"Welcome all to the first day of term here at Angel Academy, the faculty welcomes you with open arms! I don't have much to say except for all students to abide by the school rules here. If you do not do as the rules permit you to you may find yourself expelled. I look forward to see quick growth in learning here which is why you are all required to attend placement testing at 8:00pm sharp tonight in the ballroom. Your class schedules and dorm pairings should be in the file you hold in your hands. If you do not have a file please tell one of our faculty members. Today is a normal day of class so I will bid you farewell now, before we all miss a few minutes of precious class time. Have a wonderful term here and I'll see you around campus. Behave yourselves!" Headmaster Charmaine Fallenheart takes a sweeping glance at her new batch of students. They looked like all of the others. She'd thought they would be different. They'd have to prove themselves to be different.
The students started standing up, chair scraping against marble as they headed out the door.
Headmaster Charmaine sighed and stood up too, heading towards the back door that lead out into the gardens. It was going to be a long term.
Note from GM: From this IC post forward your character should be heading to their first class (schedule listed in OOC post 1)
Any other classes will be announced and if a fast forward happens it will be announced as well.