Name: Gareth Gunnvor
Age : 16
Parents: Ullr, father. Mother unknown.

Powers: Ullr has superb heightened senses, allowing him to smell, hear and react to things much quicker. Great for tracking and fighting. However, his abilities also revolve around hunting, allowing him to create binding traps to stall assailants.
Limitations: Being careless or overconfident can severely get in the way of his heightened senses. It's no good having the power if he forgets to use it all the time or use it too much. His traps are only small, able to pin say a wrist or ankle to a surface and they can be broken with either enough physical force, spiritual willpower or more practiced magic. His hearing, smell etc are more sensitive, meaning a sensory overload can keep him at bay too.

Followers: Hunters, fighters, Wild-men.
Weapons: Two daggers, ordained with viking carvings.
Animal: Raven.
Bio: Gareth was probably among the very few who spent time with their deity parent. It was, in fact, Ullr himself who taught Gareth to hunt and track, learning the ways of the wild. He's been tasked to help those who still follow a Viking's path, whether they know it or not, to help them achieve the rights to enter Valhalla and usher in a new generation to fight and drink with the warriors of old. Although, he's not strong enough yet. Every ounce of help will aid him when Ragnarok comes... according to their own Pantheon anyways. Who knows for sure?