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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago


Donny's reaction was as usual, shy and curious, while Mina struck him with a more cold expression.

"Dramatic? Heh, you weren't exaggerating when you said so. It was tempting, but I am not that kind of person who takes classes simply because of pure interest."

Villain Psychology was indeed interesting to listen to, but unfortunately, Quirk Application had attracted his attention.

"You see, I don't limit the job of a hero as to just defeat villains. It is to utilize every possible moments and ability one can have to good use. That's why I take it, to put my wings into good use."

He then realized that he went a little bit overboard with his explanation. They should have known this already.

"Sorry there. Considering that you are in Quirk Application as well, you should have known it already."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adriane Haven,
Mako Akane Jett Haven, Yasunari Hisakawa, Akihito Yoshida

Adriane folded her arms and leaned slightly on the right leg with a brow raised in an not amused look. Akane was unnaturally calm as she got ahold of the principle and Yoshida. Then calling Jetty. She glanced at the brute to her left and back at Akane. Who then had turned to her and leaned forward, acting like old friends.

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t act pleasant with me. You obviously remember the very day and place. It was when I dragged your pretty little ass to jail.” She said coldly. She was still mad about that day herself. Mako, was the only villain she ever caught that didn’t put up a fight. It bugged her to this day. And Mako knew it.

She smiled more. ”Yes, you did,” Mako replied. ”But we both know who won that day. I know you were itching to try your hand at catching the famous Madame Obsidian. The thief who even gave your father-in-law the slip! I also knew that you and your team could beat me. There was no way I could escape you, and no way I could beat you all in a fight. So I gave up!” Not once did Mako’s eyes open, her smile lessen, or her voice lose it’s sickly sweet tone.

”Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a class to teach now. Try not to hold Jetty up too long. He’s taking it and I don’t want to mark him tardy.” Mako chimed, before getting up from her seat, notes in hand, and leaving the front desk. She winked at Sarge as she left, just to let him know she hadn’t given up on him.

Sarge didn’t budge as she winked at him, though he did squint his eyes a bit under his shades. Ms.Mako surely was as beautiful as she was dangerous. The amount of discipline Sarge has is enormous

Adriane glared at Mako as she Went on to explain the very reason why she surrendered. Normally heros would be glad about this, winning a fight without raising a finger. But not her. She wanted to fight, and Despite what she said, she was right. However when she mentioned her son, calling him Jetty. Her eyes flared with anger. She slammed her fist on the the desk, causing a bunch of items to jump and fall over. His name is JETT to you! If you do mark him for being late I'll personally come back and wipe that smirk off your face.

L Guardian and the principal had been in the teachers room conversing when they got the call to from Ms.Mako. The principal already knew who it was, giving a sigh, “We should get going down stairs before a scene is caused shall we.” Mr.Yoshida had been sipping some tea before giving a sigh, “Alright sir.” The two got up and made their way down to the main lobby where they met Adriane, Ms.Mako, and Sarge. The principal had his usual happy face on as he walked towards the irritated mother, “Hello there Adriane, it seems like father time has been doing you well! You look exactly like I remembered when you made your debut.” the old man said. Yoshida sensei greeted the lady as well, “Good evening Mrs.Haven, I am Jett’s homeroom teacher. A pleasure to meet you” He said nodding his head. The principal folded his arms with a smile, he knew exactly why she had came but asked her a question. “What can I do for you today!”

Adrianes glare shot to the principle and Yoshia. He tried to soften her up by complimenting her looks at she wouldn't have it. Her arms folded and a brow raised as Yoshida introduced himself.

” You know damn well Hisakawa,I give you my only son to watch over and to teach him how to become a hero. I understand fighting is apart of this and injuries happen while apart of this course. she glared at Yoshida But when you allow it to get out of hand, and MY SON gets almost killed because someone didn't get off their ass and stop the fight, in the first exercise as well and on the first day! THAT IS NOT OK. she yelled as she shoved her hands down to her sides.

To those walking by, it was almost comical on how a tiny woman surrounded by three large men that dwarfed her, was yelling at them.

Mr.Hisakawa just smiled back as Adriane shouted at the 3 waiting for her to finish. Mr.Yoshida sighed before giving his response. “Surely if it reached that dire would have stopped but Jett's life was not in danger. I simply conducted an exercise to see evaluate what the students were made of because the entrance exam does not cover everything. I'm not here to hold your son’s hand, I prepare the next generation of heroes. If Jett was in such bad shape he wouldn't have been able to attend all his classes” the man said with an aloof.

Not Dire enough? He cracked his skull open on a rock and was bleeding profusely . If you didn't have Kiwi here and her expertise,he could have died before making it to the hospital! her knuckles went white as anger coursed through her. She wanted to deck the little pissant, her brain said not to, but I was slowly losing control.

“Your statement is correct, but because Kiwi was here I could push the kids to the limit and teach them a lesson. Jett has the same ‘get it done’ attitude as you Mrs.Haven. You know as much as me that in the life of hero your life is at risk.”

“If you keep babying him when he gets hurt you will only hinder his improvement” Yoshida said.

This was when Mr.Hisakawa stepped in, “Jett is similar to you in which he is a natural born leader who likes to take charge and he showcased it today when he took leadership and coordinated 9 other students. He had some bumps is the road of course but without him the other students would have had a much tougher time at making split second decisions that would have decided the match. Though you might know he is a bit hot blooded and loves to battle strong opponents when he is on his last breath, he went down kicking and took the foe with him.” The principal folded his arms.

“It was a good learning experience in a controlled environment, it's better for him to know the consequences here than anywhere else.”

She glared at yoshida she was about to deck him in the nose for that comment. She even twisted in her position to send a sharp jab. But when the principle started speaking of her boy. She felt a sense of pride when he said he was a natural born leader even with the pricks comment about get it done attitude. Jett sounded awfully like her. Which scared her. She knew exactly that Jett himself was at fault as well for going too far, she didn't want to admit it though. Why couldn't he be more like his father who got good grades and was laid back In school.

Her fist lessened as her features softened. If only slightly. She pulled her anger in check and took a breath. ”Mr. Yoshida…do you have kids?

Mr.Yoshida shook his head no when she asked this question, though he sighed when she loosened up.

I figured as much.Only when you have kids you will understand my anger.

“I agree with you in that sense, though that is a path I may realize when I decide to have children of my own.” Yoshida sensei said with a smirk.

Jett yet again was dodging, weaving and ducking between students as they moved to their next and final class. He slid round a corner, his hand reaching out and gripping the corner of the wall. Only to find himself suddenly right in front of Ms. Mako, mere inches away from her face. She’d stopped well within time, as she’d sensed his presence before she’d turned the corner.

”Oh, hi, Jett. Your mom’s pretty pissed, so good luck with that. See you in class~!”

With that brief sentence, she carried on walking past him, towards the direction of Villain Psychology, though not before Jett would have the chance to see the top half of the first page of her notes, and read ‘How to beat a villain at their own game’.

Jett sighed as she confirmed his worries. “Sorry about that..”[/color]
he said as she walked by him. He glanced down and saw the heading of her lesson. But didn't think of it as he then pushed himself into a run. Sure enough as he came to the main lobby he could see his mother yelling at his teacher, the principal and the security. Her stance, though clearly not a fighting stance was a clear sign she was about to throw punches. Not something anyone could pick up on. He only knew because he was her son.

“Mother! What are you doing here!?”
Jett called out trying to quickly distract her. He came up and stopped just next to her. He looked up at the three men. Despite their size and their quirks… he was sure his mom wouldn't hesitate to break all their noses.

Adriane heard her son's voice and perked up. Seeing him come over she quickly took his face into her hands and looked at him. Her hand brushing against his forehead where he was injured. As if completely forgetting about the prick and the principle her voice suddenly toned down to a concerned mother's soft voice Are you alright Jetty? How's your head feeling. Can you still use everything?

Jett flushed at his mom and how she was embarrassing him by being so worried about him. “Y-yes mom I feel fine…”

She interrupted “You can't teleport anymore can't you?”

Surprised, he raised his eyebrows “how did you know that?”
He asked.

Because it's our quirk. You get enough brain trauma it screws
up our quirk.A fractured skull would do that.

She looked back to Yoshida with narrowed eyes. Her hands slid down from Jett's face to his shoulders. She took a calm breath and said, with a soft voice. “I've already lost one child. I can't bare to lose another one.”

Jett sighed when she brought up his little sister, he didn't say anything as it was a hard subject as well for him. He only placed his hand on her shoulder.

Mr.Yoshida sighed as she lost the tough person act and got sentimental, “Jett learned a vital lesson today in learning how to become a leader. I believe he is smart enough to not make the same mistake twice. If I stopped the match as soon as blood was drawn the students wouldn't feel the consequences of their errors...but if you still aren't sure about my methods then surely you can come and watch the class in their training tomorrow Mrs.Haven” Mr.Yoshida said.

Jett was taken back at Yoshida actually complimenting him. Two actually. But what really took him back was that he offered her to watch tomorrow's training. “Um… I'm sure she's busy…” he tried to say. Last thing he needed was knowing his mother was watching his every move. If she even saw him act around Kasuke he wouldn't live it down.

Adriane was surprised at the offer. But she would like to see how he handled the trainings. It would put her mind at easy more. She quickly and lightly slapped Jett in the stomach with the back of her hand. “I would actually appreciate that. Thank you for the offer.” Her attitude had completely changed now.

Mr.Yoshida folded his arms, “Though I have two requests for when you watch, One don’t disrupt Jett and let him do what he has too. Despite him not being able to teleport, he knows enough not to rely on it. And two, let me do my job as their teacher. Do you accept these terms Mrs.Haven?” He asked the woman.

She scrunched up her lips to the side… it was reasonable she wasn't planning on disrupting Jett while he fought. She narrowed her eyes as if being annoyed by the requests. Then simply said“Fine.”

She looked at Jett and “Be sure to wear your helmet tomorrow I'll be dropping your things off that you forgot after school ok?”

Jett nodded, “Yes mother.” He said. As she pulled his head down so she could kiss his forehead. She looked to the others. Before speaking to Sarge in English. “Alright muscles you can escort me back out.” She said as she started walking back to the gate leaving Jett standing there with the two teachers.

He looked at them and bowed his head. Sorry about that she's always just been a little over protective ever since my sister died... I'll head back to class now.

He sighed and jogged back to class his mother just need to see he was fine, she probably would have scolded him for being too reckless, most likely in private and not giving Yoshida any indication he may be right, if the teacher had not offered for her to come Back tomorrow.

He soon made it to class thankfully it was close by. He looked to Ms. Mako and bowed his head before walking hover to the front desk he noticed only the pink haired girl was here for the moment. Greeeat

@Silver Carrot@pkken

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Arsenal watched as the girl had woken up and quickly escaped from Acions arms, "Rise and shine" Arsenal said with a smirk as he carried Yukari. Jojo's arm seemed lacking in the vitality department, until she slammed it into a wall making Arsenal raise an eyebrow. It seemed like that solved her problem as life was blown back into her arm, Arsenal just shook his head. That was when Jojo asked to carry Yukari saying that she was good enough to carry her. Arsenal just raised his eyebrow, "I am sure you could carry her but you just came too not that long ago. The nurses office is not to far ahead" The man said as they continued walking. Acion soon leaving as he saw his job was done, "Have a good day" Arsenal said with a smirk.

Roy Kusayanagi

Roy smiled as they finished cooking, he took off his apron and put his cloak back on. As he walked back over to Kaida he rolled his left sleeve down. "What class do you have next Kaida, I got villain psych. Maybe if we have the same class we could walk together" Roy said as he began rolling his right sleeve down his marking shone especially bright. "Looks like I am reaching near close to max capacity, around 60% energy right now" Roy said as he strentched his fingers before rolling the sleeve down. "I am probably gonna disperse some heat soon and now that I know you like the high temperature I could give you a searing massage" He said sarcastically, as he took a bite out of one of the rice balls with a smile. The Steak broke apart easily as he chewed and it went well with the rice. "Now you know how to make Onigiri." He said with a grin as he ate the rest of the rice ball.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi did notice the quiet girl stare at her in the drrway for an uncomfortably long time, before heading ho her seat. The back window seat, a.k.a the 'main character' seat in mangas. But she though better of it and put a copy of herself there and sat somewhere else. She then looked at the door. She was obviously waiting for someone.

A few other students arrived, but, Hitomi noted, not the one this girl was waiting for. Even though her expression was stoic, she felt sad. Hitomi could wait no longer, and moved from her seat to the seat besides Fumika, taking her bag with her. Once she'd sat down again, she smiled warmly, and held out her hand.

"Hi! I'm Hitomi! I'm from the Support Class, second year." she spoke, in a sweet yet nasally voice that made every word she said almost sound like a sheep's 'baaa'. Also to note that she gave out her familar name to a total stranger. "I noticed you were looking at the door. Are you waiting for someone?"


Mako Akane

As if by magic, Mamoru would suddenly feel a presence behind her that she'd not felt mere seconds ago, and hear the high-pitched supressed giggle of an adult woman. Looking behind her, she'd see a tall lady, smiling, with her eyes closed. Her pitch-black hair was very long and reached her hips, though the ends of it were grey. She was wearing a dark maroon suit jacket over a white woolen sweater, and was wearing mom jeans, and shin-high black boots.

"That is indeed a very funny meme, miss 'real badass'," she chimed, pronouncing 'meme' wrong on purpose, "Now get your feet off the desk."

With that warning given, she walked up to the teachers desk, placed her notes down, picked up a piece of chalk, and wrote, on the blackboad in large letters;



That done, she sat down at the desk, and seeing nobody but Mamoru arriving yet, pulled out a thermos of cold coffee from under her desk, poured out a cup, and then held it for a few seconds as it started to steam. Once it was hot, she took a sip, and sighed contently.

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoe moved her hand away from Dulga’s hand seeing how she didn't generally care about cuddly stuff like that. Dulga didn't look like she had any weak points about her harsh and strict personality but Tomoe would find it at some point. Tomoe was the cuddle expert herself so Dulga probably had a tickly spot somewhere on her body too.

They were in the training room with an artificial forest in it. The trees and everything else in the room seemed fake but was sufficient for training. It had real ground but the trees were made of some sort of material that acted the same as wood but felt a lot smoother and made out of plastic. Tomoe looked around gasping a little at what she saw, it was a nice training room with plenty of terrain that you would come across in real life. Tomoe faced Dulga as she started to talk to her about what she would be teaching her today.

They were gonna make traps and had to get a few things in order to make sufficient traps. First a rope and as second an anchor. Off course Tomoe thought that she meant an actual anchor of a ship but that wasn't the case. A mere stick of a tree was enough. Dulga snapped one off for her own as well as for Dulga. She had to make a small hook in it? Dulga showed her what to do which looked relatively easy for Dulga to do but once Tomoe tried she noticed it wasn't as easy as it seemed... Dulga used brute force to peel the wood apart but Tomoe didn't even manage to get a mere piece of it before already feeling exhausted. Tomoe gave Dulga a troubled look seeing how she had already finished so fast.

Dulga noticed how Tomoe had trouble and showed her something easier to do instead, despites it draining her stamina. As Tomoe finished with her anchor she was panting slightly as she wiped away sweat drops from her forehead. She looked back at Dulga who already started to explain the follow up to her anchor. Tomoe was wondering if she was actually serious about going on already. This first objective was already exhausting enough.

"What!? Are you serious!? You're too fast at this!"

Tomoe gave a quick yelp at Dulga looking a bit troubled by her explanation. Despites Tomoe her tiredness she tried keeping up with Dulga as best as she could. Next thing was making a noose which was plausible. It was an easy to remember so she didn't have much problem with it at all. Dulga then explained how to put one and two together to make a perfect easy trap to catch stupid creatures. It wasn't complicates and quite easy to make if you had the time for it. It wasn't perfect however, seeing how Dulga took it off without much of a problem. Tomoe gave a small nod at Dulga as she experimented with her own feet stuck in the trap short after. It wasn't hard at all to get out but it would obviously get someone off guard.

Tomoe did feel like one of her stats rose just now, just like in a videogame, so she felt kind of proud of it. Tomoe wanted to thank Dulga for her lesson but was caught off guard by the sudden comment of Dulga telling her to practice some more. Tomoe gave another small yelp looking troubled yet again.

"E-eh, didn't we do enough for today? That last branch took enough effort already hehe..."

Tomoe wasn't let free of this torment just yet…

”We have not. Keep practicing.”

Dulga said in a stern voice. Tomoe may have managed to make one trap, but if she wanted to get better than she needed to keep going. And if Tomoe didn’t want to get better than this whole thing was a waste of Dulga’s time and she was ashamed to have bothered in the first place. But she wanted to give Tomoe the benefit of the doubt. ”Traps are perfect for the lazy hunter. Once you set them you don’t need to do anything else but check on them. Put them in the right places and you’re able to cover a large area without going anywhere.” Hopefully this would be enough to convince Tomoe to keep trying.

Handing Tomoe some sticks Dulga watched her try and make the anchor. Dulga had some sticks herself and was pretending to scrap a notch into them, just like how Tomoe is suppose to. Suddenly all the power went out in the training room and the entire place went dark. It was pitch black and not even the light from the observation room was on. Dulga immediately moved to Tomoe to make sure she didn’t panic and run. It looked like the fake trees were still up. ”Stay calm and stay with me. Looks like I’ll be teaching you one more thing; how to make a fire.” Dulga really hoped these sticks burned as well as regular wood.

Dulga wasn’t reasoning with Tomoe her request however. Tomoe was looking at Dulga with bright begging eyes but Dulga didn’t budge. She only gave Tomoe a quick scold to keep practicing. Tomoe let out a soft sad puppy sound while looking down at her feet. If she had dog ears they would be droopy right about now. Dulga meant the best for her but she wasn’t as active and full of stamina as Dulga so it was difficult to keep up.

Tomoe took one of the sticks and softly began carving into it with another stick while listening to Dulga talk. Tomoe didn’t look all too happy doing her task but she was at least doing something. Dulga told her that learning this was perfect for her and she knew it herself too, if she put some effort in the start of her hunting she didn’t have to worry about anything later. She only has to check her traps and feast of the food after.

”And live a happy life full of sleep and food. I understand but, can we at least take it easy…”

The room went quiet with only the sound of wood being scraped, Tomoe turned a bit slower on scraping the wood the whole time, it was difficult to keep her eyes open but she managed to stay awake for now. She had crafted a lot of anchors already so she thought she had done a pretty good job for her. Tomoe never really had done a lot of work in her life, she never had a job and nobody asked her to help either since she was so weak and didn’t have any stamina. Tomoe was fine with no one relying on her though, it meant less problems for her. She only decided to go to this school because she could sleep a lot to use her quirk not to train her body to be fit.

”I can’t anymore… I just can’t.”

Tomoe fell backwards onto her back from sitting on the ground while spreading her arms and legs. She was lightly panting while looking up at the ceiling. Her body felt heavy just like her eyes. Dulga was probably mad at her for having given up on her lessons. She hoped she would forgive Tomoe for this, maybe telling her situation might clear Dulga her mind giving Dulga less expectations of Tomoe? Suddenly the light flickered off.

”Eh?! What was that.”

Tomoe quickly seated herself upright again with both her hands clutched to her chest once she was upright again. She hastily looked around, being wide awake once more. It was a bit scary at first but once her eyes got used to it she was mostly fine with the dark. Dulga had made her way to Tomoe so she knew she wasn’t alone in the training room. She felt kind of reassured that she had an expert with the wild with her now but Dulga took this as some sort of joke? Dulga wanted to learn Tomoe how to make fire with this situation? Was that a wise thing to do?

”Do you recon the power went out? What? Shouldn’t we get out of the classroom? Maybe there is something happening in the school.”

Dulga took a few of the sticks from the trees and started showing Tomoe how to make fire… Tomoe gave a shrug and carefully looked how Dulga began the fire making.

”I’m sure we’re not in any trouble. But this is a good opportunity.” Dulga showed Tomoe the components she’d need. One bow-shaped stick, the length of rope, and a fairly large piece of bark. Dulga also gathered up the sawdust from all the anchors she made. ”By making a fire you can… Stay warm when it’s cold. And see things when it’s dark.” Dulga slowly started wondering if it was such a good idea to teach Tomoe how to make fire. Perhaps it was a bit excessive. However Dulga was determined to teach Tomoe something useful.

”The next part does take a lot of hard work. But the more you do it the easier it is.” Dulga wrapped the rope around one of the stick, which she pressed against the bark. “It’s all about friction. You just have to keep spinning until you get an ember. You have to be very careful.” Dulga went slowly so Tomoe could see what Dulga was doing. She started drilling her stick into the bark, slowly at first, but then progressively faster. There was a slight smell of smoke after a few minutes of drilling into the wood. ”Do you see those little orange lights? That’s an ember. It’ll take awhile to get one of these. But once you do you’re almost ready.”

Dulga kept drilling into the wood, showing Tomoe the technique needed to handle the fire drill correctly. Eventually she did stop so she could actually handle the embers. ”Now you just need tinder. We’ll use some of the wood that you carved with the anchors, that’ll be good.” Dulga carefully rested the sawdust on the ember, blowing softly to spread the heat. Slowly but surely the sawdust started to smoke, and eventually the sawdust was hot enough to catch fire. ”I’ll admit it’s easy for me. Hopefully you’ll be good too.” Truth be told Dulga just wanted to make a fire. All she really wanted to do was make a fire, rig up a few traps, and do some hunting. It felt too tempting to just go back to her old way of life, before all this craziness happened.

Dulga didn’t see this power outage as a problem but more one for an opportunity. Well it probably wasn’t as much of a problem since the teacher didn’t get them yet so it probably wasn’t a third world disaster. Tomoe gulped and gave a short nod at Dulga telling her that she was alright with it for now.

Dulga got the parts that were needed for the fire and showed Tomoe what to do exactly, Tomoe sat next to her seemingly in awe of how it was done. She saw this way of making fire on tv once but never really realised it would be something she had to do herself. Tomoe quietly watched Dulga her hands move looking at how she was doing it. It did look easy how she was doing it but it looked like hard work seeing how long it took. Nothing was easy in survival it seemed.

Finally the fire started smoking severely and shortly after a small light erupted from the sawdust. Tomoe her mouth gaped wide open at seeing how the fire started forming. Dulga was careful to move the sawdust around but managed to keep the embers firing till she got more fuel for the fire. It got bigger and bigger and eventually was a proper fire warming Dulga and Tomoe. It wasn’t really needed since the room temperature was plenty of warmth for both of them but the thought was what counted. As Tomoe and Dulgas eyes met again Tomoe gave Dulga a brief kind smile. It was quite fun to learn from Dulga sometimes.

”You are a good teacher...Uhh, I never got your name hehe..”

Tomoe quietly faced herself towards the fire while raising up her legs to her body, hugging them softly. It was warm, comforting, she felt safe. Tomoe let out a soft yawn while her eyes softly closed as Dulga her voice resounded in her ears again.

”... Tatara. I think we’re done here. You can leave if you want. I’m just going to be here for a bit.” Dulga took a few more sticks to build the fire up some more. She wasn’t going to start making a bonfire or anything, but a sizable flame to not only brighten up the area but also provide some warmth. The fire was comforting. But it also reminded Dulga of something deeper, darker in the back of her mind. She remembered the warmth and comfort, but she also remembers the pain fire brought too. A vision of a great inferno flashed before her eyes as Dulga felt someone on her leg. It looked like Tomoe decided to nap on her. ”Oi.” Dulga was about to shove her off, but her hand stopped. It was quiet.

Sighing, Dulga simply grabbed a branch, broke it up some more, and put it into the fire. Class would be over soon enough. For now Dulga would just enjoy this simple pleasure and stared into the fire. Unconsciously she also started petting Tomoe’s hair as if she was a cat.

"That is a nice name Ta..tara"

Tomoe spoke with a soft drowsy voice as her eyes shut close. Tomoe had fallen to the side with her head onto Dulga her lap. Tomoe softly panted while her head was resting on Dulga her lap, her mouth was slightly open as the soft puffs of breath went in and out perfectly synchronous with the moving of her chest. A hand softly brushed over her head, sturdy yet kind fingers brushing past her hairs lightly tickling her head. It was time for the next class but this was nice for once. She had gotten close to someone she wouldn’t suspect to get close with. She could do this more often.

Sighing Dulga decided that after letting Tomoe rest for a while it was time to leave. Standing up she carried Tomoe in her arms and killed the fire, even though the training room could clean it up afterwards. She stomped out the flames and buried the embers in dirt. Dulga walked out of the training room as everyone else was putting their things away. She took her gun case back from the firing range and headed back to class to get her other belongings. Once they reached the class Dulga woke Tomoe up.

”Wake up. Class is over.”

Dulga didn't stay to actually make Tomoe go to class though. She already carried the girl back to class, now she needed to get on her own two feet and go to the next one. As for the six-armed girl herself, she decided to head to her next class while also carrying her case with her too. It made her feel calmer just having it nearby. Once everything was in order Dulga headed to Villain Psychology.

@Norschtalen@Silver Carrot@Aerandir

Being carried around on Dulga her back was very comfortable, Tomoe had plenty of space to rest her body on due to Dulga her tall exterior. It was sort of warm and not as hard as the ground. Tomoe could hire this person to walk her around all the time while she was sleeping. The room where the class was located before heading to the gymnasium wasn't far off the gym at all so it only took a matter of minutes to arrive. Still Dulga did a good job to take her a bit to her next classroom already. Dulga tried waking her up by calling out to her but to no avail. Tomoe only let out a soft grunt while she was already being lowered towards the ground. Tomoe patiently woke up as her feet touched the ground while Dulga was still holding her. She wasn't awake enough to keep herself standing just yet so she leaned against Dulga her backside as long as possible. When Dulga stepped away and Tomoe almost fell she quickly shook her head out of pure panic and was quick about balancing herself before she completely fell face first onto the ground.


Tomoe tensely stared out in front of her with both her hands stretched to the side in balancing manner. Her eyes were wide open as she made a quick gulp. It was clear that she was wide awake now from experiencing that dangerous situation. Her hands dropped back to the side as she let out a huff of breath as if she had almost died. Tomoe looked up at Dulga with melancholic look on her face.

"Thank you for carrying me but warn me when you put me down next time pretty please."

Tomoe put back a kind smile on her face again after telling Dulga something mean like that. She was deep asleep when Dulga tried to warn her the first time so she didn't hear it which made her complain to Dulga about it.

Tomoe stretched both her arms into the air while tiptoeing to stretch her whole body again making her belly show somewhat under her untucked blouse. A satisfied sound erupted from Tomoe her vocal cords showing that she had slept quite well. It was off course obvious she had slept well since she used Dulga as pillow. Tomoe dropped her arms by her side again as she made the effort to look around the hallway short after. Seemed like they were at the classroom she was suppose to be in first during gadget class. Tomoe looked back at Dulga seeing how she was ready to head off and leave Tomoe on her own. Tomoe stared at Dulga in surprise thinking on what to do before she started to talk out of her own.

"I'm in villain psychology and you?... I'll walk with you if you don't mind."

Whatever answer Dulga would give she would try to keep up with Dulga her walking if Dulga did the same or not. If she was left behind in Dulga her tracks she would walk a bit slower on her own but arrive anyway.

Arrival in Villain psychology

Upon arriving into the classroom she waved goodbye to Dulga knowing that they would be needing to sit separate of each other in the class. They would still be seeing each other in the class but wouldn't be able to talk to each other she thought to herself. Tomoe flashed a bright smile at Dulga while giving a small word before they headed to their seats.

"Bye bye Tatata-san, I hope you will train me more often hehe."

The classroom still looked quite empty despites the teacher having written something on the board already. She seemed to be waiting for more students to arrive however now so Tomoe still had some time to get to her seat before the teacher would get made most likely. Softly she began dragging her feet over the floor again.

Tomoe gave a small wave at Dulga before walking straight ahead while moving the waving hand in front of her mouth instead and giving a big yawn in the progress. Her head turned forwards too while she closed her eyes in reaction of yawning. Keeping on walking wasn't the best decision however. Tomoe walked straight into a tall blonde boy who was standing nearby his desk. She made a small huff sound as she bounced off of him and stammered backwards two steps. Tomoe stared forwards in surprise seeing how she had bumped into something. Her eyes trailed upwards into the sky to see it was a blonde boy with glasses, he looked quite serious all the time it seemed. With a slight agape mouth Tomoe stared at his face for a bit before lightly rubbing on of her eyes with one of her balled up hands while patiently talking to him in a monotone slow voice.

"Sorry mister tower-san. I didn't see you standing there all so vividly. Please take my apology for granted instead of my life."

Tomoe gave a soft bow towards him untill he accepted her apology or killed her, either way was fine with her however. If it took too long she was asleep while bowing towards him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Mamoru fell out of her chair in started surprise when Miss Mako suddenly appeared behind her. Mamoru was watching the door somewhat carefully, so having the teacher pop up out of nowhere certainly frighten Mamoru. It was a good thing she was just watching memes on 2ch. Mamoru got up and sat back in her chair while nursing her head. She had accidentally slammed her head into the desk behind her, though nothing that a knucklehead like Mamoru couldn't handle.

”Hai, Akane-sensei…”

Ending her delinquent act Mamoru got ready for class. As she prepped she noticed moe students come in. Jett, Dulga, and to Mamoru, and other pinkette! Mamoru wondered if she was a cousin. ”Hiya everyone!” Mamoru noticed that Dulga had that big black plastic case with her, which Mamoru still didn't realize had her guns inside. She'd ask Dulga about it later. Mamoru also vaguely recalled Jett be called in for something, but she didn't quite hear what it was all about. Surely something they could talk about though. And the mysterious pinkette was certainly someone Mamoru wanted to chat up, though right now she seemed to have bumped into Jett.

Aside from that there was Mako’s lesson too. First subject: how to beat a villain at their own game. It sounded exciting. Mamoru wondered if Mako was going to have them try to do some counter scheming, or if she meant stuff like robbing bad guy banks and stuff. Mamoru remembers reading about heroes who fashion themselves like thieves or burglars, but used their powers to steal and rob villains. Mako actually had the makings of one, if Mamoru remembered her villain lore correctly. Only Mako stole for the good and bad equally.

”She'll make for a good teach, surely.”

@Silver Carrot@liferusher@Aerandir@Norschtalen

Donny looked rather bashful when Mina thought he was powerful. That too was a thought that crossed his mind many times. It wasn't as if he didn't know just how dangerous his quirk could be, and he in fact knew a lot about his quirks potential and damage. Plenty of matter eating powers in fact and fiction are in the hands of power characters, whether they're heroes who could eat a bomb before it explodes or monsters that can swallow up entire armies. Donny also knew that as a blob with an amorphous form his foils most traditional martial artists; after all, how can you strike his vitals or grab his limbs when he lacks both vitals and limbs?

Donny was aware of all of this, but he wasn't aware just how well he could use his powers. It was a blessing and a curse. He could possibly be the strongest kid in Komei, if he applied himself. But he wasn't sure if he could. Thoughts about how he used his powers in the past, to help others, were met with disgust and scorn. It's as if people thought he traded his humanity for power, to become a monster to become stronger. So Mina was right, Donny was powerful and he was wasting it just being a garbage eater. But he was scared how people would react if he used his powers for anything else but waste disposal.

”Yeah… Guess I just, I dunno… Need to think about it some more.” Donny mumbled as he listened to Acion. Although he was kind of a weirdo, Acion didn't seem like a bad guy. He was kind of like a kid who's really religious, somewhat annoying because he always had to put religion into it, but otherwise an okay person. Donny figured that either he'll just get used to Acion’s flowery way of speaking or Acion would chill out and be more casual. Paying attention to what Acion was saying, his reasoning wasn't entirely unlike what Donny figured too.

”Y-Yeah. It'll be good t-t-to use our quirks for something o-o-other than for f-fighting.”

Donny certainly hoped he could prove his worth outside of combat. Most of his training with his quirk did take place away from any violent situation. He still remembers his time as a late night vigilante, combing the city streets to clean up crime and take out the trash, eating filth in the street and the occasional roadkill. For anyone who ever wonders how Hosu’s city streets remain immaculate even after a festival or late night outing, they may have Donny to thank. ”P-P-Plus the class is s-suppose to help us d-d-d-d-discover more about our quirks. Somehow.”

It wasn't long before Donny and presumably the others would arrive to class. They weren't the first and the teacher was already here. An elderly looking gentleman with a kind smile and wearing a big scarf. If Donny remembered correctly, he was White Hat, the Hacker Hero. His name was internet lingo for someone who would break into a database or system not for malicious purposes, but to help the admins and moderators secure their information. Donny also knew that White Hat had an office at the Hosu City mega mall, the Absolute Territory. Donny also noticed other students including Fumika and one more he never saw before, some sheep girl. She looked super fluffy. Donny silently nodded his head towards everyone as he took a seat near the front. He had too, thanks to his poor eyesight. Fairly hard to see when you're entire body is covered by a meat bag after all.

@Conscripts@Silver Carrot@Feyblue


As White Hat arranged his files together and checked his attendance sheet a few students showed up. He had a bit of info on just about everyone, mostly basic things like names, ages, a picture, and their quirk. Not only would this help him remember the students, but help advance things in class. The first student to arrive was Maede Hitomi, a support student. Her quirk gave her sheep like traits. Her combat abilities were fairly minimal but she had much utility, so she'd be a perfect fit for this class. The next student to arrive was Motome Fumika. Her powers of projection allowed her to temporarily create objects, though White Hat wasn't too privy to the specifics. As far as the data showed, Fumika could not make objects permanently, but she can emulate them with great accuracy.

”Come in and take a seat. Don't worry, no one is late. Feel free to take any seat you'd like. I just need to prepare a few things for your class and once everyone is here we may begin.”

More students soon arrived. White Hat greeted them just the same, then checked them off his list to make sure they were in the right class and what to expect. The one who came in was a student that White Hat wasn't too sure what to make of. Donny Yang and his power “Black Slime”. Just from the name alone it didn't really give White Hat much info to work with, and the details of the quirk only says that Donny has an amorphous body. However if what White Hat overhead about class A1’s first battle, Donny was able to not just collapse a whole building, but cause it to fall into a sinkhole at Training Ground Echo. It was going to take at least a month for the school to clear the area and repair the damage. Still White Hat had high hopes Donny’s quirk could help people in ways that didn't involve demolition.

”Welcome, welcome. Please take a seat, class will begin soon. Please use the restroom and get a drink before class begins, I do not allow students to excuse themselves during lectures. If you could also turn your cellphones off during class I would also appreciate that. My name is Futuba Goto, otherwise known as White Hat. Once class begins we will all do a little introduction and tell a bit about ourselves.”

@Conscripts@Silver Carrot@Feyblue
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina rolled her eyes listening to Acion talk. He sounded just like a guy playing a superhero in a pantomime to her. That said, he was putting her on the spot, and she was not as comfortable talking about her quirk issues with Acion as she was with Donny. She simply replied with "That is part of my reason for picking this class, yes."

They arrived at the class, and Mina took a seat behind Donny. Getting conversation from him was difficult but she wasn't the most talkative either, so it suited her. The teacher was White Hat. She had heard of him. He was an ethical hacker who often used his quirk to hack into the computer systems of organized crime syndicates and Supervillain groups. If anyone knew how to make the most of a quirk that wasn't necessarily the most flashy, it was him. Not that Mina's quirk wasn't flashy. In fact, it was literally flashy. But it wasn't a typically good quirk to fight Villain's or rescue people with. She was starting to feel a little better already.

@Lucius Cypher@Conscripts
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Gymnasium > Villain Psych

Just as Yashiro-kun agreed to train with him, there was a monumental series of crashes and bangs from the Training Room. Kenichi immediately recognized the sounds of battle, though he didn't know who was in there at the moment or what their Quirks might be--he hoped 1-A wasn't continuing to live up to its name of "the class that keeps trying to kill each other." As usual, a teacher had to help the injured students towards the Nurse's office, and dismissed the rest of them. It looked like that training would have to wait until later. The combatants turned out to be the blind girl and the other girl Kenichi didn't really know--now that he thought about it he hadn't even caught their names during the class. But if the disabled girl could cause something like that, she had to have a powerful Quirk or at least some really good skills. Maybe one of those badass blind martial arts masters? Maybe he didn't have to tiptoe around her or worry about offending her as much as he had thought. Acion helped Arsenal carry the other one--who must have some kind of electrical quirk, as there was a distinct ozone-smell coming from her that Kenichi's deep-breathing nostrils easily picked up on--and they departed the gymnasium.

"Thanks, Yashiro-kun! I've got Villain Psych next, though--as soon as we get a chance I'm sure we can set somethin' up."

Reina said that she would participate too, although she seemed really shy about it. Kenichi had thought she was the gloomy goth sort since he had first seen her, but maybe he had pegged her wrong and she was one of those...what'd they call 'em...kuudere? Shrinking violets? Mamoru, on the other hand, was definitely a genki girl.

Between classes, Kenichi had to make a restroom stop and grab a drink from the water fountain. He took his time now that he had been around a bit and felt like he had a better grasp of the school's layout, and wondered how many of the 1-A students would be in this class. Villain Psychology honestly didn't sound like it was up his alley--Psychology was a smart-person thing--but he didn't think Quirk Application would help him much. His Quirk gave him super breath and general physical enhancement. There weren't a lot of ways to use that, honestly, except for heavy manual labor. And that class was mostly geared towards how a non-combat Hero, or someone who decided that they didn't want to be a hero after all and just wanted a license to use their Quirk in daily life, would do things. Villain Psych was purely for those who wanted to directly combat the forces of evil, and that was what Kenichi wanted to do.

Because of his pitstops and his day dreaming, however, a horrible thing happened. A terrible, irreversible thing. Something that he had never expected.

He walked into the classroom, and saw that a few others were of course already there, along with the first female teacher he'd seen today besides the Nurse. He looked towards the far corner of the room, next to the window, on the second row from the back--

The world became a black, featureless void. Only two spotlights from somewhere above illuminated Kenichi, and her. Then this void cracked, just like Kenichi's fragile mind, and with a sound like shattering glass that only existed in his head the blue haired boy sat down next to her listlessly. He kept looking at her, shaking his head ever so slightly from side to side in disbelief. His eyes were wide.

To Mamoru, in a small and quiet and broken voice that only she heard, he could only say:

"Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this."

Then he grinned and winked to let her know he was just kidding. The blue-hair started to look around the classroom and took note of who was here so far. Jett, the girl with six arms, a girl he hadn't even seen yet who also had pink hair--and, gods be praised, was actually shorter than him!--and of course the teacher. She wasn't quite so...provacative...compared to Nurse Kiwi, but still very attractive. She had a refined air about her too, what with the coffee and the modest fashion and the long, dark hair befitting of what some would call the Yamato Nadeshiko style.

And yet...was it a smell? Kenichi sniffed a bit, and the vaccuum pressure from his Quirk made the air whistle slightly. No, not a smell. Was it something he was looking at, but not really seeing? No, although he hoped she wouldn't take his darting eyes as something lecherous. It was just...something. Instinct, maybe. Something about the woman bothered him. He crossed his arms with a bewildered expression as he read what she had written on the chalkboard.

Beat a villain at their own game? Did that just mean tricking them, or did it mean something more literal? Like the whole "pay evil unto evil" philosophy? Kenichi's forehead wrinkled thinking about it. It wasn't good PR for Heroes to have that kind of mindset, was it? Then again, he didn't have a lot of room to talk--it sounded like it would be right up his alley. Just like he had told Arsenal.

I wanna put the Villain in the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago


Acion felt somewhat satisfied with her answer, for both he and she had the same goal. But her way of answering was a little bit forceful, and cold. If he could draw comparison, Dulga would be a perfect parallel, illustrated by her own reaction towards him. They may have that determination Acion liked, but they did not really necessarily have to react that way. Perhaps they had problems of their own, but in general, Acion did notice others also acted weirdly when he interacted with them. Those two, the people at the lunch table, and especially his older sister, Aurelia.

Ok sure, his behavior might have been weird, and flowery, but Acion felt that the answers couldn't have been that simple.

'Is there something...wrong about me?'

Is there? If there is something wrong about it, he had yet to see it. And that's...

"That's unacceptable."

A man never is God. He is never perfect. He had to have flaws. But one's worst enemies were the inability to see it. If he couldn't see the errors in him, how could he prepare for it. How could he walk on the path that the divines had fleshed out for him, if he couldn't see it? And once an error could not be realized, it would grow to become a greater error, a mistake that could trail him off path. But then...

Wasn't everything was preordained? Then so, shouldn't he be too worried about it, or...

There's no time for that.

He had to get going.

Arriving in his class and taking a seat on the far edge of the windows, he noticed aside from Donny and Mina, who arrived before him, there was also a pretty girl with a pair of...sheep horns, and the teacher. He did recognize him as White Hat, though he had not heard much about him. Nevertheless, he was old, and usually the older the ginger, the spicier it gets. His experience in the hero world might prove to be beneficial to Acion in his endeavor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jett Haven

Jett felt someone small walk into him from behind, knocking him into his desk just slightly. He turned around and looked behind him to see a tiny pink haired girl. He recognized that monotone sleepy speech anywhere. Tomoe? What are you doing here?! he didn't believe it. One of his old friends from a few years before was actually at this same Academy also that she made it in, He knew she had an interesting quirk, but with school and summer vacation they had lost touch. He looked up to see Dulga as well. All he hoped was she didn’t bust another window.

It’s me, Jett. Don't you recognize me? He said, looking back to Tomoe, and taking off his shades that he must have put back on while walking back to a class. An odd habit he had. Slipping them in his blazer inside chest pocket, He smiled at Tomoe. He almost didn’t recognize her with the pink hair.

It was then he heard Mamoru speak up saying hi to everyone. Not to be rude he just waved his hand while glancing at her direction.

Yashiro, Takeshi

Takeshi looked at Reina as she asked if she could when he was going to teach Kenichi. He smiled warmly at her, glad she accepted his offer. Of course Mori-Chan. Though your training will be quite different from Kenechi in some regards. He heard the sudden explosion in the training room and by the time he moved to a position to see what had happened, others had already moved into help.

With class basically over they were told to put everything away. He quietly placed his staff away reverently in the armory and looked to Kenichi as he thanked him and said they would spar later. He simply bowed his head and said, “Of course. I imagined as so. We have an entire year to do so. I am not worried a bit.” He mentioned as well that he was heading to Villain psychology. Which was also his class. But he did not mention it as he moved on. Now that Mamoru and Kenchi were gone he looked back to Reina and said, I am going to Villain psychology myself. Perhaps I can see you After school today? I mean...if you would like to talk a bit more... He said scratching his cheek.

After they would conclude their conversation, Takeshi would move onto Villain studies, finding more people besides Mamoru and Kenichi he did not recognize. Besides the tall woman who was unloading all the ammo in the armory at the gun range. No he did not know her name, but it's hard to miss such a tall woman.

He glanced at the teacher, who was Ms. Mako. He knew of her from before, as all his family knew all the details and workings of heros and Villains. He glanced at the chalkboard and caught what she wrote. He instantly knew what she was going to teach... he had been taught it many times by his father...

He actually had a chance to speak with her briefly as well, when he was speaking with the Yarl about his conditions with his sister while attending the school. She knew where he truly came from, she was there when he revealed why he left his family.

He bowed his head to the teacher in passing. "Good morning Mako Sensei." Before taking a front row seat next to the window. Seemingly as far away from the other students as he could.

@Silver Carrot@Lucius Cypher@pkken@Riegal@heartfillia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kaida Baeumont

Kaida began cleaning up as Roy finished with the onigiri nodded when he mentioned using the rest of the sauce. She placed a couple of them in her container once she was done cleaning and look to Roy, My next class is Villain studies. Are you going there?

Once he confirmed as well she smiled at least she would have a friend in all her classes. She heard the intercom and looked when it mentioned Jett, who was already walking down the Hall with Mina. She wondered what it was. ”I hope nothing bad has happened. That his mother had to come talk in person. she said to Roy as they walked to class.

As she walked, she noticed that Mina was being friendly with another boy in class. A bigger one, who had said hello to them earlier. She found it odd. That she was more friendly to this boy than to Jett or even herself.

Once Acion met up with their group she saw the coldness come up again. But she didn't hear anything as they passed them that point. Who was that boy?

She didn't mention it to Roy and as they made it to their next class she noticed many students had made it already, they were the last besides...nope Jett was there already oddly. Perhaps it was nothing after all. He was speaking to another girl with pink hair, it seemed he knew her as well.

She glanced around the room smiling when she saw Dulga. She kept on scanning the room. She did notice another boy with dark hair sitting by himself and away from the others. She could see he was MUCH cooler than everyone else. It almost made her shiver. There was another pink haired girl sitting in the back as well. She wondered if the two were sisters. There was another boy with blue hair she didn't see before as well.

She looked up to the teacher and noticed it was the front desk secretary. A pretty woman who had a smile on her face as she drank a hot drink. Perhaps this would be a an interesting class. She noted the first lesson on the chalkboard. This would be extremely helpful she thought. But she wondered what the teacher meant.

@pkken@Aerandir@Norschtalen@Silver Carrot@Lucius Cypher@liferusher@Zeroth
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mako Akane

When she saw that everybody was here, Mako cleared her throat. "Alright, Class has officially started. I won't name names, but will everyone please find a seat? Miss Kishimoto. Mister Jasekade. Mister Haven."

She stood up, notes out in front of her to look down at if she needed to. "You've all read the board. 'How to beat a villain at their own game'. What do you think that means? I'll let you think about that for a second. But it is true that in your Hero careers, there will come a time amongst your rescuing and helping and public appearences when you may have to fight a villain. You might overpower them. They might be no match for you because there is such a gap between your quirks, or your physical traits, or you're their perfect counter. But sometimes the fight's more equal. Never forget that you're fighting a villain."

Mako moved out from her desk, picking up a rubber ball and holding it up so the class could see it, and approaching a front row seat student, which happened to be Takeshi. She slipped her hands behind her back for a second, and then revealed them, both curled up into fists. "Pick which hand the ball's in," she commanded him. No matter which he picked, she'd smirk, and open her hands. They were both empty. "You were wrong, and you lose."

She returned to her desk, slipping the ball out from her back pocket, and holding it up. She looked over at the class. Her smile was gone, and her eyes were open. She looked serious now, and made you want to sit up and pay attention. She was so usually carefree that just looking at her not smiling made you feel like you were in trouble, though you weren't.

"Villains cheat! If you meet a villain who's similar in power and skill to you, and you try to fight fair and with honor, you will either lose the fight, or lose the villain. The job of a hero is to keep peace, enforce justice, and encourage honor. They do that by fighting those who would disturb the peace, punishing those who would break the law, and being role models as much as they can. And you can't be any of those things if you're left flat on your ass, or worse, because you didn't fight just as dirty as the villain did!

My name is Ms. Mako. You may better know me as Madame Obsidian, the professional thief who went uncaught for six months straight and became the single most wanted Supervillain of my time. And I will be your teacher for this class. Any questions so far?

@pkken@Aerandir@Artymis@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher@liferusher@Zeroth@Heartfillia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After Tomoe her bow Jett came back to her without accepting her apology but instead calling her name out. Tomoe looked up at Jett from her bowing manner seeming both surprised and confused on how he knew her name. Did he studie the namelist? No that didn't add up to why he asked for why she was here. Tomoe stood upright from her bow wanting to hear what more he had to say to her.

Apparently the boy was named Jett. Tomoe wasn't as quick as others to realise it was actually the Jett she knew from a while back. Tomoe tilted her head to the side in confusion with her index finger half on her mouth pondering in thought, did she not recognize him? Tomoe stared at Jett for a while but she couldn't put a link to the Jett back then. Timidly she shook her head making her hair fly around her.

"No, no I don't recognize."

Tomoe turned quiet and stared for a while longer before coming to a realisation on how to fix this problem. She looked down from his face at his body instead and readied her hands, her hands would help her remember who this person was. Feeling his skin would give her some sort of idea who it was.

"Wait, I know how to recognize you."

But before she could do anything more the stern curved looking woman at the front wanted to get her to her seat. Tomoe worriedly stared a the woman with her hands still poking out creepily towards Jett his belly. Her head timidly turned back towards Jett hisses again while dropping her hands past her body.


Tomoe shoveled past him over towards one of the empty seats by the window. She would maybe see him around again. Tomoe gave a soft wave at the other pink haired girl in the room not really knowing what she wanted of her but she had said hai to her out in the open and looked quite cheerful. Tomoe patiently got in her seat and folded her arms over each other on the desk before drooping her head onto them. Silently she stared a the teacher waiting for something to happen. As soon as she began to talk Tomoe her eyes slowly shut like a garage door. She heard up untill the ball deceiving trick but short after she was already soundlessly asleep.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


JoJo sucked her teeth as she watched the teacher leave, rolling neck getting the kinks from being still for so long out; another thing was the fact she never felt this drained before so maybe denying her wasn’t the worst thing. There was nothing she could do anyway, so she turned around and began to walk the opposite direction, with the exit of their teacher, gadget class was over and her electives began, which means quirk application. Going over the events that have just happened to her it was obvious she needed to learn a way to use her quirk a little better because just saying lazy to generate less wasn’t going to cut it.

That power she felt just before passing out was tremendous, so much so her body expelled all of it just to keep her well-being in check as a side effect she had zero power left over to perform anything via quirk. While on her way to quirk application, JoJo had a lot to think about, her close-range style of fighting left her completely open to people like Yuka and long ranged fighters, up till now she figured if she was faster than them she could pull out a win, but apparently, that wasn’t the case.

“Sorry I’m late, was taken to the nurse… well, half way” she said, walking into the classroom staring at her hand rubbing her thumb and index finger together generating a little bit of energy so she can stop feeling off. Pulling back a chair and sitting down at the desk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eggs
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Eggs spooky!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Haruka Sanegeyama

As culinary class ended, Haruka helped out where she could with cleanup, then proceeded to pack up her own share of the onigiri. It would make for a good dinner later, she thought. Once they were secured in a container, she would put them in the otherwise-empty frontmost pouch of her backpack. Everything was all nicely packed up and clean, and she hadn't gotten herself covered in water or burnt her fingers. In all, this class had been a brilliant success.

As she put on her backpack, Donny bid her farewell, suddenly seeming a lot more nervous than he'd been moments ago. "O-oh, yeah. Til next time?" She smiled back to him, giving a nod once he started to leave. His next class, as it turned out, was hers as well. She opened her mouth as if to tell him that, but with surprising speed for someone of his size, he was out the door and down the hall. "Oh," she said, a little surprised. Oh well.

Haruka left not too much longer after that, following the door numbers to the Quirk Application classroom. She had a good idea of how to apply her Quirk in daily life already, but it couldn't hurt to learn some new tricks. Maybe she could examine some new technologies and learn how to build them, or get a lesson in how to use her Quirk more efficiently for such things. Who knew. Once she made it there, she figured she'd learn.

Inside Quirk Application, quite a few others had already gathered by the time Haruka stepped inside. She listened to the teacher introduce himself as she swiftly started to look for a seat. At a glance, she saw Donny, and considered taking a step towards him before she noticed a collection of other people he was talking to. Her stomach knotted tightly as she realized she was walking towards a group of strangers. "Nope," Haruka thought, stopping a few seats short and trying to sit down as quickly as possible before they picked up on her, pulling off her backpack and plopping down in the chair in a single, less-than-perfectly smooth motion. "Donny's nice but that is absolutely too many strangers at once. Know your limits, Haru. Don't have a damn panic attack in front of them or they'll never let you live it down."

She remained silent, albeit visibly slightly irked at how carelessly she'd almost waltzed into that situation, and focused on what the teacher was saying while trying not to look at anyone else. Teachers didn't make her as nervous as other students did. If she had to guess why, it was their consistency.

@Conscripts@Silver Carrot@Feyblue@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ezra,Jett, Roy, Takeshi

Ezra had spent the rest of the class messing around with his tools after the spar. He had no interest in continuing to watch spars, and quite frankly, he hadn’t the energy. He wanted to go shoot a basketball or something, anything to take his mind off the embarrassment that he had felt for perhaps the first time in his life with Yukari. He didn’t quite mind at this stage even though it was still on his mind, but it still jarred on him as that had been his first intimate contact with a girl, even if it was extremely awkward and unintentional, and he couldn’t say he didn’t like it. In fact, that was what he was more embarrassed about, the fact that he had somewhat enjoyed the encounter despite the awkwardness of the situation.

He shook his head as the bell rang and he headed immediately for his next lesson, Villain Psychology. He had no idea who was taking this class, but as far as he was concerned, it was more interesting than quirk application. He had no doubt that he could use his quirk in order to help save people, but that was not where his interest lied. His prime interest as a hero was to fight strong villains and gain recognition, not to save people's lives. It was selfish, but it was what he wanted in life and he didn’t have noble goals like a lot of the others. Perhaps it was just his teen years, but he never felt a connection to being ‘heroic’ by any sense of the word, whilst he could truly revel in a good fight, even getting excited at the prospect of one coming his way. He had a profound interest in the minds of villains however, and if he was one himself. He certainly filled some of the criterias and was not heroic by any sense of the word, so it made him ponder if he was a villain, even if he didn’t aspire to be. It was an existential question that couldn’t necessarily be answered, rather one that was determined socially and by emotions, not just by characteristics, at least as far as he was concerned.

Perhaps this was why he was not surprised to see that this class looked incredibly interesting. Immediately upon walking in, he had seen that the cast of this class was a lot more interesting than the one prior. Whilst the first was missing key pieces to the puzzle, this one had them all. A new recruit who was trying to look cool(and admittedly did to some extent) but looked a lot more emo than Ezra thought he intended to be, the girl he ran down at lunch, the cool secretary who calmed him down, Kenichi(he still really wanted to spar him, kid had heart.), Dulga(same height as him, had shown quite a bit of knowledge when it came to the firearms in the previous class), Jett(his newly found rival he supposed. He wanted a rematch. The rest of the class was interesting to him too, just not noteworthy enough for him to him to take a note as he took his seat next to Jett. He wanted to have a chat with him about the rematch and about what had happened at lunch.

“Yo, mind if I sit here?” he spoke in a much more calm mannerism than before, the words flowing smoothly into a sentence.

He looked confused when tomoe didn't recognize him and slightly hurt. He thought they were good friends, but apparently not.

Jett looked up when he saw Ezra walk over to him. Asking if he could sit next to him. He raised an eyebrow. Yeah sure if you want. he was surprised that he did, but he didn't care really. It was clear he just wanted a seat. If he wanted to start something he could have kicked his desk.

He looked around the room to see more people trailing in. Some dark haired guy he didn't know, Roy and Kaida, as well as Kenichi. Safe to say an interesting group. He then said to Ezra,”Just don't kick my desk. he said with a smirk.

Roy smirked as he walked in the class and the first person he saw was Ezra. “I was wondering what the hell happened to you, when I got back to the cafe you were gone and there was a table in the wall.” The boy said as he walked towards the two, taking his cloak off and placing it on a desk behind Jett's desk. Roy looked back at Kaida signaling that she can sit next to them if she wanted. .

Ezra shrugged his shoulders and laughed a little at the banter the two had for him. It was interesting to say the least, They hadn’t taken it as seriously as he thought, so he figured that people weren’t taking his actions that seriously, nothing more than an emotional teen outburst, a flash of rage that was nothing more than a mistake and were willing to forgive him for it. Back at home, his mother would rag on him for breaking a plate by accident, let alone on purpose so he wondered why people were so forgiving of mistakes. Perhaps it was in their nature when they had the same done to them. It made him ponder.

“I guess I’ll try to chill from now on. Don’t worry about any desks flying your way, unless it’s when I kick your ass on our rematch, ‘Jetty’” he spoke before chuckling a little at his own humour. He spoke in a happy tone, given as if his voice held any negativity, the words coming out would have sounded quite malicious.

Jett glanced at Roy as he added his two cents. He didn't pursue it further because he knew the matter was dealt with when he was called to the principal office. But it's when he called him Jetty he narrowed his eyes. “Don't call me that, Andre , or I'll drive your ugly mug of yours into the ground once again.” his tone was a little more serious than Ezra's. He hated being called that by anyone beside his family….and ms. mako… she was fine.

Roy just laughed to himself as the two bantered at each other, “and while you two bicker with each other I will put both of you on your ass” he said with a smirk. He noticed how Ezra caught one of Jett's nerves, Roy took note of that. It could prove useful maybe in the future.

Big talk from the guy who got knocked out by a girl half his size. Jett looked over his shoulder at him chuckling.

”What’s happening over here? Mako suddenly asked from her desk, steaming coffee cup still in hand, but staring at the three boys, ginning as normal. ”A bit of banter, or are you practising for the class? Brains are the only body part I want to be involved in boisterous measuring contests, am I clear?”

Jett looked to Ms. Mako. Very clear ma’am.

She went on to start class and did the object lesson. With the rubber ball. While Takeshi knew the trick she was going to do he went along with it almost bored with the task of raising his finger to point at her hands even though she never had it in them. He did it for the sake of the other students who have not learned this fundamental lesson.

When she mentioned being the the most wanted supervillain… he blinked. He doubted that as she was just a thief unlike some murderous ones whose knew of. But he said nothing. As he did hear of her through the news a long time ago.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Mako Akane

Takeshi hadn't expected a fair game that was interesting. She'd have to find out more about this student. As for the rest of them, they looked confused, or indignant. And of course, nobody had questions. Not once has anybody in this elective ever had a question when she asked. Does anybody ever ask a question when the teacher says 'any questions?'

Still, it just meant she could continue interrupted, and continue she did. "I can see a few of you looking at me as if I've suggested something shocking. It's not shocking. It's common sense, and the first learning outcome of this class is, not to make you ditch your sense of justice, or your moral code, but to turn them from juvenile, black and white "Heroes must be nice and fight nice" mentalities into a grown up, realistic mindset. All the heroes you see on TV. When they fight heroes, they fight dirty. Don't believe me? I brought along some newspapers."

Mako went to her desk, and in her notes, picked out two newspapers. She held up one of them.

"This is from three weeks ago. The Masked Magician agreed to a kidnapper's demands but during the conversation, slipped in subliminal messages. The kidnapper thought that they had picked the location, so when they got there with the hostage for an exchange, it was an ambush."

She held up the other paper.

"This is from last week. Endeavour, the number two hero, flushed out a supervillain from his trap-filled laboratory lair by burning the entire building down. The supervillain willingly surrendered as he was caught fleeing. There was no risk to anybody's life except the villain's, as the lair was abandoned at the time. Neither of these Heroes acted villainous, but neither of them fought fair, and the actions of both saved lives."

Mako put down the newspapers, and picked up a stack of worksheets. She then walked round the class, handing them out to every student.

"On this sheet, I'm handing out, there are five villain scenarios. You must write how you would attempt to confront them. Use what I've taught so far only if you wish. There are no wrong answers. I just want to gauge you all, and your ability to understand fighting villains on day one of this class. One you finished filling that in, put in on my desk. While you're doing that, I will talk about this class some more. Weeks 1-4: fighting villains. Weeks 5-8: understanding villains. Weeks 9-12: predicting villainous activity. At the end of every four weeks, there will be a graded quiz covering that subject. At the end of the twelve weeks, there will be a formal written exam, as well as a practical exam, roleplaying a villain scenario."

The worksheet everyone received read as follows;

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

@Lucius Cypher@pkken@Aerandir@Artymis@Norschtalen@liferusher@Zeroth@Heartfillia
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

If there was one thing that Dulga knew about herself, it was that her methods were far from heroic. Perhaps it was just because that's how her parents raised her or maybe Dulga herself just wasn't that type of person. But if there was one thing Dulga took to heart, it was that she wasn't entirely cut out to be a hero. Mako spoke about how villains cheated and fought dirty and how heroes who can't deal with that won't beat them. Dulga silently agreed; there was a time and place for honor but not when lives are at stake. Glancing down at Dulga's gun case she also had another thought; you shouldn't fight if you aren't willing to kill or be killed. Now that much Dulga knew that many would disagree with. Some may be willing to die but insist that they wouldn't take a life. Dulga considers these people hopelessly naive. A gun or a blade isn't meant to just "cause injury". Dulga knew this and she knew that while she was at Komei she may deal with others who don't agree with her. She doesn't intend to change their minds and Dulga herself was trying to at least switch to less lethal munitions. But she had no delusions to the fact that at some point she will kill someone. And she won't really loose much sleep when that happens.

As more students started paying attention Mako continued her lesson. She handed out newspapers which Dulga actually remembered reading. Her family didn't have a TV so newspapers were the only form of information Dulga had, aside from books and her parents. She vaguely remembered how these heroes used brute strength and trickery to win their battles, which made Dulga think back to that fight the rest of the class had. She remembered how Ezra had been saved by one of his opponents and when his guard was down he knocked him out. She also remembered how Donny had chosen to collapse a whole building, allowing Ezra to take advantage of another student's innate heroism. While Dulga understood that these things were suppose to be "Bad",she couldn't really bring herself to think so. Was it needly dangerous? Certainly but it also was practical given the ones involved. It could have been done better of course, but that's what training is all about.

Mako then started handing out worksheets with hypothetical situations. Dulga never really took these things seriously since they always put Dulga in a bad position she'd never willingly put herself into. Such as "confronting" villains. But she answered them as honestly as she could. First Dulga read each question and then mentally projected the situation in her head. She'd tried to take account only the information given to her at first but then considered other information that wasn't explicitly mentioned. For some of these scenarios a hero needs to be able to both do something as quickly and simply as possible and take advantage of everything in their surroundings. When the simple methods won't work, the complicated plans had to be used. After all Mako wanted them to beat villains at their own games. And real threatening villains were schemers and plotters.

For the first scenario Dulga already didn't like where the question had put her. If she knew where the bank robber was she'd just shoot him first. Dulga's answer reflected that. "I would immediately shoot him in the head with a rubber bullet followed by more rubber bullets." Of course this took a lot of liberties Dulga might have not known, such as if the robber is wearing a helmet or had a quick that made him resistant to bullets. This also assumes that, Dulga's pride aside, that she might miss a headshot or that she could even get a shot off before the robber kills his hostage. Dulga's other idea was to simply shoot through the hostage however she quickly dismissed the thought since that will no doubt kill the old woman.

Next one made Dulga pause. "A sword wielding killer?" Dulga immediately thought back to that horrific day. How she watched from the forest as a large red-skinned man armed with a sword fought her father. The strongest person she's ever known struggling against a man with nothing more than a blade and his body. How even her mother, a skilled assassin and sharpshooter, failing to stop this madman. Dulga felt so weak. So small. It was as if she was a rabbit watching a bear slaughter her family. Dulga wrote her answer down quickly. "Shoot him in the head."

Next one really put Dulga in a bad spot. Tied to a chair, at the villain's mercy, and somehow with her quirk nullified. Seeing that Dulga's quirk was her six arms and super strength she'd guess that just trying to force her way out is out of the question. And if she's tied up, then she doesn't have a gun on her either. Or does she? Dulga does have access to pistols, including a few pocket pistols, however she wasn't sure how Mako would react if Dulga continued to just keep shooting villains in the head. She was aware that Mako likely wanted the students to try to make the students convince the villain to keep talking, but Dulga wasn't good at that sort of thing. "Distract him with taunts. When the gun isn't pointed at my head, stand up, break the chair, and then subdue the villain." Dulga knew this wasn't a good answer but she wasn't sure how else to do it. She had also written "Shoot him with rubber bullets." but then crossed it out when she realized that Dulga wouldn't have her guns or bullets in this scenario.

The next one was much simpler. The villain had brainwashed civilians as human shields and would try to make them attack Dulga. He claims that if they kill him, the civilians would die. "Shoot the villain with rubber bullets." Whether he is lying or not doesn't really matter to Dulga. He is a threat and so long as he has control over the civilians, he needs to be stopped. Dulga did add another sentence afterwards. "Try not to kill him." As for the civilians they'd need to be subdued more carefully. Though by no means does Dulga intend to try to do that harmlessly. Shooting them in the knee or a blow to the chest, even if she has to break bones. It was rough, but necessary. And if they did die somehow... There was nothing Dulga could've done anyways.

Last one was a classic that even Dulga has heard about. One of her family members or loved ones was kidnapped and there's a bus full of children about to be killed. Considering that Dulga's only living family member was her father and Dulga doesn't have any other loved ones right now, she would just go save the children. Her father can save himself. Though it did bring back another memory: It was her mother's funeral. It was a very private affair, with just Dulga's father, herself, and a few friends of her mother. Her father had no friends even among the hero association. What Dulga's father said to her that day still rung in her ears. "You have to be strong Dulga. Stronger than me and stronger than your mother. One day I'll be gone and when that happens I don't want you to be afraid. No matter what happens I want you to survive. You don't need to take care of daddy anymore." She knew he was trying to encourage her, but those words made Dulga feel very uncomfortable. "I would save the children."

Once Dulga finished filling out the worksheet she went up to Mako and put the paper on her desk. Dulga didn't know much about Mako or her identity as Madame Obsidian. Neither of her parents ever met her before and Dulga never read the newspaper where Mako was the star villain. But something about the way she looked and talked made Dulga wonder if Mako was trying to goad her somehow. Especially with that "sword wielding killer" question. While many villains do rely on weapons, Dulga had a personal vendetta against a certain sword wielding killer. Dulga wondered if Mako knew anything about that but she didn't ask. She just returned to her seat and listened to the rest of Mako's lecture.

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Villain Psych

As others filtered into the room Kenichi caught bits and pieces of their conversations. Jett seemed to know the smaller pinkette, and called her Tomoe. Yashiro called the teacher Mako, but for some reason he sat off to the side from everyone else. Oh well, he looked like the dark and aloof type anyway. An attractive girl entered with the red-haired student who had transferred from General Studies...oh yeah, Roy had been his name. Kenichi thought he might have seen the girl at lunch too, during that incident with Ezra and Jett and the 2-A group, but he'd never learned her name.

Mako-sensei stood up and made her introductions. And at first, Kenichi leaned forward with interest. Being "good" did not mean being nice, and this class was going to be about exploiting a villain's weaknesses, taking apart their mindsets...and taking them down by whatever means possible. Even if it meant not playing fair.

Kenichi wouldn't really say he liked the idea of fighting dirty. But after what had happened to his father...after learning what kind of things people could do for reasons that, to Kenichi, didn't make any kind of sense...He didn't have time for things like mercy, not in a real fight with real evil. Because that was what they were. They didn't deserve handcuffs, or defense lawyers, or three hots and a cot on the taxpayer's dime. Evil people were a cancer of society that needed to be cut out.

"My name is Ms. Mako. You may better know me as Madame Obsidian, the professional thief who went uncaught for six months straight and became the single most wanted Supervillain of my time. And I will be your teacher for this class. Any questions so far?"

Kenichi didn't say anything, because he knew if he did he was going to get himself expelled. He laced his hands together in front of his face, elbows on his desk, like he was thinking deeply about something--but what he was really doing was clenching his teeth until he could feel blood dripping from the inside of his cheek.

What the FUCK was a Villain doing teaching in a school for Heroes!? They had just left a bunch of untrained kids in a room, unsupervised, with this...this...this fucking monster?

A sensible person who did not have anger issues towards Villains might argue that Madame Obsidian was, technically speaking, only one of the most wanted villains because of the sheer monetary value of the items she stole. She had never killed anyone, had never put up a fight against Heroes, and she had served her time in prison as dictated by a fair trial, convicted by a jury of her peers. She was, perhaps, to be considered a success story of the power of rehabilitation.

If such a person had actually said these things to Kenichi, his answer would have been Fuck that! To his mind, she might as well have gotten off scott free. How much of the money she had stolen would ever be properly returned? How many people had suffered from something like not being able to pay for life-saving surgery or medicine, because their money had been stolen from the bank? How many businesses had gone under when their investors' funds suddenly disappeared? How much did the citizens of Japan have to put forth to provide her with sheets, clothing, toiletries, health care, heating, air conditioning, television, food, drinks, medication, for however long it was she had to stay in prison? Why did they have to pay for her to have an easy life when she had already stolen so much from them?

Slow breaths. Relax. Don't crack the goddamn desk, or the floor. You are in a Hero School. You have to use your BRAIN.

It was like he'd become a statue, sitting there and staring straight ahead--not at Obsidian, but past her, at the chalk board. It was a good thing he didn't have one of those psychokinesis style Quirks. He had questions, alright. But he didn't care for Madame Obsidian's answers. How long had she been here? If he made some kind of complaint to the principal or the other teachers, would it matter?

By the time the worksheets started coming around, Kenichi felt like he had enough control to stop hiding his face. But he refused to even look in Obsidian's direction when she approached, instead looking straight down at his desk. He moved his arm aside as she slid the sheet onto his desk, instead of taking it directly from her. He didn't even say "thank you." But as controlled as he kept himself and his reactions, there were some things he wasn't even aware of consciously.

If Mako's senses were sharp, however, she might be aware of it. Aware of the fact that this blue-haired boy was putting off a weak, subtle, but very much present kind of feeling. Like waves from a radio, it wasn't really something that could be seen, just something to be felt. Martial artists were good at picking it up, and so were a lot of pros on both sides of the Hero and Villain spectrum. But it wasn't exactly something "heroes" were supposed to even have.

It was called Killing Intent.

But the moment passed as Kenichi read through the paper, analyzing the questions. Yeah, Villain Psych was definitely a "smart person's" class. However, some of these weren't exactly things that Kenichi had never thought of before. Lots of people who wanted to be heroes were the types who would daydream about all kinds of situations--what would I do if this happened? What choice would I make in this scenario? How would I save people and beat this kind of villain?

Kenichi absentmindedly licked at the blood on the inside of his cheek as his pencil scratched across the paper.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

There's no guarantee he would release the woman if he was allowed to escape, or that he wouldn't just shoot her anyway after making said escape. Her chances of being hurt or killed stay the same regardless of whether I as the Hero choose to fight or negotiate. If he's scared, he'll hesitate. Because my Quirk can boost speed, I should at least be able to blitz him fast enough to either take the bullet with an arm or hand, or disarm him outright. Then I beat him until he stops moving. I could possibly use my Hyper Ventilation like a breath weapon from range, but that's unreliable. Being able to shoot a gun out of someone's hand only happens in movies.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

Beat him until he stops moving. If his armor's good I'll have to boost my strength and either throw him, or break his joints. Also it's obvious he's lying with the "honor" stuff, because he's murdered multiple people at one time in one location. If he were having 1-on-1 duels there would be a trail of victims from spot to spot, and most people would have gotten away by running.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

I guess all I can do at that point is keep him talking and hope for rescue, but I doubt he'd go into a real monologue. More than likely I'm dead no matter what I do, so I might as well risk a lunge and see if I can sink my teeth into him. Trying to get his wrist to incapacitate the gun is too small a target, but tearing a chunk out of his thigh or throat might bleed him out even after he kills me.

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

I use my Gran Torino style move, Jet Hunting, to get around the civilians and attack the Villain. Personally I think he's lying about the civilians dying, because there are so many instances of a person's Quirk being cancelled out when they're unconscious, but as long as I don't kill him it's fine. Chokeholds, or breaking limbs and bones badly enough to make him go into shock, should make him pass out. Even if the civilians are still under his control, he won't be able to give them new orders. Breaking his jaw might be an option too if his Quirk requires the affected person to hear a verbal command.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

This kind of situation seems like it's meant to make a Hero hesitate even if it's not true that there's "no time." So I'd choose whichever option I could accomplish the fastest immediately, and try my best to stop the other one afterwards. More than likely, though, I'd save the kids first; I love my parents, but I know they would want me to save others first even if it meant they were sacrificed. And if I couldn't save them, I would kill the Villain even if I were punished for it afterwards, because at that point I don't feel it's a question of necessary force, but of how many people I'm saving from being hurt in the future by taking him out now.

The blue haired boy leaned back and read over his answers again. Maybe he should try to re-word some of this? What if he got put on that watch-list, the one for kids who were considered at risk of turning into Villains themselves?

No. He didn't agree with heroes having to play nice all the time, but he agreed that heroes needed to be honest. So he would leave his real feelings right where they were on that paper. He signed his name and the date, and double checked that he had all the other necessary stuff filled in before he stood up to turn it in.

The six armed girl was ahead of him, and he wondered what her answers had been. He had seen her at the shooting range during the Hero Gear class. He wondered if her answers would be any more acceptable than his own--unless she was using rubber or trick bullets, she probably couldn't afford to just snipe all her opponents. Even then, rubber bullets especially probably wouldn't actually be much help. Someone tough enough or determined enough could easily withstand their stinging impacts and just keep going.

Again he didn't look at Madame Obsidian, nor did he hand her the paper directly. He simply slid it onto the desk next to where Dulga had turned hers in, then quickly turned and walked stiffly back to his desk. He could still taste the blood on the inside of his mouth.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #F50A83 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #0A8BF5

Fumika blinked as a sound... no, a voice suddenly piped up from next to her. She'd been so focused on the door that she hadn't realized somebody had moved over to sit next to her. And, given that she'd lived all her life out in the countryside, what she thought she heard wasn't unfamiliar to her.

She blinked. She stared. The fluffy hair was close enough to wool, and then there were those horns and ears... But the more she thought about it, none of this made sense, because...

"But Hitomi is a girl's name, and this is clearly a girl, so if she's a sheep why are her horns so big? Girl sheep don't have big horns," Fumika mumbled to herself, tugging at her hair as she once again nearly lost herself in thought. She gave a long "Hmmm..." as she contemplated this, only to suddenly come to a surprising realization.

"But sheep also don't talk, and sheep aren't people, but this sheep is a person and was talking to me, and if she gave me her name then... Oh!" As if only just now realizing that this Hitomi had just introduced herself, Fumika looked down to her outstretched hand in confusion. This was one of those greeting gestures she'd heard about, right? She was supposed to shake her hand... But her particle shell had already fully regenerated, and just bumping into Luelle's hand during cooking class had felt bizarre enough. She really didn't like that lingering feeling of pressure... Oh, but she had another "her" already there. So long as "Fumika" was the one to shake her hand, it would be fine, right?

Reasoning thus, she had her copy scoot over, reaching out and giving Hitomi's hand a rather awkwardly robotic "shake," while Fumika herself bowed her head respectfully.

"My name is Motome Fumika," She recited dutifully, her introduction seeming oddly formulaic and practiced, but also very impersonal, as if she was unused to actually giving her name save as part of some larger, rehearsed procedure. "It's nice to meet you." As she raised her head, she blinked, and her copy vanished, her eyes returning once more to their usual aquamarine hue as the dim markings in her hair receded. There really was no sense in maintaining her projection, since it looked like people had stopped coming in, and trying to keep it there was making her sleepy. She craned her head, looking over the crowd, only to lower it with a sigh. There was no sign of the nice Yoshida - or even the mean Yoshida, or any Yoshidas at all - anywhere to be seen.

Speaking of which, hadn't Hitomi asked something? Right, she was wondering if she'd been waiting for someone. She nodded a bit gloomily, and then shook her head. "I was waiting, but it doesn't look like he's coming," She explained cryptically as she switched seats with where her copy had just been sitting. If nothing else, she could at least do as he'd asked her to. "I guess that means I'm supposed to keep being the main character."

@Silver Carrot
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