BTW if you're accepted paste your characters in the Characters tab.
Aside from the image (which won't be up anytime soon), I'm good to go.
I understand, but the "no choice" bit is bull. Don't lay your decision on me.
Shit, I almost forgot my original intention for posting.
What I meant, about the cover story, is that in Chiue's Backstory she's asked Biotechnica not to reveal the link between her and Kid Kandi. Now, if that's acceptable (I assume with all of the influx of information, that particular tidbit just got lost, no worries) that means she'll need a proper cover story.
Dude this music is the bomb. Where did you get this stuff?
@Didgeridont The most suitable thing I could come up with is she's filed under the Public Relations Department. (The faces that show up at fancy parties and press conferences as representatives of Biotechnica's interests.) Perhaps a media related position where she would be assumed to work behind the scenes, perhaps on public forums, online conferences, and is assumed to help with any negative backlash associated with whatever disasters we (the characters) get up to—A sort of Damage Control.
"PR: Information Control" sounds like a nice, fancy, and completely fabricated, yet believable, titled.
I feel like this would be a believable reason for her to knowledgable about the rather.. sensitive operations we're (the characters) likely to be a part of and give her a believable reason to attend any face-to-face mission briefings.
@Aeonumbra Meanwhile Andrejs is just like LOOK AT ME I'M CLASSY
<Snipped quote by Lemons>
If he can tolerate Chiue, they'll likely be friends. She likes fancy.
@Dark Light
Beep beep
Take your Character Sheet
Put it in the Tab
So I can be real glad