Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

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Of course, those with nothing to say always resort to insults first.

So what does that have to do with your argument? I'm not your keeper man, just because you wobble when you screw doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to apologize and accept your weird brand of conservatism. I'm not really sure why you brought it up. I'm sorry if I hurt you with my words.

You really have found yourself on a roll from the very moment you stepped foot in here. I could quote your hypocrisy and non-statements more but that would unquestionably require even more bothersome reading. It is almost as though we are using some "convoluted text-based medium."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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actually super easy to get even one or two sentences confused!

aren't you the guy that didn't know what the QSA was, then went 'what's the qsa' and when I informed you of what it was you said 'i should've known you're an enemy of the lgbt community'

thought so too

pot kettle black etc etc

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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<Snipped quote by Smash>

aren't you the guy that didn't know what the QSA was, then went 'what's the qsa' and when I informed you of what it was you said 'i should've known you're an enemy of the lgbt community'

thought so too

pot kettle black etc etc

I don't know what the hell that is either, this? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_Sec…
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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@Andreyich it's the queer straight alliance discord chat, a more tame and less charged version of the GSA if you will
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Well now I feel silly
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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<Snipped quote by j8cob>

538 is my source.

I'd have to see specific surveys to be able to gauge how bullshit they are, but I can tell you that 538 and Nate Silver have had a track record of their predictions being wrong. I'm fairly certain at this point that his prediction model is just flawed. Like it's not even partisan at this point, it's just not good at predicting things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Only 37% of the nation approves of trump.

That is a strange way of saying 42% of Americans on this very day and that's from a Left leaning site during an unpopular month. Granted others have pointed out just how bunk many of these polls are, skewed at their best as we have seen wherever the President of the United States is involved, but that's certainly another topic for another time.

Also, because it is topical and spicy, let us defer back to actual racism in the face of tragedy for a moment because we were all so worked up over "racist statues" just a few weeks ago which started this very recent expedition with our newer company. Will the Alt-Left disavow all of these people, or do they just not represent everyone involved in the Left?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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<Snipped quote by Smash>
Also, because it is topical and spicy, let us defer back to actual racism in the face of tragedy for a moment because we were all so worked up over "racist statues" just a few weeks ago which started this very recent expedition with our newer company. Will the Alt-Left disavow all of these people, or do they just not represent everyone involved in the Left?

Lol, Alabama just raised up another confederate monument. Then of course if you look more closely you see it was raised in the Confederate Veterans Memorial Park, doubt it would have made the news if it were not finished during this time period. This thing isn't even a statue, just a glorified tombstone for all the unknown confederates soldiers that gave their lives in the war, yet for some reason this popped up on a newsfeed, hope it doesn't suddenly become the next monument to get vandalized.

The thing about the Alt-Left is they have dug themselves into such a deep hole, they have already pushed away the majority of leftists who are disgusted by all the violent rhetoric and actual violence being essentially praised by leftist spokespersons. With a good chunk of their previous base already rapidly leaving or even gone, they probably cannot afford to call out these racists for fear of depleting their base even further. The alt-left is desperately trying to pretend they are still as unified as ever so they can still exert as much influence as they can on the people through either fear or virtue signaling.

All the biggest voices for the alt-left know that as soon as they stop doubling down on their ever decreasing base, they will quickly fracture into even more groups and lose the last bit of power they are still clinging to. At this point though, it's more just a question of when they'll finally lose their power as more and more people get voted out of their positions by tired Americans sick of hypocrisy. They still have a fair bit of power left and they are not about to throw it all away yet.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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So is Smash the new Ace of Hearts or...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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So is Smash the new Ace of Hearts or...

Ace of Hearts lite
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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<Snipped quote by Smash>
That is a strange way of saying 42% of Americans on this very day and that's from a Left leaning site during an unpopular month. Granted others have pointed out just how bunk many of these polls are, skewed at their best as we have seen wherever the President of the United States is involved, but that's certainly another topic for another time.

Also, because it is topical and spicy, let us defer back to actual racism in the face of tragedy for a moment because we were all so worked up over "racist statues" just a few weeks ago which started this very recent expedition with our newer company. Will the Alt-Left disavow all of these people, or do they just not represent everyone involved in the Left?

This is honestly the same as those white racists saying 'we need to cleanse our country of the negroes' or something except it's targeted at the majority and/or the scapegoat of racism and therefore it's OK. It'll be likened to the jews wanting the nazi's to die or something despite this being an entirely different context, and then they'll say it's completely understandable that a underprivileged repressed group wants to direct their anger towards the oppressors and that this sometimes happens in a violent way, physical or non physical (threats).

I can somewhat stand by that as a social phenomenon and just something that we do - we like to complain and we use hyperbole a lot so naturally 'fucking white people I want them to die xd' is something you're gonna see a lot in the same way that the KKK probably talks about 'fucking black people I want them to die xd' a lot.

And in all fairness neither of them is wrong:

When it comes to ideas it's all about what side you're on, and what your values are and what you believe is the truth and what is not the truth.

What does each side think? What have they rationalized? What is their 'truth' and what is their way of defending their 'truth'?

For example:

You are part of the KKK -> therefore you believe that black people are inferior -> you believe that they are destroying the white race -> therefore killing black people seems a 'logical' step for you to take in order to protect the white race.

You are part of the 'left wing extremists' -> therefore you believe that whites are at fault for the oppression of blacks in every single situation -> therefore killing white people and/or finding it a good thing that white people die is a logical step/thing to find for you in order to protect and help the oppressed people.

You are a 1939 member of the nazi party in Germany -> therefore you believe that the jews are to blame for the shitty situation Germany is in -> you believe that the German people are superior biologically -> therefore killing jews to restore Germany and prove the superiority of the Aryan people is a logical step to take in order to prove your worth and restore Germany.

It comes down to what you believe is true, really believe as in you find these things to be INNATELY, MORAL TRUTHS that are not subject to subjectivity, they are simply factually the truth and anyone that says otherwise is evil. I find that for people who are in these groups it is incredibly hard to see the other side because they believe they are wrong and their side has filled their head with so much 'facts' at that point that it becomes impossible for them to see the other side; how can I be wrong after all? Ergo, it is impossible for a KKK Klansman to understand a radical antifascist, and it is impossible for a radical antifascist to understand a KKK Klansman. Something to do with cognitive bias I think. It's like those college kids that go 'can't the people in the rust belt just go to college?' with their utter refusal to understand that no they can't go to college. In this type of group there is often a total disconnect between reality and their worldview. Permanent 'rose colored glasses' except they're not rose colored, it's like they have glasses on that allows them to see the things they're told are truths and only those thing, never the reality, never the grey area that many of us do see or at least attempt to see.

I think we're speaking of indoctrination at this point, but that goes for both sides - the alt right, right wing extremists and hate groups are just as indoctrinated as the left wing extremists, radical green party members and this 'alt left' tumblrina fest.

Now here's the hard part; it is really easy to fight people. We can all join antifa or some alt-right shitposting group, meet up in Berkeley and fight it out, start beating each other with sticks like our friend @Smash was so proud of that he had to brag about how many nazi's he beats with sticks while wearing a mask to hide his identity.

But fighting ideas is extremely hard and even more so when they're literally ingrained into a subculture and seen as the ultimate truth, some sort of truth you need to obtain to become enlightened/educated. You can kill a person but you can't kill an idea. Sometimes I wonder if we've even gone too far into this pit for us to be able to 'fix' it with education or compromises or discussion.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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So is Smash the new Ace of Hearts or...

If smash carrys on the way he has been in my thread, he will end up like ace of hearts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Smash
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Smash Byu too

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<Snipped quote by Smash>

aren't you the guy that didn't know what the QSA was, then went 'what's the qsa' and when I informed you of what it was you said 'i should've known you're an enemy of the lgbt community'

thought so too

pot kettle black etc etc

Shortly after you stated they wanted to gas you, yeah.

<Snipped quote by Smash>

I'd have to see specific surveys to be able to gauge how bullshit they are, but I can tell you that 538 and Nate Silver have had a track record of their predictions being wrong. I'm fairly certain at this point that his prediction model is just flawed. Like it's not even partisan at this point, it's just not good at predicting things.

Luckily we're using their poll aggregates, not anything else!

<Snipped quote by Smash>

Also, because it is topical and spicy, let us defer back to actual racism in the face of tragedy for a moment because we were all so worked up over "racist statues" just a few weeks ago which started this very recent expedition with our newer company. Will the Alt-Left disavow all of these people, or do they just not represent everyone involved in the Left?

A) the alt left isn't a thing so no, your imaginary group isn't going to disavow anything.

B) What racism? In order for something to be racist it has to be backed by systemic oppression that's why fag is a cuss and cracker isnt.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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@Smash it was before, but thanks for proving my point that you're pot kettle black etc.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Antifa is a lie made up by Alex Jones. Clever bastard schemed and spouted anger to hide the master plan
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Smash
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Smash Byu too

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Smash it was before, but thanks for proving my point that you're pot kettle black etc.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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@Smash idk how that infers im an enemy of the lgbt community though lol. did you actually talk to the people there?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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This is getting less political and more personal, I'd rather not have discord screenshots and drama in the thread, thanks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Smash
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Smash Byu too

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Smash idk how that infers im an enemy of the lgbt community though lol. did you actually talk to the people there?

That's incredibly sad, if you don't see it than I think this whole conversation is moot!

This is getting less political and more personal, I'd rather not have discord screenshots and drama in the thread, thanks.

Yeah no problem.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Cracker ain't a cuss? Pretty sure that's a slur based on race. So, by extension, that's some textbook racism.
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