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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pleek
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name/Alias: Special Attorney, Saxton "Ha! Your Case Was In Vain" Cane

Biography: Saxton Cane is a man who would easily fit in with the leagues of demons. He was, well still is actually, a ruthless attorney, regardless of his standing of being part of the Prosecution or the Defense. Throughout the land, at least where he was legally able to practice the law, Saxton Cane was feared as that attorney who would send the guilty to prison to secure a winning streak, or would get the most notorious sinners the best deal or completely off just for some good pieces of silver.

However during one particular trial, Saxton Cane was faced against a most vile defense attorney, who managed to beat him. The attorney was flabbergasted that he lost this case, his arguments were sound, his opening and closing statements perfectly pulled at the heartstrings of the jurors, and he had the evidence. So shortly after the trial Saxton Cane hunted down this defense attorney and fought him in an elevator. During the scuffle, Saxton Cane realized the reason he lost this case, his opponent was a demon. Of course even a lawyer of his caliber would have a hard time against the hardened attorneys of Hell. Of course being distracted from this realization the defense attorney escaped, but Saxton Cane knew what had to be done. Saxton Cane tracked this defense attorney down and challenged him once again in the courtroom; but this time, since Saxton Cane knew the demon's secret, he won. When the verdict was announced the demon cursed at Saxton Cane and mocked him, saying that he was but a low level entry attorney in the vast legion of his Hellish Law Firm.

So it was on that day that Saxton Cane swore that he would defeat each and every demonic attorney of the land so that he could prove his superiority as a lawyer, and possibly arrange a hostile takeover and become Executive Partner of that Law Firm of Hell.

Devil Arms:Viniculum Juris - The item that Cane refers to as Viniculum Juris is, for all intents and purposes, a normal one handed steel briefcase. The body of the briefcase is shaded in noir, the metal locks are gold, and the handle is colored bone white. The locks to this briefcase are a simple three number combination lock; both of these locks share the same number pattern to open it. On the right and left sides of briefcase there is a silver skull and crossbones with text wrapping around it saying 'Saxton Cane'. Inside the briefcase there are all sorts of legal briefings and other mundane papers. Saxton Cane uses his briefcase to flashily pull out evidence to dramatically present to the court, or as any attorney would in a pinch, via cool swinging and spinning techniques while occasionally using it for blocking.

Firearms: Fiat Justitia - When it comes to ranged weaponry, Saxton Cane has found nothing better than using his own business cards. These business cards are a standard dimension. Saxton Cane's business cards are an off colored white, a subtle off-coloring of Pale Nimbus, and is composed in a Silian Rale font, and of course each business card has a watermark. These business cards are proper business cards, and as such has the address to his law office, phone number, email, fax number name and the 'Ha! Your Case Was in Vain' taunting logo.

This Verdict is MINE! - As Saxton Cane progresses through the 'trial procedures', he plots and plans for when the most dramatic time to unleash his 'killer pieces of evidences/testimonial statements' to make sure there is no shadow of a doubt to his winning argument. By doing a series of uninterrupted combo attacks, Saxton Cane opens up his briefcase to procure strong pieces of evidence which he can use to devastate his opponent by proving their guilt and wrongness. The pieces of evidence that are acquired from the briefcase depend on how many combos Saxton Cane was able to acquire; as such stronger and more pivotal pieces of evidence require more uninterrupted combo sequences than weaker evidence pieces.

Billable Hours - A good attorney knows when to apply billable hours, Saxton Cane is no exception. With a bit of preparation time before an attack, Saxton Cane notifies the target that these hours are billable. If the attack hits, the target will take a damaging over time debuff, that lowers their morale and saps life from them as they suffer emotional and physical pain about the fact they are being billed for this.
This ability does not lead into 'This Verdict is MINE! combo attempts.

Licensed and Practicing Attorney - Saxton Cane is a registered attorney in a surprisingly large amount of countries; however he primarily practices in the United States, Canada and Japan. His area of specialty is Criminal Law, however he also does a fair amount of work in Tort Law.

Other: Saxton Cane has a soft spot for cats. He loves long walks on the beach, chasing ambulances, making frivolous class action lawsuits, being smug in the courtroom, and the Fast and the Furious Franchise. Saxton Cane hates pizza and prefers hamburgers, and his favorite topping on a hamburger is sliced pineapple. Despite rumors, no Saxton Cane isn't a demon, he's just a very evil man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name/Alias: Udrac the Undying Rage
Appearance: A bear of a man, Udrac is quite hard to miss. 6’5 and over 300lb, his body sports numerous scars from a long tenure down in Hell. Whether his hair went white from age or through stress, he keeps to himself, but his blue eyes are still bright and lively.

Biography: An old Demon Hunter who’s forgotten much about his life on Earth. Time passes strangely in Hell, and things became somewhat of a blur under the attention of his tormentors. Not the smartest of monsters, but cruel and far too enjoying of the torment they could inflict to simply kill Udrac off. Yet, his spirit and mind remained unbroken as he waited for his captors to grow lax. And they did, but it still wasn’t time. He was certain the Hell Gates would reopen at some point, believing the Demons to be too power-hungry and cruel to simply remain in Hell when Earth was ripe for invasion.

And the Gates did open. And his tormentors’ numbers decreased as they left to partake in the latest invasion. And he did grin savagely as he tore free of his restraints and turned what was left of his captors to pulp. Fleeing in the midst of a burgeoning invasion and the ensuing chaos of Dante’s own counter invasion, Udrac has managed to return to the Human World after who knows how long. While there’s much he wants to see and learn about, first he needs to find each of the Demons that gave him a scar back in hell and punch their face in.

He could do with a slice of New York style cheese pizza though. It’s been too damn long since he’s eaten anything.

Devil Arms Melee Weapon: I Cast Fist! – Without the need for weapons, Udrac’s fist are tough enough that he can pummel demons to death unarmed.

Firearms Ranged Attack: I Cast Fist! V2 – He’s not quite sure how this came about, but by focusing for a moment, Udrac can punch hard enough that he releases a shockwave that explodes on contact. An air cannon! Except way messier when it hits fleshbags.

HUGE GUTS TIME – Slaying demons makes it easier for Udrac to call upon this ability, but with a bit of time and focus he can also open the battle with the technique. Generating a blazing red orb and then absorbing it, Udrac enters a Berserker state where he’s surrounded by an ominous red aura and his eyes shift to red in coloration. He becomes stronger, faster, harder to kill, and significantly more reckless as he charges at anything deemed to be an enemy. His loss of technique seems to be minimal despite the brutal nature of his kills while in this state.

FUCKING INVINCIBLE – Even outside of his Berserker state, Udrac seems to naturally recover from wounds far faster than a regular human would. This regenerative factor seems to be amplified in areas with high Demon presences, and is noticeable boosted whenever he slays a Demon. The stronger they are, the more he recovers.

Other: He’s forgotten his last name, if anyone could find something out about it that would be appreciated. HUGE GUTS TIME theme goes here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name/Alias: Zacharias McCaul (The Pardoner)

Appearance: A tall, well-built man in black priest garb, unbuttoned at the waist and downward to allow for better freedom of movement. He is easily recognized by his slicked-back blonde hair and perpetual dark stubble that seems to reappear less than an hour after being shaved, as well as the thick scar that runs diagonally across the middle of his face. He always has on a pair of dark sunglasses, making his expressions inscrutable most of the time. You wouldn’t even know that his eyes are green. He is often seen effortlessly carrying around a very large black briefcase, similar to what you would carry a large, high-quality camera in. He is rarely seen without a cigarette in his mouth.

Biography: Zacharias (jokingly called The Pardoner in his line of work) is one of the few devil hunters (or Templars) in the Catholic Church, as there are not many full Humans with the strength to fight against the demonic horde. An ancient artifact called the Eye of Ezekiel prophesized that the world would soon see a demonic uprising as it never had before, so he (along with other kids at that time) was raised in the church from childhood under harsh training to gain the strength he now has. There were only three other kids (Called the Children of New Eden) who were able to rise to the level of strength required to fight, while all others dropped out, some sustaining lifelong injury.

By this point, Zacharias has tested his abilities against many powerful demonic entities, and through his power has come out unscathed. The only lasting injury he has is the scar on his face, which still stings years later. The injury was sustained when another Child of New Eden went rogue and he tried to stop her. Her current whereabouts are unknown, but through her many trials and fights she had grown to hate both demons and Humans alike, so it is likely she’s chosen some third side in this new war.

His favorite pizza topping, by the way, is extra roasted garlic. He puts garlic in everything.

Devil Arms: He possesses a gigantic chainsaw, the latest in Vatican magitechnology, which he calls the Al Azif. Even with his incredible strength, he needs both arms to wield it accurately, though it does have a configuration for one-armed wielding if he ever comes across another worthy weapon and increases his strength.

Firearms: The Al Azif isn’t only a huge freaking chainsaw; it is also a railgun that shoots out the chainsaw blade at incredible force. The blade is attached to the base through a powerful chain, allowing Zacharias to wield it like a gigantic chainsaw whip for medium-range combat.

Chosen of Eden- whether it’s all the time spent around holy relics, a genuine blessing of God, or sheer belief, Zacharias’ presence itself intimidates lesser demons and lessens the damage of lesser and greater demons to himself and those around him. This allows him to not die immediately against demons like most Humans would. He also heals quickly from demonic injury. This ability, however, does not help him one bit against ill-willed Humans.

Occult Lore- Zacharias has studied demons and God his whole life. Whether a dead language, an obscure bit of information, or just identifying enemy skills and abilities, he knows a lot about the occult.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shortcake
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name/Alias: Izzy Illblood

Biography: Professional snowboarder and 2-time Olympian Izzy Illblood's mistakes are finally catching up to her. Cursed to never know peace by a skiing gypsy, Izzy can no longer go more than two months without encountering some form of supernatural phenomena. Naturally, over the years she's accumulated both a wide berth of monster slaying knowledge and an even wider variety of brands, hexes, and infernal contracts; for the most part, they conflict and cancel each other out, leaving only minor effects- perpetual bed hair, a compulsion to make snow puns, being that guy who like anchovies on pizza, etc.

Recently, though, it's come to Izzy's attention that she's slowly turning into something other than human. the weird greyish-blue skin blotches were the first major tip-off, but her hands turning into freakish monster claws was the real clincher. Lacking any kind of actual professional background, she decided to just punch anything vaguely mystical looking until it give her answers. So far, no real progress.

Devil Arms: Izzy wields Wendigo, a bladed snowboard formed from it's namesake demon. Like the creature it came from, Wendigo possesses supernatural powers over frost, and is able to conjure vast quantities of snow on command. Also like it's namesake, it's always hungry.

Firearms: A trusty orange signal gun, break action. Izzy carries a variety of homemade specialty ammunition for monster killing purposes, including flares packed with holy incense, white phosphorus, thermite, flash powder, and 1-inch metal-cored slugs.

Skills/Abilities: Devil Trigger - Izzy's slow transformation into some kind of murderous hellbeast incidentally grants her the ability to hulk out into a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength for short periods of time. It is, in fact, pretty radical.

Other: Her last name is actually "Illblood". Very old established family.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

5'11" | Black | Blue | Athletic

The Chambers family line bears an old and ancient blood, and an old and ancient custom. They have hunted demons; devils; monsters—whatever the world wants to call them—they have hunted them for years and every member of the family has baffled the minds of humans and the supernatural alike. They are Gunslingers. Before then, they were Bowmen. Before then, they were Slingers. Gunslingers carry the blood of an excelled marksman and sharpshooter. They have sharp eyesight, hearing, smell, taste and reaction time; and are far from precise with their aim. The quick draw specialists are accurate. Capable of wielding any projectile with deadly grace, the Gunslingers in combat are not individuals any creature would want to pick a fight with. They each have their own ethics and goal, but when put up against each other, they are nearly deadlocked. Individual skill is what separates each one.

Wilson does not shoot with his eyes or his mind, but his soul. The spiritual energy that surrounds him is greater than that of an average human, and so potent that he can wield it as a weapon. His soul is just as dangerous able to leave his body and traverse one realm into the next, spilling the blood further. If devils, spirits, and monsters thought that they were safe in another dimension, they got another thing coming.

Wilson was born to Kirk and Helena Chambers. As a baby, he was branded with the mark of the Gunslinger, an almond-shaped eye, the eye of the eagle that was burned into the back of his hand. His training began long before he was allowed to wield a gun. He had to run, climb, swim, and survive. He had to break his body, fighting his father and the other Gunslingers. He sometimes went for days without sleeping, living in the wilderness where anyone or anything could kill him. The Gunslingers worked him until he broke mentally and physically. He denounced the family name. He tried to flee across the world to get away from his oppressive family. No matter how far he ran. No matter how well he thought he could hide. They always found him and dragged him back. Where? To Winslow, Arizona. His training continued, his spirit pulled thin. He wanted them to kill him, and they did—well, at least he thought they did. His own father, Kirk, had put a revolver to his forehead and pulled the trigger. Darkness enveloped his eyes. He didn’t see God; The Devil; Heaven; or Hell. In fact, he woke up lying exactly where they had left him.

On his chest was a heavy object. On his chest was a gun. Wilson took the revolver and sought out his father. He traveled to the Grand Canyon and found him at the bottom waiting for him. Wilson, angered by how he was treated his entire life, aimed the revolver at his father. His father drew his own gun, his draw faster than what Wilson had ever seen. Kirk shot his son before he could pull the trigger—again in the face. Wilson awoke later. It was night and his father had a fire going. Desperately, Wilson tried to reach for his gun and was shot again. In the morning, his father was still by the camp, drinking coffee. A sandwich wrapped in foil was on Wilson’s chest this time. A sandwich his mother had made. Kirk encouraged him to eat for he had been unconscious so many times that his body would need strength. Grudgingly, Wilson ate and after, he attempted to lead his father into a false sense of security. He sat by the fire and made some small talk, asking his Pa what he had done all day while he was dead. Kirk told him: hike, hunt, return to the surface to go shopping for some food…as much as it angered Wilson to know that he had time to do these things while his son was on the ground, he had distracted him.

Wilson dove for his revolver, sliding across the dirt and aimed it at his father. He squeezed the trigger. The revolver answered with a hollow click…no bullets. Kirk shot him. In the canyon, Wilson had to learn the hardest skill anyone could ever learn and that was to not shoot physically or mentally. In the canyon, Wilson eventually bested his father. He learned that Kirk had control over the power of his gun and only had been shooting Wilson with low doses of his spirit. It wasn’t guns that killed things. It was people. In the canyon, Wilson became a Gunslinger.

Wilson’s hat isn’t just for looks. It’s a deadly weapon that can be thrown like a boomerang, slicing down demons in its path of travel. When the hat returns to him, Wilson will flick the blood from its rim and return it to his head.

Desperado and Outlaw are the name of his twin revolvers of destruction. They are clipless for he shoots with his soul. The power of the rounds are determined by the strength of his spirit, ie. how long he wishes to charge up the spiritual potential. When Wilson shoots, the rounds can be as destructive as a field artillery shell. The guns are strong enough to block blades magical or normal for they are quite uncanny themselves. The Chambers have been using their techniques to keep the demons, and sometimes even angels where they belong for years. There are just certain realms you don't go trespassing into.

Extraordinary Marksman: Do I need to elaborate? Wilson’s entire CS has been about how killer of a shot he is.

Mixed Martial Arts: Wilson had to learn how to fight before he was allowed to even touch a gun. He grew up fighting his family who are a mixture of several Gunslingers from several different backgrounds. It wasn’t easy, but it toughened his body to the extraordinary levels it’s at currently. Wilson knows a special martial art that involves countering using his guns in a Gun-Fu/Gun Kata sort of fashion.

Transcended Human: This is the part that gets people’s mouths dropping. The Gunslinger’s bloodline is full of surprises. As a transcendent, Wilson can perform stunts no normal humans can perform, but as far as anyone can tell, he is a normal human. He can punt a car into the sky, walk along vertical surfaces, and leap great bounds. He can even hover in the air for a lengthy period, raining hell down on his enemies. He is simply what is called a “Bad Ass.” His willpower is indomitable not by sickness, not by disease, parasites, toxins, etc. So how do you kill a human of this caliber, you ask? With a lot of power or a lot of friends. He can tank damage as though there’s some invisible health bar people just can’t see. He recovers his health by resting, and when he isn’t actively killing devils and monsters, he kicks up his feet, tips his hat, and has himself a nap.

Spirit Power: Wilson’s soul is a weapon. His training was to raise him beyond his physical and mental being—to transcend himself and by doing so, he has harnessed the power to make his spirit into a deadly force. His guns have no physical rounds for he does not shoot with his eyes or his mind. He can cross between realms, similar to astral projection and scope out areas not accessible to those on the physical plane, and mind you, he takes his guns with him. He can project his spirit as a weapon on the battlefield. His eyes will go completely white when his soul isn’t in his body, and both will fight back to back, mowing down hordes of demons. Wilson isn’t at all worried about being possessed because possessing him is the last thing the demon wants to do. Did it really think it would be safe inside him? He would simply shoot the fucker in the face.

Ghost Whisperer: He can see them. He can hear them. He can talk to them and some of them are his friends. They can be very helpful telling him what happened at a crime scene. Those unable to see spirits will more than likely think he’s talking to himself. Ghosts are the best sources at telling him where devils and other monsters are hiding. Wilson will at times be doing those spirits a service, granting them vengeance so their souls can rest in peace. They can help him open locked doors, windows, or distract enemies.

Wilson Chambers is a tribute to my favorite book series “The Dark Tower Series” by Stephen King not that horrible cinematic knock-off that was absolutely NOTHING like the books. Therefore, you may have read some small references to the series in his profile. Wilson Chambers is also the name of a character in my Gunslinger story. He isn't the main character in the story. Instead, he is a Gunsmith. The maker of the Gunslinger's guns. In this game, I decided to make him a character as though I'm playing his younger version.

I made him human because who doesn’t like a powerful underdog? No; angel/demon/vampire/phoenix/werewolf. Just pure bad-ass human. Yay humanity! So please don't try to pull the "humans can't do that" in a fantasy game with demons, angels, and what ever else designed to be a high-octane battleground for bad ass character concepts (psst! like this one). You'll just look ridiculous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by David Gorgon
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David Gorgon A simple wanderer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name:David Gorgon code name:Black Mist

Appearance: A tall, rather thin pale man clothed in a long flowing black robe. And on his bald forehead there is an insignia in the shape of a runic pentagram engraved. His right hand from under the robe appear to be purely metallic, and the hand holds the same insignia as the one on the forehead, here is what the pentagram looks like.
He always wheres circular red shades, and a crimson belt to hold his weapons, which is fitted diagonally on his back. He Also has a particular tattoo in the shape an x on the back of his neck and the words "Hit here to kill" written above the x. He stands at about 6'10", and he is as thin/skinny as a blade's edge, and his smile would send shivers down the spine of the Devil himself.

Bio: He was at one time a priest for the lord almighty, but then an unfortunate "accident" happened when Dante supposedly brought the demons to one of his sermons. He survived, but everyone he held dear were devoured by the demons before Dante could kill them. Once the demons followed Dante away from the scene, He ran over to the scraps of meat that were once his family and friends. One demon was still there, and in a mad rage the priest took off his cross necklace and jumped on top of the demon, and straggled it until it no longer moved. He vowed to himself he would kill as many of the demons as he could before he died, so he went to look for anything to help him in his righteous quest, and he found a large metal cross (about 5'9" tall) and several silvered knifes.

At the time he could barely lift the cross, and he had horrible aim a first, but after training for 15 years he had perfected his techniques. Now he was ready for his first official fight with a demon. He went back to his old church for the first time in 17 years, and the demon he strangled was still there, enraged as ever. He didn't know it but his necklace bound the demon to this place. He ran up to it and he swung his cross, and missed. The demon took this chance to rip off his right arm, and as the priest screamed in agony he threw 3 silver knifes each hitting their marks, the heart, the brain, and the mouth. The demon fell to the ground and evaporated. He had done it, he had slain a demon. He went to a special blacksmith who made him an enchanted silver arm.

Now he is just trying to find more to kill, and trust me, he is itching for a fight!

Devil Arms: Sharpened Blessed Silver Cross-It's a 250 pound heavy weapon fit for a holy man(burns through demons like nothing).

Melee weapons: Blessed Cross Necklace- Bounds demons to a single location, and Demonblood cannot touch or remove the necklace.

Ranged Weapons: Silver knifes- burns demons, and the cuts/burns cannot be regenerated. Quantity? Almost impossible to count but here is a number 2.5x10 to the 100th power, Blessed Boundary-Paper notes blessed to keep a large group of demons in a large area.

Holy Pleasure(Passive)-Does more damage to undead or hellish creatures

Blessing-Blesses and object, and the object becomes more deadly to demons

Psychotic Rage-Triggers when "the memory" appears- speed,agility,strength,and endurance triples to form possibly the craziest monk you have ever seen.

Fury of blows- land any amount of attacks on any number of opponents

Holy Punches-Blessed attacks that do triple damage (this skill can go in conjunction with Fury of Blows)

OtherTry not to mention his family otherwise he goes into the rage mode. by the way, straight human!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name/Alias: Grigori

Biography: Once upon a time there was a brutal and empty hearted murderer. He had within him no trace of mercy or compassion, for he had been shown none in all his life. He used his incredible fighting skills to end lives across the world, caring not for the suffering he inflicted. An empty, wretched thing, more like a demon than a man.

No one cared when this man was betrayed and left to die in the cold, vast emptiness of Siberia. He would have succumb to the elements had he not stumbled upon what seemed to be a temple sitting alone out in the middle of the steppe. He knocked on the door and it was opened by a young man. Like an animal the murderer lashed out, felt his fingers reach the mans heart, but with a fluid grace the man reached out with his final breath and placed his hand upon the murderers head as though he were a child. There was a flash of light, a moment of pure bliss, and then all was darkness.

He awoke some time later. He was lying in a comfortable bed, next to a warm stove, with the taste of broth in his mouth and an old man smiling at him from a chair nearby. The murderer asked if the man was dead. He was, replied the old man. The murderer asked why he was not dead. He had already been forgiven, replied the old man. In his final moment the young man had redeemed him. The murderer asked the old man to explain.

Their talk that night was long. The old man was the leader of a strange cult founded by a group of executioners long ago, who had come east searching for the most painless way to kill. They had found it somewhere out here. A revelation from God that let them kill not only without pain, but inspiring a heavenly bliss in their subject. Being killed with it was comparable to being enveloped in the warm hands of God himself, and so they called it Heavens Palm. Being hit with the full force of it, they had thought, would make even demons repent in their final moments and be welcome into Heaven. However, they knew what evil could be wrought with this ultimate killing technique. They could not return with it to the amoral princes that set them to their work. However, they could also not throw away a gift from the almighty. So they had remained out here, constructing this temple and teaching wanderers like him.

The murderer asked if they would even teach a murderer like him. Yes, said the old man, for if God had not willed it he would never have found his way to their door. The murderer asked what would happen should he take the technique and use if for evil. Could you, the old man replied, having been shown a glimpse of heavens compassion? The murderer thought for a long time. He remembered that feeling he had experienced when the young man had placed a hand upon his head, a feeling being enveloped in pure love, and found for the first time a stirring in his heart. He knew that he could never use that technique for evil. With is dying breath, the young man had killed his murderer.

That was many years ago. Now, finally, the world is in desperate need of the Heavens Palm and its greatest practitioner has set off across the steppe toward civilization to test the technique against those he knows it was truly meant to combat. Grigori set out to save the souls of demons.

Devil Arms: Heavens Palm is a chi manipulation technique that sends the users chi directly into the opponents body to destroy it from the inside with even the lightest of touches. A bastard technique hacked together from Catholicism, Siberian mysticism, and Chinese martial arts, the technique causes no pain and in fact with every hit imparts building feelings of euphoria.

Firearms: None. Such mechanical devises lack the compassion necessary to redeem a demon. He can, however, concentrate his chi into projectiles that have the same effects as his fists.


Gods Breath- One of the foundational skills of Heavens Palm. A special breathing technique that focuses the users chi and boosts all their physical abilities. A Grigori was a peak human specimen before learning a mystical martial art from a group of Siberian Hermits the technique boosts his abilities to truly superhuman levels. To make use of this technique he, of course, needs to be able to breath.

Blood Stilling - One of the foundational skills of Heavens Palm. A technique Russian mystics used mostly on cattle. By laying their hands on the wound these men were able to completely stop the flow of blood and stabilize the patient. This is the same technique the mad monk Rasputin used to save Tsarevich Alexei Romanov during his struggles with hemophilia. This technique does not speed the healing of the wounds, just stops the patient from bleeding out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alonzo Gaspar de Aguirre, the Pirate King of Hell


Alonzo Gaspar de Aguirre was born in the year of our lord 1650; he never knew who his mother was, or why his father refused to ever speak about her. Alonzo's childhood was fraught with tragedy, seemingly engineered by outside forces to destroy his morals and drive him into the horrors of crime. At the ripe age of 13, Alonzo was hired onto a Spanish merchantman as a mere assistant to the bo'sun. After a mere three years in service, the crew he was serving with mutinied. Alonzo never figured out why he was mutinying, but he took it in stride as he helped his new mates haul the old captain into his new position at the ship's keel. That night, Alonzo crept into his new captain's quarters with a boning knife and secured command of the ship. With his position confirmed, Alonzo hoisted the black flag and prepared for his new life.

On Alonzo's thirtieth birthday, his ship was assaulted at sea by some invisible force. His crew had been slaughtered to a man, and he himself had been bound with black ivy in his sleep. His captor loomed over him and offered him a deal: bring himself into servitude or be executed. With no other options, Alonzo accepted, and his captor warmly welcomed him... as mother to son. He, she explained, was an experiment. Her name was Scylla, and she was eager to see how he had grown.

Under the command of his demonic mother, Alonzo was granted insight into his parentage and training for his powers. In exchange, Alonzo would perform certain... tasks for his father. Thwarting the plans of her rivals, blunting the teeth of those who would hunt her, and granting her followers ever greater power amongst human and demon society.

Over years of terror and conquest, Alonzo and his mother grew confident and lazy. A group of church operatives, masquerading as pirate hunters, had managed to corner his and her fleet off the northeastern coast of the New World. Alonzo's men fought bravely as Scylla brought the very ocean to bear against her pursuers, but eventually the church prevailed. Alonzo, his men, and Scylla were forced onto the coast and sealed for centuries in the cold ground. But over the years, the continuing corruption of humanity has weakened the magics that sealed Alonzo, and now he and his allies are free again to wreak havoc on a changed world. Now fueled only by his lust for power, Alonzo prowls the land, immortal and hateful.

Devil Arm: Lamia, the Grappling Sword

The Lamia is a rapier created from the demon of the same name. Its grip and guard are inlaid with beautiful spirals of gold and silver, and the blade is much thicker than most normal rapiers. When Alonzo strikes with Lamia, the blade magically flexes and grows, trying to entangle its target. The blade is lined with thousands of sharp teeth, too small to be seen but sharp enough to shred and shatter anything it wraps around.

Firearm: Roc, the Golden Cannon

Roc is a powerful matchlock pistol formed out of Lamia's defeated comrade and lover. Inlaid with gold and decorated with ancient wood, the Roc is impossibly beautiful. But when it fires, the Roc unleashes a terrible blast of fire and wind that can peel steel apart and vaporize flesh. Roc doesn't need ammunition to fire, and has a range of only a couple yards before the blast wave it released dissipates into uselessness.


Blue Stinger: Control over one's aerial movements is surprisingly simple, once you get the hang of it. Alonzo has developed the ability to send himself hurtling swordfirst through the air, even from a standing position.

Seaman: Scylla's mastery over the oceans of the world has been somewhat passed down to Alonzo. Though he cannot will water to wipe out his foes, his motions are extremely fluid underwater and anyone attempting to move through water near him will find themselves floundering uselessly.

Thunder Force: Being sealed has given Alonzo hundreds of years to practice the fine arts of aerodynamics using Roc as his favored launching tool. By simply aiming his handcannon backwards and firing, Alonzo can send himself flying.

Crazy Taxi: Alonzo is, as any good captain should be, intricately linked to his ship. This link is so profound that it is willing to ferry him across any surface it can conceivably fit on. Be it sea, land, or air, Alonzo's ship is more than capable of fording it. When Alonzo wishes, he can send it hauling into the realm between worlds, allowing it to follow him without attracting much attention.

Ghost Squad: Alonzo's ghostly crew are forced to serve him even after their mortal lives. If Alonzo so wishes, he can instantly teleport a small handful of undead pirates to assist him. The pirates themselves are barely stronger than normal humans only due to their inability to feel pain, and Alonzo can only call on up to five of them at a time.

Other: Alonzo has no idea what modern society or technology is like, and is frankly insulted that the Age Of Wooden Ships And Iron Men has long passed. Nothing can convince him to upgrade his ship, though he may be willing to steal more advanced weaponry and plunder the treasures of the Information Age. Thar be gold in them circuits, after all!
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