Crusz Bumbleclaw

Group 3
Location: A Misty Place || Action: CRUSZ SMASH! || Mood: Elated -> Shookt
Unfortunately venturing with: Humphrey @MaeLocation: A Misty Place || Action: CRUSZ SMASH! || Mood: Elated -> Shookt
For a moment there, Crusz could've sworn that the thing just moved! That's silly...boxes, or whatever these things are called, aren't supposed to move! Regardless, with permission granted from the human prisoner, the Kobold began to mull his options on how to deal with this thing. Hmmm, he placed one clawed hand under his chin and looked from left to right, noticing that the mystifying mists surrounding both him and his prisoner have begun to subside, he felt at ease for some reason...Must've been because the mists were adding this creepy ambiance to the place. What little could be called "thinking" done, Crusz decided that O'l Rusty Reliable will have to do and began to heft up his heavy blade with all the strength his arms could muster.
Placing the tip of his blade carefully on the thing and breathing heavily. The lizard tapped into the container a few times with his sword to make sure he wouldn't miss, with both of his hands and a growl that could probably alert them to any nearby monsters, the reptilian lifted his sword up to the sky and brought it down with great effort, effectively smashing the thing to bits. The creaks it made were like music to the kobold, he got to smash something, granted it wasn't a human's skull but it all works out. To his surprise, some...some...something was inside of the box, its some sort of glowy thing that keeps on spinning, looks weird and also really menacing with those dark and purple colors of its.
The orb absorbed what contents of the wooden container were left and then...nothing. Huh. That it? Well, the kobold thought to himself that he probably wouldn't have much use for this magic thing but that human over there might be able to find some sort of us-Great Shaqu'le One'al above! Before Crusz knew it, the magical floaty thing began to upchuck the former splinters of wood that the reptilian had just smashed a few moments ago, spitting it out in extreme speeds around the surrounding area, hitting Crusz with a few splinters here and there, prompting him to drop his sword and take cover behind his shield, then suddenly...something soft? What?! Some sort of fabric thing now and then fancy glass things that escape the kobold's line of thought from their rapid movements, those wax fire magic thingies as well, humans tend to carry them in steel boxes when they wander in the caves. A chair?! Some fancy schmancy dusty old book, those advanced versions of those magic fire light thingies humans have in their homes apparently, charcoal and chalk, and just more dust. And then, rugs and carpets. Just...what WAS that glowy spinny thing?!
The kobold was at a loss for words, the spinny glowy thing eventually absorbed in on itself and left Crusz and the prisoner with even more questions but also some sort of fancy scholar home back at his hometown. Coughing and getting off the dust and splinters off his scale, the reptilian grabbed his sword among the mess of objects and pointed his blade right at the human again. He doesn't know what just happened but he's got a faint suspicion the human might know something...might. "You! What the heck was that?!"