Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slick- An Explosive Start!

"I would think that, uhh..I've heard people say, uhh..that time is money. And uhh..if you can burn money, umm.. you could theoretically burn time, I guess." Once Cedric said that Slick's smile grew even wider. He was going to like Clock Town. Suddenly a man proclaiming himself to be a giant crab spoke over the seas and demanded everyone surrender, immediately afterward he then told everyone he was going to fire a boarding torpedo at them. Seems kind of counterproductive but whatever. As the ship began to tilt due to Dirk abandoning the wheel Slick covered the bottom of his feet in oil, sliding towards the cannons. "Wheeeeee!" He grabbed a cannon at the last second to make sure he didn't go tumbling overboard and looked at Bonesword whose hat could just barely be seen over the wheel.

"Boneblade, do I get to set things on fire now?" Slick asked with a manic grin on his face and an insane gleam in his eyes. As he spoke these words he was already in the process of covering a cannonball in oil, readying it to be lit on fire as it was fired. This is his favorite part of the job really, cooking is just a bonus.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

There's A Boat In My Swimming Path

Feya’s arms and legs were shifting back and forth. The woman of fitness kept a good rhythm of body motions. Her technique involved saving a lot of stamina in order to beat Isuza. There was a matter of beating her in speed, but Feya might possibly tire her out.

Feya had her eyes glued to the water. Her body bobbed up and down each wave. She couldn’t make out any noise around her due to the water reaching toward her ears. All she could hear was the sound of water briefly hitting her ears. That, and her constant breathing exercises to maintain stamina.

Her muscles noticed a slight change in the waves. She smiled on the inside and acknowledged most likely Isuza must be nearing her. The waves were shifting direction and Feya only assumed Isuza’s admirable swimming strength was at fault. The fitness woman at to make a decision: does she pick up her speed or keep at a constant pace?

“Screw it,” Feya scoffed. She started throwing her arms into the water and dropping her legs with intense ferocity. The woman burst through the opposing waves. At this point, she was climbing over them. Each arm paddle created a loud splash of water. Feya began exaggerating a certain victory.

Thud! “What the f-?” Feya massaged her scalp when she slammed into a hard surface. She dug her hand into her hair to fully caress her now-growing bump. It was small, but it was still a blemish to her temple of a body. Tilting her head back, she noticed a gigantic ship in front of her.

Kicking her legs to stay afloat, her face turned sour. She knocked on the body of the floating vessel. “Hey, what’s the big idea?!” Feya Fitness proceed to keep throwing her fists into the ship. ”You interrupted my race! What’s the matter with you? Do I swim in the middle of your ship...routines?”

Every word only increased the pitch and volume in the female body builder’s voice. ”Do you get kicks putting your ship in people’s way? In the middle of the ocean? DO YOU?!” She began attempting to climb the ship’s wall. The hardest part was trying to get a grip. ”You stopped an important victory in my milestone!!”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle!

Just then, a voice blasted over the waters declaring the intentions of the renowned pirate hunter John Krabbe, 'The Vice.' As he gave away his plan, Cedric began shouting orders to his crew,"Dirk! bring us in for a full broadsid-," as their captain began, he saw their helmsman...standing next to him. The ship began to turn sideways, completely at the sea's mercy. Cedric looked dumbfounded,"...Who's at the helm?" He glanced behind them and turned back to Dirk,"You had one job!" At that moment, first mate Bonesword, ever the dependable skeleton, rushed to the wheel and steadied their rocking ship. Yelling at Dirk as he did so.

The others were preparing for the inevitable battle. Caesar grabbed his machete. Slick readied himself at the cannon, oiling his shot up. Believing his point was made, Cedric turned towards them commanding,"Bonesword! Take us in for a full broadside. Lilliana, prepare for their boarding torpedo! Caesar, Dirk! Take a cannon each, we are going to show this crabby fella the power of The Rum Runner! Bawhahahaha! While yelling, he ran towards one of the cannons on the ship's side, next to Slick. When they got in close enough he would give the order to fire. Their timing would have to be perfect to have an effective barrage.

Cedric swiveled his head around searching for Feya and Isuza. Spotting Isuza, he questioned,"Where is Feya?!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - Driving Test

"Slick! As long as you don't hurt the ship, you have my full permission to do whatever you want! Now get ready to blast that ship!!" Bonesword shouted as he raised himself into the air slightly with some vines, holding him in the air so he can see over the wheel, if only a slightly. "Approaching quickly, Cap'! Prepare to fire!" Bonesword didn't really expect to be going through a driving test today, let alone something under so much pressure, but he felt confident in his abilities. He steered the ship over open water sometimes, so this was just like that, except not. Hopefully Isuza could do some repairs on-the-go.

While steering, the skeleton kid checked back on his vine to see how far it had gotten. It's still got a bit of a way to go, but it's somewhat close to the other ship. Maybe halfway, if not a bit more. It was only a matter of time before the skeleton could cause some major mayhem to that ship.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lilliana Merrycure

As usual, Cedric took to answering all of their questions as well as he could. When he smiled at her she beamed back happily. She was glad to see him and the rest of the crew in such good spirits. Heck, even Feya had...where was Feya? Thinking back she tried to remember when she'd stopped seeing her. She got a flash of memory of the bodybuilding doctor jumping overboard. However, before she could say anything someone very loud—and very rude!—interrupted her train of thought.

Turning towards the noise she saw a ship. Frowning, Lilly sighed a bit, her metal wings bristling. Well this was a...wait, they had a speaker? What was this about boarding torpedoes? Suddenly a huge grin spread across her features.

Setting down her bag and looping the strap around the mast as the ship veered almost entirely on its side, Lilliana began plucking metal and wiring out of the bag. About thirty seconds passed, her metal wings forming a bunch of hands to assist her as she built, and then she finished. Proudly she stood up and lofted the newly created gun into the air. Catching it she willed B-MO's hands into the bag where they replicated almost exactly what she'd just made a few times over.

When B-MO had finished as well, she grabbed her bag, slid along the slanted deck, ending up right next to Cedric. Bumping her hip lightly against his to get the captain's attention, her eyes shining, she held up her bag, B-MO plucked out two of the rather hefty guns.

It was a miracle they fit in the bag. How were they doing that again?

“Made somethin' for ya! They jam cannons. Can't have the Rum Runner getting' totally wrecked,” she said with a smile and a wink before running off. She still had two more of the hefty cannon jammers. Taking position on one of the railings, she tied her bag down, pulled a JAMMU-5000 out, propping it on the railing. She took aim and waited, counting down in her head, ready to fire to jam a cannon or three.

“Oooh, can't wait till they board us. Gonna mess 'em up real good! We'll see how they like my grappling hook ehehehe.” She was practically giddy.

No wait, that was actual giddiness.

Damn crazy woman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mizushima Isuza

It was a small consolation for Isuza to have Feya on her side. Provided the captain had the funds for her supplies, the two of them would have little trouble getting the wood, rigging and other miscellaneous bits and bobs on board in one trip. Of course, so rarely was anything so simple with the crew of the Rum Runner. Before the aquatic hybrid could so much as mumble a reply, she had be challenged to a race already! Normally, she enjoyed the friendly competitions, but it was still morning and Isuza had yet to even eat!

Any protests she could've given would have fallen upon deaf ears, as the shark girl would learn. By the time she spun around to call out to the dashing doctor, she had already hopped into the sea. Never one to be spoiled produce, Isuza reluctantly jogged after her friend and after shedding her haori onto the deck, launched herself over the side and into the briney deep below.

The shock of cold ocean water jolted an otherwise sleepy shipwright wide away. Immediately the gills upon her neck sprung open, sucking in gulps of the sea to filter the oxygen within. Legs kicked and arms paddled, launching the small woman forward with breakneck speed to catch up with Feya and her head start. The human was certainly powerful, but she hadn't bested Isuza yet, and that wasn't going to change today. While she paddled hard in the chop of the surface, the lavender headed lass carved through the currents below, racing in the direction of shore.

Unfortunately, what she first assumed to be shore wasn't quite it. Cracked up to eyes made to see through the harsh salt water of the sea, Isuza spotted the far off blip grow and grow... But stop growing after a while. Indeed, the murky image was much too small to be an island. It was even floating! A ship, she realized, halting her swim and quickly surfacing to cry out to Feya. In another stroke of misfortune, she reached air just in time to witness the crew's doctor headbutt a hull.

The resulting shouting and pounding quickly washed away any worry she had, but before a giggle could be had, the boom of a den den mushi snatched her attention. Bounty hunters? Oh no.. She had heard the crew made a name for itself during that slave revolt, but surely they weren't wanted enough to warrant a practical galleon chasing them? The bold demand for a surrender resigned Isuza to a sigh; that wasn't happening. There would be a fight here, for certain, only more assured by the sight of Feya scaling the side of the vessel.

The instinctive need to assist in the daring boarding was slowed however, by the skip up of one Mr. Krabbe. Torpedoes?! What kind of bounty hunter had torpedoes?! Her precious Rum Runner was not going to withstand the blast of some kind of bizarre explosive today! Deciding the monstrous Feya could handle herself while the others closed, Isuza sank down again beneath the water, swimming interception between the Runner and this oversized monstrosity of a vessel, large eyes open wide for incoming projectiles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Boone's question fell on deaf ears, as Isuza was already in the process of diving overboard. Quickly the half-breed swam, moving at speeds beyond any normal human being. Then a ship came into sight, and so did Feya, who bumped right into the thing! The ship continued moving forward, completely uncaring of the fitness obsessed physician's roadblock. This didn't sit very well with Feya though, so she took hold of the nearest grip she could snag, and began the long difficult climb up.

Partway up her climb, and mid way through Isuza's dive, three large cylindrical tubes shot outward from the King Crab, leaving behind a streaming trail of bubbles in their wake. Metal, and propelled by... Something, these were unmistakably torpedoes, and they were moving very fast. On an interception course, the half-fishman realized that she could only get to a single torpedo in time. Yet as she moved in to stop one, it felt strangely lighter than such a torpedo should. Then she heard voices from inside and realized that it was not only hollow, but had actual people inside!

Meanwhile, John Krabbe stood at the bow of his ship, the mighty King Crab. "Kookiookiooki! Yes! You will soon be pummeled into submission by my mighty Shrimp Brig-ahwhataretheydoing?!" Before his very spyglass covered eye, the bounty hunter witnessed his target, the Rum Runner, suddenly list violently to the side. Unknown to the pirates aboard the vessel, Dirk's insane strategy of "let go of the helm and let the ship almost sink" turned out to be a fantastic dodging tactic. Of the two boarding torpedoes still on course to hit them, one ended up flying off course. "DAMN THEM!" Krabbe snapped the spyglass in half in his anger, then tossed the two halves aside. "I had heard tale of how crazy Broadsides Boone could be, but to think that he'd actually risk capsizing to avoid a boarding team!"

Of course, the famous bounty hunter couldn't have possibly known that it was a completely unintentional maneuver on the captain's part. Still, it proved effective, at least until Bonesword took the helm and steadied the ship. Invisible to the skeleton kid beneath the ocean's waves, he steadied the Rum Runner back into the path of the third and final boarding torpedo. CRASH! The torpedo struck on the lowest deck, piercing through the hull and sticking halfway through the ship in the midst of all the cargo. It acted as a plug, preventing the ship from taking on water, so thankfully they needn't fear sinking at the moment. However another concern was more prevalent. With an audible hisssss the end of the torpedo depressurized, allowing the five individuals within to escape.

Each one of them was dressed in armor resembling a shrimp or a crayfish, though the armor was colored differently. Strangely, an upbeat rock song played as each one disembarked their torpedo of conveyance, striking a pose with a flourish. "Roar of the sea, Shrimp Brigade Green!" shouted the first, brandishing a trident. "Might of the sun, Shrimp Brigade Yellow!" bellowed the second, swinging a large ball-and-chain. "Strength of earth, Shrimp Brigade Blue!" came next, flexing with a set of spiked knuckles. "Speed of the wind, Shrimp Brigade Violet!" was fourth, posing with two pistols. "Last but not least, Shrimp Brigade Red! Voice of the Heavens!"

"Shrimp Brigade Division A, defenders of justice!" they all cried out at once, striking a final pose together. A few seconds passed and they realized nobody else was in sight... But there was all this alcohol around!

As this was all going on, the two ships continued getting closer together. Now they were each within cannon distance, though only at the very end of cannon range so there was still a fair amount of sea between them. Bonesword's vine, stretching across the open ocean, was nearing its target. Meanwhile, Feya had finished her climb to the top deck of the King Crab. Dozens of men ran about, preparing cannons and special mechanisms, while the man in charge barked out orders and made threats with the large claw adorning his arm. There was no mistaking his identity, not unless she had lived under a rock. John Krabbe "The Vice" was a famous bounty hunter in the South Blue who had never failed to bring in his mark. Now she was on his ship, surrounded by his men. Literally.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be here!" cried out a sailor, pointing at the trespasser. Within seconds Feya found herself set upon by nearly twenty men armed with cutlasses. But Krabbe didn't seem to have noticed. Not yet...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar - Who the Hell Are You?

Flipping below deck, Caesar ran to where he had last stashed his machete, hidden among the alcohol in the small room he used to conduct his sessions with the crew. Well, more like his drinking sessions with the Captain.

Tossing bottles around he dug out the blade just as everything went flying. A quick planting of his feet against the door frame kept him standing, but damn if he hasn't nearly cut off his hand.

"DAMMIT DIRK!" He yelled, struggling to right himself as the ship tipped back into normal position.

It was then that he was thrown back into the hallway when something crashed into the ship's hull right underneath him.

A snarl escaped his throat as he rushed deeper into the hold, reaching the impact site in seconds.

"Eh? Who the body hell are you?" he asked in confusion as he spied the five strange men. "Get the bloody hell out of the liquor and off this ship, before I stomp yer brains out."

With a flourish he sliced his machete down, sending a wave of electro infused force straight at Violet.

"Why's it always gotta be midgets?" he muttered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slick- An Explosive Start!

"Slick! As long as you don't hurt the ship, you have my full permission to do whatever you want! Now get ready to blast that ship!!" Slick clapped with joy as he took out a set of matches and lit the fuse. "It's time to boil little crab!" A few seconds later the cannon fired off a flaming cannonball, heading straight towards Krabbe's ship with the sole purpose of burning everyone on it to death. Then Slick ran to another cannon and did the same process, oil down the barrel, aim, fire, literal fire. Suddenly the ship shook as something hit it below deck. "Someone cauterize the wound! I have to focus on bringing fiery death to my canvas!" And then he moved onto the next cannon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - Suddenly, Trees!

The mushroom skeleton's eyes lit up when he felt the sudden touch of a wooden deck with his viney appendage. He hit his mark, and he was able to work with that now. Whoever this guy was, whether he was a crabby man or a lobster guy, he was about to be in for a rude awakening.

You don't mess with the Red Rum Pirates and walk away without a few splinters.

"Kojo-Kojo Oaken Tree!" Bonesword shouted as a large oak tree shot up from Krabbe's ship, tipping it's bow towards the expansive ocean. Another tree sprouted up besides that one, and so did another, until the front of the ship was covered in saplings. They weren't growing super quickly, but they would be a serious problem if left untreated.

Bonesword felt the faint vibration of the ship's hull being hit by a torpedo as he steered, and the only idea he could think of at this point was to shout at Isuza (who recently jumped overboard to fix something) and tell her to fix the ship. She had enough materials for a sufficient patch-job, last time BS checked.

"Isuza!" Bonesword shouted at the top of his nonexistent lungs. "Patch us up!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

Let’s See Your Workout Plan

Fitness Feya worked the muscles in her forearm. She easily could bench-press ten of her. Lifting her body on the scale of the ship proved an easy feat for the body builder. Once she stepped aboard, she wished to find the person responsible. Specifically, she wanted to speak to the navigator.

The physician first noticed the ship crawling with armed men. They busily ran around the deck of the ship. Currently, no available assumptions or theories were made by Feya. She kept her focus on the fact that they interrupted a significant race. The woman did not recognize her own crew was in danger.

One particular guy spotted the muscular woman and sold her out to the rest. Whoever was near the vicinity stopped their current actions and raised their weapons. Feya crossed her arms and her eyebrows pointed to her nose. The woman became agitated the welcoming committee was not very...welcoming.

“I’m not supposed to be here? Your boat should watch where it’s going! Who’s the navigator? Who’s in charge around here?” Feya threw his arm back to further demonstrate her anger. Her nostrils flared and her finger randomly pointed at the twenty men surrounding her. “Is it you? How about you? You’re out of shape, it must be you!” Her finger fixated at a man with a corpulent stomach.

Her accusations and questions struck but hit nothing. The men barely listened to her. Their commitment relied on striking and possibly killing Feya. The fitness woman cracked the knuckles in her right hand one by one. “Okay, boys. Let me see if your captain applied a worthy workout regimen.” She cackled loudly.

Immediately, she utilized the muscles in her calves to launch herself into the air. During her air time, she stretched her arm to the sky. Feya timed herself appropriately due to the distance ranging from the deck of the ship to the air. Down and down she descended until she landed on the floor. With her feet touching the ground, she delivered a punch worthy of creating a shockwave to the floor.

Using this time as a distraction and a means of making the army of men stumble, she rushed to the nearest group of sailors to deliver a potent roundhouse kick.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Dirk Messir - AwwwwwwWWWFREAKOUT

'It's fine, Captain Cedric,' Dirk intimates, 'because the sea is controlling us. Divine Purpose said so-'

And then Bonesword ruined it by grabbing the wheel, and voices began screaming and yelling telling him to kill myself you worthless scumbag idiot who cant even stop a skeleton and and and and and AND AND AND


And then something hit the ship, and Dirk's arms DESTROY SKELTAL go up and then down dramatically gestured, and he said 'SEE?! "C"... FOR SEEEAAAA!' And he goes full on to the agonised animalistic shriek of backbend angryness that hurts everyone to listen to but THEN IT INCLUDESH IMSELF

Time To Relax, Dirk! You'll Pull A Muscle.

So he relaxed, probably slightly a significant closer to skeletonfriend than before. He didn't know when he got the knife out, but it was in my hands the whole time so now he looked like he was threanteing. Oh God. Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God

'I'm sorry Bonesword,' tallboy murmurs quietly, hunching back over servilley, serviley, all what servile-like. The word that meant sorry. Punitively probably. With head tilt. 'I'll help remove the police.' When he says this, he moves into the lower deck, since the lines said this is the best way for me to make it up to my close ally and companion called swordman. But he went down quietly, and followed what the Divine Purpose said. It was always right. Divine Purpose is Divine Power.

You cannot trust it Loser! How do you think it will help Dumbass when you are fighting Idiot?

You're wrong Jamewithaniintheexactmiddle. It's fine. See, Dirk's already in the lower hold with the rum, where the torpedo got shot! And is hidden from the shrimp people. Shrimp people. Tastes like shrimp. Talks like people.

They're going to see you.

'They won't Derek. Divine Purpose is good.' Dirk said this under his breath because Divine Purpose says. And because he can, he slowly sneks up behind one of them, the one with... he decides Yellow, because Violent was getting attacked by Caezure already, armour. And stabs the guy in his weakspot necks to the next. On it maybe. The picture wasn't that clear about where the armour ended, @ProPro, but close to it. But in a stabby way, because after that Divine Purpose said go back behind the rum. When in rum.

When in rum, drink until you die. Do it, do it, DO IT you little turd, freaking DO IT.

Don't want to. Behaviour will go weird. Divine Purpose says have to be friends with alcoholics but not be among them. Are the shrimp alcoholic? Probably, since they're in the rum. Anyway, it says keep moving to new spots, so I did it, and they didn't get me yet. Idiots.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle! II

Cedric looked at Lilliana's weapon she gave him and squinted,"How does this work again?" He set it aside, trying to make sure she didn't see him do so. Then glanced around and saw everyone going about their business. Running here, running there. Bonesword shouting orders to some of the crew, Slick fired maniacally, and Izuza had jumped overboard. And Dirk...Dirk was being himself, a complete nutcase. But one thing remained in common with the crew; EVERYONE'S COMPLETE LACK OF ATTENTION TO THEIR CAPTAIN'S ORDERS! Boone stood tall and bellowed out,"First mate Bonesword! Who is the Captain of this vessel?" He paused for a moment to let it sink in,"I applaud you for your tenacity, however, you will not override my orders. Is that understood?" Just then, the torpedo collided with the lower deck putting Boone off balance.

He remembered that Krabbe had bragged about a shrimp brigade of some sort. He decided it would be best to fire off the cannon he was at and have Bonesword turn their vessel on their loaded side, before they got too close to Krabbe's vessel. He lit the fuse, aiming where he believed the ship would travel toward. BOOM! There the cannonball went. He nodded to Slick and said,"After that one, wait for my signal to fire the other side, Slick!" Boone unstrapped his Blunderbuss and smirked,"Whatever is down there will get a taste of my my shotgun shot!" He thought to himself. As he began running below decks, he yelled at his first mate,"Bonesword! Get our ship's loaded side aimed at Krabbe! I'm going below, you're in command here now."

Broadsides Boone descended below and saw the ship's shrink attack a violet shrimp clad humanoid. At the same time he watched everyone's favorite schizophrenic attempt a stab at the yellow one. Boone glanced at the gaping hole in The Rum Runner, made by their torpedo. His eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Come to damage our ship and steal our rum have you?! Not today small fry!! SHOTGUN SHOT!" Then Cedric D. Boone, Captain of The Red Rum Pirates, blasted the red and green shrimp with a single shotgun shot of his blunderbuss at point blank range. Boone's ammunition could single handily put them out of the fight. That is, if their armor wasn't a BOONE to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lilliana Merrycure

[i\Woooow,[/i] so much was happening, she thought as she glanced around at the actions of her crewmates. Bonesy yelling orders, Cedric too, Caesar disappearing below deck. Then the ship shaking with an impact, which elicited a brief frown before she turned her attention back to their adversary's boat. His sweet, sweet boat. A grin spread over her face, she aimed...and then she fired!


Her grin widened and her eyes sparkled as the projectile, which seemed to be made of a weird mixture of metal, rubber, and was that foam, collided with a cannon and went all


That was a good sound. It meant it had properly JAMMU'D. Sweetness. Taking out the other one and setting it up she aimed...carefully, waited, and then fired.




Turning her attention, B-MO began reloading the JAMMU-5000s, while she extracted her grappling gun. Oooh man this was gonna be soooo great! If they had torpedowhatevermajibs, then they were bound to have other awesome thingies too, right!?

This in mind, as B-MO finished reloading the JAMMU-5000s and setting them up, Lilly fired her grappling gun, tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated reaaaal hard. After a few moments of soaring through the air, with her shielding her eyes from the sun to see it, the hook hit the deck of the ship and then dug into the deck and railing, setting in easily.

Lilliana was overjoyed.


See, what'd I tell you?

Moving on, Lilly aimed and fired the two JAMMUs once more, with them finding their mark and plugging up two more cannons on the enemy ship. Then she pushed them back onto the deck, tied 'em down near the railing so someone else could use 'em, before she jumped onto the railing of the ship. Grasping her grappling hook tightly in both hands, leaning back, she activated the reel and vanished, leaving behind a Lilly shaped cloud.

Whizzing through the air at incredible speed she noticed that she was probably going to slam right into the hull of the ship. Finding this to be...undesirable, she stopped reeling, flicked her wrist and fully retracted the grappling hook in an instant. She fired again, much higher, with her already halfway across the waves. As the hook latched onto a mast of Crabbe's ship, her foot dipped into the cold ocean and she yelped before laughing as the gun reeled her in fast. After a moment she let it stop reeling so she could swing right onto the deck and kick a guy in the back of the head unexpectedly.

Grinning happily as she came up a few feet away from Feya—OH SO THAT'S WHERE SHE WAS—Lilly flicked her wrist and retracted the grappling hook. As some of the sailors eyed her she smiled innocently and began walking towards them, stowing her grappling hook in a holster at her hip—where did that come from?--as she punched her tiny fist into her other palm. B-MO mirrored the motion...but it was much more intimidating from the metallic symbiote.

Ooh man, first she needed to beat these guys up so she could get below deck, then she needed to disable aaaaall the weapons, and THEN she could tinker with the ship's mechanisms. Or you know, she could beat these guys up and then just tinker right away below deck. Maybe mess with the cannons? Oh, that could be fun.

With no plan and a huge grin on her face, eyes closed—though one was not fully (though you can't tell)--she addressed the sailors.

“Hello gentlefolk. I thought I'd hop aboard and give your ship an inspection. With all these weird contraptions and talk of torpedoes I figured that you might need to oil some mechanisms. Oh, and make sure verything is up to code, you know!?” She kept walking towards them.

“Now, if you would just get out of my way, I won't have to turn you into parts of the ship. Or make you castaways.” For effect, one of the metallic arms stretched down to the deck as she walked and gouged claws into it, tearing up wood, before tossing it past them and overboard into the sea.

“So, either move move or get throown~” She chirped gleefully. Oh man, this was exciting!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Aboard the King Crab, numerous men charged forward at Dr. Feya, swords, maces, and other weapons drawn. Her clever shockwave tactic knocked them all aside, not a single armed man escaping the force. A few went overboard, but most were only knocked around and quickly got back up. Meanwhile, actual trees had begun sprouting up the front of the vessel, warping the woo and causing it to begin a slight tilt. Yet another problem arose, as the Rum Runner had fired upon them! The first shot was still too far away to get a good aim, so it splashed harmlessly in the water, the flame around the cannonball starved of oxygen in the process. However it wasn't long before the next few shots were to come. Faced with so many dilemmas at once, The Vice had to prioritize his problems.

"Detain the woman with minimal force!" he barked out. "I need men to raise the Shell Shield!"

"Sire yes sir!" a number of sailors cried out. A goo number of them broke away from Feya to head to some sort of mechanism on the bow. Meanwhile, Krabbe himself withdrew his sword and held it in his left, non-pincer covered hand. With speed not normally associated with a person covered in as much bulky armor as he was, he dove overboard. As the bounty hunter dropped, he sliced and slashed at each of the trees that were now growing out of his ship, killing them before their growth could become too much of a nuisance on his prized ship. Then he reached the water, splashing downward and rising up to float. He gripped the front of the King Crab using his pincer arm, and with three deft slashes he severed the vine connecting each ship together. Satisfied for the moment, he sheathed his blade one more time and spoke into the pocket den den mushi he still had, his words echoing across the sea for all to hear. "Shrimp Brigade, I need you to prioritize the first mate! Crush the Mushroom Kid as quickly as possible, before he does catastrophic damage to my beloved ship!"

Yeah, he was pissed off. Meanwhile, Lilliana's new invention globbed up one of the King Crab's cannons as they quickly approached one another. Unfortunately the rest of her shots, as well as Slick's second flaming cannonball, were simply not destined to accomplish their tasks. The sailors at the bow of the ship worked hard to spin a wheel, the effects of which were apparent for all to see. Creating a small tidal wave, a shining crimson object rose up from beneath the ocean waves. Laughing, Krabbe hitched a ride on his secret defense. Within a few seconds it was in place: the entire ship's hull had been surrounded by several segmented plates of a giant crab shell! Slick's cannonball struck the red carapace, but bounce off harmlessly. Lilliana's gum shot stuck not to the cannons that she aimed for, but the defensive shell. Well, at least with that shell in place they couldn't fire those cannons back!

That's when Lilliana got aboard the ship, and made her threats. If ever there was a fun mechanism to wreak havoc on, it would be that Shell Shield!

"Not so fast, pirates!" Krabbe had made it back to the top deck. As water dripped all over his armored body, he slowly approached the duo of Feya and Lilliana. One hand was gripping his sheathed blade, while the other pointed at the two menacingly with his claw. "Mechanized Angel Lilliana and... Someone else. Whatever. Give in now, or I will squeeze you into surrender." The claw snapped a couple times with enough force that the two women could feel the air around them being distorted. "You should know who I am, and that you have no chance of beating me. I am the man who killed the giant crab of the South Blue with my bare hands! This armor, this claw, even my ship itself, were all constructed as a monument to my victory that day! Ever since I have remained unbeaten by any pirate scum, or mouthy marines that don't know how to properly respect a bounty hunter of my quality! So for your own health, I'd suggest walking yourselves right into my brig. After all, I get the same bounty no matter how many limbs I crush from your bodies!"

As this was all occurring, the Rum Runner had problems of its own to deal with. More specifically, down in the cargo hold where a group of five brightly colored fighters emerged from a torpedo and posed in bizarre, wacky ways while music played for them. They met with three members of the Red Rums, even though they were only aware of two. Caesar wasted absolutely no time in sending out a volley of electro towards Violent, the dual pistol wielder, but the attack never made it to his target. Fast as one could see, Green stuck out the metal trident he held, intercepting the electric charge with the three pronged weapon like a lightning rod. The electricity fizzled out as it connected with the rubber grip.

As this was happening, captain Cedric Boone showed up on the scene and unloaded a volley of his shotgun shot into the crowd of Shrimp Brigade. Nobody expected Yellow to swing his heavy chain-ball right in front of the point blank shot, catching all of the pellets on one side of his hefty weapon. It appeared these five, while incredibly flamboyant and weird, had some truly capable combat skills and were not to be trifled with. So trifle Dirk did not. As one that melded into the shadows and secrets of the world, he went completely unnoticed by the bright, in your face attitude of this group. He managed to successfully sneak up on Yellow and plant his kitchen knife exactly where he had intended. The weapon sunk deep into Yellow's collar, near the neck and the warrior let out a massive scream of pain! Blood splattered out as Dirk withdrew the weapon, severely injuring, maybe even crippling the ball and chain user.

"I've got your back!" Blue shouted, flipping back over Yellow's head with a flourish. He landed near Dirk, and searched the stacks of rum cases for his target. Dirk had already become one with the shadows again. "Get your ass back out here so I can plant my foot up it!" Blue shouted in frustration. He held up his spiked knuckles menacingly.

"Shrimp Brigade, I need you to prioritize the first mate! Crush the Mushroom Kid as quickly as possible, before he does catastrophic damage to my beloved ship!" The order was clear for all to hear.

"You heard Krabbe!" Red called out, pointing to the ceiling like his was the drill that would pierce the heavens. "Keep these losers off of my back. I'll go see if a skeleton can live without its skull!" With that, he leaped toward Green, who held his trident out parallel to the floor, and launched their leader like a complicated and dangerous game of leapfrog right over the Red Rums' heads. In a second Red was already up the stairs heading for the top deck.

Bang! A single bullet whizzed right passed Boone's head, coming dangerously close to hitting him in the ear. The sound of shattered glass behind him told the captain all he needed to know about where it had actually landed.

"I hear you're the sharpshooting captain of this crew!" Violent exclaimed, holding one pistol up by his head and another outstretched, the pistol he had just shot. "I didn't have to miss. I like a challenge, a gentleman's duel. You in?"

A second later, Shrimp Brigade Red had made it to the upper deck and spotted the two remaining Red Rum pirates. Slick manning one of the cannons, and first mate Bonesword currently on the helm of the ship. This would be too easy. "'Ello there, Bonehead!" he called out, taking a most bizarre and befuddling pose. "Shrimp Brigade Red, Voice of the Heavens! Here to bring you to justice!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle! III

Things were heating up on the Rum Runner. The Shrimp's struck another goofy pose that Cedric had time to observe in utter amazement. "We need a pose like that.." Cedric was shocked at the speed in which Yellow had deflected his Shotgunshot. The bolt of electricity from Caesar's machete was absorbed by Green in a flash. Suddenly, Dirk made his knife known and managed to successfully stab Yellow in the neck. It looked like a fatal blow. Then he disappeared behind the crates of rum. He was a deadly customer. Blue looked for him immediately afterward. Then Krabbe issued his orders to take on Bonesword above deck. Cedric couldn't help but smile. His first mate was an area of pride in Boone's life. Despite his age, Bonesword was very powerful.

After hearing their orders, Red tumbled his way towards the stairs. Cedric leveled his blunderbuss to blast him before he even had the chance. Just then, Violet shot directly to the side of Cedric's ear. The sound of shattered glass made Cedric wince in pain,"Not the rum.." He thought. It gave time for Red to ascend the stairs uninhibited. Afterward, the shooter issued a blatant challenge to Boone.

There was no amusement on Cedric's face as he turned to meet his opponent's eyes. He retorted to the shooter,"Seeing as you blew a hole in my ship and threatened my crew with imprisonment, I would like to give you a gentleman's duel." He could barely control his rage as he continued,"But..seeing as you are no gentleman, I'll just give you this." At "this" Cedric had turned his blunderbuss with great speed and blew a powerful SHOTGUNSHOT directly at his opponent's face.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - Shrimp Cocktail

... hm? Did Dirk say something? Bonesword tuned him out when he yelled at the failure of his dumb idea. He was going to respond, but Dirk was already away. Guess that's a solved problem.

"Too late, lobster." The damage was done. Below deck, the crew of the King Crab and whoever was down there would notice that there were a considerable amount of roots busting into the hull, damaging it severely. That was what Bonesword was going for all along, not to try and just tip the ship, but to tip it and bust it up enough so it would sink and take everyone with it. He just hoped nobody would notice so it would fill up without attention being drawn to it.

Bonesword felt his vine get snapped and grunted very lightly. He could feel it, but it wasn't too terribly bad to deal with. He just had to keep up the pace. He heard the guy on the other ship shout something through a microphone as the Mushroom Kid regrew his vine, landing it back on the ship and growing up yet another tree. He didn't shout that time to declare his attack, deeming it as redundant. Only Slick could hear him anyway. Besides, he heard the shout of some idiot below deck as they ran up to him. Were they trying to surprise him? Because if they were, they did their job poorly.

They leaped up the stair and began announcing themselves, their armor clearly representing a sort of shrimp. "Ello there, Bonehead! Shrimp Brigade Red! Here t-"

"Don't care." Bonesword rudely interrupted as a large tree flew up underneath the mid-pose shrimp warrior, hopefully launching him into the sky. Bonesword didn't care to deal with the rude interruptions of any shrimp warriors right now, especially not ones like this weirdo. The Mushroom Kid lowered his summoned tree before the roots could do more damage to their own ship, although that didn't really happen considering BS did this on one single occasion before, so the gang prepared for that to happen again by double-boarding the floors. There were holes under Bonesword, that was certain, but he wasn't worried. They were going to do repairs later, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lilliana Merrycure

Stopping her approach as Krabbe jumped off the ship and then gave orders, Lilly's cheery smile became considerably more menacing when she noticed some sailors heading for a mechanism. Her eyes lit up, she turned, and then sprinted in the same direction as the sailors. The world slowly started narrowing down, though she barely noticed. B-MO's form quickly began shifting, coating her arms and back with the strange biological metal. By the time Krabbe started threatening her and Feya, she would likely have gotten about halfway to the mechanism.

However, his words managed to stir her out of her tunnel vision mode, that and the vibrations caused by the ship's armor shifting into place. She slid to a stop and turned, what appeared to be liquid metal snapping out around her like ribbon-sized whips, but much heavier. Any sailors around her were likely to be in quite a bit of pain should they be struck. Furthermore, if any of them had gotten in her way, it was likely that she'd have run them over like a bull, her weight and physique always tricking people into thinking her a dainty lady.

Now turned towards Krabbe, Lilly's drastic change in garb would be much more apparent. B-MO had formed a coating of metal over her entire back and sides, while spiralling tendrils of metal down her arms from her shoulders. The metallic substance was dripping down from her shoulders, where it formed more thin metal lines down her chest and abdomen. She reached a hand into her bag, grabbing a bunch of scrap metal, which she fed to B-MO. Absorbing the material, the symbiote continued to generate more of the strange substance of which it was composed.

While the strange armor certainly drew the eye, the most striking aspect of her appearance was the metallic mask that now framed her literally glowing eyes. With the ocean wind blowing her orange hair faintly, and the wide grin on her face she looked fierce.

“Mmm, I don't want to hang out in your brig, even though your ship is simply fantastic,” the moment she opened her mouth, all signs of the regal, impressive lady were gone; replaced instead by the bright eyes of a curious soul, and a smile that was impossible to suppress. One might even call it infectious.

“It's kind of a shame though, Mr. Krabbe, because you threatened my friends, and friends are the family you choose!” She said it with such glee that it was kind of hard to believe when, in the next moment, she ran straight at him. Her grappling hook was again in hand, but she hadn't aimed it yet for some reason.

“C'mon Feya, lets us ladies show Mr. Krabbe what shape he ought to be in,” as she said it her eyes glinted and her wide smile, became a mischievous grin.

MAN, was she having fun!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mhmm... Seafood...

Caesar frowned at the redirection of his Electro attack and the skillful block of Cedric's shot. At least Dirk managed to hurt one.

Caesar laughed at the broken bottle, how teeth glistening in the light.

"You shouldn't have done that..." he said as he laughed.

With a sudden movement, Caesar sent another Electro blast at Green, which was deflected again.

Yellow swung their ball and chain towards Caesar in retaliation, but the swing was off thanks to the injuries sustained from Dirk. It was still on a collision course, but with a little movement Caesar was able to avoid the attack.

The chain still grazed his shoulder, but not before Caesar activated his Electro shielding just long enough to send it down the chain at Yellow.

All of this happened within seconds of his Electro blast at Green, and Caesar rushed forward towards Green to close the gap. With any luck, he'd be too close for Green to effectively use that Trident, and maybe Yellow would even need to take more time to react with that Electro charge.

If he could get in close, Caesar would pounce at Green to take a chunk out of his neck with his teeth, swinging his machete with Electro imbued along it on the approached once he was within cutting range to help distract Green from his real attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

Friends, Diet, and Racing

Fitness Feya threw her arms and kicks. She disposed of some of the men attempting to harm her. With enough time, she found the group to be extremely unfit for physical exercise. The person in charge must not be mandating the proper workout or balanced diet for the crew. This level of fitness was unacceptable. The fitness woman lost her momentum when she noticed Lilliana come onboard.

"Lily! Are you in the race too?" Feya put part of her focus on Lilliana given the hostile men on the deck. As she kept defending herself from attackers, Feya could overhear Lily talk about an inspection. It seemed Lily threatened to throw them off the ship. Fitness Feya then turned when she heard a person barking orders.

The individuals surrounding her ran to other problems regarding the ship's condition. This annoyed her as she could it as she did not serve as a high significance. "Well, that's rather rude." The fitness woman put her hands on her hips and looked around her.

Out to the ocean, she observed and listened to the eruption of cannons. It appeared a ship battle occurred during her brawl with the sailors. Lilliana joined her as she tried learning more of the situation. Feya looked out to the ocean and noticed the Red Runner having a bit of trouble. Her focus became interrupted by a burly man with a giant lobster claw. The lobster claw did demonstrate a menacing appearance.

Feya listened to the words of the lobster claw man. She titled her head to the side. "What is going one? To the side, her eyes watched as the ship's hull became covered in a shell. The entire metamorphosis did seem odd. The fitness woman pouted once the man gave her and Lilliana a threat. He proceeded to brag about taking down a supposed strong crab. Feya's only response led to rolled eyes.

"I have absolutely no idea who you are," Feya frankly spoke. Her eyes immediately opened wide when she heard the surprising news. She did not expect the person was a bounty hunter. "Wait a second! You're a bounty hunter?" Everything began to click. Obviously, this pirate hunter chose to go after the Red Rum Pirates!

Feya continued to reflect on the man's words now that she knew of his true motives. It seemed that he did not know of her identify therefore she had the edge—unfortunately, she never heard of the man before either. A stalemate! Then she heard Lilliana blurt out her name. Feya lightly smacked her forehead. "Hey, how about saying it a bit louder? I'm sure the Grand Line didn't hear you perfectly." Feya joked.

Her mannerisms then became stern. She pulled and stretched her arms out. Doing a few leg stretches, she responded to the man's speech. "I apologize, but do you even lift? I hope that arm of yours is not just for show." She swiveled herself side to side to work on her waist. "So overconfident to take on the both of us, huh?" Let me be clear. She's the one you should be most afraid of." Feya nodded her head towards Lilliana. "Her obsession for machines is very lethal."

Feya took a few squats and huffed through every sentence. "Y'know, I'm not happy about what I've seen. You've attacked my friends." Feya quickened her exercise. "Your crew members clearly are not physically fit for combat and have missed several of their daily nutrition." The woman stopped exercising and breathed through her nose. She cracked the stress in her neck.

"And most importantly," Feya took a deep breath and blinked a few times. "You interrupted my race!" She shouted furiously as her eyes shot daggers at the man. The fitness woman charged around the bounty hunter. Feya did not calculate her strength as her feet broke the floor of the deck with every step. She came at his left side and hoped to flank him. The fitness woman noticed Lily had the same idea too. Could the bounty hunter successfully stopped them both?

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