"Awww.. Does somebody need a big fluffy hug?"
Name: Sapphire Pink
Title: Has not earned one.
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Allegiance: Angel
Race: Woof
Personality: Sapphire has a lot of sympathy for all the pain and suffering in the Nexus. She doesn't, on the other hand, have much in the way of empathy. She tries to understand it intellectually, but there's only so much you can empathize with something you've never experienced. With her unique feeding mechanism, it's impossible for her to feel bad, or anything negative at all. No matter what the circumstance, she can't help but feel at worst neutral about a situation, even if she is being skinned alive. No hard feelings about that, Pink literally can't hold a grudge.
As such, Sapphire is perfectly happy to be in the Nexus, as there's an abundance of food, and she gets to make people happy by eating! Win win. Her goal is to eat as much emotion as she can, and there's ever so much of it. Except with those wierd Machina, who are probably the closest things to something that can irritate Pink, as many of them don't have ANY emotions whatsoever for Pink to eat! Those metal people just plain confound her.
History: Sapphire Pink arose spontaneously from the complex tangled emotions of the Nexus. And she hooked up with Heaven because of her natural alignment. (If someone wants to involve themselves in Sapphire Pink's backstory, let me know because otherwise it's very sparse.)
Negative Emotion Eater- Sapphire is fueled by negative emotions. In that she consumes and destroys them to generate energy. Getting a hug from Pink will always make you feel better, because she will literally start eating any emotion that is making you feel bad just by proximity. Note, this is emotions that are making YOU feel bad, not some arbitrary universal standard, so if the emotion of say, happiness, causes you physiological pain, Sapphire will eat that right up.
Mirror of Desire- Sapphire can transform herself into what someone else desires. This can be their inner desires or something they just want right now. As such Pink rather rarely uses this, as she doesn't get to preview what she's going to turn into. She's transformed into a sword, the daughter another person always wanted but never had, and a defeated version of herself, and a cupcake, when she's used this out of desperation. It's not like she minds all that much (being unable to), but it rarely turns out particularly well. A few limitations are there, as she does not turn into perfect copies.
She turns into what the other person knows/wants about their desire, not what their desire's actual being is. So if someone wanted Pink to turn into Juno, but all that person know about Juno is "Ooh, that girl's hot but I wish she had a brighter hair" then Sapphire would turn into someone that LOOKS like Juno but with brighter hair, but none of her powers or personality. If you wanted knowledge about your past, Sapphire could only transform into the knowledge YOU know about your past, which wouldn't help you out any at all.
Her power and energy is set in stone. The further someone/thing is from Angelic, the worse Pink is at copying their powers. So, if Iona wanted to transform Sapphire into a mini-her, Sapphire'd do a decent job at using the Holy magic Iona knows, at least the lower level stuff, but if someone wanted to transform Sapphire into mini-Rufus, the results would be extremely disappointing (unless the reason you wanted a mini-Rufus was to be able be able to fulfill fantasies of getting to beat up Rufus).
Sapphire, of course, does not count as someone else to be able to copy her own desires.
Devil Sensing- Demons seem to bask in negative emotions and cause a lot of it, and Pink seems to have an innate ability to be able to sense Demons and Demonic Magic/Energy.
Power of Heart- Sapphire primary attack and defense is to just throw her energy en mass at the problem, in the form of pink heart beams/lasers/spells and such. Against demonic targets, this harms, against angels, this buffs, and against machina, it usually just plinks off.
Weapons: Charm?
Theme: Also accepting suggestions for this one.