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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crusz Bumbleclaw

Group 3
Location: A Misty Place || Action: CRUSZ SMASH! || Mood: Elated -> Shookt
Unfortunately venturing with: Humphrey @Mae

For a moment there, Crusz could've sworn that the thing just moved! That's silly...boxes, or whatever these things are called, aren't supposed to move! Regardless, with permission granted from the human prisoner, the Kobold began to mull his options on how to deal with this thing. Hmmm, he placed one clawed hand under his chin and looked from left to right, noticing that the mystifying mists surrounding both him and his prisoner have begun to subside, he felt at ease for some reason...Must've been because the mists were adding this creepy ambiance to the place. What little could be called "thinking" done, Crusz decided that O'l Rusty Reliable will have to do and began to heft up his heavy blade with all the strength his arms could muster.

Placing the tip of his blade carefully on the thing and breathing heavily. The lizard tapped into the container a few times with his sword to make sure he wouldn't miss, with both of his hands and a growl that could probably alert them to any nearby monsters, the reptilian lifted his sword up to the sky and brought it down with great effort, effectively smashing the thing to bits. The creaks it made were like music to the kobold, he got to smash something, granted it wasn't a human's skull but it all works out. To his surprise, some...some...something was inside of the box, its some sort of glowy thing that keeps on spinning, looks weird and also really menacing with those dark and purple colors of its.

The orb absorbed what contents of the wooden container were left and then...nothing. Huh. That it? Well, the kobold thought to himself that he probably wouldn't have much use for this magic thing but that human over there might be able to find some sort of us-Great Shaqu'le One'al above! Before Crusz knew it, the magical floaty thing began to upchuck the former splinters of wood that the reptilian had just smashed a few moments ago, spitting it out in extreme speeds around the surrounding area, hitting Crusz with a few splinters here and there, prompting him to drop his sword and take cover behind his shield, then suddenly...something soft? What?! Some sort of fabric thing now and then fancy glass things that escape the kobold's line of thought from their rapid movements, those wax fire magic thingies as well, humans tend to carry them in steel boxes when they wander in the caves. A chair?! Some fancy schmancy dusty old book, those advanced versions of those magic fire light thingies humans have in their homes apparently, charcoal and chalk, and just more dust. And then, rugs and carpets. Just...what WAS that glowy spinny thing?!

The kobold was at a loss for words, the spinny glowy thing eventually absorbed in on itself and left Crusz and the prisoner with even more questions but also some sort of fancy scholar home back at his hometown. Coughing and getting off the dust and splinters off his scale, the reptilian grabbed his sword among the mess of objects and pointed his blade right at the human again. He doesn't know what just happened but he's got a faint suspicion the human might know something...might. "You! What the heck was that?!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Group Five: Michael, Druuk, Sinéad

(A dispatch from Mae)
Outside the Train

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Going to meet Regulus -> Awed by Regulus|| Mood: Excited -> Awed -> Slightly Surprised
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749, Sinead @Orpheus, and Regulus @Mae

Michael was pretty sure, unlike Druuk seemed to be, that nothing bad would happen to them. But even if it did, they probably wouldn't survive a fall from way up here. "I'm Michael, nice to meet you Druuk," he added. Regardless of the fact his life could very well be hanging from a string, Michael was excited about meeting Regulus, that he was sure of. The starthings seemed excited and happy about them, and that felt like it was all the assurance he really needed. 'Most Probably' didn't even seem like a problem, and when Sinead mentioned it he just looked at her and offered a jovial, "Most Probaably is the best odds I've had in a while." When Sinead patted his hand, it took Michael a full ten seconds to realize that she wished for him to let go of her hand, which he did so quickly, muttering a nervous apology. He then turned to the door.

"I'm sure they're better than human nobility, since he's not having to deal with heirs and nobles so much, I don't think so anyway," Michael said as he stepped through to go and meet Regulus. An action immediately followed by him being unable to decide if he should fall to his knees and grovel or just fall to his knees.

"Oh my, what have we here?" the royal-looking man's warm, soft voice was both reassuring and gentle. It was not as deep as one might expect, and it carried the tone of a caring father; rather than that of a commanding king. He stepped down and quickly crossed the gap between him and Michael, his long golden hair glistening, his simple spired silver crown glowing with it's own unearthly light.

"Regulus! Regulus!"
"Look what we found!"
"Look! Look!"
"Can we keep them?"
"Yes let's keep them!"
"They're so much fun!!"

Regulus sighed with amusement and shook his head. "Darlings, you know this is not our way. We do not take earthly ones from their homes, it is cruel to them," Michael could see him clearer now, even though he glowed and faded as if moving too quickly. A silver star sparkled in each in of his golden eyes as he looked Michael up and down, as if inspecting him.

"Ah, this one is quite special, is he not?" He admired as the starlings cried out in unison:

"Why can't we keep them!"

"He is our favourite!"
"Let them stay forever!"
"Stay and play!"

Michael wanted to speak up, to at least say there was more unspecial about him than special, but he couldn't find the words. Regulus watched the starthings dance about between him and Farmer, his expression still one of affection, despite the stern undertone his voice then took. "Darlings, you know you are forbidden from entering the earthly homes by yourselves. It is a dangerous place. These rules exist for a reason, and you have broken them, have you not?" For the first time, the Starlings hovered in the air- without darting around. Their extremities drooped with the realization they'd been caught doing something naughty.

But it wasn't long before they started giggling to themselves again, and they zipped behind Michael's head, hiding.

Regulus chuckled quietly. "So, dear one, I must thank you for keeping our babes unharmed and entertained. An action of such goodwill should be rewarded. I am Regulus, may I ask your name?"

It was here that Michael finally regained his tongue. "Y-yeah, of course! M-My name is Michael, your, uh, highness?" The former farmer stumbled over his words as it occurred to him that he'd never stood before anyone who had status higher than the aid to a noblewoman (that he knew of). To put it lightly, he didn't know the etiquette. "A-and it was... uh, wait, those little stars are babies?" He asked, getting off track.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaleo Yuna

Group 1
Location: --- || Action: --- || Mood: ---
Interacting with: --- @Mae, @Paddiecake, @Orpheus


Farran Parisa

Group 2
Location: "Safely" on the Ground || Action: Breaking a Fall
Pouty -3-
Interacting with: Melanie @Mae, Castiel @Fox of Spades, Lloyd @SilverDawn

Farran waited in mostly calm stiffness, as the water brushed past him. Thankfully, he didn't have to worry about his wellbeing anymore, but he was worried about the others for sure. If he could help, he probably would, but he might end up making things worst for everyone...much like he always does.

Even in a situation like this, Farran managed to pull down his mood. He had been so absorbed in what he could be dong that he failed to notice the water begin to drain out of the tunnel. It was only when the rather close sound above him reached the boy's ears, that he noticed what was going on.
"W...Whoa!" The boy began to flailing, making the rope fray at a an even fast rate. The appearance of another, more frightening, oddball made Farran shake even more, leading to the rope breaking. And although the drop wasn't too bad, it still hurt as Farran landed right on his bottom. "Ow o-ow ow..."" groaned as he pulled the makeshift harness of of him, only pouting a little towards the insult he just received.

Wakana Sakura

Group 4
Location: Rowan's Carriage || Action: Stuck. || Mood: Surprised --> Scared
Interacting with: Rowan @Kore and Diane @Moonlit Sonata sorta

Just as Wakana was about to place her hand on the brass knob, Gas Mask's alerting voice made her turn and look over. She watched as the green haired girl slid under the seat to brace herself, but Wakana herself took no action to actually protect herself. And of course, she had nothing to worry about as the doorknob across the room only jiggled in desperation. Rolling her eyes at their childishness, Wakana looked back at Gas Mask who appeared to being going through a crisis of some sorts. What was going on with her? just a second ago, Gas Mask was smiling and playing along with the other girl...now she was telling her bird(?) to shut up.
"U-Um..." Wakana mumbled in attempts to get the girl's attention.

Unfortunately, before the ginger could approach Gas Mask to see what suddenly changed, the train shook for a brief moment, causing Wakana to stumble. She closed her eyes in attempts to steady herself better, but once she opened them, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was floating. She had to be floating. The train disappeared around them, giving Wakana sight of the white haired girl that was trying to enter the carriage and the outside world. But, that couldn't be right...they were still moving and...Wakana looked back at Gask Mask, noticing the glass shapes of the seat she hid under. Furrowing her brows, Wakana knelt down and rubbed her hand along what she thought was nothing, but was actually...glass? There train...turned int glass. And outside wasn't exactly a sight to behold.

Men and clocks fought among themselves in heated battle. One of the warriors had even slammed right into the glass train. The bespectacled girl expected the wall to crack from the pressure, but it remained in tact. The warrior, however, poked his head through the window, right in front of Wakana and began slamming his fist against the glass.

For some reason, the girl couldn't look away. His hungry gaze was all to familiar to the girl, as her face showed nothing less of pure horror. Her body shook as the warrior's wanting, hungry, demanding gaze wouldn't look away from her. It was just like all those other people... Wakana wanted to get away, but it felt as if she were going into shock, the warrior's hypnotic gaze keeping her rooted in place.
"H-Help..." Was all the girl could muster up to say, as tears began to roll down her face.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Castiel Moor

Group 2
Location: On top of the carriage || Action: Trying to think up a plan || Mood: Hesitant

Interacting with Melanie @Mae,Farran @Tenma Tendo, and Lloyd @SilverDawn

The one called Lloyd Llewyn had saved the girl and Castiel couldn't help but smile at the unexpected turn of events. Water spilled out of the gap the man had created in the wall and for a few peaceful moments - they were safe. "Great job," he mumbled beneath his breath but the awe and thankfulness were short lived and before they could gather their bearings, they were faced with another odd obstacle.

A giant, humanoid-like creature appeared from behind the fallen wall. It bellowed loudly. Friend or Foe? Castiel didn't know, but for now, it seemed like the thing was less dangerous than it appeared it be. Judging by the tone of its voice, he deduced it might even have been excited. It was around that time that Just Farran fell to the ground with a thud, Castiel winced on behalf of his fallen comrade.

"Just Farran?" He hissed from atop the train. "Are you okay?"

The worry was short-lived and the young man turned his gaze to the strange humanoid. It wasn't charging at them, in fact, it was simply asking a question. "That would be us. We're sorry if this wall was of use to you." He spoke. "We're a little lost. Our train broke down and water started filling the tunnel. You wouldn't happen to know where we are, would you?" Perhaps asking the strange creature was unorthodox but they didn't know anything really, so what was the harm in asking?

Viola Valdis

Group 3
Location: Some Misty Place || Action: Forced to attend a tea party in Nightmareland || Mood: Still Very Concerned

Interacting with Alexis and Oxe @PaddieCake

The chairs were being friendly enough. They ceased attacking the man and instead brought him an oblong shaped object. "What's that?" She asked him rather quietly as she eyed the group of chairs with distrust. Something felt off, ever since she'd found herself in this strange misty place, but things were growing hazier and Viola couldn't understand why her insides were churning or why her stomach felt like it had tightened itself into a knot.

Years in the military had taught her to be cautious - events from her childhood had taught her the dangers of the unknown. And yet for the life of her it felt like those hard-earned years of training were slipping through her fingers like sand. "We should take the girl and go." Her voice sounded more insistent, but it one strained their ears enough, they'd detect a hint of worry and uncertainty.

"Alexis, can you get down?" Viola called out. Ignoring the teacups that danced toward her side of the table, she approached the magical stack of chairs. Asking had worked last time, perhaps it would work again. "Will you please put her down? We're very late for an important date, you see. We don't have any time for these shenanigans." The longer they stayed the more she felt this was all she'd ever known.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Group 2
Location: Broken Wall || Action: Fancy diplomancy. || Mood: Confident
Interacting with: Melanie @Mae, Farron @Tenma Tendo, Castiel @Fox of Spades, and the Ogre

As the wall crumbled, it would seem that his companions were safe. Lloyd let out a sigh of relief as a new figure appeared in the hole. The figure, it seemed, had a problem with Lloyd busting a hole in the wall. Castiel tried to respond to the figure, but without giving any quarter for a response, Lloyd tried his hand at his (not) great diplomacy ability.

"Well, my friend," Lloyd said as he practically dropped Melanie in the remaining puddles of water, "our navigator seems to have... lost us? He sort of dropped us down in this cavern looking place, left, and then a huge blast of water came and slammed me into the wall. In fact, elbow first. And it might be broken."

His performance was that of a thespian. While he did tell a little white lie, he said it all rather tamely, compared to his ordinary self. It was weird. The bit about his elbow was true. He actually thought it might be broken. His adrenaline high was coming down, after all.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

Group One: Ignatus, Targild, Kaleo, Kain

@Paddiecake@Mae@Tenma Tendo@Orpheus

Group Two: Farran, Melanie, Castiel, Lloyd

@Tenma Tendo@Mae@Fox of Spades@SilverDawn

Group Three: Oxe, Humphrey, Alexis, Crusz, Viola

@Paddiecake@Mae@Haru Nyan@Fox of Spades

Group Four: Wakana, Rowen, Diane

@Tenma Tendo@Kore@Moonlit Sonata

Group Five: Michael, Druuk, Sinéad


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaddieCake
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PaddieCake The Lord of Piggies

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Group #1
Location: Outside|| Action: Inconspiculously trying to get away. || Mood: Relieved --> Worried/Confused--> Sneaky
Interacting with: Kain@Orpheus, Targilde @Mae, Kaleo @Tenma Tendo

Iggy sneered as the man thrust his spear out. He almost immediately went on guard, brandishing his own makeshift weapon at him. It was only until he spoke that he realized what the man was doing. Iggy snorted, was the man so foolish as to give up a weapon? Even if he already had one? His threat made him reconsider his actions, but it didn't hurt to have, right?

The frazzled man took the spear, perhaps a little too harshly, inspecting it carefully. He felt a sense of relief wash over him, even though he kept a careful eye on the other three, he was glad to be as safe as he could be right now. He was always grateful to be alive, this wasn't any different.

He took a deep breath, looking at his surroundings a bit more carefully. It was then that he realized exactly what was surrounding him, strange gold flecks floating around, but more importantly where he was. The train should have made it obvious, however, as did the tributes surrounding him...assuming they actually were tributes...

“Shit…” he muttered, moving the spear and metal rod into one hand, rubbing his face with the other. Did he want to go back to the Camp? It certainly hadn't worked out well the first time... Maybe it was safer now? The mere though made Ignatus laugh, but would it be worth it to stop over, if just for a night? It wouldn't take long to walk there, though quicker by train. It was strange just how close the train go before crashing. Ignatus assumed it was his own fault it crashed.

He looked back towards the others, his brow furrowing as a strange black...shadow snake wrapped itself around the man with the cross bow. He had no idea what that was supposed to be. Ignatus wasn't going to stick around to find out.but what about the Misery Hounds? Ignatus glanced around, they could still be lingering. "Shit..." he muttered again,maybe for now it would be safer to go to Camp? At least follow the path there... It was an idea. He glanced back at the three of them, one unconscious, one with that thing wrapped around him, the other completely unconscious.

Ignatus shook his head, keeping an eye on them as he slowly backed up, trying not to draw attention to himself as he did so.

Group #3
Location: The Mists|| Action: Watching the chairs with mild amusement. :: Insisting they leave || Mood Intrigued --> Frightened :: Anxious
Interacting with: Viola @Fox of Spades, chair.

The chairs responded almost immediately to the request, letting Alexis down gently to the ground. Oxe couldn't figure out why the chairs reacted the way they did (and what he could have done to insult them in the first place). He was glad to be able to stand up without worrying about being knocked over, however, as the chairs seemed to lose interest in him.

"Thank you very much, it was lovely meeting you but we must get going." Alexis said politely, as her feet finally hit the ground. There was concern obvious in her voice. She raced over to Oxe, barely acknowledging Viola, or the one chair that seemed intent on following her as Oxe scooped her up into his arms. "I saw where the mists end but we need to hurry." Alexis said, cupping a hand to Oxe's ear, whispering quietly and quickly into it.

Oxe's eyes widened, his memory coming back to him. He simply nodded, lifting Alexis up and placing her on his shoulders. "I saw a clear path." She said, pointing to where she remembered seeing where the mist began to end, trying to keep clear of anyone she had been able to see when she had been hoisted up above them.

The chair that had followed Alexis ran in quick circles around Oxe, either to prove it was fast, or to make sure Oxe wasn't hurting her in some way.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Castiel Moor

Group 2
Location: On the ground, beside Farran || Action: Questioning the Creature || Mood: Alarmed

Interacting with Melanie @Mae,Farran @Tenma Tendo, and Lloyd @SilverDawn

Everything hurt, despite escaping the sudden torrent, Castiel couldn't escape gravity and the ground was just as hard as he remembered. He remained lying there beside Just Farran for a brief moment before he picked himself up to listen to Llyod Llewyn's diplomatic endeavors. "You broke your elbow?" He interrupted, forgetting his manners. Castiel's voice was calm, but there was a hint of alarm on his frowning face. "Are you alright? We need to get that looked at—" And then the strange creature mentioned a witch and the words died in his throat.

The ghost he'd met earlier had mentioned something similar - a witch and a crooked house, a room she wished she could have found.

His stomach tightened into a knot before his gaze flitted from Melanie and Farran to Lloyd and the strange creature. He wasn't quite sure about what the strange humanoid was saying but he managed to understand bits and pieces and it was enough for him to know that this was the same witch the ghostly girl had told him about. "This witch from the crooked house, how do we avoid her?" He asked. "And... do you know anything about her?" He gestured vividly with his his hands. "Something about the many rooms she keeps?"

Questions, his head was full of questions.

Viola Valdis

Group 3
Location: Some Misty Place || Action: Leaving a tea party in Nightmareland || Mood: Wary

Interacting with Alexis and Oxe @PaddieCake

The chairs obliged and allowed Alexis to hop down. Seeing the girl safely back on solid ground, Viola let out a sigh of relief. She didn't think the chairs and teacups were particularly dangerous on their own but they were abnormal and strange, and she'd been steeling herself for the worst. Thankfully that wasn't the case, and she watched as Alexis ran past her and was quickly scooped up onto Oxe's back.

I saw a clear path.

The amusement and mirth the child had displayed earlier had turned into something different. "Great job, Alexis." Viola encouraged, though deep down, she was wondering if the girl had seen something frightening and otherworldly. "Let's get out of here then." With that said she followed after the duo, making sure to keep an eye on the chair that circled around Oxe just in case it tried to do something funny. As they walked through the mist, she kept a steady hand on the hilt of her blade. Bad things happened when one wasn't careful, she'd learned that the hard way many years ago and Viola wasn't about to make the same mistake.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Keeping silent before he ruins everything || Mood: Relaxed
Interacting with: Sinead Argent @Orpheus, Druuk @duskshine749, Regulus @Mae

Michael didn't mind that Regulus never answered his question, though he realized he might've slipped up when he saw Sinead curtsy, as he hadn't bowed. But it seemed this slip-up had gone unnoticed as Regulus turned his attention to the woman, seeming to agree with Michael's personal opinion that she was easy to look at. With King Regulus distracted, Michael finally took his turn to examine their surroundings. It was certainly beautiful and dramatic- though that just made Michael feel even more wary. He had no idea how much of this wasn't just a show put on for them, and in his experience the more beautiful something was, the faster it'd kill you. Looking back at Regulus, he crossed his arms and let Sinead lead the conversation. As flustered as she acted, she still clearly had a better head for this than he.

It was still much to his surprise, however, when Regulus grabbed his head and pressed his thumb to the center of Michael's forehead. He didn't dare stop the monarch, out of fear it would be perceived as a serious slight, but as soon as Regulus had let go he was rubbing the spot his thumb had been pressed gently. What was that all about? He wondered, but kept the question to himself, letting the situation unfold without further input from him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Group 1
Location: Outside || Action: Not Devouring It || Mood: Much Ragrets
Interacting with: Kaleo 🔪 @Tenma Tendo, Targilde 🔪 @Mae, Ignatus 🔪 @Paddiecake

They barely filled half an hour of walking along the tracks before another problem showed itself.

This one, he didn’t even notice- to be fair, Kain was busy keeping an eye on the horizon and the twitchy wreck who had reached for the spear at the first opportunity. Look, it wasn’t on his agenda to get skewered by his own craft right after saving a bunch of casuals and the man kept staring whenever he thought nobody was watching, so Kain thought it would be better to trail him the most. Just in case he did some crazy shit.

Of course, if he knew that the unassuming blondie would suddenly give off a pseudo-spirit mist… thing like she had just stepped out of a hot bath, he would have had reconsidered what passed for a threat in his eyes.

Damn, the Gods just loved pissing on him today, didn’t they?

The creep spoke- somehow, he understood, and at the back of everything else he heard the butler-type call out to him. It was difficult to compartmentalize his tension and play it off; there was the constant threat of those things coming back for them, which he had to spot since he was the only one with a damn longbow, and now this spooky fuckface was attempting to up the ante with some nonconsensual vore shit. Still, he had enough of his wits to respond almost immediately- by covering his nose and his mouth with a hand.

“I’d prefer not to; I don’t swallow until the second date,” Kain joked, his response coming out muffled from under his fingers. He turned his head to the side, to look at Targilde and avoid the spectre’s eyeless- yet unerring- gaze. “Tuxedo man, where did this thing come from again?” And while he waited for an answer as to how in the everliving shit something like this snuck up on them, the mercenary swayed from side to side as if to urge the presence to go away. That didn’t work, so he resorted to wiggling. Again, didn’t work; if anything, the weight on his abdomen grew heavier.

“Oh come on, you shadowy bugger. Shoo,” Kain complained under his breath, managing to sound both exasperated and half-hearted at the same time.

Group 5
Location: Aether || Action: Schmoozing || Mood: Satisfied
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749, Michael @Burthstone, and Regulus @Mae

Seona was victim to a rising sensation of alarm when she clued in that the astral king may or may not have been flirting with her during the entire encounter. Thankfully, she was far more adept with suppressing her thoughts, and none of her inner turmoil broke through the gentle smile she wore on her face.

When the exchange concluded, the noblewoman did as Regulus bade and noted with a slight frisson of surprise the star on her hand, surpassed only in brilliance by the golden imprint on Michael’s forehead. The mark on her hand felt like a… piece of this place, as if she had brought a bucket with her and scooped out the essence of the Aether. She wondered if its effects would come into play once they left the glittering city, and admitted to herself that she was quite curious to see what it was meant to do.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. It would serve as a reminder of our fleeting, yet memorable time here in your wondrous domain. Would that we could repay your kindness,” Sinéad dipped into a deep curtsy to show her utmost gratitude. It was quite a challenge, as the monarch still held her other hand in his own, and for a moment there her initial worries about that last bit she said bubbled. Not allowing those thoughts any leeway lest they fester, Seona stomped them down and focused on the socializing at hand. When she rose, she cast a quick glance towards her companions, as if to cue them to speak. Michael remained silent, and Druuk…
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kore
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Kore Queen Persephone, Maiden of Spring

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Group #4
Location: Willow Tree Field || Action: Escaping Illusion, Inspecting self || Mood: Curious--> Cautious
Interacting with: Wakana Sakura @Tenma Tendo mostly, wondering about Diane Edelweiss @Moonlit Sonata

Rowen stumbled as she tried to steady herself, her vision flickering with the sudden change. Her eyes took a moment to adjust as her mind struggled to separate the two images before her. On one hand, she could see the smooth clean glass walls of the train, a fierce battlefield stretching out around them. On the other hand, she could see a sky alight with colours, and a grand willow tree whose leaves swayed gently above her. It was a strange experience, a feeling that tickled her brain and bridled her excitement.

What can I do with this? Wen thought to herself. She deeply wanted to explore the new possibilities that had been laid out before her, but would it be safe to do so? Who knew what sort of dangerous could be lurking. She was split, not only in a mental sense but in an emotional sense as well. As she argued internally over the choices, a voice pulled her back to the train.


"Oh no, she's crying," Rowen sighed, as she tucked her bird back into the safety of her jacket. She may have still been mad with him for keeping a secret, but she still liked him enough to want to protect him. "Hey, hey—" Wen called out to the girl, when suddenly the train began to crack. Twisted fractures crawled up along the sides, when Rowen realized it wasn't just the train that was cracking. A fracture danced up her arm and splintered across her chest, with more stamping across her remaining limbs before the whole world shattered with a dreadful chorus.

The illusion fled in a haze, taking with it the strange experience it had granted Rowen for a short while. Instead, she was back to full consciousness, with only a tree to welcome her back. She reached up to touch the jelly which had trapped her, and found its life fading in her grip. "Aww, it died," she observed out loud, her voice more curious than sympathetic. "Is it a creature of the Beyond?" Rowen asked no one in particularly, merely voicing her thoughts as she let it plop onto the ground and began to poke it lightly with a stick.

Once she was sure that it was truly dead though, she turned her attention back to her surrounding. Her mind replayed the memories of the train crash as she looked over the wreckage. What could have caused the crash? And more importantly, was she injured or missing anything? Her fingers quickly searched her body and clothes as she tried to insure that everything was as it should be.

As she continued her inspection, she spotted Glasses and gave the girl a quick wave. She couldn’t tell whether this version and the version in the illusion were one and the same, but if the red haired bespectacled girl was here, then maybe the white haired lady was as well?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaleo Yuna

Group 1
Location: --- || Action: --- || Mood: ---
Interacting with: --- @Mae, @Paddiecake, @Orpheus

Completely unaware of the events that were taking place, Kaleo's small pale body remained motionless, her mind stuck in the realm of dreams. Heh. Depending on how you look at it, she might have been more safe there than in her own body...

Farran Parisa

Group 2
Location: The Ground --> The Forest || Action: Checking out the World Beyond
Interacting with: Melanie @Mae, Castiel @Fox of Spades, Lloyd @SilverDawn

"Y-Yes, I'm okay! But why do you keep calling m--" Farran was cut off bu the sound of said man falling right beside him in a similar fashion. He wanted to ask if the other was okay, but seeing how he was much more worried about Lloyd and his elbow, it was probably safe to say that Castiel was alright as well. Not to mention Melanie's 'graceful' fall on the side of him being quite the spectacle. "A-Are you alright?" He questioned shakily as he tightened his blindfold with both hands.

Looking back over in the direction of the strange monster, Farran could only furrow his brows at his way of speech, although it wasn't visible. He was still a little upset with how the man laughed at his and his friends misery, but knew that it wasn't anything to be too salty about. However, despite this, the silver haired boy seemed to be able to understand what he was trying to tell them.

It was clear he wanted something from them. He wanted them to follow him, to help with some sort of task. And with Castiel's questions, Farran felt like he could somewhat piece together what was being asked.
"No, wait a minute." He started with no stutter, standing up in the process. "I think he wants us to follow him. That witch he mentioned might be planning some more stuff to do. Might it be better to go with him and see if there's anything we can do about it?' Farran questioned as he already started walking towards the creature, his boots giving off a little 'squish' with every step he took. This creature had to be good; from his body language to his words, following him had to be the right choice. Farran nodded confidently to himself as he walked through the hoe in the wall and into the forest.

Wakana Sakura

Group 4
Location: Will Tree Field || Action: Searching || Mood: Scared --> Confused --> Unfocused
Interacting with: Rowan @Kore and Diane @Moonlit Sonata sorta

Wakana felt like she wanted to die. She never thought that she would have to go through another experience like this ever again, but here she was. Unable to take much more of it, the ginger curled in on herself, crouching down to the...floor...and hugging her knees. The tears wouldn't stop, regardless of how much she tried to hide it.

It was only when she realized she wasn't alone that Wakana lifted her head. That's right. She was with someone that was actually pretty cool, someone that didn't see her just for what she was. In attempts to find salvation within Gas Mask, Wakana was about to move towards her, possibly hug her and explain her odd behavior. But before she even had the chance to do so, the world around her began to crack. Not even just the train, but even Gas Mask, her belongings, everything, even herself. Hairline fractures snaked around her legs, quickly rising and becoming a pattern along her skin and clothing. In far too much shock to comprehend what was actually happening, Wakana let out a shrill cry, tightening the grip on herself she originally had.

Unfortunately, this only seemed to prove fruitless as the increased tension only seemed to make her shatter within herself much quicker than expected, following the rest of the world in one beautiful crescendo before dying down to nothingness.


Wakana assumed she had gotten her wish. She honestly thought she was dead or at least floating within the realm of purgatory. However, the sound of the wind blowing in her ears as well as the grass tickling her skin and the sun's rays entering her blurry eyes, it was safe to say that she was at least somewhat alright. A soft groan escaped her lips to show that she was awake, as she brought a hand to her head only to touch something with a texture akin to gelatin. A little less freaked out then she would have been if she could properly see, Wakana slowly sat up, shaking her head quickly in hopes of relieving her face from the gooey jelly that covered her. Everything was still bleary and hard to see mostly because her glasses had been who knows where, but she could still pick out the voice and appearance of Gas Mask, who was currently waving at her. Not wanted to appear as rude, Wakana waved back before placing her hands on the ground and sifting through the grass and jelly in hopes of finding her glasses.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Crusz Bumbleclaw

Group 3
Location: A Misty Place || Action: Running around at the speed of sound. || Mood: Curiouser and curiouser -> OhshitOhshitOhshit
Getting the heck outta here with: Humphrey @Mae

Crusz grew impatient at the complete silence he was faced with right now, the prisoner was dumbfounded, lost in thoughts and all that. It was stupid, better to get lost in this misty place than getting lost in your head, who the hell knows when you'll come back...or if ever. The reptilian groaned and decided to leave him alone in his thoughts for now, maybe the event was a liiiitttle too intense, humans are really fragile beings after all, he seemed especially moreso than the average human too, though he had to give credit to his skull, thick-skinned that thing. Aimlessly, the kobold began to dig around the the mess that the chest had left behind, some of the objects piqued his interest and cast more than a few glints in his eyes. He picked up those fancy schmancy fragile thingies humans kept in their homes, it had a weird shape to it and had flowers patterned to it, the reptilian examined it from front to back and asked himself the most important question of all; "Where the hell were the pretty flowers?" He peered into the hole of the thing and was only met with a hollow void. He shook it a few times to get some sort of end result but nothing came to fruition, groaning he left the jar alone for now. Up next he took up a dusty, old book that just made him confused at the sight of the cover itself. What the heck was Feelosofie? Some sort of fruit? Halfheartedly he began to read an unspecified page and before long he threw the book away in discontent, stupid big words.

Before he could pick another item up from the ground, the human began to sneeze and shocked Crusz from the sudden volume. He was about to scold the human from disrupting his endeavors until he saw it. His eyes focused on a sinister glow of yellow that easily towered both him and the human, there was a hint of fear looming around the back of the reptilian's spine, his legs shaking again even as he struggled to stand up, resolute. The stupid human had to go and sneeze just so the thing had something new to eat; them. It's skin as dark as the night, possibly even its soul too. "No sudden movements" He thought to himself as he inched closer to the hand of the human, cautious and at the brink of running away as the thing's yellow eyes seemed to observe even the slightest movement. Once there, Crusz gripped his prisoner's hand as firmly as he could and began to bolt away in the opposite direction as fast his clawed feet could, dragging the young man with him.

Panic and terror spread throughout every inch of the kobold's body, wherever they were going he just hoped the thing wouldn't follow.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Druuk was not one to talk a whole lot, but if he was this place would have left him speechless. It was more beautiful than anything he had ever seen before. Coming from the north that wasn't exactly difficult, but in his mind he knew he would probably never see something this beautiful ever again. The king spoke and Druuk did his best to listen, he was never very good with authority figures, but for King Regulus he would do his best to not be rude. As Druuk watched he noticed something, was the king...courting Sinead? Possibly, though clearly their society had rules and those rules said they could not remain in the star city. The king gave Druuk a pat on his shoulder, looking at the other he noticed they got a star where the king touched them. Lifting his shirt and seeing his shoulder Druuk saw there was no star for him.

Now, anyone else may have been offended. After all, why do the others get stars but not him? But Druuk was not anyone else, he took his lack of star as the king thinking he was stronger than the other two. He clearly was, looking at the others he could take them in a straight up fight. But he would not do that, while strength was the ultimate sign of power, Druuk had come to believe that it was the responsibility of the strong to protect those who can not protect themselves. Sinead seemed to be looking desperately at Druuk, as if she wanted him to speak. Clearly she did not know him well, but he did wish to say a few words to the king anyways.

"Lord Regulus," Druuk dropped to one knee with his right hand over his heart, then stood and continued. "I am..." Druuk spoke slowly, he knew words were not his strong suit so he wanted to make sure this came out right. "I am honoured by what you have done for us today. You have done more for us as strangers than other rulers would do for their own people," Druuk knew something about that, but he didn't want to bring that up now. "All we need is safe travel to our camp. I thank you for your hospitality, you are indeed a great Lord, the little ones were right to be so excited for your coming."
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