Nobody knew when they had been made to live like this. Perhaps it had always been this way, with the giants among men lurking at the very edges of cities’ borders, the wargs prowling through dark streets and alleyways. As technology advanced, so did mankind’s defences against the world eaters, but the threat always remained. It found ways to fight back against the steel of man, and did so with unmatched vigor.
It remained like this for centuries- an arms race between predators that constantly ebbed and flowed- until, one day, you woke up to something...odd. Somewhere on your body, a symbol had carved itself onto your skin.
You might have had a lifestyle that would allow you to shrug off a sudden, inexplicable tattoo, but even if you did, it was a bit harder to dismiss fireballs launching themselves from your open palms. Or leaving your house to find that the sunflowers you had planted only a day before had become taller than your roof. Regardless of what might have happened, not long after this event, a group of suited men and women would soon come knocking at your door. They explained that you had been blessed by the Allfather himself for a special purpose. You, along with eight others, had been granted holy powers in order to defeat the armies of the damned. To fail, they said, would to mean the destruction of the world itself.
They implored you to come with them, to prepare for the great war ahead.
Of course, you didn’t have a choice, either way.
Hello, everyone, I’m Echo, and welcome to The Runes.
This is a fantasy/supernatural RP that takes place in modern day 2017- albeit a modern day 2017 that has seen humans warring with frost giants for generations. As you might have guessed, this is a roleplay loosely based on Norse mythology, where the protagonists are granted abilities based on the symbols of the runic alphabet. They have to master their powers and work together or the world will end, and all that good stuff. Keep in mind that, despite all the warring going on, a lot of the culture and goods from this era still carry on. So if you’d like for your character to go on a date to a coffee shop after they punch a giant wolf monster in the face, it’s up to you.
The characters will be kept in a facility where the Blessed will train and supervise them, and generally make sure that they’re making good progress as the chosen ones. The facility is set up inside a large mansion located at the borders of one of the larger cities, and contains several training halls, a library, a cafeteria, their bedrooms, and whatever else they might require. They are allowed a period of several hours to themselves each day- whether it is to wander the grounds or to take a break in the city- but most of the day is dedicated to fighting and training up.

(Keep in mind that those Blessed within the same category, when working together, will find their powers strengthened greatly. Freyrs will find themselves boosted when using their powers in combination with that of another Freyr, Heimdalls will be boosted with Heimdalls, and so on. When the nine are not all working together, they will often be paired into these three groups as a result.)

Enhanced physical attributes, including strength, speed, and senses.
Future vision, the power to influence reality through words and naming.
Knowledge, the power to weave illusions.

The power of flame.
The power of ice.
The power of protection. Can create a shield surrounding themselves and allies.

The power of wind and air.
The power to control flora.
The power to heal and rejuvenate the sick and injured.

Those prophecized to aid in the destruction of this world, and the ushering of a new age via Ragnarok.
The wyrm that gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil, and devours the corpses in Náströnd.
A monstrous wolf fated to one day devour Odin himself. One of Loki's children.
The Midgard Serpent, whose release of its tail will begin Ragnarok. One of Loki's children.
- Basic rules apply here, too. Be legible, no PPing, no veering wildly off canon, etc.
- Please ask me if you have an idea for the plot/story-line.
- Be polite. Inside the RP, your characters can be at each other's throats, but outside we're all responsible, mature people(I hope), who should act that way.
- If you plan to leave the roleplay or expect to be caught up for some time, it would help a lot if you could give us an advance notice, so we can work with your leftover character much easier. Thank you!
- Enjoy!
It remained like this for centuries- an arms race between predators that constantly ebbed and flowed- until, one day, you woke up to something...odd. Somewhere on your body, a symbol had carved itself onto your skin.
You might have had a lifestyle that would allow you to shrug off a sudden, inexplicable tattoo, but even if you did, it was a bit harder to dismiss fireballs launching themselves from your open palms. Or leaving your house to find that the sunflowers you had planted only a day before had become taller than your roof. Regardless of what might have happened, not long after this event, a group of suited men and women would soon come knocking at your door. They explained that you had been blessed by the Allfather himself for a special purpose. You, along with eight others, had been granted holy powers in order to defeat the armies of the damned. To fail, they said, would to mean the destruction of the world itself.
They implored you to come with them, to prepare for the great war ahead.
Of course, you didn’t have a choice, either way.
Hello, everyone, I’m Echo, and welcome to The Runes.
This is a fantasy/supernatural RP that takes place in modern day 2017- albeit a modern day 2017 that has seen humans warring with frost giants for generations. As you might have guessed, this is a roleplay loosely based on Norse mythology, where the protagonists are granted abilities based on the symbols of the runic alphabet. They have to master their powers and work together or the world will end, and all that good stuff. Keep in mind that, despite all the warring going on, a lot of the culture and goods from this era still carry on. So if you’d like for your character to go on a date to a coffee shop after they punch a giant wolf monster in the face, it’s up to you.
The characters will be kept in a facility where the Blessed will train and supervise them, and generally make sure that they’re making good progress as the chosen ones. The facility is set up inside a large mansion located at the borders of one of the larger cities, and contains several training halls, a library, a cafeteria, their bedrooms, and whatever else they might require. They are allowed a period of several hours to themselves each day- whether it is to wander the grounds or to take a break in the city- but most of the day is dedicated to fighting and training up.

(Keep in mind that those Blessed within the same category, when working together, will find their powers strengthened greatly. Freyrs will find themselves boosted when using their powers in combination with that of another Freyr, Heimdalls will be boosted with Heimdalls, and so on. When the nine are not all working together, they will often be paired into these three groups as a result.)

Enhanced physical attributes, including strength, speed, and senses.
Future vision, the power to influence reality through words and naming.
Knowledge, the power to weave illusions.

The power of flame.
The power of ice.
The power of protection. Can create a shield surrounding themselves and allies.

The power of wind and air.
The power to control flora.
The power to heal and rejuvenate the sick and injured.

Those prophecized to aid in the destruction of this world, and the ushering of a new age via Ragnarok.
The wyrm that gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil, and devours the corpses in Náströnd.
A monstrous wolf fated to one day devour Odin himself. One of Loki's children.
The Midgard Serpent, whose release of its tail will begin Ragnarok. One of Loki's children.
- Basic rules apply here, too. Be legible, no PPing, no veering wildly off canon, etc.
- Please ask me if you have an idea for the plot/story-line.
- Be polite. Inside the RP, your characters can be at each other's throats, but outside we're all responsible, mature people(I hope), who should act that way.
- If you plan to leave the roleplay or expect to be caught up for some time, it would help a lot if you could give us an advance notice, so we can work with your leftover character much easier. Thank you!
- Enjoy!