Powerhouse Ultra Tier
Powerhouse High Tier
Superhero Name: Lady Arcana
Civilian Name: Karen Hernandez
Origin city: Hub City
Hometown: Hub City
Sex: Female
Race: Human (Caucasian/Hispanic); Homo Magi (dormant)
Height: 5’5/5’10
Weight: 105 lbs/150 lbs
Age: 12 Birth Date: August 19th, 2007
Costumed Appearance:
Civilian Appearance:

Icon: Yellow thunderbolt on the back of her cloak
Costumed Personality:
As Lady Arcana, she attempts to portray what she considers the heroic ideal: a fearless and supremely confident defender of the helpless. She frequently talks during battle, taunting her foes in the hopes that they’ll commit an error in their frustration. She is, however, anything but fearless. Beneath the nigh-invulnerable form of Lady Arcana, she is still Karen Hernandez, with all the same fears and insecurities that come with that reality.
Civilian Personality:
Karen is a friendly and generally cheerful girl, always eager to make friends and help those in need when she is able. She is willing to stand up to bullies when necessary, even if doing so frightens her. Bright and quick-witted for her age, she enjoys reading fantasy novels and writing (rather terrible) fanfiction. More than anything, she hates seeing the strong and powerful abuse the weak, and will intervene even if she has little hope of winning.
Super abilities:
None, in terms of combat. She is ostensibly a normal twelve year old girl, with average athletic abilities for her age and build. She is, however, quite independent and able to fend for herself surprisingly well.
-Olympian Physiology: Can do whatever an average Olympian can do in addition to the unique gifts of her patrons. This includes having enhanced senses, albeit not nearly to the level of a Kryptonian.
-Amalgamate Power: Lady Arcana receives the physical strength, speed and durability of all her patrons, but only the highest in each category is listed as the primary contributor.
Magic of Selene
Lady Arcana is gifted with the ability to wield primordial arcane magic by Selene, the goddess of the Moon and Mysticism. While she possesses the potential to use a nigh-boundless array of spells, she must still learn and master them as any sorceress would.
-Spell Casting: Lady Arcana has the potential to cast spells that rival the magic of the Gods themselves.
-Magic Resistance
-Self-Sustenance: The ability to survive without food, water, sleep, or air.
-Mystical Detection: The ability to sense the presence of magic.
Speed of Hermes
The fleet-footed messenger god Hermes gifts Lady Arcana with his incredible speed, allowing her to fly at immense speeds even within the atmosphere of Earth and many times that in space. In combat, she is able to greatly exceed this limit in brief bursts of speed to reposition herself or overwhelm opponents with literally lightning fast strikes.
-Superhuman Speed
-Superhuman Agility
-Superhuman Reflexes
-Power Distribution: The ability to share ones power with an object or creature.
-Dimensional travel
Might of Atlas
The invincible Titan Atlas gifts Lady Arcana with his nigh-unbreakable form. Her muscles also produce no fatigue toxins, allowing her to exert herself without limit.
-Superhuman Stamina
-Accelerated Healing
Power of Zeus
The King of the gods gifts Lady Arcana with his divine thunderbolt and command over the living lightning first granted to him by the primordial Chaos. All of her magic is channeled through and amplified by this power. The greatest of her benefactors, he gifts his Olympian physiology to her.
-Divine Electrokinesis: Can generate and manipulate mystical lightning.
-Transformation: The ability to transform from a mortal to an entity empowered by the six Gods.
-Weather Manipulation
-Metamorphosis: The ability adopt the form of any number of animals, mythological beasts, or even liquescent states like falling water or mist.
-Teleportation: The ability to teleport to the Rock of Eternity or any place in sight. This includes through live video feed or magic vision.
Strength of Alcaeus
Lady Arcana has been gifted with the incalculable strength of Alcaeus, the original name of mighty Herakles. Even she doesn't know the precise limits of her strength, being able to lift objects of immense weight and release devastating shockwaves with a mere clap of her hands.
-Immense Superhuman Strength
Intellect of Mnemosyne
This Titan Goddess gifts Lady Arcana with her eidetic memory and knowledge of all languages. This allows her to recall any information she learns with flawless clarity, and comprehend as well as speak any sapient tongue.
-Eidetic Memory
-Enhanced Intellect
-Nth Metal: As Nth Metal contains anti-magic properties, it is therefore capable of harming Lady Arcana.
-Mental attacks: Is vulnerable to mental based attacks (abilities that seek to damage the mind) so long as they're not magical in origin. Can magically shield her mind with appropriate knowledge/preparation.
-Inexperience: Undoubtedly her greatest weakness. Despite possessing such nigh-limitless power, Karen Hernandez has little understanding of how to use any of it beyond her most base abilities.
-Gadgets: None
-Weapons: None
Civilian Occupation: Elementary School
Character History/Origin:
Karen Hernandez was born on August 19th of 2007 to Julia Morris and Manuel Hernandez. Living in a small and ramshackle home within “The Wedge”, a slum in the notoriously corrupt and crime-ridden Hub City, the family of three lived a tenuous existence between paychecks. Manuel worked in the old manufacturing district, commuting to work via train every day while Julia and Karen remained in their homes. Though they didn’t have much, the trio managed to seize happiness wherever they could.
Even this would not last, however, as gang violence began to consume “The Wedge”. On October 4th of 2015, Julia was caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting as she made her way home from the grocers, a casualty in a war she had no stake in. Karen was eight years old at the time, and the sudden and violent loss of her mother would forever change her life.
Unable to remain home with her due to his job, and without the means to hire a regular babysitter to watch over her, Karen was forced to grow up quickly. Learning to feed herself, take care of the laundry and catch the train to school, she slowly mastered the many things she had once relied upon her mother for. This allowed her father to focus entirely on providing for them without having to worry too much about his daughter.
Four years have passed since that tragic shooting, and while she has managed to move on with her young life, she has never forgotten the harsh lessons that the unforgiving streets of Hub City taught her. It is a broken place, full of broken people, where dreams go to die. It would take a miracle to fix it...
...And that was precisely what she received. While on her way home from school, Karen encountered an elderly man being mugged. Despite her fear, she attempted to intervene. In the struggle with the gunman, he accidentally shot her in the stomach. Dizzy, Karen allowed her eyes to close, only for her to awaken in a mysterious void of stars. Standing upon an obelisk of unimaginable size with a trail of lights as her only guide, Karen walked in silence until she came upon a room filled with wonders the likes of which she never dreamed possible.
At the heart of this room was a throne, and upon this throne sat a very old man. Explaining that he had brought her here to be his successor as the guardian of the Rock of Eternity - the source of all magic, he imbued her with its power. With the primordial arcane energies that sustained him now gone, the ancient Wizard crumbled to dust, as Karen returned to the mortal world, having been changed forever.
Since then, Karen has strived to understand the virtually limitless power at her fingertips, and how she can best use them.
Optional information
Nemesis: Iron Eagle
Allies: The Question, Grim, Blackstar, Vinestalker, The Tiger
Team: None
Civilian Name: Karen Hernandez
Origin city: Hub City
Hometown: Hub City
Sex: Female
Race: Human (Caucasian/Hispanic); Homo Magi (dormant)
Height: 5’5/5’10
Weight: 105 lbs/150 lbs
Age: 12 Birth Date: August 19th, 2007
Costumed Appearance:
Civilian Appearance:

Icon: Yellow thunderbolt on the back of her cloak
Costumed Personality:
As Lady Arcana, she attempts to portray what she considers the heroic ideal: a fearless and supremely confident defender of the helpless. She frequently talks during battle, taunting her foes in the hopes that they’ll commit an error in their frustration. She is, however, anything but fearless. Beneath the nigh-invulnerable form of Lady Arcana, she is still Karen Hernandez, with all the same fears and insecurities that come with that reality.
Civilian Personality:
Karen is a friendly and generally cheerful girl, always eager to make friends and help those in need when she is able. She is willing to stand up to bullies when necessary, even if doing so frightens her. Bright and quick-witted for her age, she enjoys reading fantasy novels and writing (rather terrible) fanfiction. More than anything, she hates seeing the strong and powerful abuse the weak, and will intervene even if she has little hope of winning.
Super abilities:
None, in terms of combat. She is ostensibly a normal twelve year old girl, with average athletic abilities for her age and build. She is, however, quite independent and able to fend for herself surprisingly well.
-Olympian Physiology: Can do whatever an average Olympian can do in addition to the unique gifts of her patrons. This includes having enhanced senses, albeit not nearly to the level of a Kryptonian.
-Amalgamate Power: Lady Arcana receives the physical strength, speed and durability of all her patrons, but only the highest in each category is listed as the primary contributor.
Magic of Selene
Lady Arcana is gifted with the ability to wield primordial arcane magic by Selene, the goddess of the Moon and Mysticism. While she possesses the potential to use a nigh-boundless array of spells, she must still learn and master them as any sorceress would.
-Spell Casting: Lady Arcana has the potential to cast spells that rival the magic of the Gods themselves.
-Magic Resistance
-Self-Sustenance: The ability to survive without food, water, sleep, or air.
-Mystical Detection: The ability to sense the presence of magic.
Speed of Hermes
The fleet-footed messenger god Hermes gifts Lady Arcana with his incredible speed, allowing her to fly at immense speeds even within the atmosphere of Earth and many times that in space. In combat, she is able to greatly exceed this limit in brief bursts of speed to reposition herself or overwhelm opponents with literally lightning fast strikes.
-Superhuman Speed
-Superhuman Agility
-Superhuman Reflexes
-Power Distribution: The ability to share ones power with an object or creature.
-Dimensional travel
Might of Atlas
The invincible Titan Atlas gifts Lady Arcana with his nigh-unbreakable form. Her muscles also produce no fatigue toxins, allowing her to exert herself without limit.
-Superhuman Stamina
-Accelerated Healing
Power of Zeus
The King of the gods gifts Lady Arcana with his divine thunderbolt and command over the living lightning first granted to him by the primordial Chaos. All of her magic is channeled through and amplified by this power. The greatest of her benefactors, he gifts his Olympian physiology to her.
-Divine Electrokinesis: Can generate and manipulate mystical lightning.
-Transformation: The ability to transform from a mortal to an entity empowered by the six Gods.
-Weather Manipulation
-Metamorphosis: The ability adopt the form of any number of animals, mythological beasts, or even liquescent states like falling water or mist.
-Teleportation: The ability to teleport to the Rock of Eternity or any place in sight. This includes through live video feed or magic vision.
Strength of Alcaeus
Lady Arcana has been gifted with the incalculable strength of Alcaeus, the original name of mighty Herakles. Even she doesn't know the precise limits of her strength, being able to lift objects of immense weight and release devastating shockwaves with a mere clap of her hands.
-Immense Superhuman Strength
Intellect of Mnemosyne
This Titan Goddess gifts Lady Arcana with her eidetic memory and knowledge of all languages. This allows her to recall any information she learns with flawless clarity, and comprehend as well as speak any sapient tongue.
-Eidetic Memory
-Enhanced Intellect
-Nth Metal: As Nth Metal contains anti-magic properties, it is therefore capable of harming Lady Arcana.
-Mental attacks: Is vulnerable to mental based attacks (abilities that seek to damage the mind) so long as they're not magical in origin. Can magically shield her mind with appropriate knowledge/preparation.
-Inexperience: Undoubtedly her greatest weakness. Despite possessing such nigh-limitless power, Karen Hernandez has little understanding of how to use any of it beyond her most base abilities.
-Gadgets: None
-Weapons: None
Civilian Occupation: Elementary School
Character History/Origin:
Karen Hernandez was born on August 19th of 2007 to Julia Morris and Manuel Hernandez. Living in a small and ramshackle home within “The Wedge”, a slum in the notoriously corrupt and crime-ridden Hub City, the family of three lived a tenuous existence between paychecks. Manuel worked in the old manufacturing district, commuting to work via train every day while Julia and Karen remained in their homes. Though they didn’t have much, the trio managed to seize happiness wherever they could.
Even this would not last, however, as gang violence began to consume “The Wedge”. On October 4th of 2015, Julia was caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting as she made her way home from the grocers, a casualty in a war she had no stake in. Karen was eight years old at the time, and the sudden and violent loss of her mother would forever change her life.
Unable to remain home with her due to his job, and without the means to hire a regular babysitter to watch over her, Karen was forced to grow up quickly. Learning to feed herself, take care of the laundry and catch the train to school, she slowly mastered the many things she had once relied upon her mother for. This allowed her father to focus entirely on providing for them without having to worry too much about his daughter.
Four years have passed since that tragic shooting, and while she has managed to move on with her young life, she has never forgotten the harsh lessons that the unforgiving streets of Hub City taught her. It is a broken place, full of broken people, where dreams go to die. It would take a miracle to fix it...
...And that was precisely what she received. While on her way home from school, Karen encountered an elderly man being mugged. Despite her fear, she attempted to intervene. In the struggle with the gunman, he accidentally shot her in the stomach. Dizzy, Karen allowed her eyes to close, only for her to awaken in a mysterious void of stars. Standing upon an obelisk of unimaginable size with a trail of lights as her only guide, Karen walked in silence until she came upon a room filled with wonders the likes of which she never dreamed possible.
At the heart of this room was a throne, and upon this throne sat a very old man. Explaining that he had brought her here to be his successor as the guardian of the Rock of Eternity - the source of all magic, he imbued her with its power. With the primordial arcane energies that sustained him now gone, the ancient Wizard crumbled to dust, as Karen returned to the mortal world, having been changed forever.
Since then, Karen has strived to understand the virtually limitless power at her fingertips, and how she can best use them.
Optional information
Nemesis: Iron Eagle
Allies: The Question, Grim, Blackstar, Vinestalker, The Tiger
Team: None
Powerhouse High Tier
Basic Information
Supervillain Name: Demon Seed
Civilian Name: “Little” Billy Johnson
Origin city/Planet: Coast City, California
Hometown: Transient
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Height: 4’3
Weight: 96 lbs.
Age: 8 Birth Date: March 13th
Costumed Appearance: A bald child wearing the uniform of the Red Lantern Corps
Civilian Appearance: He’s seldom ever out of his Red Lantern outfit.
Icon: The Red Lantern crest
Costumed Personality: Billy is a very, very angry young man who enjoys watching Power Rangers and other superhero/action series. More than anything he hates not getting exactly what he wants, exactly when he wants it, and will raise hell at the slightest of provocations. In fact, it would be fair to say that Billy exists in a constant state of rage, to the point of actually enjoying the feeling of being angry!
Civilian Personality: See above. Billy’s personality is in perfect concert with the desires of The Butcher.
Super abilities:
-Skills: Billy, being eight years old, has precious little in the way of skills besides his boundless aggression towards the world.
Note: Due to Billy's young age and inexperience, he can mostly only use the more basic functions of the Ring after first getting it.
Red Energy Conduit: The rings use red energy, supplied by a Power Battery, which in most cases takes the form of red light. A Red Lantern's ring is one of the most powerful weapons in the known Universe. Red Lantern's ring, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user.
Rage Plasma: The Red Lantern can vomit plasma, which has been described as napalm and acid mixed together, it burns away at anything. It can be surmised that is the internal rages effect on the blood. These flames burn even in space. The effect it has on living beings allows it to ignite the flames of rage in a victims' blood and has the effect of burning through an energy aura of an opponent as well as corrupting other power rings depleting them at an accelerated rate and greatly weakening the structures they create.
Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of Rage energy. This power is unique as it takes the form of rage-energized blood. The ring can project this blood as a blast that has the effect of a concussive blast with high destructive capability. The weapon's power is more an indication of the Rage of the user, rather than their willpower.
Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of Rage energy. The primary function of the Power Ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's rage. A Red Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the appropriate amount of rage necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of red energy, which is a tangible form of pure rage, and they exist only as long as a Red Lantern is fueling it with their rage. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the rage of the Red Lantern creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer's personality. Only a select few Red Lanterns naturally displayed the ability to make construct while the others being required to consume their blood in order to gain the ability to create them.
Force Field: The ring can create force fields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others around him. With the cosmic duties of the ring wielder, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force field around the wearer, protecting them from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder. Theoretically, a ring wielder could use the ring as their sole source of life support. The force-field seems to be created instantaneously, though whether this is due to programming or an instinctive reaction from intensive training has not been established.
Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitation and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds.
Rage Infection: The Red Power Ring is capable of infecting others with the rage of the Red Lantern, which can lead to them being converted to the Red Lantern Cause.
Rage Empowerment: the Red Lantern ring is unique in that its base of power, Rage, can be manipulated by the ring user. A Red Lantern can detect the rage in the heart of others and by connection the heart that pumps that blood. The rage and hatred of an individual red lantern empowers their abilities as well as the rage and hatred of others.
Black Lantern Resistance: As the Black Lanterns favor attacking and killing their victims by ripping their hearts out, the Red Lanterns can survive the attack for as long as their wrath burns bright.
-Gadgets: None
-Weapons: Red Lantern Ring
Civilian Occupation: Formerly school, when not suspended
Character History/Origin:
“Little” Billy Johnson grew up in a Middle-class home to loving parents. Loving parents who provided him everything he’d ever wanted…which is good, because he would accept nothing less, and made sure everyone knew it. For you see, Little Billy wasn’t just any child, he was special. And people need to just SHUT UP and do whatever special kids say!
Billy has been expelled and suspended from multiple schools because both the other kids and the teachers failed to understand this. They would refuse to give him their toys when he wanted them, or would try to punish him. He showed them by stabbing them in the ear with a pencil, or pushing them down the stairs!
People never understood that he was just more important than them. More SPECIAL than them. They were too DUMB to just listen to what he said, so he had to keep hurting them!
But them something really STUPID and UNFAIR happened. He got sick. The really dumb doctors started forcing him to do these “treatments” that made his hair fall out, then told his parents he was going to die! That just made him even angrier!! Why should he, who was so much more special than everyone else have to die?! All those stupid people should be the ones to die!!
Now some stupid idiots from some “Make a Wish” foundation are coming to see him. Finally people who will listen to him!! IT’S GOING TO BE SO FUN!!
Optional information
Nemesis: Emerald Knight, Green Lanterns in general
Allies: Red Lantern Corps
Supervillain Name: Demon Seed
Civilian Name: “Little” Billy Johnson
Origin city/Planet: Coast City, California
Hometown: Transient
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Height: 4’3
Weight: 96 lbs.
Age: 8 Birth Date: March 13th
Costumed Appearance: A bald child wearing the uniform of the Red Lantern Corps
Civilian Appearance: He’s seldom ever out of his Red Lantern outfit.
Icon: The Red Lantern crest
Costumed Personality: Billy is a very, very angry young man who enjoys watching Power Rangers and other superhero/action series. More than anything he hates not getting exactly what he wants, exactly when he wants it, and will raise hell at the slightest of provocations. In fact, it would be fair to say that Billy exists in a constant state of rage, to the point of actually enjoying the feeling of being angry!
Civilian Personality: See above. Billy’s personality is in perfect concert with the desires of The Butcher.
Super abilities:
-Skills: Billy, being eight years old, has precious little in the way of skills besides his boundless aggression towards the world.
Note: Due to Billy's young age and inexperience, he can mostly only use the more basic functions of the Ring after first getting it.
Red Energy Conduit: The rings use red energy, supplied by a Power Battery, which in most cases takes the form of red light. A Red Lantern's ring is one of the most powerful weapons in the known Universe. Red Lantern's ring, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user.
Rage Plasma: The Red Lantern can vomit plasma, which has been described as napalm and acid mixed together, it burns away at anything. It can be surmised that is the internal rages effect on the blood. These flames burn even in space. The effect it has on living beings allows it to ignite the flames of rage in a victims' blood and has the effect of burning through an energy aura of an opponent as well as corrupting other power rings depleting them at an accelerated rate and greatly weakening the structures they create.
Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of Rage energy. This power is unique as it takes the form of rage-energized blood. The ring can project this blood as a blast that has the effect of a concussive blast with high destructive capability. The weapon's power is more an indication of the Rage of the user, rather than their willpower.
Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of Rage energy. The primary function of the Power Ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's rage. A Red Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the appropriate amount of rage necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of red energy, which is a tangible form of pure rage, and they exist only as long as a Red Lantern is fueling it with their rage. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the rage of the Red Lantern creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer's personality. Only a select few Red Lanterns naturally displayed the ability to make construct while the others being required to consume their blood in order to gain the ability to create them.
Force Field: The ring can create force fields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others around him. With the cosmic duties of the ring wielder, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force field around the wearer, protecting them from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder. Theoretically, a ring wielder could use the ring as their sole source of life support. The force-field seems to be created instantaneously, though whether this is due to programming or an instinctive reaction from intensive training has not been established.
Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitation and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds.
Rage Infection: The Red Power Ring is capable of infecting others with the rage of the Red Lantern, which can lead to them being converted to the Red Lantern Cause.
Rage Empowerment: the Red Lantern ring is unique in that its base of power, Rage, can be manipulated by the ring user. A Red Lantern can detect the rage in the heart of others and by connection the heart that pumps that blood. The rage and hatred of an individual red lantern empowers their abilities as well as the rage and hatred of others.
Black Lantern Resistance: As the Black Lanterns favor attacking and killing their victims by ripping their hearts out, the Red Lanterns can survive the attack for as long as their wrath burns bright.
-Gadgets: None
-Weapons: Red Lantern Ring
Civilian Occupation: Formerly school, when not suspended
Character History/Origin:
“Little” Billy Johnson grew up in a Middle-class home to loving parents. Loving parents who provided him everything he’d ever wanted…which is good, because he would accept nothing less, and made sure everyone knew it. For you see, Little Billy wasn’t just any child, he was special. And people need to just SHUT UP and do whatever special kids say!
Billy has been expelled and suspended from multiple schools because both the other kids and the teachers failed to understand this. They would refuse to give him their toys when he wanted them, or would try to punish him. He showed them by stabbing them in the ear with a pencil, or pushing them down the stairs!
People never understood that he was just more important than them. More SPECIAL than them. They were too DUMB to just listen to what he said, so he had to keep hurting them!
But them something really STUPID and UNFAIR happened. He got sick. The really dumb doctors started forcing him to do these “treatments” that made his hair fall out, then told his parents he was going to die! That just made him even angrier!! Why should he, who was so much more special than everyone else have to die?! All those stupid people should be the ones to die!!
Now some stupid idiots from some “Make a Wish” foundation are coming to see him. Finally people who will listen to him!! IT’S GOING TO BE SO FUN!!
Optional information
Nemesis: Emerald Knight, Green Lanterns in general
Allies: Red Lantern Corps
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