Kaleo Yuna

Group 1
Location: Beside Targilde's Crushed Compartment || Action: Pulling Targilde out of his Compartment || Mood: Frightened
Interacting with: Targilde @Mae, Ignatus @Paddiecake, and Cain @OrpheusKaleo couldn't help but let out a gasp as someone actually responded back to her; so she wasn't just hearing things! Now knowing that there was one...no two people in need of help, she couldn't just leave, even if it was putting her in danger in the process.
The blonde wasted no time as she quickly gathered herself before sitting on her knees in order to one, set her books down, and two attach a body to this voice that's been calling out to her. And sure enough, there he was, yet another blonde but in a suit. His elbows were the only things keeping him perched up. His most notable feature was his right hand, which was bleeding profusely and showed no signs of stopping. Of course, Kaleo was disgusted, scared, and already tired, but leaving this man here to die was not how one like herself should act.
"Don't worry! I'll help you. Please, just give me your hand!" She spoke as she stood. She wasted no time placing one of her open books over her arm, spine facing her, kneeling down, and reaching out for the man's now slightly visible hand. As they locked hands, the book on Kaleo's arm began to pull away for her, in turn, giving her the strength to pull out the man in the suit; although it didn't turnout as greatly as Kaleo hoped.
For one, acting as the string that connected the book to hurting man, was painful to say the least; it was as if two people were trying to pull her apart. But more importantly, she could have sworn the other saw her. How couldn't he have, she made it far too obvious...but at this point in time it didn't matter, so long as she saved someone.
Once the man in the suit was completely pulled out and now inside of her own carriage, Kaleo released him, letting out a groan as she rubbed her sore arms. She didn't let the dull pain stop her for long as she pulled off her tie and grabbed the other's injured hand, wrapping the fabric around the wound.
"It won't do much, but please hold his to your wound." She said softly before looking back at the crushed compartment.
"Might you know where the other man is? We must help him quickly!" She said as she pointed to the beasts which were slowly but surely approaching the train.
Farran Parisa

Group 2
Location: Platform || Action: Calming Down, Conversing
Apologetic --> Fidgety
Interacting with: Melanie @Mae, Castiel @Fox of Spades, Lloyd @SilverDawnFarran proceeded to rub the metal door with a gloved hand while his other hand was still covering his nose. His hysterical yelling continued until the sound of another voice shut him up rather quickly and made him unintentionally hold his breath. He turned to face the girl that had been talking to him just as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Y-You really think so?" He questioned as he turned to face the door, tilting his head in the process. After a few seconds of silence, a smile appeared on Farran's face as the door did appear to be perfectly fine in the end.
Hearing the same girl from before question if he was okay, the white haired boy quickly nodded.
"U-Un! I'm okay! If anything th-the door had it worse! Th-Thank you for asking, Miss!" He said quickly as he removed his hand from his face, revealing a bloody nose. Despite claiming that he was okay, he probably didn't even notice that his nose was bleeding, seeing as he was still smiling.
He perked up once he felt light hit the side of his face, hoping that it was possibly other passengers or someone coming to rescue them. Once they were close enough, Farran did a 90 degree bow towards the two newcomers, his expression becoming a little stiff due to more people being around.
"W-We aren't alone anymore!" He stuttered, mostly as a way to reassure himself that he would be okay so long as he stuck with these guys.
As Melanie brought up the light that one of the newcomers had brought up, Farran nodded quickly in agreement.
"Thank you for the l-light, Mister! I-I really appreciate it!" He spoke before nodding again toward the masked man. He then turned to the other that matched how own hair color and nodded once again.
"I-I'm a passenger too...I-I swear!" He claimed as he rubbed his shaky hands together to calm himself.
"M-Maybe there's something b-blocking the train? S-So they had to stop?" Farran then inquired with a tilted head as he faced the others to see what they thought.
Wakana Sakura

Group 4
Location: Rowan's Carriage || Action: "Conversing || Mood: Intrigued
Interacting with: Rowan @Kore and Diane @Moonlit Sonata sortaThe first thing Wakana saw upon entering the new carriage was a rather cute girl with green hair and a gas mask on. While she was curious as to why she had one on, there were some things that were a little more important to her at the time being. Hearing the other question what her problem was, the ginger proceeded to hold her bag away from her and towards the other girl, as those kidney shaped green thingies where still attached to it and sliding off of her bag rather slowly.
"Gross..." Was all she could muster to say before violently shaking her bag, causing the green kidneys to fall and bounce on the ground a little.
Shuddering at the sight and making sure that there were not still stuck on her, the rather short girl hurried over to the girl with gas mask and sat next to her without asking. She then reached into her bag and pulled out a notepad and pencil and began scribbling down a few sentences; while writing, she did note how the other girl appeared to be covering something in her jacket, but once again, it could wait. All in a matter of seconds, the ginger had invaded privacy and now space as she shoved the notepad into the other's face, hoping she would read what was on it.
'Sorry if I scared you or anything. Those creepy green kidney thingies over there were raining down on me in my carriage, so I got scared and came here. Could I possibly stay here with you for the rest of the train ride?' The note was short, simple and sweet, and the heterochromatic girl could only hope that the green hared girl would say yes.
However, before she could even get a response from the other, Wakana let out a sneeze, causing her glasses to slide down her nose a little bit. Was...was someone talking about her?