"It's nice to meet you! My name is Sayuri, after the flower."
Character Theme - Shunkan Sentimental
【Full Name】
日食 小百合 Nisshoku, Sayuri
The All-Seeing Eye
Amekage’s assistant/pupil - Chunin
【Birth Country】
Land of Fire
【Current Village】
Mostly herself, she does not feel loyalty as strongly as some others.
【Shinobi Rank】
C+ — B- rank
While Sayuri’s father was incredibly strict and pushed her to limits most parents wouldn’t dream of she has maintained a truly jovial nature. She is always upbeat in her outwards attitude, even when fighting what may be her last fight. Due to her upbringing which was focused on pure physical training and very little Ninjutsu or Genjutsu offensive techniques, her training was incredibly demanding. Her father would continually beat her to the point of unconsciousness, and as such it has become something Sayuri is accustomed to. She seeks a fight in which she doesn’t know she can win.
However when she is not training or in a fight Sayuri is often times incredibly lazy. Preferring to curl up and watch the Amegakure rain rather than go to work for the Amekage. That isn’t to say she doesn’t take her job seriously, while she is doing it she performs at 100%. It’s just getting her there that is the issue presented. She is also fairly well known for wearing her pajamas whenever she’s at home, walking around with a blanket wrapped around her. The girl is really quite eccentric, even going as far as getting food delivered to the office of the Amekage during meetings. But she is an invaluable asset as no clan native to Amegakure are in possession of a Dojutsu. As such her position to the Amekage is as an incredibly valued asset.
While her ability to use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu is incredibly blasé she is well practiced fighting against the techniques, as any Taijutsu-centric Shinobi should be. Most of her training with the Amekage has been in this regard and training with an S-Class Shinobi has greatly bolstered her general preparedness against the other two major pathways for Shinobi. Her Byakugan as well gives her a noticeable edge against Genjutsu. Her favourite type of combatant is one that specializes in Bukijutsu, as it gives an incredibly unique challenge for her. As such she has been known to take a solo campaign against raiding bandits in the area. This has actually garnered quite a bit of popularity in the local region of Amegakure, even nabbing the girl a few discounts here and there from local restaurants.
Her team can typically do without her over the top attitude, but she generally has their backs. However she has her own unique way of dealing with the two of them, but more specifically Kaito. He enjoys being praised and Sayuri has made certain she is his number one supporter. Though he doesn’t approve of her having a Kekkei Genkai he will never obtain, she often avoids using it on team missions. Preferring to stick to techniques that he has worked to gain in order to win his approval.
Sayuri was born into the main branch of the Hyuga clan. But that life of luxury and fortunate circumstance would not last long. For reasons her father refused to explain to her, her mother and he were banished from the clan. In reality it was a complicated situation of people knowing too much about each other. The off-branch of the Hyuga, the Otsutsuki clan had thrust themselves into the main branch attempting to recapture the glory of the clan for themselves. They were sick of being treated as second-rate members of the clan and they had the perfect situation to force themselves in. When Sayuri’s father spoke out about this, as his wife was about to have a child who would thusly be the next head of the clan he was forced from the main branch by the rest of the clan. The person who forced their way into the main branch was a powerful kunoichi, as she was dying she threatened the life of every single member of the clan and under duress they promised take a single child into the main branch. All but one man opposed and to preserve the clan he was expelled.
Sayuri was raised in Amegakure and had a fairly uneventful life. Her father told her that she was gifted with glorious opportunity to right a wrong that had been committed by many men and women. Amegakure’s harsher nature came in handy for their training, as he would beat her until the training could not go on any further. This training was especially egregious in order to unlock the Byakugan as early in her life as possible. She was only five when it awakened. He was an incredibly vicious man and Sayuri explained him to others as a tiger an apex predator. Sayuri wasn’t placed into the Amegakure academy. In fact her entire experience as a Kunoichi was incredibly strange and against the grain.
Her father brought her before the Amekage and told her to activate her Byakugan, she did so and bowed to her. She nodded, and decided to speak with her father privately. She had been told that while their true name was Hyuga they must never use it. On that day she received her new family name. Nisshoku, the eclipse. It felt fairly fitting for what her father wanted out of her.
By the time the Chunin exams rolled around she was taken to them by the Amekage, she had been a part of a few team-missions with other Genin as support, but she didn’t belong to a squad. While they watched the matches the Amekage would explain to her that next year she would be able to attend them. She felt a swell of anxiousness, not in fear or hesitation, but in a chance to prove herself.
During the lead up to the year she was taught a large amount of information about combatting Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and how to use her fighting style to her advantage. Her father taught her quite a bit about what you could learn about a combatant by how they started a fight. Should they primarily use Ninjutsu or Taijutsu they tended to start with a more physical fight, if it was Genjutsu they would keep range and attempt to find an opening to land their first technique. She was taught to learn the distinction because her fights could be one in a mere instant. If she learned well enough she could learn how to tell what kind of fighter they were.
The way in which she was trained for the Chunin exams she was taught that for her fighting style to pay off she needed to be able to beat any combatant in a straight Taijutsu fight. Most of them would have far greater versatility than she did and range. As such she needed to be capable of making the fight physical and have the confidence to win no matter the opponent in that regard.
She was taught the Hakkeshō Kaiten and the Shōtei method of fighting in order to deal with Ninjutsu based opponents and she was taught the importance of pain if she were to be caught in Genjutsu. Her Byakugan gave her an advantage over others when it came to defense against the Byakugan but she still had a lot to learn.
When the Chunin exams finally came around they were held in Amegakure, and as such the Amekage announced that the theme would be superiority. Not relying on your teammates, or on hiding, but three rounds of single combat to judge who was worthy of moving onto becoming a Chunin.
As soon as word got out that a Kunoichi would be fighting who had never been in a Genin three man squad the stands were sparking with rumors. It was during her first fight that those sparks would be increased into full on flames of chatter, roaring applause. She was quickly a fan favourite.
As Sayuri approached the area to enter the arena her father pulled her aside. “Sayuri, you may use your gentle fist, but you cannot use your Byakugan. None must know of your status as the true heir.” He whispered, his words felt heavy and viscous. The pounding rain was the only sound as she nodded to her father and walked into the open arena, as the crowd stopped speaking and a silence fell over the area.
“Sayuri Nisshoku.” She said to the Seiki-hei, who nodded to her. Her combatant introduced himself but she paid no heed as she began to stretch for the fight ahead of her. Her brown hair was already matted down to her back, soaked in by the rain. Her opponent must not have been from Amegakure, as he was wearing a cloak. This was a fairly common thing for every day occurrences in Amegakure, however everyone from the village knew during a test it was simply a nuisance.
“SENTOU KAISHI.” The Seiki-Hei shouted to uproarious cheering from the audience. The young boy wasted no time advancing towards her, but he kept his pace under control. By the time they were only a few feet apart, he lunched in with a punch and Sayuri slapped his hand away, striking him with her palm in the center of his chest. This sent him reeling back, coughing up his breath that he seemed to have held.
That was a poor choice, Sayuri thought to herself as she grabbed the cloak and sent a fairly light kick towards his leg, pushing him off of his feet and onto the ground. She stared at the Seiki-hei as she proceeded to strike his back with her palm, expelling chakra into his body and causing severe damage to his internal organs. The proctor stopped the fight and Sayuri stood back up, bowing to the boy who laid in a heap and towards the audience before leaving. The crowd was stunned.
As her second match started she was praised by her father for her quick victory. She walked back into the arena and this time there was no applause nor was there silence. People began to whisper about the girl.
Once more her match began and once more her opponent charged in. But this time they were weaving handseals. That meant there was something they could stand to lose. The young boy’s eyes shone red and he seemed to have multiple pupils, this was certainly a Dojutsu like her Byakugan. It was too bad she couldn’t use her own in order to combat it.
He expelled multiple balls of fire from his mouth as he leapt up over them, anticipating her to jump to avoid them. Instead she braced her foot towards the ground and jumped, but not nearly high enough to dodge the fire. She was spinning rapidly through the air, sending small droplets of rain in every direction. She heard her opponent chuckle to himself as she began to expel chakra through every Tenketsu in her body.
“Hakkeshō Kaiten!” She exclaimed as the wall of chakra formed around her blocking the fire. The boy was already on a trajectory towards her and fell right into the rotation, getting blown back by her technique. But this boy was much more resilient than the last.
As she looked for him once more she caught the red of his eyes and she found herself suddenly sinking into the ground.
Some kind of Earth technique? But, no. That didn’t make sense, he didn’t perform any handseals. Genjutsu? As she continued to sink into the ground she reached into her kunai pouch and sharply grabbed one of them, opening a thin wound on the palm of her hand and allowing her to see her opponent sprinting towards her with a kunai.
Sayuri immediately launched into a back spring catching herself with her hands and avoiding the kunai. She flipped up backwards over top the boy, showing off her dominant physical strength before catching the boy with a spinning heel drop over the back of his head.
The Chunin exams came to a close and by the end of them, Sayuri was somewhat of a local legend. Where had Amegakure been hiding this girl and why wasn’t she part of a three man cell?
That status would only get even more confirmation after one faithful day spent waiting for the Amekage to get out of a meeting. Whenever the Amekage was in a meeting there was a fairly strict code of conduct for Sayuri. First she was to activate her Byakugan and check for anyone preparing Jutsu, hiding things, or people who may be attempting foul play. Should none of those boxes be checked she was to wait in the Amekage’s office until the meeting had finished. Once the meeting was finished the Amekage would either begin training her or give her a task as the Amekage’s assistant. This meeting no boxes were ticked and as such Sayuri awaited her master.
When she did exit the meeting she greeted Sayuri as she normally did and scooted the young girl out of her seat and explained that there were bandits attacked the outskirts of the village and asked if Sayuri would like to handle it. It was the first solo-outing she had been offered and she snapped it up immediately.
Perhaps a more cautious Kunoichi would’ve attempted to use stealth and their knowledge of the surroundings to their advantage. However, Sayuri wanted a fight and she wanted a damn good one. Thusly she approached the town on the main road and simply walked into the gate. A man with a katana and a large scar that traveled down his throat to his chest introduced himself as the man in charge. Other bandits also approached from around her.
She quietly activated her Byakugan but it seemed the bandits didn’t really understand why her veins had suddenly strengthened. They explained that they were from another smaller village and that their crops had died out this season. They had come to take what they needed when they were attacked by some traveling Seiki-hei and decided that they’d had enough of the treatment the border villages had gotten.
Sayuri nodded and agreed that their treatment could’ve been better, but told them that she represented the Amekage and that she would need to kill them for what they had done. The bandits erupted into laughter as Sayuri took a deep breath.
She had been working on a technique that would let her more aptly handle massive odds like these and even increase her lethality when using Shōtei. A golden aura enveloped her person as the first bandit charged her. She allowed her breath to move through her like a current and as soon as he was within striking distance she lunged out and struck him. She struck him hard and fast enough to see a large amount of Tenketsu around his diaphragm seize up leaving him sputtering and coughing on the ground.
The man with the katana was next up but as soon as he unsheathed her Sayuri was upon him, leaping up and over a fence and sending a spinning kick directly to his temple. He rolled through the mud and attempted to run the girl through with his sword. She caught it between her palms and spun it out of his hand before following that up with a Hakke Kūshō that shut the Tenketsu around his lungs and throat. She awaited the next few combatants, hoping they would start attacking en masse, she could only spend so long in the form, and she was getting bored.
Once the village was back under control she apologized to those that survived the encounter for her getting there as late as she did. But they simply nodded and watched the girl take her leave.
Shortly after the Chunin exams she was given a squad with another new Shinobi. His name was Kaito Chosokabe.
At first he was incredibly abrasive when she revealed her Byakugan to him. Thusly, she began to not use it when they were on mission together. She also learned that praising him was an incredibly welcome tactic in his eyes and made their interactions much more bearable and positive. It was on one faithful mission as a team that their relationship would change.
During the mission she failed to perceive a threat to their third member of the team and he suffered for it. This was because she didn’t have her Byakugan activated at the time. He told her in no short words that if she was going to be on his team she had to fight as hard as she could. While he despised that she got an easy win through Kekkei Genkai, he despised the idea of his team being dragged down by her lack of effort even more.
She knew that he was right and from that point forward did not hold back around the young man. They were odd friends, seeing as they were so different, but they quickly came to know each other and understand one another. They would help the other achieve their goals if they had their way.
日食 小百合 Nisshoku, Sayuri
The All-Seeing Eye
Amekage’s assistant/pupil - Chunin
【Birth Country】
Land of Fire
【Current Village】
Mostly herself, she does not feel loyalty as strongly as some others.
【Shinobi Rank】
C+ — B- rank
While Sayuri’s father was incredibly strict and pushed her to limits most parents wouldn’t dream of she has maintained a truly jovial nature. She is always upbeat in her outwards attitude, even when fighting what may be her last fight. Due to her upbringing which was focused on pure physical training and very little Ninjutsu or Genjutsu offensive techniques, her training was incredibly demanding. Her father would continually beat her to the point of unconsciousness, and as such it has become something Sayuri is accustomed to. She seeks a fight in which she doesn’t know she can win.
However when she is not training or in a fight Sayuri is often times incredibly lazy. Preferring to curl up and watch the Amegakure rain rather than go to work for the Amekage. That isn’t to say she doesn’t take her job seriously, while she is doing it she performs at 100%. It’s just getting her there that is the issue presented. She is also fairly well known for wearing her pajamas whenever she’s at home, walking around with a blanket wrapped around her. The girl is really quite eccentric, even going as far as getting food delivered to the office of the Amekage during meetings. But she is an invaluable asset as no clan native to Amegakure are in possession of a Dojutsu. As such her position to the Amekage is as an incredibly valued asset.
While her ability to use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu is incredibly blasé she is well practiced fighting against the techniques, as any Taijutsu-centric Shinobi should be. Most of her training with the Amekage has been in this regard and training with an S-Class Shinobi has greatly bolstered her general preparedness against the other two major pathways for Shinobi. Her Byakugan as well gives her a noticeable edge against Genjutsu. Her favourite type of combatant is one that specializes in Bukijutsu, as it gives an incredibly unique challenge for her. As such she has been known to take a solo campaign against raiding bandits in the area. This has actually garnered quite a bit of popularity in the local region of Amegakure, even nabbing the girl a few discounts here and there from local restaurants.
Her team can typically do without her over the top attitude, but she generally has their backs. However she has her own unique way of dealing with the two of them, but more specifically Kaito. He enjoys being praised and Sayuri has made certain she is his number one supporter. Though he doesn’t approve of her having a Kekkei Genkai he will never obtain, she often avoids using it on team missions. Preferring to stick to techniques that he has worked to gain in order to win his approval.
Sayuri was born into the main branch of the Hyuga clan. But that life of luxury and fortunate circumstance would not last long. For reasons her father refused to explain to her, her mother and he were banished from the clan. In reality it was a complicated situation of people knowing too much about each other. The off-branch of the Hyuga, the Otsutsuki clan had thrust themselves into the main branch attempting to recapture the glory of the clan for themselves. They were sick of being treated as second-rate members of the clan and they had the perfect situation to force themselves in. When Sayuri’s father spoke out about this, as his wife was about to have a child who would thusly be the next head of the clan he was forced from the main branch by the rest of the clan. The person who forced their way into the main branch was a powerful kunoichi, as she was dying she threatened the life of every single member of the clan and under duress they promised take a single child into the main branch. All but one man opposed and to preserve the clan he was expelled.
Sayuri was raised in Amegakure and had a fairly uneventful life. Her father told her that she was gifted with glorious opportunity to right a wrong that had been committed by many men and women. Amegakure’s harsher nature came in handy for their training, as he would beat her until the training could not go on any further. This training was especially egregious in order to unlock the Byakugan as early in her life as possible. She was only five when it awakened. He was an incredibly vicious man and Sayuri explained him to others as a tiger an apex predator. Sayuri wasn’t placed into the Amegakure academy. In fact her entire experience as a Kunoichi was incredibly strange and against the grain.
Her father brought her before the Amekage and told her to activate her Byakugan, she did so and bowed to her. She nodded, and decided to speak with her father privately. She had been told that while their true name was Hyuga they must never use it. On that day she received her new family name. Nisshoku, the eclipse. It felt fairly fitting for what her father wanted out of her.
By the time the Chunin exams rolled around she was taken to them by the Amekage, she had been a part of a few team-missions with other Genin as support, but she didn’t belong to a squad. While they watched the matches the Amekage would explain to her that next year she would be able to attend them. She felt a swell of anxiousness, not in fear or hesitation, but in a chance to prove herself.
During the lead up to the year she was taught a large amount of information about combatting Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and how to use her fighting style to her advantage. Her father taught her quite a bit about what you could learn about a combatant by how they started a fight. Should they primarily use Ninjutsu or Taijutsu they tended to start with a more physical fight, if it was Genjutsu they would keep range and attempt to find an opening to land their first technique. She was taught to learn the distinction because her fights could be one in a mere instant. If she learned well enough she could learn how to tell what kind of fighter they were.
The way in which she was trained for the Chunin exams she was taught that for her fighting style to pay off she needed to be able to beat any combatant in a straight Taijutsu fight. Most of them would have far greater versatility than she did and range. As such she needed to be capable of making the fight physical and have the confidence to win no matter the opponent in that regard.
She was taught the Hakkeshō Kaiten and the Shōtei method of fighting in order to deal with Ninjutsu based opponents and she was taught the importance of pain if she were to be caught in Genjutsu. Her Byakugan gave her an advantage over others when it came to defense against the Byakugan but she still had a lot to learn.
When the Chunin exams finally came around they were held in Amegakure, and as such the Amekage announced that the theme would be superiority. Not relying on your teammates, or on hiding, but three rounds of single combat to judge who was worthy of moving onto becoming a Chunin.
As soon as word got out that a Kunoichi would be fighting who had never been in a Genin three man squad the stands were sparking with rumors. It was during her first fight that those sparks would be increased into full on flames of chatter, roaring applause. She was quickly a fan favourite.
As Sayuri approached the area to enter the arena her father pulled her aside. “Sayuri, you may use your gentle fist, but you cannot use your Byakugan. None must know of your status as the true heir.” He whispered, his words felt heavy and viscous. The pounding rain was the only sound as she nodded to her father and walked into the open arena, as the crowd stopped speaking and a silence fell over the area.
“Sayuri Nisshoku.” She said to the Seiki-hei, who nodded to her. Her combatant introduced himself but she paid no heed as she began to stretch for the fight ahead of her. Her brown hair was already matted down to her back, soaked in by the rain. Her opponent must not have been from Amegakure, as he was wearing a cloak. This was a fairly common thing for every day occurrences in Amegakure, however everyone from the village knew during a test it was simply a nuisance.
“SENTOU KAISHI.” The Seiki-Hei shouted to uproarious cheering from the audience. The young boy wasted no time advancing towards her, but he kept his pace under control. By the time they were only a few feet apart, he lunched in with a punch and Sayuri slapped his hand away, striking him with her palm in the center of his chest. This sent him reeling back, coughing up his breath that he seemed to have held.
That was a poor choice, Sayuri thought to herself as she grabbed the cloak and sent a fairly light kick towards his leg, pushing him off of his feet and onto the ground. She stared at the Seiki-hei as she proceeded to strike his back with her palm, expelling chakra into his body and causing severe damage to his internal organs. The proctor stopped the fight and Sayuri stood back up, bowing to the boy who laid in a heap and towards the audience before leaving. The crowd was stunned.
As her second match started she was praised by her father for her quick victory. She walked back into the arena and this time there was no applause nor was there silence. People began to whisper about the girl.
Once more her match began and once more her opponent charged in. But this time they were weaving handseals. That meant there was something they could stand to lose. The young boy’s eyes shone red and he seemed to have multiple pupils, this was certainly a Dojutsu like her Byakugan. It was too bad she couldn’t use her own in order to combat it.
He expelled multiple balls of fire from his mouth as he leapt up over them, anticipating her to jump to avoid them. Instead she braced her foot towards the ground and jumped, but not nearly high enough to dodge the fire. She was spinning rapidly through the air, sending small droplets of rain in every direction. She heard her opponent chuckle to himself as she began to expel chakra through every Tenketsu in her body.
“Hakkeshō Kaiten!” She exclaimed as the wall of chakra formed around her blocking the fire. The boy was already on a trajectory towards her and fell right into the rotation, getting blown back by her technique. But this boy was much more resilient than the last.
As she looked for him once more she caught the red of his eyes and she found herself suddenly sinking into the ground.
Some kind of Earth technique? But, no. That didn’t make sense, he didn’t perform any handseals. Genjutsu? As she continued to sink into the ground she reached into her kunai pouch and sharply grabbed one of them, opening a thin wound on the palm of her hand and allowing her to see her opponent sprinting towards her with a kunai.
Sayuri immediately launched into a back spring catching herself with her hands and avoiding the kunai. She flipped up backwards over top the boy, showing off her dominant physical strength before catching the boy with a spinning heel drop over the back of his head.
The Chunin exams came to a close and by the end of them, Sayuri was somewhat of a local legend. Where had Amegakure been hiding this girl and why wasn’t she part of a three man cell?
That status would only get even more confirmation after one faithful day spent waiting for the Amekage to get out of a meeting. Whenever the Amekage was in a meeting there was a fairly strict code of conduct for Sayuri. First she was to activate her Byakugan and check for anyone preparing Jutsu, hiding things, or people who may be attempting foul play. Should none of those boxes be checked she was to wait in the Amekage’s office until the meeting had finished. Once the meeting was finished the Amekage would either begin training her or give her a task as the Amekage’s assistant. This meeting no boxes were ticked and as such Sayuri awaited her master.
When she did exit the meeting she greeted Sayuri as she normally did and scooted the young girl out of her seat and explained that there were bandits attacked the outskirts of the village and asked if Sayuri would like to handle it. It was the first solo-outing she had been offered and she snapped it up immediately.
Perhaps a more cautious Kunoichi would’ve attempted to use stealth and their knowledge of the surroundings to their advantage. However, Sayuri wanted a fight and she wanted a damn good one. Thusly she approached the town on the main road and simply walked into the gate. A man with a katana and a large scar that traveled down his throat to his chest introduced himself as the man in charge. Other bandits also approached from around her.
She quietly activated her Byakugan but it seemed the bandits didn’t really understand why her veins had suddenly strengthened. They explained that they were from another smaller village and that their crops had died out this season. They had come to take what they needed when they were attacked by some traveling Seiki-hei and decided that they’d had enough of the treatment the border villages had gotten.
Sayuri nodded and agreed that their treatment could’ve been better, but told them that she represented the Amekage and that she would need to kill them for what they had done. The bandits erupted into laughter as Sayuri took a deep breath.
She had been working on a technique that would let her more aptly handle massive odds like these and even increase her lethality when using Shōtei. A golden aura enveloped her person as the first bandit charged her. She allowed her breath to move through her like a current and as soon as he was within striking distance she lunged out and struck him. She struck him hard and fast enough to see a large amount of Tenketsu around his diaphragm seize up leaving him sputtering and coughing on the ground.
The man with the katana was next up but as soon as he unsheathed her Sayuri was upon him, leaping up and over a fence and sending a spinning kick directly to his temple. He rolled through the mud and attempted to run the girl through with his sword. She caught it between her palms and spun it out of his hand before following that up with a Hakke Kūshō that shut the Tenketsu around his lungs and throat. She awaited the next few combatants, hoping they would start attacking en masse, she could only spend so long in the form, and she was getting bored.
Once the village was back under control she apologized to those that survived the encounter for her getting there as late as she did. But they simply nodded and watched the girl take her leave.
Shortly after the Chunin exams she was given a squad with another new Shinobi. His name was Kaito Chosokabe.
At first he was incredibly abrasive when she revealed her Byakugan to him. Thusly, she began to not use it when they were on mission together. She also learned that praising him was an incredibly welcome tactic in his eyes and made their interactions much more bearable and positive. It was on one faithful mission as a team that their relationship would change.
During the mission she failed to perceive a threat to their third member of the team and he suffered for it. This was because she didn’t have her Byakugan activated at the time. He told her in no short words that if she was going to be on his team she had to fight as hard as she could. While he despised that she got an easy win through Kekkei Genkai, he despised the idea of his team being dragged down by her lack of effort even more.
She knew that he was right and from that point forward did not hold back around the young man. They were odd friends, seeing as they were so different, but they quickly came to know each other and understand one another. They would help the other achieve their goals if they had their way.
【Chakra Nature(s)】
【Abilities and Special Traits】
Fantastic Taijutsu form, notable excellence in Hyuga Kekkei Genkai-based Jutsu.
Strong Tenketsu-based Chakra control, above average Chakra pool.
Vast physical prowess and stamina
Absolutely no offensive Ninjutsu or Genjutsu knowledge.
Some(/currently) training on defensive measures against Genjutsu/Ninjutsu.
Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
15x Kunai (keeps these on a pouch on the side of her thigh
【Hiden Jutsu】
Name of Hiden Jutsu: Byakugan
Clan: Hyuga
【Canon Jutsu】
Byakugan (Range: 12 km)
Shichi Tenkohō (Please see Custom for detailed information)
Hakkeshō Kaiten
Hakke Kūshō
Jūkenhō Ichigekishin
【Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Shichi Tenkohō - Daiichi Kassei七天呼法 第一活性(Seven Heavens Breathing Method – First Activation)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Yang
Description: The first of the seven heavenly breaths generates a notable but dim yellow glow around Sayuri. This is her Chakra molding with the oxygen around her. The first breath is perhaps the most notable as it is the gateway to the technique in general. It allows her to access her Seven Heavens techniques and also increases her physical strength and speed two-fold. The major difference between the Eight Trigrams and this technique is that while both techniques draw from a user’s Chakra pool, this technique supplants much of that by utilizing advanced breathing techniques. All of that to say that the limiting factor in this technique is stamina and not chakra. Though this technique still utilizes a fair amount of chakra.
Weakness: The lowest rank of Seven Heavens is the technique with the least weaknesses. Outside of general Taijutsu based weaknesses and the other stages of this technique there isn’t a clear single exploitable weakness though this form is tiring to use.
Name of Technique: Shichi Tenkohō – Daini Kassei 七天呼法 第一活性
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Yang
Description: The second of seven heavenly breaths main visual cue is the golden chakra/oxygen combination featuring blue tints due to there no longer being equal amounts of chakra and oxygen. Rather, the chakra is more present. The relevant combat effects are as follows. Due to the chakra around the body collecting further oxygen, much like the effect an owl’s wings has on the air, movement is entirely silent. Note that this applies only to movement without collision. Walking, running and the related actions will sound the same. The boon to physical strength and speed is now three-fold. She is able to move at speeds that look as though they are a blur and are incredibly difficult to track for a regular combatant, less so with Dojutsu.
Weakness: The primary weakness of this form is that its offered stealth capabilities will not be effective for a grounded user. While aerial ambushes are possible, activating the first two stages of this Jutsu for an aerial ambush is no easier than simply throwing a kunai for an aerial ambush. The usefulness of the lack of sound is not based around ambushes. This stage cannot be activated without first activating the first stage. This form is exhaustive to use after long enough bouts without turning it off.
Name of Technique: Shichi Tenkohō – Daisan Kassei七天呼法 第三活性
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Yang
Description: Visually, activating this level of Shichi Tenkohō will cause the user’s skin to turn red as their blood flow has increased immensely. There are three primary boons associated with this stage. The first is that striking power and speed are once more increased to now four times the original. The second boon is that reaction time is boosted to that matching a single tomoe Sharingan. This allows them to predict based on tension in muscles. Sayuri can use this technique in combination with her Byakugan to also predict based on Tenketsu exertion. The third and final boon offered by this form is that it can be activated first, should she choose. Skipping the first two forms.
Weakness: There are a plethora of reasons why this form can be very difficult to use. But primarily it is that Sayuri is not used to moving at four times her speed. While she is helped by the slight bump in her reaction time, it becomes difficult to make nuanced movement. She prefers to use direct paths to the opponent as turning while at full sprint is nigh-impossible without having planned to do so at the beginning of the sprint. Sayuri can maintain this form for an even shorter period of time having trouble supplying enough oxygen to her body. In this form Sayuri has a very large amount of chakra in use around her body. Because of this any technique that drains chakra would prove incredibly lethal due to how much is in constant use.
Name of Technique: Jika Hidoi 直ひどい (Straight Gibbous)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Description: A counter-attack primarily, when Sayuri is attacked she can counter with a palm bottom to the opposing limb. By doing this and expelling chakra straight down the limb. In doing so all Tenketsu hit by this shockwave will be closed by it, effectively disabling an entire limb with a single palm strike. The effectiveness is directly related to how much Chakra is expelled by the user.
Weakness: The opponent’s attack must be successfully countered head on for this technique to have its full effect.
Name of Technique: Engetsu Junban 偃月順番 (Turning Crescent)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Range: 1m
Nature Type: N/A
Description: This technique can only be utilized while in one of the Seven Breath forms, preferably the first. By utilizing Hakkeshō Kaiten while being able to move at much greater speeds the user changes the technique somewhat, unlike the Kaiten which simply puts up a wall of Chakra that is hollow, this technique floods the area around the user with chakra and the orb is not hollow. Thusly it can be used to trap an opponent who is close to the user.
Weakness: Due to the nature of this technique it is incredibly draining. The weakness of this technique is that it can only be used at a short ranged distance while it covers a 360 degree field around the user it does not extend very far past the user's own body. While typically Kaiten can be expanded this technique cannot.
Name of Technique: Manpai Kita 満杯北 (Full North)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: B
Range: 20m
Nature Type: N/A
Description: Only usable in Third Breath and above. Utilizing the increased strength gathered from the Third Breath state and utilizing Shōtei and Hakke Kūshō Sayuri is able to send out a shotgun blast-like effect of the Hakke Kūshō. Due to the far greater power behind the attack and using the methodology of targeting vitals rather than Tenketsu from Shōtei it can incapacitate an enemy with lethal efficiency.
Weakness: This technique can only travel in a straight line.
Name of Technique: Hakkeshō: Shin Hōkō 八卦掌: 新方向(Eight Trigrams: New Direction)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: D
Range: 5m
Nature Type: N/A
Description: This technique utilizes the momentum of the rotation spin without exerting the chakra. It is typically used in order to rapidly spin away from a technique, however it can also be used in order to spin towards an opponent to close a gap, or even fake an opponent out by making it look like the user is about to activate Kaiten. Of course, if necessary the user may begin to exert the chakra required for Kaiten during this spin.
Weakness: This is only really a viable strategy with the Byakugan currently activated. Otherwise the user will be disoriented and will not be able to immediately discern the location of an opponent. Not an offensive technique.
Name of Technique: Hakkeshō: Otoroeru Chikyū 八卦掌: 衰える地球 (Eight Trigrams: Waning Rise)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: B
Range: 15m circle - Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Description: By utilizing the Byakugan to imagine the eight trigram circle around her, Sayuri is capable of closing her Byakugan’s range down to just that 15 meter circle. While this can be incredibly dangerous as it limits much of her reaction time outside of the circle, inside the circle her reaction time is bolstered even more. However that is not the technique at hand. With perfect special awareness within herself and her trigrams she is able to counter physical blows by taking them and expelling a massive amount of chakra through the Jūkenhō Ichigekishin technique, albeit a lesser version. She can do this either as the attack makes contact in order to disable more Tenketsu or just before, in order to preserve her own safety.
Weakness: Significantly decreasing her field of view is easily exploitable and should an opponent discover this weakness this technique is all but useless as simple kunai will prove difficult to react to. The opponent can also choose not to engage in a hand-hand fight with her after suffering this attack once. This technique cannot be turned off until one post after the application of it.
【Abilities and Special Traits】
Fantastic Taijutsu form, notable excellence in Hyuga Kekkei Genkai-based Jutsu.
Strong Tenketsu-based Chakra control, above average Chakra pool.
Vast physical prowess and stamina
Absolutely no offensive Ninjutsu or Genjutsu knowledge.
Some(/currently) training on defensive measures against Genjutsu/Ninjutsu.
Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
15x Kunai (keeps these on a pouch on the side of her thigh
【Hiden Jutsu】
Name of Hiden Jutsu: Byakugan
Clan: Hyuga
【Canon Jutsu】
Byakugan (Range: 12 km)
Shichi Tenkohō (Please see Custom for detailed information)
Hakkeshō Kaiten
Hakke Kūshō
Jūkenhō Ichigekishin
【Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Shichi Tenkohō - Daiichi Kassei七天呼法 第一活性(Seven Heavens Breathing Method – First Activation)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Yang
Description: The first of the seven heavenly breaths generates a notable but dim yellow glow around Sayuri. This is her Chakra molding with the oxygen around her. The first breath is perhaps the most notable as it is the gateway to the technique in general. It allows her to access her Seven Heavens techniques and also increases her physical strength and speed two-fold. The major difference between the Eight Trigrams and this technique is that while both techniques draw from a user’s Chakra pool, this technique supplants much of that by utilizing advanced breathing techniques. All of that to say that the limiting factor in this technique is stamina and not chakra. Though this technique still utilizes a fair amount of chakra.
Weakness: The lowest rank of Seven Heavens is the technique with the least weaknesses. Outside of general Taijutsu based weaknesses and the other stages of this technique there isn’t a clear single exploitable weakness though this form is tiring to use.
Name of Technique: Shichi Tenkohō – Daini Kassei 七天呼法 第一活性
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Yang
Description: The second of seven heavenly breaths main visual cue is the golden chakra/oxygen combination featuring blue tints due to there no longer being equal amounts of chakra and oxygen. Rather, the chakra is more present. The relevant combat effects are as follows. Due to the chakra around the body collecting further oxygen, much like the effect an owl’s wings has on the air, movement is entirely silent. Note that this applies only to movement without collision. Walking, running and the related actions will sound the same. The boon to physical strength and speed is now three-fold. She is able to move at speeds that look as though they are a blur and are incredibly difficult to track for a regular combatant, less so with Dojutsu.
Weakness: The primary weakness of this form is that its offered stealth capabilities will not be effective for a grounded user. While aerial ambushes are possible, activating the first two stages of this Jutsu for an aerial ambush is no easier than simply throwing a kunai for an aerial ambush. The usefulness of the lack of sound is not based around ambushes. This stage cannot be activated without first activating the first stage. This form is exhaustive to use after long enough bouts without turning it off.
Name of Technique: Shichi Tenkohō – Daisan Kassei七天呼法 第三活性
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Yang
Description: Visually, activating this level of Shichi Tenkohō will cause the user’s skin to turn red as their blood flow has increased immensely. There are three primary boons associated with this stage. The first is that striking power and speed are once more increased to now four times the original. The second boon is that reaction time is boosted to that matching a single tomoe Sharingan. This allows them to predict based on tension in muscles. Sayuri can use this technique in combination with her Byakugan to also predict based on Tenketsu exertion. The third and final boon offered by this form is that it can be activated first, should she choose. Skipping the first two forms.
Weakness: There are a plethora of reasons why this form can be very difficult to use. But primarily it is that Sayuri is not used to moving at four times her speed. While she is helped by the slight bump in her reaction time, it becomes difficult to make nuanced movement. She prefers to use direct paths to the opponent as turning while at full sprint is nigh-impossible without having planned to do so at the beginning of the sprint. Sayuri can maintain this form for an even shorter period of time having trouble supplying enough oxygen to her body. In this form Sayuri has a very large amount of chakra in use around her body. Because of this any technique that drains chakra would prove incredibly lethal due to how much is in constant use.
Name of Technique: Jika Hidoi 直ひどい (Straight Gibbous)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Description: A counter-attack primarily, when Sayuri is attacked she can counter with a palm bottom to the opposing limb. By doing this and expelling chakra straight down the limb. In doing so all Tenketsu hit by this shockwave will be closed by it, effectively disabling an entire limb with a single palm strike. The effectiveness is directly related to how much Chakra is expelled by the user.
Weakness: The opponent’s attack must be successfully countered head on for this technique to have its full effect.
Name of Technique: Engetsu Junban 偃月順番 (Turning Crescent)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Range: 1m
Nature Type: N/A
Description: This technique can only be utilized while in one of the Seven Breath forms, preferably the first. By utilizing Hakkeshō Kaiten while being able to move at much greater speeds the user changes the technique somewhat, unlike the Kaiten which simply puts up a wall of Chakra that is hollow, this technique floods the area around the user with chakra and the orb is not hollow. Thusly it can be used to trap an opponent who is close to the user.
Weakness: Due to the nature of this technique it is incredibly draining. The weakness of this technique is that it can only be used at a short ranged distance while it covers a 360 degree field around the user it does not extend very far past the user's own body. While typically Kaiten can be expanded this technique cannot.
Name of Technique: Manpai Kita 満杯北 (Full North)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: B
Range: 20m
Nature Type: N/A
Description: Only usable in Third Breath and above. Utilizing the increased strength gathered from the Third Breath state and utilizing Shōtei and Hakke Kūshō Sayuri is able to send out a shotgun blast-like effect of the Hakke Kūshō. Due to the far greater power behind the attack and using the methodology of targeting vitals rather than Tenketsu from Shōtei it can incapacitate an enemy with lethal efficiency.
Weakness: This technique can only travel in a straight line.
Name of Technique: Hakkeshō: Shin Hōkō 八卦掌: 新方向(Eight Trigrams: New Direction)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: D
Range: 5m
Nature Type: N/A
Description: This technique utilizes the momentum of the rotation spin without exerting the chakra. It is typically used in order to rapidly spin away from a technique, however it can also be used in order to spin towards an opponent to close a gap, or even fake an opponent out by making it look like the user is about to activate Kaiten. Of course, if necessary the user may begin to exert the chakra required for Kaiten during this spin.
Weakness: This is only really a viable strategy with the Byakugan currently activated. Otherwise the user will be disoriented and will not be able to immediately discern the location of an opponent. Not an offensive technique.
Name of Technique: Hakkeshō: Otoroeru Chikyū 八卦掌: 衰える地球 (Eight Trigrams: Waning Rise)
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: B
Range: 15m circle - Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Description: By utilizing the Byakugan to imagine the eight trigram circle around her, Sayuri is capable of closing her Byakugan’s range down to just that 15 meter circle. While this can be incredibly dangerous as it limits much of her reaction time outside of the circle, inside the circle her reaction time is bolstered even more. However that is not the technique at hand. With perfect special awareness within herself and her trigrams she is able to counter physical blows by taking them and expelling a massive amount of chakra through the Jūkenhō Ichigekishin technique, albeit a lesser version. She can do this either as the attack makes contact in order to disable more Tenketsu or just before, in order to preserve her own safety.
Weakness: Significantly decreasing her field of view is easily exploitable and should an opponent discover this weakness this technique is all but useless as simple kunai will prove difficult to react to. The opponent can also choose not to engage in a hand-hand fight with her after suffering this attack once. This technique cannot be turned off until one post after the application of it.
@Reflection, @Syn, idk
History is still being crafted, but it should be up maybe tomorrow night.