Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Red came out of the woods and observed the on-goings. This time he made sure no one would see him or threaten him willingly. He hid in areas they didn't see for hours. Eventually, he saw the elvish women examine the body of a humanoid, with an odd signature. As she electrified the body, he got his canon out in case it was hostile. And from there he watched.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sky watched his brother's wound as the latter tried to stop the bleeding, but he was quickly distracted when the same white cat he had seen earlier walked right up to them, this time, without the man it was with. The boy crouched down to stroke the animal as it sniffed him, curious of its intention.

You might wanna get rid of that a little faster.

Blake's head immediately snapped up at that sudden... whatever that was that he was somehow able to comprehend. That thought was most definitely not his own. Was all they had been through starting to take a toll on his sanity? Because it sure seemed like he was beginning to hear voices in his head.

"What's wrong?" Sky asked in concern, noticing his brother's anxiousness.

"Nothing," Blake curtly replied, shaking his head. He then continued in a softer tone. "I just hope I'm not going mad, that's all."

Sky shifted his attention back to the cat, finding its behavior to be rather strange. He usually had no problem winning over the affection of animals, but this particular cat would not take its focus off of his brother.

"I think it's worried about you, Blake," the child concluded.

"The cat is- Sky, I'm having a hard time convincing myself that I'm not crazy. Please, don't say things like that right now."

"No, but really," Sky protested, looking back at the cat. "This is so weird. I wonder where its owner is."

Sky of course, referred to the earlier long-haired man as the cat's 'owner', considering that he had no idea that the 'cat' he was stroking was not an actual cat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Juno didn't want to shift as to not to scare the kid, but he needed to keep them far from Price. The only reason he was concerned about them is because they're human and one is bleeding. He looked over at the tavern to see how his friend was doing. He had to make sure the brothers wouldn't go in there. Yes, I can talk, well with my mind at least, but worry about that later. Just don't go in there. He was doing his best to keep both Price and these humans safe. He hoped they would heed his warning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

(Enter two NPCs I will likely only use this once and hopefully never again. My "Admin hammers" for when I'm commencing GM actions in character. At @The1Rolling1Boy's request, I am making an exception here so as to lift his burden.)

All of a sudden, Time for this entire universe stopped, everyone and thing was now frozen in time.

Within this state of frozen time, two individual boys appeared, teleporting to the bar from out of nowhere. One with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing US military camouflage, the other brown hair, green eyes, and wearing casual clothes over an inner-fur sweater. The two took a look at the figures still frozen, as if looking for someone.

"...Oi, I found 'em." the blonde haired one said, pointing towards Fire, Tippi, and Logan. The brown haired one looked at the three before looking at the blonde one.

"Easy enough, guess we got em before their adventure began. ...Welp, no need to waste time then, let's get to doing the Repo." the brown-haired one said. In an instant, the two created two portals to their sides, grabbed the three in question, and pushed them into the portals before entering themselves.

The three, in the blink of an eye, would return to their original worlds, without a memory of what just transpired.

For everyone else, time started moving, and other than missing the three in question. They would not be aware of what just happened. Those with a more supernatural sense, however, would detect that an immense power came and went in an instant, leaving naught but a meager trace of that energy behind.



Morgana- Inside the Tavern

Morgana simply blinked and noticed that three people just disappeared from out of nowhere. It was only after that that he then noticed the people walking out of the tavern, seemingly one by one, and heading into the forest. What's more he could see the lightning that appeared in the forest beyond from the corner of his eyes. He then noticed the Vampire that ran into the building, closing the door from behind him, as if running from something.

"...Wow, This place is just FULL of surprises. This place has had a fair share of visitors...and I'm not convinced 90 or so percent of them are really humans themselves." A voice from above said to Price. The black cat got up and stretched out his back and limbs after laying there all that time, then jumping down to meet with the Vampire, his blue eyes looking straight at him as he lands on one of the tables.

"I'm guessing you aren't either...Or you're just a goth fanatic." The black cat spoke.


Nagito- Forest Near Tavern

"Haha! Wow, I guess our luck is shining on us again. Everything's so chaotic right now, and everyone's splitting up and leaving the Tavern. I'd say now's as good time as any to send out your pet." Nagito said to Hunter as he watched the people begin to scatter from the Bar. One may notice that the tree he was on, unlike the others, wasn't moving. This was also likely due to Nagito's luck, though he feels Hunter's prescence being so close to the tree might have something to do with it as well.


Johnathan Falcon- Within Golden's Lair

"...It seems you shall have your opportunity. The people of the tavern are scattering like the leaves of an autumn breeze. Your adversary is among them. ...If you intended to hunt him down, I would say now's a good time to do so." Johnathan said, as he continued to watch the situation around the Tavern as well.


@Windstormugly @Ryouko @Dealdric @blueflame

Lord Metallix- Forest near the Tavern

The cloaked robot watched with great interest as the other magic-user sucked the life out of the area and into himself it seemed. Fortunately for Metallix, he is technically no longer alive, any organic matter he once had is gone now, meaning he had no life energy to get sucked drive from. ...The Electromagnetic energy, however, now THAT was a bothersome thing to see. Still, however, he was more fascinated with the alchemist boy's gift adaptation, quickly adapting his body to the situation around him...could make for a useful inspiration for a new robot design when he gets back home.

Almost as if Karma itself was listening, however, he immediately detected another space-time anomaly not far from where they were, detecting an electromagnetic signature appearing when the anomaly faded. It was very weak, but it was definitely the signature of robotic machination. He's been around robots long enough to know when he spots one. It could be useful for him to gain this robot as an ally...but it would mean he'd have to leave these two alone to possibly kill each other.

Weighing his options, he decided that two seemed durable enough to last on their own, and jumped off the cliff of the ring, heading rocketing straight for the Robot in question.

When he got there, he spotted the robot he detected, shut down and in a malfunctioning state, and a lifeless husk that was once apparently an elven humanoid, spotting the bruises on her neck that indicated high-pressurized strangling was the cause of death. It didn't take very long for Metallix to figure out what happened...

"All life, no matter how beautiful or strong, fades with time all the same. ...Always such a pathetic sight to behold." Metallix thought to itself as he stared as the elven corpse. He then wandered towards the robot, and began scanning its machinations. Needless to say, it was impressive, FAR ahead the technology of the time he perceives they are in if the Elf was any indication. It wasn't like the robots that were made in his home, this was more advanced than that, rightfully so since all but the swatbots were converted from flesh rather than built. Even so, Metallix indicated himself capable of rebuilding and perhaps reprogramming this robot, since it seems to be have a base desire for the termination of something, a waste of valuable material regardless of what his target is. He'd need materials though...

It was around that time, however, that he detected another presence behind him, a hulking mass that seemed to be hiding amidst the trees if his scanners indicated properly.

"...I don't need a visor to be able to spot something like you. By the indicated mass you seem to have, it's easy to tell that you weren't made with stealth in mind...Identify yourself." Metallix said to Red, turning his head to stare in Red's direction, his eyes glowing red as he stated his demand for Red's identity. He also noticed the other figure that seemed to be standing by with this robot, A creature of supernatural energy it seemed...

This forest seemed to be just full of interesting things...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 25 days ago

@Windstormugly @Ryouko @Dealdric @blueflame

Slowly the severed limb of the metal skeleton skittering across the forest floor jumped up to climb a nearby tree. It ran up and across the branch jumping down trying to land on Lord Metallix head sparking up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yes, I can talk, well with my mind at least, but worry about that later. Just don't go in there.

"That voice again, it's not going away," Blake groaned, shaking his head. "It's official, I'm losing it..."

Sky tensed up as he too, heard it in his head this time. "Wait, the one telling us not to go in? I'm hearing it too! You're not crazy."

"Well then, what the blazes is going on here?" The elder demanded.

The boy examined the cat again, and after pondering over its strange behavior, he let out a gasp, his eyes lighting up as he came to a realization.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Asked Sky, addressing the cat directly.

Blake stared at his brother as if he was the crazy one now. "You're not serious, are you? Sky, you're talking to a cat."

"I know, but it makes sense. It really does!"

The teenager rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I don't believe this... Fine, ask it something then. I need to stop this bleeding."

Blood soon stopped flowing from Blake's wound, although it would take some time to heal completely. He removed the ice and pulled his sleeve back down as he watched his brother try to communicate with the animal. Well, there was no better way to end a crazy day like the one they had just gotten through than with a possibly telepathic cat.

Stroking the cat's head again, Sky then spoke. "Why shouldn't we go in there? What's happening inside?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

@The Jest

While his friend dealt with the two humans outside, Price heard a voice from somewhere and looked down to see a black cat. He waited a few moments before giving him an honest answer. "No, but I used to be." He had to keep away from humans so his demon wouldn't get out. Not like Morgana needed to know about that considering the two just met.

@The Jest

Hunter listened to this and grinned. "Alrighty." He looked at his favorite minion and pointed to where Dino-boy was. "Go get him, boy!" Shadowsaur nodded before rushing towards Arin and knocking him over with its foot.

By now, Arin was walking by himself when something knocked him over all of sudden. He rolled over to see who or what dared to do that. Only one thought came to mind the moment he saw the big dino-like shadow. Of course he'd be here. He went to get up only to be pushed back down by Shadowsaur's foot. He then grabbed said foot in attempt to push it off of him. Why can't HE just leave me alone?

@The Jest

Golden nodded as he made a few finishing touches on the machines. He pointed at the screen as he looked at his minions. "See that wolf right there?" "Yes, master." "You're mission is go out there and defeat him. Now go!" The machines made robotic-like howls before heading off to find Joey.

Joey was fighting the tree that had attacked him earlier which felt ridiculous to him. He decided to stop after awhile. That's when a rumbling caught his attention instead and he looked over to see a bunch of robotic-like werewolves heading straight for him. He turned to face them despite how fast they seemed to be going. He lunged at one before trying to latch himself to it and digging his claws in as well. He then jumped off to see if it did anything. He sighed as it seemed he only managed to put dents in its metallic body.


My friend went in there and let's just say he's got a major problem with your kind. Since they now knew he was the one speaking telepathically to them, Juno shifted to his human form with his cat ears and tail still out. And if I know him well enough by now, he's just trying to keep from hurting you. He finally got the idea the kid seemed more curious than scared. You can help him by not going anywhere near him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sky's eyes widened in fascination as the cat in front of him morphed into a human teenage boy. He did not seem threatening at all, so the child stayed where he was after standing back up. "Oh... you're human!"

Blake raised an eyebrow at the boy who was a white cat just a second ago, surprised, but at this point, finding it believable considering everything else that had happened to them throughout the day.

"You're a... cat shifter..." the cryokinetic observed, before shaking his head. "Whatever. You said he had a problem with 'our kind', yet he's trying not to hurt us? That makes no sense."

Sky tugged on his brother's sleeve, an idea coming to mind. "What if he's like Azzurra? Maybe he can suddenly turn evil too."

Blake thought back to his sister, to Rossa. Sky had a point, but he would wait for the telepathic cat shifter to confirm it. He let out a sigh. "You know Sky, I like how you can make me seem like an idiot at times."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, keep doing that. You're a bright kid," Blake simply stated, before turning back to the cat-shifting telepath. "So is that true? Does your friend have some savage, bloodthirsty side too?"

If it was true, Blake hoped that he could get some clue as to how they could get Azzurra back.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Juno thought about how crazy Price can get when his demon takes over. I would have to say yes. However, it only makes him attack humans. All us non-humans get ignored by it. He really was just trying to warn them about that side of Price.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sonic - Outside the Tavern

@Dealdric@The Jest@Blueflame

"This place is dead as can be, I'm outta here" the blue hedgehog said, quickly jumping off his stool after finishing up his food. It wasn't anything great, no one seemed to be able to figure out what he had been asking for, before just settling on something sweet. But now that he was done, it was time to get going, and get back on the road. Questions still needed to be answered, the most pressing being just where he was right now. Making his way out the door, Sonic stretched his legs and began to run back towards the forest he had just arrived in not too long ago. Looking around as he was making his way, weaving between trees, his eye, caught something. Something familiar.

Metal Sonic? It looked like him, standing, talking to something. Another robot, with a body laying on the ground. Sonic clenched up his fist as he took in the situation. It must have been them, Robotnik's robots had lead to this woman's death. Sonic gritted his teeth as he planned how to go about in this situation. As he looked on, he saw some kind of robotic limb jumping down from a nearby tree.

In an instant, Sonic ran forward, jumpin into the air, moving to spin and kick the robotic limb away, before turning back and facing what he assumed to be Metal Sonic. Curling into a ball, the blue hedgehog began his assault on Lord Metallix, pushing himself forward.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sky could guess what Blake was going for, though, he decided to quietly listen this time, as the conversation between the two teenagers went on.

Blake nodded. "I see. In that case, how does he revert back to his umm... 'normal' state?"

These questions might come across as rather strange to the cat shifter, but Blake did not feel the need to tell him about Azzurra unless he asked.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Well, that's the hard part cause as far as he and I know, you would have to hit him. I never liked doing that though considering he's a close friend of mine. I wish I knew of another way, but I don't and I'm pretty sure neither does he. Juno sighed as he finished explaining all that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Morgana- Inside the Tavern


"...I see. You're just like me then. I used to be a human too. Been trying to find a way to get back my human form before I got swept into this mess." Morgana said, licking his paw and rubbing it over his ear so as to clean it as he talked.

"What about you? Do you also want to be human again?" He then asked Price.


Nagito- Forest Near Tavern


Nagito began watching from his spot at Arin fighting the Shadowsaur, while occasionally moving his focus on other parts of the forest area.

"I may be overstepping my bounds a little...But why ARE you interested in the Dino-boy? With someone of your talent compared to his, he doesn't seem like someone really worth your time." Nagito asked as he looked on.


Johnathan Falcon- Within Golden's Lair

Continuing his upside-down meditating, Johnathan shifted his focus to seeing the fight at hand with Joey, watching him through the eyes of his mechanical predators.


Lord Metallix- Forest near the Tavern

@Dealdric @blueflame @Letmehaveone2 @Nerevarine

It seems a couple of interruptions to his interrogation of the giant red colossus and the Demon that were by the Corpse. But it seems both interruptions, interested as they both are, collided with each other. Metallix was first quick to look at the robotic limb that almost attached itself to his head that Sonic kicked off. A remotely controlled limb was certainly impressive, but what's more so was that it was active when it seems the signal transmitter, the broken robot itself, seemed offline or outright malfunctioning. Could it be automated with its own particular programming disconnected from the bot's AI, or is the malfunctioning robot still able to input commands to its disconnected limb despite the damages? Questions for another time as he looked forward at the Hedgehog that stopped the hand from clenching his head, his eyes glowing red beneath the hood that he managed to keep on.

"Ah, Sonic...You're timing is quite...impeccable." He said to the organic hedgehog. However in response, Sonic seemed to curl up into a ball, readying one of his signature spin dashes. ...What an inconvenience. He could hop over the ball heading towards him, but he'd rather not have Sonic damage the Robot he's so interested in. With that in mind, he decided to use some of the energy within his systems to generate the Black Shield around himself, using it as a guard against Sonic's spin dash. Of course, the downside of using a shield that's shaped like a diamond and lifting him above ground, is that there's nothing stopping the momentum of Sonic's spin dash from pushing the diamond away from where he was standing, crashing it on whatever's behind him, a tree in this case. Metallix was still unharmed as he turned off the shield, but he was now moved away from the robot he was looking at, as well as the robot and the demon he was interrogating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

@The Jest

"I've been a vampire for way too long, I don't know if it's still possible. I wouldn't mind being what I am now if it weren't for...well....um...." He trailed off as he didn't want anyone he hardly knew to know about that side of him yet.

@The Jest

Hunter grinned. "I wouldn't be so sure and you'll see why in a few minutes." He then watched as Shadowsaur beat the crap out of Arin.

Meanwhile, all those beatings were getting Arin really upset. He finally managed to get the foot away from him before standing up. As always, his anger triggered a transformation. He grew claws and teeth before looking kind of like a lizard at first if you were watching him in mid-transformation. His entire body began to grow as he began to look more and more like a dinosaur. He let out a thundering roar once the transformation completed. His roar echoed through the forest, possibly scaring a few people.

Shadowsaur backed up a bit before staring back at his boss. He a got a 'what are you waiting for? Go on.' from him. Shadowsaur looked back at Arin before getting into a fighting stance.

@The Jest
Hunter kept his evil grin on as looked at Nagito. "See? It's fun to get him all riled up. Fun for me, that is."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sky turned to his brother in alarm after hearing what the telepathic shifter had to say. "Hit? You won't hurt Azzurra, will you?"

Blake seemed to be staring at the ground with a blank look on his face as he replied to the child. "If it comes to the point when we have to protect ourselves from her, there might be no other option. If I have to beat Rossa out of her, then so be it. I honestly can't tell if the same strategy will work on her, but if Rossa so much as lays a finger on you, I will fight her."

In spite of speaking with such confidence, Blake was unsure of whether or not he was even a match for the pyrokinetic witch. He did not know the extent of Rossa's abilities, but he was not letting her near Sky, even if that might kill him.

He turned back to the cat shifter and nodded. "Thank you for the information."

According to the other teen, it was not safe for them to enter the building. Blake guessed that they should just keep walking. That was when an animalistic roar echoing from the forest caught their attention.

Sky jumped in fright, grabbing on to the hem of his brother's shirt. "W- What was that?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Enormel was happily surprised by the young demon-armed man, maybe he had a brain in that head of his, recognizing one's own mistakes and striving to better them was hard. He could feel something different in the flow of energies surrounding the man, but he didn't have any concentration to spare an that particular trail of thought. Lemrone was squirming inside of the makeshift prison, but it wouldn't be long before he began assimilating all the new energies. And once he was done... Enormel didn't dare think of it.

-"Is the..presence..controlled now?"-

Now how was he to answer that? Telling the truth and saying that Lemrone and himself were in control for as long as the other let them likely wouldn't build any trust between them.
-I'm in control. Thank you for not interfering. Enormel said. He still felt like his every cell was starting to burst, but it getting better would mean Lemrone almost done, so he had to tough it out.

Standing up the sound of frozen grass scattering under his shoes reminded the mage of what he'd done, how was the other man? Taking in the scene around him he saw a man with new eyes... Interesting. His pondering was broken by a loud roar echoing across the forest. A quiet moment where he could rest up was apparently too much to ask for.

-My name is Enormel Fheergast, arcane researcher. I'm hoping you won't think bad of me for ignoring your wall. he said. What he meant soon became apparent as the mage began floating up into the air above the trees.

Looking out around him Enormel could see the tavern, the rumble between the dinosaurs, and something off to one side he wasn't completely sure about. Robots, and something blue. He would be able to go in the complete opposite direction from all of them. I better hurry, at this rate I'll collapse in an hour. he thought. The mental and physical strain from ignoring the pressure inside of him was taking its toll. Enormel could barely feel his hands or feet, and his vision was getting blurry.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Juno heard it too, but it probably had nothing to do with them. I don't think I can answer that one. He listened carefully to the roar and sounded as if someone's been ticked off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


Morgana- Inside the Tavern

"...I see. Well, that's fine either way. I always thought Vampires were a work of fiction, but...I'm not one to talk. Ah, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. ...The name's Morgana, Phantom Thief Extraordinaire. ...What's your name, Vamp?" Morgana asked. it was then that he heard the roar coming from outside, which caused him to jump a little in shock. Took him about a second or two to realize what he just did, and return to a normal position.

"...Gees, what did I get myself into?" he asked himself, a paw on his face as if face-palming in embarrassment of what just happened.



Nagito- Forest Near Tavern

Nagito definitely heard the roar, but he was hardly scared by it. As he watched the Dinosaur that Arin became. He then looked back down at Hunter as he explained his reasoning. "Fun"; This was purely doen for entertainment's sake and nothing more...He'd be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed by this, however it was of no concern to him. ...If anything, this battle was nourishment for Nagito's Philosophy. For if Arin took down and overcame this Shadowsaur, a being sent to him in meaninglessness and despair, then surely Arin's hope will shine brighter as a result.

"But not brightly enough." Nagito thought as he continued his observation. He wanted to give Arin, no, Everyone in this forest something bigger than this, something nigh-impossible, something that drips with a neverending despair. Only then would he find what he's looking for. ...But that is something that will not come to him anytime soon, and so for now, he must be patient...Indulge in the entertainment of his master, so that they may go for bigger goals when Hunter gains his fill.

"I'll admit his talent is certainly fascinating...I certainly never seen someone turn into a dinosaur before." Nagito said, happily admiring Arin's power of transformation, despite what's truly going on in his head. Say what you will about Nagito Komaeda...He hides his true emotions REAL well it seems.


Johnathan Falcon- Within Golden's Lair

Johnathan could also sense the roaring of Arin via the mecha wolves he sees through.

"There appears to be more than one significant power in this forest other than Joseph. ...Shall I turn my attention to them?" He asked Golden.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryouko


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


He could sense the man was still in pain, and almost felt the internal struggle that was taking place within him. The youth would nod lightly as Enormel spoke his name, and thanked him for not interfering with...whatever had just happened. Perhaps the energy that had entered Enormel had been to fuel something? Maybe to block the sinister presence?

Not entirely relaxed, and surely not reassured of Enormel's control, his demonic arm remained purple at the blades, wisps of darkness trailing into the air.

-"I'm hoping you won't think bad of me for ignoring your wall."

And then, Enormel was gone. Airborne, and now pre-occupied with his own battle. The Assassin shook his head lightly as he stepped back, and into the shadows, his adaptation against Enormel faded into his mind. Aion's demonic arm's darkness seemed to fade as the youth began to give off darkness, his irises turning black.

Adaptation: Stealth in Darkness.

It would seem that Aion's form, now wreathed in darkness, blended in perfectly with the shadows of the night. He felt other presences, other beings that had come in the amount of time Enormel's situation had been..handled. Aion would place a hand on the dirt wall, using his alchemy to lower the ring back into the ground. Besides the circle of frozen grass and the now darkness-wreathed male, it would seem as if his construction had never risen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

@The Jest
Price looked at him. "Price." He said with a smile.

@The Jest
Hunter looked at Nagito to listen to him, but had nothing more to say. Instead, he just continued to watch the fight between the dinosaurs.

Arin turned to raise his tail like he was gonna whack it, but his tail collided with Shadowsaur's. He was getting even more annoyed at how this particular shadow kept matching his every move. Growling in frustration, he backed up a bit before opening his mouth to release a bunch of ice at the shadow. Shadowsaur looked surprised at this, but was still willing to fight. It went to move its own tail only to find he could not. It looked at its tail which was covered in ice.

@The Jest
Golden heard the roar too, but was sure it had nothing to do with them. He had make sure his minions were doing as told. "It's of no concern to me, but you can go check it out if you wish. I have other matters to attend to." He then resumed watching the fight between his minions and Joey.

Joey was fighting off as many of these mechanical werewolves as he could. He wondered if there was cliff somewhere. He was not scared, but still thought his 'running with style' method would be the best option for now.
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