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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With a sigh and a shove, Marshall pushed the last chair into place. The classrooms were all set up! There were eight desks to a classroom, with two chairs to a desk: one for the trainer, and one for a Pokemon! After all, they'd all be learning together, so why not let them sit outside of their Pokeballs once in a while? The teacher's desk stood proudly at the front, larger and sturdier than the rest (mostly because the last few desks had been destroyed by over-eager demonstrations). Behind it was a massive electronic screen, capable of accessing information just like a PDA, and it even worked by touch! The wooden floors and walls stood firmly around him, windows letting in the warm rays of the rising sun. Today was it! Today was finally the day! Soon, all the young trainers would be arriving by boat at the city harbor - well, those who weren't already in Alola, at least.

He'd spared no expense on the latest upgrades to the newly-christened Alola Academy, importing everything from the furnishings to the latest Battle Simulators from the Orre region. Naturally, there were plenty of actual, physical fields perfectly prepared for use outside, but there were some things that simulations were perfect for helping to teach. The woods behind the school had been cordoned off for the time being - the area was crawling with wild Pokemon this time of year, and it wouldn't do for a student's first day to see them run afoul of a horde of Pokemon! Not that the Pokemon were particularly violent, but a few could be quite territorial, a lesson Marshall himself had learned his very first year. Not a fun day at all.

The classrooms on the third floor had all been renovated into fully functional dormitories, each with enough room to house two trainers and their teams. There'd been some debate about whether to make them all one-person rooms, but Marshall had insisted. Why go to school if you're not making friends there? And even if the roommates didn't get along at first, it would be a valuable lesson in how to deal with such issues and learning to move past them.

And of course, there were spare rooms in case even that didn't work out.

Stepping outside, he stood at the gates and turned to see the Academy in all its new glory. Repainted, refurbished, and definitely far more up-to-date than it had ever been, the majestic sight of the glorious building brought a big grin to his face. It had been hard work, both the renovations and his own growth into a reliable instructor, but even now, he was proud to be where he was. Still smiling, he gave a sharp whistle. A moment later, a slightly groggy Infernape came leaping down from the rooftop, annoyed at having been awoken from his nap. "Rise and shine, old friend! Today is finally the big day!" He threw a fist in the air, clearly pumped up about it! Infernape, too, placed a weary fist in the air, his own "excitement" designated by a yawn. "That's the spirit! Now, let's see here..."

He pulled out his own PDA, his primary way of remembering all the important things he'd no doubt forget immediately otherwise, and tapped at the screen. "It's 8:30 now, and I'm supposed to be at the Marina at..." He clicked through to his calendar, where a smiling little Clefairy sticker displayed his scheduled arrival... for fifteen minutes ago. "ACK! Infernape, we're late!" Stuffing his PDA back into his pocket, he took off for the city, Infernape quickly taking pace behind him. "I can already see the boat! The students must be waiting! Aaaagh! The Headmaster can't be late on the first daaaaaaaaaaay!!" So declaring, he raced off toward the docks! Even with this comically rough start, he was determined to make sure this was the students' best first year ever!

If they hadn't already left before he could arrive!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cerces22
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Cerces22 Your worst nightmare

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Thortan paced in the academies PokeCenter, his patient, a ratata,
laying on the table. He went over some of his patients notes shaking his head in disbelief.

"I am telling you little buddy, you need to stop going after the oran berries. This is the third time this week that those Gloom got you with stun Spore. Eventually your body will build a tolerance to my medicines." He said sadly. The ratata mewed pitifully towards Thortan.

"That doesn't mean I won't stop healing you, relax." The professor walked over to his cabinet and pulled out a mixture of ingredients. "Since I know you are going to try again for those berries, I decided that I am going to try a new med for you. I been trying to combine cures with know stat boosting medicine.
Hopefully this will not only cure you of your paralysis, but maybe even give you a temporary speed boost."

Thortan began mixing the many ingredients he had on the table. After a few moments he began to blend what he chose together. Soon the mixture began to smoke and froth, Thortan stood back confused as his bowl cracked with a little pop.

"Snap, I thought that would all blend together. Oh well, maybe next time my friend. Here's some of the regular stuff." He sprayed the injured pokemon down and waited. After a minute the young Ratata stood up and stretched itself
out. It nuzzled his hand and took off out the door. Thortan looked at the time and sighed.

"Well, I am going to be late for the students getting off the boat. But I know Marshall will be too. Oh well, guess I will just head over to the auditorium now than." Thortan picked up his things and left the Center.

Morgana stood at the front of the boat looking at the Alola Islands, a huge smile plastered across her face. She was going to to an amazing academy that she hoped would help her grow. She reached out and tossed her pokeball up in the air, it popped and a Ghastly emerged.

"See that buddy?? That's going to be our new home. We are going to meet lots of new friends and pokemon. I really hope they can help with our dream." Ghastly bobbed up and down laughing in agreement. Morgana waited for the other students she saw come up on deck, the ship would be docking soon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Satou Ashiya

"Attention Passengers, this is your Captain speaking. We will be arriving at Alola Region in a few hours, Thank you and have a wonderful time in this island filled paradise!"

An announcement passes through the ship's speakers and into Satou's cabin as he felt his Growlithe's tongue pressing down against his face. The energetic Growlithe continues to lick its trainer until finally, the boy woke-up from his slumber. "Agh, you sure don't know the meaning of personal space, now do you boy?" The boy gently shoves away the flame Pokemon and groggily wakes up, wiping the drool all over his cheek. After completing his morning routine, Satou and his Growlithe went to the port of the ship to get some fresh morning air and take a view of what the region looks like.

Satou stretches his arms and basks in the morning sun, enjoying the beautiful scenery from the region's horizon. He felt calm and determined, looking forward to his new beginning. Satou then reaches out a piece of newspaper from his pocket and shows it to his Growlithe.

"See this boy? this is the reason I want to learn to become a trainer, this pretty boy, rock enthusiast right here, Mr. Steven Stone himself. Man, he so cool! riding that Mega Metagross like a boss, Traveling around the world as he pleases while being a hero and an ex-champion at the same time." He said with a smile while pointing his index finger at the photo. "Rowwwlithe!" Growlithe agrees with a bark and wags its fluffy tail.

"Someday I'll achieve great things like he does and you as my trusty companion! we'll start our journey here! are you with me boy?" The red-haired kid said, striking a pose, pointing at the Alola region. His Growlithe lets loose loud barks in response.

"What's all that ruckus! it's 7 in the morning for crying out loud!" said one of the annoyed cabin crew.

"Pipe down your Pokemon, kid. You're making the other passengers uneasy. Besides, get your stuff ready we're approaching the dock in a few minutes."

"Heh, Sorry about that" Satou said, quickly covering Growlithe's mouth with his hand. "Come on boy, let's go get our stuff." with that, they went to their room and ready to board the island.

Upon arriving at the docks:

"That's strange, There's no one here by this photo in the brochure." Satou scratches his head as their headmaster is nowhere to be found in the area.

"I guess we'll just have to wait then" The red-head boy divides a piece of bread for himself and his Growlithe as they wait patiently.

"Keep your eyes peel boy, I'm sure he is here somewhere. He's the headmaster after all, he can't be that irresponsible to keep the student waiting on their first day."

"Growww.." Growlithe answered.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pulling the pillow over his head, Marcus tried to drown out the deep boat horn blasting, signalling arrival to their destination. He could not sleep the night before, being kept awake by the excitement of the adventures that lie ahead. The Horn blew again, this time waking Shinx, who lay at the foot of the bed. Realizing Marcus was not going to get out of bed on time, Shinx took it upon himself to wake his friend. Gently touching the tip of his tail to Marcus' exposed foot, he gave the boy a light jolt, making him jump out of bed.
"I overslept again, didn't I pal?" Marcus asked, rubbing his foot. Shinx only nodded, laying back down on the bed while Marcus scrambled to get dressed.
"Don't forget breakfast." Marcus said as he tossed a poffin from a container within his bag also pulling out a banana for himself. As the duo raced down the halls of the ship making their way portside. Racing down the ramp Marcus was surprised to find... only one other person their. Looking back at his brochure, he was sure he was in the right place.
"Hey would you look at that" Marcus said to Shinx "We aren't the last ones to arrive this time!!" Marcus exclaimed, getting a paw-five from Shinx.
"Looks like we just chill here till everyone else gets here." He said sitting on a bench on the dock, Shinx laying at his feet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DangDude
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Penny made her way down the pavement, her eyes train on the ground and her and her mind completely elsewhere as she went. Her hair swayed back and forth as she made her way to the marina yet again. It had only been an hour earlier that she had arrived on an early boat from Akala Island, coming with her father as he came to open the shop. Originally, her plan was to merely wait in the shop until it came time for the students to arrive, but her nerves had gotten the better of her and she found herself pacing up and down the streets of the shopping district.

A small creature leapt up from behind her, landing on her shoulders and nuzzling around the back of her neck.

“Bui?” Buizel chimed, quizzically, looking to her with concern.

The sound of her companion pulled Penny back from her dazed thoughts as she looked up to him, flashing him a meek smile of reassurance.

“Sorry, guess I’m a little nervous,” she told him. “I’ll be fine, though! I have nothing to worry about, I’m sure everyone is really not and not stronger and more capable trainers than I am or anything… Right?”

“Bui! Bui!”

“Right!” she reaffirmed, feigning confidence. “And besides, I’ll probably win them all over with my charming personality and good looks!”


“Well no one asked you…”

Penny then stopped in her tracks as she arrived to the marina, the sight of students gathered about bringing a sudden wave of anxiety over her. Whatever confidence she had either mustered up or faked was gone in a flash, the sight of the other trainers. Penny never saw herself as a timid person, but the thought of being around other experienced trainers brought about a strange sense of nervousness over her that she could not explain…


Buizel looked at his trainer with a look of concern, though it’s expression quickly changed from concern to determination as scurried up on top of Penny’s head before leaping off and pushing her forward with all his might. And surely enough, she had been caught off guard and sent stumbling forward. She tried her best to regain her composure, but before she could manage it she had already bumped right into another body. she looked up at the girl quickly as she regained her footing. She seemed to be about Penny's age, her dark hair tied up and wearing a pair of glasses that made her look very studious.

“Ah!” Penny exclaimed in a panic, more than a little embarrassed. “I-I’m so sorry! I don’t- I didn’t mean to-“
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cerces22
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Cerces22 Your worst nightmare

Member Seen 9 mos ago


No sooner had Morgana gotten off the ship and down the pier had an another girl crash into her. She fell against the railing, slightly dazed, shaking her head. The brown haired girl started to apologize.

"Oh Arceus no, it's ok, I promise. Accidents happen all the time!!" She helped the girl regain her composure and stuck out her hand. "Hi, I am Morgana, nice to meet you!! This here is one of my friends." She turned to point out Ghastly but he suddenly disappeared, most likely to torture someone with his practical jokes. Sure enough, he had appeared behind a Buziel and proceeded to lick up it's spine.

"Ghastly no!! We talked about this, you can't lick people or pokemon. It's just not polite. OH NO!! I TOTALLY FORGOT!!" Morgana hurried took her bag off her bag and ripped it open. She pulled out a glass canister containing a soft yellowish and black egg. She checked all over the container for breaks and was happy when she realized there was nothing wrong she relaxed.

"Sorry, my brother Volkner gave this egg as a going away present. It just means the world to me. I apologize, I didn't catch your name though." Morgana said sheepishly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As the boat bearing many new students at Alola Academy arrived, another was fast asleep in her bed in Hau'oli City. Allie was lying on her back, not dreaming of anything in particular, with her Larvesta, Rosetta, lying next to her, curled in a ball. She had been so excited that she hadn't been able to sleep for a while, and was now completely dead to the world.

Well... Almost.


At the sound of the ship's horn from outside, Allie jolted upright in a blind panic, waking up Rosetta, who was thrown farther down the bed and landed on her back. The dog-sized bug flipped herself upright and chittered indignantly at Allie.

"Sorry Rosetta! The ship horn spooked me, that's all." She started scratching Rosetta's fuzzy head as a form of apology. "I know I was meant to go somewhere today... What was it again?" Allie, who was still slightly groggy despite being scared awake, fumbled for her PokeNav and checked the date. As she saw it, she remembered exactly why she had been so excited yesterday.

With a sudden flurry of activity, Allie ripped off her blanket and practically leapt off of her bed, going straight to her closet to put on some clothes. Rosetta squirmed her way out of the blankets and made a questioning noise.

"Don't you remember Rosetta? It's the first day of school! And that boat horn means that all the students coming from abroad are here, which means school's gonna start really soon, which means we need to get going, like, 10 minutes ago." As Allie said this, she had quickly changed from her pajamas into a gray-and-blue striped t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and was now grabbing her backpack (put together the day before) and the two pokeballs that contained her other Pokemon. Rosetta scuttled across the bed and hopped onto the floor next to Allie, and without further ado, the two of them swept out of the door and headed downstairs. (Quietly, though; Allie's mom had worked the graveyard shift last night, and was now trying to get some sleep. Her dad had left for work already.) Allie grabbed some bacon her dad left out for her and a granola bar for herself, and an Aspear Berry for Rosetta, and after they quickly chowed down on breakfast, Pokemon and trainer jetted out the door towards the docks.

It wasn't very far to the docks from Allie's house, but she was still breathing rather heavily when she arrived. Rosetta seemed pretty pooped too, so Allie scooped the not-so-little bug up in her arms as she surveyed who had gotten off the ship already. So far there was a girl around her age with glasses and a black ponytail, who was in the process of admonishing her Gastly for licking a Buizel. Its trainer, a green-eyed girl who had a distinctly Unovan accent, looked rather apologetic, though Allie had missed whatever had happened between them. There was also a brown-skinned boy with a Shinx sitting on a bench, and a boy with shaggy red hair and a Growlithe, who was looking around alertly. An interesting group so far. Allie broke into a grin. Things were sure to be pretty interesting this year.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 23 days ago

The Machamp alarm clock beeped with intensity that caused it to bounce slightly with each ring, and within seconds, a fist came crashing down on it's head. The clock stopped immediately, and a blackish blur leaped from the covers of the bed, followed by a grayish creature. Quickly, the blur ran out of the room, and down the stairs, followed quickly by the creature. Finally, the blur stopped - Tommy stood in front of his weight room, his haven. Following quickly behind was his faithful companion, Machop, already prepared for the intense workout that was soon to come. Tommy rushed to the bench press, sliding the weight on with extreme fervor, and after stretching for a few minutes at a fast pace, he jumped under the bar. Machop hopped on a right behind Tommy, ready to spot him. Tommy lifted the weight off the safety rack, and quickly completed 8 reps, before Machop assisted him in putting back the weight. The pair immediately switched places, and Machop pushed out 20 reps with complete ease - the creature was simply in another league. They did 3 more sets, before moving onto squats and then rows. By the time they completed their third set of rows, the other two had finally caught up - the croagunk was intentionally walking slowly, while Timburr simply hadn't woken up all the way yet.

"Hurry up guys - It's nearly 6! We need to show up by 8 AM since it's our first day!"

Tommy gave a hearty laugh at this, before his father yelled.

"Tommy, keep it down! I need my beauty sleep to keep myself beautiful as I usually am!"

Tommy snickered slightly, aware that his dad was just joking about the last part. Still, he was respectful above all else, and Tommy decided that they'd skip the deadlifts today - those were far too loud this early in the morning. The group, with the exception of croagunk, began to work out, finally stopping at 6:15 AM. Normally, Tommy would have gone longer since this was a full-body workout, but he still had plenty of things to do. He needed to carry his luggage to his new school, the place he would spend the next few years learning.

Tommy was headed to the Alolan Academy! This was one of the most prestigious academies in the entire world for Pokemon trainers, and while Tommy had no aspirations to become a trainer, the thought of spending time with so many motivated and exemplary people was simply too good to be true! Quickly, Tommy ran for the showers, asking Machop and Timburr to pack their bags while he was busy. In 15 minutes, Tommy was feeling good as new and perfectly dressed for this new life, wearing the school uniform of the academy. He slung the bag, containing all of his personal belongings over his shoulder - he had packed this the night before, having been too excited to sleep. The bag was light, only bearing the essentials - School supplies, multiple changes of clothes, and some hygiene products. The real lifting was downstairs.

In the weight room, Machop already carried the majority of the weight, seeing as he was the strongest Pokemon their. 3 pairs of dumbbells, a barbell, multiple plates... Everything that he needed. Well, he needed the safety rack, but dad said he would send a few machamps over with them later in the day, so that was okay! They were all placed into separate bags, in order to prevent any ripping. Tommy quickly recalled Timburr, who was too lazy to walk, and Croagunk, who didn't want to help and couldn't handle the heat, into their pokeballs. Machop and Tommy devoured a breakfast given to them by Tommy's mother, and the pair made their way out to the harbor where they would meet their teachers.

No one was at the marina... Weird. Tommy expected the teachers to show up early at least, but they were probably busy. For the next 15 minutes, Tommy waited with Machop, both of them standing around and doing their best to spot anybody that might be a teacher or a student. Finally, a boat gently made it's way to the shore, and upon stopping, people began to exit - one of which was a red-haired boy with a growlithe.

"That's strange, There's no one here by this photo in the brochure. I guess we'll just have to wait then."

More people began to exit - a brown haired boy with a Shinx, A brown-haired girl with a buizel, a black-haired girl with an extra friendly Ghastly. Machop quickly tugged on Tommy's trousers, and turning to whatever got his attention, Tommy saw another brown-haired girl start coming towards the group, this one with a Larvesta... Unfortunately, Tommy knew what any of these Pokemon were. He had little care for the types of Pokemon other than the physically powerful, and all of these creatures were nothing he had ever seen on a construction site. Still, that didn't deter him - Tommy quickly began to jog forwards, meeting up with the group of other students. He wasn't the only person who lived on the island apparently - that brown-haired girl had come running earlier from somewhere besides the docks - maybe she knew what to do? Tommy knew the general direction to the academy, but he didn't feel comfortable taking the students all the way there. What if the teachers were just running late? They surely wouldn't want to see none of their students at the designated meeting point! Nope, Tommy simply stood near the back of the group, occasionally switching bags with Machop to give him a rest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sitting on the bench, Marcus tapped his foot a signaling Shinx to sit up straight. Flashing the poffin in his palm, Shinx's nose shot into the air with excitement. Marcus tossed the poffin into the air, Shinx following suit and jumping into the air catching the poffin while flipping over backwards. Landing the trick, Marcus rubbed Shinx's head in joyful approval, Shinx nudging against his hand as he chewed the poffin gleefully.
Marcus looked around the dock, he glanced at the gathering group of fellow students waiting for the headmaster to arrive. Shinx began pawing at Marcus for more poffins, a begging look in his eyes. Reaching into his bag, Marcus pulled out a small food bowl from his back pack, filling it with his homemade special blend of pokefood. Shinx began chowing down, shaking it's tail with happiness, he feasted upon the contents of the bowl.
Marcus turned his head, noticing another trainer and his growlithe hanging out not just a few yards away. The boy and the growlithe were both eating something, he couldn't quite tell what. Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out another container and walked over to the red haired boy, a small container in his hands.
"Hello there, I'm Marcus." He said to the red haired boy
"I saw you feeding your growlithe, and just thought I'd offer you some pokefood I made." Marcus said.
He held out the container with a small fire emblem on the side.
"I've been practicing at making it type favored, this one I attempted at making specifically for fire types."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia groaned as her alarm blared next to her. She rolled over in her bed, pulling her pillow over her head to try and block out the noise. After a few minutes of failing miserably, she got up with a groan, stopping the alarm and looking around her room in the dorms. It was rather plain, with very little of her own personal touch to it since she had heard she might be getting a roommate and she wanted them to claim their space before doing what she wanted with what was left over.

Rubbing what sleep she could from her eyes, she went through her morning routine, going with a simple outfit of a pair of jeans, a pale blue t-shirt, and a pair of sandals she had bought from a store shortly after arriving in Alola. As she got ready, her pokemon woke up and began floating around and helping her out as needed given her tired state. She knew she shouldn't have stayed up so late the previous night, but she was so used to it that it was hard to sleep on a 'normal schedule'.

Wondering through the halls, her partners in their usual place, Litwick on her head, Shuppet in her arms, and Phantump floating over one of her shoulders, Amelia aimed for the cafeteria, hoping to get a bite to eat. Sadly, in her current state she wasn't really aware of her surroundings and even slower to react to things around her. This resulted in her running into Thortan Masters as she rounded a corner, quite literally. The impact caused her to step back a little too quickly and to fall to the ground with a small scream of surprise. When she recovered and picked herself up, she looked to see what she had run into and upon seeing the teacher, she immediately became more alert.
"I-I'm sorry Mr. Masters." She said, giving the teacher a slight bow. "I didn't see you there. Are you okay?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cerces22
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Cerces22 Your worst nightmare

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@joshua tamashii

Thortan had gotten a bit turned around on his hunt for the auditorium, he passed the cafeteria finally figuring out where he had to go,
when suddenly he was knocked against a wall. A scream emitted from the object,
and when he looked he saw a young girl surrounded by ghost pokemon. She quickly got up and bowed apologizing all the while.

"It's alright dear, totally my fault, just got lost in some research. You must be Amelia yes?? Your one of my first students, I am very excited. You have some lovely ghost type pokemon. I was never able to partner with one. I guess we could just never find one. I do hope you learn something from my class, and never hesitate to come to me if you need anything." He said with a genuine smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Satou Ashiya

"The Fiery Pup"


"Rurururu!" Being overly protecting as he is, Satou's Growlithe began to bark like crazy to alert his trainer as the pup notices the browned haired kid with his Shinx started to approach them in their direction.

"What is it, boy? have you found the headmaster already?" Satou asked, leveling himself with his Growlithe. Upon looking up, The boy notices the brown haired kid standing in front of him as it offers them what seems to a handful of pokesnack.

"That's far enough buddy" Satou blatantly said and stands up, firmly extending his hand, signaling a halt sign to Marcus.

"I don't know what your game is, but my parents told me never to accept food from strangers, no matter how friendly they are." The boy glares at the trainer as his suspicions begin to raise.

Satou's Growlithe on the other hand, lowered its head, releasing a disappointing squeak that a dog would make after hearing his trainer's decision. The fiery pup seems to like what the boy has to offer and circles around Satou's legs telling him to accept the tasty snacks.

"No, Growlithe." Satou retains his stern pose as his Growlithe coils around him like an affectionate cat. Satou sighed as he gives in to his companion's request and decided to give the trainer a chance.

"Fine, but if my Growlithe gets a tummy ache it's on you" Satou warned Marcus with a glare as he snatches the Pokefood right out of trainer's hands. The red-haired kid inspects the treat on all angles, sniffing it out before tossing out it to his Growlithe to eat. The fiery pup playfully catches the food in mid-air and swallows it whole in one gulp. Growlithe seems to be satisfied with the treat as it sticks out its tongue and looks at its trainer with a smile. Satou smiles back.

"Sorry about being Skeptical. Being in the Hoenn region, Its hard trust anyone ever since team aqua and team magma started their stupid turf wars on our peaceful region." Satou said with a much friendlier tone than he was before.

"But since my Growlithe finds your treat delicious, you're good on my books." He said and pats Growlithe's head. "My name is Satou Ashiya. What's your story Marcus and are you here for the academy as well?" He asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marcus watched the growlithe enjoy his homemade snacks, and the tension in the boy's shoulders release. Changing attitudes the boy quickly shifted into a more relaxed state, introducing himself as Satou. Asking if Marcus was a student at the academy, Marcus replied;
"Yep, I came from the Sinnoh region to come to the academy. This school is well known for its education, but..." he said, glancing around the dock
"I guess they aren't so great at first days." he sighed, not seeing any sign of headmaster.
"You said something about team magma and team aqua, I've got to ask, who are they?" Marcus asked Satou "Are they anything like Team Galactic?" he questioned, remembering the news stories involving the capture of the lake trio Pokemon, the massive purple portal opening over Mt. Coronet, it was all so crazy to think about.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Satou Ashiya

"I know right? can't wait for the lame excuse the academy has for this sort of delay" Satou chuckled at Marcus' remark and being frank about it as well. "So you're from Sinnoh, huh? I have never been there before" Satou crossed his arms and looks puzzled.

"I guess this team Galatic you speak off is your own regions problem as well. I can't say if they are alike, but let me tell you these two gangs in our region are the worst. Using 2 of Hoenn's weather trio as nothing more than a tool for their glorified pissing contest. Makes me sick, I don't know what they're trying to achieve with this but they sure make a fine job messing up the Hoenn's whole ecosystem and imbalancing our weather patterns." Satou ranted out his disdain for these people.

"I only saw members of team magma in my hometown Fallabor once, but aside from that, it's all from the news." the red hair kid shrugs.
"I don't even know why these organizations exist"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Listening to the story Marcus was surprised at what he heard. Someone actually trying to harness the power of the weather trio was unfathomable.
"We had a similar experience in Solaceon Town. Late in the night Team galactic broke into the ruins right next to town and stole an artifact guarded by the unknown." Marcus said remembering the investigation taking over the town for a week.
"I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the creation trio, but Im not really sure." He said scratching his head.
Looking around the dock, there was still no sign of the head master.
"Hey, since we have the spare time, what so you say to a quick battle. Your Growlithe, My Shinx? Unless you're you don't think you can handle the challenge." He said in a light teasing tone. Shinx stood, his ears sticking up when hearing the mention of a battle. The duo stood ready for battle, waiting for the fiery haired boy's answer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DangDude
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Penny looked to the girl’s hand, almost in surprised. Maybe it was because she had merely made herself flustered, but for some reason she was not expecting the girl to be so nice and polite. Regardless, she pushed nerves aside, reached out, and took Morgana’s hand with a smile.



Penny looked back suddenly at the sound of Buizel calling out, watching as Ghastly licked the entirety of his spine. She watched as all the hairs all over Buizel stood up straight, his eyes widening in shock as his body went stiff.

“Serves you right,” she told him, sharing no sympathy for her partner as she looked back to Morgana. “Don’t worry, Buizel can get kind of mischievous too. In fact, he-”


Penny watched as Morgana suddenly whipped off her backpack, tearing it open as quickly as she could as she pulled out a rather sizable canister, and within it was a rather sizable egg. She watched as Morgana expect the yellow hued egg, ultimately calming down and
apologizing to Penny.

“N-No, you’re fine!” Penny told her, a little surprised that the roles had flipped so suddenly. “You have every right to be more than a little worried. My name’s Penelope, but you can just call me Penny.” She looked back down to the egg in awe, gently placing a hand on the warm shell. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pokemon egg this close before, it’s so…warm. What kind of pokemon is it going to be? Did your brother’s pokemon have it or…?”

Penny trailed off for a moment, losing her train of thought as quickly as she had gained it back. “Wait, Volkner… that sounds familiar, have I heard that name before?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 8 mos ago

With a lack of anything to really do, Allie just kinda sat on the sidelines for a bit, watching the other students interact. The two guys with the Shinx and the Growlithe seemed to be getting along well together, though there was a bit of defensiveness from one side initially. The two other girls seemed like they were hitting it off as well. Allie pouted a bit. How was she gonna make friends if everyone was already paired off with each other?

At that point, she noticed a boy standing near the back of the group with a Machop, holding some very heavy-looking bags which he'd occasionally swap with his Pokemon. He also looked kinda lost. Perfect! Allie approached him confidently, Rosetta at her heels.

"Hi! Um, I noticed that you looked kinda lost. Are you new to Alola? I didn't see you come off the ship, though... Did you just move here or something?" As she said this, Rosetta approached Tommy's Machop inquisitively, making little chittering sounds at it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Satou Ashiya


"Pfft, I never back down from a challenge!" Satou said with a smirk on his face, invigorated when he heard Marcus issued a challenge."Heh, I never thought my first battle here in the Alola region would come this early. Growlithe how about a morning exercise to shake off the rust." He said, pounding together his fist.


The fiery dog went to his trainer's side, preparing for the battle to take place. Satou and his Pokemon are ready. Before the battle begins. The derpy pup emitted some sort of strange aura that would scare or INTIMIDATE those who are around it. Strange, that this innocent looking mutt has this menacing quality.

"Let's draw first blood, Growlithe use Bite!" He shouted. Without any hesitation, the Growlithe dashes through the docks to get some momentum and pounce towards the Shinx, opening its wide its jaws, hoping to sink in its canine teeth towards the big-eared cat.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Shinx watch out!!" Marcus exclaimed, to late to help. Shinx had locked in place due to the Growlithe intimidating glare. Shinx froze in place as the puppy Pokemon pounced and latched onto shinx's neck and jaw. Shinx yelped out in pain.

"Quick Shinx use spark!!" Marcus shouted, hoping to fry the fur off of Growlithe. Shinx began to charge all its energy quickly forming into a large ball of bolts, sparking and crackly. Swiftly the flash Pokemon swung the ball down towards the Growlithe biting on his chest. Shinx felt something extra stemming from within him, an urge to be alpha male over the Growlithe, a RIVALRY of sorts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Satou Ashiya

"Grrrrrrrr...." The fiery pup flinched and grunted in pain while being electrocuted by this big-eared cat's electric attack. Somehow, Satou can sense that Marcus's electric feline is somehow overpowering his Growlithe in terms of strength in an inexplicable way. That can't be good.

Despite being electrocuted at a point-blank range, The Growlithe didn't back down and refuse to let go of the hold, clamping its fangs even harder like a rabid dog gnawing its chew toy, testing how far it can hold, not wanting to disappoint his trainer, Satou.

"So that thing is an electric type, should've known for the yellow patterns around its body," Satou thought, stating the obvious. The red-haired kid strategy is pretty straightforward: pure aggression and head on offense. But this time He has to call off his previous attack or else his Growlithe will spend its whole day at the Pokemon center.

"Break the hold, Growlithe, Use Ember!"

The fiery pup abides and musters its strength and in a split second, it releases its clamp on the Shinx's chest, opening its mouth as bits of bullet like flares flew towards the cat, creating a space between him and the spark Pokemon. The flame Pokemon continues to spit small flames, creating cover fire and slowly backing away from the cat.

Growlithe finally stop spewing flames and leaps back to a safe distance and started flinching, showing signs of paralysis by the previous electric attack.

"Hmm, not bad. your shinx is able match my Growlithe's ferocity, it seems i underestimate you. Attacking an electric type head on was foolish on my part." Satou smirked.

Growlithe remains shaken as jolts of current surges around its body, waiting for his trainer's orders. Satou seems to be cautious now he knows what that big-eared cat can do.
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