then, and he'd warned her about it becoming a problem. He obviously wasn't used to having to use his body to sell his worth so he didn't react as easily to the way that she did with Cortes just then. Because even if she hadn't slept with Darius the night before, or had any intention to do so, she still would have treated him the same way. Because that was often the easiest way to throw someone off guard. She smirked at the kiss, but didn't linger with her hand in his any.

When he asked what would happen to him, her smiled shifted to something a little more predatory. “Well that all depends on a lot of things,” she replied after Darius deferred to her. “But I have no intention of pushing you to the wayside. Not when you've been here so long.”

“Ah, I find that very reassuring,” Cortest stated, his hand pulled back to his side, “I’m sure we’ll work rather well together as long as we learn our boundaries. If there’s anything you need then merely let me know and if it’s within my ability, I’ll get it done.”

His eyes drifted toward Darius watched the proceedings idly, “If you don’t mind my curiosity, I’m interested in how you and Mr. Cain are acquainted. You don’t seem to be the type to run in his circle of acquaintances.”

Meanwhile, as Cortes distracted Masha, Bruce lowered himself as sounds of bottles clinked and shuffled around before he pulled back up. Another glass was in his hand, the rag about his hand wiped it casually twice until he eyed carefully. Once satisfied with the glass’ cleanliness he set it upon the surface while surveying the surroundings.

Masha smiled, knowing what he was trying to edge out of her. But thankfully, there was an easier, truthful answer at hand. “Old business connections,” she smiled more. Her eyes flicked over to the bartender, attention snagged by his movement, but she hadn't seen anything out of the norm for his job so they quickly returned to Cortes. “What kind of circles do I look like I run in if not his?”

“Mostly the same circle as many of the lovely female patrons we use to get on the night rounds. Often with looks that kill rather easily,” Cortes chuckled slightly. He lifted his glass to his lips to take a quick drink and when he lowered it, his eyes fixed upon Darius to address the Fox’s presence, “So, Mr. Cain, why did you decide to turn up at our humble club? I can’t imagine it was only to inform me of new management because the task doesn’t seem to be a high priority.”

Darius’ expression, likely due to its vulpine appearance, made it difficult to read accurate, “It was merely business and to quarrel any disagreement in my decision to replace you.”

Cortes’ smile deepened as if he had learned a deep, dark secret better left unknown, “Interesting. Well, I’m sure you have more important things that require your immediate attention. I can take care of her and show her what she needs to know. I’m sure the other staff is eager to meet her.”

Her lips pursed some at the comparison. He wasn't entirely wrong after all. But she wasn't just a one circle sort of girl either. And she certainly wasn't opposed to the compliment to her looks either. She looked to Darius with a little shrug when Cortes suggested that he could leave. She knew he was up to something, but she figured that she could handle it. It was up to the Fox if he stayed or not. She was sure that Afua was staying either way. Or at least one of her little spies would be there. Either way, she wouldn't be alone.

“Well I think it'd be silly for him to have come all this way to just leave,” she said with a little shrug, heading towards the bar to get herself a drink. “And if he stays, he can be fully up to date without either of us having to repeat a conversation for him.” Which was something she didn't want to do, really. And she wanted to him to know she wanted him there, even if she would be alright if he left.

“Really though, I'd like a drink first, before we get started.”

“I have some time to kill before my attention is needed elsewhere,” Darius said coolly to indicate he was remaining. Cortes nodded his understanding as he turned to Masha.

“Of course,” he kept his smile, his hand gestured for Masha to lead the way. When the woman moved he followed alongside Darius in her wake before he pulled up onto the seat at her right, “So… what will you have?”

Bruce had placed down his glass to turn his full attention upon the woman, his arms braced upon the counter and listened to her order.

She smiled slyly at Darius over her shoulder, laughing as she turned around and swayed over to the bar. She looked Bruce over like she had Cortes, but there was even less likelihood for things between them. But she had a front to uphold. She pursed her lips again as she leaned against the bar top. “I'm thinking a nice Bloody Mary,” she said.

“You’re in luck, we have a new stock of Vodka. So Classic or one of the variants?” Bruce asked, his figure lowered to collect the ingredients for the classic version as many of them had similar requirements. Already he was pouring in the tomato juice, vodka and other requirements once Masha made her request clear. With ease, he mixed them in the mixer before draining it into the nearest stemmed glass and passed it toward her.

He looked to Darius then inquired about his order to which the Fox said simply straight up Vodka. Nodding, Bruce poured a tumbler and slid it into Darius’ direction who cautious smelled it and then took a taste. The burn was nice going down through the Vodka was particularly weak compared to the type they had the night before.

Masha watched him with a critical eye, just make sure he knew what he was doing and wasn’t just there because he and Cortes were close. He seemed a competent enough bartender, and wouldn’t be the worst of people to keep on merely for his skills. Though given the way he and Cortes seemed very buddy buddy, she was unlikely to keep him around. She took the drink he gave her, looked it over and stirred it with the stick of celery that was in for a second before taking a sip. It was well mixed, well proportioned, but still weak. Like the vodka was partly water. Which given the way Cortes seemed to run things, wouldn’t surprise her any.

She curled her lip up some and set her glass back down on the bartop. “Well,” she started, her tone obviously less than stellarly pleased by her drink, “I’ve had better.” She was doing to be bluntly honest about things with him. That way there was no way he could think she was sugarcoating something just to play some game. She hadn’t been paying much attention to the drinks last night, too busy flirting with Nikki to really care actually. Pulling a cigarette book out of her purse, she popped it open and pulled out one before offering it to the assembled gentlemen around her.

Noting that Masha or Darius hadn’t commented on a minor being at the bar, Mercy took the opportunity to remove herself. She slipped off the seat at the end of the row and causally as possible moved toward the bar exit. Meanwhile, Bruce shrugged at Masha’s comment then replied.

“I work with I have,” A statement that wasn’t completely false, “Anything else you would like?”

Through his skills were good, Darius noted his tone and mannerisms were rather flat compared to Nikki’s. Instead of seeming to want to please the customer, like a good bartender should, the man appeared to want to be done with his shift altogether. When Masha offered her cigarette, Darius held up a paw and politely refused. For a brief moment his eyes shifted to Cortes who gladly snitched one and even pulled out his lighter, decorative in nature and not a cheap bic one.

He held it out in offer to light Masha’s cigarette, his own held unlit in his lips, “Let me light that for you.”

When the smokes were redden on the tips, he inhaled his own and let out a small puff of smoke into the air.

Masha gladly accepted the light, waving Bruce off for the time being, snapping her cigarette case closed and leaving it on the bar top so as not to have dig in her bag again to find it. She took a drag and let the silence hang for a moment more. “Now,” she sighed, glancing at the young girl leaving. She was sure that she was too young to be in there, but personally, as long as they weren’t serving her alcohol, she wasn’t going to call them out just then. “I’d ask you what you think the problem is, but I’m sure you won’t tell the truth. So instead we’re just going to skip to how we’re going to fix it. First off, we can get to the staff later, but I’ve got a plan for those who don’t wish to work under me. Secondly, you’re going to have up the quality of your alcohol and entertainment. And finally, for the start at least, gonna have to do some redecorating, maybe even remodeling.”

She spoke with a tone that offered no room for nay saying, and one that said that she knew how to be in charge and she wasn’t going to let Cortes run the show like he was the only one in charge anymore.

“Such a high cost,” Cortes stated, noting the price tag building in his head and frowning some. His arm leaned upon the counter and his chin rested on his hand, thoughtfully thinking of her demands, “I’m not fully sure we can afford that on the income we made this week. Not without delaying payment to Darius for protection rights and he can’t risk favoritism.”

He had finished up his drink then slid it over Bruce who scooped up the cup and began to pour another round. When the tumbler was pushed back, Cortes continued, “Especially now. As well as I said, this place hasn’t been collecting customers like it use to because people have found something better.”

Darius noticed the subtle challenge to Masha’s and his authority. His paw tightened slightly upon his glass but it held shape, refusing to crack under his applied pressure. Already his Vis collected to his shadow thanks to the fury inside his core. Carefully he began to loosen it from the glass with some effort and left the half drunken liquor there. The man beside him stirred slightly as his alcohol induced slumber appeared to wear off causing Darius’ eyes to flicker to the side and note him.

Her smile flickered and she looked at Cortes like she was about two seconds away from ripping out his throat with her hands. She could feel Darius’ shift in mood as well and that didn't help things. “Where in there did I say that this was something that was up to negotiation?” she asked with a falsely cheery tone, tilting her head like she didn't understand what he'd said. “Because I'm very sure I said this was something that we were doing. Me being the new owner comes with money from me too. Because this place has potential and you've been wasting it. So we're doing it my way now. If you've got a problem with that, you know where the door is.”

Cortes held his ground, seemingly unfazed by the glare, as he listened to her, “Of course, I merely stated the facts and didn’t know of your contributions so that changes things. However, there’s still the issue of getting people to actually come in.”

His eyes turned to face the back of the bar as he continued before he returned his attention to Masha, “As I’ve stated, they seemed to have moved on to something else. How do you propose we bring them back when they aren’t interested in this place? I’ve tried several things, but nothing has worked yet.”

Masha looked at him flatly, already done with his bullshit. “Have you tried making it a decently inviting place?” She gestured around them at the state of the place, and the people in it. “Because right now, I’m only here because I own the place. Otherwise, I’d rather be drinking somewhere else where there are pretty people and good drinks.” She spun on her stool and looked at the old man who was still somewhat out of it in his drunken state. “Like, no offense...no I lie, offense totally intended, he does not make me want to bring in a date to here, or find one here. And I like older men. People tend to go out drinking for two things: forget shitty things in their life or find fun things, especially with the bedding others.”

She took a drag of her cigarette, flicking ash into the ashtray within her reach. “Don’t you worry your pretty head,” she went on in a condescending tone. “I know how to get people in here.”

The blond haired man chuckled under his breath, noting her hot temper and seeming to know something she didn’t. However, he neglected to say anything when he commented, “We’ll follow your lead… boss.”

As Masha pointed out the drunk, he snorted and lifted upright in his seat. A heavy waft of whiskey filled the air around him causing Darius’ nose to wrinkle in reaction and his frown deepen. He seemed to be resisting the urge to move as he stood his ground in his seat, his paw like hand slid the glass back to the bartender with the intent of not finishing it. Bruce easily read the hint, his hand took the glass and placed it in the mobile dish pan under the bar.

Upon seeing it full, he began to wheel it toward the kitchen’s entrance. Never once did he glance in his wake before he grinded to a halt and knocked on the metal doors. He waited two minutes before he turned back, leaving the cart behind where he set it.

Her looked narrowed and she had to take a deep breath to stop herself from physically lashing out at him. That would make things very messy and that was not something she needed to start off her business here with. “As you should,” she said at last with smug superiority. She turned back to the bar to grab her drink and caught the end of Bruce’s sloppy dealings. “And maybe the first step is getting a better bartender out here,” she sighed, finishing her drink in one go because she was too sober to deal with all this right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
Avatar of Demonic Angel

Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Time: About 9:30-!0:00 pm
Location: Park Area in entertainment distract, Day 3

A flicker of his pencil, a small detail removed or even changed completely, all while sitting in one of the many spots the young man enjoyed. Killian bit his lip once again as a mental image slowly crept inside his mind’s eye. Most days the buyer would ask for a momentum of something. Whether it was for a deceased family member or perhaps maybe for a beloved pet animal. Rarely was it for something like this request. The person had contact the African American through his personal email which made this $159 drawing a bit stranger than the others. In truth he hated dealing with those who had gained his personal email address. Then again the human was grateful for having this job all together.

It wasn't uncommon for her to be out this late at night. Mostly because she wasn't always as aware what time it was because she was too wrapped up in whatever it was that she was doing. Like today. When she was caught up in this poem she was working on, sitting on a bench...somewhere, she honestly wasn't sure where, still too new to the city to really know her way around. But it had gotten dark, and while she'd noticed that, it hadn't fully made it through to her brain how late it was. She paused, mid thought, looking up from her tablet that she was working on and looking around her, blinking with a bit of confusion. “What?” she said aloud to herself. “When did that happen?”

At first Killian was confused at he glanced upwards from his work. An eyebrow shifting upwards, as if to mimic a normal person’s confused look. The man’s lips parted granted that ways had began to escape his voice box. A hand shifted the page he was working forward and cleared work space for a brand new drawing. A hand flickered upwards and then downwards making what would look like a guide for the guy’s newest interest.

A single circle was finally lightly scribbled in the middle of the page allowing the artist to add details. His focus was spited between the work and the unaware model. A few more scribbles were added, only to be erased just as fast, due to African American not liking how they turned out.

Emma shook her head gently, brushing back her wavy brown hair after she'd cleared the confusion from her mind. Sighing some, she went back to work, her brows furrowed slightly as she tried to think of the word that she was missing. She couldn't figure it out for the life of her and she sat back, looking skyward for some sort of inspiration. There was the beginning of a nagging sense that someone was watching her, but she didn't think anything of it.

The sudden movement of his model would have made him frown though with her looking upwards towards the seemed to have added something,. Maybe it was her natural beauty being highlighted in the light. Or perhaps it was that the young woman was mainly lost in her own world that added a pleasant vibe to this new piece. In truth the guy didn’t know.

He shifted in his seat while staring at her. His figure slightly slumped forwards. ]“ Pennies for you thoughts Miss?” Killian asked in a calm and polite tone.

Emma looked back down and blinked at him a little confused. She hadn't noticed him nearby before. Or more accurately, she had, but not thought anything of it. “Oh ummm,” she started, laughing at herself softly. “It's ah...it's nothing really. Just stuck on a word I can't seem to think of.”

“ Perhaps I can help you Miss. I might not be the best at words but I can still try.” The young man said with a smile.

She laughed and shook her head some. “It's alright,” she replied with a kind smile. “I'll either figure it out or I won't. It's just a jumble of thoughts as it is so trying to explain it to you would be more of a challenge I think. But thanks for the offer still.”

The young man nodded in response.] “ Alright then please do tell me if I’m able to.” The guy once again continued to sketch. After a few moments of silence he glanced upwards. ]“ Do you mind if I request something from you?”

Emma hummed in reply, raising a dark eyebrow up. “I guess that really depends on what it is you're going to be asking of me,” she said with a little laugh. “But you can go ahead and ask.”

]“ It’s nothing bad. You see I’m an artist and one of my clients asked for specific picture. I usually don’t do personal requests but since I’ve recently gained a little sister. I want to save up for her next birthday. Anyways. The request was for a beautiful woman in a park scene.” The young man explained with a rather charming smile. ]“ I’m willing to split the profit too.”

Emma blushed some at that. “I ah...I don't know if I'd say that I'm a beautiful woman,” she said with an awkward laugh. “But I ah...I suppose that I can sit for you if you like.” She laughed more, brushing her hair out of her face again before holding out her hand to him. “My name’s Emma by the way.”

Killian stood and walked over, shaking her hand in a very gentle manner. “ Killian. Though I hate to disagree Emma. You’re very beautiful.” He commented and then shifted in place. The young man held out the book showing her the semi finished drawing. ]“ I wanted to see if I’ve gotten it right so far.”

She shook his hand, her blush only growing at his words. She didn't think that she was too terribly ugly, but beautiful was not something she'd ever used in describing herself either. It wasn't common for good looking men to say that to her out of the blue either. “It's a pleasure, Killian,” she smiled. She took the sketch book from him and looked it over some. “I think it looks lovely. Even if I don't agree with my level of beauty.”

[color=#FFDAB9]]“ I tend to draw what I see.”]/color] The guy said. ]“ I can’t quite get your eyes right though. Something that I wish I could get perfect.” He remarked. The young man sat beside her, mentally redrawing her eyes. “ Might I ask what you do for a living?”

“I'm a student,” she said with a nod of her head, handing the sketchbook back to him. “Just started. Just moved here actually, not been in town long at all.” She looked up at him and smiled a little shyly. “You're an artist though, yeah?”

]“ Yes. I’m actually living with my professor for now. With a hope buying my own place. That is if my past stops catching up with me.” The man commented while fixing the eyes. The African American smiled a bit brighter when they began to become the way he saw them. He then looked back up to her and gently moved her hair behind her ear. “ There we go.”

She quirked an eyebrow up at that. “You live with your professor?” she asked, truly curious. “Where do you go to school at if I may ask?” There were other college's there in Ominar, he didn't have to be going to the same school as her. What would the odds of that be? But wouldn't it be very nice to have a friend there too? If she could call Killian that. But he seemed so nice, she couldn't think of why she wouldn't want to be friends with him.

Emma took in a little breath at his touch, but didn't pull back or push him away any. She looked down at her lap for a moment before looking back up, under her lashes some with her cheeks a very pink.

“ Yes. I’m in a little bit of trouble at the moment. My past is coming to bit me in the end. THough ever since I’ve met my mentor I’ve become very attached to him. So much that I still think of him as a kind and fair father figure. As for the school part I’m going to Zuma.” The guy calmly explained as he watched her features closely. The young woman was indeed rather cute though in the back of his head there was a sickening feeling. A feeling that if this woman ever found out about his past then she would no longer be as kind.

The man closed his eyes for a few seconds to push that feeling aside completely. After a few seconds of silence the young man opened his eyes. “ Kinda childish thoughts for a 19 year old huh?”

Emma blinked some at the mention of the school. She had hoped, but that was not something that she’d been expecting either. “I ah...I’m going to Zuma as well,” she said with a bright laugh. “Maybe we’ll have some classes together.” She figured they’d probably have at least basic classes together, even if they didn’t have the same specialties. “And it seems we have more in common as well. I’m nineteen, too.”

“ Interesting. Who would have saw this in our future? I’m really happy that you’re going there Emma.” The man commented in a very happy tone. For some reason he didn’t mind being around this young woman. In fact she was much easier to speak to than other people. Perhaps Charles was correct about about letting people in. Then again the old man might not let this go. Best to keep this little meeting a wondrous secret for now.

“ If I remember right you will be taking basics with Charles. Do you want to go somewhere with me?” He asked.

Normally, she wouldn't have said yes, but she supposed that he seemed an alright guy, despite his slightly cryptic comments about his past. But they might not have been his doing. “As long as you don't plan on murdering me,” she said with a teasing laugh.

“ Why would that idea cross a person’s mind? I like meeting someone I can speak to easily. Besides whoever would plot such a moronic thing is either insane or thinks you’re too weak. And you, my dear, aren’t weak. I would even protect if you would allow me to. I do hate losing my friends.” The man said as his eye softened a bit. The guy was be honest though to some his words might have sounded like a joke. In a way Killian was really hoping that the young woman believed them.

She laughed at that. “It was a joke,” she said. “Just making light of…” she trailed off, giving up on explaining the joke to him. She closed up her notebook and slid it into her bag, shouldering it as she stood up. “Well I guess lead the way then.”

The man watched her closely as she stood. His eyes glancing to the left, as if something had caught his eyes. A simple head shake and then a shifting of his body made it obvious he was a bit rusty with human interaction. “ I know it was a joke Emma. It will take me some time to register. I’m used to interacting only to certain people. Something that I’m attempting to change without much success.”

The African American’s hand once again rubbed the back of his head. HIs form shifted to the side while his hand gripped the book. “ Emma may I ask you something rather personally?”

She laughed a little awkwardly, but let that part of the conversation go. “Yeah, sure, I guess,” she said with a little shrug. She didn’t have to answer after all if she didn’t want to.

” What did you mean? After I didn’t get the joke right away.”

She tilted her head slightly, looking confused about what he was after. “You mean what was going to say?” she asked, trying to clarify. “Oh just that I was trying to lighten the mood is all.”

The man nodded as his hand placed itself on her shoulder. A smile slowly forming on his lips. ” Just remember one thing Emma. You come to me when something is bothering you. Now then shall we go out for dinner?”

“Well why didn't you say you wanted to go get something to eat in the first place?” she laughed, choosing to not address the rest of that just then. She wasn't totally certain how she felt about it so she wasn't ready to bring it up just then.

The young man just chuckled softly and nodded in agreement. The guy lead the way to one of his favorite spots nearby.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
Avatar of icmasticc

icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

S h e i a r a F a y e b y e n e

O M I N A R | D a y 3 | 4 : 3 5 A M

The silver briefcase sounded with a click once the combination had be input on both of the locks and as the top was slowly opened to reveal the contents, the man standing on the side of the double-stacked crates couldn't help but allow one corner of his lips to curl upwards. His dull, brown eyes immediately honed it and absorbed the reality before them; there was no mistaking it, he was well and truly staring at two-hundred grand. Each bundle of bills was packed meticulously and with the exact same amount as the bundle next to it. Even without touching it, the somehow composed man could see the crispness of the tender and a fleeting thought bubbled at the prospect that the money was even fresh. Keeping his ringed hands clasped in front of him, the man rolled his shoulders and reclaimed the visage of the buyer across from him. "It's all there, ain't it?" He asked, a slight rhetorical undertow infecting his tone.

The buyer, another male, simply nodded his head. He was taller than his buyer, but thinner and wore an expensive looking suit versus the black leather jacket, button-down, and chinos of his prospective patron. He was also visibly younger with a less wrinkled skin and a fresh buzz-cut rounding out his professional appearance. He wore thin-rimmed glasses with dark lenses covering his eyes and his hands were also clasped at the front--clearly two men engaging in a business proposition, though the respective entourage accompanying each brought doubt as to the trust built between the two. Behind the dealer stood a group of similarly dressed yes-men, some standing with hands behind the back and others just casually awaiting the conclusion of the deal. Behind the buyer was a similar group although there was one standout. A woman, quite clearly taller than the average, stood next to the dealer with an unrelenting glare aimed at the buyer and his group.

She was dressed in a form-fitting, dark-colored top and a much lighter pair of jeans with a jacket that only fell to her mid-torso and boots that matched the goldish-brown of the unzipped attire. Her elongated arms hung loosely at her sides and her auburn hair was pulled back into a hanging ponytail. Hazel eyes scanned over each of the men that stood on the other side of the crates over and over. She figured the actual exchange would be tense, but time seemed to go on forever as the men had taken to discussion before getting down to the meat and potatoes of everything. It didn't help that the meeting was set in a classically stereotypical warehouse with crates upon crates of anything and everything stacked up high towards the even higher ceiling in all directions. The densely packed area was of some strategic value however with the only accessible entries some distance behind each of the two groups. Two of the bigger crates had been brought to the center of the building beforehand and stacked on top of one another to create a table of sorts beforehand and it was also planned that each group would enter through one of the two entries created so that everyone knew there was no one hiding away in advance, waiting to pop out of some corner and snipe everyone. The woman was still distrustful of the people across from her though.

"We'll need to make sure it's real, o'course. Gimme a few minutes," the dealer said, taking the open briefcase and turning to one of his men who had immediately stepped forward. Some of the others set up another crate and began pulling bundles from the case while the dealer looked on with eager, greedy eyes. The woman shook her head.

"I've already informed you of my distaste for this transaction, Melvin," she said in a low voice to the well-dressed buyer. Melvin kept his gaze on the counters and the dealer.

"And I heard you the first time, Shei. Don't worry. I got this." He replied calmly. Sheiara sighed. She had been in business with Melvin for some time now, but these exchanges never made her feel comfortable. Then again, Sheiara Fayebyene had never been known as the most trusting person--at least, in this century of her lifespan. She folded her arms and also kept her gaze on the counting men.

"I understand that we have been party to many of these types of deals in the past, usually on the other side of the table. However, there is something that just... Strikes me irregularly about this one. About this man."

"Well, we wouldn't want you to feel irregularly struck, of course," Melvin said, "But again, I got this. Even in those rare instances where we have to play the buyer role, we still vet every guy we work with. Just don't do anything unless I give you the word. Promise me?"

Sheiara was silent for a moment, closing her eyes to seemingly search her soul for the strength to calm down before reopening them and exhaling. Her hands dropped back down to her sides. "Okay, okay. The word it is," she replied simply. Melvin nodded softly in acknowledgement just as the dealer turned back around, a sleazy grin on his face and the glint of a gold tooth in his mouth. His men took on newly alert and reinvigorated stances as their boss returned to the forefront at the one side of the makeshift table. Sheiara did nothing.

"Well now, seems we got a bit of a problem," the dealer began. Melvin stood completely still, composed.

"How's that? It was simple. Two-hundred grand for a bulk shipment of hardware. No one can mess that up."

"Except for you, apparently." The dealer pointed a gold-ringed finger at Melvin. Melvin remained composed, though the hint of a smirk began to form. Sheiara did nothing.

"We brought the hardware, as promised. Even let ya see some of the product in good faith." The dealer motioned to an opened crate off to one side. Rows of long guns stacked on top of one another filled the box. "We understand your normal supplier was... Unlucky, we'll say... When the Prae came down on'im. I feel like the relationship he described was just a bit inaccurate, though."

Melvin nonchalantly removed his glasses and tucked them neatly into his suit jacket's front pocket. Stern, but still composed azure eyes bore into the dealer. "What's the matter? You want to change the arrangement now? Is that it?" He asked, his smirk slowly, almost invisibly growing. Sheiara did nothing.

"Oh no, I'm a man of my word, sir! We agreed on two-hundred grand and that's all I expect to take, nothin' more. The only problem is... Well, that's not exactly two-hundred grand. Of course, you knew this already."

Melvin remained still. "How would I know something like that if isn't the case? It's not like we're hurting for money. We don't need to rip someone like you off."

The dealer chuckled. "Someone like me, huh? That little insult aside, if that's true, then why in the hell is there is only one-fifty? Fifty thousand of that neat-lookin' pile is fraudulent as fuck. Sir."

Melvin's men shuffled positions and changed stances behind him. Melvin raised a hand, his gaze locked with the dealers. "Ahh, so that's your game."


"See, as friend once said to me, it always struck me as irregular how your income seemed to grow in such a short period of time yet not even one of my connections can name you or speak to the quality of your hardware. A guy as successful as you would surely be more popular, right? I mean, your weapons should be the stuff of legend at this rate."

The dealer remained silent.

"We looked into your finances before accepting this meeting. I know, 'how could you possibly have access to our books' is what you're thinking, right? I'll let you take that up with the man who gave up your info. He's currently employed with your organization."

The dealer glanced over his shoulder as his men all looked at one another, a new distrust suddenly formed between each of them. The grin on his face disappeared.

"In any case, what we found was pretty par for the course, but I had to see it for myself before just outright accusing you, you know? You acquire your vast wealth by pulling this fake money stunt on the smaller, less known businesses. Now, none of them order the amount of stock I did, of course, but you seem to thrive on getting them to agree to more than they can truly afford by showing them quality weaponry before you claim they're trying to deceive you with, how did you put, fraudulent money?"

The dealer remained silent.

"Since you employ more men and, obviously, you have the better weapons, they have no choice but to submit to your demands or face death and lose everything anyway. You take the money, which was real the whole time of course, and you force them into working for your organization, growing your numbers and your finances at the same time. Good enough to work on the smaller guys, I suppose."

The dealer folded his arms. "I'm glad you understand that you owe us. Now, considering we're the biggest suppliers of your particular product at the moment, even if what ya say is true, you can't do a anything about it. We're pretty evenly matched right now, but if ya take us out, you gotta know what that'll do to your own business. So," the dealer pulled a rolled sheet of paper from his inner jacket and unrolled it on the top of the crate in front of Melvin. Melvin zeroed in on the signature line at the bottom at the page. "Why don't you go ahead and just sign this contract right here. We'll give you a small, but fair, cut of the profits as you conduct deals like this for us. Since you don't really a choice, whaddya say?"

Melvin continued to stare into the eyes of the dealer even as his smirk broke into an open-toothed smile. The dealer reciprocated the expression. Each man's group behind him stayed in their places, the tension even thicker in the air than it was before. Sheiara did nothing. After a moment of silence, Melvin finally took a look back at his men, then to Sheiara, then to the dealer. "Okay," he said, beginning to take steps back, "I say... Go for it."

Sheiara immediately stamped her foot, the force and vibration instantly travelling up her leg in reaction to the hard stomp to the floor. Following just as quickly, the ground began to shake. The phenomenon went from subtle to violent earthquake much faster than anything that would naturally occur. The dealer and his men, along with Melvin and his subordinates all went down, unable to compete with the increasingly furious quaking. When the last of the dealer's men fell to the floor, the quaking stopped abruptly and Sheiara quickly moved around the crate and approached the dealer. The surprised man had little time to react as the woman leaned in, bending down just a little and looked him straight in the eye. "We'll politely decline your offer," she plainly stated. What followed after was the kind of violence one hopes to never actually be witness to.

{} {} {} {} {} {}

The city sped by in the window. Sheiara and Melvin sat in the back of a large SUV, the woman staring at the scenery going by and the man texting on his phone. Melvin didn't look up before he spoke. "You're still as ruthless as ever."

Sheiara continued to gaze out the window. "I told you I did not like him. And he tried to swindle us. Those kinds of actions only result in the proper reactions taking place."

Melvin chuckled. "Proper reactions, huh? If a bunch badly injured and mutilated humans are proper, I don't know what to think of this world anymore."

"From what I've heard, the Prae will do far worse to their prisoners. Mutilated they may be, but they should thank their respective gods for their lives."

"More like they should be thanking me. I did tell you not to kill anyone this time, after all."

"Your proposition merely made sense to me. If we're to achieve the kind of repute that brings more trustworthy business our way, I need to hold back the savagery on occasion. I understand how that could be perceived by those on the outside looking in. I am sensible, Melvin, you know."

"No one would argue that. They would just wonder if you're batshit crazy under that eloquent exterior, waiting to tear faces off and eat them and shit." Melvin broke into a soft laughter and, though she tried to hold it in, Sheiara found herself joining her partner. The fleet of black SUVs continued to roll in formation through the city, trunks filled with product and clientele awaiting purchase and delivery of said product. As the others rolled on, however, Sheiara and Melvin's vehicle stopped on the curb of the darkened street. "It's early as hell in the morning, you really gonna go to a bar right now?" Melvin asked.

Sheiara opened her side and walked around back to the sidewalk and right up to the window which Melvin had already rolled down. "I told you you wouldn't see me for a while after this final transaction. I still have something I need to do in this city and you're going to leave in preparation of expansion. The Prae don't frighten me in the slightest. I'll be fine."

Melvin sighed, but ended up grinning. "Yeah, I know. Hopefully whatever you have to do doesn't take too long. The guys are gonna get soft if the head of security isn't around to keep them in shape. Finish your business and get outta here as soon as possible. I get that you aren't afraid of the Prae, but there's not telling what this oppression is gonna turn into. Besides that, I hear rumblings of some kind of rebellion and you know those never end well. Just... Be careful, Sheiara. This city is full of all kinds of characters. Who the hell knows what kind of people you'll run into?"

Sheiara looked at the ground briefly before looking back up with a genuine smile. "Don't worry, Mel," she said as she turned and began to walk towards the bar they had stopped in front of, "they also don't know who they are about to run into as well." She disappeared through the front doors and Melvin stared a second before rolling up his window and motioning the driver to continue onward. He had known this day was coming for a while, though he had to admit to himself that he never though he would end up missing the woman. He suddenly wished he had offered to have one last drink with her before leaving, especially considering the fame of the bar itself.

One Night In Hell was an iconic sort of name, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
Avatar of Tuujaimaa

Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

♪♫ Lily Quarin ♫♪

Day 3 ~ Morning around (9 am)
Victorious Secret

Following the incident with Vi, Nabriales had poofed back to his shop and was carefully and quietly contemplating the results of the experiment. The surge in power was noticeable, as were the negative effects thereof - and she had showed no signs of internal or external injury owing to vis overload. He was thankful that the entire operation had been a success, and that he hadn't had to bottle anything himself. His love for alchemy was not greater solely because the process of bottling and categorising potions was so fundamentally boring to him that no matter the exhilaration or sense of numb consternation his potion-making might bring, the high was always brought low by the thought of doing anything after the exciting part had finished. He was, in truth, not much of a businessman himself - though he had the aptitude and the knowledge, he simply did not possess the focus or patience necessary to excel in something that enervated him so: it was far better to leave the logistics to those who found their muse doing busywork.

As he returned, his mind returned to the task at hand and he set about clearing his counter - it only took a wave of his hand and twelve individual yet simultaneous poofing sounds for the flasks to vanish and reappear elsewhere in the labyrinthine reaches of his shelves. Owing to an art he termed Dimensional Folding, the space that comprised his shelves was altered in such a fashion that whenever a potion was taken from its spot, another would immediately take its place provided that it had been made, marked, and stored in the correct place - a marvel of magical engineering, he thought, though in truth it was likely commonplace elsewhere and thought up by someone far less artistically inclined than he. As he moved to finish clearing the counter, he took the bagel wrapper in hand and (wisely) elected to check for any messages that his dear sister might have left - true to form, there was a gaudy scribble explaining how she had paid for an orphan's education! Not to be outdone, Nabriales scrunched the wrapper up in a huff and pulled out his cellphone, making a quick call to a number stored aptly as "Accountant - 8".

A few hurried words and a proper authorisation for the transfer of funds later, Nabriales decided to fund the entire orphanage's educations, with ample gratuities for living and any education beyond a degree they could wish to pursue, and asked only that a receipt be mailed to him as confirmation of the creation of the accounts. When asked for the address for this to be sent to, he calmly stated that it should go to Sophia's place of residence before hanging up the phone and erupting in a fit of gleeful giggles. Oh, he'd outdone himself - and more importantly Sophia - this time!

Part way through his unashamed indulgence, Nabriales heard the telltale chime of the bell on his shop's door ring and he turned his attention to the customer-to-be walking through. He didn't bother to stop giggling, however, as the euphoric rush of both helping the least fortunate among society and trouncing his beloved sister was too much to simply stop enjoying.

Lily naturally heard the giggling causing her right eyebrow to arch in question, her figure edged closer while she located the source: the store keeper. It seemed someone had slipped a giggle potion into his tea when he wasn’t looking, but she pushed the obvious explanation away as she looked to the nearest shelving unit. Her hand raised up to grasp a single potion to examine it briefly. Her eyes turned to the label and then frowned, uncertain if it would do well for her intentions, and casually placed it back upon the shelf.

She realized this was going to be much harder than she originally believed.

Not fully sure what else to do, the Siren made her way to the counter. Upon arriving, her arms folded underneath her and she leaned on it before she spoke, “Hello, I’m assuming you’re the shop keeper, or the unfortunate victim of a prank potion.”

There was a slight amusement in her tone, light hearted and cheerful to ease the conversation to come. She licked her lips a bit before she continued, “I’m currently looking for a potion that could easily subdue a Licenti without harming them. What would you suggest?”

After watching Lily peruse the shelves with what he could only describe as a semblance of a purpose, Nabriales stifled his giggling for long enough that she could ask her first question. In contrast to what he perceived to be a mirthful play at dominance, Nabriales' right eyebrow arched and he looked quizzically at the woman. Her attempt at humour was... Almost entirely unconvincing, as he was the only other person in the store and was sat behind the counter. Still, he figured that jokes were perhaps not her specialty and that she had genuinely attempted to be funny, so he forgave the potion-making faux pas and listened to her request proper.

"You realise that you just essentially asked me to make a potion capable of stunning an animal, right, hon? You're going to need to be far more specific about the effect you want to achieve and the type of Licentia you want it to affect specifically." he replied with a wink, hopping up from his stool and sidling around the counter. With a motion of his hand he beckoned for her to follow, and walked towards a specific set of shelves. He motioned from the top to the bottom of the shelves, highlighting a veritable bevy of potions to be administered in a large variety of ways - there were thrown flasks to send a Nightwalker to sleep, orally administered potions to revert a Kitsune's shapeshifting and prevent it, and self-administered potions to immobilise shades upon being subjected to their powerful fear-inducing abilities. It would be clear from even the most cursory glance that the potion that Lily required could certainly be made or perhaps was even sitting amongst those in the shelves, but more detail was required for her requests to be made manifest.

Even more onerous, perhaps, was that there were no price tags anywhere - only labels depicting the effects of the tincture contained within. If she does not notice and enquire immediately, it would very quickly become apparent that the price asked was far from traditional.

"So, hon... What do you need doing and to whom does it need to be done?"

Lily had already noticed the lack of price tags when she had examined the potion she took off the shelf. It was the very reason why she had took the time to look it over and ensure her eyes hadn’t merely missed the price in her first glance over. Being an individual that had traded in Vis and other things in exchange for information, she knew what sort of risk to expect. Some times the gain of an item wasn’t worth the cost so she kept that in mind.

She followed the man at an acceptable distance as he asked his question, inquiring about details over her intentions. The Siren’s gentle expression tightened slightly as she considered how much to reveal and if she was willing to take this risk. She pressed a curved finger to her lips in thought until she decided to play it safe and keep her cards as close as possible to her chest.

“It’s a complicated situation, and I’m not sure I can confidently give you everything you need. Part of the reason I came in was to window shop and learn if some of the rumors I heard were true,” Lily’s eyed the shelves where the shopkeeper indicated she looked. Her arms crossed over her chest, still phrasing her words carefully as she continued, “Right now, my main worry is what you trade in exactly for your products.”

“Well, you see… What I trade in,” he gesticulated, waving his arms around to encompass the various shelves full of potions,

“Is far from mundane. As such, I require payment that is also far from mundane. What that means depends on the product… And the person.” He offered toothily, smiling from ear to ear. Though the smile was genuine, the more interpersonally astute would notice a subtle undercurrent of indignation at the entire affair.

“I cannot quote you a price without knowing what you want, and I don’t know what you want because you can’t ‘give me everything I need’! I’m a very busy individual, hon, and I don’t suffer fools gladly - and only a fool would walk into my shop and refuse to tell me what it is that they’re asking for. I’d thank you to either lay the information on the table so we can discuss terms, or… Maybe there’s another alchemist in town who can offer you the potion of your dreams without any of these pesky questions. I’d advise seeing him if possible.” Nabriales winked, before turning on his heel and beginning a strut back to the counter. Were a serious offer to be made he’d be more than amenable to the request - he wasn’t known for rejecting, well, anything based on moral compunction. He was, however, known for his intense dislike of having his time wasted.

Lily inhaled, then tested the waters while Nabriales made his way back to the counter, “That’s what I thought and as I said, it’s complicated. The race I want to immobilize and fix in place is an extinct one. A Nogitsune. At least, I suspect he might be one but my information over them is very limited and that’s why I’m not sure I can give you everything you might need.”

She let the information linger in the air for the shopkeeper and partly expected him to laugh out loud at her, finding her interest in something considered gone to become a threat again amusing. Most mentions of the Nogitsune were in stories, myths and even legends since none seemed to exist anymore.

”Nogitsune… Kith and kin to the Kitsune, though I can’t say I’ve ever actually seen one…?” Nabriales half-asked, half-stated as he stopped dead in his tracks. With a wave of his hand, he poofed both Lily and himself to a room upstairs (one that had no discernable point of entry, as there were no windows or doors) and clapped his hands, causing the magical lights in the room to activate.

The privacy that the room afforded them would be useful, as would its contents - moving swiftly over to a shelf the effeminate alchemist gingerly picked up a dust-laden tome and pressed it towards his potential customer. Through the grey veneer she would notice its title - ‘Of Kitsune: A Study’ that she would perhaps be familiar with. The tome was popular around the time that the Kitsune were actively hunted, and the fifteen hundred-or-so years it had been around clearly showed with its archaic style.

“As far as I’m aware - the literature gives no estimations otherwise - the Nogitsune were biologically identical to the Kitsune… So anything that works on one should, in theory, work on the other. But what is it precisely you want doing to your foxy adversary? I should probably be a little cautious of what I give you, after all - I’m sure Darius doesn’t want anything that is potentially fatal and/or incapacitating to him specifically being given freely!” Nabriales remarked, surprisingly open and flippant now that the topic had gotten markedly more interesting.

Lily didn’t expect to be teleported and the moment she noticed her surroundings were no longer in the main shop, she had to stop herself from jumping at the abrupt change. Her nerves stood on alert at the change in scenery causing her to inhale to increase her inner strength. She casually turned to face the shopkeeper who now held a book out to her.

Her eyes tightened to observe for any tricks then gingerly took it from his grip and opened the cover, her attention examined the pages briefly. His state of Darius caused her serious expression to crack into a slightly defeated smile, “I suppose it was pretty obvious, wasn’t it? Namely with Darius being the only known Kitsune and no, I don’t want to hurt him. I also don’t want him to have any knowledge of this or my meeting with him later will get rather complicated.”

She brushed over the information in the book a bit more before she closed it, her conversation resumed with the man, “I merely want to be able to paralyze him from moving and casting any magic for as long as possible. This means I’ll likely need something to counter it as well so I can remove it if needed. I also want it to be able to be administer it on fur or skin contact and go into effect fairly quickly because getting him to digest it will be a bitch.”

”Well, there are certainly many things I can do for you on this front… But the question now is why? What purpose will my alchemical concoction serve… and how will it benefit me? You see, hon, a lot of business revolves around our favourite foxy friend and trust is a biiiig component of that - if I were to provide you with what you want, I’d need something that outweighs the potential infractions I might incur upon my humble little shop.” Nabriales smiled, sidling up to Lily from behind and placing his head gently upon her left shoulder.

“Though there is always a deal to be struck, a bargain to be made… for the right price.”

“Those myths had to have some base in truth or a whole race wouldn’t have been wiped out over bad behavior. I much rather not discover first hand what happens when a Kitsune becomes a Nogitsune and is allowed to run loose in the city,” Lily commented. Interesting enough her mind drifted to the sullicitus, the worst sort of Nightwalker kin, and the fact they had done terrible things daily which hadn’t yet brought their race to extinction. At least to her knowledge. She continued to hold the book in her right hand as it rested at her side, her eyes still fixed on the individual with the horns decorating his head.

“Would that help some in your decision? I also don’t think I need to tell you how important Darius is to keeping the streets in Ominar from running red. Imagine if that influence was completely lost or worse, twisted?”

Lily then chuckled when she finally noted the mention of the price.

“Interesting enough, the price was what worried me the most. Especially if the gain isn’t worth the price paid in return. One thing you should know, I’m not asking you to make it until I’m completely sure he’s becoming one. I just wanted to be sure you could if I needed it.”

The almighty ‘tsk’ that came from Nabriales’ mouth would almost certainly be enough to shock Lily, especially given its proximity to her ear; accompanying it was a sigh of both contentment and disappointment in equal measure.

”You seem not to understand, darling. There is no decision to be made - at least, not by me. I do not decline any requests based on any sort of moral compunction - I frequently deal with elements that are neither savoury nor sweet and I refuse none of them any of their requests. The transaction is simple - anything you want, for an equivalent price. What I want in return for your potion is quite simple: An ancient Vis crystal, the like found deep beneath the crust of the earth in Torqueo… So deep, in fact, that it has not been plumbed by hands living nor dead.” came the decidedly softer reply, serpentine in its seductiveness and solemnity. It was not so steep a request, in truth, for any backlash would far outweigh any sort of gain obtained by the procurement of a single alchemical reagent - but the potion he longed to create was so close to completion that he could almost taste the new experience.

”Understand this, though: This agreement is for the assurance of the creation and successful effect of a potion, not for the potion itself. You agree to the price now, and upon receipt of payment the agreement will be made valid… Or you turn away, and any opportunity for the concoction that you covet and clamour for will be gone. Do we have an understanding?”

‘We reap what we sow.’ The phrase seemed to be innocent enough except when applied to this situation. She suspected the request wasn’t as harmless or easy as it seemed since it only covered the potion’s making and success. The man came off as arrogant and boastful, two traits she never enjoyed dealing with when it came to business transactions because he was too smug in his abilities. He also failed to see how Darius’ absence might affect or hid it very well.

“So bluntly, I have to give you an answer now before I can even be sure I can give you this Ancient Vis crystal? Is that correct? You realize there’s very few places to get what you require and most of them are very dangerous considering how Vis barren Torqueo is,” Lily pointed out as to make clear it would’ve been a waste of time and energy for both of them if she couldn’t deliver the goods at all. She never traveled much in the region herself so locating one, even with her connections, might become rather difficult. The siren hoped he would see the reasoning in that or she was going to have to walk away completely and figure something else out that didn’t require she make a dead end deal with a devil.

”Indeed, a bargain must be struck now or not at all… But you seem to misunderstand the terms, hon. I will give you an assurance for the provision of goods in return for the assurance of the provision of goods. Just as you may not need the potion for quite some time, I am also not in need of the reagent for quite some time. I am patient; I can wait.” he quipped back, though a single eyebrow was arched for the duration of his speech.

”Realistically, the demands of the potion and its implications far outweigh the difficulty of the task I’ve given you, darling. Torqueo surely isn’t so daunting for one such as you? I’m sure you can find a way to not only get what I want, but to expend minimum effort in getting it… You’re obliged only to provide what I want should you need what I can offer you. An assurance for an assurance, you see?”

“I understood it, but the time allowed for acquiring it wasn’t mentioned. Some people aren’t patient and something like this could take months or longer to gain even with vast connections,” Lily pointed out logically, ignoring the arched eyebrow and debating on a moment longer. It seemed harmless enough and the final price allowed her to back completely out should she not need it.

“I’ll have to call in some favors, but it shouldn’t be much of an issue. So you have a deal,” She said handing back the book on Kitsune.

”Stellar, hon. You get in touch with me when and if you need that potion… And even if you don’t, if you can procure that crystal I’ll pay you handsomely for it! Now… Where are you going? I’ll take you there for free.” Nabriales smiled in return, readying his hand to poof her wherever she wished.

“I’ve yet to actually decide that as I’m waiting for a call. I figured I would kill some time and get some information over a rumor or two while I was in the neighborhood,” Lily eyes looked around to notice the lack of doors or windows. Being aware of it now was making her rather eager to leave this particular place because it reminded her of things best forgotten.

“Just drop me off in front of the shop as I’m not really a fan of this room.”

“Noted!” Nabriales said, and with a flick of his wrist he was back behind the counter and his companion was precisely where she wished to be.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ominar, Victorious Secrets
interacting @FallenReaper's Lily

As the soft light of the early morning sun fell upon the city of Ominar, Damian made his way through the city streets, cursing his uncle for breaking the alarm the night before. The man had come home drunk and irritable, complaining about how the world was against him for near an hour, only to suddenly fly into a rage and break several things in their small apartment before retreating to bed. It wasn't anything new for Damian, the man often came home drunk and angry, but unfortunately, this time he'd been in Damian's small closet of a room when he decided to throw his usual fit.

*sigh* Why do I have to be stuck with someone like that. Damian couldn't help but think about how much he wished his father had done some more research on what had happened to his brother before sending him here. Whatever kind of person he'd been before, all that was left now was a bitter and dangerous drunk who was only digging himself deeper and deeper into the grave with every passing day. A fate that Damian wasn't too keen on sharing.

Shaking his head of such thoughts, the hybrid Licentia slowed his pace as he came within sight of the shop. It was a nice and quaint-looking store from the outside, but was given a greater appeal once one took a look through the window to see the veritable rainbow of assorted potions, elixirs, and tinctures that the proprietor had brewed for the people of the city to indulge upon, if they could pay the right price. Damian had been working at Victorious Secrets for a little under a month or so, having taken the job in order to expedite himself from the chains of debt that his uncle was currently tied up in, debts that also served to curl around his own neck as well thanks to that man's utter disregard for anyone but himself.

Taking a deep breath, Damian ran a hand through his auburn hair, checking himself in a nearby window to make sure he looked appropriately ready for the days work. His hair was as neatly brushed as he could get it in this form, his clothing consisting of a simple button-up shirt with a blue and white plaid design, a pair of acid wash jeans, and some grey sneakers. Once he was certain that everything was in order, he continued on his way to the store. Like his mother always told him, 'One should always try their best to look presentable, no matter the situation.'

However, something rather peculiar happened as he stood infront of the door, reaching out for the lock. His entire body felt a slight tingle course through it before he was suddenly pushed backwards by some unknown force. While the push itself wasn't very strong, he was caught unawares and promptly fell over onto his backside, feeling very confused and just a tad queasy. However, he was quick to regain his wits, eyes trailing upwards as he got a look at just who had knocked him over. As he got a good look at his 'assailant', however, it was difficult for him to force down the red flush that blossomed over his cheeks, as well as the slight trill of nervous energy that ran through him as he struggled to find words.

The woman towered over him, even when he managed to get to his feet, dressed more like she was going out for a night at Darius's club then an early morning walk. Her hair bore a deep red hue to it that served to very nicely frame her face, which held an almost ethereal beauty to it. To say that Damian found himself a bit enthralled was an understatment, though he quickly realized that not only was he staring, but his mouth had been hanging a tad open as he did so. Needless to say, the red of his face soon took on a much brigther hue as he cleared his throat, casting his eyes downward as he tried once more to get a few words out.

"I-I'm sorry for bumping into and for . . . um. . . st-staring." Damian fell silent quickly once more, as gauging the mysterious woman's reaction before he continued, the red beginning to leave his cheeks as he got over his initial embarrassment for a moment. "Did you require anything from inside? I've been working here a little bit, so I could possibly help you out in finding something, though depending on what you need, it might be better to ask Mr. Nabriales."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 43 min ago

♪♫ Lily Quarin ♫♪

Day 3 ~ Morning around (9 am)
Victorious Secret

This time Lily wasn’t caught off guard. The moment the tingling pricked all over over her surface, she braced herself and held her breath on instinct. Once more came the sudden displacement of the molecules as she was dispersed and quickly reformed right outside the shop, no worse for the wear. As the world gradually righted itself, she began to take stock of her condition. She noticed her skirt had crinkled and now had revealed more of her upper thigh then she wanted. Casually she reached a hand to pull it straight once more before she noticed someone in her peripheral vision.

A smirk cracked along her full lips while she studied the shocked individual as he began to recover. He was sort of cute in an innocent and naive way, especially for a younger Licenti. The boy wasn’t someone she would’ve considered bring to bed for a one night if she had been single though. As his face seemed to became redder by the moment, her inner amusement also grew, he finally broke the silence between them.

She continued to resume her friendly expression as he mentioned someone’s name. Lily immediately assumed it was shopkeeper from earlier, though he never gave his name once, and made a note of it. Waving off his offer with her right hand, she spoke, “Actually, no but thank you for the offer. I’ve just wrapped up business inside not that long ago and requested to be teleported here. From the way you’re blushing, it seems you got more of an eyeful than you wanted.”

Her tone slipped into a teasing one as she mentioned the fact he had fallen on his ass, the angle being one that most boys would enjoy. Moving on before he could reply, she held out her right hand to shake his then added, “My name’s Mrs. Quarin and it’s nice to meet you.”

♤ Darius M Cain ♤

Day 3~ 3 P.M.
Nightclub-Entertainment District, Ominar

Darius had years to learn how to read individuals and did it on a natural level in order to survive. During the whole conversation, he quickly made notes and sized up each speaker. Their strengths were very obvious to the kitsune throughout the course of the subtle, hidden conflict between them. It was difficult to assume the winner since Masha had managed to hold her own and surprised Darius, the emotion quickly falling into pride.

Each small provocation had the intention to push Masha into a physical conflict. One that would force Darius’ hand to interfere or risk his reputation diminishing due to playing favoritism. It was a dangerous line to tread in his profession, but one he had learned to tread better than most. Thankfully, Masha had managed to keep her temper and wits about her.

Darius noticed the Cortes' smile seemed to hold fast but his eyes slipped when she mentioned bring customers back to the club. For a brief moment, they revealed a heated glare before he turned his head back to the counter to hide it. It hinted toward darker intentions to come. The fox expected things to become messy when he made his exit, but he couldn’t interfere until it broke one of his established rules. Even he was bound by them.

Cortes continued his mascaraque, his lips fixed in a smile, when Masha commented on finding a better bartender, “Apologies ma’am, Bruce will you put those dishes in the kitchen? I’m afraid to say we have only two bartenders since several of them moved on when they found their paychecks had to be trimmed. The difference had to be cut somewhere, unfortunately.”

He took another swig of his whiskey before he continued, “Our other bartender, Nikki, called in ‘sick’. I don’t suspect she will last very long as she’s shown some poor qualities that are not really suitable for this place.”

Darius’ eyes narrowed. He didn’t like the tone that Cortes used, his eyes gleamed with knowing, as the man continued to drink. It reminded the kitsune he still had an individual he needed to interrogate later tonight. Before his mind could linger farther on the thought, his right ear flicked and caught the sound of someone entering the establishment. Darius’ head twisted slightly to catch sight of her while information flowed to his attention from her aura: female, Licenti, and notably powerful. The longer he examined her aura, the more he noticed the new arrival’s power level surpassed himself and that meant he would have to take measures to avoid a physical confrontation. He wouldn’t die in the natural sense, but he wasn’t about to wait until Szayeis ‘saved’ him again. Last time he updated the shard had been about a year ago and the price was high enough he never wanted to pay it again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 14 days ago

Ominar, Victorious Secrets
interacting with:
@FallenReaper's Lily
@Raijinslayer's Damian

Laying down on an big, early Victorian bed, Corinna was playing with her web in her hand. The sadistic, cruel and beautiful monster from the horror stories told on the streets looked just like a normal young woman. Laying down on her belly with her legs up while playing with her webs, she had a refreshing, jovial air, different from the noble and regal air she passed when near others. Her movements were naturally graceful, even in that careless pose.
"Enough! I can't deal with this anymore... There is literally nothing to do!" she said, getting up with a small jump and starting wearing her black dress.
"It should be ok by now to go out..." She said, walking down the long hall leading to the front door, as she thought about her last 'meal', and what happened with Lewis, the poor man which she broke a few months ago...

"How long it was since I last got out?" Corinna thought to herself, stepping out of her mansion after a long time.
"Lets see how much things have changed after months..." she said, with a mischievous smile on her face, as she calmly walked down the small hill on the very border of the town, where her house was located.
It was pretty boring having to stay trapped inside her house for so long. After so much time, a walk on the town would certainly be very refreshing.

As she walked down the streets, Corinna could feel the other's stares, looking at her while she passed. She was already used to that. Being noted, being seen, was indeed satisfying after so much time. Just like a painting, her elegant body was made to be appreciated. She didn't feel offended by being looked at. More than just something to be appreciated, her body was one of her weapons.

The streets were busy as always.
"Where should I start? Hmm... maybe I'll try the nightclub?" she said, discreetly licking her lips with a giggle. She knew she should be a little more careful, but she couldn't help it.

"Oh~... I guess I've already found something to entertain myself with." she thought to herself, after seeing a shy young boy with red hair bumping into a tall redheaded woman, which was very eager to flirt with him.

"Pardon me, I couldn't help but see what happened from distance." Corinna said, approaching the boy with a kind smile on her face.

"Are you two ok? It sure was a rough bump." She asked, looking to the boy then to the tall woman. The woman was so much more taller than the boy, and a good bit taller than Corinna herself.

The boy had mentioned something about working on the shop. Although she had heard some things about it, she never entered it before.
"You said you work on this store, right? I've never entered it before, although I've heard some quite fantastic tales about it! Would you mind giving me a little tour around the store?" she asked, with a sweet expression.
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